| // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| part of dart.core; |
| |
| /// An interface for getting items, one at a time, from an object. |
| /// |
| /// The for-in construct transparently uses `Iterator` to test for the end |
| /// of the iteration, and to get each item (or _element_). |
| /// |
| /// If the object iterated over is changed during the iteration, the |
| /// behavior is unspecified. |
| /// |
| /// The `Iterator` is initially positioned before the first element. |
| /// Before accessing the first element the iterator must thus be advanced using |
| /// [moveNext] to point to the first element. |
| /// If no element is left, then [moveNext] returns false, |
| /// and all further calls to [moveNext] will also return false. |
| /// |
| /// The [current] value must not be accessed before calling [moveNext] |
| /// or after a call to [moveNext] has returned false. |
| /// |
| /// A typical usage of an `Iterator` looks as follows: |
| /// ```dart |
| /// var it = obj.iterator; |
| /// while (it.moveNext()) { |
| /// use(it.current); |
| /// } |
| /// ``` |
| /// **See also:** |
| /// [Iteration](https://dart.dev/guides/libraries/library-tour#iteration) |
| /// in the [library tour](https://dart.dev/guides/libraries/library-tour) |
| abstract class Iterator<E> { |
| /// Advances the iterator to the next element of the iteration. |
| /// |
| /// Should be called before reading [current]. |
| /// If the call to `moveNext` returns `true`, |
| /// then [current] will contain the next element of the iteration |
| /// until `moveNext` is called again. |
| /// If the call returns `false`, there are no further elements |
| /// and [current] should not be used any more. |
| /// |
| /// It is safe to call [moveNext] after it has already returned `false`, |
| /// but it must keep returning `false` and not have any other effect. |
| /// |
| /// A call to `moveNext` may throw for various reasons, |
| /// including a concurrent change to an underlying collection. |
| /// If that happens, the iterator may be in an inconsistent |
| /// state, and any further behavior of the iterator is unspecified, |
| /// including the effect of reading [current]. |
| /// ```dart |
| /// final colors = ['blue', 'yellow', 'red']; |
| /// final colorsIterator = colors.iterator; |
| /// print(colorsIterator.moveNext()); // true |
| /// print(colorsIterator.moveNext()); // true |
| /// print(colorsIterator.moveNext()); // true |
| /// print(colorsIterator.moveNext()); // false |
| /// ``` |
| bool moveNext(); |
| |
| /// The current element. |
| /// |
| /// If the iterator has not yet been moved to the first element |
| /// ([moveNext] has not been called yet), |
| /// or if the iterator has been moved past the last element of the [Iterable] |
| /// ([moveNext] has returned false), |
| /// then [current] is unspecified. |
| /// An [Iterator] may either throw or return an iterator specific default value |
| /// in that case. |
| /// |
| /// The `current` getter should keep its value until the next call to |
| /// [moveNext], even if an underlying collection changes. |
| /// After a successful call to `moveNext`, the user doesn't need to cache |
| /// the current value, but can keep reading it from the iterator. |
| /// ```dart |
| /// final colors = ['blue', 'yellow', 'red']; |
| /// var colorsIterator = colors.iterator; |
| /// while (colorsIterator.moveNext()) { |
| /// print(colorsIterator.current); |
| /// } |
| /// ``` |
| /// The output of the example is: |
| /// ``` |
| /// blue |
| /// yellow |
| /// red |
| /// ``` |
| E get current; |
| } |