blob: af53af31a153dceaaa2d28b71aa24f5832f9cef6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart2js.js_emitter;
class ClassEmitter extends CodeEmitterHelper {
* Documentation wanted -- johnniwinther
* Invariant: [classElement] must be a declaration element.
void generateClass(ClassElement classElement,
ClassBuilder properties,
Map<String, jsAst.Expression> additionalProperties) {
final onlyForRti =
assert(invariant(classElement, classElement.isDeclaration));
assert(invariant(classElement, !classElement.isNative() || onlyForRti));
task.needsDefineClass = true;
String className = namer.getNameOfClass(classElement);
ClassElement superclass = classElement.superclass;
String superName = "";
if (superclass != null) {
superName = namer.getNameOfClass(superclass);
if (classElement.isMixinApplication) {
String mixinName = namer.getNameOfClass(computeMixinClass(classElement));
superName = '$superName+$mixinName';
task.needsMixinSupport = true;
ClassBuilder builder = new ClassBuilder(namer);
emitClassConstructor(classElement, builder, onlyForRti: onlyForRti);
emitFields(classElement, builder, superName, onlyForRti: onlyForRti);
emitClassGettersSetters(classElement, builder, onlyForRti: onlyForRti);
emitInstanceMembers(classElement, builder, onlyForRti: onlyForRti);
task.typeTestEmitter.emitIsTests(classElement, builder);
if (additionalProperties != null) {
if (classElement == compiler.closureClass) {
// We add a special getter here to allow for tearing off a closure from
// itself.
String name = namer.getMappedInstanceName(Compiler.CALL_OPERATOR_NAME);
jsAst.Fun function = js('function() { return this; }');
builder.addProperty(namer.getterNameFromAccessorName(name), function);
emitTypeVariableReaders(classElement, builder);
className, classElement, builder, properties);
void emitClassConstructor(ClassElement classElement,
ClassBuilder builder,
{bool onlyForRti: false}) {
List<String> fields = <String>[];
if (!onlyForRti && !classElement.isNative()) {
visitFields(classElement, false,
(Element member,
String name,
String accessorName,
bool needsGetter,
bool needsSetter,
bool needsCheckedSetter) {
String constructorName = namer.getNameOfClass(classElement);
// TODO(sra): Implement placeholders in VariableDeclaration position:
// task.precompiledFunction.add(js.statement('function #(#) { #; }',
// [ constructorName, fields,
// (name) => js('this.# = #', [name, name]))]));
new jsAst.FunctionDeclaration(
new jsAst.VariableDeclaration(constructorName),
js('function(#) { #; }',
[fields, => js('this.# = #', [name, name]))])));
// TODO(floitsch): do we actually need the name field?
// TODO(floitsch): these should all go through the namer.
#.builtin$cls = #;
if (!"name" in #) = #;
if ($desc instanceof Array) $desc = $desc[1];
#.prototype = $desc;
[ constructorName, js.string(constructorName),
constructorName, js.string(constructorName),
task.precompiledConstructorNames.add(js('#', constructorName));
/// Returns `true` if fields added.
bool emitFields(Element element,
ClassBuilder builder,
String superName,
{ bool classIsNative: false,
bool emitStatics: false,
bool onlyForRti: false }) {
assert(!emitStatics || !onlyForRti);
if (element.isLibrary()) {
assert(invariant(element, emitStatics));
} else if (!element.isClass()) {
throw new SpannableAssertionFailure(
element, 'Must be a ClassElement or a LibraryElement');
if (emitStatics) {
assert(invariant(element, superName == null, message: superName));
} else {
assert(invariant(element, superName != null));
builder.superName = superName;
var fieldMetadata = [];
bool hasMetadata = false;
bool fieldsAdded = false;
if (!onlyForRti) {
visitFields(element, emitStatics,
(VariableElement field,
String name,
String accessorName,
bool needsGetter,
bool needsSetter,
bool needsCheckedSetter) {
// Ignore needsCheckedSetter - that is handled below.
bool needsAccessor = (needsGetter || needsSetter);
// We need to output the fields for non-native classes so we can auto-
// generate the constructor. For native classes there are no
// constructors, so we don't need the fields unless we are generating
// accessors at runtime.
if (!classIsNative || needsAccessor) {
var metadata = task.metadataEmitter.buildMetadataFunction(field);
if (metadata != null) {
hasMetadata = true;
} else {
metadata = new jsAst.LiteralNull();
recordMangledField(field, accessorName,;
String fieldName = name;
String fieldCode = '';
String reflectionMarker = '';
if (!needsAccessor) {
// Emit field for constructor generation.
} else {
// Emit (possibly renaming) field name so we can add accessors at
// runtime.
if (name != accessorName) {
fieldName = '$accessorName:$name';
int getterCode = 0;
if (needsAccessor && backend.fieldHasInterceptedGetter(field)) {
if (needsAccessor && backend.fieldHasInterceptedGetter(field)) {
if (needsGetter) {
if (field.isInstanceMember()) {
// 01: function() { return this.field; }
// 10: function(receiver) { return receiver.field; }
// 11: function(receiver) { return this.field; }
bool isIntercepted = backend.fieldHasInterceptedGetter(field);
getterCode += isIntercepted ? 2 : 0;
getterCode += backend.isInterceptorClass(element) ? 0 : 1;
// TODO(sra): 'isInterceptorClass' might not be the correct test
// for methods forced to use the interceptor convention because
// the method's class was elsewhere mixed-in to an interceptor.
assert(!field.isInstanceMember() || getterCode != 0);
if (isIntercepted) {
} else {
getterCode = 1;
int setterCode = 0;
if (needsSetter) {
if (field.isInstanceMember()) {
// 01: function(value) { this.field = value; }
// 10: function(receiver, value) { receiver.field = value; }
// 11: function(receiver, value) { this.field = value; }
bool isIntercepted = backend.fieldHasInterceptedSetter(field);
setterCode += isIntercepted ? 2 : 0;
setterCode += backend.isInterceptorClass(element) ? 0 : 1;
assert(!field.isInstanceMember() || setterCode != 0);
if (isIntercepted) {
} else {
setterCode = 1;
int code = getterCode + (setterCode << 2);
if (code == 0) {
'Field code is 0 ($element/$field).');
} else {
if (backend.isAccessibleByReflection(field)) {
reflectionMarker = '-';
if (backend.isNeededForReflection(field)) {
DartType type = field.computeType(compiler);
reflectionMarker = '-${task.metadataEmitter.reifyType(type)}';
fieldsAdded = true;
if (hasMetadata) {
builder.fieldMetadata = fieldMetadata;
return fieldsAdded;
void emitClassGettersSetters(ClassElement classElement,
ClassBuilder builder,
{bool onlyForRti: false}) {
if (onlyForRti) return;
visitFields(classElement, false,
(VariableElement member,
String name,
String accessorName,
bool needsGetter,
bool needsSetter,
bool needsCheckedSetter) {
compiler.withCurrentElement(member, () {
if (needsCheckedSetter) {
generateCheckedSetter(member, name, accessorName, builder);
if (needsGetter) {
generateGetter(member, name, accessorName, builder);
if (needsSetter) {
generateSetter(member, name, accessorName, builder);
* Documentation wanted -- johnniwinther
* Invariant: [classElement] must be a declaration element.
void emitInstanceMembers(ClassElement classElement,
ClassBuilder builder,
{bool onlyForRti: false}) {
assert(invariant(classElement, classElement.isDeclaration));
if (onlyForRti || classElement.isMixinApplication) return;
void visitMember(ClassElement enclosing, Element member) {
assert(invariant(classElement, member.isDeclaration));
if (member.isInstanceMember()) {
task.containerBuilder.addMember(member, builder);
includeBackendMembers: true);
if (identical(classElement, compiler.objectClass)
&& compiler.enabledNoSuchMethod) {
// Emit the noSuchMethod handlers on the Object prototype now,
// so that the code in the dynamicFunction helper can find
// them. Note that this helper is invoked before analyzing the
// full JS script.
if (!task.nativeEmitter.handleNoSuchMethod) {
void emitClassBuilderWithReflectionData(String className,
ClassElement classElement,
ClassBuilder classBuilder,
ClassBuilder enclosingBuilder) {
var metadata = task.metadataEmitter.buildMetadataFunction(classElement);
if (metadata != null) {
classBuilder.addProperty("@", metadata);
if (backend.isNeededForReflection(classElement)) {
Link typeVars = classElement.typeVariables;
Iterable typeVariableProperties = task.typeVariableHandler
ClassElement superclass = classElement.superclass;
bool hasSuper = superclass != null;
if ((!typeVariableProperties.isEmpty && !hasSuper) ||
(hasSuper && superclass.typeVariables != typeVars)) {
new jsAst.ArrayInitializer.from(typeVariableProperties));
List<jsAst.Property> statics = new List<jsAst.Property>();
ClassBuilder staticsBuilder = new ClassBuilder(namer);
if (emitFields(classElement, staticsBuilder, null, emitStatics: true)) {
Map<OutputUnit, ClassBuilder> classPropertyLists =
if (classPropertyLists != null) {
for (ClassBuilder classProperties in classPropertyLists.values) {
// TODO(sigurdm): What about deferred?
if (classProperties != null) {
if (!statics.isEmpty) {
classBuilder.addProperty('static', new jsAst.ObjectInitializer(statics));
// TODO(ahe): This method (generateClass) should return a jsAst.Expression.
enclosingBuilder.addProperty(className, classBuilder.toObjectInitializer());
String reflectionName = task.getReflectionName(classElement, className);
if (reflectionName != null) {
if (!backend.isNeededForReflection(classElement)) {
enclosingBuilder.addProperty("+$reflectionName", js.number(0));
} else {
List<int> types = <int>[];
if (classElement.supertype != null) {
for (DartType interface in classElement.interfaces) {
new jsAst.ArrayInitializer.from(;
* Calls [addField] for each of the fields of [element].
* [element] must be a [ClassElement] or a [LibraryElement].
* If [element] is a [ClassElement], the static fields of the class are
* visited if [visitStatics] is true and the instance fields are visited if
* [visitStatics] is false.
* If [element] is a [LibraryElement], [visitStatics] must be true.
* When visiting the instance fields of a class, the fields of its superclass
* are also visited if the class is instantiated.
* Invariant: [element] must be a declaration element.
void visitFields(Element element, bool visitStatics, AcceptField f) {
assert(invariant(element, element.isDeclaration));
bool isClass = false;
bool isLibrary = false;
if (element.isClass()) {
isClass = true;
} else if (element.isLibrary()) {
isLibrary = true;
assert(invariant(element, visitStatics));
} else {
throw new SpannableAssertionFailure(
element, 'Expected a ClassElement or a LibraryElement.');
// If the class is never instantiated we still need to set it up for
// inheritance purposes, but we can simplify its JavaScript constructor.
bool isInstantiated =
void visitField(Element holder, VariableElement field) {
assert(invariant(element, field.isDeclaration));
String name =;
// Keep track of whether or not we're dealing with a field mixin
// into a native class.
bool isMixinNativeField =
isClass && element.isNative() && holder.isMixinApplication;
// See if we can dynamically create getters and setters.
// We can only generate getters and setters for [element] since
// the fields of super classes could be overwritten with getters or
// setters.
bool needsGetter = false;
bool needsSetter = false;
if (isLibrary || isMixinNativeField || holder == element) {
needsGetter = fieldNeedsGetter(field);
needsSetter = fieldNeedsSetter(field);
if ((isInstantiated && !holder.isNative())
|| needsGetter
|| needsSetter) {
String accessorName = namer.fieldAccessorName(field);
String fieldName = namer.fieldPropertyName(field);
bool needsCheckedSetter = false;
if (compiler.enableTypeAssertions
&& needsSetter
&& !canAvoidGeneratedCheckedSetter(field)) {
needsCheckedSetter = true;
needsSetter = false;
// Getters and setters with suffixes will be generated dynamically.
f(field, fieldName, accessorName, needsGetter, needsSetter,
if (isLibrary) {
LibraryElement library = element;
library.implementation.forEachLocalMember((Element member) {
if (member.isField()) visitField(library, member);
} else if (visitStatics) {
ClassElement cls = element;
} else {
ClassElement cls = element;
// TODO(kasperl): We should make sure to only emit one version of
// overridden fields. Right now, we rely on the ordering so the
// fields pulled in from mixins are replaced with the fields from
// the class definition.
// If a class is not instantiated then we add the field just so we can
// generate the field getter/setter dynamically. Since this is only
// allowed on fields that are in [element] we don't need to visit
// superclasses for non-instantiated classes.
visitField, includeSuperAndInjectedMembers: isInstantiated);
void recordMangledField(Element member,
String accessorName,
String memberName) {
if (!backend.shouldRetainGetter(member)) return;
String previousName;
if (member.isInstanceMember()) {
previousName = task.mangledFieldNames.putIfAbsent(
() => memberName);
} else {
previousName = task.mangledGlobalFieldNames.putIfAbsent(
() => memberName);
assert(invariant(member, previousName == memberName,
message: '$previousName != ${memberName}'));
bool fieldNeedsGetter(VariableElement field) {
if (fieldAccessNeverThrows(field)) return false;
return backend.shouldRetainGetter(field)
|| compiler.codegenWorld.hasInvokedGetter(field, compiler);
bool fieldNeedsSetter(VariableElement field) {
if (fieldAccessNeverThrows(field)) return false;
return (!field.modifiers.isFinalOrConst())
&& (backend.shouldRetainSetter(field)
|| compiler.codegenWorld.hasInvokedSetter(field, compiler));
// We never access a field in a closure (a captured variable) without knowing
// that it is there. Therefore we don't need to use a getter (that will throw
// if the getter method is missing), but can always access the field directly.
static bool fieldAccessNeverThrows(VariableElement field) {
return field is ClosureFieldElement;
bool canAvoidGeneratedCheckedSetter(VariableElement member) {
// We never generate accessors for top-level/static fields.
if (!member.isInstanceMember()) return true;
DartType type = member.type;
return type.treatAsDynamic || (type.element == compiler.objectClass);
void generateCheckedSetter(Element member,
String fieldName,
String accessorName,
ClassBuilder builder) {
jsAst.Expression code = backend.generatedCode[member];
assert(code != null);
String setterName = namer.setterNameFromAccessorName(accessorName);
builder.addProperty(setterName, code);
member, setterName, builder, isGetter: false);
void generateGetter(Element member, String fieldName, String accessorName,
ClassBuilder builder) {
String getterName = namer.getterNameFromAccessorName(accessorName);
ClassElement cls = member.getEnclosingClass();
String className = namer.getNameOfClass(cls);
String receiver = backend.isInterceptorClass(cls) ? 'receiver' : 'this';
List<String> args = backend.isInterceptedMethod(member) ? ['receiver'] : [];
js('#.prototype.# = function(#) { return #.# }',
[className, getterName, args, receiver, fieldName]));
if (backend.isNeededForReflection(member)) {
js('#.prototype.#.${namer.reflectableField} = 1',
[className, getterName]));
void generateSetter(Element member, String fieldName, String accessorName,
ClassBuilder builder) {
String setterName = namer.setterNameFromAccessorName(accessorName);
ClassElement cls = member.getEnclosingClass();
String className = namer.getNameOfClass(cls);
String receiver = backend.isInterceptorClass(cls) ? 'receiver' : 'this';
List<String> args = backend.isInterceptedMethod(member) ? ['receiver'] : [];
// TODO: remove 'return'?
js('#.prototype.# = function(#, v) { return #.# = v; }',
[className, setterName, args, receiver, fieldName]));
if (backend.isNeededForReflection(member)) {
js('#.prototype.#.${namer.reflectableField} = 1',
[className, setterName]));
void generateReflectionDataForFieldGetterOrSetter(Element member,
String name,
ClassBuilder builder,
{bool isGetter}) {
Selector selector = isGetter
? new Selector.getter(, member.getLibrary())
: new Selector.setter(, member.getLibrary());
String reflectionName = task.getReflectionName(selector, name);
if (reflectionName != null) {
var reflectable =
js(backend.isAccessibleByReflection(member) ? '1' : '0');
builder.addProperty('+$reflectionName', reflectable);
void emitTypeVariableReaders(ClassElement cls, ClassBuilder builder) {
List typeVariables = [];
ClassElement superclass = cls;
while (superclass != null) {
for (TypeVariableType parameter in superclass.typeVariables) {
if (task.readTypeVariables.contains(parameter.element)) {
emitTypeVariableReader(cls, builder, parameter.element);
superclass = superclass.superclass;
void emitTypeVariableReader(ClassElement cls,
ClassBuilder builder,
TypeVariableElement element) {
String name = namer.readTypeVariableName(element);
jsAst.Expression index =
jsAst.Expression computeTypeVariable;
Substitution substitution =
cls, element.enclosingElement, alwaysGenerateFunction: true);
if (substitution != null) {
jsAst.Expression typeArguments =
js(r'#.apply(null, this.$builtinTypeInfo)',
substitution.getCode(backend.rti, true));
computeTypeVariable = js('#[#]', [typeArguments, index]);
} else {
// TODO(ahe): These can be generated dynamically.
computeTypeVariable =
js(r'this.$builtinTypeInfo && this.$builtinTypeInfo[#]', index);
jsAst.Expression convertRtiToRuntimeType =
js('function () { return #(#) }',
[convertRtiToRuntimeType, computeTypeVariable]));