blob: ba6a1d6086f6c2308c1d99c6aaf06604b62b1133 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol_custom_generated.dart'
as lsp;
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol_custom_generated.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol_generated.dart' as lsp;
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol_generated.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol_special.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/lsp_protocol/protocol_special.dart' as lsp;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/collections.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/client_capabilities.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/constants.dart' as lsp;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/constants.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/dartdoc.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/lsp_analysis_server.dart' as lsp;
import 'package:analysis_server/src/lsp/source_edits.dart';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/protocol_server.dart' as server
hide AnalysisError;
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart' as server;
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart' as server;
import 'package:analyzer/source/line_info.dart' as server;
import 'package:analyzer/source/line_info.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/source/source_range.dart' as server;
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/search.dart' as server
show DeclarationKind;
import 'package:analyzer/src/error/codes.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/services/available_declarations.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/services/available_declarations.dart' as dec;
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart' as plugin;
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/utilities/pair.dart';
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
const languageSourceName = 'dart';
final diagnosticTagsForErrorCode = <String, List<lsp.DiagnosticTag>>{
_errorCode(HintCode.DEAD_CODE): [lsp.DiagnosticTag.Unnecessary],
_errorCode(HintCode.DEPRECATED_MEMBER_USE): [lsp.DiagnosticTag.Deprecated],
/// Pattern for docComplete text on completion items that can be upgraded to
/// the "detail" field so that it can be shown more prominently by clients.
/// This is typically used for labels like _latest compatible_ and _latest_ in
/// the pubspec version items. These go into docComplete so that they appear
/// reasonably for non-LSP clients where there is no equivalent of the detail
/// field.
final _upgradableDocCompletePattern = RegExp(r'^_([\w ]{0,20})_$');
lsp.Either2<String, lsp.MarkupContent> asStringOrMarkupContent(
Set<lsp.MarkupKind>? preferredFormats, String content) {
return preferredFormats == null
? lsp.Either2<String, lsp.MarkupContent>.t1(content)
: lsp.Either2<String, lsp.MarkupContent>.t2(
_asMarkup(preferredFormats, content));
/// Builds an LSP snippet string with supplied ranges as tabstops.
String buildSnippetStringWithTabStops(
String? text,
List<int>? offsetLengthPairs,
) {
text ??= '';
offsetLengthPairs ??= const [];
// Snippets syntax is documented in the LSP spec:
// $1, $2, etc. are used for tab stops and ${1:foo} inserts a placeholder of foo.
final output = [];
var offset = 0;
// When there's only a single tabstop, it should be ${0} as this is treated
// specially as the final cursor position (if we use 1, the editor will insert
// a 0 at the end of the string which is not what we expect).
// When there are multiple, start with ${1} since these are placeholders the
// user can tab through and the editor-inserted ${0} at the end is expected.
var tabStopNumber = offsetLengthPairs.length <= 2 ? 0 : 1;
for (var i = 0; i < offsetLengthPairs.length; i += 2) {
final pairOffset = offsetLengthPairs[i];
final pairLength = offsetLengthPairs[i + 1];
// Add any text that came before this tabstop to the result.
output.add(escapeSnippetString(text.substring(offset, pairOffset)));
// Add this tabstop
final tabStopText = escapeSnippetString(
text.substring(pairOffset, pairOffset + pairLength));
offset = pairOffset + pairLength;
// Add any remaining text that was after the last tabstop.
return output.join('');
/// Creates a [lsp.WorkspaceEdit] from simple [server.SourceFileEdit]s.
/// Note: This code will fetch the version of each document being modified so
/// it's important to call this immediately after computing edits to ensure
/// the document is not modified before the version number is read.
lsp.WorkspaceEdit createPlainWorkspaceEdit(
lsp.LspAnalysisServer server, List<server.SourceFileEdit> edits) {
return toWorkspaceEdit(
// Client capabilities are always available after initialization.
.map((e) => FileEditInformation(
// If we expect to create the file, server.getLineInfo() won't
// provide a LineInfo so create one from empty contents.
e.fileStamp == -1
? LineInfo.fromContent('')
: server.getLineInfo(e.file)!,
// fileStamp == 1 is used by the server to indicate the file needs creating.
newFile: e.fileStamp == -1,
/// Create a [WorkspaceEdit] that renames [oldPath] to [newPath].
WorkspaceEdit createRenameEdit(String oldPath, String newPath) {
final changes =
<Either4<TextDocumentEdit, CreateFile, RenameFile, DeleteFile>>[];
final rename = RenameFile(
oldUri: Uri.file(oldPath).toString(),
newUri: Uri.file(newPath).toString(),
final renameUnion =
Either4<TextDocumentEdit, CreateFile, RenameFile, DeleteFile>.t3(rename);
final edit = WorkspaceEdit(
documentChanges: Either2<
Either4<TextDocumentEdit, CreateFile, RenameFile,
return edit;
/// Creates a [lsp.WorkspaceEdit] from a [server.SourceChange] that can include
/// experimental [server.SnippetTextEdit]s if the client has indicated support
/// for these in the experimental section of their client capabilities.
/// Note: This code will fetch the version of each document being modified so
/// it's important to call this immediately after computing edits to ensure
/// the document is not modified before the version number is read.
lsp.WorkspaceEdit createWorkspaceEdit(
lsp.LspAnalysisServer server, server.SourceChange change) {
// In order to return snippets, we must ensure we are only modifying a single
// existing file with a single edit and that there is a linked edit group with
// only one position and no suggestions.
if (!server.clientCapabilities!.experimentalSnippetTextEdit ||
change.edits.length != 1 ||
change.edits.first.fileStamp == -1 || // new file
change.edits.first.edits.length != 1 ||
change.linkedEditGroups.isEmpty ||
change.linkedEditGroups.first.positions.length != 1 ||
change.linkedEditGroups.first.suggestions.isNotEmpty) {
return createPlainWorkspaceEdit(server, change.edits);
// Additionally, the selection must fall within the edit offset.
final edit = change.edits.first.edits.first;
final selectionOffset = change.linkedEditGroups.first.positions.first.offset;
final selectionLength = change.linkedEditGroups.first.length;
if (selectionOffset < edit.offset ||
selectionOffset + selectionLength > edit.offset + edit.length) {
return createPlainWorkspaceEdit(server, change.edits);
return toWorkspaceEdit(
.map((e) => FileEditInformation(
// We should never produce edits for a file with no LineInfo.
selectionOffsetRelative: selectionOffset - edit.offset,
selectionLength: selectionLength,
newFile: e.fileStamp == -1,
lsp.CompletionItemKind? declarationKindToCompletionItemKind(
Set<lsp.CompletionItemKind> supportedCompletionKinds,
dec.DeclarationKind kind,
) {
bool isSupported(lsp.CompletionItemKind kind) =>
List<lsp.CompletionItemKind> getKindPreferences() {
switch (kind) {
case dec.DeclarationKind.CLASS:
case dec.DeclarationKind.CLASS_TYPE_ALIAS:
case dec.DeclarationKind.MIXIN:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Class];
case dec.DeclarationKind.CONSTRUCTOR:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Constructor];
case dec.DeclarationKind.ENUM:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Enum];
case dec.DeclarationKind.ENUM_CONSTANT:
return const [
case dec.DeclarationKind.FUNCTION:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Function];
case dec.DeclarationKind.FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Class];
case dec.DeclarationKind.GETTER:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Property];
case dec.DeclarationKind.SETTER:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Property];
case dec.DeclarationKind.TYPE_ALIAS:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Class];
case dec.DeclarationKind.VARIABLE:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Variable];
return const [];
return getKindPreferences().firstWhereOrNull(isSupported);
lsp.SymbolKind declarationKindToSymbolKind(
Set<lsp.SymbolKind> supportedSymbolKinds,
server.DeclarationKind? kind,
) {
bool isSupported(lsp.SymbolKind kind) => supportedSymbolKinds.contains(kind);
List<lsp.SymbolKind> getKindPreferences() {
switch (kind) {
case server.DeclarationKind.CLASS:
case server.DeclarationKind.CLASS_TYPE_ALIAS:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Class];
case server.DeclarationKind.CONSTRUCTOR:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Constructor];
case server.DeclarationKind.ENUM:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Enum];
case server.DeclarationKind.ENUM_CONSTANT:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.EnumMember, lsp.SymbolKind.Enum];
case server.DeclarationKind.EXTENSION:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Class];
case server.DeclarationKind.FIELD:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Field];
case server.DeclarationKind.FUNCTION:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Function];
case server.DeclarationKind.FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Class];
case server.DeclarationKind.GETTER:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Property];
case server.DeclarationKind.METHOD:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Method];
case server.DeclarationKind.MIXIN:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Class];
case server.DeclarationKind.SETTER:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Property];
case server.DeclarationKind.TYPE_ALIAS:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Class];
case server.DeclarationKind.VARIABLE:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Variable];
// Assert that we only get here if kind=null. If it's anything else
// then we're missing a mapping from above.
assert(kind == null, 'Unexpected declaration kind $kind');
return const [];
// LSP requires we specify *some* kind, so in the case where the above code doesn't
// match we'll just have to send a value to avoid a crash.
return getKindPreferences()
.firstWhere(isSupported, orElse: () => lsp.SymbolKind.Obj);
lsp.CompletionItem declarationToCompletionItem(
LspClientCapabilities capabilities,
String file,
int offset,
server.IncludedSuggestionSet includedSuggestionSet,
Library library,
Map<String, int> tagBoosts,
server.LineInfo lineInfo,
dec.Declaration declaration,
int replacementOffset,
int insertLength,
int replacementLength, {
required bool includeCommitCharacters,
required bool completeFunctionCalls,
}) {
final supportsSnippets = capabilities.completionSnippets;
final parent = declaration.parent;
String completion;
switch (declaration.kind) {
case DeclarationKind.ENUM_CONSTANT:
completion = '${parent!.name}.${}';
case DeclarationKind.GETTER:
case DeclarationKind.FIELD:
completion = parent != null &&
? '${}.${}'
case DeclarationKind.CONSTRUCTOR:
completion = parent!.name;
if ( {
completion += '.${}';
completion =;
// By default, label is the same as the completion text, but may be added to
// later (parens/snippets).
var label = completion;
// isCallable is used to suffix the label with parens so it's clear the item
// is callable.
final declarationKind = declaration.kind;
final isCallable = declarationKind == DeclarationKind.CONSTRUCTOR ||
declarationKind == DeclarationKind.FUNCTION ||
declarationKind == DeclarationKind.METHOD;
if (isCallable) {
label += declaration.parameterNames?.isNotEmpty ?? false ? '(…)' : '()';
final insertTextInfo = _buildInsertText(
supportsSnippets: supportsSnippets,
includeCommitCharacters: includeCommitCharacters,
completeFunctionCalls: completeFunctionCalls,
isCallable: isCallable,
// For SuggestionSets, we don't have a CompletionKind to check if it's
// an invocation, but since they do not show in show/hide combinators
// we can assume if an item is callable it's probably being used in a context
// that can invoke it.
isInvocation: isCallable,
defaultArgumentListString: declaration.defaultArgumentListString,
defaultArgumentListTextRanges: declaration.defaultArgumentListTextRanges,
completion: completion,
selectionOffset: 0,
selectionLength: 0,
final insertText = insertTextInfo.first;
final insertTextFormat = insertTextInfo.last;
final isMultilineCompletion = insertText.contains('\n');
final supportsDeprecatedFlag = capabilities.completionDeprecatedFlag;
final supportsDeprecatedTag = capabilities.completionItemTags
final supportsAsIsInsertMode =
final completionKind = declarationKindToCompletionItemKind(
capabilities.completionItemKinds, declaration.kind);
var relevanceBoost = 0;
.forEach((t) => relevanceBoost = max(relevanceBoost, tagBoosts[t] ?? 0));
final itemRelevance = includedSuggestionSet.relevance + relevanceBoost;
// Because we potentially send thousands of these items, we should minimise
// the generated JSON as much as possible - for example using nulls in place
// of empty lists/false where possible.
return lsp.CompletionItem(
label: label,
kind: completionKind,
tags: nullIfEmpty([
if (supportsDeprecatedTag && declaration.isDeprecated)
includeCommitCharacters ? lsp.dartCompletionCommitCharacters : null,
detail: getDeclarationCompletionDetail(declaration, completionKind,
supportsDeprecatedFlag || supportsDeprecatedTag),
supportsDeprecatedFlag && declaration.isDeprecated ? true : null,
sortText: relevanceToSortText(itemRelevance),
filterText: completion != label
? completion
: null, // filterText uses label if not set
insertText: insertText != label
? insertText
: null, // insertText uses label if not set
insertTextFormat: insertTextFormat != lsp.InsertTextFormat.PlainText
? insertTextFormat
: null, // Defaults to PlainText if not supplied
insertTextMode: supportsAsIsInsertMode && isMultilineCompletion
? InsertTextMode.asIs
: null,
// data, used for completionItem/resolve.
data: lsp.DartSuggestionSetCompletionItemResolutionInfo(
file: file,
offset: offset,
displayUri: includedSuggestionSet.displayUri ?? library.uri.toString(),
rOffset: replacementOffset,
iLength: insertLength,
rLength: replacementLength),
lsp.CompletionItemKind? elementKindToCompletionItemKind(
Set<lsp.CompletionItemKind> supportedCompletionKinds,
server.ElementKind kind,
) {
bool isSupported(lsp.CompletionItemKind kind) =>
List<lsp.CompletionItemKind> getKindPreferences() {
switch (kind) {
case server.ElementKind.CLASS:
case server.ElementKind.CLASS_TYPE_ALIAS:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Class];
case server.ElementKind.COMPILATION_UNIT:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Module];
case server.ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR:
case server.ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Constructor];
case server.ElementKind.ENUM:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Enum];
case server.ElementKind.ENUM_CONSTANT:
return const [
case server.ElementKind.FIELD:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Field];
case server.ElementKind.FILE:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.File];
case server.ElementKind.FUNCTION:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Function];
case server.ElementKind.FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Class];
case server.ElementKind.GETTER:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Property];
case server.ElementKind.LABEL:
// There isn't really a good CompletionItemKind for labels so we'll
// just use the Text option.
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Text];
case server.ElementKind.LIBRARY:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Module];
case server.ElementKind.LOCAL_VARIABLE:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Variable];
case server.ElementKind.METHOD:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Method];
case server.ElementKind.MIXIN:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Class];
case server.ElementKind.PARAMETER:
case server.ElementKind.PREFIX:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Variable];
case server.ElementKind.SETTER:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Property];
case server.ElementKind.TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Variable];
case server.ElementKind.TYPE_PARAMETER:
return const [
case server.ElementKind.UNIT_TEST_GROUP:
case server.ElementKind.UNIT_TEST_TEST:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Method];
return const [];
return getKindPreferences().firstWhereOrNull(isSupported);
lsp.SymbolKind elementKindToSymbolKind(
Set<lsp.SymbolKind> supportedSymbolKinds,
server.ElementKind? kind,
) {
bool isSupported(lsp.SymbolKind kind) => supportedSymbolKinds.contains(kind);
List<lsp.SymbolKind> getKindPreferences() {
switch (kind) {
case server.ElementKind.CLASS:
case server.ElementKind.CLASS_TYPE_ALIAS:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Class];
case server.ElementKind.COMPILATION_UNIT:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Module];
case server.ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR:
case server.ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR_INVOCATION:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Constructor];
case server.ElementKind.ENUM:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Enum];
case server.ElementKind.ENUM_CONSTANT:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.EnumMember, lsp.SymbolKind.Enum];
case server.ElementKind.EXTENSION:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Namespace];
case server.ElementKind.FIELD:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Field];
case server.ElementKind.FILE:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.File];
case server.ElementKind.FUNCTION:
case server.ElementKind.FUNCTION_INVOCATION:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Function];
case server.ElementKind.FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Class];
case server.ElementKind.GETTER:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Property];
case server.ElementKind.LABEL:
// There isn't really a good SymbolKind for labels so we'll
// just use the Null option.
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Null];
case server.ElementKind.LIBRARY:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Namespace];
case server.ElementKind.LOCAL_VARIABLE:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Variable];
case server.ElementKind.METHOD:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Method];
case server.ElementKind.MIXIN:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Class];
case server.ElementKind.PARAMETER:
case server.ElementKind.PREFIX:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Variable];
case server.ElementKind.SETTER:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Property];
case server.ElementKind.TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Variable];
case server.ElementKind.TYPE_PARAMETER:
return const [
case server.ElementKind.UNIT_TEST_GROUP:
case server.ElementKind.UNIT_TEST_TEST:
return const [lsp.SymbolKind.Method];
// Assert that we only get here if kind=null. If it's anything else
// then we're missing a mapping from above.
assert(kind == null, 'Unexpected element kind $kind');
return const [];
// LSP requires we specify *some* kind, so in the case where the above code doesn't
// match we'll just have to send a value to avoid a crash.
return getKindPreferences()
.firstWhere(isSupported, orElse: () => lsp.SymbolKind.Obj);
/// Escapes a string to be used in an LSP edit that uses Snippet mode.
/// Snippets can contain special markup like `${a:b}` so some characters need
/// escaping (according to the LSP spec, those are `$`, `}` and `\`).
String escapeSnippetString(String input) => input.replaceAllMapped(
RegExp(r'[$}\\]'), // Replace any of $ } \
(c) => '\\${c[0]}', // Prefix with a backslash
String? getCompletionDetail(
server.CompletionSuggestion suggestion,
lsp.CompletionItemKind? completionKind,
bool supportsDeprecated,
) {
final element = suggestion.element;
final hasElement = element != null;
final parameters = element?.parameters;
final returnType = element?.returnType;
final parameterType = suggestion.parameterType;
final hasParameters =
hasElement && parameters != null && parameters.isNotEmpty;
final hasReturnType =
hasElement && returnType != null && returnType.isNotEmpty;
final hasParameterType = parameterType != null && parameterType.isNotEmpty;
final prefix =
supportsDeprecated || !suggestion.isDeprecated ? '' : '(Deprecated) ';
if (completionKind == lsp.CompletionItemKind.Property) {
// Setters appear as methods with one arg but they also cause getters to not
// appear in the completion list, so displaying them as setters is misleading.
// To avoid this, always show only the return type, whether it's a getter
// or a setter.
return prefix +
(element?.kind == server.ElementKind.GETTER
? (returnType ?? '')
// Don't assume setters always have parameters
// See
: parameters != null && parameters.isNotEmpty
// Extract the type part from '(MyType value)`
? parameters.substring(1, parameters.lastIndexOf(' '))
: '');
} else if (hasParameters && hasReturnType) {
return '$prefix$parameters → $returnType';
} else if (hasReturnType) {
return '$prefix$returnType';
} else if (hasParameterType) {
return '$prefix$parameterType';
} else {
return prefix.isNotEmpty ? prefix : null;
String? getDeclarationCompletionDetail(
dec.Declaration declaration,
lsp.CompletionItemKind? completionKind,
bool supportsDeprecated,
) {
final parameters = declaration.parameters;
final hasParameters = parameters != null && parameters.isNotEmpty;
final returnType = declaration.returnType;
final hasReturnType = returnType != null && returnType.isNotEmpty;
final prefix =
supportsDeprecated || !declaration.isDeprecated ? '' : '(Deprecated) ';
if (completionKind == lsp.CompletionItemKind.Property) {
// Setters appear as methods with one arg but they also cause getters to not
// appear in the completion list, so displaying them as setters is misleading.
// To avoid this, always show only the return type, whether it's a getter
// or a setter.
var suffix = '';
if (declaration.kind == dec.DeclarationKind.GETTER) {
suffix = declaration.returnType ?? '';
} else {
// Don't assume setters always have parameters
// See
if (parameters != null && parameters.isNotEmpty) {
// Extract the type part from `(MyType value)`, if there is a type.
var spaceIndex = parameters.lastIndexOf(' ');
if (spaceIndex > 0) {
suffix = parameters.substring(1, spaceIndex);
return prefix + suffix;
} else if (hasParameters && hasReturnType) {
return '$prefix${declaration.parameters} → ${declaration.returnType}';
} else if (hasReturnType) {
return '$prefix${declaration.returnType}';
} else {
return prefix.isNotEmpty ? prefix : null;
List<lsp.DiagnosticTag>? getDiagnosticTags(
Set<lsp.DiagnosticTag>? supportedTags, plugin.AnalysisError error) {
if (supportedTags == null) {
return null;
final tags = diagnosticTagsForErrorCode[error.code]
return tags != null && tags.isNotEmpty ? tags : null;
bool isDartDocument(lsp.TextDocumentIdentifier? doc) =>
doc?.uri.endsWith('.dart') ?? false;
/// Converts a [server.Location] to an [lsp.Range] by translating the
/// offset/length using a `LineInfo`.
/// This function ignores any line/column info on the
/// [server.Location] assuming it is either not available not unreliable.
lsp.Range locationOffsetLenToRange(
server.LineInfo lineInfo, server.Location location) =>
toRange(lineInfo, location.offset, location.length);
/// Converts a [server.Location] to an [lsp.Range] if all line and column
/// values are available.
/// Returns null if any values are -1 or null.
lsp.Range? locationToRange(server.Location location) {
final startLine = location.startLine;
final startColumn = location.startColumn;
final endLine = location.endLine ?? -1;
final endColumn = location.endColumn ?? -1;
if (startLine == -1 ||
startColumn == -1 ||
endLine == -1 ||
endColumn == -1) {
return null;
// LSP positions are 0-based but Location is 1-based.
return Range(
start: Position(line: startLine - 1, character: startColumn - 1),
end: Position(line: endLine - 1, character: endColumn - 1));
/// Merges two [WorkspaceEdit]s into a single one.
/// Will throw if given [WorkspaceEdit]s that do not use documentChanges.
WorkspaceEdit mergeWorkspaceEdits(List<WorkspaceEdit> edits) {
// TODO(dantup): This method (and much other code here) should be
// significantly tidied up when nonfunction-type-aliases is available here.
final changes =
<Either4<TextDocumentEdit, CreateFile, RenameFile, DeleteFile>>[];
for (final edit in edits) {
// Flatten the Either into just the Union side to get a flat list.
final flatResourceChanges = edit.documentChanges!.map(
(edits) => =>
Either4<TextDocumentEdit, CreateFile, RenameFile, DeleteFile>.t1(e)),
(resources) => resources,
return WorkspaceEdit(
documentChanges: Either2<
Either4<TextDocumentEdit, CreateFile, RenameFile,
lsp.Location navigationTargetToLocation(
String targetFilePath,
server.NavigationTarget target,
server.LineInfo targetLineInfo,
) {
return lsp.Location(
uri: Uri.file(targetFilePath).toString(),
range: toRange(targetLineInfo, target.offset, target.length),
lsp.LocationLink? navigationTargetToLocationLink(
server.NavigationRegion region,
server.LineInfo regionLineInfo,
String targetFilePath,
server.NavigationTarget target,
server.LineInfo targetLineInfo,
) {
final nameRange = toRange(targetLineInfo, target.offset, target.length);
final codeOffset = target.codeOffset;
final codeLength = target.codeLength;
final codeRange = codeOffset != null && codeLength != null
? toRange(targetLineInfo, codeOffset, codeLength)
: nameRange;
return lsp.LocationLink(
originSelectionRange: toRange(regionLineInfo, region.offset, region.length),
targetUri: Uri.file(targetFilePath).toString(),
targetRange: codeRange,
targetSelectionRange: nameRange,
/// Returns the file system path for a TextDocumentIdentifier.
ErrorOr<String> pathOfDoc(lsp.TextDocumentIdentifier doc) =>
/// Returns the file system path for a TextDocumentItem.
ErrorOr<String> pathOfDocItem(lsp.TextDocumentItem doc) =>
/// Returns the file system path for a file URI.
ErrorOr<String> pathOfUri(Uri? uri) {
if (uri == null) {
return ErrorOr<String>.error(ResponseError(
code: lsp.ServerErrorCodes.InvalidFilePath,
message: 'Document URI was not supplied',
final isValidFileUri = uri.isScheme('file');
if (!isValidFileUri) {
return ErrorOr<String>.error(ResponseError(
code: lsp.ServerErrorCodes.InvalidFilePath,
message: 'URI was not a valid file:// URI',
data: uri.toString(),
try {
final filePath = uri.toFilePath();
// On Windows, paths that start with \ and not a drive letter are not
// supported but will return `true` from `path.isAbsolute` so check for them
// specifically.
if (Platform.isWindows && filePath.startsWith(r'\')) {
return ErrorOr<String>.error(ResponseError(
code: lsp.ServerErrorCodes.InvalidFilePath,
message: 'URI was not an absolute file path (missing drive letter)',
data: uri.toString(),
return ErrorOr<String>.success(filePath);
} catch (e) {
// Even if tryParse() works and file == scheme, toFilePath() can throw on
// Windows if there are invalid characters.
return ErrorOr<String>.error(ResponseError(
code: lsp.ServerErrorCodes.InvalidFilePath,
message: 'File URI did not contain a valid file path',
data: uri.toString()));
lsp.Diagnostic pluginToDiagnostic(
server.LineInfo? Function(String) getLineInfo,
plugin.AnalysisError error, {
required Set<lsp.DiagnosticTag>? supportedTags,
required bool clientSupportsCodeDescription,
}) {
List<lsp.DiagnosticRelatedInformation>? relatedInformation;
final contextMessages = error.contextMessages;
if (contextMessages != null && contextMessages.isNotEmpty) {
relatedInformation = contextMessages
.map((message) =>
pluginToDiagnosticRelatedInformation(getLineInfo, message))
var message = error.message;
if (error.correction != null) {
message = '$message\n${error.correction}';
final range = locationToRange(error.location) ??
// TODO(dantup): This null assertion is not sound and can lead to
// errors (for example during a large rename where files may be
// removed as diagnostics are being mapped). To remove this,
// error.location should be updated to require line/col information
// (which involves breaking changes).
var documentationUrl = error.url;
return lsp.Diagnostic(
range: range,
severity: pluginToDiagnosticSeverity(error.severity),
code: error.code,
source: languageSourceName,
message: message,
tags: getDiagnosticTags(supportedTags, error),
relatedInformation: relatedInformation,
// Only include codeDescription if the client explicitly supports it
// (a minor optimization to avoid unnecessary payload/(de)serialisation).
codeDescription: clientSupportsCodeDescription && documentationUrl != null
? CodeDescription(href: documentationUrl)
: null,
lsp.DiagnosticRelatedInformation? pluginToDiagnosticRelatedInformation(
server.LineInfo? Function(String) getLineInfo,
plugin.DiagnosticMessage message) {
final file = message.location.file;
final lineInfo = getLineInfo(file);
// We shouldn't get context messages for something we can't get a LineInfo for
// but if we did, it's better to omit the context than fail to send the errors.
if (lineInfo == null) {
return null;
return lsp.DiagnosticRelatedInformation(
location: lsp.Location(
uri: Uri.file(file).toString(),
// TODO(dantup): Switch to using line/col information from the context
// message once confirmed that AnalyzerConverter is not using the wrong
// LineInfo.
range: toRange(
message: message.message);
lsp.DiagnosticSeverity pluginToDiagnosticSeverity(
plugin.AnalysisErrorSeverity severity) {
switch (severity) {
case plugin.AnalysisErrorSeverity.ERROR:
return lsp.DiagnosticSeverity.Error;
case plugin.AnalysisErrorSeverity.WARNING:
return lsp.DiagnosticSeverity.Warning;
case plugin.AnalysisErrorSeverity.INFO:
return lsp.DiagnosticSeverity.Information;
// Note: LSP also supports "Hint", but they won't render in things like the
// VS Code errors list as they're apparently intended to communicate
// non-visible diagnostics back (for example, if you wanted to grey out
// unreachable code without producing an item in the error list).
throw 'Unknown AnalysisErrorSeverity: $severity';
/// Converts a numeric relevance to a sortable string.
/// The servers relevance value is a number with highest being best. LSP uses a
/// a string sort on the `sortText` field. Subtracting the relevance from a large
/// number will produce text that will sort correctly.
/// Relevance can be 0, so it's important to subtract from a number like 999
/// and not 1000 or the 0 relevance items will sort at the top instead of the
/// bottom.
/// 555 -> 9999999 - 555 -> 9 999 444
/// 10 -> 9999999 - 10 -> 9 999 989
/// 1 -> 9999999 - 1 -> 9 999 998
/// 0 -> 9999999 - 0 -> 9 999 999
String relevanceToSortText(int relevance) => (9999999 - relevance).toString();
lsp.Location? searchResultToLocation(
server.SearchResult result, server.LineInfo? lineInfo) {
final location = result.location;
if (lineInfo == null) {
return null;
return lsp.Location(
uri: Uri.file(result.location.file).toString(),
range: toRange(lineInfo, location.offset, location.length),
lsp.CompletionItemKind? suggestionKindToCompletionItemKind(
Set<lsp.CompletionItemKind> supportedCompletionKinds,
server.CompletionSuggestionKind kind,
String label,
) {
bool isSupported(lsp.CompletionItemKind kind) =>
List<lsp.CompletionItemKind> getKindPreferences() {
switch (kind) {
case server.CompletionSuggestionKind.ARGUMENT_LIST:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Variable];
case server.CompletionSuggestionKind.IMPORT:
// For package/relative URIs, we can send File/Folder kinds for better icons.
if (!label.startsWith('dart:')) {
return label.endsWith('.dart')
? const [
: const [
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Module];
case server.CompletionSuggestionKind.IDENTIFIER:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Variable];
case server.CompletionSuggestionKind.INVOCATION:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Method];
case server.CompletionSuggestionKind.KEYWORD:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Keyword];
case server.CompletionSuggestionKind.NAMED_ARGUMENT:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Variable];
case server.CompletionSuggestionKind.OPTIONAL_ARGUMENT:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Variable];
case server.CompletionSuggestionKind.PARAMETER:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Value];
case server.CompletionSuggestionKind.PACKAGE_NAME:
return const [lsp.CompletionItemKind.Module];
return const [];
return getKindPreferences().firstWhereOrNull(isSupported);
lsp.ClosingLabel toClosingLabel(
server.LineInfo lineInfo, server.ClosingLabel label) =>
range: toRange(lineInfo, label.offset, label.length),
label: label.label);
/// Converts [id] to a [CodeActionKind] using [fallbackOrPrefix] as a fallback
/// or a prefix if the ID is not already a fix/refactor.
lsp.CodeActionKind toCodeActionKind(
String? id, lsp.CodeActionKind fallbackOrPrefix) {
if (id == null) {
return fallbackOrPrefix;
// Dart fixes and assists start with "dart.assist." and "dart.fix." but in LSP
// we want to use the predefined prefixes for CodeActions.
var newId = id
.replaceAll('dart.assist', lsp.CodeActionKind.Refactor.toString())
.replaceAll('dart.fix', lsp.CodeActionKind.QuickFix.toString())
'analysisOptions.assist', lsp.CodeActionKind.Refactor.toString())
'analysisOptions.fix', lsp.CodeActionKind.QuickFix.toString());
// If the ID does not start with either of the kinds above, prefix it as
// it will be an unqualified ID from a plugin.
if (!newId.startsWith(lsp.CodeActionKind.Refactor.toString()) &&
!newId.startsWith(lsp.CodeActionKind.QuickFix.toString())) {
newId = '$fallbackOrPrefix.$newId';
return lsp.CodeActionKind(newId);
lsp.CompletionItem toCompletionItem(
LspClientCapabilities capabilities,
server.LineInfo lineInfo,
server.CompletionSuggestion suggestion, {
Range? replacementRange,
Range? insertionRange,
required bool includeCommitCharacters,
required bool completeFunctionCalls,
CompletionItemResolutionInfo? resolutionData,
}) {
// Build separate display and filter labels. Displayed labels may have additional
// info appended (for example '(...)' on callables) that should not be included
// in filterText.
var label = suggestion.displayText ?? suggestion.completion;
final filterText = label;
// Trim any trailing comma from the (displayed) label.
if (label.endsWith(',')) {
label = label.substring(0, label.length - 1);
// isCallable is used to suffix the label with parens so it's clear the item
// is callable.
// isInvocation means the location at which it's used is an invocation (and
// therefore it is appropriate to include the parens/parameters in the
// inserted text).
// In the case of show combinators, the parens will still be shown to indicate
// functions but they should not be included in the completions.
final elementKind = suggestion.element?.kind;
final isCallable = elementKind == server.ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR ||
elementKind == server.ElementKind.FUNCTION ||
elementKind == server.ElementKind.METHOD;
final isInvocation =
suggestion.kind == server.CompletionSuggestionKind.INVOCATION;
if (suggestion.displayText == null && isCallable) {
label += suggestion.parameterNames?.isNotEmpty ?? false ? '(…)' : '()';
final supportsCompletionDeprecatedFlag =
final supportsDeprecatedTag = capabilities.completionItemTags
final formats = capabilities.completionDocumentationFormats;
final supportsSnippets = capabilities.completionSnippets;
final supportsInsertReplace = capabilities.insertReplaceCompletionRanges;
final supportsAsIsInsertMode =
final element = suggestion.element;
final completionKind = element != null
? elementKindToCompletionItemKind(
capabilities.completionItemKinds, element.kind)
: suggestionKindToCompletionItemKind(
capabilities.completionItemKinds, suggestion.kind, label);
final insertTextInfo = _buildInsertText(
supportsSnippets: supportsSnippets,
includeCommitCharacters: includeCommitCharacters,
completeFunctionCalls: completeFunctionCalls,
isCallable: isCallable,
isInvocation: isInvocation,
defaultArgumentListString: suggestion.defaultArgumentListString,
defaultArgumentListTextRanges: suggestion.defaultArgumentListTextRanges,
completion: suggestion.completion,
selectionOffset: suggestion.selectionOffset,
selectionLength: suggestion.selectionLength,
final insertText = insertTextInfo.first;
final insertTextFormat = insertTextInfo.last;
final isMultilineCompletion = insertText.contains('\n');
var cleanedDoc = cleanDartdoc(suggestion.docComplete);
var detail = getCompletionDetail(suggestion, completionKind,
supportsCompletionDeprecatedFlag || supportsDeprecatedTag);
// To improve the display of some items (like pubspec version numbers),
// short labels in the format `_foo_` in docComplete are "upgraded" to the
// detail field.
final labelMatch = cleanedDoc != null
? _upgradableDocCompletePattern.firstMatch(cleanedDoc)
: null;
if (labelMatch != null) {
cleanedDoc = null;
detail =;
// Because we potentially send thousands of these items, we should minimise
// the generated JSON as much as possible - for example using nulls in place
// of empty lists/false where possible.
return lsp.CompletionItem(
label: label,
kind: completionKind,
tags: nullIfEmpty([
if (supportsDeprecatedTag && suggestion.isDeprecated)
includeCommitCharacters ? dartCompletionCommitCharacters : null,
data: resolutionData,
detail: detail,
documentation: cleanedDoc != null
? asStringOrMarkupContent(formats, cleanedDoc)
: null,
deprecated: supportsCompletionDeprecatedFlag && suggestion.isDeprecated
? true
: null,
sortText: relevanceToSortText(suggestion.relevance),
filterText: filterText != label
? filterText
: null, // filterText uses label if not set
insertText: insertText != label
? insertText
: null, // insertText uses label if not set
insertTextFormat: insertTextFormat != lsp.InsertTextFormat.PlainText
? insertTextFormat
: null, // Defaults to PlainText if not supplied
insertTextMode: supportsAsIsInsertMode && isMultilineCompletion
? InsertTextMode.asIs
: null,
textEdit: (insertionRange == null || replacementRange == null)
? null
: supportsInsertReplace && insertionRange != replacementRange
? Either2<TextEdit, InsertReplaceEdit>.t2(
insert: insertionRange,
replace: replacementRange,
newText: insertText,
: Either2<TextEdit, InsertReplaceEdit>.t1(
range: replacementRange,
newText: insertText,
lsp.Diagnostic toDiagnostic(
server.ResolvedUnitResult result,
server.AnalysisError error, {
required Set<lsp.DiagnosticTag> supportedTags,
required bool clientSupportsCodeDescription,
}) {
return pluginToDiagnostic(
(_) => result.lineInfo,
server.newAnalysisError_fromEngine(result, error),
supportedTags: supportedTags,
clientSupportsCodeDescription: clientSupportsCodeDescription,
lsp.Element toElement(server.LineInfo lineInfo, server.Element element) {
final location = element.location;
return lsp.Element(
range: location != null
? toRange(lineInfo, location.offset, location.length)
: null,
name: toElementName(element),
parameters: element.parameters,
typeParameters: element.typeParameters,
returnType: element.returnType,
String toElementName(server.Element element) {
: (element.kind == server.ElementKind.EXTENSION
? '<unnamed extension>'
: '<unnamed>');
lsp.FlutterOutline toFlutterOutline(
server.LineInfo lineInfo, server.FlutterOutline outline) {
final attributes = outline.attributes;
final dartElement = outline.dartElement;
final children = outline.children;
return lsp.FlutterOutline(
label: outline.label,
className: outline.className,
variableName: outline.variableName,
attributes: attributes != null
? attributes
.map((attribute) => toFlutterOutlineAttribute(lineInfo, attribute))
: null,
dartElement: dartElement != null ? toElement(lineInfo, dartElement) : null,
range: toRange(lineInfo, outline.offset, outline.length),
codeRange: toRange(lineInfo, outline.codeOffset, outline.codeLength),
children: children != null
? => toFlutterOutline(lineInfo, c)).toList()
: null,
lsp.FlutterOutlineAttribute toFlutterOutlineAttribute(
server.LineInfo lineInfo, server.FlutterOutlineAttribute attribute) {
final valueLocation = attribute.valueLocation;
return lsp.FlutterOutlineAttribute(
label: attribute.label,
valueRange: valueLocation != null
? toRange(lineInfo, valueLocation.offset, valueLocation.length)
: null);
lsp.FoldingRange toFoldingRange(
server.LineInfo lineInfo, server.FoldingRegion region) {
final range = toRange(lineInfo, region.offset, region.length);
return lsp.FoldingRange(
startLine: range.start.line,
startCharacter: range.start.character,
endLine: range.end.line,
endCharacter: range.end.character,
kind: toFoldingRangeKind(region.kind));
lsp.FoldingRangeKind? toFoldingRangeKind(server.FoldingKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case server.FoldingKind.COMMENT:
case server.FoldingKind.DOCUMENTATION_COMMENT:
case server.FoldingKind.FILE_HEADER:
return lsp.FoldingRangeKind.Comment;
case server.FoldingKind.DIRECTIVES:
return lsp.FoldingRangeKind.Imports;
// null (actually undefined in LSP, the toJson() takes care of that) is
// valid, and actually the value used for the majority of folds
// (class/functions/etc.).
return null;
List<lsp.DocumentHighlight> toHighlights(
server.LineInfo lineInfo, server.Occurrences occurrences) {
return occurrences.offsets
.map((offset) => lsp.DocumentHighlight(
range: toRange(lineInfo, offset, occurrences.length)))
lsp.Location toLocation(server.Location location, server.LineInfo lineInfo) =>
uri: Uri.file(location.file).toString(),
range: toRange(
ErrorOr<int> toOffset(
server.LineInfo lineInfo,
lsp.Position pos, {
bool failureIsCritical = false,
}) {
// line is zero-based so cannot equal lineCount
if (pos.line >= lineInfo.lineCount) {
return ErrorOr<int>.error(lsp.ResponseError(
code: failureIsCritical
? lsp.ServerErrorCodes.ClientServerInconsistentState
: lsp.ServerErrorCodes.InvalidFileLineCol,
message: 'Invalid line number',
data: pos.line.toString()));
// TODO(dantup): Is there any way to validate the character? We could ensure
// it's less than the offset of the next line, but that would only work for
// all lines except the last one.
return ErrorOr<int>.success(
lineInfo.getOffsetOfLine(pos.line) + pos.character);
lsp.Outline toOutline(server.LineInfo lineInfo, server.Outline outline) {
final children = outline.children;
return lsp.Outline(
element: toElement(lineInfo, outline.element),
range: toRange(lineInfo, outline.offset, outline.length),
codeRange: toRange(lineInfo, outline.codeOffset, outline.codeLength),
children: children != null
? => toOutline(lineInfo, c)).toList()
: null,
lsp.Position toPosition(server.CharacterLocation location) {
// LSP is zero-based, but analysis server is 1-based.
return lsp.Position(
line: location.lineNumber - 1, character: location.columnNumber - 1);
lsp.Range toRange(server.LineInfo lineInfo, int offset, int length) {
final start = lineInfo.getLocation(offset);
final end = lineInfo.getLocation(offset + length);
return lsp.Range(
start: toPosition(start),
end: toPosition(end),
lsp.SignatureHelp toSignatureHelp(Set<lsp.MarkupKind>? preferredFormats,
server.AnalysisGetSignatureResult signature) {
// For now, we only support returning one (though we may wish to use named
// args. etc. to provide one for each possible "next" option when the cursor
// is at the end ready to provide another argument).
/// Gets the label for an individual parameter in the form
/// String s = 'foo'
String getParamLabel(server.ParameterInfo p) {
final def = p.defaultValue != null ? ' = ${p.defaultValue}' : '';
final prefix =
p.kind == server.ParameterKind.REQUIRED_NAMED ? 'required ' : '';
return '$prefix${p.type} ${}$def';
/// Gets the full signature label in the form
/// foo(String s, int i, bool a = true)
String getSignatureLabel(server.AnalysisGetSignatureResult resp) {
final positionalRequired = signature.parameters
.where((p) => p.kind == server.ParameterKind.REQUIRED_POSITIONAL)
final positionalOptional = signature.parameters
.where((p) => p.kind == server.ParameterKind.OPTIONAL_POSITIONAL)
final named = signature.parameters
.where((p) =>
p.kind == server.ParameterKind.OPTIONAL_NAMED ||
p.kind == server.ParameterKind.REQUIRED_NAMED)
final params = [];
if (positionalRequired.isNotEmpty) {
params.add(', '));
if (positionalOptional.isNotEmpty) {
params.add('[' +', ') + ']');
if (named.isNotEmpty) {
params.add('{' +', ') + '}');
return '${}(${params.join(", ")})';
lsp.ParameterInformation toParameterInfo(server.ParameterInfo param) {
// LSP 3.14.0 supports providing label offsets (to avoid clients having
// to guess based on substrings). We should check the
// signatureHelp.signatureInformation.parameterInformation.labelOffsetSupport
// capability when deciding to send that.
return lsp.ParameterInformation(label: getParamLabel(param));
final cleanedDoc = cleanDartdoc(signature.dartdoc);
return lsp.SignatureHelp(
signatures: [
label: getSignatureLabel(signature),
documentation: cleanedDoc != null
? asStringOrMarkupContent(preferredFormats, cleanedDoc)
: null,
activeSignature: 0, // activeSignature
// TODO(dantup): The LSP spec says this value will default to 0 if it's
// not supplied or outside of the value range. However, setting -1 results
// in no parameters being selected in VS Code, whereas null/0 will select the first.
// We'd like for none to be selected (since we don't support this yet) so
// we send -1. I've made a request for LSP to support not selecting a parameter
// (because you could also be on param 5 of an invalid call to a function
// taking only 3 arguments) here:
activeParameter: -1, // activeParameter
lsp.SnippetTextEdit toSnippetTextEdit(
LspClientCapabilities capabilities,
server.LineInfo lineInfo,
server.SourceEdit edit,
int selectionOffsetRelative,
int? selectionLength) {
return lsp.SnippetTextEdit(
insertTextFormat: lsp.InsertTextFormat.Snippet,
range: toRange(lineInfo, edit.offset, edit.length),
newText: buildSnippetStringWithTabStops(
edit.replacement, [selectionOffsetRelative, selectionLength ?? 0]),
ErrorOr<server.SourceRange> toSourceRange(
server.LineInfo lineInfo, Range range) {
// If there is a range, convert to offsets because that's what
// the tokens are computed using initially.
final start = toOffset(lineInfo, range.start);
final end = toOffset(lineInfo, range.end);
if (start.isError) {
return failure(start);
if (end.isError) {
return failure(end);
final startOffset = start.result;
final endOffset = end.result;
return success(server.SourceRange(startOffset, endOffset - startOffset));
ErrorOr<server.SourceRange?> toSourceRangeNullable(
server.LineInfo lineInfo, Range? range) =>
range != null ? toSourceRange(lineInfo, range) : success(null);
lsp.TextDocumentEdit toTextDocumentEdit(
LspClientCapabilities capabilities, FileEditInformation edit) {
return lsp.TextDocumentEdit(
textDocument: edit.doc,
edits: edit.edits
.map((e) => toTextDocumentEditEdit(capabilities, edit.lineInfo, e,
selectionOffsetRelative: edit.selectionOffsetRelative,
selectionLength: edit.selectionLength))
Either3<lsp.SnippetTextEdit, lsp.AnnotatedTextEdit, lsp.TextEdit>
LspClientCapabilities capabilities,
server.LineInfo lineInfo,
server.SourceEdit edit, {
int? selectionOffsetRelative,
int? selectionLength,
}) {
if (!capabilities.experimentalSnippetTextEdit ||
selectionOffsetRelative == null) {
return Either3<lsp.SnippetTextEdit, lsp.AnnotatedTextEdit, lsp.TextEdit>.t3(
toTextEdit(lineInfo, edit));
return Either3<lsp.SnippetTextEdit, lsp.AnnotatedTextEdit, lsp.TextEdit>.t1(
toSnippetTextEdit(capabilities, lineInfo, edit, selectionOffsetRelative,
lsp.TextEdit toTextEdit(server.LineInfo lineInfo, server.SourceEdit edit) {
return lsp.TextEdit(
range: toRange(lineInfo, edit.offset, edit.length),
newText: edit.replacement,
lsp.WorkspaceEdit toWorkspaceEdit(
LspClientCapabilities capabilities,
List<FileEditInformation> edits,
) {
final supportsDocumentChanges = capabilities.documentChanges;
if (supportsDocumentChanges) {
final supportsCreate = capabilities.createResourceOperations;
final changes = <
Either4<lsp.TextDocumentEdit, lsp.CreateFile, lsp.RenameFile,
// Convert each SourceEdit to either a TextDocumentEdit or a
// CreateFile + a TextDocumentEdit depending on whether it's a new
// file.
for (final edit in edits) {
if (supportsCreate && edit.newFile) {
final create = lsp.CreateFile(uri: edit.doc.uri);
final createUnion = Either4<lsp.TextDocumentEdit, lsp.CreateFile,
lsp.RenameFile, lsp.DeleteFile>.t2(create);
final textDocEdit = toTextDocumentEdit(capabilities, edit);
final textDocEditUnion = Either4<lsp.TextDocumentEdit, lsp.CreateFile,
lsp.RenameFile, lsp.DeleteFile>.t1(textDocEdit);
return lsp.WorkspaceEdit(
documentChanges: Either2<
Either4<lsp.TextDocumentEdit, lsp.CreateFile, lsp.RenameFile,
} else {
return lsp.WorkspaceEdit(changes: toWorkspaceEditChanges(edits));
Map<String, List<lsp.TextEdit>> toWorkspaceEditChanges(
List<FileEditInformation> edits) {
MapEntry<String, List<lsp.TextEdit>> createEdit(FileEditInformation file) {
final edits = => toTextEdit(file.lineInfo, edit)).toList();
return MapEntry(file.doc.uri, edits);
return Map<String, List<lsp.TextEdit>>.fromEntries(;
lsp.MarkupContent _asMarkup(
Set<lsp.MarkupKind> preferredFormats, String content) {
if (preferredFormats.isEmpty) {
final supportsMarkdown = preferredFormats.contains(lsp.MarkupKind.Markdown);
final supportsPlain = preferredFormats.contains(lsp.MarkupKind.PlainText);
// Since our PlainText version is actually just Markdown, only advertise it
// as PlainText if the client explicitly supports PlainText and not Markdown.
final format = supportsPlain && !supportsMarkdown
? lsp.MarkupKind.PlainText
: lsp.MarkupKind.Markdown;
return lsp.MarkupContent(kind: format, value: content);
Pair<String, lsp.InsertTextFormat> _buildInsertText({
required bool supportsSnippets,
required bool includeCommitCharacters,
required bool completeFunctionCalls,
required bool isCallable,
required bool isInvocation,
required String? defaultArgumentListString,
required List<int>? defaultArgumentListTextRanges,
required String completion,
required int selectionOffset,
required int selectionLength,
}) {
var insertText = completion;
var insertTextFormat = lsp.InsertTextFormat.PlainText;
// SuggestionBuilder already does the equiv of completeFunctionCalls for
// some methods (for example Flutter's setState). If the completion already
// includes any `(` then disable our own insertion as the special-cased code
// will likely provide better code.
if (completion.contains('(')) {
completeFunctionCalls = false;
// If the client supports snippets, we can support completeFunctionCalls or
// setting a selection.
if (supportsSnippets) {
// completeFunctionCalls should only work if commit characters are disabled
// otherwise the editor may insert parens that we're also inserting.
if (!includeCommitCharacters &&
completeFunctionCalls &&
isCallable &&
isInvocation) {
insertTextFormat = lsp.InsertTextFormat.Snippet;
final hasRequiredParameters =
(defaultArgumentListTextRanges?.length ?? 0) > 0;
final functionCallSuffix = hasRequiredParameters
? buildSnippetStringWithTabStops(
: '\${0:}'; // No required params still gets a tabstop in the parens.
insertText = '${escapeSnippetString(insertText)}($functionCallSuffix)';
} else if (selectionOffset != 0 &&
// We don't need a tabstop if the selection is the end of the string.
selectionOffset != completion.length) {
insertTextFormat = lsp.InsertTextFormat.Snippet;
insertText = buildSnippetStringWithTabStops(
[selectionOffset, selectionLength],
return Pair(insertText, insertTextFormat);
String _errorCode(server.ErrorCode code) =>;