blob: 2a2bf65e02cfa60d64fe6695bb7f18dcc2d7ab44 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library fasta.expression_generator_helper;
import 'package:_fe_analyzer_shared/src/scanner/token.dart' show Token;
import 'package:kernel/type_algebra.dart';
import 'package:kernel/type_environment.dart';
import '../builder/builder.dart';
import '../builder/formal_parameter_builder.dart';
import '../builder/prefix_builder.dart';
import '../builder/type_declaration_builder.dart';
import '../builder/unresolved_type.dart';
import '../constant_context.dart' show ConstantContext;
import '../fasta_codes.dart' show LocatedMessage;
import '../messages.dart' show Message;
import '../scope.dart';
import '../source/source_library_builder.dart' show SourceLibraryBuilder;
import '../type_inference/inference_helper.dart' show InferenceHelper;
import 'constness.dart' show Constness;
import 'forest.dart' show Forest;
import 'internal_ast.dart';
import 'kernel_ast_api.dart'
abstract class ExpressionGeneratorHelper implements InferenceHelper {
SourceLibraryBuilder get libraryBuilder;
ConstantContext get constantContext;
Forest get forest;
Constructor? lookupConstructor(Name name, {bool isSuper: false});
Expression toValue(Object? node);
Member? lookupInstanceMember(Name name, {bool isSetter, bool isSuper});
/// `true` if we are in the type of an as expression.
bool get inIsOrAsOperatorType;
bool get enableExtensionTypesInLibrary;
bool get enableConstFunctionsInLibrary;
bool get enableConstructorTearOffsInLibrary;
/* Generator | Expression | Builder */ scopeLookup(
Scope scope, String name, Token token,
{bool isQualified: false, PrefixBuilder? prefix});
/* Expression | Generator | Initializer */ finishSend(Object receiver,
List<UnresolvedType>? typeArguments, Arguments arguments, int offset,
{bool isTypeArgumentsInForest = false});
Initializer buildInvalidInitializer(Expression expression,
[int offset = TreeNode.noOffset]);
List<Initializer> buildFieldInitializer(String name, int fieldNameOffset,
int assignmentOffset, Expression expression,
{FormalParameterBuilder? formal});
Initializer buildSuperInitializer(
bool isSynthetic, Constructor constructor, Arguments arguments,
[int offset = TreeNode.noOffset]);
Initializer buildRedirectingInitializer(
Constructor constructor, Arguments arguments,
[int charOffset = TreeNode.noOffset]);
Expression buildStaticInvocation(Member target, Arguments arguments,
{Constness constness: Constness.implicit,
int charOffset: TreeNode.noOffset});
Expression buildExtensionMethodInvocation(
int fileOffset, Procedure target, Arguments arguments,
{required bool isTearOff});
Expression throwNoSuchMethodError(
Expression receiver, String name, Arguments arguments, int offset,
{Member candidate,
bool isSuper,
bool isGetter,
bool isSetter,
bool isStatic,
LocatedMessage message});
LocatedMessage? checkArgumentsForFunction(FunctionNode function,
Arguments arguments, int offset, List<TypeParameter> typeParameters);
StaticGet makeStaticGet(Member readTarget, Token token);
Expression wrapInDeferredCheck(
Expression expression, PrefixBuilder prefix, int charOffset);
bool isIdentical(Member? member);
Expression buildMethodInvocation(
Expression receiver, Name name, Arguments arguments, int offset,
{bool isConstantExpression: false,
bool isNullAware: false,
bool isSuper: false});
Expression buildConstructorInvocation(
TypeDeclarationBuilder type,
Token nameToken,
Token nameLastToken,
Arguments? arguments,
String name,
List<UnresolvedType>? typeArguments,
int charOffset,
Constness constness,
{bool isTypeArgumentsInForest = false,
TypeDeclarationBuilder? typeAliasBuilder});
UnresolvedType validateTypeUse(UnresolvedType unresolved,
{required bool nonInstanceAccessIsError,
required bool allowPotentiallyConstantType});
void addProblemErrorIfConst(Message message, int charOffset, int length);
Expression buildProblemErrorIfConst(
Message message, int charOffset, int length);
Message warnUnresolvedGet(Name name, int charOffset, {bool isSuper: false});
Message warnUnresolvedSet(Name name, int charOffset, {bool isSuper: false});
Message warnUnresolvedMethod(Name name, int charOffset,
{bool isSuper: false});
void warnTypeArgumentsMismatch(String name, int expected, int charOffset);
Expression wrapInLocatedProblem(Expression expression, LocatedMessage message,
{List<LocatedMessage>? context});
Expression evaluateArgumentsBefore(
Arguments arguments, Expression expression);
DartType buildDartType(UnresolvedType unresolvedType,
{bool nonInstanceAccessIsError: false});
DartType buildTypeLiteralDartType(UnresolvedType unresolvedType,
{bool nonInstanceAccessIsError});
List<DartType> buildDartTypeArguments(List<UnresolvedType>? unresolvedTypes);
void reportDuplicatedDeclaration(
Builder existing, String name, int charOffset);
/// Creates a synthetic variable declaration for the value of [expression].
VariableDeclarationImpl createVariableDeclarationForValue(
Expression expression);
/// Creates a [VariableGet] of the [variable] using [charOffset] as the file
/// offset of the created node.
Expression createVariableGet(VariableDeclaration variable, int charOffset,
{bool forNullGuardedAccess: false});
/// Registers that [variable] is assigned to.
/// This is needed for type promotion.
void registerVariableAssignment(VariableDeclaration variable);
TypeEnvironment get typeEnvironment;
/// Checks that a generic [typedef] for a generic class.
bool isProperRenameForClass(
TypeEnvironment typeEnvironment, Typedef typedef, Library typedefLibrary) {
DartType? rhsType = typedef.type;
if (rhsType is! InterfaceType) {
return false;
List<TypeParameter> fromParameters = typedef.typeParameters;
List<TypeParameter> toParameters = rhsType.classNode.typeParameters;
List<DartType> typeArguments = rhsType.typeArguments;
if (fromParameters.length != typeArguments.length) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < fromParameters.length; ++i) {
if (typeArguments[i] !=
new TypeParameterType.withDefaultNullabilityForLibrary(
fromParameters[i], typedefLibrary)) {
return false;
Map<TypeParameter, DartType> substitutionMap = {};
for (int i = 0; i < fromParameters.length; ++i) {
substitutionMap[fromParameters[i]] = new TypeParameterType.forAlphaRenaming(
fromParameters[i], toParameters[i]);
Substitution substitution = Substitution.fromMap(substitutionMap);
for (int i = 0; i < fromParameters.length; ++i) {
if (!typeEnvironment.areMutualSubtypes(
SubtypeCheckMode.withNullabilities)) {
return false;
return true;