blob: be2844e50964f128a8db5418d9c72791aa083e7e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library test.src.serialization.elements_test;
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/java_engine_io.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/builder.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/format.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/summarize_elements.dart'
as summarize_elements;
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import '../../generated/resolver_test.dart';
import '../../reflective_tests.dart';
main() {
groupSep = ' | ';
* Override of [SummaryTest] which creates summaries from the element model.
class SummarizeElementsTest extends ResolverTestCase with SummaryTest {
bool get checkAstDerivedData => false;
* Serialize the library containing the given class [element], then
* deserialize it and return the summary of the class.
UnlinkedClass serializeClassElement(ClassElement element) {
return findClass(, failIfAbsent: true);
* Serialize the given [library] element, then deserialize it and store the
* resulting summary in [lib].
void serializeLibraryElement(LibraryElement library) {
BuilderContext builderContext = new BuilderContext();
PrelinkedLibraryBuilder serializedLib = summarize_elements.serializeLibrary(
builderContext, library, typeProvider);
List<int> encodedLib = serializedLib.toBuffer();
lib = new PrelinkedLibrary.fromBuffer(encodedLib);
void serializeLibraryText(String text, {bool allowErrors: false}) {
Source source = addSource(text);
LibraryElement library = resolve2(source);
if (!allowErrors) {
expect(unlinked.imports.length, lib.importDependencies.length);
expect(unlinked.references.length, lib.references.length);
void setUp() {
AnalysisOptionsImpl options = new AnalysisOptionsImpl();
options.enableGenericMethods = true;
test_class_no_superclass() {
UnlinkedClass cls = serializeClassElement(typeProvider.objectType.element);
expect(cls.supertype, isNull);
* Base class containing most summary tests. This allows summary tests to be
* re-used to exercise all the different ways in which summaries can be
* generated (e.g. direct from the AST, from the element model, from a
* "relinking" process, etc.)
abstract class SummaryTest {
* The result of serializing and then deserializing the library under test.
PrelinkedLibrary lib;
* `true` if the summary was created directly from the AST (and hence
* contains information that is not obtainable from the element model alone).
* TODO(paulberry): modify the element model so that it contains all the data
* that summaries need, so that this flag is no longer needed.
bool get checkAstDerivedData;
* Get access to the "unlinked" section of the summary.
UnlinkedLibrary get unlinked => lib.unlinked;
* Convert [path] to a suitably formatted absolute path URI for the current
* platform.
String absUri(String path) {
return FileUtilities2.createFile(path).toURI().toString();
* Add the given source file so that it may be referenced by the file under
* test.
addNamedSource(String filePath, String contents);
* Verify that the [combinatorName] correctly represents the given [expected]
* name.
void checkCombinatorName(
UnlinkedCombinatorName combinatorName, String expected) {
expect(combinatorName, new isInstanceOf<UnlinkedCombinatorName>());
expect(, expected);
* Verify that the [dependency]th element of the dependency table represents
* a file reachable via the given [absoluteUri] and [relativeUri].
void checkDependency(int dependency, String absoluteUri, String relativeUri) {
if (!checkAstDerivedData) {
// The element model doesn't (yet) store enough information to recover
// relative URIs, so we have to use the absolute URI.
// TODO(paulberry): fix this.
relativeUri = absoluteUri;
expect(dependency, new isInstanceOf<int>());
expect(lib.dependencies[dependency].uri, relativeUri);
* Verify that the given [typeRef] represents the type `dynamic`.
void checkDynamicTypeRef(UnlinkedTypeRef typeRef) {
checkTypeRef(typeRef, null, null, null);
* Verify that the dependency table contains an entry for a file reachable
* via the given [absoluteUri] and [relativeUri].
void checkHasDependency(String absoluteUri, String relativeUri) {
if (!checkAstDerivedData) {
// The element model doesn't (yet) store enough information to recover
// relative URIs, so we have to use the absolute URI.
// TODO(paulberry): fix this.
relativeUri = absoluteUri;
for (PrelinkedDependency dep in lib.dependencies) {
if (dep.uri == relativeUri) {
fail('Did not find dependency $absoluteUri');
* Verify that the dependency table *does not* contain any entries for a file
* reachable via the given [absoluteUri] and [relativeUri].
void checkLacksDependency(String absoluteUri, String relativeUri) {
if (!checkAstDerivedData) {
// The element model doesn't (yet) store enough information to recover
// relative URIs, so we have to use the absolute URI.
// TODO(paulberry): fix this.
relativeUri = absoluteUri;
for (PrelinkedDependency dep in lib.dependencies) {
if (dep.uri == relativeUri) {
fail('Unexpected dependency found: $relativeUri');
* Verify that the given [typeRef] represents a reference to a type parameter
* having the given [deBruijnIndex].
void checkParamTypeRef(UnlinkedTypeRef typeRef, int deBruijnIndex) {
expect(typeRef, new isInstanceOf<UnlinkedTypeRef>());
expect(typeRef.reference, 0);
expect(typeRef.typeArguments, isEmpty);
expect(typeRef.paramReference, deBruijnIndex);
* Verify that the given [typeRef] represents a reference to a type declared
* in a file reachable via [absoluteUri] and [relativeUri], having name
* [expectedName]. If [expectedPrefix] is supplied, verify that the type is
* reached via the given prefix. If [allowTypeParameters] is true, allow the
* type reference to supply type parameters. [expectedKind] is the kind of
* object referenced.
void checkTypeRef(UnlinkedTypeRef typeRef, String absoluteUri,
String relativeUri, String expectedName,
{String expectedPrefix,
bool allowTypeParameters: false,
PrelinkedReferenceKind expectedKind: PrelinkedReferenceKind.classOrEnum,
int expectedUnit: 0}) {
expect(typeRef, new isInstanceOf<UnlinkedTypeRef>());
expect(typeRef.paramReference, 0);
int index = typeRef.reference;
UnlinkedReference reference = unlinked.references[index];
PrelinkedReference referenceResolution = lib.references[index];
if (absoluteUri == null) {
expect(referenceResolution.dependency, 0);
} else {
checkDependency(referenceResolution.dependency, absoluteUri, relativeUri);
if (!allowTypeParameters) {
expect(typeRef.typeArguments, isEmpty);
if (expectedName == null) {
expect(, isEmpty);
} else {
expect(, expectedName);
if (checkAstDerivedData) {
if (expectedPrefix == null) {
expect(reference.prefix, 0);
expect(unlinked.prefixes[reference.prefix].name, isEmpty);
} else {
expect(reference.prefix, isNot(0));
expect(unlinked.prefixes[reference.prefix].name, expectedPrefix);
expect(referenceResolution.kind, expectedKind);
expect(referenceResolution.unit, expectedUnit);
* Verify that the given [typeRef] represents a reference to an unresolved
* type.
void checkUnresolvedTypeRef(
UnlinkedTypeRef typeRef, String expectedPrefix, String expectedName) {
// When serializing from the element model, unresolved type refs lose their
// name.
checkTypeRef(typeRef, null, null, checkAstDerivedData ? expectedName : null,
expectedPrefix: expectedPrefix,
expectedKind: PrelinkedReferenceKind.unresolved);
fail_test_import_missing() {
// TODO(paulberry): At the moment unresolved imports are not included in
// the element model, so we can't pass this test.
// Unresolved imports are included since this is necessary for proper
// dependency tracking.
serializeLibraryText('import "foo.dart";', allowErrors: true);
// Second import is the implicit import of dart:core
expect(unlinked.imports, hasLength(2));
checkDependency(lib.importDependencies[0], absUri('/foo.dart'), 'foo.dart');
* Find the class with the given [className] in the summary, and return its
* [UnlinkedClass] data structure.
UnlinkedClass findClass(String className, {bool failIfAbsent: false}) {
UnlinkedClass result;
for (UnlinkedClass cls in unlinked.classes) {
if ( == className) {
if (result != null) {
fail('Duplicate class $className');
result = cls;
if (result == null && failIfAbsent) {
fail('Class $className not found in serialized output');
return result;
* Find the enum with the given [enumName] in the summary, and return its
* [UnlinkedEnum] data structure.
UnlinkedEnum findEnum(String enumName, {bool failIfAbsent: false}) {
UnlinkedEnum result;
for (UnlinkedEnum e in unlinked.enums) {
if ( == enumName) {
if (result != null) {
fail('Duplicate enum $enumName');
result = e;
if (result == null && failIfAbsent) {
fail('Enum $enumName not found in serialized output');
return result;
* Find the executable with the given [executableName] in the summary, and
* return its [UnlinkedExecutable] data structure.
UnlinkedExecutable findExecutable(String executableName,
{UnlinkedClass cls, bool failIfAbsent: false}) {
List<UnlinkedExecutable> executables;
if (cls == null) {
executables = unlinked.executables;
} else {
executables = cls.executables;
UnlinkedExecutable result;
for (UnlinkedExecutable executable in executables) {
if ( == executableName) {
if (result != null) {
fail('Duplicate executable $executableName');
result = executable;
if (result == null && failIfAbsent) {
fail('Executable $executableName not found in serialized output');
return result;
* Find the typedef with the given [typedefName] in the summary, and return
* its [UnlinkedTypedef] data structure.
UnlinkedTypedef findTypedef(String typedefName, {bool failIfAbsent: false}) {
UnlinkedTypedef result;
for (UnlinkedTypedef type in unlinked.typedefs) {
if ( == typedefName) {
if (result != null) {
fail('Duplicate typedef $typedefName');
result = type;
if (result == null && failIfAbsent) {
fail('Typedef $typedefName not found in serialized output');
return result;
* Find the top level variable with the given [variableName] in the summary,
* and return its [UnlinkedVariable] data structure.
UnlinkedVariable findVariable(String variableName,
{UnlinkedClass cls, bool failIfAbsent: false}) {
List<UnlinkedVariable> variables;
if (cls == null) {
variables = unlinked.variables;
} else {
variables = cls.fields;
UnlinkedVariable result;
for (UnlinkedVariable variable in variables) {
if ( == variableName) {
if (result != null) {
fail('Duplicate variable $variableName');
result = variable;
if (result == null && failIfAbsent) {
fail('Variable $variableName not found in serialized output');
return result;
* Serialize the given library [text] and return the summary of the class
* with the given [className].
UnlinkedClass serializeClassText(String text, [String className = 'C']) {
return findClass(className, failIfAbsent: true);
* Serialize the given library [text] and return the summary of the enum with
* the given [enumName].
UnlinkedEnum serializeEnumText(String text, [String enumName = 'E']) {
return findEnum(enumName, failIfAbsent: true);
* Serialize the given library [text] and return the summary of the
* executable with the given [executableName].
UnlinkedExecutable serializeExecutableText(String text,
[String executableName = 'f']) {
return findExecutable(executableName, failIfAbsent: true);
* Serialize the given library [text], then deserialize it and store its
* summary in [lib].
void serializeLibraryText(String text, {bool allowErrors: false});
* Serialize the given method [text] and return the summary of the executable
* with the given [executableName].
UnlinkedExecutable serializeMethodText(String text,
[String executableName = 'f']) {
serializeLibraryText('class C { $text }');
return findExecutable(executableName,
cls: findClass('C', failIfAbsent: true), failIfAbsent: true);
* Serialize the given library [text] and return the summary of the typedef
* with the given [typedefName].
UnlinkedTypedef serializeTypedefText(String text,
[String typedefName = 'F']) {
return findTypedef(typedefName, failIfAbsent: true);
* Serialize a type declaration using the given [text] as a type name, and
* return a summary of the corresponding [UnlinkedTypeRef]. If the type
* declaration needs to refer to types that are not available in core, those
* types may be declared in [otherDeclarations].
UnlinkedTypeRef serializeTypeText(String text,
{String otherDeclarations: '', bool allowErrors: false}) {
return serializeVariableText('$otherDeclarations\n$text v;',
allowErrors: allowErrors).type;
* Serialize the given library [text] and return the summary of the variable
* with the given [variableName].
UnlinkedVariable serializeVariableText(String text,
{String variableName: 'v', bool allowErrors: false}) {
serializeLibraryText(text, allowErrors: allowErrors);
return findVariable(variableName, failIfAbsent: true);
test_cascaded_export_hide_hide() {
addNamedSource('/lib1.dart', 'export "lib2.dart" hide C hide B, C;');
addNamedSource('/lib2.dart', 'class A {} class B {} class C {}');
import 'lib1.dart';
A a;
B b;
C c;
allowErrors: true);
findVariable('a').type, absUri('/lib2.dart'), 'lib2.dart', 'A');
checkUnresolvedTypeRef(findVariable('b').type, null, 'B');
checkUnresolvedTypeRef(findVariable('c').type, null, 'C');
test_cascaded_export_hide_show() {
addNamedSource('/lib1.dart', 'export "lib2.dart" hide C show A, C;');
addNamedSource('/lib2.dart', 'class A {} class B {} class C {}');
import 'lib1.dart';
A a;
B b;
C c;
allowErrors: true);
findVariable('a').type, absUri('/lib2.dart'), 'lib2.dart', 'A');
checkUnresolvedTypeRef(findVariable('b').type, null, 'B');
checkUnresolvedTypeRef(findVariable('c').type, null, 'C');
test_cascaded_export_show_hide() {
addNamedSource('/lib1.dart', 'export "lib2.dart" show A, B hide B, C;');
addNamedSource('/lib2.dart', 'class A {} class B {} class C {}');
import 'lib1.dart';
A a;
B b;
C c;
allowErrors: true);
findVariable('a').type, absUri('/lib2.dart'), 'lib2.dart', 'A');
checkUnresolvedTypeRef(findVariable('b').type, null, 'B');
checkUnresolvedTypeRef(findVariable('c').type, null, 'C');
test_cascaded_export_show_show() {
addNamedSource('/lib1.dart', 'export "lib2.dart" show A, B show A, C;');
addNamedSource('/lib2.dart', 'class A {} class B {} class C {}');
import 'lib1.dart';
A a;
B b;
C c;
allowErrors: true);
findVariable('a').type, absUri('/lib2.dart'), 'lib2.dart', 'A');
checkUnresolvedTypeRef(findVariable('b').type, null, 'B');
checkUnresolvedTypeRef(findVariable('c').type, null, 'C');
test_cascaded_import_hide_hide() {
addNamedSource('/lib.dart', 'class A {} class B {} class C {}');
import 'lib.dart' hide C hide B, C;
A a;
B b;
C c;
allowErrors: true);
checkTypeRef(findVariable('a').type, absUri('/lib.dart'), 'lib.dart', 'A');
checkUnresolvedTypeRef(findVariable('b').type, null, 'B');
checkUnresolvedTypeRef(findVariable('c').type, null, 'C');
test_cascaded_import_hide_show() {
addNamedSource('/lib.dart', 'class A {} class B {} class C {}');
import 'lib.dart' hide C show A, C;
A a;
B b;
C c;
allowErrors: true);
checkTypeRef(findVariable('a').type, absUri('/lib.dart'), 'lib.dart', 'A');
checkUnresolvedTypeRef(findVariable('b').type, null, 'B');
checkUnresolvedTypeRef(findVariable('c').type, null, 'C');
test_cascaded_import_show_hide() {
addNamedSource('/lib.dart', 'class A {} class B {} class C {}');
import 'lib.dart' show A, B hide B, C;
A a;
B b;
C c;
allowErrors: true);
checkTypeRef(findVariable('a').type, absUri('/lib.dart'), 'lib.dart', 'A');
checkUnresolvedTypeRef(findVariable('b').type, null, 'B');
checkUnresolvedTypeRef(findVariable('c').type, null, 'C');
test_cascaded_import_show_show() {
addNamedSource('/lib.dart', 'class A {} class B {} class C {}');
import 'lib.dart' show A, B show A, C;
A a;
B b;
C c;
allowErrors: true);
checkTypeRef(findVariable('a').type, absUri('/lib.dart'), 'lib.dart', 'A');
checkUnresolvedTypeRef(findVariable('b').type, null, 'B');
checkUnresolvedTypeRef(findVariable('c').type, null, 'C');
test_class_abstract() {
UnlinkedClass cls = serializeClassText('abstract class C {}');
expect(cls.isAbstract, true);
test_class_alias_abstract() {
UnlinkedClass cls = serializeClassText(
'abstract class C = D with E; class D {} class E {}');
expect(cls.isAbstract, true);
test_class_alias_concrete() {
UnlinkedClass cls =
serializeClassText('class C = D with E; class D {} class E {}');
expect(cls.isAbstract, false);
test_class_alias_flag() {
UnlinkedClass cls =
serializeClassText('class C = D with E; class D {} class E {}');
expect(cls.isMixinApplication, true);
test_class_alias_mixin_order() {
UnlinkedClass cls = serializeClassText('''
class C = D with E, F;
class D {}
class E {}
class F {}
expect(cls.mixins, hasLength(2));
checkTypeRef(cls.mixins[0], null, null, 'E');
checkTypeRef(cls.mixins[1], null, null, 'F');
test_class_alias_no_implicit_constructors() {
UnlinkedClass cls = serializeClassText('''
class C = D with E;
class D {;;
class E {}
expect(cls.executables, isEmpty);
test_class_alias_supertype() {
UnlinkedClass cls =
serializeClassText('class C = D with E; class D {} class E {}');
checkTypeRef(cls.supertype, null, null, 'D');
test_class_concrete() {
UnlinkedClass cls = serializeClassText('class C {}');
expect(cls.isAbstract, false);
test_class_interface() {
UnlinkedClass cls = serializeClassText('''
class C implements D {}
class D {}
expect(cls.interfaces, hasLength(1));
checkTypeRef(cls.interfaces[0], null, null, 'D');
test_class_interface_order() {
UnlinkedClass cls = serializeClassText('''
class C implements D, E {}
class D {}
class E {}
expect(cls.interfaces, hasLength(2));
checkTypeRef(cls.interfaces[0], null, null, 'D');
checkTypeRef(cls.interfaces[1], null, null, 'E');
test_class_mixin() {
UnlinkedClass cls = serializeClassText('''
class C extends Object with D {}
class D {}
expect(cls.mixins, hasLength(1));
checkTypeRef(cls.mixins[0], null, null, 'D');
test_class_mixin_order() {
UnlinkedClass cls = serializeClassText('''
class C extends Object with D, E {}
class D {}
class E {}
expect(cls.mixins, hasLength(2));
checkTypeRef(cls.mixins[0], null, null, 'D');
checkTypeRef(cls.mixins[1], null, null, 'E');
test_class_name() {
var classText = 'class C {}';
UnlinkedClass cls = serializeClassText(classText);
expect(, 'C');
expect(cls.unit, 0);
test_class_no_flags() {
UnlinkedClass cls = serializeClassText('class C {}');
expect(cls.isAbstract, false);
expect(cls.isMixinApplication, false);
test_class_no_interface() {
UnlinkedClass cls = serializeClassText('class C {}');
expect(cls.interfaces, isEmpty);
test_class_no_mixins() {
UnlinkedClass cls = serializeClassText('class C {}');
expect(cls.mixins, isEmpty);
test_class_no_type_param() {
UnlinkedClass cls = serializeClassText('class C {}');
expect(cls.typeParameters, isEmpty);
test_class_non_alias_flag() {
UnlinkedClass cls = serializeClassText('class C {}');
expect(cls.isMixinApplication, false);
test_class_superclass() {
UnlinkedClass cls = serializeClassText('class C {}');
expect(cls.supertype, isNull);
test_class_superclass_explicit() {
UnlinkedClass cls = serializeClassText('class C extends D {} class D {}');
expect(cls.supertype, isNotNull);
checkTypeRef(cls.supertype, null, null, 'D');
test_class_type_param_bound() {
UnlinkedClass cls = serializeClassText('class C<T extends List> {}');
expect(cls.typeParameters, hasLength(1));
expect(cls.typeParameters[0].name, 'T');
expect(cls.typeParameters[0].bound, isNotNull);
checkTypeRef(cls.typeParameters[0].bound, 'dart:core', 'dart:core', 'List',
allowTypeParameters: true);
test_class_type_param_f_bound() {
UnlinkedClass cls = serializeClassText('class C<T, U extends List<T>> {}');
UnlinkedTypeRef typeArgument = cls.typeParameters[1].bound.typeArguments[0];
checkParamTypeRef(typeArgument, 2);
test_class_type_param_f_bound_self_ref() {
UnlinkedClass cls = serializeClassText('class C<T, U extends List<U>> {}');
UnlinkedTypeRef typeArgument = cls.typeParameters[1].bound.typeArguments[0];
checkParamTypeRef(typeArgument, 1);
test_class_type_param_no_bound() {
UnlinkedClass cls = serializeClassText('class C<T> {}');
expect(cls.typeParameters, hasLength(1));
expect(cls.typeParameters[0].name, 'T');
expect(cls.typeParameters[0].bound, isNull);
test_constructor() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable =
findExecutable('', cls: serializeClassText('class C { C(); }'));
expect(executable.kind, UnlinkedExecutableKind.constructor);
test_constructor_anonymous() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable =
findExecutable('', cls: serializeClassText('class C { C(); }'));
expect(, isEmpty);
test_constructor_const() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable =
findExecutable('', cls: serializeClassText('class C { const C(); }'));
expect(executable.isConst, isTrue);
test_constructor_factory() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = findExecutable('',
cls: serializeClassText('class C { factory C() => null; }'));
expect(executable.isFactory, isTrue);
test_constructor_implicit() {
// Implicit constructors are not serialized.
UnlinkedExecutable executable = findExecutable(null,
cls: serializeClassText('class C { C(); }'), failIfAbsent: false);
expect(executable, isNull);
test_constructor_initializing_formal() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = findExecutable('',
cls: serializeClassText('class C { C(this.x); final x; }'));
UnlinkedParam parameter = executable.parameters[0];
expect(parameter.isInitializingFormal, isTrue);
test_constructor_initializing_formal_explicit_type() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = findExecutable('',
cls: serializeClassText('class C { C(int this.x); final x; }'));
UnlinkedParam parameter = executable.parameters[0];
checkTypeRef(parameter.type, 'dart:core', 'dart:core', 'int');
test_constructor_initializing_formal_function_typed() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = findExecutable('',
cls: serializeClassText('class C { C(this.x()); final x; }'));
UnlinkedParam parameter = executable.parameters[0];
expect(parameter.isFunctionTyped, isTrue);
test_constructor_initializing_formal_function_typed_explicit_return_type() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = findExecutable('',
cls: serializeClassText('class C { C(int this.x()); Function x; }'));
UnlinkedParam parameter = executable.parameters[0];
checkTypeRef(parameter.type, 'dart:core', 'dart:core', 'int');
test_constructor_initializing_formal_function_typed_implicit_return_type() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = findExecutable('',
cls: serializeClassText('class C { C(this.x()); Function x; }'));
UnlinkedParam parameter = executable.parameters[0];
test_constructor_initializing_formal_function_typed_no_prameters() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = findExecutable('',
cls: serializeClassText('class C { C(this.x()); final x; }'));
UnlinkedParam parameter = executable.parameters[0];
expect(parameter.parameters, isEmpty);
test_constructor_initializing_formal_function_typed_prameter() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = findExecutable('',
cls: serializeClassText('class C { C(this.x(a)); final x; }'));
UnlinkedParam parameter = executable.parameters[0];
expect(parameter.parameters, hasLength(1));
test_constructor_initializing_formal_function_typed_prameter_order() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = findExecutable('',
cls: serializeClassText('class C { C(this.x(a, b)); final x; }'));
UnlinkedParam parameter = executable.parameters[0];
expect(parameter.parameters, hasLength(2));
expect(parameter.parameters[0].name, 'a');
expect(parameter.parameters[1].name, 'b');
test_constructor_initializing_formal_implicit_type() {
// Note: the implicit type of an initializing formal is the type of the
// field.
UnlinkedExecutable executable = findExecutable('',
cls: serializeClassText('class C { C(this.x); int x; }'));
UnlinkedParam parameter = executable.parameters[0];
checkTypeRef(parameter.type, 'dart:core', 'dart:core', 'int');
test_constructor_initializing_formal_name() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = findExecutable('',
cls: serializeClassText('class C { C(this.x); final x; }'));
UnlinkedParam parameter = executable.parameters[0];
expect(, 'x');
test_constructor_initializing_formal_named() {
// TODO(paulberry): also test default value
UnlinkedExecutable executable = findExecutable('',
cls: serializeClassText('class C { C({this.x}); final x; }'));
UnlinkedParam parameter = executable.parameters[0];
expect(parameter.kind, UnlinkedParamKind.named);
test_constructor_initializing_formal_non_function_typed() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = findExecutable('',
cls: serializeClassText('class C { C(this.x); final x; }'));
UnlinkedParam parameter = executable.parameters[0];
expect(parameter.isFunctionTyped, isFalse);
test_constructor_initializing_formal_positional() {
// TODO(paulberry): also test default value
UnlinkedExecutable executable = findExecutable('',
cls: serializeClassText('class C { C([this.x]); final x; }'));
UnlinkedParam parameter = executable.parameters[0];
expect(parameter.kind, UnlinkedParamKind.positional);
test_constructor_initializing_formal_required() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = findExecutable('',
cls: serializeClassText('class C { C(this.x); final x; }'));
UnlinkedParam parameter = executable.parameters[0];
expect(parameter.kind, UnlinkedParamKind.required);
test_constructor_named() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable =
findExecutable('foo', cls: serializeClassText('class C {; }'));
expect(, 'foo');
test_constructor_non_const() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable =
findExecutable('', cls: serializeClassText('class C { C(); }'));
expect(executable.isConst, isFalse);
test_constructor_non_factory() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable =
findExecutable('', cls: serializeClassText('class C { C(); }'));
expect(executable.isFactory, isFalse);
test_constructor_return_type() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable =
findExecutable('', cls: serializeClassText('class C { C(); }'));
checkTypeRef(executable.returnType, null, null, 'C');
test_constructor_return_type_parameterized() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable =
findExecutable('', cls: serializeClassText('class C<T, U> { C(); }'));
checkTypeRef(executable.returnType, null, null, 'C',
allowTypeParameters: true);
expect(executable.returnType.typeArguments, hasLength(2));
UnlinkedTypeRef typeRef = executable.returnType.typeArguments[0];
checkParamTypeRef(typeRef, 2);
UnlinkedTypeRef typeRef = executable.returnType.typeArguments[1];
checkParamTypeRef(typeRef, 1);
test_dependencies_export_none() {
// Exports are not listed as dependencies since no change to the exported
// file can change the summary of the exporting file.
addNamedSource('/a.dart', 'library a; export "b.dart";');
addNamedSource('/b.dart', 'library b;');
serializeLibraryText('export "a.dart";');
checkLacksDependency(absUri('/a.dart'), 'a.dart');
checkLacksDependency(absUri('/b.dart'), 'b.dart');
test_dependencies_import_to_export() {
addNamedSource('/a.dart', 'library a; export "b.dart"; class A {}');
addNamedSource('/b.dart', 'library b;');
serializeLibraryText('import "a.dart"; A a;');
checkHasDependency(absUri('/a.dart'), 'a.dart');
// The main test library depends on b.dart, because names defined in
// b.dart are exported by a.dart.
checkHasDependency(absUri('/b.dart'), 'b.dart');
test_dependencies_import_to_export_in_subdirs_absolute_export() {
'library a; export "${absUri('/a/b/b.dart')}"; class A {}');
addNamedSource('/a/b/b.dart', 'library b;');
serializeLibraryText('import "a/a.dart"; A a;');
checkHasDependency(absUri('/a/a.dart'), 'a/a.dart');
// The main test library depends on b.dart, because names defined in
// b.dart are exported by a.dart.
checkHasDependency(absUri('/a/b/b.dart'), '/a/b/b.dart');
test_dependencies_import_to_export_in_subdirs_absolute_import() {
addNamedSource('/a/a.dart', 'library a; export "b/b.dart"; class A {}');
addNamedSource('/a/b/b.dart', 'library b;');
serializeLibraryText('import "${absUri('/a/a.dart')}"; A a;');
checkHasDependency(absUri('/a/a.dart'), '/a/a.dart');
// The main test library depends on b.dart, because names defined in
// b.dart are exported by a.dart.
checkHasDependency(absUri('/a/b/b.dart'), '/a/b/b.dart');
test_dependencies_import_to_export_in_subdirs_relative() {
addNamedSource('/a/a.dart', 'library a; export "b/b.dart"; class A {}');
addNamedSource('/a/b/b.dart', 'library b;');
serializeLibraryText('import "a/a.dart"; A a;');
checkHasDependency(absUri('/a/a.dart'), 'a/a.dart');
// The main test library depends on b.dart, because names defined in
// b.dart are exported by a.dart.
checkHasDependency(absUri('/a/b/b.dart'), 'a/b/b.dart');
test_dependencies_import_to_export_loop() {
addNamedSource('/a.dart', 'library a; export "b.dart"; class A {}');
addNamedSource('/b.dart', 'library b; export "a.dart";');
serializeLibraryText('import "a.dart"; A a;');
checkHasDependency(absUri('/a.dart'), 'a.dart');
// Serialization should have been able to walk the transitive export
// dependencies to b.dart without going into an infinite loop.
checkHasDependency(absUri('/b.dart'), 'b.dart');
test_dependencies_import_to_export_transitive_closure() {
addNamedSource('/a.dart', 'library a; export "b.dart"; class A {}');
addNamedSource('/b.dart', 'library b; export "c.dart";');
addNamedSource('/c.dart', 'library c;');
serializeLibraryText('import "a.dart"; A a;');
checkHasDependency(absUri('/a.dart'), 'a.dart');
// The main test library depends on c.dart, because names defined in
// c.dart are exported by b.dart and then re-exported by a.dart.
checkHasDependency(absUri('/c.dart'), 'c.dart');
test_dependencies_import_transitive_closure() {
'/a.dart', 'library a; import "b.dart"; class A extends B {}');
addNamedSource('/b.dart', 'library b; class B {}');
serializeLibraryText('import "a.dart"; A a;');
checkHasDependency(absUri('/a.dart'), 'a.dart');
// The main test library doesn't depend on b.dart, because no change to
// b.dart can possibly affect the serialized element model for it.
checkLacksDependency(absUri('/b.dart'), 'b.dart');
test_elements_in_part() {
part of my.lib;
class C {}
enum E { v }
var v;
f() {}
typedef F();
serializeLibraryText('library my.lib; part "part1.dart";');
expect(findClass('C', failIfAbsent: true).unit, 1);
expect(findEnum('E', failIfAbsent: true).unit, 1);
expect(findVariable('v', failIfAbsent: true).unit, 1);
expect(findExecutable('f', failIfAbsent: true).unit, 1);
expect(findTypedef('F', failIfAbsent: true).unit, 1);
test_enum() {
UnlinkedEnum e = serializeEnumText('enum E { v1 }');
expect(, 'E');
expect(e.values, hasLength(1));
expect(e.values[0].name, 'v1');
expect(e.unit, 0);
test_enum_order() {
UnlinkedEnum e = serializeEnumText('enum E { v1, v2 }');
expect(e.values, hasLength(2));
expect(e.values[0].name, 'v1');
expect(e.values[1].name, 'v2');
test_executable_abstract() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable =
serializeClassText('abstract class C { f(); }').executables[0];
expect(executable.isAbstract, isTrue);
test_executable_concrete() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable =
serializeClassText('abstract class C { f() {} }').executables[0];
expect(executable.isAbstract, isFalse);
test_executable_function() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = serializeExecutableText('f() {}');
expect(executable.kind, UnlinkedExecutableKind.functionOrMethod);
expect(executable.unit, 0);
test_executable_getter() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = serializeExecutableText('int get f => 1;');
expect(executable.kind, UnlinkedExecutableKind.getter);
expect(findVariable('f'), isNull);
expect(findExecutable('f='), isNull);
test_executable_getter_type() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = serializeExecutableText('int get f => 1;');
checkTypeRef(executable.returnType, 'dart:core', 'dart:core', 'int');
expect(executable.parameters, isEmpty);
test_executable_getter_type_implicit() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = serializeExecutableText('get f => 1;');
expect(executable.parameters, isEmpty);
test_executable_member_function() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable =
findExecutable('f', cls: serializeClassText('class C { f() {} }'));
expect(executable.kind, UnlinkedExecutableKind.functionOrMethod);
test_executable_member_getter() {
UnlinkedClass cls = serializeClassText('class C { int get f => 1; }');
UnlinkedExecutable executable =
findExecutable('f', cls: cls, failIfAbsent: true);
expect(executable.kind, UnlinkedExecutableKind.getter);
expect(findVariable('f', cls: cls), isNull);
expect(findExecutable('f=', cls: cls), isNull);
test_executable_member_setter() {
UnlinkedClass cls = serializeClassText('class C { void set f(value) {} }');
UnlinkedExecutable executable =
findExecutable('f=', cls: cls, failIfAbsent: true);
expect(executable.kind, UnlinkedExecutableKind.setter);
expect(findVariable('f', cls: cls), isNull);
expect(findExecutable('f', cls: cls), isNull);
test_executable_name() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = serializeExecutableText('f() {}');
expect(, 'f');
test_executable_no_flags() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = serializeExecutableText('f() {}');
expect(executable.isAbstract, isFalse);
expect(executable.isConst, isFalse);
expect(executable.isFactory, isFalse);
expect(executable.isStatic, isFalse);
test_executable_non_static() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable =
serializeClassText('class C { f() {} }').executables[0];
expect(executable.isStatic, isFalse);
test_executable_non_static_top_level() {
// Top level executables are considered non-static.
UnlinkedExecutable executable = serializeExecutableText('f() {}');
expect(executable.isStatic, isFalse);
test_executable_param_function_typed() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = serializeExecutableText('f(g()) {}');
expect(executable.parameters[0].isFunctionTyped, isTrue);
test_executable_param_function_typed_param() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = serializeExecutableText('f(g(x)) {}');
expect(executable.parameters[0].parameters, hasLength(1));
test_executable_param_function_typed_param_none() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = serializeExecutableText('f(g()) {}');
expect(executable.parameters[0].parameters, isEmpty);
test_executable_param_function_typed_param_order() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = serializeExecutableText('f(g(x, y)) {}');
expect(executable.parameters[0].parameters, hasLength(2));
expect(executable.parameters[0].parameters[0].name, 'x');
expect(executable.parameters[0].parameters[1].name, 'y');
test_executable_param_function_typed_return_type() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = serializeExecutableText('f(int g()) {}');
executable.parameters[0].type, 'dart:core', 'dart:core', 'int');
test_executable_param_function_typed_return_type_implicit() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = serializeExecutableText('f(g()) {}');
test_executable_param_function_typed_return_type_void() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = serializeExecutableText('f(void g()) {}');
expect(executable.parameters[0].type, isNull);
test_executable_param_kind_named() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = serializeExecutableText('f({x}) {}');
expect(executable.parameters[0].kind, UnlinkedParamKind.named);
test_executable_param_kind_positional() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = serializeExecutableText('f([x]) {}');
expect(executable.parameters[0].kind, UnlinkedParamKind.positional);
test_executable_param_kind_required() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = serializeExecutableText('f(x) {}');
expect(executable.parameters[0].kind, UnlinkedParamKind.required);
test_executable_param_name() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = serializeExecutableText('f(x) {}');
expect(executable.parameters, hasLength(1));
expect(executable.parameters[0].name, 'x');
test_executable_param_no_flags() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = serializeExecutableText('f(x) {}');
expect(executable.parameters[0].isFunctionTyped, isFalse);
expect(executable.parameters[0].isInitializingFormal, isFalse);
test_executable_param_non_function_typed() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = serializeExecutableText('f(g) {}');
expect(executable.parameters[0].isFunctionTyped, isFalse);
test_executable_param_none() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = serializeExecutableText('f() {}');
expect(executable.parameters, isEmpty);
test_executable_param_order() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = serializeExecutableText('f(x, y) {}');
expect(executable.parameters, hasLength(2));
expect(executable.parameters[0].name, 'x');
expect(executable.parameters[1].name, 'y');
test_executable_param_type_implicit() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = serializeExecutableText('f(x) {}');
test_executable_return_type() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = serializeExecutableText('int f() => 1;');
checkTypeRef(executable.returnType, 'dart:core', 'dart:core', 'int');
test_executable_return_type_implicit() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = serializeExecutableText('f() {}');
test_executable_return_type_void() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable = serializeExecutableText('void f() {}');
expect(executable.returnType, isNull);
test_executable_setter() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable =
serializeExecutableText('void set f(value) {}', 'f=');
expect(executable.kind, UnlinkedExecutableKind.setter);
expect(findVariable('f'), isNull);
expect(findExecutable('f'), isNull);
test_executable_setter_type() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable =
serializeExecutableText('void set f(int value) {}', 'f=');
expect(executable.returnType, isNull);
expect(executable.parameters, hasLength(1));
expect(executable.parameters[0].name, 'value');
executable.parameters[0].type, 'dart:core', 'dart:core', 'int');
test_executable_static() {
UnlinkedExecutable executable =
serializeClassText('class C { static f() {} }').executables[0];
expect(executable.isStatic, isTrue);
test_executable_type_param_f_bound() {
// TODO(paulberry): also test top level executables.
UnlinkedExecutable ex =
serializeMethodText('void f<T, U extends List<T>>() {}');
UnlinkedTypeRef typeArgument = ex.typeParameters[1].bound.typeArguments[0];
checkParamTypeRef(typeArgument, 2);
test_executable_type_param_f_bound_self_ref() {
// TODO(paulberry): also test top level executables.
UnlinkedExecutable ex =
serializeMethodText('void f<T, U extends List<U>>() {}');
UnlinkedTypeRef typeArgument = ex.typeParameters[1].bound.typeArguments[0];
checkParamTypeRef(typeArgument, 1);
test_executable_type_param_in_parameter() {
// TODO(paulberry): also test top level executables.
UnlinkedExecutable ex = serializeMethodText('void f<T>(T t) {}');
checkParamTypeRef(ex.parameters[0].type, 1);
test_executable_type_param_in_return_type() {
// TODO(paulberry): also test top level executables.
UnlinkedExecutable ex = serializeMethodText('T f<T>() => null;');
checkParamTypeRef(ex.returnType, 1);
test_export_hide_order() {
serializeLibraryText('export "dart:async" hide Future, Stream;');
expect(unlinked.exports, hasLength(1));
expect(unlinked.exports[0].combinators, hasLength(1));
expect(unlinked.exports[0].combinators[0].shows, isEmpty);
expect(unlinked.exports[0].combinators[0].hides, hasLength(2));
checkCombinatorName(unlinked.exports[0].combinators[0].hides[0], 'Future');
checkCombinatorName(unlinked.exports[0].combinators[0].hides[1], 'Stream');
test_export_no_combinators() {
serializeLibraryText('export "dart:async";');
expect(unlinked.exports, hasLength(1));
expect(unlinked.exports[0].combinators, isEmpty);
test_export_show_order() {
serializeLibraryText('export "dart:async" show Future, Stream;');
expect(unlinked.exports, hasLength(1));
expect(unlinked.exports[0].combinators, hasLength(1));
expect(unlinked.exports[0].combinators[0].shows, hasLength(2));
expect(unlinked.exports[0].combinators[0].hides, isEmpty);
checkCombinatorName(unlinked.exports[0].combinators[0].shows[0], 'Future');
checkCombinatorName(unlinked.exports[0].combinators[0].shows[1], 'Stream');
test_export_uri() {
addNamedSource('/a.dart', 'library my.lib;');
String uriString = '"a.dart"';
String libraryText = 'export $uriString;';
expect(unlinked.exports, hasLength(1));
expect(unlinked.exports[0].uri, 'a.dart');
test_field() {
UnlinkedClass cls = serializeClassText('class C { int i; }');
expect(findVariable('i', cls: cls), isNotNull);
expect(findExecutable('i', cls: cls), isNull);
expect(findExecutable('i=', cls: cls), isNull);
test_field_final() {
UnlinkedVariable variable =
serializeClassText('class C { final int i = 0; }').fields[0];
expect(variable.isFinal, isTrue);
test_field_non_final() {
UnlinkedVariable variable =
serializeClassText('class C { int i; }').fields[0];
expect(variable.isFinal, isFalse);
test_generic_method_in_generic_class() {
UnlinkedClass cls = serializeClassText(
'class C<T, U> { void m<V, W>(T t, U u, V v, W w) {} }');
List<UnlinkedParam> params = cls.executables[0].parameters;
checkParamTypeRef(params[0].type, 4);
checkParamTypeRef(params[1].type, 3);
checkParamTypeRef(params[2].type, 2);
checkParamTypeRef(params[3].type, 1);
test_import_deferred() {
'import "dart:async" deferred as a; main() { print(a.Future); }');
expect(unlinked.imports[0].isDeferred, isTrue);
test_import_dependency() {
serializeLibraryText('import "dart:async"; Future x;');
// Second import is the implicit import of dart:core
expect(unlinked.imports, hasLength(2));
checkDependency(lib.importDependencies[0], 'dart:async', 'dart:async');
test_import_explicit() {
serializeLibraryText('import "dart:core"; int i;');
expect(unlinked.imports, hasLength(1));
expect(unlinked.imports[0].isImplicit, isFalse);
test_import_hide_order() {
'import "dart:async" hide Future, Stream; Completer c;');
// Second import is the implicit import of dart:core
expect(unlinked.imports, hasLength(2));
expect(unlinked.imports[0].combinators, hasLength(1));
expect(unlinked.imports[0].combinators[0].shows, isEmpty);
expect(unlinked.imports[0].combinators[0].hides, hasLength(2));
checkCombinatorName(unlinked.imports[0].combinators[0].hides[0], 'Future');
checkCombinatorName(unlinked.imports[0].combinators[0].hides[1], 'Stream');
test_import_implicit() {
// The implicit import of dart:core is represented in the model.
expect(unlinked.imports, hasLength(1));
checkDependency(lib.importDependencies[0], 'dart:core', 'dart:core');
expect(unlinked.imports[0].uri, isEmpty);
expect(unlinked.imports[0].prefix, 0);
expect(unlinked.imports[0].combinators, isEmpty);
expect(unlinked.imports[0].isImplicit, isTrue);
test_import_no_combinators() {
serializeLibraryText('import "dart:async"; Future x;');
// Second import is the implicit import of dart:core
expect(unlinked.imports, hasLength(2));
expect(unlinked.imports[0].combinators, isEmpty);
test_import_no_flags() {
serializeLibraryText('import "dart:async"; Future x;');
expect(unlinked.imports[0].isImplicit, isFalse);
expect(unlinked.imports[0].isDeferred, isFalse);
test_import_non_deferred() {
'import "dart:async" as a; main() { print(a.Future); }');
expect(unlinked.imports[0].isDeferred, isFalse);
test_import_of_file_with_missing_part() {
// Other references in foo.dart should be resolved even though foo.dart's
// part declaration for bar.dart refers to a non-existent file.
addNamedSource('/foo.dart', 'part "bar.dart"; class C {}');
serializeLibraryText('import "foo.dart"; C x;');
checkTypeRef(findVariable('x').type, absUri('/foo.dart'), 'foo.dart', 'C');
test_import_of_missing_export() {
// Other references in foo.dart should be resolved even though foo.dart's
// re-export of bar.dart refers to a non-existent file.
addNamedSource('/foo.dart', 'export "bar.dart"; class C {}');
serializeLibraryText('import "foo.dart"; C x;');
checkTypeRef(findVariable('x').type, absUri('/foo.dart'), 'foo.dart', 'C');
test_import_offset() {
String libraryText = ' import "dart:async"; Future x;';
expect(unlinked.imports[0].offset, libraryText.indexOf('import'));
test_import_prefix_name() {
String libraryText = 'import "dart:async" as a; a.Future x;';
// Second import is the implicit import of dart:core
expect(unlinked.imports, hasLength(2));
expect(unlinked.imports[0].prefix, isNot(0));
expect(unlinked.prefixes[unlinked.imports[0].prefix].name, 'a');
test_import_prefix_none() {
serializeLibraryText('import "dart:async"; Future x;');
// Second import is the implicit import of dart:core
expect(unlinked.imports, hasLength(2));
expect(unlinked.imports[0].prefix, 0);
expect(unlinked.prefixes[unlinked.imports[0].prefix].name, isEmpty);
test_import_prefix_reference() {
UnlinkedVariable variable =
serializeVariableText('import "dart:async" as a; a.Future v;');
checkTypeRef(variable.type, 'dart:async', 'dart:async', 'Future',
expectedPrefix: 'a');
test_import_reference() {
UnlinkedVariable variable =
serializeVariableText('import "dart:async"; Future v;');
checkTypeRef(variable.type, 'dart:async', 'dart:async', 'Future');
test_import_reference_merged_no_prefix() {
import "dart:async" show Future;
import "dart:async" show Stream;
Future f;
Stream s;
checkTypeRef(findVariable('f').type, 'dart:async', 'dart:async', 'Future');
checkTypeRef(findVariable('s').type, 'dart:async', 'dart:async', 'Stream');
test_import_reference_merged_prefixed() {
import "dart:async" as a show Future;
import "dart:async" as a show Stream;
a.Future f;
a.Stream s;
checkTypeRef(findVariable('f').type, 'dart:async', 'dart:async', 'Future',
expectedPrefix: 'a');
checkTypeRef(findVariable('s').type, 'dart:async', 'dart:async', 'Stream',
expectedPrefix: 'a');
test_import_show_order() {
String libraryText =
'import "dart:async" show Future, Stream; Future x; Stream y;';
// Second import is the implicit import of dart:core
expect(unlinked.imports, hasLength(2));
expect(unlinked.imports[0].combinators, hasLength(1));
expect(unlinked.imports[0].combinators[0].shows, hasLength(2));
expect(unlinked.imports[0].combinators[0].hides, isEmpty);
checkCombinatorName(unlinked.imports[0].combinators[0].shows[0], 'Future');
checkCombinatorName(unlinked.imports[0].combinators[0].shows[1], 'Stream');
test_import_uri() {
String uriString = '"dart:async"';
String libraryText = 'import $uriString; Future x;';
// Second import is the implicit import of dart:core
expect(unlinked.imports, hasLength(2));
expect(unlinked.imports[0].uri, 'dart:async');
test_library_named() {
String text = 'library;';
expect(, '');
test_library_unnamed() {
expect(, isEmpty);
test_nested_elements_have_no_part() {
part of my.lib;
class C {
var v;
f() {}
serializeLibraryText('library my.lib; part "part1.dart";');
UnlinkedClass cls = findClass('C');
expect(findVariable('v', cls: cls).unit, 0);
expect(findExecutable('f', cls: cls).unit, 0);
test_parts_defining_compilation_unit() {
expect(unlinked.units, hasLength(1));
expect(unlinked.units[0].uri, isEmpty);
test_parts_included() {
addNamedSource('/part1.dart', 'part of my.lib;');
String partString = '"part1.dart"';
String libraryText = 'library my.lib; part $partString;';
expect(unlinked.units, hasLength(2));
expect(unlinked.units[1].uri, 'part1.dart');
test_type_arguments_explicit() {
UnlinkedTypeRef typeRef = serializeTypeText('List<int>');
checkTypeRef(typeRef, 'dart:core', 'dart:core', 'List',
allowTypeParameters: true);
expect(typeRef.typeArguments, hasLength(1));
checkTypeRef(typeRef.typeArguments[0], 'dart:core', 'dart:core', 'int');
test_type_arguments_explicit_dynamic() {
UnlinkedTypeRef typeRef = serializeTypeText('List<dynamic>');
checkTypeRef(typeRef, 'dart:core', 'dart:core', 'List',
allowTypeParameters: true);
expect(typeRef.typeArguments, isEmpty);
test_type_arguments_explicit_dynamic_typedef() {
UnlinkedTypeRef typeRef =
serializeTypeText('F<dynamic>', otherDeclarations: 'typedef T F<T>();');
checkTypeRef(typeRef, null, null, 'F',
allowTypeParameters: true,
expectedKind: PrelinkedReferenceKind.typedef);
expect(typeRef.typeArguments, isEmpty);
test_type_arguments_explicit_typedef() {
UnlinkedTypeRef typeRef =
serializeTypeText('F<int>', otherDeclarations: 'typedef T F<T>();');
checkTypeRef(typeRef, null, null, 'F',
allowTypeParameters: true,
expectedKind: PrelinkedReferenceKind.typedef);
expect(typeRef.typeArguments, hasLength(1));
checkTypeRef(typeRef.typeArguments[0], 'dart:core', 'dart:core', 'int');
test_type_arguments_implicit() {
UnlinkedTypeRef typeRef = serializeTypeText('List');
checkTypeRef(typeRef, 'dart:core', 'dart:core', 'List',
allowTypeParameters: true);
expect(typeRef.typeArguments, isEmpty);
test_type_arguments_implicit_typedef() {
UnlinkedTypeRef typeRef =
serializeTypeText('F', otherDeclarations: 'typedef T F<T>();');
checkTypeRef(typeRef, null, null, 'F',
allowTypeParameters: true,
expectedKind: PrelinkedReferenceKind.typedef);
expect(typeRef.typeArguments, isEmpty);
test_type_arguments_order() {
UnlinkedTypeRef typeRef = serializeTypeText('Map<int, Object>');
checkTypeRef(typeRef, 'dart:core', 'dart:core', 'Map',
allowTypeParameters: true);
expect(typeRef.typeArguments, hasLength(2));
checkTypeRef(typeRef.typeArguments[0], 'dart:core', 'dart:core', 'int');
checkTypeRef(typeRef.typeArguments[1], 'dart:core', 'dart:core', 'Object');
test_type_dynamic() {
test_type_reference_to_class_argument() {
UnlinkedClass cls = serializeClassText('class C<T, U> { T t; U u; }');
UnlinkedTypeRef typeRef =
findVariable('t', cls: cls, failIfAbsent: true).type;
checkParamTypeRef(typeRef, 2);
UnlinkedTypeRef typeRef =
findVariable('u', cls: cls, failIfAbsent: true).type;
checkParamTypeRef(typeRef, 1);
test_type_reference_to_import_of_export() {
addNamedSource('/a.dart', 'library a; export "b.dart";');
addNamedSource('/b.dart', 'library b; class C {}');
checkTypeRef(serializeTypeText('C', otherDeclarations: 'import "a.dart";'),
absUri('/b.dart'), 'b.dart', 'C');
test_type_reference_to_import_of_export_via_prefix() {
addNamedSource('/a.dart', 'library a; export "b.dart";');
addNamedSource('/b.dart', 'library b; class C {}');
serializeTypeText('p.C', otherDeclarations: 'import "a.dart" as p;'),
expectedPrefix: 'p');
test_type_reference_to_imported_part() {
addNamedSource('/a.dart', 'library my.lib; part "b.dart";');
addNamedSource('/b.dart', 'part of my.lib; class C {}');
otherDeclarations: 'library my.lib; import "a.dart";'),
expectedUnit: 1);
test_type_reference_to_imported_part_with_prefix() {
addNamedSource('/a.dart', 'library my.lib; part "b.dart";');
addNamedSource('/b.dart', 'part of my.lib; class C {}');
otherDeclarations: 'library my.lib; import "a.dart" as p;'),
expectedPrefix: 'p',
expectedUnit: 1);
test_type_reference_to_internal_class() {
checkTypeRef(serializeTypeText('C', otherDeclarations: 'class C {}'), null,
null, 'C');
test_type_reference_to_internal_class_alias() {
otherDeclarations: 'class C = D with E; class D {} class E {}'),
test_type_reference_to_internal_enum() {
checkTypeRef(serializeTypeText('E', otherDeclarations: 'enum E { value }'),
null, null, 'E');
test_type_reference_to_local_part() {
addNamedSource('/a.dart', 'part of my.lib; class C {}');
otherDeclarations: 'library my.lib; part "a.dart";'),
expectedUnit: 1);
test_type_reference_to_nonexistent_file_via_prefix() {
UnlinkedTypeRef typeRef = serializeTypeText('p.C',
otherDeclarations: 'import "foo.dart" as p;', allowErrors: true);
checkUnresolvedTypeRef(typeRef, 'p', 'C');
test_type_reference_to_typedef() {
checkTypeRef(serializeTypeText('F', otherDeclarations: 'typedef void F();'),
null, null, 'F',
expectedKind: PrelinkedReferenceKind.typedef);
test_type_unit_counts_unreferenced_units() {
addNamedSource('/a.dart', 'library a; part "b.dart"; part "c.dart";');
addNamedSource('/b.dart', 'part of a;');
addNamedSource('/c.dart', 'part of a; class C {}');
UnlinkedTypeRef typeRef =
serializeTypeText('C', otherDeclarations: 'import "a.dart";');
// The referenced unit should be 2, since unit 0 is a.dart and unit 1 is
// b.dart. a.dart and b.dart are counted even though nothing is imported
// from them.
checkTypeRef(typeRef, absUri('/a.dart'), 'a.dart', 'C', expectedUnit: 2);
test_type_unresolved() {
UnlinkedTypeRef typeRef = serializeTypeText('Foo', allowErrors: true);
checkUnresolvedTypeRef(typeRef, null, 'Foo');
test_typedef_name() {
UnlinkedTypedef type = serializeTypedefText('typedef F();');
expect(, 'F');
expect(type.unit, 0);
test_typedef_param_none() {
UnlinkedTypedef type = serializeTypedefText('typedef F();');
expect(type.parameters, isEmpty);
test_typedef_param_order() {
UnlinkedTypedef type = serializeTypedefText('typedef F(x, y);');
expect(type.parameters, hasLength(2));
expect(type.parameters[0].name, 'x');
expect(type.parameters[1].name, 'y');
test_typedef_return_type_explicit() {
UnlinkedTypedef type = serializeTypedefText('typedef int F();');
checkTypeRef(type.returnType, 'dart:core', 'dart:core', 'int');
test_typedef_type_param_in_parameter() {
UnlinkedTypedef type = serializeTypedefText('typedef F<T>(T t);');
checkParamTypeRef(type.parameters[0].type, 1);
test_typedef_type_param_in_return_type() {
UnlinkedTypedef type = serializeTypedefText('typedef T F<T>();');
checkParamTypeRef(type.returnType, 1);
test_typedef_type_param_none() {
UnlinkedTypedef type = serializeTypedefText('typedef F();');
expect(type.typeParameters, isEmpty);
test_typedef_type_param_order() {
UnlinkedTypedef type = serializeTypedefText('typedef F<T, U>();');
expect(type.typeParameters, hasLength(2));
expect(type.typeParameters[0].name, 'T');
expect(type.typeParameters[1].name, 'U');
test_variable() {
serializeVariableText('int i;', variableName: 'i');
expect(findExecutable('i'), isNull);
expect(findExecutable('i='), isNull);
test_variable_const() {
UnlinkedVariable variable =
serializeVariableText('const int i = 0;', variableName: 'i');
expect(variable.isConst, isTrue);
test_variable_final_top_level() {
UnlinkedVariable variable =
serializeVariableText('final int i = 0;', variableName: 'i');
expect(variable.isFinal, isTrue);
test_variable_implicit_dynamic() {
UnlinkedVariable variable = serializeVariableText('var v;');
test_variable_name() {
UnlinkedVariable variable =
serializeVariableText('int i;', variableName: 'i');
expect(, 'i');
expect(variable.unit, 0);
test_variable_no_flags() {
UnlinkedVariable variable =
serializeVariableText('int i;', variableName: 'i');
expect(variable.isStatic, isFalse);
expect(variable.isConst, isFalse);
expect(variable.isFinal, isFalse);
test_variable_non_const() {
UnlinkedVariable variable =
serializeVariableText('int i = 0;', variableName: 'i');
expect(variable.isConst, isFalse);
test_variable_non_final() {
UnlinkedVariable variable =
serializeVariableText('int i;', variableName: 'i');
expect(variable.isFinal, isFalse);
test_variable_non_static() {
UnlinkedVariable variable =
serializeClassText('class C { int i; }').fields[0];
expect(variable.isStatic, isFalse);
test_variable_non_static_top_level() {
// Top level variables are considered non-static.
UnlinkedVariable variable =
serializeVariableText('int i;', variableName: 'i');
expect(variable.isStatic, isFalse);
test_variable_static() {
UnlinkedVariable variable =
serializeClassText('class C { static int i; }').fields[0];
expect(variable.isStatic, isTrue);
test_variable_type() {
UnlinkedVariable variable =
serializeVariableText('int i;', variableName: 'i');
checkTypeRef(variable.type, 'dart:core', 'dart:core', 'int');