blob: 28583fcbeaf5eedc6a77e86e22d7c656126f264d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart2js.js_emitter;
const USE_LAZY_EMITTER = const bool.fromEnvironment("dart2js.use.lazy.emitter");
* Generates the code for all used classes in the program. Static fields (even
* in classes) are ignored, since they can be treated as non-class elements.
* The code for the containing (used) methods must exist in the `universe`.
class CodeEmitterTask extends CompilerTask {
// TODO(floitsch): the code-emitter task should not need a namer.
final Namer namer;
final TypeTestRegistry typeTestRegistry;
NativeEmitter nativeEmitter;
MetadataCollector metadataCollector;
Emitter emitter;
/// Records if a type variable is read dynamically for type tests.
final Set<TypeVariableElement> readTypeVariables =
new Set<TypeVariableElement>();
JavaScriptBackend get backend => compiler.backend;
// This field should be removed. It's currently only needed for dump-info and
// tests.
// The field is set after the program has been emitted.
/// Contains a list of all classes that are emitted.
Set<ClassElement> neededClasses;
CodeEmitterTask(Compiler compiler, Namer namer, bool generateSourceMap,
bool useStartupEmitter)
: super(compiler),
this.namer = namer,
this.typeTestRegistry = new TypeTestRegistry(compiler) {
nativeEmitter = new NativeEmitter(this);
emitter = new lazy_js_emitter.Emitter(compiler, namer, nativeEmitter);
} else if (useStartupEmitter) {
emitter = new startup_js_emitter.Emitter(
compiler, namer, nativeEmitter, generateSourceMap);
} else {
emitter =
new full_js_emitter.Emitter(compiler, namer, generateSourceMap, this);
metadataCollector = new MetadataCollector(compiler, emitter);
String get name => 'Code emitter';
/// Returns the string that is used to find library patches that are
/// specialized for the emitter.
String get patchVersion => emitter.patchVersion;
/// Returns the closure expression of a static function.
jsAst.Expression isolateStaticClosureAccess(FunctionElement element) {
return emitter.isolateStaticClosureAccess(element);
/// Returns the JS function that must be invoked to get the value of the
/// lazily initialized static.
jsAst.Expression isolateLazyInitializerAccess(FieldElement element) {
return emitter.isolateLazyInitializerAccess(element);
/// Returns the JS code for accessing the embedded [global].
jsAst.Expression generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(String global) {
return emitter.generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(global);
/// Returns the JS code for accessing the given [constant].
jsAst.Expression constantReference(ConstantValue constant) {
return emitter.constantReference(constant);
jsAst.Expression staticFieldAccess(FieldElement e) {
return emitter.staticFieldAccess(e);
/// Returns the JS function representing the given function.
/// The function must be invoked and can not be used as closure.
jsAst.Expression staticFunctionAccess(FunctionElement e) {
return emitter.staticFunctionAccess(e);
/// Returns the JS constructor of the given element.
/// The returned expression must only be used in a JS `new` expression.
jsAst.Expression constructorAccess(ClassElement e) {
return emitter.constructorAccess(e);
/// Returns the JS prototype of the given class [e].
jsAst.Expression prototypeAccess(ClassElement e,
{bool hasBeenInstantiated: false}) {
return emitter.prototypeAccess(e, hasBeenInstantiated);
/// Returns the JS prototype of the given interceptor class [e].
jsAst.Expression interceptorPrototypeAccess(ClassElement e) {
return jsAst.js('#.prototype', interceptorClassAccess(e));
/// Returns the JS constructor of the given interceptor class [e].
jsAst.Expression interceptorClassAccess(ClassElement e) {
return emitter.interceptorClassAccess(e);
/// Returns the JS expression representing the type [e].
/// The given type [e] might be a Typedef.
jsAst.Expression typeAccess(Element e) {
return emitter.typeAccess(e);
/// Returns the JS template for the given [builtin].
jsAst.Template builtinTemplateFor(JsBuiltin builtin) {
return emitter.templateForBuiltin(builtin);
void registerReadTypeVariable(TypeVariableElement element) {
Set<ClassElement> _finalizeRti() {
// Compute the required type checks to know which classes need a
// 'is$' method.
// Compute the classes needed by RTI.
return typeTestRegistry.computeRtiNeededClasses();
int assembleProgram() {
return measure(() {
Set<ClassElement> rtiNeededClasses = _finalizeRti();
ProgramBuilder programBuilder =
new ProgramBuilder(compiler, namer, this, emitter, rtiNeededClasses);
int size = emitter.emitProgram(programBuilder);
// TODO(floitsch): we shouldn't need the `neededClasses` anymore.
neededClasses = programBuilder.collector.neededClasses;
return size;
abstract class Emitter {
/// Returns the string that is used to find library patches that are
/// specialized for this emitter.
String get patchVersion;
/// Uses the [programBuilder] to generate a model of the program, emits
/// the program, and returns the size of the generated output.
int emitProgram(ProgramBuilder programBuilder);
/// Returns true, if the emitter supports reflection.
bool get supportsReflection;
/// Returns the JS function that must be invoked to get the value of the
/// lazily initialized static.
jsAst.Expression isolateLazyInitializerAccess(FieldElement element);
/// Returns the closure expression of a static function.
jsAst.Expression isolateStaticClosureAccess(FunctionElement element);
/// Returns the JS code for accessing the embedded [global].
jsAst.Expression generateEmbeddedGlobalAccess(String global);
/// Returns the JS function representing the given function.
/// The function must be invoked and can not be used as closure.
jsAst.Expression staticFunctionAccess(FunctionElement element);
jsAst.Expression staticFieldAccess(FieldElement element);
/// Returns the JS constructor of the given element.
/// The returned expression must only be used in a JS `new` expression.
jsAst.Expression constructorAccess(ClassElement e);
/// Returns the JS prototype of the given class [e].
jsAst.Expression prototypeAccess(ClassElement e, bool hasBeenInstantiated);
/// Returns the JS constructor of the given interceptor class [e].
jsAst.Expression interceptorClassAccess(ClassElement e);
/// Returns the JS expression representing the type [e].
jsAst.Expression typeAccess(Element e);
/// Returns the JS expression representing a function that returns 'null'
jsAst.Expression generateFunctionThatReturnsNull();
int compareConstants(ConstantValue a, ConstantValue b);
bool isConstantInlinedOrAlreadyEmitted(ConstantValue constant);
/// Returns the JS code for accessing the given [constant].
jsAst.Expression constantReference(ConstantValue constant);
/// Returns the JS template for the given [builtin].
jsAst.Template templateForBuiltin(JsBuiltin builtin);
void invalidateCaches();