blob: 8fd7e6c9724f481bbbd36bf24bf96d83c1769c63 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'closure.dart' show
import 'common.dart';
import 'common/backend_api.dart' show
import 'compiler.dart' show
import 'core_types.dart' show
import 'dart_types.dart';
import 'elements/elements.dart' show
import 'ordered_typeset.dart';
import 'types/types.dart' as ti;
import 'universe/class_set.dart';
import 'universe/function_set.dart' show
import 'universe/selector.dart' show
import 'universe/side_effects.dart' show
import 'util/util.dart' show
abstract class ClassWorld {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Refine this into a `BackendClasses` interface.
Backend get backend;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Remove the need for this getter.
Compiler get compiler;
/// The [ClassElement] for the [Object] class defined in 'dart:core'.
ClassElement get objectClass;
/// The [ClassElement] for the [Function] class defined in 'dart:core'.
ClassElement get functionClass;
/// The [ClassElement] for the [bool] class defined in 'dart:core'.
ClassElement get boolClass;
/// The [ClassElement] for the [num] class defined in 'dart:core'.
ClassElement get numClass;
/// The [ClassElement] for the [int] class defined in 'dart:core'.
ClassElement get intClass;
/// The [ClassElement] for the [double] class defined in 'dart:core'.
ClassElement get doubleClass;
/// The [ClassElement] for the [String] class defined in 'dart:core'.
ClassElement get stringClass;
/// Returns `true` if [cls] is either directly or indirectly instantiated.
bool isInstantiated(ClassElement cls);
/// Returns `true` if [cls] is directly instantiated.
bool isDirectlyInstantiated(ClassElement cls);
/// Returns `true` if [cls] is indirectly instantiated, that is through a
/// subclass.
bool isIndirectlyInstantiated(ClassElement cls);
/// Returns `true` if [cls] is implemented by an instantiated class.
bool isImplemented(ClassElement cls);
/// Returns `true` if the class world is closed.
bool get isClosed;
/// Return `true` if [x] is a subclass of [y].
bool isSubclassOf(ClassElement x, ClassElement y);
/// Returns `true` if [x] is a subtype of [y], that is, if [x] implements an
/// instance of [y].
bool isSubtypeOf(ClassElement x, ClassElement y);
/// Returns an iterable over the live classes that extend [cls] including
/// [cls] itself.
Iterable<ClassElement> subclassesOf(ClassElement cls);
/// Returns an iterable over the live classes that extend [cls] _not_
/// including [cls] itself.
Iterable<ClassElement> strictSubclassesOf(ClassElement cls);
/// Returns an iterable over the directly instantiated that implement [cls]
/// possibly including [cls] itself, if it is live.
Iterable<ClassElement> subtypesOf(ClassElement cls);
/// Returns an iterable over the live classes that implement [cls] _not_
/// including [cls] if it is live.
Iterable<ClassElement> strictSubtypesOf(ClassElement cls);
/// Returns `true` if [a] and [b] have any known common subtypes.
bool haveAnyCommonSubtypes(ClassElement a, ClassElement b);
/// Returns `true` if any live class other than [cls] extends [cls].
bool hasAnyStrictSubclass(ClassElement cls);
/// Returns `true` if any live class other than [cls] implements [cls].
bool hasAnyStrictSubtype(ClassElement cls);
/// Returns `true` if all live classes that implement [cls] extend it.
bool hasOnlySubclasses(ClassElement cls);
/// Returns the most specific subclass of [cls] (including [cls]) that is
/// directly instantiated or a superclass of all directly instantiated
/// subclasses. If [cls] is not instantiated, `null` is returned.
ClassElement getLubOfInstantiatedSubclasses(ClassElement cls);
/// Returns the most specific subtype of [cls] (including [cls]) that is
/// directly instantiated or a superclass of all directly instantiated
/// subtypes. If no subtypes of [cls] are instantiated, `null` is returned.
ClassElement getLubOfInstantiatedSubtypes(ClassElement cls);
/// Returns an iterable over the common supertypes of the [classes].
Iterable<ClassElement> commonSupertypesOf(Iterable<ClassElement> classes);
/// Returns an iterable over the live mixin applications that mixin [cls].
Iterable<MixinApplicationElement> mixinUsesOf(ClassElement cls);
/// Returns `true` if [cls] is mixed into a live class.
bool isUsedAsMixin(ClassElement cls);
/// Returns `true` if any live class that mixes in [cls] implements [type].
bool hasAnySubclassOfMixinUseThatImplements(ClassElement cls,
ClassElement type);
/// Returns `true` if any live class that mixes in [mixin] is also a subclass
/// of [superclass].
bool hasAnySubclassThatMixes(ClassElement superclass, ClassElement mixin);
/// Returns `true` if any subclass of [superclass] implements [type].
bool hasAnySubclassThatImplements(ClassElement superclass, ClassElement type);
/// Returns `true` if closed-world assumptions can be made, that is,
/// incremental compilation isn't enabled.
bool get hasClosedWorldAssumption;
/// Returns a string representation of the closed world.
/// If [cls] is provided, the dump will contain only classes related to [cls].
String dump([ClassElement cls]);
class World implements ClassWorld {
ClassElement get objectClass => coreClasses.objectClass;
ClassElement get functionClass => coreClasses.functionClass;
ClassElement get boolClass => coreClasses.boolClass;
ClassElement get numClass => coreClasses.numClass;
ClassElement get intClass => coreClasses.intClass;
ClassElement get doubleClass => coreClasses.doubleClass;
ClassElement get stringClass => coreClasses.stringClass;
ClassElement get nullClass => coreClasses.nullClass;
/// Cache of [ti.FlatTypeMask]s grouped by the 8 possible values of the
/// [ti.FlatTypeMask.flags] property.
List<Map<ClassElement, ti.TypeMask>> canonicalizedTypeMasks =
new List<Map<ClassElement, ti.TypeMask>>.filled(8, null);
bool checkInvariants(ClassElement cls, {bool mustBeInstantiated: true}) {
invariant(cls, cls.isDeclaration,
message: '$cls must be the declaration.') &&
invariant(cls, cls.isResolved,
message: '$cls must be resolved.')/* &&
// TODO(johnniwinther): Reinsert this or similar invariant.
(!mustBeInstantiated ||
invariant(cls, isInstantiated(cls),
message: '$cls is not instantiated.'))*/;
/// Returns `true` if [x] is a subtype of [y], that is, if [x] implements an
/// instance of [y].
bool isSubtypeOf(ClassElement x, ClassElement y) {
assert(checkInvariants(y, mustBeInstantiated: false));
if (y == objectClass) return true;
if (x == objectClass) return false;
if (x.asInstanceOf(y) != null) return true;
if (y != functionClass) return false;
return x.callType != null;
/// Return `true` if [x] is a (non-strict) subclass of [y].
bool isSubclassOf(ClassElement x, ClassElement y) {
if (y == objectClass) return true;
if (x == objectClass) return false;
while (x != null && x.hierarchyDepth >= y.hierarchyDepth) {
if (x == y) return true;
x = x.superclass;
return false;
bool isInstantiated(ClassElement cls) {
ClassHierarchyNode node = _classHierarchyNodes[cls.declaration];
return node != null && node.isInstantiated;
bool isDirectlyInstantiated(ClassElement cls) {
ClassHierarchyNode node = _classHierarchyNodes[cls.declaration];
return node != null && node.isDirectlyInstantiated;
bool isIndirectlyInstantiated(ClassElement cls) {
ClassHierarchyNode node = _classHierarchyNodes[cls.declaration];
return node != null && node.isIndirectlyInstantiated;
/// Returns `true` if [cls] is implemented by an instantiated class.
bool isImplemented(ClassElement cls) {
return compiler.resolverWorld.isImplemented(cls);
/// Returns an iterable over the directly instantiated classes that extend
/// [cls] possibly including [cls] itself, if it is live.
Iterable<ClassElement> subclassesOf(ClassElement cls) {
ClassHierarchyNode hierarchy = _classHierarchyNodes[cls.declaration];
if (hierarchy == null) return const <ClassElement>[];
return hierarchy.subclasses(
includeIndirectlyInstantiated: false,
includeUninstantiated: false);
/// Returns an iterable over the directly instantiated classes that extend
/// [cls] _not_ including [cls] itself.
Iterable<ClassElement> strictSubclassesOf(ClassElement cls) {
ClassHierarchyNode subclasses = _classHierarchyNodes[cls.declaration];
if (subclasses == null) return const <ClassElement>[];
return subclasses.subclasses(
strict: true,
includeIndirectlyInstantiated: false,
includeUninstantiated: false);
/// Returns an iterable over the directly instantiated that implement [cls]
/// possibly including [cls] itself, if it is live.
Iterable<ClassElement> subtypesOf(ClassElement cls) {
ClassSet classSet = _classSets[cls.declaration];
if (classSet == null) {
return const <ClassElement>[];
} else {
return classSet.subtypes(
includeIndirectlyInstantiated: false,
includeUninstantiated: false);
/// Returns an iterable over the directly instantiated that implement [cls]
/// _not_ including [cls].
Iterable<ClassElement> strictSubtypesOf(ClassElement cls) {
ClassSet classSet = _classSets[cls.declaration];
if (classSet == null) {
return const <ClassElement>[];
} else {
return classSet.subtypes(
strict: true,
includeIndirectlyInstantiated: false,
includeUninstantiated: false);
/// Returns `true` if [a] and [b] have any known common subtypes.
bool haveAnyCommonSubtypes(ClassElement a, ClassElement b) {
ClassSet classSetA = _classSets[a.declaration];
ClassSet classSetB = _classSets[b.declaration];
if (classSetA == null || classSetB == null) return false;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Implement an optimized query on [ClassSet].
Set<ClassElement> subtypesOfB = classSetB.subtypes().toSet();
for (ClassElement subtypeOfA in classSetA.subtypes()) {
if (subtypesOfB.contains(subtypeOfA)) {
return true;
return false;
/// Returns `true` if any directly instantiated class other than [cls] extends
/// [cls].
bool hasAnyStrictSubclass(ClassElement cls) {
ClassHierarchyNode subclasses = _classHierarchyNodes[cls.declaration];
if (subclasses == null) return false;
return subclasses.isIndirectlyInstantiated;
/// Returns `true` if any directly instantiated class other than [cls]
/// implements [cls].
bool hasAnyStrictSubtype(ClassElement cls) {
return !strictSubtypesOf(cls).isEmpty;
/// Returns `true` if all directly instantiated classes that implement [cls]
/// extend it.
bool hasOnlySubclasses(ClassElement cls) {
Iterable<ClassElement> subtypes = strictSubtypesOf(cls);
if (subtypes == null) return true;
Iterable<ClassElement> subclasses = strictSubclassesOf(cls);
return subclasses != null && (subclasses.length == subtypes.length);
ClassElement getLubOfInstantiatedSubclasses(ClassElement cls) {
ClassHierarchyNode hierarchy = _classHierarchyNodes[cls.declaration];
return hierarchy != null
? hierarchy.getLubOfInstantiatedSubclasses() : null;
ClassElement getLubOfInstantiatedSubtypes(ClassElement cls) {
ClassSet classSet = _classSets[cls.declaration];
return classSet != null
? classSet.getLubOfInstantiatedSubtypes() : null;
/// Returns an iterable over the common supertypes of the [classes].
Iterable<ClassElement> commonSupertypesOf(Iterable<ClassElement> classes) {
Iterator<ClassElement> iterator = classes.iterator;
if (!iterator.moveNext()) return const <ClassElement>[];
ClassElement cls = iterator.current;
OrderedTypeSet typeSet = cls.allSupertypesAndSelf;
if (!iterator.moveNext()) return => type.element);
int depth = typeSet.maxDepth;
Link<OrderedTypeSet> otherTypeSets = const Link<OrderedTypeSet>();
do {
ClassElement otherClass = iterator.current;
OrderedTypeSet otherTypeSet = otherClass.allSupertypesAndSelf;
otherTypeSets = otherTypeSets.prepend(otherTypeSet);
if (otherTypeSet.maxDepth < depth) {
depth = otherTypeSet.maxDepth;
} while (iterator.moveNext());
List<ClassElement> commonSupertypes = <ClassElement>[];
OUTER: for (Link<DartType> link = typeSet[depth];
link.head.element != objectClass;
link = link.tail) {
ClassElement cls = link.head.element;
for (Link<OrderedTypeSet> link = otherTypeSets;
link = link.tail) {
if (link.head.asInstanceOf(cls) == null) {
continue OUTER;
return commonSupertypes;
/// Returns an iterable over all mixin applications that mixin [cls].
Iterable<MixinApplicationElement> allMixinUsesOf(ClassElement cls) {
Iterable<MixinApplicationElement> uses = _mixinUses[cls];
return uses != null ? uses : const <MixinApplicationElement>[];
/// Returns an iterable over the live mixin applications that mixin [cls].
Iterable<MixinApplicationElement> mixinUsesOf(ClassElement cls) {
if (_liveMixinUses == null) {
_liveMixinUses = new Map<ClassElement, List<MixinApplicationElement>>();
for (ClassElement mixin in _mixinUses.keys) {
List<MixinApplicationElement> uses = <MixinApplicationElement>[];
void addLiveUse(MixinApplicationElement mixinApplication) {
if (isInstantiated(mixinApplication)) {
} else if (mixinApplication.isNamedMixinApplication) {
List<MixinApplicationElement> next = _mixinUses[mixinApplication];
if (next != null) {
if (uses.isNotEmpty) {
_liveMixinUses[mixin] = uses;
Iterable<MixinApplicationElement> uses = _liveMixinUses[cls];
return uses != null ? uses : const <MixinApplicationElement>[];
/// Returns `true` if [cls] is mixed into a live class.
bool isUsedAsMixin(ClassElement cls) {
return !mixinUsesOf(cls).isEmpty;
/// Returns `true` if any live class that mixes in [cls] implements [type].
bool hasAnySubclassOfMixinUseThatImplements(ClassElement cls,
ClassElement type) {
return mixinUsesOf(cls).any(
(use) => hasAnySubclassThatImplements(use, type));
/// Returns `true` if any live class that mixes in [mixin] is also a subclass
/// of [superclass].
bool hasAnySubclassThatMixes(ClassElement superclass, ClassElement mixin) {
return mixinUsesOf(mixin).any((each) => each.isSubclassOf(superclass));
/// Returns `true` if any subclass of [superclass] implements [type].
bool hasAnySubclassThatImplements(ClassElement superclass,
ClassElement type) {
Set<ClassElement> subclasses = typesImplementedBySubclassesOf(superclass);
if (subclasses == null) return false;
return subclasses.contains(type);
final Compiler compiler;
Backend get backend => compiler.backend;
final FunctionSet allFunctions;
final Set<Element> functionsCalledInLoop = new Set<Element>();
final Map<Element, SideEffects> sideEffects = new Map<Element, SideEffects>();
final Set<TypedefElement> allTypedefs = new Set<TypedefElement>();
final Map<ClassElement, List<MixinApplicationElement>> _mixinUses =
new Map<ClassElement, List<MixinApplicationElement>>();
Map<ClassElement, List<MixinApplicationElement>> _liveMixinUses;
final Map<ClassElement, Set<ClassElement>> _typesImplementedBySubclasses =
new Map<ClassElement, Set<ClassElement>>();
// We keep track of subtype and subclass relationships in four
// distinct sets to make class hierarchy analysis faster.
final Map<ClassElement, ClassHierarchyNode> _classHierarchyNodes =
<ClassElement, ClassHierarchyNode>{};
final Map<ClassElement, ClassSet> _classSets =
<ClassElement, ClassSet>{};
final Set<Element> sideEffectsFreeElements = new Set<Element>();
final Set<Element> elementsThatCannotThrow = new Set<Element>();
final Set<Element> functionsThatMightBePassedToApply =
new Set<FunctionElement>();
final Set<Element> alreadyPopulated;
bool get isClosed => compiler.phase > Compiler.PHASE_RESOLVING;
// Used by selectors.
bool isForeign(Element element) {
return compiler.backend.isForeign(element);
Set<ClassElement> typesImplementedBySubclassesOf(ClassElement cls) {
return _typesImplementedBySubclasses[cls.declaration];
World(Compiler compiler)
: allFunctions = new FunctionSet(compiler),
this.compiler = compiler,
alreadyPopulated = compiler.cacheStrategy.newSet();
CoreClasses get coreClasses => compiler.coreClasses;
DiagnosticReporter get reporter => compiler.reporter;
/// Called to add [cls] to the set of known classes.
/// This ensures that class hierarchy queries can be performed on [cls] and
/// classes that extend or implement it.
void registerClass(ClassElement cls, {bool isDirectlyInstantiated: false}) {
if (isDirectlyInstantiated) {
_updateClassHierarchyNodeForClass(cls, directlyInstantiated: true);
/// Returns [ClassHierarchyNode] for [cls] used to model the class hierarchies
/// of known classes.
/// This method is only provided for testing. For queries on classes, use the
/// methods defined in [ClassWorld].
ClassHierarchyNode getClassHierarchyNode(ClassElement cls) {
return _classHierarchyNodes[cls.declaration];
ClassHierarchyNode _ensureClassHierarchyNode(ClassElement cls) {
cls = cls.declaration;
return _classHierarchyNodes.putIfAbsent(cls, () {
ClassHierarchyNode node = new ClassHierarchyNode(cls);
if (cls.superclass != null) {
return node;
/// Returns [ClassSet] for [cls] used to model the extends and implements
/// relations of known classes.
/// This method is only provided for testing. For queries on classes, use the
/// methods defined in [ClassWorld].
ClassSet getClassSet(ClassElement cls) {
return _classSets[cls.declaration];
ClassSet _ensureClassSet(ClassElement cls) {
cls = cls.declaration;
return _classSets.putIfAbsent(cls, () {
ClassHierarchyNode node = _ensureClassHierarchyNode(cls);
ClassSet classSet = new ClassSet(node);
for (InterfaceType type in cls.allSupertypes) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Optimization: Avoid adding [cls] to
// superclasses.
ClassSet subtypeSet = _ensureClassSet(type.element);
return classSet;
void _updateClassHierarchyNodeForClass(
ClassElement cls,
{bool directlyInstantiated: false,
bool indirectlyInstantiated: false}) {
ClassHierarchyNode node = getClassHierarchyNode(cls);
bool changed = false;
if (directlyInstantiated && !node.isDirectlyInstantiated) {
node.isDirectlyInstantiated = true;
changed = true;
if (indirectlyInstantiated && !node.isIndirectlyInstantiated) {
node.isIndirectlyInstantiated = true;
changed = true;
if (changed && cls.superclass != null) {
cls.superclass, indirectlyInstantiated: true);
// Ensure that classes implicitly implementing `Function` are in its
// subtype set.
if (cls != coreClasses.functionClass &&
cls.implementsFunction(compiler)) {
ClassSet subtypeSet = _ensureClassSet(coreClasses.functionClass);
void populate() {
/// Updates the `isDirectlyInstantiated` and `isIndirectlyInstantiated`
/// properties of the [ClassHierarchyNode] for [cls].
void addSubtypes(ClassElement cls) {
if (compiler.hasIncrementalSupport && !alreadyPopulated.add(cls)) {
if (!cls.isResolved) {
reporter.internalError(cls, 'Class "${}" is not resolved.');
_updateClassHierarchyNodeForClass(cls, directlyInstantiated: true);
// Walk through the superclasses, and record the types
// implemented by that type on the superclasses.
ClassElement superclass = cls.superclass;
while (superclass != null) {
Set<Element> typesImplementedBySubclassesOfCls =
superclass, () => new Set<ClassElement>());
for (DartType current in cls.allSupertypes) {
superclass = superclass.superclass;
// Use the [:seenClasses:] set to include non-instantiated
// classes: if the superclass of these classes require RTI, then
// they also need RTI, so that a constructor passes the type
// variables to the super constructor.
String dump([ClassElement cls]) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
if (cls != null) {
sb.write("Classes in the closed world related to $cls:\n");
} else {
sb.write("Instantiated classes in the closed world:\n");
.printOn(sb, ' ', instantiatedOnly: cls == null, withRespectTo: cls);
return sb.toString();
void registerMixinUse(MixinApplicationElement mixinApplication,
ClassElement mixin) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add map restricted to live classes.
// We don't support patch classes as mixin.
List<MixinApplicationElement> users =
_mixinUses.putIfAbsent(mixin, () =>
new List<MixinApplicationElement>());
bool hasAnyUserDefinedGetter(Selector selector, ti.TypeMask mask) {
return allFunctions.filter(selector, mask).any((each) => each.isGetter);
void registerUsedElement(Element element) {
if (element.isInstanceMember && !element.isAbstract) {
VariableElement locateSingleField(Selector selector, ti.TypeMask mask) {
Element result = locateSingleElement(selector, mask);
return (result != null && result.isField) ? result : null;
Element locateSingleElement(Selector selector, ti.TypeMask mask) {
mask = mask == null
? compiler.typesTask.dynamicType
: mask;
return mask.locateSingleElement(selector, mask, compiler);
ti.TypeMask extendMaskIfReachesAll(Selector selector, ti.TypeMask mask) {
bool canReachAll = true;
if (mask != null) {
canReachAll =
compiler.enabledInvokeOn &&
mask.needsNoSuchMethodHandling(selector, this);
return canReachAll ? compiler.typesTask.dynamicType : mask;
void addFunctionCalledInLoop(Element element) {
bool isCalledInLoop(Element element) {
return functionsCalledInLoop.contains(element.declaration);
bool fieldNeverChanges(Element element) {
if (!element.isField) return false;
if (backend.isNative(element)) {
// Some native fields are views of data that may be changed by operations.
// E.g. node.firstChild depends on parentNode.removeBefore(n1, n2).
// TODO(sra): Refine the effect classification so that native effects are
// distinct from ordinary Dart effects.
return false;
if (element.isFinal || element.isConst) {
return true;
if (element.isInstanceMember) {
return !compiler.resolverWorld.hasInvokedSetter(element, this) &&
return false;
SideEffects getSideEffectsOfElement(Element element) {
// The type inferrer (where the side effects are being computed),
// does not see generative constructor bodies because they are
// created by the backend. Also, it does not make any distinction
// between a constructor and its body for side effects. This
// implies that currently, the side effects of a constructor body
// contain the side effects of the initializers.
return sideEffects.putIfAbsent(element.declaration, () {
return new SideEffects();
void registerSideEffects(Element element, SideEffects effects) {
if (sideEffectsFreeElements.contains(element)) return;
sideEffects[element.declaration] = effects;
void registerSideEffectsFree(Element element) {
sideEffects[element.declaration] = new SideEffects.empty();
SideEffects getSideEffectsOfSelector(Selector selector, ti.TypeMask mask) {
// We're not tracking side effects of closures.
if (selector.isClosureCall) return new SideEffects();
SideEffects sideEffects = new SideEffects.empty();
for (Element e in allFunctions.filter(selector, mask)) {
if (e.isField) {
if (selector.isGetter) {
if (!fieldNeverChanges(e)) {
} else if (selector.isSetter) {
} else {
} else {
return sideEffects;
void registerCannotThrow(Element element) {
bool getCannotThrow(Element element) {
return elementsThatCannotThrow.contains(element);
void registerMightBePassedToApply(Element element) {
bool getMightBePassedToApply(Element element) {
// We have to check whether the element we look at was created after
// type inference ran. This is currently only the case for the call
// method of function classes that were generated for function
// expressions. In such a case, we have to look at the original
// function expressions's element.
// TODO(herhut): Generate classes for function expressions earlier.
if (element is SynthesizedCallMethodElementX) {
return getMightBePassedToApply(element.expression);
return functionsThatMightBePassedToApply.contains(element);
bool get hasClosedWorldAssumption => !compiler.hasIncrementalSupport;