blob: 18bab391400d4d79f1b58ba5c603614e0932ff41 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library tree_ir.optimization.pull_into_initializers;
import 'optimization.dart' show Pass;
import '../tree_ir_nodes.dart';
/// Where a variable has been assigned.
enum AssignArea {
/// The variable is only assigned in the initializer block.
// The variable has at least one assignment outside the initializer block.
/// Pulls assignment expressions to the top of the function body so they can be
/// translated into declaration-site variable initializaters.
/// This reverts the assignment expression propagation performed by
/// [StatementRewriter] in cases where it not beneficial.
/// var x = foo(),
/// y = bar(x);
/// ==> [StatementRewriter]
/// var x,
/// y = bar(x = foo());
/// ==> [PullIntoInitializers] restores the initializer for x
/// var x = foo(),
/// y = bar(x);
/// Sometimes the assignment propagation will trigger another optimization
/// in the [StatementRewriter] which then prevents [PullIntoInitializers] from
/// restoring the initializer. This is acceptable, since most optimizations
/// at that level are better than restoring an initializer.
/// var x = foo(),
/// y = bar();
/// baz(x, y, y);
/// ==> [StatementRewriter]
/// var y;
/// baz(foo(), y = bar(), y);
/// [PullIntoInitializers] cannot pull `y` into an initializer because
/// the impure expressions `foo()` and `bar()` would then be swapped.
class PullIntoInitializers extends RecursiveTransformer
implements Pass {
String get passName => 'Pull into initializers';
/// Denotes where each variable is currently assigned.
/// Variables without assignments are absent from the map.
Map<Variable, AssignArea> assignArea = <Variable, AssignArea>{};
/// The fragment between [first] and [last] holds the statements
/// we pulled into the initializer block.
/// The "initializer block" is a sequence of [ExpressionStatement]s with
/// [Assign]s that we create in the beginning of the body, with the intent
/// that code generation will convert them to variable initializers.
/// The block is empty when both are `null`.
Statement first, last;
/// The number of impure expressions separating the current program point
/// from the initializer block.
/// A pure expression is an expression that cannot throw, diverge, have side
/// effects, or depend on mutable state.
/// As a special case, variable uses are also considered pure when their only
/// reaching definition is an assignment in the initializer block.
int impureCounter = 0;
/// The number of assignments separating the current program point from the
/// initializer block. Note that these are also counted as impure expressions.
/// Assignments are given special treatment because hoisting an assignment
/// may change the reaching definitions of a variable use. The analysis may
/// already have considered such a use to be pure, and we must then ensure
/// that it remains pure.
int assignCounter = 0;
/// The number of branch points separating the current program point from
/// the initializer block.
/// We do not pull expressions out of branches, not even pure ones, but
/// we sometimes want to traverse branches to check if they are pure.
int branchCounter = 0;
/// Appends a statement to the initializer block.
void append(Statement node) {
if (first == null) {
first = last = node;
} else { = node;
last = node;
void rewrite(FunctionDefinition node) {
for (Variable param in node.parameters) {
assignArea[param] = AssignArea.Initializer;
Statement body = visitStatement(node.body);
assert(first != null);
node.body = first;
void destroyVariableUse(VariableUse node) {
Statement visitExpressionStatement(ExpressionStatement node) {
node.expression = visitExpression(node.expression);
if (node.expression is VariableUse) {
// The entire expression was pulled into an initializer.
// This can happen when the expression was an assignment that was
// pulled into the initializer block and replaced by a variable use.
// Discard the statement and try to pull in more initializers from
// the next statement.
return visitStatement(;
} = visitStatement(;
return node;
Statement visitIf(If node) {
node.condition = visitExpression(node.condition);
// We could traverse the branches and pull out pure expressions, but
// some pure expressions might be too slow for this to pay off.
// A CPS transform should decide when things get hoisted out of branches.
return node;
Statement visitLabeledStatement(LabeledStatement node) {
node.body = visitStatement(node.body);
// The 'next' statement might not always get reached, so do not try to
// pull expressions up from there.
return node;
Statement visitWhileTrue(WhileTrue node) {
return node;
Statement visitFor(For node) {
return node;
Statement visitTry(Try node) {
return node;
Expression visitAssign(Assign node) {
bool inImpureContext = impureCounter > 0;
bool inBranch = branchCounter > 0;
// Remember the number of impure expression seen yet, so we can tell if
// there are any impure expressions on the right-hand side.
int impureBefore = impureCounter;
int assignmentsBefore = assignCounter;
node.value = visitExpression(node.value);
bool rightHandSideIsImpure = (impureCounter > impureBefore);
bool rightHandSideHasAssign = (assignCounter > assignmentsBefore);
bool alreadyAssigned = assignArea.containsKey(node.variable);
// An impure right-hand side cannot be pulled out of impure context.
// Expressions should not be pulled out of branches.
// If this is not the first assignment, it cannot be hoisted.
// If the right-hand side contains an unhoistable assignment, this
// assignment cannot be hoisted either.
if (inImpureContext && rightHandSideIsImpure ||
inBranch ||
alreadyAssigned ||
rightHandSideHasAssign) {
assignArea[node.variable] = AssignArea.Anywhere;
return node;
// Pull the assignment into the initializer. Any side-effects in the
// right-hand side will move into the initializer block, so reset the
// impure counter.
assignArea[node.variable] = AssignArea.Initializer;
impureCounter = impureBefore;
append(new ExpressionStatement(node, null));
return new VariableUse(node.variable);
Expression visitVariableUse(VariableUse node) {
if (assignArea[node.variable] == AssignArea.Anywhere) {
// There is a reaching definition outside the initializer block.
return node;
void rewriteList(List<Expression> nodes) {
for (int i = 0; i < nodes.length; ++i) {
nodes[i] = visitExpression(nodes[i]);
Expression visitInvokeMethod(InvokeMethod node) {
node.receiver = visitExpression(node.receiver);
if (!node.receiverIsNotNull) {
// If the receiver is null, the method lookup throws.
return node;
Expression visitInvokeStatic(InvokeStatic node) {
return node;
Expression visitInvokeMethodDirectly(InvokeMethodDirectly node) {
return node;
Expression visitInvokeConstructor(InvokeConstructor node) {
return node;
Expression visitConditional(Conditional node) {
node.condition = visitExpression(node.condition);
// Visit the branches to detect impure subexpressions, but do not pull
// expressions out of the branch.
node.thenExpression = visitExpression(node.thenExpression);
node.elseExpression = visitExpression(node.elseExpression);
return node;
Expression visitLogicalOperator(LogicalOperator node) {
node.left = visitExpression(node.left);
node.right = visitExpression(node.right);
return node;
Expression visitLiteralList(LiteralList node) {
if (node.type != null) {
++impureCounter; // Type casts can throw.
return node;
Expression visitLiteralMap(LiteralMap node) {
if (node.type != null) {
++impureCounter; // Type casts can throw.
return node;
Expression visitTypeOperator(TypeOperator node) {
if (!node.isTypeTest) {
++impureCounter; // Type casts can throw.
return node;
Expression visitGetField(GetField node) {
return node;
Expression visitSetField(SetField node) {
return node;
Expression visitGetStatic(GetStatic node) {
return node;
Expression visitSetStatic(SetStatic node) {
return node;
Expression visitGetTypeTestProperty(GetTypeTestProperty node) {
return node;
Expression visitGetLength(GetLength node) {
return node;
Expression visitGetIndex(GetIndex node) {
return node;
Expression visitSetIndex(SetIndex node) {
return node;
Expression visitApplyBuiltinOperator(ApplyBuiltinOperator node) {
return node;
Expression visitApplyBuiltinMethod(ApplyBuiltinMethod node) {
node.receiver = visitExpression(node.receiver);
if (!node.receiverIsNotNull) {
// If the receiver is null, the method lookup throws.
return node;
Expression visitForeignExpression(ForeignExpression node) {
if (node.nativeBehavior.sideEffects.hasSideEffects()) {
return node;