blob: fa71eec04a011b7bccaa038da0bf8ef2c24cff67 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* This file is an "idl" style description of the summary format. It is not
* executed directly; instead it is parsed and transformed into code that
* implements the summary format.
* The code generation process introduces the following non-typical semantics:
* - Fields of type List are never null, and have a default value of the empty
* list.
* - Fields of type int are never null, and have a default value of zero.
* - Fields of type String are never null, and have a default value of ''.
* - Fields of type bool are never null, and have a default value of false.
* - Fields whose type is an enum are never null, and have a default value of
* the first value declared in the enum.
* Terminology used in this document:
* - "Unlinked" refers to information that can be determined from reading the
* .dart file for the library itself (including all parts) and no other
* files.
* - "Prelinked" refers to information that can be determined from reading the
* unlinked information for the library itself and the unlinked information
* for all direct imports (plus the transitive closure of exports reachable
* from those direct imports).
* - "Linked" refers to information that can be determined only from reading
* the unlinked and prelinked information for the library itself and the
* transitive closure of its imports.
* TODO(paulberry): currently the summary format only contains unlinked and
* prelinked information.
* Except as otherwise noted, synthetic elements are not stored in the summary;
* they are re-synthesized at the time the summary is read.
library analyzer.tool.summary.idl;
* Annotation describing information which is not part of Dart semantics; in
* other words, if this information (or any information it refers to) changes,
* static analysis and runtime behavior of the library are unaffected.
* TODO(paulberry): some informative information is currently missing from the
* summary format.
const informative = null;
* Annotation describing information which is not part of the public API to a
* library; in other words, if this information (or any information it refers
* to) changes, libraries outside this one are unaffected.
* TODO(paulberry): currently the summary format does not contain private
* information.
const private = null;
* Annotation describing a class which can be the top level object in an
* encoded summary.
const topLevel = null;
* Information about a dependency that exists between one library and another
* due to an "import" declaration.
class PrelinkedDependency {
* The relative URI used to import one library from the other.
String uri;
* Pre-linked summary of a library.
class PrelinkedLibrary {
* The unlinked library summary.
UnlinkedLibrary unlinked;
* The libraries that this library depends on (either via an explicit import
* statement or via the implicit dependencies on `dart:core` and
* `dart:async`). The first element of this array is a pseudo-dependency
* representing the library itself (it is also used for "dynamic").
* TODO(paulberry): consider removing this entirely and just using
* [UnlinkedLibrary.imports].
List<PrelinkedDependency> dependencies;
* For each import in [UnlinkedLibrary.imports], an index into [dependencies]
* of the library being imported.
* TODO(paulberry): if [dependencies] is removed, this can be removed as
* well, since there will effectively be a one-to-one mapping.
List<int> importDependencies;
* For each reference in [UnlinkedLibrary.references], information about how
* that reference is resolved.
List<PrelinkedReference> references;
* Information about the resolution of an [UnlinkedReference].
class PrelinkedReference {
* Index into [UnlinkedLibrary.dependencies] indicating which imported library
* declares the entity being referred to.
int dependency;
* The kind of the entity being referred to. For the pseudo-type `dynamic`,
* the kind if [PrelinkedReferenceKind.classOrEnum].
PrelinkedReferenceKind kind;
* Integer index indicating which unit in the imported library contains the
* definition of the entity. As with indices into [UnlinkedLibrary.units],
* zero represents the defining compilation unit, and nonzero values
* represent parts in the order of the corresponding `part` declarations.
int unit;
* Enum used to indicate the kind of entity referred to by a
* [PrelinkedReference].
enum PrelinkedReferenceKind {
* The entity is a class or enum.
* The entity is a typedef.
* The entity is a variable or executable.
* The entity being referred to does not exist.
* Unlinked summary information about a class declaration.
class UnlinkedClass {
* Name of the class.
String name;
* Index into [UnlinkedLibrary.units] indicating which compilation unit the
* class is declared in.
int unit;
* Type parameters of the class, if any.
List<UnlinkedTypeParam> typeParameters;
* Supertype of the class, or `null` if either (a) the class doesn't
* explicitly declare a supertype (and hence has supertype `Object`), or (b)
* the class *is* `Object` (and hence has no supertype).
UnlinkedTypeRef supertype;
* Mixins appering in a `with` clause, if any.
List<UnlinkedTypeRef> mixins;
* Interfaces appearing in an `implements` clause, if any.
List<UnlinkedTypeRef> interfaces;
* Field declarations contained in the class.
List<UnlinkedVariable> fields;
* Executable objects (methods, getters, and setters) contained in the class.
List<UnlinkedExecutable> executables;
* Indicates whether the class is declared with the `abstract` keyword.
bool isAbstract;
* Indicates whether the class is declared using mixin application syntax.
bool isMixinApplication;
* Unlinked summary information about a `show` or `hide` combinator in an
* import or export declaration.
class UnlinkedCombinator {
* List of names which are shown. Empty if this is a `hide` combinator.
List<UnlinkedCombinatorName> shows;
* List of names which are hidden. Empty if this is a `show` combinator.
List<UnlinkedCombinatorName> hides;
* Unlinked summary information about a single name in a `show` or `hide`
* combinator.
class UnlinkedCombinatorName {
* The name itself.
String name;
* Unlinked summary information about an enum declaration.
class UnlinkedEnum {
* Name of the enum type.
String name;
* Values listed in the enum declaration, in declaration order.
List<UnlinkedEnumValue> values;
* Index into [UnlinkedLibrary.units] indicating which compilation unit the
* enum is declared in.
int unit;
* Unlinked summary information about a single enumerated value in an enum
* declaration.
class UnlinkedEnumValue {
* Name of the enumerated value.
String name;
* Unlinked summary information about a function, method, getter, or setter
* declaration.
class UnlinkedExecutable {
* Name of the executable. For setters, this includes the trailing "=". For
* named constructors, this excludes the class name and excludes the ".".
* For unnamed constructors, this is the empty string.
String name;
* Index into [UnlinkedLibrary.units] indicating which compilation unit the
* executable is declared in. Zero for executables which are nested inside
* another declaration (i.e. local functions and method declarations).
int unit;
* Type parameters of the executable, if any. Empty if support for generic
* method syntax is disabled.
List<UnlinkedTypeParam> typeParameters;
* Declared return type of the executable. Absent if the return type is
* `void`. Note that when strong mode is enabled, the actual return type may
* be different due to type inference.
UnlinkedTypeRef returnType;
* Parameters of the executable, if any. Note that getters have no
* parameters (hence this will be the empty list), and setters have a single
* parameter.
List<UnlinkedParam> parameters;
* The kind of the executable (function/method, getter, setter, or
* constructor).
UnlinkedExecutableKind kind;
* Indicates whether the executable is declared using the `abstract` keyword.
bool isAbstract;
* Indicates whether the executable is declared using the `static` keyword.
* Note that for top level executables, this flag is false, since they are
* not declared using the `static` keyword (even though they are considered
* static for semantic purposes).
bool isStatic;
* Indicates whether the executable is declared using the `const` keyword.
bool isConst;
* Indicates whether the executable is declared using the `factory` keyword.
bool isFactory;
* Enum used to indicate the kind of an executable.
enum UnlinkedExecutableKind {
* Executable is a function or method.
* Executable is a getter.
* Executable is a setter.
* Executable is a constructor.
* Unlinked summary information about an export declaration.
class UnlinkedExport {
* URI used in the source code to reference the exported library.
String uri;
* Combinators contained in this import declaration.
List<UnlinkedCombinator> combinators;
* Unlinked summary information about an import declaration.
class UnlinkedImport {
* URI used in the source code to reference the imported library.
String uri;
* If [isImplicit] is false, offset of the "import" keyword. If [isImplicit]
* is true, zero.
int offset;
* Index into [UnlinkedLibrary.prefixes] of the prefix declared by this
* import declaration, or zero if this import declaration declares no prefix.
* Note that multiple imports can declare the same prefix.
int prefix;
* Combinators contained in this import declaration.
List<UnlinkedCombinator> combinators;
* Indicates whether the import declaration uses the `deferred` keyword.
bool isDeferred;
* Indicates whether the import declaration is implicit.
bool isImplicit;
* Unlinked summary of an entire library.
class UnlinkedLibrary {
* Top level and prefixed names referred to by this library.
List<UnlinkedReference> references;
* Information about the units constituting this library. The first unit
* listed is always the defining compilation unit. The remaining units are
* listed in the order of their corresponding `part` declarations.
List<UnlinkedUnit> units;
* Name of the library (from a "library" declaration, if present).
String name;
* Classes declared in the library.
List<UnlinkedClass> classes;
* Enums declared in the library.
List<UnlinkedEnum> enums;
* Top level executable objects (functions, getters, and setters) declared in
* the library.
List<UnlinkedExecutable> executables;
* Export declarations in the library.
List<UnlinkedExport> exports;
* Import declarations in the library.
List<UnlinkedImport> imports;
* Typedefs declared in the library.
List<UnlinkedTypedef> typedefs;
* Top level variables declared in the library.
List<UnlinkedVariable> variables;
* Prefixes introduced by import declarations. The first element in this
* array is a pseudo-prefix used by references made with no prefix.
List<UnlinkedPrefix> prefixes;
* Unlinked summary information about a function parameter.
class UnlinkedParam {
* Name of the parameter.
String name;
* If [isFunctionTyped] is `true`, the declared return type. If
* [isFunctionTyped] is `false`, the declared type. Absent if
* [isFunctionTyped] is `true` and the declared return type is `void`. Note
* that when strong mode is enabled, the actual type may be different due to
* type inference.
UnlinkedTypeRef type;
* If [isFunctionTyped] is `true`, the parameters of the function type.
List<UnlinkedParam> parameters;
* Kind of the parameter.
UnlinkedParamKind kind;
* Indicates whether this is a function-typed parameter.
bool isFunctionTyped;
* Indicates whether this is an initializing formal parameter (i.e. it is
* declared using `this.` syntax).
bool isInitializingFormal;
* Enum used to indicate the kind of a parameter.
enum UnlinkedParamKind {
* Parameter is required.
* Parameter is positional optional (enclosed in `[]`)
* Parameter is named optional (enclosed in `{}`)
class UnlinkedPrefix {
* The name of the prefix, or the empty string in the case of the
* pseudo-prefix which represents "no prefix".
String name;
* Unlinked summary information about a name referred to in one library that
* might be defined in another.
class UnlinkedReference {
* Name of the entity being referred to. The empty string refers to the
* pseudo-type `dynamic`.
String name;
* Prefix used to refer to the entity. This is an index into
* [UnlinkedLibrary.prefixes].
int prefix;
* Unlinked summary information about a typedef declaration.
class UnlinkedTypedef {
* Name of the typedef.
String name;
* Index into [UnlinkedLibrary.units] indicating which compilation unit the
* typedef is declared in.
int unit;
* Type parameters of the typedef, if any.
List<UnlinkedTypeParam> typeParameters;
* Return type of the typedef. Absent if the return type is `void`.
UnlinkedTypeRef returnType;
* Parameters of the executable, if any.
List<UnlinkedParam> parameters;
* Unlinked summary information about a type parameter declaration.
class UnlinkedTypeParam {
* Name of the type parameter.
String name;
* Bound of the type parameter, if a bound is explicitly declared. Otherwise
* null.
UnlinkedTypeRef bound;
* Unlinked summary information about a reference to a type.
class UnlinkedTypeRef {
* Index into [UnlinkedLibrary.references] for the type being referred to, or
* zero if this is a reference to a type parameter.
* Note that since zero is also a valid index into
* [UnlinkedLibrary.references], we cannot distinguish between references to
* type parameters and references to types by checking [reference] against
* zero. To distinguish between references to type parameters and references
* to types, check whether [paramReference] is zero.
int reference;
* If this is a reference to a type parameter, one-based index into the list
* of [UnlinkedTypeParam]s currently in effect. Indexing is done using De
* Bruijn index conventions; that is, innermost parameters come first, and
* if a class or method has multiple parameters, they are indexed from right
* to left. So for instance, if the enclosing declaration is
* class C<T,U> {
* m<V,W> {
* ...
* }
* }
* Then [paramReference] values of 1, 2, 3, and 4 represent W, V, U, and T,
* respectively.
* If the type being referred to is not a type parameter, [paramReference] is
* zero.
int paramReference;
* If this is an instantiation of a generic type, the type arguments used to
* instantiate it. Trailing type arguments of type `dynamic` are omitted.
List<UnlinkedTypeRef> typeArguments;
* Unlinked summary information about a compilation unit ("part file"). Note
* that since a declaration can be moved from one part file to another without
* changing semantics, the declarations themselves aren't stored here; they are
* stored in [UnlinkedLibrary] and they refer to [UnlinkedUnit]s via an index
* into [UnlinkedLibrary.units].
class UnlinkedUnit {
* String used in the defining compilation unit to reference the part file.
* Empty for the defining compilation unit itself.
String uri;
* Unlinked summary information about a top level variable, local variable, or
* a field.
class UnlinkedVariable {
* Name of the variable.
String name;
* Index into [UnlinkedLibrary.units] indicating which compilation unit the
* variable is declared in. Zero for variables which are nested inside
* another declaration (i.e. local variables and fields).
int unit;
* Declared type of the variable. Note that when strong mode is enabled, the
* actual type of the variable may be different due to type inference.
UnlinkedTypeRef type;
* Indicates whether the variable is declared using the `static` keyword.
* Note that for top level variables, this flag is false, since they are not
* declared using the `static` keyword (even though they are considered
* static for semantic purposes).
bool isStatic;
* Indicates whether the variable is declared using the `final` keyword.
bool isFinal;
* Indicates whether the variable is declared using the `const` keyword.
bool isConst;