blob: 1088363e0dbc3126f5590649b80c034749c2ed1b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.common.tasks;
import 'dart:developer' show
import '../common.dart';
import '../compiler.dart' show
import '../elements/elements.dart' show
typedef void DeferredAction();
class DeferredTask {
final Element element;
final DeferredAction action;
DeferredTask(this.element, this.action);
class CompilerTask {
final Compiler compiler;
final Stopwatch watch;
UserTag profilerTag;
final Map<String, GenericTask> _subtasks = <String, GenericTask>{};
CompilerTask(Compiler compiler)
: this.compiler = compiler,
watch = (compiler.options.verbose) ? new Stopwatch() : null;
DiagnosticReporter get reporter => compiler.reporter;
String get name => "Unknown task '${this.runtimeType}'";
int get timing {
if (watch == null) return 0;
int total = watch.elapsedMilliseconds;
for (GenericTask subtask in _subtasks.values) {
total += subtask.timing;
return total;
UserTag getProfilerTag() {
if (profilerTag == null) profilerTag = new UserTag(name);
return profilerTag;
measure(action()) {
// In verbose mode when watch != null.
if (watch == null) return action();
CompilerTask previous = compiler.measuredTask;
if (identical(this, previous)) return action();
compiler.measuredTask = this;
if (previous != null);
UserTag oldTag = getProfilerTag().makeCurrent();
try {
return action();
} finally {
if (previous != null);
compiler.measuredTask = previous;
measureElement(Element element, action()) {
reporter.withCurrentElement(element, () => measure(action));
/// Measure the time spent in [action] (if in verbose mode) and accumulate it
/// under a subtask with the given name.
measureSubtask(String name, action()) {
if (watch == null) return action();
// Use a nested CompilerTask for the measurement to ensure nested [measure]
// calls work correctly. The subtasks will never themselves have nested
// subtasks because they are not accessible outside.
GenericTask subtask = _subtasks.putIfAbsent(name,
() => new GenericTask(name, compiler));
return subtask.measure(action);
Iterable<String> get subtasks => _subtasks.keys;
int getSubtaskTime(String subtask) => _subtasks[subtask].timing;
class GenericTask extends CompilerTask {
final String name;
GenericTask(, Compiler compiler)
: super(compiler);