blob: cd1db8f6c52a568ed0d177d247c8228ec8bb49a0 [file] [log] [blame]
library /*isNonNullableByDefault*/;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
class M1 extends core::Object {
synthetic constructor •() self::M1
method method(covariant-by-declaration core::int a, core::int b) dynamic
class M2 extends core::Object {
synthetic constructor •() self::M2
method method(core::int a, covariant-by-declaration core::int b) dynamic
abstract class _C&Object&M1 = core::Object with self::M1 /*isAnonymousMixin,hasConstConstructor*/ {
const synthetic constructor •() self::_C&Object&M1
: super core::Object::•()
mixin-super-stub method method(covariant-by-declaration core::int a, core::int b) dynamic
return super.{self::M1::method}(a, b);
abstract class _C&Object&M1&M2 = self::_C&Object&M1 with self::M2 /*isAnonymousMixin,hasConstConstructor*/ {
const synthetic constructor •() self::_C&Object&M1&M2
: super self::_C&Object&M1::•()
forwarding-stub method method(covariant-by-declaration core::int a, covariant-by-declaration core::int b) dynamic
return super.{self::M2::method}(a, b);
class C extends self::_C&Object&M1&M2 {
synthetic constructor •() self::C
class Direct extends core::Object {
synthetic constructor •() self::Direct
method positional(covariant-by-declaration core::int a, core::int b, covariant-by-declaration core::int c, core::int d, core::int e) void
method optional([covariant-by-declaration core::int a = 0, core::int b = 0, covariant-by-declaration core::int c = 0, core::int d = 0]) void
method named({covariant-by-declaration core::int a = 0, core::int b = 0, covariant-by-declaration core::int c = 0, core::int d = 0}) void
class Inherited extends self::Direct {
synthetic constructor •() self::Inherited
class Override1 extends core::Object {
synthetic constructor •() self::Override1
method method(covariant-by-declaration core::int a, core::int b, core::int c, core::int d, core::int e) void
class Override2 extends self::Override1 {
synthetic constructor •() self::Override2
method method(covariant-by-declaration core::int a, core::int b, covariant-by-declaration core::int c, core::int d, core::int e) void
class Override3 extends self::Override2 {
synthetic constructor •() self::Override3
method method(covariant-by-declaration core::int a, core::int b, covariant-by-declaration core::int c, core::int d, core::int e) void
abstract class Implement1 extends core::Object {
synthetic constructor •() self::Implement1
method method(covariant-by-declaration core::int a, core::int b, core::int c, core::int d, core::int e) void
class Implement2 extends core::Object {
synthetic constructor •() self::Implement2
method method(core::int a, covariant-by-declaration core::int b, core::int c, core::int d, core::int e) void
class Implement3 extends core::Object {
synthetic constructor •() self::Implement3
method method(core::int a, core::int b, covariant-by-declaration core::int c, core::int d, core::int e) void
class Implement4 extends core::Object implements self::Implement3 {
synthetic constructor •() self::Implement4
method method(core::int a, core::int b, covariant-by-declaration core::int c, covariant-by-declaration core::int d, core::int e) void
class Implement5 extends core::Object implements self::Implement1, self::Implement2, self::Implement4 {
synthetic constructor •() self::Implement5
method method(covariant-by-declaration core::int a, covariant-by-declaration core::int b, covariant-by-declaration core::int c, covariant-by-declaration core::int d, covariant-by-declaration core::int e) void
class Interface1 extends core::Object {
synthetic constructor •() self::Interface1
method method(covariant-by-declaration core::int a, core::int b, core::int c, core::int d, core::int e) void
class Interface2 extends core::Object {
synthetic constructor •() self::Interface2
method method(core::int a, covariant-by-declaration core::int b, core::int c, core::int d, core::int e) void
class Mixin1 extends core::Object {
synthetic constructor •() self::Mixin1
method method(core::int a, core::int b, covariant-by-declaration core::int c, core::int d, core::int e) void
class Mixin2 extends core::Object {
synthetic constructor •() self::Mixin2
method method(core::int a, core::int b, core::int c, covariant-by-declaration core::int d, core::int e) void
class Superclass extends core::Object {
synthetic constructor •() self::Superclass
method method(core::int a, core::int b, core::int c, core::int d, covariant-by-declaration core::int e) void
abstract class _Mixed&Superclass&Mixin1 = self::Superclass with self::Mixin1 /*isAnonymousMixin*/ {
synthetic constructor •() self::_Mixed&Superclass&Mixin1
: super self::Superclass::•()
forwarding-stub method method(core::int a, core::int b, covariant-by-declaration core::int c, core::int d, covariant-by-declaration core::int e) void
return super.{self::Mixin1::method}(a, b, c, d, e);
abstract class _Mixed&Superclass&Mixin1&Mixin2 = self::_Mixed&Superclass&Mixin1 with self::Mixin2 /*isAnonymousMixin*/ {
synthetic constructor •() self::_Mixed&Superclass&Mixin1&Mixin2
: super self::_Mixed&Superclass&Mixin1::•()
forwarding-stub method method(core::int a, core::int b, covariant-by-declaration core::int c, covariant-by-declaration core::int d, covariant-by-declaration core::int e) void
return super.{self::Mixin2::method}(a, b, c, d, e);
class Mixed extends self::_Mixed&Superclass&Mixin1&Mixin2 implements self::Interface1, self::Interface2 {
synthetic constructor •() self::Mixed
forwarding-stub method method(covariant-by-declaration core::int a, covariant-by-declaration core::int b, covariant-by-declaration core::int c, covariant-by-declaration core::int d, covariant-by-declaration core::int e) void
return super.{self::Mixin2::method}(a, b, c, d, e);
static method main() void