| // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| part of dart.core; |
| |
| // Frequently used character codes. |
| const int _SPACE = 0x20; |
| const int _PERCENT = 0x25; |
| const int _AMPERSAND = 0x26; |
| const int _PLUS = 0x2B; |
| const int _DOT = 0x2E; |
| const int _SLASH = 0x2F; |
| const int _COLON = 0x3A; |
| const int _EQUALS = 0x3d; |
| const int _UPPER_CASE_A = 0x41; |
| const int _UPPER_CASE_Z = 0x5A; |
| const int _LEFT_BRACKET = 0x5B; |
| const int _BACKSLASH = 0x5C; |
| const int _RIGHT_BRACKET = 0x5D; |
| const int _LOWER_CASE_A = 0x61; |
| const int _LOWER_CASE_F = 0x66; |
| const int _LOWER_CASE_Z = 0x7A; |
| |
| const String _hexDigits = "0123456789ABCDEF"; |
| |
| /// A parsed URI, such as a URL. |
| /// |
| /// To create a URI with specific components, use [new Uri]: |
| /// ```dart |
| /// var httpsUri = Uri( |
| /// scheme: 'https', |
| /// host: 'dart.dev', |
| /// path: '/guides/libraries/library-tour', |
| /// fragment: 'numbers'); |
| /// print(httpsUri); // https://dart.dev/guides/libraries/library-tour#numbers |
| /// |
| /// httpsUri = Uri( |
| /// scheme: 'https', |
| /// host: 'example.com', |
| /// path: '/page/', |
| /// queryParameters: {'search': 'blue', 'limit': '10'}); |
| /// print(httpsUri); // https://example.com/page/?search=blue&limit=10 |
| /// |
| /// final mailtoUri = Uri( |
| /// scheme: 'mailto', |
| /// path: 'John.Doe@example.com', |
| /// queryParameters: {'subject': 'Example'}); |
| /// print(mailtoUri); // mailto:John.Doe@example.com?subject=Example |
| /// ``` |
| /// |
| /// ## HTTP and HTTPS URI |
| /// To create a URI with https scheme, use [Uri.https] or [Uri.http]: |
| /// ```dart |
| /// final httpsUri = Uri.https('example.com', 'api/fetch', {'limit': '10'}); |
| /// print(httpsUri); // https://example.com/api/fetch?limit=10 |
| /// ``` |
| /// ## File URI |
| /// To create a URI from file path, use [Uri.file]: |
| /// ```dart |
| /// final fileUriUnix = |
| /// Uri.file(r'/home/myself/images/image.png', windows: false); |
| /// print(fileUriUnix); // file:///home/myself/images/image.png |
| /// |
| /// final fileUriWindows = |
| /// Uri.file(r'C:\Users\myself\Documents\image.png', windows: true); |
| /// print(fileUriWindows); // file:///C:/Users/myself/Documents/image.png |
| /// ``` |
| /// If the URI is not a file URI, calling this throws [UnsupportedError]. |
| /// |
| /// ## Directory URI |
| /// Like [Uri.file] except that a non-empty URI path ends in a slash. |
| /// ```dart |
| /// final fileDirectory = |
| /// Uri.directory('/home/myself/data/image', windows: false); |
| /// print(fileDirectory); // file:///home/myself/data/image/ |
| /// |
| /// final fileDirectoryWindows = Uri.directory('/data/images', windows: true); |
| /// print(fileDirectoryWindows); // file:///data/images/ |
| /// ``` |
| /// |
| /// ## URI from string |
| /// To create a URI from string, use [Uri.parse] or [Uri.tryParse]: |
| /// ```dart |
| /// final uri = Uri.parse( |
| /// 'https://dart.dev/guides/libraries/library-tour#utility-classes'); |
| /// print(uri); // https://dart.dev |
| /// print(uri.isScheme('https')); // true |
| /// print(uri.origin); // https://dart.dev |
| /// print(uri.host); // dart.dev |
| /// print(uri.authority); // dart.dev |
| /// print(uri.port); // 443 |
| /// print(uri.path); // guides/libraries/library-tour |
| /// print(uri.pathSegments); // [guides, libraries, library-tour] |
| /// print(uri.fragment); // utility-classes |
| /// print(uri.hasQuery); // false |
| /// print(uri.data); // null |
| /// ``` |
| /// |
| /// **See also:** |
| /// * [URIs][uris] in the [library tour][libtour] |
| /// * [RFC-3986](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986) |
| /// * [RFC-2396](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2396) |
| /// * [RFC-2045](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2045) |
| /// |
| /// [uris]: https://dart.dev/guides/libraries/library-tour#uris |
| /// [libtour]: https://dart.dev/guides/libraries/library-tour |
| abstract class Uri { |
| /// The natural base URI for the current platform. |
| /// |
| /// When running in a browser, this is the current URL of the current page |
| /// (from `window.location.href`). |
| /// |
| /// When not running in a browser, this is the file URI referencing |
| /// the current working directory. |
| external static Uri get base; |
| |
| /// Creates a new URI from its components. |
| /// |
| /// Each component is set through a named argument. Any number of |
| /// components can be provided. The [path] and [query] components can be set |
| /// using either of two different named arguments. |
| /// |
| /// The scheme component is set through [scheme]. The scheme is |
| /// normalized to all lowercase letters. If the scheme is omitted or empty, |
| /// the URI will not have a scheme part. |
| /// |
| /// The user info part of the authority component is set through |
| /// [userInfo]. It defaults to the empty string, which will be omitted |
| /// from the string representation of the URI. |
| /// |
| /// The host part of the authority component is set through |
| /// [host]. The host can either be a hostname, an IPv4 address or an |
| /// IPv6 address, contained in `'['` and `']'`. If the host contains a |
| /// ':' character, the `'['` and `']'` are added if not already provided. |
| /// The host is normalized to all lowercase letters. |
| /// |
| /// The port part of the authority component is set through |
| /// [port]. |
| /// If [port] is omitted or `null`, it implies the default port for |
| /// the URI's scheme, and is equivalent to passing that port explicitly. |
| /// The recognized schemes, and their default ports, are "http" (80) and |
| /// "https" (443). All other schemes are considered as having zero as the |
| /// default port. |
| /// |
| /// If any of `userInfo`, `host` or `port` are provided, |
| /// the URI has an authority according to [hasAuthority]. |
| /// |
| /// The path component is set through either [path] or |
| /// [pathSegments]. |
| /// When [path] is used, it should be a valid URI path, |
| /// but invalid characters, except the general delimiters ':/@[]?#', |
| /// will be escaped if necessary. |
| /// When [pathSegments] is used, each of the provided segments |
| /// is first percent-encoded and then joined using the forward slash |
| /// separator. |
| /// |
| /// The percent-encoding of the path segments encodes all |
| /// characters except for the unreserved characters and the following |
| /// list of characters: `!$&'()*+,;=:@`. If the other components |
| /// necessitate an absolute path, a leading slash `/` is prepended if |
| /// not already there. |
| /// |
| /// The query component is set through either [query] or [queryParameters]. |
| /// When [query] is used, the provided string should be a valid URI query, |
| /// but invalid characters, other than general delimiters, |
| /// will be escaped if necessary. |
| /// When [queryParameters] is used, the query is built from the |
| /// provided map. Each key and value in the map is percent-encoded |
| /// and joined using equal and ampersand characters. |
| /// A value in the map must be either a string, or an [Iterable] of strings, |
| /// where the latter corresponds to multiple values for the same key. |
| /// |
| /// The percent-encoding of the keys and values encodes all characters |
| /// except for the unreserved characters, and replaces spaces with `+`. |
| /// If [query] is the empty string, it is equivalent to omitting it. |
| /// To have an actual empty query part, |
| /// use an empty map for [queryParameters]. |
| /// |
| /// If both [query] and [queryParameters] are omitted or `null`, |
| /// the URI has no query part. |
| /// |
| /// The fragment component is set through [fragment]. |
| /// It should be a valid URI fragment, but invalid characters other than |
| /// general delimiters are escaped if necessary. |
| /// If [fragment] is omitted or `null`, the URI has no fragment part. |
| /// |
| /// Example: |
| /// ```dart |
| /// final httpsUri = Uri( |
| /// scheme: 'https', |
| /// host: 'dart.dev', |
| /// path: 'guides/libraries/library-tour', |
| /// fragment: 'numbers'); |
| /// print(httpsUri); // https://dart.dev/guides/libraries/library-tour#numbers |
| /// |
| /// final mailtoUri = Uri( |
| /// scheme: 'mailto', |
| /// path: 'John.Doe@example.com', |
| /// queryParameters: {'subject': 'Example'}); |
| /// print(mailtoUri); // mailto:John.Doe@example.com?subject=Example |
| /// ``` |
| factory Uri( |
| {String? scheme, |
| String? userInfo, |
| String? host, |
| int? port, |
| String? path, |
| Iterable<String>? pathSegments, |
| String? query, |
| Map<String, dynamic /*String|Iterable<String>*/ >? queryParameters, |
| String? fragment}) = _Uri; |
| |
| /// Creates a new `http` URI from authority, path and query. |
| /// |
| /// Example: |
| /// ```dart |
| /// var uri = Uri.http('example.org', '/path', { 'q' : 'dart' }); |
| /// print(uri); // http://example.org/path?q=dart |
| /// |
| /// uri = Uri.http('user:password@localhost:8080', ''); |
| /// print(uri); // http://user:password@localhost:8080 |
| /// |
| /// uri = Uri.http('example.org', 'a b'); |
| /// print(uri); // http://example.org/a%20b |
| /// |
| /// uri = Uri.http('example.org', '/a%2F'); |
| /// print(uri); // http://example.org/a%252F |
| /// ``` |
| /// |
| /// The `scheme` is always set to `http`. |
| /// |
| /// The `userInfo`, `host` and `port` components are set from the |
| /// [authority] argument. If `authority` is `null` or empty, |
| /// the created `Uri` has no authority, and isn't directly usable |
| /// as an HTTP URL, which must have a non-empty host. |
| /// |
| /// The `path` component is set from the [unencodedPath] |
| /// argument. The path passed must not be encoded as this constructor |
| /// encodes the path. |
| /// |
| /// The `query` component is set from the optional [queryParameters] |
| /// argument. |
| factory Uri.http(String authority, String unencodedPath, |
| [Map<String, dynamic>? queryParameters]) = _Uri.http; |
| |
| /// Creates a new `https` URI from authority, path and query. |
| /// |
| /// This constructor is the same as [Uri.http] except for the scheme |
| /// which is set to `https`. |
| /// |
| /// Example: |
| /// ```dart |
| /// var uri = Uri.https('example.org', '/path', {'q': 'dart'}); |
| /// print(uri); // https://example.org/path?q=dart |
| /// |
| /// uri = Uri.https('user:password@localhost:8080', ''); |
| /// print(uri); // https://user:password@localhost:8080 |
| /// |
| /// uri = Uri.https('example.org', 'a b'); |
| /// print(uri); // https://example.org/a%20b |
| /// |
| /// uri = Uri.https('example.org', '/a%2F'); |
| /// print(uri); // https://example.org/a%252F |
| /// ``` |
| factory Uri.https(String authority, String unencodedPath, |
| [Map<String, dynamic>? queryParameters]) = _Uri.https; |
| |
| /// Creates a new file URI from an absolute or relative file path. |
| /// |
| /// The file path is passed in [path]. |
| /// |
| /// This path is interpreted using either Windows or non-Windows |
| /// semantics. |
| /// |
| /// With non-Windows semantics, the slash (`/`) is used to separate |
| /// path segments in the input [path]. |
| /// |
| /// With Windows semantics, backslash (`\`) and forward-slash (`/`) |
| /// are used to separate path segments in the input [path], |
| /// except if the path starts with `\\?\` in which case |
| /// only backslash (`\`) separates path segments in [path]. |
| /// |
| /// If the path starts with a path separator, an absolute URI (with the |
| /// `file` scheme and an empty authority) is created. |
| /// Otherwise a relative URI reference with no scheme or authority is created. |
| /// One exception to this rule is that when Windows semantics is used |
| /// and the path starts with a drive letter followed by a colon (":") and a |
| /// path separator, then an absolute URI is created. |
| /// |
| /// The default for whether to use Windows or non-Windows semantics |
| /// is determined from the platform Dart is running on. When running in |
| /// the standalone VM, this is detected by the VM based on the |
| /// operating system. When running in a browser, non-Windows semantics |
| /// is always used. |
| /// |
| /// To override the automatic detection of which semantics to use pass |
| /// a value for [windows]. Passing `true` will use Windows |
| /// semantics and passing `false` will use non-Windows semantics. |
| /// |
| /// Examples using non-Windows semantics: |
| /// ```dart |
| /// // xxx/yyy |
| /// Uri.file('xxx/yyy', windows: false); |
| /// |
| /// // xxx/yyy/ |
| /// Uri.file('xxx/yyy/', windows: false); |
| /// |
| /// // file:///xxx/yyy |
| /// Uri.file('/xxx/yyy', windows: false); |
| /// |
| /// // file:///xxx/yyy/ |
| /// Uri.file('/xxx/yyy/', windows: false); |
| /// |
| /// // C%3A |
| /// Uri.file('C:', windows: false); |
| /// ``` |
| /// |
| /// Examples using Windows semantics: |
| /// ```dart |
| /// // xxx/yyy |
| /// Uri.file(r'xxx\yyy', windows: true); |
| /// |
| /// // xxx/yyy/ |
| /// Uri.file(r'xxx\yyy\', windows: true); |
| /// |
| /// file:///xxx/yyy |
| /// Uri.file(r'\xxx\yyy', windows: true); |
| /// |
| /// file:///xxx/yyy/ |
| /// Uri.file(r'\xxx\yyy/', windows: true); |
| /// |
| /// // file:///C:/xxx/yyy |
| /// Uri.file(r'C:\xxx\yyy', windows: true); |
| /// |
| /// // This throws an error. A path with a drive letter, but no following |
| /// // path, is not allowed. |
| /// Uri.file(r'C:', windows: true); |
| /// |
| /// // This throws an error. A path with a drive letter is not absolute. |
| /// Uri.file(r'C:xxx\yyy', windows: true); |
| /// |
| /// // file://server/share/file |
| /// Uri.file(r'\\server\share\file', windows: true); |
| /// ``` |
| /// |
| /// If the path passed is not a valid file path, an error is thrown. |
| factory Uri.file(String path, {bool? windows}) = _Uri.file; |
| |
| /// Like [Uri.file] except that a non-empty URI path ends in a slash. |
| /// |
| /// If [path] is not empty, and it doesn't end in a directory separator, |
| /// then a slash is added to the returned URI's path. |
| /// In all other cases, the result is the same as returned by `Uri.file`. |
| /// |
| /// Example: |
| /// ```dart |
| /// final fileDirectory = Uri.directory('data/images', windows: false); |
| /// print(fileDirectory); // data/images/ |
| /// |
| /// final fileDirectoryWindows = |
| /// Uri.directory(r'C:\data\images', windows: true); |
| /// print(fileDirectoryWindows); // file:///C:/data/images/ |
| /// ``` |
| factory Uri.directory(String path, {bool? windows}) = _Uri.directory; |
| |
| /// Creates a `data:` URI containing the [content] string. |
| /// |
| /// Converts the content to bytes using [encoding] or the charset specified |
| /// in [parameters] (defaulting to US-ASCII if not specified or unrecognized), |
| /// then encodes the bytes into the resulting data URI. |
| /// |
| /// Defaults to encoding using percent-encoding (any non-ASCII or |
| /// non-URI-valid bytes is replaced by a percent encoding). If [base64] is |
| /// true, the bytes are instead encoded using [base64]. |
| /// |
| /// If [encoding] is not provided and [parameters] has a `charset` entry, |
| /// that name is looked up using [Encoding.getByName], |
| /// and if the lookup returns an encoding, that encoding is used to convert |
| /// [content] to bytes. |
| /// If providing both an [encoding] and a charset in [parameters], they should |
| /// agree, otherwise decoding won't be able to use the charset parameter |
| /// to determine the encoding. |
| /// |
| /// If [mimeType] and/or [parameters] are supplied, they are added to the |
| /// created URI. If any of these contain characters that are not allowed |
| /// in the data URI, the character is percent-escaped. If the character is |
| /// non-ASCII, it is first UTF-8 encoded and then the bytes are percent |
| /// encoded. An omitted [mimeType] in a data URI means `text/plain`, just |
| /// as an omitted `charset` parameter defaults to meaning `US-ASCII`. |
| /// |
| /// To read the content back, use [UriData.contentAsString]. |
| /// |
| /// Example: |
| /// ```dart |
| /// final uri = Uri.dataFromString( |
| /// 'example content', |
| /// mimeType: 'text/plain', |
| /// parameters: <String, String>{'search': 'file', 'max': '10'}, |
| /// ); |
| /// print(uri); // data:;search=name;max=10,example%20content |
| /// ``` |
| factory Uri.dataFromString(String content, |
| {String? mimeType, |
| Encoding? encoding, |
| Map<String, String>? parameters, |
| bool base64 = false}) { |
| UriData data = UriData.fromString(content, |
| mimeType: mimeType, |
| encoding: encoding, |
| parameters: parameters, |
| base64: base64); |
| return data.uri; |
| } |
| |
| /// Creates a `data:` URI containing an encoding of [bytes]. |
| /// |
| /// Defaults to Base64 encoding the bytes, but if [percentEncoded] |
| /// is `true`, the bytes will instead be percent encoded (any non-ASCII |
| /// or non-valid-ASCII-character byte is replaced by a percent encoding). |
| /// |
| /// To read the bytes back, use [UriData.contentAsBytes]. |
| /// |
| /// It defaults to having the mime-type `application/octet-stream`. |
| /// The [mimeType] and [parameters] are added to the created URI. |
| /// If any of these contain characters that are not allowed |
| /// in the data URI, the character is percent-escaped. If the character is |
| /// non-ASCII, it is first UTF-8 encoded and then the bytes are percent |
| /// encoded. |
| /// |
| /// Example: |
| /// ```dart |
| /// final uri = Uri.dataFromBytes([68, 97, 114, 116]); |
| /// print(uri); // data:application/octet-stream;base64,RGFydA== |
| /// ``` |
| factory Uri.dataFromBytes(List<int> bytes, |
| {String mimeType = "application/octet-stream", |
| Map<String, String>? parameters, |
| bool percentEncoded = false}) { |
| UriData data = UriData.fromBytes(bytes, |
| mimeType: mimeType, |
| parameters: parameters, |
| percentEncoded: percentEncoded); |
| return data.uri; |
| } |
| |
| /// The scheme component of the URI. |
| /// |
| /// The value is the empty string if there is no scheme component. |
| /// |
| /// A URI scheme is case insensitive. |
| /// The returned scheme is canonicalized to lowercase letters. |
| String get scheme; |
| |
| /// The authority component. |
| /// |
| /// The authority is formatted from the [userInfo], [host] and [port] |
| /// parts. |
| /// |
| /// The value is the empty string if there is no authority component. |
| String get authority; |
| |
| /// The user info part of the authority component. |
| /// |
| /// The value is the empty string if there is no user info in the |
| /// authority component. |
| String get userInfo; |
| |
| /// The host part of the authority component. |
| /// |
| /// The value is the empty string if there is no authority component and |
| /// hence no host. |
| /// |
| /// If the host is an IP version 6 address, the surrounding `[` and `]` is |
| /// removed. |
| /// |
| /// The host string is case-insensitive. |
| /// The returned host name is canonicalized to lower-case |
| /// with upper-case percent-escapes. |
| String get host; |
| |
| /// The port part of the authority component. |
| /// |
| /// The value is the default port if there is no port number in the authority |
| /// component. That's 80 for http, 443 for https, and 0 for everything else. |
| int get port; |
| |
| /// The path component. |
| /// |
| /// The path is the actual substring of the URI representing the path, |
| /// and it is encoded where necessary. To get direct access to the decoded |
| /// path, use [pathSegments]. |
| /// |
| /// The path value is the empty string if there is no path component. |
| String get path; |
| |
| /// The query component. |
| /// |
| /// The value is the actual substring of the URI representing the query part, |
| /// and it is encoded where necessary. |
| /// To get direct access to the decoded query, use [queryParameters]. |
| /// |
| /// The value is the empty string if there is no query component. |
| String get query; |
| |
| /// The fragment identifier component. |
| /// |
| /// The value is the empty string if there is no fragment identifier |
| /// component. |
| String get fragment; |
| |
| /// The URI path split into its segments. |
| /// |
| /// Each of the segments in the list has been decoded. |
| /// If the path is empty, the empty list will |
| /// be returned. A leading slash `/` does not affect the segments returned. |
| /// |
| /// The list is unmodifiable and will throw [UnsupportedError] on any |
| /// calls that would mutate it. |
| List<String> get pathSegments; |
| |
| /// The URI query split into a map according to the rules |
| /// specified for FORM post in the [HTML 4.01 specification section |
| /// 17.13.4](https://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/interact/forms.html#h-17.13.4 |
| /// "HTML 4.01 section 17.13.4"). |
| /// |
| /// Each key and value in the resulting map has been decoded. |
| /// If there is no query, the empty map is returned. |
| /// |
| /// Keys in the query string that have no value are mapped to the |
| /// empty string. |
| /// If a key occurs more than once in the query string, it is mapped to |
| /// an arbitrary choice of possible value. |
| /// The [queryParametersAll] getter can provide a map |
| /// that maps keys to all of their values. |
| /// |
| /// Example: |
| /// ```dart import:convert |
| /// final uri = |
| /// Uri.parse('https://example.com/api/fetch?limit=10,20,30&max=100'); |
| /// print(jsonEncode(uri.queryParameters)); |
| /// // {"limit":"10,20,30","max":"100"} |
| /// ``` |
| /// |
| /// The map is unmodifiable. |
| Map<String, String> get queryParameters; |
| |
| /// Returns the URI query split into a map according to the rules |
| /// specified for FORM post in the [HTML 4.01 specification section |
| /// 17.13.4](https://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/interact/forms.html#h-17.13.4 |
| /// "HTML 4.01 section 17.13.4"). |
| /// |
| /// Each key and value in the resulting map has been decoded. If there is no |
| /// query, the map is empty. |
| /// |
| /// Keys are mapped to lists of their values. If a key occurs only once, |
| /// its value is a singleton list. If a key occurs with no value, the |
| /// empty string is used as the value for that occurrence. |
| /// |
| /// Example: |
| /// ```dart import:convert |
| /// final uri = |
| /// Uri.parse('https://example.com/api/fetch?limit=10,20,30&max=100'); |
| /// print(jsonEncode(uri.queryParameters)); // {"limit":"10,20,30","max":"100"} |
| /// ``` |
| /// |
| /// The map and the lists it contains are unmodifiable. |
| Map<String, List<String>> get queryParametersAll; |
| |
| /// Whether the URI is absolute. |
| /// |
| /// A URI is an absolute URI in the sense of RFC 3986 if it has a scheme |
| /// and no fragment. |
| bool get isAbsolute; |
| |
| /// Whether the URI has a [scheme] component. |
| bool get hasScheme => scheme.isNotEmpty; |
| |
| /// Whether the URI has an [authority] component. |
| bool get hasAuthority; |
| |
| /// Whether the URI has an explicit port. |
| /// |
| /// If the port number is the default port number |
| /// (zero for unrecognized schemes, with http (80) and https (443) being |
| /// recognized), |
| /// then the port is made implicit and omitted from the URI. |
| bool get hasPort; |
| |
| /// Whether the URI has a query part. |
| bool get hasQuery; |
| |
| /// Whether the URI has a fragment part. |
| bool get hasFragment; |
| |
| /// Whether the URI has an empty path. |
| bool get hasEmptyPath; |
| |
| /// Whether the URI has an absolute path (starting with '/'). |
| bool get hasAbsolutePath; |
| |
| /// Returns the origin of the URI in the form scheme://host:port for the |
| /// schemes http and https. |
| /// |
| /// It is an error if the scheme is not "http" or "https", or if the host name |
| /// is missing or empty. |
| /// |
| /// See: https://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-html5-20110405/origin-0.html#origin |
| String get origin; |
| |
| /// Whether the scheme of this [Uri] is [scheme]. |
| /// |
| /// The [scheme] should be the same as the one returned by [Uri.scheme], |
| /// but doesn't have to be case-normalized to lower-case characters. |
| /// |
| /// Example: |
| /// ```dart |
| /// var uri = Uri.parse('http://example.com'); |
| /// print(uri.isScheme('HTTP')); // true |
| /// |
| /// final uriNoScheme = Uri(host: 'example.com'); |
| /// print(uriNoScheme.isScheme('HTTP')); // false |
| /// ``` |
| /// |
| /// An empty [scheme] string matches a URI with no scheme |
| /// (one where [hasScheme] returns false). |
| bool isScheme(String scheme); |
| |
| /// Creates a file path from a file URI. |
| /// |
| /// The returned path has either Windows or non-Windows |
| /// semantics. |
| /// |
| /// For non-Windows semantics, the slash ("/") is used to separate |
| /// path segments. |
| /// |
| /// For Windows semantics, the backslash ("\\") separator is used to |
| /// separate path segments. |
| /// |
| /// If the URI is absolute, the path starts with a path separator |
| /// unless Windows semantics is used and the first path segment is a |
| /// drive letter. When Windows semantics is used, a host component in |
| /// the uri in interpreted as a file server and a UNC path is |
| /// returned. |
| /// |
| /// The default for whether to use Windows or non-Windows semantics |
| /// is determined from the platform Dart is running on. When running in |
| /// the standalone VM, this is detected by the VM based on the |
| /// operating system. When running in a browser, non-Windows semantics |
| /// is always used. |
| /// |
| /// To override the automatic detection of which semantics to use pass |
| /// a value for [windows]. Passing `true` will use Windows |
| /// semantics and passing `false` will use non-Windows semantics. |
| /// |
| /// If the URI ends with a slash (i.e. the last path component is |
| /// empty), the returned file path will also end with a slash. |
| /// |
| /// With Windows semantics, URIs starting with a drive letter cannot |
| /// be relative to the current drive on the designated drive. That is, |
| /// for the URI `file:///c:abc` calling `toFilePath` will throw as a |
| /// path segment cannot contain colon on Windows. |
| /// |
| /// Examples using non-Windows semantics (resulting of calling |
| /// toFilePath in comment): |
| /// ```dart |
| /// Uri.parse("xxx/yyy"); // xxx/yyy |
| /// Uri.parse("xxx/yyy/"); // xxx/yyy/ |
| /// Uri.parse("file:///xxx/yyy"); // /xxx/yyy |
| /// Uri.parse("file:///xxx/yyy/"); // /xxx/yyy/ |
| /// Uri.parse("file:///C:"); // /C: |
| /// Uri.parse("file:///C:a"); // /C:a |
| /// ``` |
| /// Examples using Windows semantics (resulting URI in comment): |
| /// ```dart |
| /// Uri.parse("xxx/yyy"); // xxx\yyy |
| /// Uri.parse("xxx/yyy/"); // xxx\yyy\ |
| /// Uri.parse("file:///xxx/yyy"); // \xxx\yyy |
| /// Uri.parse("file:///xxx/yyy/"); // \xxx\yyy\ |
| /// Uri.parse("file:///C:/xxx/yyy"); // C:\xxx\yyy |
| /// Uri.parse("file:C:xxx/yyy"); // Throws as a path segment |
| /// // cannot contain colon on Windows. |
| /// Uri.parse("file://server/share/file"); // \\server\share\file |
| /// ``` |
| /// If the URI is not a file URI, calling this throws |
| /// [UnsupportedError]. |
| /// |
| /// If the URI cannot be converted to a file path, calling this throws |
| /// [UnsupportedError]. |
| // TODO(lrn): Deprecate and move functionality to File class or similar. |
| // The core libraries should not worry about the platform. |
| String toFilePath({bool? windows}); |
| |
| /// Access the structure of a `data:` URI. |
| /// |
| /// Returns a [UriData] object for `data:` URIs and `null` for all other |
| /// URIs. |
| /// The [UriData] object can be used to access the media type and data |
| /// of a `data:` URI. |
| UriData? get data; |
| |
| /// Returns a hash code computed as `toString().hashCode`. |
| /// |
| /// This guarantees that URIs with the same normalized string representation |
| /// have the same hash code. |
| int get hashCode; |
| |
| /// A URI is equal to another URI with the same normalized representation. |
| bool operator ==(Object other); |
| |
| /// The normalized string representation of the URI. |
| String toString(); |
| |
| /// Creates a new `Uri` based on this one, but with some parts replaced. |
| /// |
| /// This method takes the same parameters as the [Uri] constructor, |
| /// and they have the same meaning. |
| /// |
| /// At most one of [path] and [pathSegments] must be provided. |
| /// Likewise, at most one of [query] and [queryParameters] must be provided. |
| /// |
| /// Each part that is not provided will default to the corresponding |
| /// value from this `Uri` instead. |
| /// |
| /// This method is different from [Uri.resolve], which overrides in a |
| /// hierarchical manner, |
| /// and can instead replace each part of a `Uri` individually. |
| /// |
| /// Example: |
| /// ```dart |
| /// final uri1 = Uri.parse( |
| /// 'http://dart.dev/guides/libraries/library-tour#utility-classes'); |
| /// |
| /// final uri2 = uri1.replace( |
| /// scheme: 'https', |
| /// path: 'guides/libraries/library-tour', |
| /// fragment: 'uris'); |
| /// print(uri2); // https://dart.dev/guides/libraries/library-tour#uris |
| /// ``` |
| /// This method acts similarly to using the `Uri` constructor with |
| /// some of the arguments taken from this `Uri`. Example: |
| /// ``` dart continued |
| /// final Uri uri3 = Uri( |
| /// scheme: 'https', |
| /// userInfo: uri1.userInfo, |
| /// host: uri1.host, |
| /// port: uri2.port, |
| /// path: '/guides/language/language-tour', |
| /// query: uri1.query, |
| /// fragment: null); |
| /// print(uri3); // https://dart.dev/guides/language/language-tour |
| /// ``` |
| /// Using this method can be seen as shorthand for the `Uri` constructor |
| /// call above, but may also be slightly faster because the parts taken |
| /// from this `Uri` need not be checked for validity again. |
| Uri replace( |
| {String? scheme, |
| String? userInfo, |
| String? host, |
| int? port, |
| String? path, |
| Iterable<String>? pathSegments, |
| String? query, |
| Map<String, dynamic /*String|Iterable<String>*/ >? queryParameters, |
| String? fragment}); |
| |
| /// Creates a `Uri` that differs from this only in not having a fragment. |
| /// |
| /// If this `Uri` does not have a fragment, it is itself returned. |
| /// |
| /// Example: |
| /// ```dart |
| /// final uri = |
| /// Uri.parse('https://example.org:8080/foo/bar#frag').removeFragment(); |
| /// print(uri); // https://example.org:8080/foo/bar |
| /// ``` |
| Uri removeFragment(); |
| |
| /// Resolve [reference] as an URI relative to `this`. |
| /// |
| /// First turn [reference] into a URI using [Uri.parse]. Then resolve the |
| /// resulting URI relative to `this`. |
| /// |
| /// Returns the resolved URI. |
| /// |
| /// See [resolveUri] for details. |
| Uri resolve(String reference); |
| |
| /// Resolve [reference] as a URI relative to `this`. |
| /// |
| /// Returns the resolved URI. |
| /// |
| /// The algorithm "Transform Reference" for resolving a reference is described |
| /// in [RFC-3986 Section 5](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-5 |
| /// "RFC-1123"). |
| /// |
| /// Updated to handle the case where the base URI is just a relative path - |
| /// that is: when it has no scheme and no authority and the path does not |
| /// start with a slash. |
| /// In that case, the paths are combined without removing leading "..", and |
| /// an empty path is not converted to "/". |
| Uri resolveUri(Uri reference); |
| |
| /// Returns a URI where the path has been normalized. |
| /// |
| /// A normalized path does not contain `.` segments or non-leading `..` |
| /// segments. |
| /// Only a relative path with no scheme or authority may contain |
| /// leading `..` segments; |
| /// a path that starts with `/` will also drop any leading `..` segments. |
| /// |
| /// This uses the same normalization strategy as `Uri().resolve(this)`. |
| /// |
| /// Does not change any part of the URI except the path. |
| /// |
| /// The default implementation of `Uri` always normalizes paths, so calling |
| /// this function has no effect. |
| Uri normalizePath(); |
| |
| /// Creates a new `Uri` object by parsing a URI string. |
| /// |
| /// If [start] and [end] are provided, they must specify a valid substring |
| /// of [uri], and only the substring from `start` to `end` is parsed as a URI. |
| /// |
| /// If the [uri] string is not valid as a URI or URI reference, |
| /// a [FormatException] is thrown. |
| /// |
| /// Example: |
| /// ```dart |
| /// final uri = |
| /// Uri.parse('https://example.com/api/fetch?limit=10,20,30&max=100'); |
| /// print(uri); // https://example.com/api/fetch?limit=10,20,30&max=100 |
| /// |
| /// Uri.parse('::Not valid URI::'); // Throws FormatException. |
| /// ``` |
| static Uri parse(String uri, [int start = 0, int? end]) { |
| // This parsing will not validate percent-encoding, IPv6, etc. |
| // When done splitting into parts, it will call, e.g., [_makeFragment] |
| // to do the final parsing. |
| // |
| // Important parts of the RFC 3986 used here: |
| // URI = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ] |
| // |
| // hier-part = "//" authority path-abempty |
| // / path-absolute |
| // / path-rootless |
| // / path-empty |
| // |
| // URI-reference = URI / relative-ref |
| // |
| // absolute-URI = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] |
| // |
| // relative-ref = relative-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ] |
| // |
| // relative-part = "//" authority path-abempty |
| // / path-absolute |
| // / path-noscheme |
| // / path-empty |
| // |
| // scheme = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "-" / "." ) |
| // |
| // authority = [ userinfo "@" ] host [ ":" port ] |
| // userinfo = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" ) |
| // host = IP-literal / IPv4address / reg-name |
| // IP-literal = "[" ( IPv6address / IPv6addrz / IPvFuture ) "]" |
| // IPv6addrz = IPv6address "%25" ZoneID |
| // ZoneID = 1*( unreserved / pct-encoded ) |
| // port = *DIGIT |
| // reg-name = *( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims ) |
| // |
| // path = path-abempty ; begins with "/" or is empty |
| // / path-absolute ; begins with "/" but not "//" |
| // / path-noscheme ; begins with a non-colon segment |
| // / path-rootless ; begins with a segment |
| // / path-empty ; zero characters |
| // |
| // path-abempty = *( "/" segment ) |
| // path-absolute = "/" [ segment-nz *( "/" segment ) ] |
| // path-noscheme = segment-nz-nc *( "/" segment ) |
| // path-rootless = segment-nz *( "/" segment ) |
| // path-empty = 0<pchar> |
| // |
| // segment = *pchar |
| // segment-nz = 1*pchar |
| // segment-nz-nc = 1*( unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / "@" ) |
| // ; non-zero-length segment without any colon ":" |
| // |
| // pchar = unreserved / pct-encoded / sub-delims / ":" / "@" |
| // |
| // query = *( pchar / "/" / "?" ) |
| // |
| // fragment = *( pchar / "/" / "?" ) |
| end ??= uri.length; |
| |
| // Special case data:URIs. Ignore case when testing. |
| if (end >= start + 5) { |
| int dataDelta = _startsWithData(uri, start); |
| if (dataDelta == 0) { |
| // The case is right. |
| if (start > 0 || end < uri.length) uri = uri.substring(start, end); |
| return UriData._parse(uri, 5, null).uri; |
| } else if (dataDelta == 0x20) { |
| return UriData._parse(uri.substring(start + 5, end), 0, null).uri; |
| } |
| // Otherwise the URI doesn't start with "data:" or any case variant of it. |
| } |
| |
| // The following index-normalization belongs with the scanning, but is |
| // easier to do here because we already have extracted variables from the |
| // indices list. |
| var indices = List<int>.filled(8, 0, growable: false); |
| |
| // Set default values for each position. |
| // The value will either be correct in some cases where it isn't set |
| // by the scanner, or it is clearly recognizable as an unset value. |
| indices |
| ..[0] = 0 |
| ..[_schemeEndIndex] = start - 1 |
| ..[_hostStartIndex] = start - 1 |
| ..[_notSimpleIndex] = start - 1 |
| ..[_portStartIndex] = start |
| ..[_pathStartIndex] = start |
| ..[_queryStartIndex] = end |
| ..[_fragmentStartIndex] = end; |
| var state = _scan(uri, start, end, _uriStart, indices); |
| // Some states that should be non-simple, but the URI ended early. |
| // Paths that end at a ".." must be normalized to end in "../". |
| if (state >= _nonSimpleEndStates) { |
| indices[_notSimpleIndex] = end; |
| } |
| int schemeEnd = indices[_schemeEndIndex]; |
| if (schemeEnd >= start) { |
| // Rescan the scheme part now that we know it's not a path. |
| state = _scan(uri, start, schemeEnd, _schemeStart, indices); |
| if (state == _schemeStart) { |
| // Empty scheme. |
| indices[_notSimpleIndex] = schemeEnd; |
| } |
| } |
| // The returned positions are limited by the scanners ability to write only |
| // one position per character, and only the current position. |
| // Scanning from left to right, we only know whether something is a scheme |
| // or a path when we see a `:` or `/`, and likewise we only know if the first |
| // `/` is part of the path or is leading an authority component when we see |
| // the next character. |
| |
| int hostStart = indices[_hostStartIndex] + 1; |
| int portStart = indices[_portStartIndex]; |
| int pathStart = indices[_pathStartIndex]; |
| int queryStart = indices[_queryStartIndex]; |
| int fragmentStart = indices[_fragmentStartIndex]; |
| |
| // We may discover the scheme while handling special cases. |
| String? scheme; |
| |
| // Derive some positions that weren't set to normalize the indices. |
| if (fragmentStart < queryStart) queryStart = fragmentStart; |
| // If pathStart isn't set (it's before scheme end or host start), then |
| // the path is empty, or there is no authority part and the path |
| // starts with a non-simple character. |
| if (pathStart < hostStart) { |
| // There is an authority, but no path. The path would start with `/` |
| // if it was there. |
| pathStart = queryStart; |
| } else if (pathStart <= schemeEnd) { |
| // There is a scheme, but no authority. |
| pathStart = schemeEnd + 1; |
| } |
| // If there is an authority with no port, set the port position |
| // to be at the end of the authority (equal to pathStart). |
| // This also handles a ":" in a user-info component incorrectly setting |
| // the port start position. |
| if (portStart < hostStart) portStart = pathStart; |
| |
| assert(hostStart == start || schemeEnd <= hostStart); |
| assert(hostStart <= portStart); |
| assert(schemeEnd <= pathStart); |
| assert(portStart <= pathStart); |
| assert(pathStart <= queryStart); |
| assert(queryStart <= fragmentStart); |
| |
| bool isSimple = indices[_notSimpleIndex] < start; |
| |
| if (isSimple) { |
| // Check/do normalizations that weren't detected by the scanner. |
| // This includes removal of empty port or userInfo, |
| // or scheme specific port and path normalizations. |
| if (hostStart > schemeEnd + 3) { |
| // Always be non-simple if URI contains user-info. |
| // The scanner doesn't set the not-simple position in this case because |
| // it's setting the host-start position instead. |
| isSimple = false; |
| } else if (portStart > start && portStart + 1 == pathStart) { |
| // If the port is empty, it should be omitted. |
| // Pathological case, don't bother correcting it. |
| isSimple = false; |
| } else if (queryStart < end && |
| (queryStart == pathStart + 2 && |
| uri.startsWith("..", pathStart)) || |
| (queryStart > pathStart + 2 && |
| uri.startsWith("/..", queryStart - 3))) { |
| // The path ends in a ".." segment. This should be normalized to "../". |
| // We didn't detect this while scanning because a query or fragment was |
| // detected at the same time (which is why we only need to check this |
| // if there is something after the path). |
| isSimple = false; |
| } else { |
| // There are a few scheme-based normalizations that |
| // the scanner couldn't check. |
| // That means that the input is very close to simple, so just do |
| // the normalizations. |
| if (schemeEnd == start + 4) { |
| // Do scheme based normalizations for file, http. |
| if (uri.startsWith("file", start)) { |
| scheme = "file"; |
| if (hostStart <= start) { |
| // File URIs should have an authority. |
| // Paths after an authority should be absolute. |
| String schemeAuth = "file://"; |
| int delta = 2; |
| if (!uri.startsWith("/", pathStart)) { |
| schemeAuth = "file:///"; |
| delta = 3; |
| } |
| uri = schemeAuth + uri.substring(pathStart, end); |
| schemeEnd -= start; |
| hostStart = 7; |
| portStart = 7; |
| pathStart = 7; |
| queryStart += delta - start; |
| fragmentStart += delta - start; |
| start = 0; |
| end = uri.length; |
| } else if (pathStart == queryStart) { |
| // Uri has authority and empty path. Add "/" as path. |
| if (start == 0 && end == uri.length) { |
| uri = uri.replaceRange(pathStart, queryStart, "/"); |
| queryStart += 1; |
| fragmentStart += 1; |
| end += 1; |
| } else { |
| uri = "${uri.substring(start, pathStart)}/" |
| "${uri.substring(queryStart, end)}"; |
| schemeEnd -= start; |
| hostStart -= start; |
| portStart -= start; |
| pathStart -= start; |
| queryStart += 1 - start; |
| fragmentStart += 1 - start; |
| start = 0; |
| end = uri.length; |
| } |
| } |
| } else if (uri.startsWith("http", start)) { |
| scheme = "http"; |
| // HTTP URIs should not have an explicit port of 80. |
| if (portStart > start && |
| portStart + 3 == pathStart && |
| uri.startsWith("80", portStart + 1)) { |
| if (start == 0 && end == uri.length) { |
| uri = uri.replaceRange(portStart, pathStart, ""); |
| pathStart -= 3; |
| queryStart -= 3; |
| fragmentStart -= 3; |
| end -= 3; |
| } else { |
| uri = uri.substring(start, portStart) + |
| uri.substring(pathStart, end); |
| schemeEnd -= start; |
| hostStart -= start; |
| portStart -= start; |
| pathStart -= 3 + start; |
| queryStart -= 3 + start; |
| fragmentStart -= 3 + start; |
| start = 0; |
| end = uri.length; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } else if (schemeEnd == start + 5 && uri.startsWith("https", start)) { |
| scheme = "https"; |
| // HTTPS URIs should not have an explicit port of 443. |
| if (portStart > start && |
| portStart + 4 == pathStart && |
| uri.startsWith("443", portStart + 1)) { |
| if (start == 0 && end == uri.length) { |
| uri = uri.replaceRange(portStart, pathStart, ""); |
| pathStart -= 4; |
| queryStart -= 4; |
| fragmentStart -= 4; |
| end -= 3; |
| } else { |
| uri = uri.substring(start, portStart) + |
| uri.substring(pathStart, end); |
| schemeEnd -= start; |
| hostStart -= start; |
| portStart -= start; |
| pathStart -= 4 + start; |
| queryStart -= 4 + start; |
| fragmentStart -= 4 + start; |
| start = 0; |
| end = uri.length; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (isSimple) { |
| if (start > 0 || end < uri.length) { |
| uri = uri.substring(start, end); |
| schemeEnd -= start; |
| hostStart -= start; |
| portStart -= start; |
| pathStart -= start; |
| queryStart -= start; |
| fragmentStart -= start; |
| } |
| return _SimpleUri(uri, schemeEnd, hostStart, portStart, pathStart, |
| queryStart, fragmentStart, scheme); |
| } |
| |
| return _Uri.notSimple(uri, start, end, schemeEnd, hostStart, portStart, |
| pathStart, queryStart, fragmentStart, scheme); |
| } |
| |
| /// Creates a new `Uri` object by parsing a URI string. |
| /// |
| /// If [start] and [end] are provided, they must specify a valid substring |
| /// of [uri], and only the substring from `start` to `end` is parsed as a URI. |
| /// |
| /// Returns `null` if the [uri] string is not valid as a URI or URI reference. |
| /// |
| /// Example: |
| /// ```dart |
| /// final uri = Uri.tryParse( |
| /// 'https://dart.dev/guides/libraries/library-tour#utility-classes', 0, |
| /// 16); |
| /// print(uri); // https://dart.dev |
| /// |
| /// var notUri = Uri.tryParse('::Not valid URI::'); |
| /// print(notUri); // null |
| /// ``` |
| static Uri? tryParse(String uri, [int start = 0, int? end]) { |
| // TODO: Optimize to avoid throwing-and-recatching. |
| try { |
| return parse(uri, start, end); |
| } on FormatException { |
| return null; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Encode the string [component] using percent-encoding to make it |
| /// safe for literal use as a URI component. |
| /// |
| /// All characters except uppercase and lowercase letters, digits and |
| /// the characters `-_.!~*'()` are percent-encoded. This is the |
| /// set of characters specified in RFC 2396 and which is |
| /// specified for the encodeUriComponent in ECMA-262 version 5.1. |
| /// |
| /// When manually encoding path segments or query components, remember |
| /// to encode each part separately before building the path or query |
| /// string. |
| /// |
| /// For encoding the query part consider using |
| /// [encodeQueryComponent]. |
| /// |
| /// To avoid the need for explicitly encoding, use the [pathSegments] |
| /// and [queryParameters] optional named arguments when constructing |
| /// a [Uri]. |
| /// |
| /// Example: |
| /// ```dart |
| /// const request = 'http://example.com/search=Dart'; |
| /// final encoded = Uri.encodeComponent(request); |
| /// print(encoded); // http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Fsearch%3DDart |
| /// ``` |
| static String encodeComponent(String component) { |
| return _Uri._uriEncode(_Uri._unreserved2396Table, component, utf8, false); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Encodes the string [component] according to the HTML 4.01 rules |
| * for encoding the posting of a HTML form as a query string |
| * component. |
| * |
| * Encode the string [component] according to the HTML 4.01 rules |
| * for encoding the posting of a HTML form as a query string |
| * component. |
| |
| * The component is first encoded to bytes using [encoding]. |
| * The default is to use [utf8] encoding, which preserves all |
| * the characters that don't need encoding. |
| |
| * Then the resulting bytes are "percent-encoded". This transforms |
| * spaces (U+0020) to a plus sign ('+') and all bytes that are not |
| * the ASCII decimal digits, letters or one of '-._~' are written as |
| * a percent sign '%' followed by the two-digit hexadecimal |
| * representation of the byte. |
| |
| * Note that the set of characters which are percent-encoded is a |
| * superset of what HTML 4.01 requires, since it refers to RFC 1738 |
| * for reserved characters. |
| * |
| * When manually encoding query components remember to encode each |
| * part separately before building the query string. |
| * |
| * To avoid the need for explicitly encoding the query use the |
| * [queryParameters] optional named arguments when constructing a |
| * [Uri]. |
| * |
| * See https://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html#h- for more |
| * details. |
| */ |
| static String encodeQueryComponent(String component, |
| {Encoding encoding = utf8}) { |
| return _Uri._uriEncode(_Uri._unreservedTable, component, encoding, true); |
| } |
| |
| /// Decodes the percent-encoding in [encodedComponent]. |
| /// |
| /// Note that decoding a URI component might change its meaning as |
| /// some of the decoded characters could be characters which are |
| /// delimiters for a given URI component type. Always split a URI |
| /// component using the delimiters for the component before decoding |
| /// the individual parts. |
| /// |
| /// For handling the [path] and [query] components, consider using |
| /// [pathSegments] and [queryParameters] to get the separated and |
| /// decoded component. |
| /// |
| /// Example: |
| /// ```dart |
| /// final decoded = |
| /// Uri.decodeComponent('http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Fsearch%3DDart'); |
| /// print(decoded); // http://example.com/search=Dart |
| /// ``` |
| static String decodeComponent(String encodedComponent) { |
| return _Uri._uriDecode( |
| encodedComponent, 0, encodedComponent.length, utf8, false); |
| } |
| |
| /// Decodes the percent-encoding in [encodedComponent], converting |
| /// pluses to spaces. |
| /// |
| /// It will create a byte-list of the decoded characters, and then use |
| /// [encoding] to decode the byte-list to a String. The default encoding is |
| /// UTF-8. |
| static String decodeQueryComponent(String encodedComponent, |
| {Encoding encoding = utf8}) { |
| return _Uri._uriDecode( |
| encodedComponent, 0, encodedComponent.length, encoding, true); |
| } |
| |
| /// Encodes the string [uri] using percent-encoding to make it |
| /// safe for literal use as a full URI. |
| /// |
| /// All characters except uppercase and lowercase letters, digits and |
| /// the characters `!#$&'()*+,-./:;=?@_~` are percent-encoded. This |
| /// is the set of characters specified in in ECMA-262 version 5.1 for |
| /// the encodeURI function. |
| /// |
| /// Example: |
| /// ```dart |
| /// final encoded = |
| /// Uri.encodeFull('https://example.com/api/query?search= dart is'); |
| /// print(encoded); // https://example.com/api/query?search=%20dart%20is |
| /// ``` |
| static String encodeFull(String uri) { |
| return _Uri._uriEncode(_Uri._encodeFullTable, uri, utf8, false); |
| } |
| |
| /// Decodes the percent-encoding in [uri]. |
| /// |
| /// Note that decoding a full URI might change its meaning as some of |
| /// the decoded characters could be reserved characters. In most |
| /// cases, an encoded URI should be parsed into components using |
| /// [Uri.parse] before decoding the separate components. |
| /// |
| /// Example: |
| /// ```dart |
| /// final decoded = |
| /// Uri.decodeFull('https://example.com/api/query?search=%20dart%20is'); |
| /// print(decoded); // https://example.com/api/query?search= dart is |
| /// ``` |
| static String decodeFull(String uri) { |
| return _Uri._uriDecode(uri, 0, uri.length, utf8, false); |
| } |
| |
| /// Splits the [query] into a map according to the rules |
| /// specified for FORM post in the [HTML 4.01 specification section |
| /// 17.13.4](https://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/interact/forms.html#h-17.13.4 |
| /// "HTML 4.01 section 17.13.4"). |
| /// |
| /// Each key and value in the returned map has been decoded. If the [query] |
| /// is the empty string, an empty map is returned. |
| /// |
| /// Keys in the query string that have no value are mapped to the |
| /// empty string. |
| /// |
| /// Each query component will be decoded using [encoding]. The default |
| /// encoding is UTF-8. |
| /// |
| /// Example: |
| /// ```dart import:convert |
| /// final queryStringMap = |
| /// Uri.splitQueryString('limit=10&max=100&search=Dart%20is%20fun'); |
| /// print(jsonEncode(queryStringMap)); |
| /// // {"limit":"10","max":"100","search":"Dart is fun"} |
| /// |
| /// ``` |
| static Map<String, String> splitQueryString(String query, |
| {Encoding encoding = utf8}) { |
| return query.split("&").fold({}, (map, element) { |
| int index = element.indexOf("="); |
| if (index == -1) { |
| if (element != "") { |
| map[decodeQueryComponent(element, encoding: encoding)] = ""; |
| } |
| } else if (index != 0) { |
| var key = element.substring(0, index); |
| var value = element.substring(index + 1); |
| map[decodeQueryComponent(key, encoding: encoding)] = |
| decodeQueryComponent(value, encoding: encoding); |
| } |
| return map; |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| /// Parses the [host] as an IP version 4 (IPv4) address, returning the address |
| /// as a list of 4 bytes in network byte order (big endian). |
| /// |
| /// Throws a [FormatException] if [host] is not a valid IPv4 address |
| /// representation. |
| static List<int> parseIPv4Address(String host) => |
| _parseIPv4Address(host, 0, host.length); |
| |
| /// Implementation of [parseIPv4Address] that can work on a substring. |
| static List<int> _parseIPv4Address(String host, int start, int end) { |
| void error(String msg, int position) { |
| throw FormatException('Illegal IPv4 address, $msg', host, position); |
| } |
| |
| var result = Uint8List(4); |
| int partIndex = 0; |
| int partStart = start; |
| for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { |
| int char = host.codeUnitAt(i); |
| if (char != _DOT) { |
| if (char ^ 0x30 > 9) { |
| // Fail on a non-digit character. |
| error("invalid character", i); |
| } |
| } else { |
| if (partIndex == 3) { |
| error('IPv4 address should contain exactly 4 parts', i); |
| } |
| int part = int.parse(host.substring(partStart, i)); |
| if (part > 255) { |
| error("each part must be in the range 0..255", partStart); |
| } |
| result[partIndex++] = part; |
| partStart = i + 1; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (partIndex != 3) { |
| error('IPv4 address should contain exactly 4 parts', end); |
| } |
| |
| int part = int.parse(host.substring(partStart, end)); |
| if (part > 255) { |
| error("each part must be in the range 0..255", partStart); |
| } |
| result[partIndex] = part; |
| |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| /// Parses the [host] as an IP version 6 (IPv6) address. |
| /// |
| /// Returns the address as a list of 16 bytes in network byte order |
| /// (big endian). |
| /// |
| /// Throws a [FormatException] if [host] is not a valid IPv6 address |
| /// representation. |
| /// |
| /// Acts on the substring from [start] to [end]. If [end] is omitted, it |
| /// defaults to the end of the string. |
| /// |
| /// Some examples of IPv6 addresses: |
| /// * `::1` |
| /// * `FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210` |
| /// * `3ffe:2a00:100:7031::1` |
| /// * `::FFFF:` |
| /// * `2010:836B:4179::836B:4179` |
| static List<int> parseIPv6Address(String host, [int start = 0, int? end]) { |
| end ??= host.length; |
| // An IPv6 address consists of exactly 8 parts of 1-4 hex digits, separated |
| // by `:`'s, with the following exceptions: |
| // |
| // - One (and only one) wildcard (`::`) may be present, representing a fill |
| // of 0's. The IPv6 `::` is thus 16 bytes of `0`. |
| // - The last two parts may be replaced by an IPv4 "dotted-quad" address. |
| |
| // Helper function for reporting a badly formatted IPv6 address. |
| void error(String msg, int? position) { |
| throw FormatException('Illegal IPv6 address, $msg', host, position); |
| } |
| |
| // Parse a hex block. |
| int parseHex(int start, int end) { |
| if (end - start > 4) { |
| error('an IPv6 part can only contain a maximum of 4 hex digits', start); |
| } |
| int value = int.parse(host.substring(start, end), radix: 16); |
| if (value < 0 || value > 0xFFFF) { |
| error('each part must be in the range of `0x0..0xFFFF`', start); |
| } |
| return value; |
| } |
| |
| if (host.length < 2) error('address is too short', null); |
| List<int> parts = []; |
| bool wildcardSeen = false; |
| // Set if seeing a ".", suggesting that there is an IPv4 address. |
| bool seenDot = false; |
| int partStart = start; |
| // Parse all parts, except a potential last one. |
| for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { |
| int char = host.codeUnitAt(i); |
| if (char == _COLON) { |
| if (i == start) { |
| // If we see a `:` in the beginning, expect wildcard. |
| i++; |
| if (host.codeUnitAt(i) != _COLON) { |
| error('invalid start colon.', i); |
| } |
| partStart = i; |
| } |
| if (i == partStart) { |
| // Wildcard. We only allow one. |
| if (wildcardSeen) { |
| error('only one wildcard `::` is allowed', i); |
| } |
| wildcardSeen = true; |
| parts.add(-1); |
| } else { |
| // Found a single colon. Parse [partStart..i] as a hex entry. |
| parts.add(parseHex(partStart, i)); |
| } |
| partStart = i + 1; |
| } else if (char == _DOT) { |
| seenDot = true; |
| } |
| } |
| if (parts.length == 0) error('too few parts', null); |
| bool atEnd = (partStart == end); |
| bool isLastWildcard = (parts.last == -1); |
| if (atEnd && !isLastWildcard) { |
| error('expected a part after last `:`', end); |
| } |
| if (!atEnd) { |
| if (!seenDot) { |
| parts.add(parseHex(partStart, end)); |
| } else { |
| List<int> last = _parseIPv4Address(host, partStart, end); |
| parts.add(last[0] << 8 | last[1]); |
| parts.add(last[2] << 8 | last[3]); |
| } |
| } |
| if (wildcardSeen) { |
| if (parts.length > 7) { |
| error('an address with a wildcard must have less than 7 parts', null); |
| } |
| } else if (parts.length != 8) { |
| error('an address without a wildcard must contain exactly 8 parts', null); |
| } |
| List<int> bytes = Uint8List(16); |
| for (int i = 0, index = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { |
| int value = parts[i]; |
| if (value == -1) { |
| int wildCardLength = 9 - parts.length; |
| for (int j = 0; j < wildCardLength; j++) { |
| bytes[index] = 0; |
| bytes[index + 1] = 0; |
| index += 2; |
| } |
| } else { |
| bytes[index] = value >> 8; |
| bytes[index + 1] = value & 0xff; |
| index += 2; |
| } |
| } |
| return bytes; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| class _Uri implements Uri { |
| // We represent the missing scheme as an empty string. |
| // A valid scheme cannot be empty. |
| final String scheme; |
| |
| /// The user-info part of the authority. |
| /// |
| /// Does not distinguish between an empty user-info and an absent one. |
| /// The value is always non-null. |
| /// Is considered absent if [_host] is `null`. |
| final String _userInfo; |
| |
| /// The host name of the URI. |
| /// |
| /// Set to `null` if there is no authority in the URI. |
| /// The host name is the only mandatory part of an authority, so we use |
| /// it to mark whether an authority part was present or not. |
| final String? _host; |
| |
| /// The port number part of the authority. |
| /// |
| /// The port. Set to null if there is no port. Normalized to null if |
| /// the port is the default port for the scheme. |
| int? _port; |
| |
| /// The path of the URI. |
| /// |
| /// Always non-null. |
| final String path; |
| |
| /// The query content, or null if there is no query. |
| final String? _query; |
| |
| // The fragment content, or null if there is no fragment. |
| final String? _fragment; |
| |
| /// Cache of the full normalized text representation of the URI. |
| late final String _text = this._initializeText(); |
| |
| /// Cache of the list of path segments. |
| late final List<String> pathSegments = _computePathSegments(this.path); |
| |
| /// Lazily computed and cached hashCode of [_text]. |
| late final int hashCode = this._text.hashCode; |
| |
| /// Cache the computed return value of [queryParameters]. |
| late final Map<String, String> queryParameters = |
| UnmodifiableMapView<String, String>(Uri.splitQueryString(this.query)); |
| |
| /// Cache the computed return value of [queryParametersAll]. |
| late final Map<String, List<String>> queryParametersAll = |
| _computeQueryParametersAll(this.query); |
| |
| /// Internal non-verifying constructor. Only call with validated arguments. |
| /// |
| /// The components must be properly normalized. |
| /// |
| /// Use `null` for [_host] if there is no authority. In that case, always |
| /// pass `null` for [_port] and an empty string for [_userInfo] as well. |
| /// |
| /// Use `null` for [_port], [_query] and [_fragment] if there is |
| /// component of that type, and empty string for [_userInfo]. |
| /// |
| /// The [path] and [scheme] are never empty. |
| _Uri._internal(this.scheme, this._userInfo, this._host, this._port, this.path, |
| this._query, this._fragment); |
| |
| /// Create a [_Uri] from parts of [uri]. |
| /// |
| /// The parameters specify the start/end of particular components of the URI. |
| /// The [scheme] may contain a string representing a normalized scheme |
| /// component if one has already been discovered. |
| factory _Uri.notSimple( |
| String uri, |
| int start, |
| int end, |
| int schemeEnd, |
| int hostStart, |
| int portStart, |
| int pathStart, |
| int queryStart, |
| int fragmentStart, |
| String? scheme) { |
| if (scheme == null) { |
| scheme = ""; |
| if (schemeEnd > start) { |
| scheme = _makeScheme(uri, start, schemeEnd); |
| } else if (schemeEnd == start) { |
| _fail(uri, start, "Invalid empty scheme"); |
| } |
| } |
| String userInfo = ""; |
| String? host; |
| int? port; |
| if (hostStart > start) { |
| int userInfoStart = schemeEnd + 3; |
| if (userInfoStart < hostStart) { |
| userInfo = _makeUserInfo(uri, userInfoStart, hostStart - 1); |
| } |
| host = _makeHost(uri, hostStart, portStart, false); |
| if (portStart + 1 < pathStart) { |
| int portNumber = |
| int.tryParse(uri.substring(portStart + 1, pathStart)) ?? |
| (throw FormatException("Invalid port", uri, portStart + 1)); |
| port = _makePort(portNumber, scheme); |
| } |
| } |
| String path = |
| _makePath(uri, pathStart, queryStart, null, scheme, host != null); |
| String? query; |
| if (queryStart < fragmentStart) { |
| query = _makeQuery(uri, queryStart + 1, fragmentStart, null); |
| } |
| String? fragment; |
| if (fragmentStart < end) { |
| fragment = _makeFragment(uri, fragmentStart + 1, end); |
| } |
| return _Uri._internal(scheme, userInfo, host, port, path, query, fragment); |
| } |
| |
| /// Implementation of [Uri.Uri]. |
| factory _Uri( |
| {String? scheme, |
| String? userInfo, |
| String? host, |
| int? port, |
| String? path, |
| Iterable<String>? pathSegments, |
| String? query, |
| Map<String, dynamic /*String|Iterable<String>*/ >? queryParameters, |
| String? fragment}) { |
| if (scheme == null) { |
| scheme = ""; |
| } else { |
| scheme = _makeScheme(scheme, 0, scheme.length); |
| } |
| userInfo = _makeUserInfo(userInfo, 0, _stringOrNullLength(userInfo)); |
| if (userInfo == null) { |
| // TODO(dart-lang/language#440): Remove when promotion works. |
| throw "unreachable"; |
| } |
| host = _makeHost(host, 0, _stringOrNullLength(host), false); |
| // Special case this constructor for backwards compatibility. |
| if (query == "") query = null; |
| query = _makeQuery(query, 0, _stringOrNullLength(query), queryParameters); |
| fragment = _makeFragment(fragment, 0, _stringOrNullLength(fragment)); |
| port = _makePort(port, scheme); |
| bool isFile = (scheme == "file"); |
| if (host == null && (userInfo.isNotEmpty || port != null || isFile)) { |
| host = ""; |
| } |
| bool hasAuthority = (host != null); |
| path = _makePath( |
| path, 0, _stringOrNullLength(path), pathSegments, scheme, hasAuthority); |
| if (path == null) { |
| // TODO(dart-lang/language#440): Remove when promotion works. |
| throw "unreachable"; |
| } |
| if (scheme.isEmpty && host == null && !path.startsWith('/')) { |
| bool allowScheme = scheme.isNotEmpty || host != null; |
| path = _normalizeRelativePath(path, allowScheme); |
| } else { |
| path = _removeDotSegments(path); |
| } |
| if (host == null && path.startsWith("//")) { |
| host = ""; |
| } |
| return _Uri._internal(scheme, userInfo, host, port, path, query, fragment); |
| } |
| |
| /// Implementation of [Uri.http]. |
| factory _Uri.http(String authority, String unencodedPath, |
| [Map<String, dynamic>? queryParameters]) { |
| return _makeHttpUri("http", authority, unencodedPath, queryParameters); |
| } |
| |
| /// Implementation of [Uri.https]. |
| factory _Uri.https(String authority, String unencodedPath, |
| [Map<String, dynamic>? queryParameters]) { |
| return _makeHttpUri("https", authority, unencodedPath, queryParameters); |
| } |
| |
| String get authority { |
| if (!hasAuthority) return ""; |
| var sb = StringBuffer(); |
| _writeAuthority(sb); |
| return sb.toString(); |
| } |
| |
| String get userInfo => _userInfo; |
| |
| String get host { |
| String? host = _host; |
| if (host == null) return ""; |
| if (host.startsWith('[')) { |
| return host.substring(1, host.length - 1); |
| } |
| return host; |
| } |
| |
| int get port { |
| return _port ?? _defaultPort(scheme); |
| } |
| |
| /// The default port for the scheme of this Uri. |
| static int _defaultPort(String scheme) { |
| if (scheme == "http") return 80; |
| if (scheme == "https") return 443; |
| return 0; |
| } |
| |
| String get query => _query ?? ""; |
| |
| String get fragment => _fragment ?? ""; |
| |
| bool isScheme(String scheme) { |
| String thisScheme = this.scheme; |
| if (scheme == null) return thisScheme.isEmpty; |
| if (scheme.length != thisScheme.length) return false; |
| return _compareScheme(scheme, thisScheme); |
| } |
| |
| /// Compares scheme characters in [scheme] and at the start of [uri]. |
| /// |
| /// Returns `true` if [scheme] represents the same scheme as the start of |
| /// [uri]. That means having the same characters, but possibly different case |
| /// for letters. |
| /// |
| /// This function doesn't check that the characters are valid URI scheme |
| /// characters. The [uri] is assumed to be valid, so if [scheme] matches |
| /// it, it has to be valid too. |
| /// |
| /// The length should be tested before calling this function, |
| /// so the scheme part of [uri] is known to have the same length as [scheme]. |
| static bool _compareScheme(String scheme, String uri) { |
| for (int i = 0; i < scheme.length; i++) { |
| int schemeChar = scheme.codeUnitAt(i); |
| int uriChar = uri.codeUnitAt(i); |
| int delta = schemeChar ^ uriChar; |
| if (delta != 0) { |
| if (delta == 0x20) { |
| // Might be a case difference. |
| int lowerChar = uriChar | delta; |
| if (0x61 /*a*/ <= lowerChar && lowerChar <= 0x7a /*z*/) { |
| continue; |
| } |
| } |
| return false; |
| } |
| } |
| return true; |
| } |
| |
| /// Report a parse failure. |
| static Never _fail(String uri, int index, String message) { |
| throw FormatException(message, uri, index); |
| } |
| |
| static _Uri _makeHttpUri(String scheme, String? authority, |
| String unencodedPath, Map<String, dynamic>? queryParameters) { |
| var userInfo = ""; |
| String? host; |
| int? port; |
| |
| if (authority != null && authority.isNotEmpty) { |
| var hostStart = 0; |
| // Split off the user info. |
| for (int i = 0; i < authority.length; i++) { |
| const int atSign = 0x40; |
| if (authority.codeUnitAt(i) == atSign) { |
| userInfo = authority.substring(0, i); |
| hostStart = i + 1; |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| var hostEnd = hostStart; |
| if (hostStart < authority.length && |
| authority.codeUnitAt(hostStart) == _LEFT_BRACKET) { |
| // IPv6 host. |
| int escapeForZoneID = -1; |
| for (; hostEnd < authority.length; hostEnd++) { |
| int char = authority.codeUnitAt(hostEnd); |
| if (char == _PERCENT && escapeForZoneID < 0) { |
| escapeForZoneID = hostEnd; |
| if (authority.startsWith("25", hostEnd + 1)) { |
| hostEnd += 2; // Might as well skip the already checked escape. |
| } |
| } else if (char == _RIGHT_BRACKET) { |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| if (hostEnd == authority.length) { |
| throw FormatException( |
| "Invalid IPv6 host entry.", authority, hostStart); |
| } |
| Uri.parseIPv6Address(authority, hostStart + 1, |
| (escapeForZoneID < 0) ? hostEnd : escapeForZoneID); |
| hostEnd++; // Skip the closing bracket. |
| if (hostEnd != authority.length && |
| authority.codeUnitAt(hostEnd) != _COLON) { |
| throw FormatException("Invalid end of authority", authority, hostEnd); |
| } |
| } |
| // Split host and port. |
| for (; hostEnd < authority.length; hostEnd++) { |
| if (authority.codeUnitAt(hostEnd) == _COLON) { |
| var portString = authority.substring(hostEnd + 1); |
| // We allow the empty port - falling back to initial value. |
| if (portString.isNotEmpty) port = int.parse(portString); |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| host = authority.substring(hostStart, hostEnd); |
| } |
| return _Uri( |
| scheme: scheme, |
| userInfo: userInfo, |
| host: host, |
| port: port, |
| pathSegments: unencodedPath.split("/"), |
| queryParameters: queryParameters); |
| } |
| |
| /// Implementation of [Uri.file]. |
| factory _Uri.file(String path, {bool? windows}) { |
| return (windows ?? _Uri._isWindows) |
| ? _makeWindowsFileUrl(path, false) |
| : _makeFileUri(path, false); |
| } |
| |
| /// Implementation of [Uri.directory]. |
| factory _Uri.directory(String path, {bool? windows}) { |
| return (windows ?? _Uri._isWindows) |
| ? _makeWindowsFileUrl(path, true) |
| : _makeFileUri(path, true); |
| } |
| |
| /// Used internally in path-related constructors. |
| external static bool get _isWindows; |
| |
| static void _checkNonWindowsPathReservedCharacters( |
| List<String> segments, bool argumentError) { |
| for (var segment in segments) { |
| if (segment.contains("/")) { |
| if (argumentError) { |
| throw ArgumentError("Illegal path character $segment"); |
| } else { |
| throw UnsupportedError("Illegal path character $segment"); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static void _checkWindowsPathReservedCharacters( |
| List<String> segments, bool argumentError, |
| [int firstSegment = 0]) { |
| for (var segment in segments.skip(firstSegment)) { |
| if (segment.contains(RegExp(r'["*/:<>?\\|]'))) { |
| if (argumentError) { |
| throw ArgumentError("Illegal character in path"); |
| } else { |
| throw UnsupportedError("Illegal character in path: $segment"); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static void _checkWindowsDriveLetter(int charCode, bool argumentError) { |
| if ((_UPPER_CASE_A <= charCode && charCode <= _UPPER_CASE_Z) || |
| (_LOWER_CASE_A <= charCode && charCode <= _LOWER_CASE_Z)) { |
| return; |
| } |
| if (argumentError) { |
| throw ArgumentError( |
| "Illegal drive letter " + String.fromCharCode(charCode)); |
| } else { |
| throw UnsupportedError( |
| "Illegal drive letter " + String.fromCharCode(charCode)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static Uri _makeFileUri(String path, bool slashTerminated) { |
| const String sep = "/"; |
| var segments = path.split(sep); |
| if (slashTerminated && segments.isNotEmpty && segments.last.isNotEmpty) { |
| segments.add(""); // Extra separator at end. |
| } |
| if (path.startsWith(sep)) { |
| // Absolute file:// URI. |
| return Uri(scheme: "file", pathSegments: segments); |
| } else { |
| // Relative URI. |
| return Uri(pathSegments: segments); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| static _makeWindowsFileUrl(String path, bool slashTerminated) { |
| if (path.startsWith(r"\\?\")) { |
| if (path.startsWith(r"UNC\", 4)) { |
| path = path.replaceRange(0, 7, r'\'); |
| } else { |
| path = path.substring(4); |
| if (path.length < 3 || |
| path.codeUnitAt(1) != _COLON || |
| path.codeUnitAt(2) != _BACKSLASH) { |
| throw ArgumentError( |
| r"Windows paths with \\?\ prefix must be absolute"); |
| } |
| } |
| } else { |
| path = path.replaceAll("/", r'\'); |
| } |
| const String sep = r'\'; |
| if (path.length > 1 && path.codeUnitAt(1) == _COLON) { |
| _checkWindowsDriveLetter(path.codeUnitAt(0), true); |
| if (path.length == 2 || path.codeUnitAt(2) != _BACKSLASH) { |
| throw ArgumentError("Windows paths with drive letter must be absolute"); |
| } |
| // Absolute file://C:/ URI. |
| var pathSegments = path.split(sep); |
| if (slashTerminated && pathSegments.last.isNotEmpty) { |
| pathSegments.add(""); // Extra separator at end. |
| } |
| _checkWindowsPathReservedCharacters(pathSegments, true, 1); |
| return Uri(scheme: "file", pathSegments: pathSegments); |
| } |
| |
| if (path.startsWith(sep)) { |
| if (path.startsWith(sep, 1)) { |
| // Absolute file:// URI with host. |
| int pathStart = path.indexOf(r'\', 2); |
| String hostPart = |
| (pathStart < 0) ? path.substring(2) : path.substring(2, pathStart); |
| String pathPart = (pathStart < 0) ? "" : path.substring(pathStart + 1); |
| var pathSegments = pathPart.split(sep); |
| _checkWindowsPathReservedCharacters(pathSegments, true); |
| if (slashTerminated && pathSegments.last.isNotEmpty) { |
| pathSegments.add(""); // Extra separator at end. |
| } |
| return Uri(scheme: "file", host: hostPart, pathSegments: pathSegments); |
| } else { |
| // Absolute file:// URI. |
| var pathSegments = path.split(sep); |
| if (slashTerminated && pathSegments.last.isNotEmpty) { |
| pathSegments.add(""); // Extra separator at end. |
| } |
| _checkWindowsPathReservedCharacters(pathSegments, true); |
| return Uri(scheme: "file", pathSegments: pathSegments); |
| } |
| } else { |
| // Relative URI. |
| var pathSegments = path.split(sep); |
| _checkWindowsPathReservedCharacters(pathSegments, true); |
| if (slashTerminated && |
| pathSegments.isNotEmpty && |
| pathSegments.last.isNotEmpty) { |
| pathSegments.add(""); // Extra separator at end. |
| } |
| return Uri(pathSegments: pathSegments); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| Uri replace( |
| {String? scheme, |
| String? userInfo, |
| String? host, |
| int? port, |
| String? path, |
| Iterable<String>? pathSegments, |
| String? query, |
| Map<String, dynamic /*String|Iterable<String>*/ >? queryParameters, |
| String? fragment}) { |
| // Set to true if the scheme has (potentially) changed. |
| // In that case, the default port may also have changed and we need |
| // to check even the existing port. |
| bool schemeChanged = false; |
| if (scheme != null) { |
| scheme = _makeScheme(scheme, 0, scheme.length); |
| schemeChanged = (scheme != this.scheme); |
| } else { |
| scheme = this.scheme; |
| } |
| |
| bool isFile = (scheme == "file"); |
| if (userInfo != null) { |
| userInfo = _makeUserInfo(userInfo, 0, userInfo.length); |
| } else { |
| userInfo = this._userInfo; |
| } |
| |
| if (port != null) { |
| port = _makePort(port, scheme); |
| } else { |
| port = this._port; |
| if (schemeChanged) { |
| // The default port might have changed. |
| port = _makePort(port, scheme); |
| } |
| } |
| if (host != null) { |
| host = _makeHost(host, 0, host.length, false); |
| } else if (this.hasAuthority) { |
| host = this._host; |
| } else if (userInfo.isNotEmpty || port != null || isFile) { |
| host = ""; |
| } |
| |
| bool hasAuthority = host != null; |
| if (path != null || pathSegments != null) { |
| path = _makePath(path, 0, _stringOrNullLength(path), pathSegments, scheme, |
| hasAuthority); |
| } else { |
| var currentPath = this.path; |
| if ((isFile || (hasAuthority && !currentPath.isEmpty)) && |
| !currentPath.startsWith('/')) { |
| currentPath = "/" + currentPath; |
| } |
| path = currentPath; |
| } |
| |
| if (query != null || queryParameters != null) { |
| query = _makeQuery(query, 0, _stringOrNullLength(query), queryParameters); |
| } else { |
| query = this._query; |
| } |
| |
| if (fragment != null) { |
| fragment = _makeFragment(fragment, 0, fragment.length); |
| } else { |
| fragment = this._fragment; |
| } |
| |
| return _Uri._internal(scheme, userInfo, host, port, path, query, fragment); |
| } |
| |
| Uri removeFragment() { |
| if (!this.hasFragment) return this; |
| return _Uri._internal(scheme, _userInfo, _host, _port, path, _query, null); |
| } |
| |
| static List<String> _computePathSegments(String pathToSplit) { |
| if (pathToSplit.isNotEmpty && pathToSplit.codeUnitAt(0) == _SLASH) { |
| pathToSplit = pathToSplit.substring(1); |
| } |
| return (pathToSplit.isEmpty) |
| ? const <String>[] |
| : List<String>.unmodifiable( |
| pathToSplit.split("/").map(Uri.decodeComponent)); |
| } |
| |
| static Map<String, List<String>> _computeQueryParametersAll(String? query) { |
| if (query == null || query.isEmpty) return const <String, List<String>>{}; |
| Map<String, List<String>> queryParameterLists = _splitQueryStringAll(query); |
| queryParameterLists.updateAll(_toUnmodifiableStringList); |
| return Map<String, List<String>>.unmodifiable(queryParameterLists); |
| } |
| |
| Uri normalizePath() { |
| String path = _normalizePath(this.path, scheme, hasAuthority); |
| if (identical(path, this.path)) return this; |
| return this.replace(path: path); |
| } |
| |
| static int? _makePort(int? port, String scheme) { |
| // Perform scheme specific normalization. |
| if (port != null && port == _defaultPort(scheme)) return null; |
| return port; |
| } |
| |
| /// Check and normalize a host name. |
| /// |
| /// If the host name starts and ends with '[' and ']', it is considered an |
| /// IPv6 address. If [strictIPv6] is false, the address is also considered |
| /// an IPv6 address if it contains any ':' character. |
| /// |
| /// If it is not an IPv6 address, it is case- and escape-normalized. |
| /// This escapes all characters not valid in a reg-name, |
| /// and converts all non-escape upper-case letters to lower-case. |
| static String? _makeHost(String? host, int start, int end, bool strictIPv6) { |
| // TODO(lrn): Should we normalize IPv6 addresses according to RFC 5952? |
| if (host == null) return null; |
| if (start == end) return ""; |
| // Host is an IPv6 address if it starts with '[' or contains a colon. |
| if (host.codeUnitAt(start) == _LEFT_BRACKET) { |
| if (host.codeUnitAt(end - 1) != _RIGHT_BRACKET) { |
| _fail(host, start, 'Missing end `]` to match `[` in host'); |
| } |
| String zoneID = ""; |
| int index = _checkZoneID(host, start + 1, end - 1); |
| if (index < end - 1) { |
| int zoneIDstart = |
| (host.startsWith("25", index + 1)) ? index + 3 : index + 1; |
| zoneID = _normalizeZoneID(host, zoneIDstart, end - 1, "%25"); |
| } |
| Uri.parseIPv6Address(host, start + 1, index); |
| // RFC 5952 requires hex digits to be lower case. |
| return host.substring(start, index).toLowerCase() + zoneID + ']'; |
| } |
| if (!strictIPv6) { |
| // TODO(lrn): skip if too short to be a valid IPv6 address? |
| for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { |
| if (host.codeUnitAt(i) == _COLON) { |
| String zoneID = ""; |
| int index = _checkZoneID(host, start, end); |
| if (index < end) { |
| int zoneIDstart = |
| (host.startsWith("25", index + 1)) ? index + 3 : index + 1; |
| zoneID = _normalizeZoneID(host, zoneIDstart, end, "%25"); |
| } |
| Uri.parseIPv6Address(host, start, index); |
| return '[${host.substring(start, index)}' + zoneID + ']'; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return _normalizeRegName(host, start, end); |
| } |
| |
| /// RFC 6874 check for ZoneID |
| /// Return the index of first appeared `%`. |
| static int _checkZoneID(String host, int start, int end) { |
| int index = host.indexOf('%', start); |
| index = (index >= start && index < end) ? index : end; |
| return index; |
| } |
| |
| static bool _isZoneIDChar(int char) { |
| return char < 127 && (_zoneIDTable[char >> 4] & (1 << (char & 0xf))) != 0; |
| } |
| |
| /// Validates and does case- and percent-encoding normalization. |
| /// |
| /// The same as [_normalizeOrSubstring] |
| /// except this function does not convert characters to lower case. |
| /// The [host] must be an RFC6874 "ZoneID". |
| /// ZoneID = 1*(unreserved / pct-encoded) |
| static String _normalizeZoneID(String host, int start, int end, |
| [String prefix = '']) { |
| StringBuffer? buffer; |
| if (prefix != '') { |
| buffer = StringBuffer(prefix); |
| } |
| int sectionStart = start; |
| int index = start; |
| // Whether all characters between sectionStart and index are normalized, |
| bool isNormalized = true; |
| |
| while (index < end) { |
| int char = host.codeUnitAt(index); |
| if (char == _PERCENT) { |
| String? replacement = _normalizeEscape(host, index, true); |
| if (replacement == null && isNormalized) { |
| index += 3; |
| continue; |
| } |
| buffer ??= StringBuffer(); |
| String slice = host.substring(sectionStart, index); |
| buffer.write(slice); |
| int sourceLength = 3; |
| if (replacement == null) { |
| replacement = host.substring(index, index + 3); |
| } else if (replacement == "%") { |
| _fail(host, index, "ZoneID should not contain % anymore"); |
| } |
| buffer.write(replacement); |
| index += sourceLength; |
| sectionStart = index; |
| isNormalized = true; |
| } else if (_isZoneIDChar(char)) { |
| if (isNormalized && _UPPER_CASE_A <= char && _UPPER_CASE_Z >= char) { |
| // Put initial slice in buffer and continue in non-normalized mode |
| buffer ??= StringBuffer(); |
| if (sectionStart < index) { |
| buffer.write(host.substring(sectionStart, index)); |
| sectionStart = index; |
| } |
| isNormalized = false; |
| } |
| index++; |
| } else { |
| int sourceLength = 1; |
| if ((char & 0xFC00) == 0xD800 && (index + 1) < end) { |
| int tail = host.codeUnitAt(index + 1); |
| if ((tail & 0xFC00) == 0xDC00) { |
| char = 0x10000 | ((char & 0x3ff) << 10) | (tail & 0x3ff); |
| sourceLength = 2; |
| } |
| } |
| String slice = host.substring(sectionStart, index); |
| (buffer ??= StringBuffer()) |
| ..write(slice) |
| ..write(_escapeChar(char)); |
| index += sourceLength; |
| sectionStart = index; |
| } |
| } |
| if (buffer == null) return host.substring(start, end); |
| if (sectionStart < end) { |
| String slice = host.substring(sectionStart, end); |
| buffer.write(slice); |
| } |
| return buffer.toString(); |
| } |
| |
| static bool _isRegNameChar(int char) { |
| return char < 127 && (_regNameTable[char >> 4] & (1 << (char & 0xf))) != 0; |
| } |
| |
| /// Validates and does case- and percent-encoding normalization. |
| /// |
| /// The [host] must be an RFC3986 "reg-name". It is converted |
| /// to lower case, and percent escapes are converted to either |
| /// lower case unreserved characters or upper case escapes. |
| static String _normalizeRegName(String host, int start, int end) { |
| StringBuffer? buffer; |
| int sectionStart = start; |
| int index = start; |
| // Whether all characters between sectionStart and index are normalized, |
| bool isNormalized = true; |
| |
| while (index < end) { |
| int char = host.codeUnitAt(index); |
| if (char == _PERCENT) { |
| // The _regNameTable contains "%", so we check that first. |
| String? replacement = _normalizeEscape(host, index, true); |
| if (replacement == null && isNormalized) { |
| index += 3; |
| continue; |
| } |
| buffer ??= StringBuffer(); |
| String slice = host.substring(sectionStart, index); |
| if (!isNormalized) slice = slice.toLowerCase(); |
| buffer.write(slice); |
| int sourceLength = 3; |
| if (replacement == null) { |
| replacement = host.substring(index, index + 3); |
| } else if (replacement == "%") { |
| replacement = "%25"; |
| sourceLength = 1; |
| } |
| buffer.write(replacement); |
| index += sourceLength; |
| sectionStart = index; |
| isNormalized = true; |
| } else if (_isRegNameChar(char)) { |
| if (isNormalized && _UPPER_CASE_A <= char && _UPPER_CASE_Z >= char) { |
| // Put initial slice in buffer and continue in non-normalized mode |
| buffer ??= StringBuffer(); |
| if (sectionStart < index) { |
| buffer.write(host.substring(sectionStart, index)); |
| sectionStart = index; |
| } |
| isNormalized = false; |
| } |
| index++; |
| } else if (_isGeneralDelimiter(char)) { |
| _fail(host, index, "Invalid character"); |
| } else { |
| int sourceLength = 1; |
| if ((char & 0xFC00) == 0xD800 && (index + 1) < end) { |
| int tail = host.codeUnitAt(index + 1); |
| if ((tail & 0xFC00) == 0xDC00) { |
| char = 0x10000 | ((char & 0x3ff) << 10) | (tail & 0x3ff); |
| sourceLength = 2; |
| } |
| } |
| String slice = host.substring(sectionStart, index); |
| if (!isNormalized) slice = slice.toLowerCase(); |
| (buffer ??= StringBuffer()) |
| ..write(slice) |
| ..write(_escapeChar(char)); |
| index += sourceLength; |
| sectionStart = index; |
| } |
| } |
| if (buffer == null) return host.substring(start, end); |
| if (sectionStart < end) { |
| String slice = host.substring(sectionStart, end); |
| if (!isNormalized) slice = slice.toLowerCase(); |
| buffer.write(slice); |
| } |
| return buffer.toString(); |
| } |
| |
| /// Validates scheme characters and does case-normalization. |
| /// |
| /// Schemes are converted to lower case. They cannot contain escapes. |
| static String _makeScheme(String scheme, int start, int end) { |
| if (start == end) return ""; |
| final int firstCodeUnit = scheme.codeUnitAt(start); |
| if (!_isAlphabeticCharacter(firstCodeUnit)) { |
| _fail(scheme, start, "Scheme not starting with alphabetic character"); |
| } |
| bool containsUpperCase = false; |
| for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { |
| final int codeUnit = scheme.codeUnitAt(i); |
| if (!_isSchemeCharacter(codeUnit)) { |
| _fail(scheme, i, "Illegal scheme character"); |
| } |
| if (_UPPER_CASE_A <= codeUnit && codeUnit <= _UPPER_CASE_Z) { |
| containsUpperCase = true; |
| } |
| } |
| scheme = scheme.substring(start, end); |
| if (containsUpperCase) scheme = scheme.toLowerCase(); |
| return _canonicalizeScheme(scheme); |
| } |
| |
| /// Canonicalize a few often-used scheme strings. |
| /// |
| /// This improves memory usage and makes comparison faster. |
| static String _canonicalizeScheme(String scheme) { |
| if (scheme == "http") return "http"; |
| if (scheme == "file") return "file"; |
| if (scheme == "https") return "https"; |
| if (scheme == "package") return "package"; |
| return scheme; |
| } |
| |
| static String _makeUserInfo(String? userInfo, int start, int end) { |
| if (userInfo == null) return ""; |
| return _normalizeOrSubstring(userInfo, start, end, _userinfoTable); |
| } |
| |
| static String _makePath(String? path, int start, int end, |
| Iterable<String>? pathSegments, String scheme, bool hasAuthority) { |
| bool isFile = (scheme == "file"); |
| bool ensureLeadingSlash = isFile || hasAuthority; |
| String result; |
| if (path == null) { |
| if (pathSegments == null) return isFile ? "/" : ""; |
| result = pathSegments |
| .map((s) => _uriEncode(_pathCharTable, s, utf8, false)) |
| .join("/"); |
| } else if (pathSegments != null) { |
| throw ArgumentError('Both path and pathSegments specified'); |
| } else { |
| result = _normalizeOrSubstring(path, start, end, _pathCharOrSlashTable, |
| escapeDelimiters: true); |
| } |
| if (result.isEmpty) { |
| if (isFile) return "/"; |
| } else if (ensureLeadingSlash && !result.startsWith('/')) { |
| result = "/" + result; |
| } |
| result = _normalizePath(result, scheme, hasAuthority); |
| return result; |
| } |
| |
| /// Performs path normalization (remove dot segments) on a path. |
| /// |
| /// If the URI has neither scheme nor authority, it's considered a |
| /// "pure path" and normalization won't remove leading ".." segments. |
| /// Otherwise it follows the RFC 3986 "remove dot segments" algorithm. |
| static String _normalizePath(String path, String scheme, bool hasAuthority) { |
| if (scheme.isEmpty && !hasAuthority && !path.startsWith('/')) { |
| return _normalizeRelativePath(path, scheme.isNotEmpty || hasAuthority); |
| } |
| return _removeDotSegments(path); |
| } |
| |
| static String? _makeQuery(String? query, int start, int end, |
| Map<String, dynamic /*String|Iterable<String>*/ >? queryParameters) { |
| if (query != null) { |
| if (queryParameters != null) { |
| throw ArgumentError('Both query and queryParameters specified'); |
| } |
| return _normalizeOrSubstring(query, start, end, _queryCharTable, |
| escapeDelimiters: true); |
| } |
| if (queryParameters == null) return null; |
| |
| var result = StringBuffer(); |
| var separator = ""; |
| |
| void writeParameter(String key, String? value) { |
| result.write(separator); |
| separator = "&"; |
| result.write(Uri.encodeQueryComponent(key)); |
| if (value != null && value.isNotEmpty) { |
| result.write("="); |
| result.write(Uri.encodeQueryComponent(value)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| queryParameters.forEach((key, value) { |
| if (value == null || value is String) { |
| writeParameter(key, value); |
| } else { |
| Iterable values = value; |
| for (String value in values) { |
| writeParameter(key, value); |
| } |
| } |
| }); |
| return result.toString(); |
| } |
| |
| static String? _makeFragment(String? fragment, int start, int end) { |
| if (fragment == null) return null; |
| return _normalizeOrSubstring(fragment, start, end, _queryCharTable, |
| escapeDelimiters: true); |
| } |
| |
| /// Performs RFC 3986 Percent-Encoding Normalization. |
| /// |
| /// Returns a replacement string that should replace the original escape. |
| /// Returns null if no replacement is necessary because the escape is |
| /// not for an unreserved character and is already non-lower-case. |
| /// |
| /// Returns "%" if the escape is invalid (not two valid hex digits following |
| /// the percent sign). The calling code should replace the percent |
| /// sign with "%25", but leave the following two characters unmodified. |
| /// |
| /// If [lowerCase] is true, a single character returned is always lower case, |
| static String? _normalizeEscape(String source, int index, bool lowerCase) { |
| assert(source.codeUnitAt(index) == _PERCENT); |
| if (index + 2 >= source.length) { |
| return "%"; // Marks the escape as invalid. |
| } |
| int firstDigit = source.codeUnitAt(index + 1); |
| int secondDigit = source.codeUnitAt(index + 2); |
| int firstDigitValue = hexDigitValue(firstDigit); |
| int secondDigitValue = hexDigitValue(secondDigit); |
| if (firstDigitValue < 0 || secondDigitValue < 0) { |
| return "%"; // Marks the escape as invalid. |
| } |
| int value = firstDigitValue * 16 + secondDigitValue; |
| if (_isUnreservedChar(value)) { |
| if (lowerCase && _UPPER_CASE_A <= value && _UPPER_CASE_Z >= value) { |
| value |= 0x20; |
| } |
| return String.fromCharCode(value); |
| } |
| if (firstDigit >= _LOWER_CASE_A || secondDigit >= _LOWER_CASE_A) { |
| // Either digit is lower case. |
| return source.substring(index, index + 3).toUpperCase(); |
| } |
| // Escape is retained, and is already non-lower case, so return null to |
| // represent "no replacement necessary". |
| return null; |
| } |
| |
| static String _escapeChar(int char) { |
| assert(char <= 0x10ffff); // It's a valid unicode code point. |
| List<int> codeUnits; |
| if (char < 0x80) { |
| // ASCII, a single percent encoded sequence. |
| codeUnits = Uint8List(3); |
| codeUnits[0] = _PERCENT; |
| codeUnits[1] = _hexDigits.codeUnitAt(char >> 4); |
| codeUnits[2] = _hexDigits.codeUnitAt(char & 0xf); |
| } else { |
| // Do UTF-8 encoding of character, then percent encode bytes. |
| int flag = 0xc0; // The high-bit markers on the first byte of UTF-8. |
| int encodedBytes = 2; |
| if (char > 0x7ff) { |
| flag = 0xe0; |
| encodedBytes = 3; |
| if (char > 0xffff) { |
| encodedBytes = 4; |
| flag = 0xf0; |
| } |
| } |
| codeUnits = Uint8List(3 * encodedBytes); |
| int index = 0; |
| while (--encodedBytes >= 0) { |
| int byte = ((char >> (6 * encodedBytes)) & 0x3f) | flag; |
| codeUnits[index] = _PERCENT; |
| codeUnits[index + 1] = _hexDigits.codeUnitAt(byte >> 4); |
| codeUnits[index + 2] = _hexDigits.codeUnitAt(byte & 0xf); |
| index += 3; |
| flag = 0x80; // Following bytes have only high bit set. |
| } |
| } |
| return String.fromCharCodes(codeUnits); |
| } |
| |
| /// Normalizes using [_normalize] or returns substring of original. |
| /// |
| /// If [_normalize] returns `null` (original content is already normalized), |
| /// this methods returns the substring if [component] from [start] to [end]. |
| static String _normalizeOrSubstring( |
| String component, int start, int end, List<int> charTable, |
| {bool escapeDelimiters = false}) { |
| return _normalize(component, start, end, charTable, |
| escapeDelimiters: escapeDelimiters) ?? |
| component.substring(start, end); |
| } |
| |
| /// Runs through component checking that each character is valid and |
| /// normalizes percent escapes. |
| /// |
| /// Uses [charTable] to check if a non-`%` character is allowed. |
| /// Each `%` character must be followed by two hex digits. |
| /// If the hex-digits are lowercase letters, they are converted to |
| /// uppercase. |
| /// |
| /// Returns `null` if the original content was already normalized. |
| static String? _normalize( |
| String component, int start, int end, List<int> charTable, |
| {bool escapeDelimiters = false}) { |
| StringBuffer? buffer; |
| int sectionStart = start; |
| int index = start; |
| // Loop while characters are valid and escapes correct and upper-case. |
| while (index < end) { |
| int char = component.codeUnitAt(index); |
| if (char < 127 && (charTable[char >> 4] & (1 << (char & 0x0f))) != 0) { |
| index++; |
| } else { |
| String? replacement; |
| int sourceLength; |
| if (char == _PERCENT) { |
| replacement = _normalizeEscape(component, index, false); |
| // Returns null if we should keep the existing escape. |
| if (replacement == null) { |
| index += 3; |
| continue; |
| } |
| // Returns "%" if we should escape the existing percent. |
| if ("%" == replacement) { |
| replacement = "%25"; |
| sourceLength = 1; |
| } else { |
| sourceLength = 3; |
| } |
| } else if (!escapeDelimiters && _isGeneralDelimiter(char)) { |
| _fail(component, index, "Invalid character"); |
| throw "unreachable"; // TODO(lrn): Remove when Never-returning functions are recognized as throwing. |
| } else { |
| sourceLength = 1; |
| if ((char & 0xFC00) == 0xD800) { |
| // Possible lead surrogate. |
| if (index + 1 < end) { |
| int tail = component.codeUnitAt(index + 1); |
| if ((tail & 0xFC00) == 0xDC00) { |
| // Tail surrogate. |
| sourceLength = 2; |
| char = 0x10000 | ((char & 0x3ff) << 10) | (tail & 0x3ff); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| replacement = _escapeChar(char); |
| } |
| (buffer ??= StringBuffer()) |
| ..write(component.substring(sectionStart, index)) |
| ..write(replacement); |
| index += sourceLength; |
| sectionStart = index; |
| } |
| } |
| if (buffer == null) { |
| return null; |
| } |
| if (sectionStart < end) { |
| buffer.write(component.substring(sectionStart, end)); |
| } |
| return buffer.toString(); |
| } |
| |
| static bool _isSchemeCharacter(int ch) { |
| return ch < 128 && ((_schemeTable[ch >> 4] & (1 << (ch & 0x0f))) != 0); |
| } |
| |
| static bool _isGeneralDelimiter(int ch) { |
| return ch <= _RIGHT_BRACKET && |
| ((_genDelimitersTable[ch >> 4] & (1 << (ch & 0x0f))) != 0); |
| } |
| |
| /// Whether the URI is absolute. |
| bool get isAbsolute => scheme != "" && fragment == ""; |
| |
| String _mergePaths(String base, String reference) { |
| // Optimize for the case: absolute base, reference beginning with "../". |
| int backCount = 0; |
| int refStart = 0; |
| // Count number of "../" at beginning of reference. |
| while (reference.startsWith("../", refStart)) { |
| refStart += 3; |
| backCount++; |
| } |
| |
| // Drop last segment - everything after last '/' of base. |
| int baseEnd = base.lastIndexOf('/'); |
| // Drop extra segments for each leading "../" of reference. |
| while (baseEnd > 0 && backCount > 0) { |
| int newEnd = base.lastIndexOf('/', baseEnd - 1); |
| if (newEnd < 0) { |
| break; |
| } |
| int delta = baseEnd - newEnd; |
| // If we see a "." or ".." segment in base, stop here and let |
| // _removeDotSegments handle it. |
| if ((delta == 2 || delta == 3) && |
| base.codeUnitAt(newEnd + 1) == _DOT && |
| (delta == 2 || base.codeUnitAt(newEnd + 2) == _DOT)) { |
| break; |
| } |
| baseEnd = newEnd; |
| backCount--; |
| } |
| return base.replaceRange( |
| baseEnd + 1, null, reference.substring(refStart - 3 * backCount)); |
| } |
| |
| /// Make a guess at whether a path contains a `..` or `.` segment. |
| /// |
| /// This is a primitive test that can cause false positives. |
| /// It's only used to avoid a more expensive operation in the case where |
| /// it's not necessary. |
| static bool _mayContainDotSegments(String path) { |
| if (path.startsWith('.')) return true; |
| int index = path.indexOf("/."); |
| return index != -1; |
| } |
| |
| /// Removes '.' and '..' segments from a path. |
| /// |
| /// Follows the RFC 2986 "remove dot segments" algorithm. |
| /// This algorithm is only used on paths of URIs with a scheme, |
| /// and it treats the path as if it is absolute (leading '..' are removed). |
| static String _removeDotSegments(String path) { |
| if (!_mayContainDotSegments(path)) return path; |
| assert(path.isNotEmpty); // An empty path would not have dot segments. |
| List<String> output = []; |
| bool appendSlash = false; |
| for (String segment in path.split("/")) { |
| appendSlash = false; |
| if (segment == "..") { |
| if (output.isNotEmpty) { |
| output.removeLast(); |
| if (output.isEmpty) { |
| output.add(""); |
| } |
| } |
| appendSlash = true; |
| } else if ("." == segment) { |
| appendSlash = true; |
| } else { |
| output.add(segment); |
| } |
| } |
| if (appendSlash) output.add(""); |
| return output.join("/"); |
| } |
| |
| /// Removes all `.` segments and any non-leading `..` segments. |
| /// |
| /// If the path starts with something that looks like a scheme, |
| /// and [allowScheme] is false, the colon is escaped. |
| /// |
| /// Removing the ".." from a "bar/foo/.." sequence results in "bar/" |
| /// (trailing "/"). If the entire path is removed (because it contains as |
| /// many ".." segments as real segments), the result is "./". |
| /// This is different from an empty string, which represents "no path" |
| /// when you resolve it against a base URI with a path with a non-empty |
| /// final segment. |
| static String _normalizeRelativePath(String path, bool allowScheme) { |
| assert(!path.startsWith('/')); // Only get called for relative paths. |
| if (!_mayContainDotSegments(path)) { |
| if (!allowScheme) path = _escapeScheme(path); |
| return path; |
| } |
| assert(path.isNotEmpty); // An empty path would not have dot segments. |
| List<String> output = []; |
| bool appendSlash = false; |
| for (String segment in path.split("/")) { |
| appendSlash = false; |
| if (".." == segment) { |
| if (!output.isEmpty && output.last != "..") { |
| output.removeLast(); |
| appendSlash = true; |
| } else { |
| output.add(".."); |
| } |
| } else if ("." == segment) { |
| appendSlash = true; |
| } else { |
| output.add(segment); |
| } |
| } |
| if (output.isEmpty || (output.length == 1 && output[0].isEmpty)) { |
| return "./"; |
| } |
| if (appendSlash || output.last == '..') output.add(""); |
| if (!allowScheme) output[0] = _escapeScheme(output[0]); |
| return output.join("/"); |
| } |
| |
| /// If [path] starts with a valid scheme, escape the percent. |
| static String _escapeScheme(String path) { |
| if (path.length >= 2 && _isAlphabeticCharacter(path.codeUnitAt(0))) { |
| for (int i = 1; i < path.length; i++) { |
| int char = path.codeUnitAt(i); |
| if (char == _COLON) { |
| return "${path.substring(0, i)}%3A${path.substring(i + 1)}"; |
| } |
| if (char > 127 || |
| ((_schemeTable[char >> 4] & (1 << (char & 0x0f))) == 0)) { |
| break; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return path; |
| } |
| |
| Uri resolve(String reference) { |
| return resolveUri(Uri.parse(reference)); |
| } |
| |
| // Returns the index of the `/` after the package name of a package URI. |
| // |
| // Returns negative if the URI is not a valid package URI: |
| // * Scheme must be "package". |
| // * No authority. |
| // * Path starts with "something"/ |
| // * where "something" is not all "." characters, |
| // * and contains no escapes or colons. |
| // |
| // The characters are necessarily valid path characters. |
| static int _packageNameEnd(Uri uri, String path) { |
| if (uri.isScheme("package") && !uri.hasAuthority) { |
| return _skipPackageNameChars(path, 0, path.length); |
| } |
| return -1; |
| } |
| |
| Uri resolveUri(Uri reference) { |
| // From RFC 3986. |
| String targetScheme; |
| String targetUserInfo = ""; |
| String? targetHost; |
| int? targetPort; |
| String targetPath; |
| String? targetQuery; |
| if (reference.scheme.isNotEmpty) { |
| targetScheme = reference.scheme; |
| if (reference.hasAuthority) { |
| targetUserInfo = reference.userInfo; |
| targetHost = reference.host; |
| targetPort = reference.hasPort ? reference.port : null; |
| } |
| targetPath = _removeDotSegments(reference.path); |
| if (reference.hasQuery) { |
| targetQuery = reference.query; |
| } |
| } else { |
| targetScheme = this.scheme; |
| if (reference.hasAuthority) { |
| targetUserInfo = reference.userInfo; |
| targetHost = reference.host; |
| targetPort = |
| _makePort(reference.hasPort ? reference.port : null, targetScheme); |
| targetPath = _removeDotSegments(reference.path); |
| if (reference.hasQuery) targetQuery = reference.query; |
| } else { |
| targetUserInfo = this._userInfo; |
| targetHost = this._host; |
| targetPort = this._port; |
| if (reference.path == "") { |
| targetPath = this.path; |
| if (reference.hasQuery) { |
| targetQuery = reference.query; |
| } else { |
| targetQuery = this._query; |
| } |
| } else { |
| String basePath = this.path; |
| int packageNameEnd = _packageNameEnd(this, basePath); |
| if (packageNameEnd > 0) { |
| assert(targetScheme == "package"); |
| assert(!this.hasAuthority); |
| assert(!this.hasEmptyPath); |
| // Merging a path into a package URI. |
| String packageName = basePath.substring(0, packageNameEnd); |
| if (reference.hasAbsolutePath) { |
| targetPath = packageName + _removeDotSegments(reference.path); |
| } else { |
| targetPath = packageName + |
| _removeDotSegments(_mergePaths( |
| basePath.substring(packageName.length), reference.path)); |
| } |
| } else if (reference.hasAbsolutePath) { |
| targetPath = _removeDotSegments(reference.path); |
| } else { |
| // This is the RFC 3986 behavior for merging. |
| if (this.hasEmptyPath) { |
| if (!this.hasAuthority) { |
| if (!this.hasScheme) { |
| // Keep the path relative if no scheme or authority. |
| targetPath = reference.path; |
| } else { |
| // Remove leading dot-segments if the path is put |
| // beneath a scheme. |
| targetPath = _removeDotSegments(reference.path); |
| } |
| } else { |
| // RFC algorithm for base with authority and empty path. |
| targetPath = _removeDotSegments("/" + reference.path); |
| } |
| } else { |
| var mergedPath = _mergePaths(this.path, reference.path); |
| if (this.hasScheme || this.hasAuthority || this.hasAbsolutePath) { |
| targetPath = _removeDotSegments(mergedPath); |
| } else { |
| // Non-RFC 3986 behavior. |
| // If both base and reference are relative paths, |
| // allow the merged path to start with "..". |
| // The RFC only specifies the case where the base has a scheme. |
| targetPath = _normalizeRelativePath( |
| mergedPath, this.hasScheme || this.hasAuthority); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| if (reference.hasQuery) targetQuery = reference.query; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| String? fragment = reference.hasFragment ? reference.fragment : null; |
| return _Uri._internal(targetScheme, targetUserInfo, targetHost, targetPort, |
| targetPath, targetQuery, fragment); |
| } |
| |
| bool get hasScheme => scheme.isNotEmpty; |
| |
| bool get hasAuthority => _host != null; |
| |
| bool get hasPort => _port != null; |
| |
| bool get hasQuery => _query != null; |
| |
| bool get hasFragment => _fragment != null; |
| |
| bool get hasEmptyPath => path.isEmpty; |
| |
| bool get hasAbsolutePath => path.startsWith('/'); |
| |
| String get origin { |
| if (scheme == "") { |
| throw StateError("Cannot use origin without a scheme: $this"); |
| } |
| if (scheme != "http" && scheme != "https") { |
| throw StateError( |
| "Origin is only applicable schemes http and https: $this"); |
| } |
| String? host = _host; |
| if (host == null || host == "") { |
| throw StateError( |
| "A $scheme: URI should have a non-empty host name: $this"); |
| } |
| int? port = _port; |
| if (port == null) return "$scheme://$host"; |
| return "$scheme://$host:$port"; |
| } |
| |
| String toFilePath({bool? windows}) { |
| if (scheme != "" && scheme != "file") { |
| throw UnsupportedError("Cannot extract a file path from a $scheme URI"); |
| } |
| if (query != "") { |
| throw UnsupportedError( |
| "Cannot extract a file path from a URI with a query component"); |
| } |
| if (fragment != "") { |
| throw UnsupportedError( |
| "Cannot extract a file path from a URI with a fragment component"); |
| } |
| return (windows ?? _isWindows) ? _toWindowsFilePath(this) : _toFilePath(); |
| } |
| |
| String _toFilePath() { |
| if (hasAuthority && host != "") { |
| throw UnsupportedError( |
| "Cannot extract a non-Windows file path from a file URI " |
| "with an authority"); |
| } |
| // Use path segments to have any escapes unescaped. |
| var pathSegments = this.pathSegments; |
| _checkNonWindowsPathReservedCharacters(pathSegments, false); |
| var result = StringBuffer(); |
| if (hasAbsolutePath) result.write("/"); |
| result.writeAll(pathSegments, "/"); |
| return result.toString(); |
| } |
| |
| static String _toWindowsFilePath(Uri uri) { |
| bool hasDriveLetter = false; |
| var segments = uri.pathSegments; |
| if (segments.length > 0 && |
| segments[0].length == 2 && |
| segments[0].codeUnitAt(1) == _COLON) { |
| _checkWindowsDriveLetter(segments[0].codeUnitAt(0), false); |
| _checkWindowsPathReservedCharacters(segments, false, 1); |
| hasDriveLetter = true; |
| } else { |
| _checkWindowsPathReservedCharacters(segments, false, 0); |
| } |
| var result = StringBuffer(); |
| if (uri.hasAbsolutePath && !hasDriveLetter) result.write(r"\"); |
| if (uri.hasAuthority) { |
| var host = uri.host; |
| if (host.isNotEmpty) { |
| result.write(r"\"); |
| result.write(host); |
| result.write(r"\"); |
| } |
| } |
| result.writeAll(segments, r"\"); |
| if (hasDriveLetter && segments.length == 1) result.write(r"\"); |
| return result.toString(); |
| } |
| |
| void _writeAuthority(StringSink ss) { |
| if (_userInfo.isNotEmpty) { |
| ss.write(_userInfo); |
| ss.write("@"); |
| } |
| if (_host != null) ss.write(_host); |
| if (_port != null) { |
| ss.write(":"); |
| ss.write(_port); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /// Access the structure of a `data:` URI. |
| /// |
| /// Returns a [UriData] object for `data:` URIs and `null` for all other |
| /// URIs. |
| /// The [UriData] object can be used to access the media type and data |
| /// of a `data:` URI. |
| UriData? get data => (scheme == "data") ? UriData.fromUri(this) : null; |
| |
| String toString() => _text; |
| |
| String _initializeText() { |
| StringBuffer sb = StringBuffer(); |
| if (scheme.isNotEmpty) |
| sb |
| ..write(scheme) |
| ..write(":"); |
| if (hasAuthority || (scheme == "file")) { |
| // File URIS always have the authority, even if it is empty. |
| // The empty URI means "localhost". |