blob: 48d0109c2d145430aa3a42444c25bc9f3103d089 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol_special.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/constants.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../tool/lsp_spec/matchers.dart';
import 'server_abstract.dart';
void main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class ServerTest extends AbstractLspAnalysisServerTest {
Future<void> test_inconsistentStateError() async {
await initialize(
// Error is expected and checked below.
failTestOnAnyErrorNotification: false,
await openFile(mainFileUri, '');
// Attempt to make an illegal modification to the file. This indicates the
// client and server are out of sync and we expect the server to shut down.
final error = await expectErrorNotification(() async {
await changeFile(222, mainFileUri, [
range: Range(
start: Position(line: 99, character: 99),
end: Position(line: 99, character: 99)),
text: ' ')),
expect(error, isNotNull);
expect(error.message, contains('Invalid line'));
// Wait for up to 10 seconds for the server to shutdown.
await server.exited.timeout(const Duration(seconds: 10));
Future<void> test_path_doesNotExist() async {
final missingFileUri = Uri.file(join(projectFolderPath, 'missing.dart'));
await initialize();
await expectLater(
getHover(missingFileUri, startOfDocPos),
message: 'File does not exist')),
Future<void> test_path_invalidFormat() async {
await initialize();
await expectLater(
// Add some invalid path characters to the end of a valid file:// URI.
formatDocument(mainFileUri.toString() + r'***###\\\///:::.dart'),
message: 'File URI did not contain a valid file path')),
Future<void> test_path_missingDriveLetterWindows() async {
// This test is only valid on Windows, as a URI in the format:
// file:///foo/bar.dart
// is valid for non-Windows platforms, but not valid on Windows as it does
// not have a drive letter.
if (!Platform.isWindows) {
final missingDriveLetterFileUri = Uri.file('/foo/bar.dart');
await initialize();
await expectLater(
getHover(missingDriveLetterFileUri, startOfDocPos),
// The Uri.file() above translates to a non-file:// URI of just 'a/b.dart'
// so will get the not-file-scheme error message.
message: 'URI was not an absolute file path (missing drive letter)')),
Future<void> test_path_notFileScheme() async {
final relativeFileUri = Uri(scheme: 'foo', path: '/a/b.dart');
await initialize();
await expectLater(
getHover(relativeFileUri, startOfDocPos),
message: 'URI was not a valid file:// URI')),
Future<void> test_path_relative() async {
final relativeFileUri = Uri.file('a/b.dart');
await initialize();
await expectLater(
getHover(relativeFileUri, startOfDocPos),
// The Uri.file() above translates to a non-file:// URI of just 'a/b.dart'
// so will get the not-file-scheme error message.
message: 'URI was not a valid file:// URI')),
Future<void> test_shutdown_initialized() async {
await initialize();
final response = await sendShutdown();
expect(response, isNull);
Future<void> test_shutdown_uninitialized() async {
final response = await sendShutdown();
expect(response, isNull);
Future<void> test_unknownNotifications_logError() async {
await initialize(
// Error is expected and checked below.
failTestOnAnyErrorNotification: false,
final notification =
makeNotification(Method.fromJson(r'some/randomNotification'), null);
final notificationParams = await expectErrorNotification(
() => channel.sendNotificationToServer(notification),
expect(notificationParams, isNotNull);
contains('Unknown method some/randomNotification'),
Future<void> test_unknownOptionalNotifications_silentlyDropped() async {
await initialize();
final notification =
makeNotification(Method.fromJson(r'$/randomNotification'), null);
final firstError = errorNotificationsFromServer.first;
// Wait up to 1sec to ensure no error/log notifications were sent back.
var didTimeout = false;
final notificationFromServer =
await firstError.then<NotificationMessage?>((error) => error).timeout(
const Duration(seconds: 1),
onTimeout: () {
didTimeout = true;
return null;
expect(notificationFromServer, isNull);
expect(didTimeout, isTrue);
Future<void> test_unknownOptionalRequest_rejected() async {
await initialize();
final request = makeRequest(Method.fromJson(r'$/randomRequest'), null);
final response = await channel.sendRequestToServer(request);
expect(, equals(;
expect(response.error, isNotNull);
expect(response.error!.code, equals(ErrorCodes.MethodNotFound));
expect(response.result, isNull);
Future<void> test_unknownRequest_rejected() async {
await initialize();
final request = makeRequest(Method.fromJson('randomRequest'), null);
final response = await channel.sendRequestToServer(request);
expect(, equals(;
expect(response.error, isNotNull);
expect(response.error!.code, equals(ErrorCodes.MethodNotFound));
expect(response.result, isNull);