blob: 98df30a16ec34edd3b29dc5e580bd703a2095718 [file] [log] [blame]
library dart2js.cps_ir.loop_invariant_branch;
import 'cps_ir_nodes.dart';
import 'optimizers.dart';
import 'loop_hierarchy.dart';
import 'cps_fragment.dart';
import 'redundant_join.dart' show AlphaRenamer;
/// Hoists branches out of loops, where:
/// - the branch is at the entry point of a loop
/// - the branch condition is loop-invariant
/// - one arm of the branch is not effectively part of the loop
/// Schematically:
/// b = COND
/// while (true) {
/// if (b)
/// BRANCH (contains no continue to loop)
/// else
/// LOOP
/// }
/// ==>
/// b = COND
/// if (b)
/// else
/// while (true)
/// LOOP
/// As in [RedundantJoinEliminator], parameters are treated as names with
/// lexical scoping during this pass, and a given parameter "name" may be
/// declared by more than one continuation. The reference chains for parameters
/// are therefore meaningless during this pass, until repaired by [AlphaRenamer]
/// at the end.
class LoopInvariantBranchMotion extends BlockVisitor implements Pass {
String get passName => 'Loop invariant branch motion';
LoopHierarchy loopHierarchy;
final Map<Primitive, Continuation> loopHeaderFor =
<Primitive, Continuation>{};
final Map<Continuation, Continuation> catchLoopFor =
<Continuation, Continuation>{};
Continuation currentLoopHeader;
Continuation currentCatchLoop;
List<Continuation> loops = <Continuation>[];
bool wasHoisted = false;
void rewrite(FunctionDefinition node) {
loopHierarchy = new LoopHierarchy(node);
BlockVisitor.traverseInPreOrder(node, this);
// Process loops bottom-up so a branch can be hoisted multiple times.
if (wasHoisted) {
new AlphaRenamer().visit(node);
void visitLetHandler(LetHandler node) {
currentCatchLoop = loopHierarchy.getLoopHeader(node.handler);
void visitContinuation(Continuation node) {
currentLoopHeader = loopHierarchy.getLoopHeader(node);
for (Parameter param in node.parameters) {
loopHeaderFor[param] = currentLoopHeader;
catchLoopFor[node] = currentCatchLoop;
if (node.isRecursive) {
void visitLetPrim(LetPrim node) {
loopHeaderFor[node.primitive] = currentLoopHeader;
void hoistEntryCheck(Continuation loop) {
// Keep hoisting branches out of the loop, there can be more than one.
while (tryHoistEntryCheck(loop));
Expression getEffectiveBody(Expression exp) {
// TODO(asgerf): We could also bypass constants here but constant pooling
// is likely to be a better solution for that.
while (exp is LetCont) {
exp =;
return exp;
/// Adds [parameters] to [cont] and updates every invocation to pass the
/// corresponding parameter values as arguments. Thus, the parameters are
/// passed in explicitly instead of being captured.
/// This only works because [AlphaRenamer] cleans up at the end of this pass.
/// Schematically:
/// let outer(x1, x2, x3) =
/// let inner(y) = BODY
/// [ .. inner(y') .. ]
/// ==> (append parameters)
/// let outer(x1, x2, x3) =
/// let inner(y, x1, x2, x3) = BODY
/// [ .. inner(y', x1, x2, x3) .. ]
/// ==> (hoist, not performed by this method)
/// let inner(y, x1, x2, x3) = BODY
/// let outer(x1, x2, x3) =
/// [ .. inner(y', x1, x2, x3) .. ]
void appendParameters(Continuation cont, List<Parameter> parameters) {
for (Reference ref = cont.firstRef; ref != null; ref = {
Node use = ref.parent;
if (use is InvokeContinuation) {
for (Parameter loopParam in parameters) {
use.argumentRefs.add(new Reference<Primitive>(loopParam)..parent = use);
bool tryHoistEntryCheck(Continuation loop) {
// Check if this is a loop starting with a branch.
Expression body = getEffectiveBody(loop.body);
if (body is! Branch) return false;
Branch branch = body;
// Is the condition loop invariant?
Primitive condition = branch.condition;
if (loopHeaderFor[condition] == loop) return false;
Continuation trueCont = branch.trueContinuation;
Continuation falseCont = branch.falseContinuation;
Continuation hoistedCase; // The branch to hoist.
Continuation loopCase; // The branch that is part of the loop.
// Check that one branch is part of the loop, and the other is an exit.
if (loopHierarchy.getLoopHeader(trueCont) != loop &&
loopHierarchy.getLoopHeader(falseCont) == loop) {
hoistedCase = trueCont;
loopCase = falseCont;
} else if (loopHierarchy.getLoopHeader(falseCont) != loop &&
loopHierarchy.getLoopHeader(trueCont) == loop) {
hoistedCase = falseCont;
loopCase = trueCont;
} else {
return false;
// Hoist non-loop continuations out of the loop.
// The hoisted branch can reference other continuations bound in the loop,
// so to stay in scope, those need to be hoisted as well.
// let b = COND
// let loop(x) =
// let join(y) = JOIN
// let hoistCase() = HOIST
// let loopCase() = LOOP
// branch b hoistCase loopCase
// in loop(i)
// ==>
// let b = COND
// let join(y,x) = JOIN
// let hoistCase(x) = HOIST
// let loop(x) =
// let loopCase() = LOOP
// branch b hoistCase loopCase
// in loop(i)
LetCont loopBinding = loop.parent;
Expression it = loop.body;
while (it is LetCont) {
LetCont let = it;
it = let.body;
for (Continuation cont in let.continuations) {
if (loopHierarchy.getEnclosingLoop(cont) != loop) {
appendParameters(cont, loop.parameters);
new LetCont(cont, null).insertAbove(loopBinding);
let.continuations.removeWhere((cont) => cont.parent != let);
if (let.continuations.isEmpty) {
// Create a new branch to call the hoisted continuation or the loop:
// let loop(x) =
// let loopCase() = LOOP
// branch b hoistCase loopCase
// in loop(i)
// ==>
// let newTrue() = hoistCase(i)
// let newFalse() =
// let loop(x) =
// let loopCase() = LOOP
// branch b hoistCase loopCase
// branch b newTrue newFalse
InvokeContinuation loopEntry = loopBinding.body;
List<Primitive> loopArgs =
CpsFragment cps = new CpsFragment();
strict: branch.isStrictCheck,
negate: hoistedCase == falseCont)
.invokeContinuation(hoistedCase, loopArgs);
// The continuations created in the fragment need to have their loop header
// set so the loop hierarchy remains intact
exitLoop: loopHierarchy.getEnclosingLoop(loop),
catchLoop: catchLoopFor[loop]);
// Insert above the loop. This will put the loop itself in a branch.
// Replace the old branch with the loopCase, still bound inside the loop:
// let loop(x) =
// let loopCase() = LOOP
// branch b hoistCase loopCase
// in loop(i)
// ==>
// let loop(x) =
// let loopCase() = LOOP
// loopCase()
// in loop(i)
destroyAndReplace(branch, new InvokeContinuation(loopCase, []));
// Record that at least one branch was hoisted to trigger alpha renaming.
wasHoisted = true;
return true;