blob: 50a73e05c5c0f84298ea2dd813bd2055ac4fa1a5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.cps_ir.type_propagation;
import 'optimizers.dart';
import '../closure.dart' show ClosureClassElement;
import '../common.dart';
import '../common/names.dart' show Identifiers, Selectors;
import '../compiler.dart' as dart2js show Compiler;
import '../constants/constant_system.dart';
import '../constants/values.dart';
import '../dart_types.dart' as types;
import '../elements/elements.dart';
import '../io/source_information.dart' show SourceInformation;
import '../js_backend/backend_helpers.dart' show BackendHelpers;
import '../js_backend/js_backend.dart' show JavaScriptBackend;
import '../js_backend/codegen/task.dart' show CpsFunctionCompiler;
import '../resolution/operators.dart';
import '../tree/tree.dart' as ast;
import '../types/types.dart';
import '../types/abstract_value_domain.dart' show AbstractBool;
import '../universe/selector.dart' show Selector;
import '../world.dart' show World;
import 'cps_fragment.dart';
import 'cps_ir_nodes.dart';
import 'type_mask_system.dart';
import 'effects.dart';
class ConstantPropagationLattice {
final TypeMaskSystem typeSystem;
final ConstantSystem constantSystem;
final types.DartTypes dartTypes;
final AbstractConstantValue anything;
final AbstractConstantValue nothing = new AbstractConstantValue.nothing();
final AbstractConstantValue nullValue;
final AbstractConstantValue trueValue;
final AbstractConstantValue falseValue;
ConstantPropagationLattice(CpsFunctionCompiler functionCompiler)
: typeSystem = functionCompiler.typeSystem,
constantSystem = functionCompiler.compiler.backend.constantSystem,
dartTypes = functionCompiler.compiler.types,
anything = new AbstractConstantValue.nonConstant(
nullValue = new AbstractConstantValue.constantValue(
new NullConstantValue(), new TypeMask.empty()),
trueValue = new AbstractConstantValue.constantValue(
new TrueConstantValue(), functionCompiler.typeSystem.boolType),
falseValue = new AbstractConstantValue.constantValue(
new FalseConstantValue(), functionCompiler.typeSystem.boolType);
AbstractConstantValue constant(ConstantValue value, [TypeMask type]) {
if (type == null) type = typeSystem.getTypeOf(value);
return new AbstractConstantValue.constantValue(value, type);
AbstractConstantValue nonConstant([TypeMask type]) {
if (type == null) type = typeSystem.dynamicType;
return new AbstractConstantValue.nonConstant(type);
/// Compute the join of two values in the lattice.
AbstractConstantValue join(AbstractConstantValue x, AbstractConstantValue y) {
assert(x != null);
assert(y != null);
if (x.isNothing) {
return y;
} else if (y.isNothing) {
return x;
} else if (x.isConstant && y.isConstant && x.constant == y.constant) {
return x;
} else {
return new AbstractConstantValue.nonConstant(
typeSystem.join(x.type, y.type));
/// True if all members of this value are booleans.
bool isDefinitelyBool(AbstractConstantValue value, {bool allowNull: false}) {
return value.isNothing ||
typeSystem.isDefinitelyBool(value.type, allowNull: allowNull);
/// True if all members of this value are numbers.
bool isDefinitelyNum(AbstractConstantValue value, {bool allowNull: false}) {
return value.isNothing ||
typeSystem.isDefinitelyNum(value.type, allowNull: allowNull);
/// True if all members of this value are strings.
bool isDefinitelyString(AbstractConstantValue value,
{bool allowNull: false}) {
return value.isNothing ||
typeSystem.isDefinitelyString(value.type, allowNull: allowNull);
/// True if all members of this value are numbers, strings, or booleans.
bool isDefinitelyNumStringBool(AbstractConstantValue value,
{bool allowNull: false}) {
return value.isNothing ||
typeSystem.isDefinitelyNumStringBool(value.type, allowNull: allowNull);
/// True if this value cannot be a string, number, or boolean.
bool isDefinitelyNotNumStringBool(AbstractConstantValue value) {
return value.isNothing ||
/// True if this value cannot be a non-integer double.
/// In other words, if true is returned, and the value is a number, then
/// it is a whole number and is not NaN, Infinity, or minus Infinity.
bool isDefinitelyNotNonIntegerDouble(AbstractConstantValue value) {
return value.isNothing ||
value.isConstant && !value.constant.isDouble ||
bool isDefinitelyInt(AbstractConstantValue value, {bool allowNull: false}) {
return value.isNothing ||
typeSystem.isDefinitelyInt(value.type, allowNull: allowNull);
bool isDefinitelyUint31(AbstractConstantValue value,
{bool allowNull: false}) {
return value.isNothing ||
typeSystem.isDefinitelyUint31(value.type, allowNull: allowNull);
bool isDefinitelyUint32(AbstractConstantValue value,
{bool allowNull: false}) {
return value.isNothing ||
typeSystem.isDefinitelyUint32(value.type, allowNull: allowNull);
bool isDefinitelyUint(AbstractConstantValue value, {bool allowNull: false}) {
return value.isNothing ||
typeSystem.isDefinitelyUint(value.type, allowNull: allowNull);
bool isDefinitelyArray(AbstractConstantValue value, {bool allowNull: false}) {
return value.isNothing ||
typeSystem.isDefinitelyArray(value.type, allowNull: allowNull);
bool isDefinitelyMutableArray(AbstractConstantValue value,
{bool allowNull: false}) {
return value.isNothing ||
typeSystem.isDefinitelyMutableArray(value.type, allowNull: allowNull);
bool isDefinitelyFixedArray(AbstractConstantValue value,
{bool allowNull: false}) {
return value.isNothing ||
typeSystem.isDefinitelyFixedArray(value.type, allowNull: allowNull);
bool isDefinitelyExtendableArray(AbstractConstantValue value,
{bool allowNull: false}) {
return value.isNothing ||
allowNull: allowNull);
bool isDefinitelyIndexable(AbstractConstantValue value,
{bool allowNull: false}) {
return value.isNothing ||
typeSystem.isDefinitelyIndexable(value.type, allowNull: allowNull);
/// Returns `true` if [value] represents an int value that must be in the
/// inclusive range.
bool isDefinitelyIntInRange(AbstractConstantValue value, {int min, int max}) {
if (value.isNothing) return true;
if (!isDefinitelyInt(value)) return false;
PrimitiveConstantValue constant = value.constant;
if (constant == null) return false;
if (!constant.isInt) return false;
if (min != null && constant.primitiveValue < min) return false;
if (max != null && constant.primitiveValue > max) return false;
return true;
/// Returns whether the given [value] is an instance of [type].
/// Since [value] and [type] are not always known, [AbstractBool.Maybe] is
/// returned if the answer is not known.
/// [AbstractBool.Nothing] is returned if [value] is nothing.
/// If [allowNull] is true, `null` is considered an instance of anything,
/// otherwise it is only considered an instance of [Object], [dynamic], and
/// [Null].
AbstractBool isSubtypeOf(AbstractConstantValue value, types.DartType type,
{bool allowNull}) {
assert(allowNull != null);
if (value.isNothing) {
return AbstractBool.Nothing;
if (value.isConstant) {
if (value.constant.isNull) {
if (allowNull ||
type.isObject ||
type.isDynamic ||
type == dartTypes.coreTypes.nullType) {
return AbstractBool.True;
if (type is types.TypeVariableType) {
return AbstractBool.Maybe;
return AbstractBool.False;
if (type == dartTypes.coreTypes.intType) {
return constantSystem.isInt(value.constant)
? AbstractBool.True
: AbstractBool.False;
types.DartType valueType = value.constant.getType(dartTypes.coreTypes);
if (constantSystem.isSubtype(dartTypes, valueType, type)) {
return AbstractBool.True;
if (!dartTypes.isPotentialSubtype(valueType, type)) {
return AbstractBool.False;
return AbstractBool.Maybe;
return typeSystem.isSubtypeOf(value.type, type, allowNull: allowNull);
/// Returns the possible results of applying [operator] to [value],
/// assuming the operation does not throw.
/// Because we do not explicitly track thrown values, we currently use the
/// convention that constant values are returned from this method only
/// if the operation is known not to throw.
/// This method returns `null` if a good result could not be found. In that
/// case, it is best to fall back on interprocedural type information.
AbstractConstantValue unaryOp(
UnaryOperator operator, AbstractConstantValue value) {
switch (operator.kind) {
case UnaryOperatorKind.COMPLEMENT:
return bitNotSpecial(value);
case UnaryOperatorKind.NEGATE:
return negateSpecial(value);
// TODO(asgerf): Also return information about whether this can throw?
if (value.isNothing) {
return nothing;
if (value.isConstant) {
UnaryOperation operation = constantSystem.lookupUnary(operator);
ConstantValue result = operation.fold(value.constant);
if (result == null) return anything;
return constant(result);
return null; // TODO(asgerf): Look up type?
/// Returns the possible results of applying [operator] to [left], [right],
/// assuming the operation does not throw.
/// Because we do not explicitly track thrown values, we currently use the
/// convention that constant values are returned from this method only
/// if the operation is known not to throw.
/// This method returns `null` if a good result could not be found. In that
/// case, it is best to fall back on interprocedural type information.
AbstractConstantValue binaryOp(BinaryOperator operator,
AbstractConstantValue left, AbstractConstantValue right) {
switch (operator.kind) {
case BinaryOperatorKind.ADD:
return addSpecial(left, right);
case BinaryOperatorKind.SUB:
return subtractSpecial(left, right);
case BinaryOperatorKind.MUL:
return multiplySpecial(left, right);
case BinaryOperatorKind.DIV:
return divideSpecial(left, right);
case BinaryOperatorKind.IDIV:
return truncatingDivideSpecial(left, right);
case BinaryOperatorKind.MOD:
return moduloSpecial(left, right);
case BinaryOperatorKind.EQ:
return equalSpecial(left, right);
case BinaryOperatorKind.AND:
return andSpecial(left, right);
case BinaryOperatorKind.OR:
return orSpecial(left, right);
case BinaryOperatorKind.XOR:
return xorSpecial(left, right);
case BinaryOperatorKind.SHL:
return shiftLeftSpecial(left, right);
case BinaryOperatorKind.SHR:
return shiftRightSpecial(left, right);
case BinaryOperatorKind.LT:
return lessSpecial(left, right);
case BinaryOperatorKind.LTEQ:
return lessEqualSpecial(left, right);
case BinaryOperatorKind.GT:
return greaterSpecial(left, right);
case BinaryOperatorKind.GTEQ:
return greaterEqualSpecial(left, right);
if (left.isNothing || right.isNothing) {
return nothing;
if (left.isConstant && right.isConstant) {
BinaryOperation operation = constantSystem.lookupBinary(operator);
ConstantValue result = operation.fold(left.constant, right.constant);
if (result != null) return constant(result);
return null; // The caller will use return type from type inference.
AbstractConstantValue foldUnary(
UnaryOperation operation, AbstractConstantValue value) {
if (value.isNothing) return nothing;
if (value.isConstant) {
ConstantValue result = operation.fold(value.constant);
if (result != null) return constant(result);
return null;
AbstractConstantValue bitNotSpecial(AbstractConstantValue value) {
return foldUnary(constantSystem.bitNot, value);
AbstractConstantValue negateSpecial(AbstractConstantValue value) {
AbstractConstantValue folded = foldUnary(constantSystem.negate, value);
if (folded != null) return folded;
if (isDefinitelyInt(value, allowNull: true)) {
return nonConstant(typeSystem.intType);
return null;
AbstractConstantValue foldBinary(BinaryOperation operation,
AbstractConstantValue left, AbstractConstantValue right) {
if (left.isNothing || right.isNothing) return nothing;
if (left.isConstant && right.isConstant) {
ConstantValue result = operation.fold(left.constant, right.constant);
if (result != null) return constant(result);
return null;
AbstractConstantValue closedOnInt(
AbstractConstantValue left, AbstractConstantValue right) {
if (isDefinitelyInt(left, allowNull: true) &&
isDefinitelyInt(right, allowNull: true)) {
return nonConstant(typeSystem.intType);
return null;
AbstractConstantValue closedOnUint(
AbstractConstantValue left, AbstractConstantValue right) {
if (isDefinitelyUint(left, allowNull: true) &&
isDefinitelyUint(right, allowNull: true)) {
return nonConstant(typeSystem.uintType);
return null;
AbstractConstantValue closedOnUint31(
AbstractConstantValue left, AbstractConstantValue right) {
if (isDefinitelyUint31(left, allowNull: true) &&
isDefinitelyUint31(right, allowNull: true)) {
return nonConstant(typeSystem.uint31Type);
return null;
AbstractConstantValue addSpecial(
AbstractConstantValue left, AbstractConstantValue right) {
AbstractConstantValue folded = foldBinary(constantSystem.add, left, right);
if (folded != null) return folded;
if (isDefinitelyNum(left, allowNull: true)) {
if (isDefinitelyUint31(left, allowNull: true) &&
isDefinitelyUint31(right, allowNull: true)) {
return nonConstant(typeSystem.uint32Type);
return closedOnUint(left, right) ?? closedOnInt(left, right);
return null;
AbstractConstantValue subtractSpecial(
AbstractConstantValue left, AbstractConstantValue right) {
AbstractConstantValue folded =
foldBinary(constantSystem.subtract, left, right);
return folded ?? closedOnInt(left, right);
AbstractConstantValue multiplySpecial(
AbstractConstantValue left, AbstractConstantValue right) {
AbstractConstantValue folded =
foldBinary(constantSystem.multiply, left, right);
return folded ?? closedOnUint(left, right) ?? closedOnInt(left, right);
AbstractConstantValue divideSpecial(
AbstractConstantValue left, AbstractConstantValue right) {
return foldBinary(constantSystem.divide, left, right);
AbstractConstantValue truncatingDivideSpecial(
AbstractConstantValue left, AbstractConstantValue right) {
AbstractConstantValue folded =
foldBinary(constantSystem.truncatingDivide, left, right);
if (folded != null) return folded;
if (isDefinitelyNum(left, allowNull: true)) {
if (isDefinitelyUint32(left, allowNull: true) &&
isDefinitelyIntInRange(right, min: 2)) {
return nonConstant(typeSystem.uint31Type);
if (isDefinitelyUint(right, allowNull: true)) {
// `0` will be an exception, other values will shrink the result.
if (isDefinitelyUint31(left, allowNull: true)) {
return nonConstant(typeSystem.uint31Type);
if (isDefinitelyUint32(left, allowNull: true)) {
return nonConstant(typeSystem.uint32Type);
if (isDefinitelyUint(left, allowNull: true)) {
return nonConstant(typeSystem.uintType);
return nonConstant(typeSystem.intType);
return null;
AbstractConstantValue moduloSpecial(
AbstractConstantValue left, AbstractConstantValue right) {
AbstractConstantValue folded =
foldBinary(constantSystem.modulo, left, right);
return folded ?? closedOnUint(left, right) ?? closedOnInt(left, right);
AbstractConstantValue remainderSpecial(
AbstractConstantValue left, AbstractConstantValue right) {
if (left.isNothing || right.isNothing) return nothing;
AbstractConstantValue folded = null; // Remainder not in constant system.
return folded ?? closedOnUint(left, right) ?? closedOnInt(left, right);
AbstractConstantValue codeUnitAtSpecial(
AbstractConstantValue left, AbstractConstantValue right) {
return foldBinary(constantSystem.codeUnitAt, left, right);
AbstractConstantValue equalSpecial(
AbstractConstantValue left, AbstractConstantValue right) {
AbstractConstantValue folded =
foldBinary(constantSystem.equal, left, right);
if (folded != null) return folded;
bool behavesLikeIdentity =
isDefinitelyNumStringBool(left, allowNull: true) ||
if (behavesLikeIdentity && typeSystem.areDisjoint(left.type, right.type)) {
return constant(new FalseConstantValue());
return null;
AbstractConstantValue andSpecial(
AbstractConstantValue left, AbstractConstantValue right) {
AbstractConstantValue folded =
foldBinary(constantSystem.bitAnd, left, right);
if (folded != null) return folded;
if (isDefinitelyNum(left, allowNull: true)) {
if (isDefinitelyUint31(left, allowNull: true) ||
isDefinitelyUint31(right, allowNull: true)) {
// Either 31-bit argument will truncate the other.
return nonConstant(typeSystem.uint31Type);
return null;
AbstractConstantValue orSpecial(
AbstractConstantValue left, AbstractConstantValue right) {
AbstractConstantValue folded =
foldBinary(constantSystem.bitOr, left, right);
return folded ?? closedOnUint31(left, right);
AbstractConstantValue xorSpecial(
AbstractConstantValue left, AbstractConstantValue right) {
AbstractConstantValue folded =
foldBinary(constantSystem.bitXor, left, right);
return folded ?? closedOnUint31(left, right);
AbstractConstantValue shiftLeftSpecial(
AbstractConstantValue left, AbstractConstantValue right) {
return foldBinary(constantSystem.shiftLeft, left, right);
AbstractConstantValue shiftRightSpecial(
AbstractConstantValue left, AbstractConstantValue right) {
AbstractConstantValue folded =
foldBinary(constantSystem.shiftRight, left, right);
if (folded != null) return folded;
if (isDefinitelyUint31(left, allowNull: true)) {
return nonConstant(typeSystem.uint31Type);
} else if (isDefinitelyUint32(left, allowNull: true)) {
if (isDefinitelyIntInRange(right, min: 1, max: 31)) {
// A zero will be shifted into the 'sign' bit.
return nonConstant(typeSystem.uint31Type);
return nonConstant(typeSystem.uint32Type);
return null;
AbstractConstantValue lessSpecial(
AbstractConstantValue left, AbstractConstantValue right) {
if (isDefinitelyUint(left) && right.isZeroOrNegativeConstant) {
return falseValue; // "uint < 0" is false.
} else if (left.isNegativeConstant && isDefinitelyUint(right)) {
return trueValue; // "-1 < uint" is true.
return foldBinary(constantSystem.less, left, right);
AbstractConstantValue lessEqualSpecial(
AbstractConstantValue left, AbstractConstantValue right) {
if (isDefinitelyUint(left) && right.isNegativeConstant) {
return falseValue; // "uint <= -1" is false.
} else if (left.isZeroOrNegativeConstant && isDefinitelyUint(right)) {
return trueValue; // "0 <= uint" is true.
return foldBinary(constantSystem.lessEqual, left, right);
AbstractConstantValue greaterSpecial(
AbstractConstantValue left, AbstractConstantValue right) {
if (left.isZeroOrNegativeConstant && isDefinitelyUint(right)) {
return falseValue; // "0 > uint" is false
} else if (isDefinitelyUint(left) && right.isNegativeConstant) {
return trueValue; // "uint > -1" is true
return foldBinary(constantSystem.greater, left, right);
AbstractConstantValue greaterEqualSpecial(
AbstractConstantValue left, AbstractConstantValue right) {
if (left.isNegativeConstant && isDefinitelyUint(right)) {
return falseValue; // "-1 >= uint" is false
} else if (isDefinitelyUint(left) && right.isZeroOrNegativeConstant) {
return trueValue; // "uint >= 0" is true
return foldBinary(constantSystem.greaterEqual, left, right);
AbstractConstantValue intConstant(int value) {
return constant(new IntConstantValue(value));
AbstractConstantValue lengthSpecial(AbstractConstantValue input) {
if (input.isConstant) {
ConstantValue constant = input.constant;
if (constant is StringConstantValue) {
return intConstant(constant.length);
} else if (constant is ListConstantValue) {
return intConstant(constant.length);
int length = typeSystem.getContainerLength(input.type);
if (length != null) {
return intConstant(length);
return null; // The caller will use return type from type inference.
AbstractConstantValue stringConstant(String value) {
return constant(new StringConstantValue(new ast.DartString.literal(value)));
AbstractConstantValue indexSpecial(
AbstractConstantValue left, AbstractConstantValue right) {
if (left.isNothing || right.isNothing) return nothing;
if (right.isConstant) {
ConstantValue index = right.constant;
if (left.isConstant) {
ConstantValue receiver = left.constant;
if (receiver is StringConstantValue) {
if (index is IntConstantValue) {
String stringValue = receiver.primitiveValue.slowToString();
int indexValue = index.primitiveValue;
if (0 <= indexValue && indexValue < stringValue.length) {
return stringConstant(stringValue[indexValue]);
} else {
return nothing; // Will throw.
} else if (receiver is ListConstantValue) {
if (index is IntConstantValue) {
int indexValue = index.primitiveValue;
if (0 <= indexValue && indexValue < receiver.length) {
return constant(receiver.entries[indexValue]);
} else {
return nothing; // Will throw.
} else if (receiver is MapConstantValue) {
ConstantValue result = receiver.lookup(index);
if (result != null) {
return constant(result);
return constant(new NullConstantValue());
TypeMask type = typeSystem.indexWithConstant(left.type, index);
if (type != null) return nonConstant(type);
// TODO(asgerf): Handle case where 'left' is a List or Map constant but
// the index is unknown.
return null; // The caller will use return type from type inference.
AbstractConstantValue stringify(AbstractConstantValue value) {
if (value.isNothing) return nothing;
if (value.isNonConst) return nonConstant(typeSystem.stringType);
ConstantValue constantValue = value.constant;
if (constantValue is StringConstantValue) {
return value;
} else if (constantValue is PrimitiveConstantValue) {
// Note: The primitiveValue for a StringConstantValue is not suitable
// for toString() use since it is a DartString. But the other subclasses
// returns an unwrapped Dart value we can safely convert to a string.
return stringConstant(constantValue.primitiveValue.toString());
} else {
return nonConstant(typeSystem.stringType);
/// Returns whether [value] is one of the falsy values: false, 0, -0, NaN,
/// the empty string, or null.
AbstractBool boolify(AbstractConstantValue value) {
if (value.isNothing) return AbstractBool.Nothing;
if (value.isConstant) {
ConstantValue constantValue = value.constant;
if (isFalsyConstant(constantValue)) {
return AbstractBool.False;
} else {
return AbstractBool.True;
return typeSystem.boolify(value.type);
/// Returns whether [value] is the value `true`.
AbstractBool strictBoolify(AbstractConstantValue value) {
if (value.isNothing) return AbstractBool.Nothing;
if (value.isConstant) {
return value.constant.isTrue ? AbstractBool.True : AbstractBool.False;
return typeSystem.strictBoolify(value.type);
/// The possible return types of a method that may be targeted by
/// [selector] on [receiver].
AbstractConstantValue getInvokeReturnType(
Selector selector, AbstractConstantValue receiver) {
return fromMask(typeSystem.getInvokeReturnType(selector, receiver.type));
AbstractConstantValue fromMask(TypeMask mask) {
ConstantValue constantValue = typeSystem.getConstantOf(mask);
if (constantValue != null) return constant(constantValue, mask);
return nonConstant(mask);
AbstractConstantValue nonNullable(AbstractConstantValue value) {
if (value.isNullConstant) return nothing;
if (!value.isNullable) return value;
return nonConstant(value.type.nonNullable());
AbstractConstantValue intersectWithType(
AbstractConstantValue value, TypeMask type) {
if (value.isNothing || typeSystem.areDisjoint(value.type, type)) {
return nothing;
} else if (value.isConstant) {
return value;
} else {
return nonConstant(typeSystem.intersection(value.type, type));
/// If [value] is an integer constant, returns its value, otherwise `null`.
int intValue(AbstractConstantValue value) {
if (value.isConstant && value.constant.isInt) {
PrimitiveConstantValue constant = value.constant;
return constant.primitiveValue;
return null;
* Propagates types (including value types for constants) throughout the IR, and
* replaces branches with fixed jumps as well as side-effect free expressions
* with known constant results.
* Should be followed by the [ShrinkingReducer] pass.
* Implemented according to 'Constant Propagation with Conditional Branches'
* by Wegman, Zadeck.
class TypePropagator extends Pass {
String get passName => 'Type propagation';
final CpsFunctionCompiler _functionCompiler;
final Map<Variable, ConstantValue> _values = <Variable, ConstantValue>{};
final ConstantPropagationLattice _lattice;
final bool recomputeAll;
TypePropagator(CpsFunctionCompiler functionCompiler,
{this.recomputeAll: false})
: _functionCompiler = functionCompiler,
_lattice = new ConstantPropagationLattice(functionCompiler);
dart2js.Compiler get _compiler => _functionCompiler.compiler;
InternalErrorFunction get _internalError => _compiler.reporter.internalError;
void rewrite(FunctionDefinition root) {
// Analyze. In this phase, the entire term is analyzed for reachability
// and the abstract value of each expression.
TypePropagationVisitor analyzer =
new TypePropagationVisitor(_lattice, _values, _internalError);
analyzer.analyze(root, recomputeAll);
// Transform. Uses the data acquired in the previous analysis phase to
// replace branches with fixed targets and side-effect-free expressions
// with constant results or existing values that are in scope.
TransformingVisitor transformer = new TransformingVisitor(
_compiler, _functionCompiler, _lattice, analyzer, _internalError);
final Map<String, BuiltinOperator> NumBinaryBuiltins =
const <String, BuiltinOperator>{
'+': BuiltinOperator.NumAdd,
'-': BuiltinOperator.NumSubtract,
'*': BuiltinOperator.NumMultiply,
'/': BuiltinOperator.NumDivide,
'&': BuiltinOperator.NumAnd,
'|': BuiltinOperator.NumOr,
'^': BuiltinOperator.NumXor,
'<': BuiltinOperator.NumLt,
'<=': BuiltinOperator.NumLe,
'>': BuiltinOperator.NumGt,
'>=': BuiltinOperator.NumGe
* Uses the information from a preceding analysis pass in order to perform the
* actual transformations on the CPS graph.
class TransformingVisitor extends DeepRecursiveVisitor {
final TypePropagationVisitor analyzer;
final ConstantPropagationLattice lattice;
final dart2js.Compiler compiler;
final CpsFunctionCompiler functionCompiler;
JavaScriptBackend get backend => compiler.backend;
BackendHelpers get helpers => backend.helpers;
TypeMaskSystem get typeSystem => lattice.typeSystem;
types.DartTypes get dartTypes => lattice.dartTypes;
World get classWorld => typeSystem.classWorld;
Map<Variable, ConstantValue> get values => analyzer.values;
final InternalErrorFunction internalError;
final List<Node> stack = <Node>[];
TypeCheckOperator checkIsNumber;
TransformingVisitor(this.compiler, this.functionCompiler, this.lattice,
this.analyzer, this.internalError) {
checkIsNumber = new ClassTypeCheckOperator(
helpers.jsNumberClass, BuiltinOperator.IsNotNumber);
void transform(FunctionDefinition root) {
// If one of the parameters has no value, the function is unreachable.
// We assume all values in scope have a non-empty type (otherwise the
// scope is unreachable), so this optimization is required.
// TODO(asgerf): Can we avoid emitting the function is the first place?
for (Parameter param in root.parameters) {
if (getValue(param).isNothing) {
// Replace with `throw "Unreachable";`
CpsFragment cps = new CpsFragment(null);
Primitive message =
cps.makeConstant(new StringConstantValue.fromString("Unreachable"));
cps.put(new Throw(message));
replaceSubtree(root.body, cps.result);
while (stack.isNotEmpty) {
void push(Node node) {
assert(node != null);
void pushAll(Iterable<Node> nodes) {
/************************* INTERIOR EXPRESSIONS *************************/
// These return nothing, and must push recursive children on the stack.
void visitLetCont(LetCont node) {
void visitLetHandler(LetHandler node) {
void visitLetMutable(LetMutable node) {
void visitLetPrim(LetPrim node) {
Primitive prim = node.primitive;
// Try to remove a dead primitive.
if (prim.hasNoUses && prim.isSafeForElimination) {
// Try to constant-fold the primitive.
if (prim is! Constant && prim is! Refinement && prim.isSafeForElimination) {
AbstractConstantValue value = getValue(prim);
if (value.isConstant) {
if (constantIsSafeToCopy(value.constant)) {
// Try to specialize the primitive.
var replacement = visit(prim);
if (replacement is CpsFragment) {
push(node.body); // Get the body before removing the node.
if (replacement is Primitive) {
// Reanalyze this node. Further specialization may be possible.
assert(replacement == null);
// Remove dead code after a primitive that always throws.
if (isAlwaysThrowingOrDiverging(prim)) {
replaceSubtree(node.body, new Unreachable());
bool constantIsSafeToCopy(ConstantValue constant) {
// TODO(25230, 25231): We should refer to large shared strings by name.
// This number is chosen to prevent huge strings being copied. Don't make
// this too small, otherwise it will suppress otherwise harmless constant
// folding.
return constant is StringConstantValue
: true;
bool isAlwaysThrowingOrDiverging(Primitive prim) {
if (prim is SetField) {
return getValue(prim.object).isNullConstant;
if (prim is SetIndex) {
return getValue(prim.object).isNullConstant;
// If a primitive has a value, but can't return anything, it must throw
// or diverge.
return prim.hasValue && prim.type.isEmpty;
void visitContinuation(Continuation node) {
if (node.isReturnContinuation) return;
if (!analyzer.reachableContinuations.contains(node)) {
replaceSubtree(node.body, new Unreachable());
// Process the continuation body.
// Note that the continuation body may have changed since the continuation
// was put on the stack (e.g. [visitInvokeContinuation] may do this).
/************************* TRANSFORMATION HELPERS *************************/
/// Sets parent pointers and computes types for the given subtree.
void reanalyze(Node node) {
/// Sets parent pointers and computes types for the given fragment.
void reanalyzeFragment(CpsFragment code) {
if (code.isEmpty) return;
if (code.isOpen) {
// Temporarily close the fragment while analyzing it.
// TODO(asgerf): Perhaps the analyzer should just cope with missing nodes.
InteriorNode context = code.context;
code.put(new Unreachable());
code.context = context;
context.body = null;
} else {
/// Removes the entire subtree of [node] and inserts [replacement].
/// All references in the [node] subtree are unlinked all types in
/// [replacement] are recomputed.
/// [replacement] must be "fresh", i.e. it must not contain significant parts
/// of the original IR inside of it, as this leads to redundant reprocessing.
void replaceSubtree(Expression node, Expression replacement) {
InteriorNode parent = node.parent;
parent.body = replacement;
replacement.parent = parent;
node.parent = null;
/// Inserts [insertedCode] before [node].
/// [node] will end up in the hole of [insertedCode], and [insertedCode]
/// will become rooted where [node] was.
void insertBefore(Expression node, CpsFragment insertedCode) {
if (insertedCode.isEmpty) return; // Nothing to do.
InteriorNode parent = node.parent;
InteriorNode context = insertedCode.context;
parent.body = insertedCode.root;
insertedCode.root.parent = parent;
// We want to recompute the types for [insertedCode] without
// traversing the entire subtree of [node]. Temporarily close the
// term with a dummy node while recomputing types.
context.body = new Unreachable();
context.body = node;
node.parent = context;
/// Make a constant primitive for [constant] and set its entry in [values].
Constant makeConstantPrimitive(ConstantValue constant) {
Constant primitive = new Constant(constant);
primitive.type = typeSystem.getTypeOf(constant);
values[primitive] = constant;
return primitive;
/// Builds `(LetPrim p (InvokeContinuation k p))`.
/// No parent pointers are set.
LetPrim makeLetPrimInvoke(Primitive primitive, Continuation continuation) {
assert(continuation.parameters.length == 1);
LetPrim letPrim = new LetPrim(primitive);
InvokeContinuation invoke =
new InvokeContinuation(continuation, <Primitive>[primitive]);
letPrim.body = invoke;
values[primitive] = values[continuation.parameters.single];
primitive.hint = continuation.parameters.single.hint;
return letPrim;
/************************* TAIL EXPRESSIONS *************************/
// A branch can be eliminated and replaced by an invocation if only one of
// the possible continuations is reachable. Removal often leads to both dead
// primitives (the condition variable) and dead continuations (the unreachable
// branch), which are both removed by the shrinking reductions pass.
// (Branch (IsTrue true) k0 k1) -> (InvokeContinuation k0)
void visitBranch(Branch node) {
Continuation trueCont = node.trueContinuation;
Continuation falseCont = node.falseContinuation;
Primitive condition = node.condition;
AbstractConstantValue conditionValue = getValue(condition);
// Change to non-strict check if the condition is a boolean or null.
if (lattice.isDefinitelyBool(conditionValue, allowNull: true)) {
node.isStrictCheck = false;
AbstractBool boolifiedValue = node.isStrictCheck
? lattice.strictBoolify(conditionValue)
: lattice.boolify(conditionValue);
if (boolifiedValue == AbstractBool.True) {
replaceSubtree(falseCont.body, new Unreachable());
InvokeContinuation invoke = new InvokeContinuation(trueCont, []);
replaceSubtree(node, invoke);
if (boolifiedValue == AbstractBool.False) {
replaceSubtree(trueCont.body, new Unreachable());
InvokeContinuation invoke = new InvokeContinuation(falseCont, []);
replaceSubtree(node, invoke);
// Shortcut negation to help simplify control flow. The tree IR will insert
// a negation again if that's useful.
if (condition is ApplyBuiltinOperator &&
condition.operator == BuiltinOperator.IsFalsy) {
void visitInvokeContinuation(InvokeContinuation node) {
// Inline the single-use continuations. These are often introduced when
// specializing an invocation node. These would also be inlined by a later
// pass, but doing it here helps simplify pattern matching code, since the
// effective definition of a primitive can then be found without going
// through redundant InvokeContinuations.
Continuation cont = node.continuation;
if (cont.hasExactlyOneUse &&
!cont.isReturnContinuation &&
!cont.isRecursive &&
!node.isEscapingTry) {
for (int i = 0; i < node.argumentRefs.length; ++i) {
Primitive argument = node.argument(i);
Parameter parameter = cont.parameters[i];
InteriorNode parent = node.parent;
Expression body = cont.body;
parent.body = body;
body.parent = parent;
cont.body = new Unreachable();
cont.body.parent = cont;
/// Returns the possible targets of [selector] when invoked on a receiver
/// of type [receiverType].
Iterable<Element> getAllTargets(TypeMask receiverType, Selector selector) {
return, receiverType);
/************************* CALL EXPRESSIONS *************************/
/// Replaces [node] with a more specialized instruction, if possible.
/// Returns `true` if the node was replaced.
specializeOperatorCall(InvokeMethod node) {
if (!backend.isInterceptedSelector(node.selector)) return null;
if (node.argumentRefs.length > 1) return null;
if (node.callingConvention == CallingConvention.OneShotIntercepted) {
return null;
bool trustPrimitives = compiler.options.trustPrimitives;
/// Check that the receiver and argument satisfy the given type checks, and
/// throw a [NoSuchMethodError] or [ArgumentError] if the check fails.
CpsFragment makeGuard(TypeCheckOperator receiverGuard,
[TypeCheckOperator argumentGuard]) {
CpsFragment cps = new CpsFragment(node.sourceInformation);
// Make no guards if trusting primitives.
if (trustPrimitives) return cps;
// Determine which guards are needed.
ChecksNeeded receiverChecks =
receiverGuard.getChecksNeeded(node.receiver, classWorld);
bool needReceiverGuard = receiverChecks != ChecksNeeded.None;
bool needArgumentGuard = argumentGuard != null &&
argumentGuard.needsCheck(node.argument(0), classWorld);
if (!needReceiverGuard && !needArgumentGuard) return cps;
// If we only need the receiver check, emit the specialized receiver
// check instruction. Examples:
// if (typeof receiver !== "number") return receiver.$lt;
// if (typeof receiver !== "number") return receiver.$lt();
if (!needArgumentGuard) {
Primitive condition = receiverGuard.makeCheck(cps, node.receiver);
cps.letPrim(new ReceiverCheck(
node.receiver, node.selector, node.sourceInformation,
condition: condition,
useSelector: true,
isNullCheck: receiverChecks == ChecksNeeded.Null));
return cps;
// TODO(asgerf): We should consider specialized instructions for
// argument checks and receiver+argument checks, to avoid breaking up
// basic blocks.
// Emit as `H.iae(x)` if only the argument check may fail. For example:
// if (typeof argument !== "number") return H.iae(argument);
if (!needReceiverGuard) {
.ifTruthy(argumentGuard.makeCheck(cps, node.argument(0)))
helpers.throwIllegalArgumentException, [node.argument(0)]);
return cps;
// Both receiver and argument check is needed. Emit as a combined check
// using a one-shot interceptor to produce the exact error message in
// the error case. For example:
// if (typeof receiver !== "number" || typeof argument !== "number")
// return J.$lt(receiver, argument);
Continuation fail = cps.letCont();
.ifTruthy(receiverGuard.makeCheck(cps, node.receiver))
.ifTruthy(argumentGuard.makeCheck(cps, node.argument(0)))
node.receiver, node.selector, node.mask, [node.argument(0)],
callingConvention: CallingConvention.OneShotIntercepted)
..put(new Unreachable());
return cps;
/// Replaces the call with [operator], using the receiver and first argument
/// as operands (in that order).
/// If [guard] is given, the receiver and argument are both checked using
/// that operator.
CpsFragment makeBinary(BuiltinOperator operator,
{TypeCheckOperator guard: TypeCheckOperator.none}) {
CpsFragment cps = makeGuard(guard, guard);
Primitive left = guard.makeRefinement(cps, node.receiver, classWorld);
Primitive right = guard.makeRefinement(cps, node.argument(0), classWorld);
Primitive result = cps.applyBuiltin(operator, [left, right]);
result.hint = node.hint;
return cps;
/// Like [makeBinary] but for unary operators with the receiver as the
/// argument.
CpsFragment makeUnary(BuiltinOperator operator,
{TypeCheckOperator guard: TypeCheckOperator.none}) {
CpsFragment cps = makeGuard(guard);
Primitive argument = guard.makeRefinement(cps, node.receiver, classWorld);
Primitive result = cps.applyBuiltin(operator, [argument]);
result.hint = node.hint;
return cps;
Selector renameToOptimizedSelector(String name) {
return new
new Name(name, backend.helpers.interceptorsLibrary),
/// Replaces the call with a call to [name] with the same inputs.
InvokeMethod makeRenamedInvoke(String name) {
return new InvokeMethod(node.receiver, renameToOptimizedSelector(name),
node.mask, node.arguments.toList(),
sourceInformation: node.sourceInformation,
callingConvention: node.callingConvention,
interceptor: node.interceptor);
TypeMask successType =
typeSystem.receiverTypeFor(node.selector, node.receiver.type);
if (node.selector.isOperator && node.argumentRefs.length == 1) {
Primitive leftArg = node.receiver;
Primitive rightArg = node.argument(0);
AbstractConstantValue left = getValue(leftArg);
AbstractConstantValue right = getValue(rightArg);
String opname =;
if (opname == '==') {
// Equality is special due to its treatment of null values and the
// fact that Dart-null corresponds to both JS-null and JS-undefined.
// Please see documentation for IsFalsy, StrictEq, and LooseEq.
if (left.isNullConstant || right.isNullConstant) {
return makeBinary(BuiltinOperator.Identical);
// There are several implementations of == that behave like identical.
// Specialize it if we definitely call one of those.
bool behavesLikeIdentical = true;
for (Element target in getAllTargets(left.type, node.selector)) {
ClassElement clazz = target.enclosingClass.declaration;
if (clazz != &&
clazz != helpers.jsInterceptorClass &&
clazz != helpers.jsNullClass) {
behavesLikeIdentical = false;
if (behavesLikeIdentical) {
return makeBinary(BuiltinOperator.Identical);
} else {
if (typeSystem.isDefinitelyNum(successType)) {
// Try to insert a numeric operator.
BuiltinOperator operator = NumBinaryBuiltins[opname];
if (operator != null) {
return makeBinary(operator, guard: checkIsNumber);
// The following specializations only apply to integers.
// The Math.floor test is quite large, so we only apply these in cases
// where the guard does not involve Math.floor.
// Shift operators are not in [NumBinaryBuiltins] because Dart shifts
// behave different to JS shifts, especially in the handling of the
// shift count.
// Try to insert a shift-left operator.
if (opname == '<<' &&
lattice.isDefinitelyInt(left, allowNull: true) &&
lattice.isDefinitelyIntInRange(right, min: 0, max: 31)) {
return makeBinary(BuiltinOperator.NumShl, guard: checkIsNumber);
// Try to insert a shift-right operator. JavaScript's right shift is
// consistent with Dart's only for left operands in the unsigned
// 32-bit range.
if (opname == '>>') {
if (lattice.isDefinitelyUint32(left, allowNull: true) &&
lattice.isDefinitelyIntInRange(right, min: 0, max: 31)) {
return makeBinary(BuiltinOperator.NumShr, guard: checkIsNumber);
} else if (lattice.isDefinitelyUint(left) &&
lattice.isDefinitelyUint(right)) {
return makeRenamedInvoke('_shrBothPositive');
} else if (lattice.isDefinitelyUint(left) &&
lattice.isDefinitelyNum(right)) {
return makeRenamedInvoke('_shrReceiverPositive');
} else if (lattice.isDefinitelyNum(left) &&
lattice.isDefinitelyUint(right)) {
return makeRenamedInvoke('_shrOtherPositive');
// Try to use remainder for '%'. Both operands must be non-negative
// and the divisor must be non-zero.
if (opname == '%' &&
lattice.isDefinitelyUint(left, allowNull: true) &&
lattice.isDefinitelyUint(right) &&
lattice.isDefinitelyIntInRange(right, min: 1)) {
return makeBinary(BuiltinOperator.NumRemainder,
guard: checkIsNumber);
if (opname == '~/' &&
lattice.isDefinitelyUint32(left, allowNull: true) &&
lattice.isDefinitelyIntInRange(right, min: 2)) {
return makeBinary(BuiltinOperator.NumTruncatingDivideToSigned32,
guard: checkIsNumber);
if (lattice.isDefinitelyString(left, allowNull: trustPrimitives) &&
lattice.isDefinitelyString(right, allowNull: trustPrimitives) &&
opname == '+') {
// TODO(asgerf): Add IsString builtin so we can use a guard here.
return makeBinary(BuiltinOperator.StringConcatenate);
if (node.selector.isOperator && node.argumentRefs.length == 0) {
if (typeSystem.isDefinitelyNum(successType)) {
String opname =;
if (opname == '~') {
return makeUnary(BuiltinOperator.NumBitNot, guard: checkIsNumber);
if (opname == 'unary-') {
return makeUnary(BuiltinOperator.NumNegate, guard: checkIsNumber);
if (node.selector.isCall) {
String name =;
Primitive receiver = node.receiver;
AbstractConstantValue receiverValue = getValue(receiver);
if (name == 'remainder') {
if (node.argumentRefs.length == 1) {
Primitive arg = node.argument(0);
AbstractConstantValue argValue = getValue(arg);
if (lattice.isDefinitelyInt(receiverValue, allowNull: true) &&
lattice.isDefinitelyInt(argValue) &&
isIntNotZero(argValue)) {
return makeBinary(BuiltinOperator.NumRemainder,
guard: checkIsNumber);
} else if (name == 'codeUnitAt') {
if (node.argumentRefs.length == 1) {
Primitive index = node.argument(0);
if (lattice.isDefinitelyString(receiverValue) &&
lattice.isDefinitelyInt(getValue(index))) {
CpsFragment cps = new CpsFragment(node.sourceInformation);
receiver = makeBoundsCheck(cps, receiver, index);
ApplyBuiltinOperator get = cps.applyBuiltin(
BuiltinOperator.CharCodeAt, <Primitive>[receiver, index]);
get.hint = node.hint;
return cps;
return null;
/// Returns `true` if [value] represents an int value that cannot be zero.
bool isIntNotZero(AbstractConstantValue value) {
return lattice.isDefinitelyIntInRange(value, min: 1) ||
lattice.isDefinitelyIntInRange(value, max: -1);
bool isInterceptedSelector(Selector selector) {
return backend.isInterceptedSelector(selector);
/// If [node] is a getter or setter invocation, tries to replace the
/// invocation with a direct access to a field.
/// Returns `true` if the node was replaced.
specializeFieldAccess(InvokeMethod node) {
AbstractConstantValue receiver = getValue(node.receiver);
Element target =
typeSystem.locateSingleElement(receiver.type, node.selector);
if (target is! FieldElement) return null;
// TODO(asgerf): Inlining native fields will make some tests pass for the
// wrong reason, so for testing reasons avoid inlining them.
if (backend.isNative(target) || backend.isJsInterop(target)) {
return null;
if (node.selector.isGetter) {
return new GetField(node.receiver, target);
} else if (node.selector.isSetter) {
if (target.isFinal) return null;
return new SetField(node.receiver, target, node.argument(0));
} else if (node.selector.isCall) {
CpsFragment cps = new CpsFragment(node.sourceInformation);
Primitive fieldValue = cps.letPrim(new GetField(node.receiver, target));
Primitive result = cps.invokeMethod(
new Selector.callClosureFrom(node.selector),
return cps;
} else {
return null;
/// Create a check that throws if [index] is not a valid index on [list].
/// This function assumes that [index] is an integer.
/// Returns a CPS fragment whose context is the branch where no error
/// was thrown.
Primitive makeBoundsCheck(CpsFragment cps, Primitive list, Primitive index,
[int checkKind = BoundsCheck.BOTH_BOUNDS | BoundsCheck.INTEGER]) {
if (compiler.options.trustPrimitives) {
return cps.letPrim(new BoundsCheck.noCheck(list, cps.sourceInformation));
} else {
GetLength length = cps.letPrim(new GetLength(list));
list = cps.refine(list, typeSystem.nonNullType);
BoundsCheck check = cps.letPrim(new BoundsCheck(
list, index, length, checkKind, cps.sourceInformation));
if (check.hasIntegerCheck) {
if (typeSystem.isDefinitelyInt(index.type)) {
check.checks &= ~BoundsCheck.INTEGER;
} else {
cps.refine(index, typeSystem.uint32Type);
return check;
/// Create a check that throws if the length of [list] is not equal to
/// [originalLength].
/// Returns a CPS fragment whose context is the branch where no error
/// was thrown.
CpsFragment makeConcurrentModificationCheck(
Primitive list, Primitive originalLength, SourceInformation sourceInfo) {
CpsFragment cps = new CpsFragment(sourceInfo);
Primitive lengthChanged = cps.applyBuiltin(BuiltinOperator.StrictNeq,
<Primitive>[originalLength, cps.letPrim(new GetLength(list))]);
helpers.throwConcurrentModificationError, <Primitive>[list]);
return cps;
/// Tries to replace [node] with a direct `length` or index access.
/// Returns `true` if the node was replaced.
specializeIndexableAccess(InvokeMethod node) {
Primitive receiver = node.receiver;
AbstractConstantValue receiverValue = getValue(receiver);
if (!typeSystem.isDefinitelyIndexable(receiverValue.type,
allowNull: true)) {
return null;
switch ( {
case 'length':
if (node.selector.isGetter) {
return new GetLength(receiver);
if (node.selector.isSetter) {
if (!typeSystem.isDefinitelyExtendableArray(receiver.type,
allowNull: true)) {
return null;
CpsFragment cps = new CpsFragment(node.sourceInformation);
Primitive newLength = node.argument(0);
if (!typeSystem.isDefinitelyUint(newLength.type)) {
// TODO(asgerf): We could let the SetLength instruction throw for
// negative right-hand sides (see length setter in js_array.dart).
if (compiler.options.trustPrimitives) {
newLength = cps.refine(newLength, typeSystem.uint32Type);
newLength.type = typeSystem.uint32Type;
} else {
return null;
cps.letPrim(new ApplyBuiltinMethod(BuiltinMethod.SetLength, receiver,
[newLength], node.sourceInformation));
if (!typeSystem.isDefinitelyUint32(newLength.type)) {
// If the setter succeeded, the length must have been a uint32.
cps.refine(newLength, typeSystem.uint32Type);
return cps;
return null;
case '[]':
Primitive index = node.argument(0);
CpsFragment cps = new CpsFragment(node.sourceInformation);
receiver = makeBoundsCheck(cps, receiver, index);
GetIndex get = cps.letPrim(new GetIndex(receiver, index));
// TODO(asgerf): Make replaceUsesWith set the hint?
get.hint = node.hint;
return cps;
case '[]=':
if (!typeSystem.isDefinitelyMutableIndexable(receiverValue.type,
allowNull: true)) {
return null;
Primitive index = node.argument(0);
Primitive value = node.argument(1);
CpsFragment cps = new CpsFragment(node.sourceInformation);
receiver = makeBoundsCheck(cps, receiver, index);
cps.letPrim(new SetIndex(receiver, index, value));
return cps;
case 'isEmpty':
if (!node.selector.isGetter) return null;
CpsFragment cps = new CpsFragment(node.sourceInformation);
Primitive length = cps.letPrim(new GetLength(receiver));
Constant zero = cps.makeZero();
ApplyBuiltinOperator op =
cps.applyBuiltin(BuiltinOperator.StrictEq, [length, zero]);
op.hint = node.hint;
return cps;
case 'isNotEmpty':
if (!node.selector.isGetter) return null;
CpsFragment cps = new CpsFragment(node.sourceInformation);
Primitive length = cps.letPrim(new GetLength(receiver));
Constant zero = cps.makeZero();
ApplyBuiltinOperator op =
cps.applyBuiltin(BuiltinOperator.StrictNeq, [length, zero]);
op.hint = node.hint;
return cps;
return null;
/// Tries to replace [node] with one or more direct array access operations.
/// Returns `true` if the node was replaced.
CpsFragment specializeArrayAccess(InvokeMethod node) {
Primitive list = node.receiver;
AbstractConstantValue listValue = getValue(list);
// Ensure that the object is a native list or null.
if (!lattice.isDefinitelyArray(listValue, allowNull: true)) {
return null;
bool isFixedLength =
lattice.isDefinitelyFixedArray(listValue, allowNull: true);
bool isExtendable =
lattice.isDefinitelyExtendableArray(listValue, allowNull: true);
SourceInformation sourceInfo = node.sourceInformation;
switch ( {
case 'add':
if (!node.selector.isCall ||
node.selector.positionalArgumentCount != 1 ||
node.selector.namedArgumentCount != 0) {
return null;
if (!isExtendable) return null;
Primitive addedItem = node.argument(0);
CpsFragment cps = new CpsFragment(sourceInfo);
cps.invokeBuiltin(BuiltinMethod.Push, list, <Primitive>[addedItem]);
if (node.hasAtLeastOneUse) {
return cps;
case 'removeLast':
if (!node.selector.isCall || node.selector.argumentCount != 0) {
return null;
if (!isExtendable) return null;
CpsFragment cps = new CpsFragment(sourceInfo);
list = makeBoundsCheck(
cps, list, cps.makeMinusOne(), BoundsCheck.EMPTINESS);
Primitive removedItem =
cps.invokeBuiltin(BuiltinMethod.Pop, list, <Primitive>[]);
removedItem.hint = node.hint;
return cps;
case 'addAll':
if (!node.selector.isCall || node.selector.argumentCount != 1) {
return null;
if (!isExtendable) return null;
Primitive addedList = node.argument(0);
// Rewrite addAll([x1, ..., xN]) to push(x1), ..., push(xN).
// Ensure that the list is not mutated between creation and use.
// We aim for the common case where this is the only use of the list,
// which also guarantees that this list is not mutated before use.
if (addedList is! LiteralList || !addedList.hasExactlyOneUse) {
return null;
LiteralList addedLiteral = addedList;
CpsFragment cps = new CpsFragment(sourceInfo);
for (Reference value in addedLiteral.valueRefs) {
BuiltinMethod.Push, list, <Primitive>[value.definition]);
if (node.hasAtLeastOneUse) {
return cps;
case 'elementAt':
if (!node.selector.isCall ||
node.selector.positionalArgumentCount != 1 ||
node.selector.namedArgumentCount != 0) {
return null;
if (listValue.isNullable) return null;
Primitive index = node.argument(0);
if (!lattice.isDefinitelyInt(getValue(index))) return null;
CpsFragment cps = new CpsFragment(node.sourceInformation);
list = makeBoundsCheck(cps, list, index);
GetIndex get = cps.letPrim(new GetIndex(list, index));
get.hint = node.hint;
return cps;
case 'forEach':
Element element =, listValue.type);
if (element == null || !element.isFunction || !node.selector.isCall)
return null;
assert(node.selector.positionalArgumentCount == 1);
assert(node.selector.namedArgumentCount == 0);
FunctionDefinition target = functionCompiler.compileToCpsIr(element);
CpsFragment cps = new CpsFragment(node.sourceInformation);
Primitive result = cps.inlineFunction(
target, node.receiver, node.arguments.toList(),
interceptor: node.interceptor, hint: node.hint);
return cps;
case 'iterator':
// TODO(asgerf): This should be done differently.
// The types are recomputed in a very error-prone manner.
if (!node.selector.isGetter) return null;
Primitive iterator = node;
LetPrim iteratorBinding = node.parent;
// Check that all uses of the iterator are 'moveNext' and 'current'.
for (Reference ref in iterator.refinedUses) {
if (ref.parent is! InvokeMethod) return null;
InvokeMethod use = ref.parent;
if (ref != use.receiverRef) return null;
if (use.selector != Selectors.moveNext &&
use.selector != Selectors.current) {
return null;
// Rewrite the iterator variable to 'current' and 'index' variables.
Primitive originalLength = new GetLength(list);
originalLength.hint = new OriginalLengthEntity();
MutableVariable index = new MutableVariable(new LoopIndexEntity());
MutableVariable current = new MutableVariable(new LoopItemEntity());
// Rewrite all uses of the iterator.
for (Reference ref in iterator.refinedUses) {
InvokeMethod use = ref.parent;
if (use.selector == Selectors.current) {
// Rewrite iterator.current to a use of the 'current' variable.
if (use.hint != null) {
// If 'current' was originally moved into a named variable, use
// that variable name for the mutable variable.
current.hint = use.hint;
use.replaceWith(new GetMutable(current));
} else {
assert(use.selector == Selectors.moveNext);
// Rewrite iterator.moveNext() to:
// if (index < list.length) {
// current = null;
// continuation(false);
// } else {
// current = list[index];
// index = index + 1;
// continuation(true);
// }
// (The above does not show concurrent modification checks)
// [cps] contains the code we insert instead of moveNext().
CpsFragment cps = new CpsFragment(node.sourceInformation);
Parameter result = new Parameter(node.hint);
Continuation moveNextCont = cps.letCont(<Parameter>[result]);
// We must check for concurrent modification when calling moveNext.
// When moveNext is used as a loop condition, the check prevents
// `index < list.length` from becoming the loop condition, and we
// get code like this:
// while (true) {
// if (originalLength !== list.length) throw;
// if (index < list.length) {
// ...
// } else {
// ...
// break;
// }
// }
// For loops, we therefore check for concurrent modification before
// invoking the recursive continuation, so the loop becomes:
// if (originalLength !== list.length) throw;
// while (index < list.length) {
// ...
// if (originalLength !== list.length) throw;
// }
// The check before the loop can often be eliminated because it
// follows immediately after the 'iterator' call.
InteriorNode parent = getEffectiveParent(use.parent);
if (!isFixedLength) {
if (parent is Continuation && parent.isRecursive) {
// Check for concurrent modification before every invocation
// of the continuation.
// TODO(asgerf): Do this in a continuation so multiple
// continues can share the same code.
for (Reference ref = parent.firstRef;
ref != null;
ref = {
Expression invocationCaller = ref.parent;
if (getEffectiveParent(invocationCaller) == iteratorBinding) {
// No need to check for concurrent modification immediately
// after the call to 'iterator'.
CpsFragment check = makeConcurrentModificationCheck(
list, originalLength, sourceInfo);
insertBefore(invocationCaller, check);
} else {
list, originalLength, sourceInfo));
// Check if there are more elements.
Primitive hasMore = cps.applyBuiltin(BuiltinOperator.NumLt,
[cps.getMutable(index), cps.letPrim(new GetLength(list))]);
// Return false if there are no more.
CpsFragment falseBranch = cps.ifFalsy(hasMore);
..setMutable(current, falseBranch.makeNull())
..invokeContinuation(moveNextCont, [falseBranch.makeFalse()]);
// Return true if there are more element.
current.type = typeSystem.elementTypeOfIndexable(listValue.type);
cps.letPrim(new GetIndex(list, cps.getMutable(index))));
[cps.getMutable(index), cps.makeOne()]));
cps.invokeContinuation(moveNextCont, [cps.makeTrue()]);
// Replace the moveNext() call. It will be visited later.
LetPrim let = use.parent;
cps.context = moveNextCont;
// All effective uses have been rewritten.
// Rewrite the iterator call to initializers for 'index' and 'current'.
CpsFragment cps = new CpsFragment();
cps.letMutable(index, cps.makeZero());
cps.letMutable(current, cps.makeNull());
return cps;
return null;
/// Returns the first parent of [node] that is not a pure expression.
InteriorNode getEffectiveParent(Expression node) {
while (true) {
InteriorNode parent = node.parent;
if (parent is LetCont ||
parent is LetPrim && parent.primitive.isSafeForReordering ||
parent is LetPrim && parent.primitive is Refinement) {
node = parent as dynamic; // Make analyzer accept cross cast.
} else {
return parent;
/// Rewrites an invocation of a torn-off method into a method call directly
/// on the receiver. For example:
/// obj.get$foo().call$<n>(<args>)
/// =>
Primitive specializeClosureCall(InvokeMethod node) {
Selector call = node.selector;
if (!call.isClosureCall) return null;
assert(call.argumentCount == node.argumentRefs.length);
Primitive tearOff = node.receiver.effectiveDefinition;
// Note: We don't know if [tearOff] is actually a tear-off.
// We name variables based on the pattern we are trying to match.
if (tearOff is GetStatic && tearOff.element.isFunction) {
FunctionElement target = tearOff.element;
FunctionSignature signature = target.functionSignature;
// If the selector does not apply, don't bother (will throw at runtime).
if (!call.signatureApplies(target)) return null;
// If some optional arguments are missing, give up.
// TODO(asgerf): Improve optimization by inserting default arguments.
if (call.argumentCount != signature.parameterCount) return null;
// Replace with InvokeStatic.
// The tear-off will be cleaned up by shrinking reductions.
return new InvokeStatic(target, new Selector.fromElement(target),
node.arguments.toList(), node.sourceInformation);
if (tearOff is InvokeMethod && tearOff.selector.isGetter) {
Selector getter = tearOff.selector;
// TODO(asgerf): Support torn-off intercepted methods.
if (isInterceptedSelector(getter)) return null;
LetPrim tearOffBinding = tearOff.parent;
Primitive object = tearOff.receiver;
// Ensure that the object actually has a foo member, since we might
// otherwise alter a noSuchMethod call.
TypeMask type = getValue(object).type;
if (typeSystem.needsNoSuchMethodHandling(type, getter)) return null;
Element element = typeSystem.locateSingleElement(type, getter);
// If it's definitely not a tear-off, the rewrite is not worth it.
// If we don't know what the target is, we assume that it's better to
// rewrite (as long as it's safe to do so).
if (element != null && element.isGetter) return null;
// Either the target is a tear-off or we don't know what it is.
// If we don't know for sure, the getter might have side effects, which
// can make the rewriting unsafe, because we risk suppressing side effects
// in the getter.
// Determine if the getter invocation can have side-effects.
bool isPure = element != null && !element.isGetter;
// If there are multiple uses, we cannot eliminate the getter call and
// therefore risk duplicating its side effects.
if (!isPure && tearOff.hasMultipleRefinedUses) return null;
// If the getter call is impure, we risk reordering side effects,
// unless it is immediately prior to the closure call.
if (!isPure && getEffectiveParent(node.parent) != tearOffBinding) {
return null;
InvokeMethod invoke = new InvokeMethod(
new, call.callStructure),
sourceInformation: node.sourceInformation);
.changeTo(new Parameter(null)); // Remove the tear off use.
if (tearOff.hasNoRefinedUses) {
// Eliminate the getter call if it has no more uses.
// This cannot be delegated to other optimizations because we need to
// avoid duplication of side effects.
} else {
// There are more uses, so we cannot eliminate the getter call. This
// means we duplicated the effects of the getter call, but we should
// only get here if the getter has no side effects.
return invoke;
return null;
/// Inlines a single-use closure if it leaves the closure object with only
/// field accesses. This is optimized later by [ScalarReplacer].
CpsFragment specializeSingleUseClosureCall(InvokeMethod node) {
Selector call = node.selector;
if (!call.isClosureCall) return null;
assert(call.argumentCount == node.argumentRefs.length);
Primitive receiver = node.receiver;
if (receiver is! CreateInstance) return null;
CreateInstance createInstance = receiver;
if (!createInstance.hasExactlyOneUse) return null;
// Inline only closures. This avoids inlining the 'call' method of a class
// that has many allocation sites.
if (createInstance.classElement is! ClosureClassElement) return null;
ClosureClassElement closureClassElement = createInstance.classElement;
Element element = closureClassElement.localLookup(;
if (element == null || !element.isFunction) return null;
FunctionElement functionElement = element;
if (functionElement.asyncMarker != AsyncMarker.SYNC) return null;
if (!call.signatureApplies(functionElement)) return null;
// Inline only for exact match.
// TODO(sra): Handle call with defaulted arguments.
Selector targetSelector = new Selector.fromElement(functionElement);
if (call.callStructure != targetSelector.callStructure) return null;
// Don't inline if [target] contains try-catch or try-finally. JavaScript
// engines typically do poor optimization of the entire function containing
// the 'try'.
if (functionElement.resolvedAst.elements.containsTryStatement) return null;
FunctionDefinition target =
// Accesses to closed-over values are field access primitives. We we don't
// inline if there are other uses of 'this' since that could be an escape or
// a recursive call.
for (Reference ref = target.receiverParameter.firstRef;
ref != null;
ref = {
Node use = ref.parent;
if (use is GetField) continue;
// Closures do not currently have writable fields, but closure conversion
// could esily be changed to allocate some cells in a closure object.
if (use is SetField && ref == use.objectRef) continue;
return null;
CpsFragment cps = new CpsFragment(node.sourceInformation);
Primitive returnValue = cps.inlineFunction(
target, node.receiver, node.arguments.toList(),
hint: node.hint);
return cps;
visitInterceptor(Interceptor node) {
// Replace the interceptor with its input if the value is not intercepted.
// If the input might be null, we cannot do this since the interceptor
// might have to return JSNull. That case is handled by visitInvokeMethod
// and visitInvokeMethodDirectly which can sometimes tolerate that null
// is used instead of JSNull.
Primitive input = node.input;
if (!input.type.isNullable &&
typeSystem.areDisjoint(input.type, typeSystem.interceptorType)) {
visitInvokeConstructor(InvokeConstructor node) {
node.effects =
visitInvokeMethodDirectly(InvokeMethodDirectly node) {
Element target =;
if (target is ConstructorBodyElement) {
ConstructorBodyElement constructorBody = target;
target = constructorBody.constructor;
node.effects = Effects.from(;
TypeMask receiverType = node.receiver.type;
if (node.callingConvention == CallingConvention.Intercepted &&
typeSystem.areDisjoint(receiverType, typeSystem.interceptorType)) {
// Some direct calls take an interceptor because the target class is
// mixed into a native class. If it is known at the call site that the
// receiver is non-intercepted, get rid of the interceptor.
visitInvokeMethod(InvokeMethod node) {
var specialized = specializeOperatorCall(node) ??
specializeFieldAccess(node) ??
specializeIndexableAccess(node) ??
specializeArrayAccess(node) ??
specializeSingleUseClosureCall(node) ??
if (specialized != null) return specialized;
TypeMask receiverType = node.receiver.type;
node.mask = typeSystem.intersection(node.mask, receiverType);
node.effects = Effects.from(, node.mask));
bool canBeNonThrowingCallOnNull =
selectorsOnNull.contains(node.selector) && receiverType.isNullable;
if (node.callingConvention == CallingConvention.Intercepted &&
!canBeNonThrowingCallOnNull &&
typeSystem.areDisjoint(receiverType, typeSystem.interceptorType)) {
// Use the Dart receiver as the JS receiver. This changes the wording of
// the error message when the receiver is null, but we accept this.
// Replace the extra receiver argument with a dummy value if the
// target definitely does not use it.
if (typeSystem.targetIgnoresReceiverArgument(
receiverType, node.selector)) {
CpsFragment visitTypeCast(TypeCast node) {
AbstractConstantValue value = getValue(node.value);
switch (lattice.isSubtypeOf(value, node.dartType, allowNull: true)) {
case AbstractBool.Maybe:
case AbstractBool.Nothing:
return null;
case AbstractBool.True:
// Return an unused primitive moved again.
return new CpsFragment(); // Remove the node.
case AbstractBool.False:
// Note: The surrounding LetPrim will remove the following code because
// it always throws. We don't need to do it here.
return null;
/// Specialize calls to internal static methods.
specializeInternalMethodCall(InvokeStatic node) {
if ( == backend.helpers.stringInterpolationHelper) {
Primitive argument = node.argument(0);
AbstractConstantValue value = getValue(argument);
if (lattice.isDefinitelyString(value)) {
return new CpsFragment();
} else if (typeSystem.isDefinitelySelfInterceptor(value.type)) {
TypeMask toStringReturn =
typeSystem.getInvokeReturnType(Selectors.toString_, value.type);
if (typeSystem.isDefinitelyString(toStringReturn)) {
CpsFragment cps = new CpsFragment(node.sourceInformation);
Primitive invoke = cps.invokeMethod(
argument, Selectors.toString_, value.type, [],
callingConvention: CallingConvention.DummyIntercepted);
return cps;
} else if ( == compiler.identicalFunction) {
if (node.argumentRefs.length == 2) {
return new ApplyBuiltinOperator(BuiltinOperator.Identical,
[node.argument(0), node.argument(1)], node.sourceInformation);
return null;
visitInvokeStatic(InvokeStatic node) {
node.effects =
return specializeInternalMethodCall(node);
AbstractConstantValue getValue(Variable node) {
assert(node.type != null);
ConstantValue constant = values[node];
if (constant != null) {
return new AbstractConstantValue.constantValue(constant, node.type);
return new AbstractConstantValue.nonConstant(node.type);
/*************************** PRIMITIVES **************************/
// The visit method for a primitive may return one of the following:
// - Primitive:
// The visited primitive will be replaced by the returned primitive.
// The type of the primitive will be recomputed.
// - CpsFragment:
// The primitive binding will be destroyed and replaced by the given
// code fragment. All types in the fragment will be recomputed.
// - Null:
// Nothing happens. The primitive remains as it is.
visitApplyBuiltinOperator(ApplyBuiltinOperator node) {
ast.DartString getString(AbstractConstantValue value) {
StringConstantValue constant = value.constant;
return constant.primitiveValue;
switch (node.operator) {
case BuiltinOperator.StringConcatenate:
// Concatenate consecutive constants.
bool argumentsWereRemoved = false;
int i = 0;
while (i < node.argumentRefs.length - 1) {
int startOfSequence = i;
AbstractConstantValue firstValue = getValue(node.argument(i++));
if (!firstValue.isConstant) continue;
AbstractConstantValue secondValue = getValue(node.argument(i++));
if (!secondValue.isConstant) continue;
ast.DartString string = new ast.ConsDartString(
getString(firstValue), getString(secondValue));
// We found a sequence of at least two constants.
// Look for the end of the sequence.
while (i < node.argumentRefs.length) {
AbstractConstantValue value = getValue(node.argument(i));
if (!value.isConstant) break;
string = new ast.ConsDartString(string, getString(value));
Constant prim =
makeConstantPrimitive(new StringConstantValue(string));
new LetPrim(prim).insertAbove(node.parent);
for (int k = startOfSequence; k < i; ++k) {
node.argumentRefs[k] = null; // Remove the argument after the loop.
node.argumentRefs[startOfSequence] = new Reference<Primitive>(prim);
node.argumentRefs[startOfSequence].parent = node;
argumentsWereRemoved = true;
if (argumentsWereRemoved) {
node.argumentRefs.removeWhere((ref) => ref == null);
if (node.argumentRefs.length == 1) {
Primitive input = node.argument(0);
// TODO(asgerf): Rebalance nested StringConcats that arise from
// rewriting the + operator to StringConcat.
case BuiltinOperator.Identical:
Primitive leftArg = node.argument(0);
Primitive rightArg = node.argument(1);
AbstractConstantValue left = getValue(leftArg);
AbstractConstantValue right = getValue(rightArg);
BuiltinOperator newOperator;
if (left.isNullConstant || right.isNullConstant) {
// Use `==` for comparing against null, so JS undefined and JS null
// are considered equal.
newOperator = BuiltinOperator.LooseEq;
} else if (!left.isNullable || !right.isNullable) {
// If at most one operand can be Dart null, we can use `===`.
// This is not safe when we might compare JS null and JS undefined.
newOperator = BuiltinOperator.StrictEq;
} else if (lattice.isDefinitelyNum(left, allowNull: true) &&
lattice.isDefinitelyNum(right, allowNull: true)) {
// If both operands can be null, but otherwise are of the same type,
// we can use `==` for comparison.
// This is not safe e.g. for comparing strings against numbers.
newOperator = BuiltinOperator.LooseEq;
} else if (lattice.isDefinitelyString(left, allowNull: true) &&
lattice.isDefinitelyString(right, allowNull: true)) {
newOperator = BuiltinOperator.LooseEq;
} else if (lattice.isDefinitelyBool(left, allowNull: true) &&
lattice.isDefinitelyBool(right, allowNull: true)) {
newOperator = BuiltinOperator.LooseEq;
if (newOperator != null) {
return new ApplyBuiltinOperator(
newOperator, node.arguments.toList(), node.sourceInformation);
case BuiltinOperator.StrictEq:
case BuiltinOperator.LooseEq:
case BuiltinOperator.StrictNeq:
case BuiltinOperator.LooseNeq:
bool negated = node.operator == BuiltinOperator.StrictNeq ||
node.operator == BuiltinOperator.LooseNeq;
for (int firstIndex in [0, 1]) {
int secondIndex = 1 - firstIndex;
Primitive firstArg = node.argument(firstIndex);
Primitive secondArg = node.argument(secondIndex);
AbstractConstantValue first = getValue(firstArg);
if (!lattice.isDefinitelyBool(first)) continue;
AbstractConstantValue second = getValue(secondArg);
if (!second.isConstant || !second.constant.isBool) continue;
bool isTrueConstant = second.constant.isTrue;
if (isTrueConstant == !negated) {
// (x === true) ==> x
// (x !== false) ==> x
return null;
} else {
// (x === false) ==> !x
// (x !== true) ==> !x
return new ApplyBuiltinOperator(
BuiltinOperator.IsFalsy, [firstArg], node.sourceInformation);
return null;
void visitApplyBuiltinMethod(ApplyBuiltinMethod node) {}
visitTypeTest(TypeTest node) {
Primitive prim = node.value;
Primitive unaryBuiltinOperator(BuiltinOperator operator) =>
new ApplyBuiltinOperator(
operator, <Primitive>[prim], node.sourceInformation);
AbstractConstantValue value = getValue(prim);
types.DartType dartType = node.dartType;
if (!(dartType.isInterfaceType && dartType.isRaw)) {
// TODO(23685): Efficient function arity check.
// TODO(sra): Pass interceptor to runtime subtype functions.
return null;
if (dartType == dartTypes.coreTypes.intType) {
// Compile as typeof x === 'number' && Math.floor(x) === x
if (lattice.isDefinitelyNum(value, allowNull: true)) {
// If value is null or a number, we can skip the typeof test.
return new ApplyBuiltinOperator(BuiltinOperator.IsFloor,
<Primitive>[prim, prim], node.sourceInformation);
if (lattice.isDefinitelyNotNonIntegerDouble(value)) {
// If the value cannot be a non-integer double, but might not be a
// number at all, we can skip the Math.floor test.
return unaryBuiltinOperator(BuiltinOperator.IsNumber);
return new ApplyBuiltinOperator(BuiltinOperator.IsInteger,
<Primitive>[prim, prim, prim], node.sourceInformation);
if (node.dartType == dartTypes.coreTypes.numType ||
node.dartType == dartTypes.coreTypes.doubleType) {
return new ApplyBuiltinOperator(
BuiltinOperator.IsNumber, <Primitive>[prim], node.sourceInformation);
AbstractBool isNullableSubtype =
lattice.isSubtypeOf(value, node.dartType, allowNull: true);
AbstractBool isNullPassingTest =
lattice.isSubtypeOf(lattice.nullValue, node.dartType, allowNull: false);
if (isNullableSubtype == AbstractBool.True &&
isNullPassingTest == AbstractBool.False) {
// Null is the only value not satisfying the type test.
// Replace the type test with a null-check.
// This has lower priority than the 'typeof'-based tests because
// 'typeof' expressions might give the VM some more useful information.
Primitive nullConst = makeConstantPrimitive(new NullConstantValue());
new LetPrim(nullConst).insertAbove(node.parent);
return new ApplyBuiltinOperator(BuiltinOperator.LooseNeq,
<Primitive>[prim, nullConst], node.sourceInformation);
if (dartType.element == functionCompiler.glue.jsFixedArrayClass) {
// TODO(sra): Check input is restricted to JSArray.
return unaryBuiltinOperator(BuiltinOperator.IsFixedLengthJSArray);
if (dartType.element == functionCompiler.glue.jsExtendableArrayClass) {
// TODO(sra): Check input is restricted to JSArray.
return unaryBuiltinOperator(BuiltinOperator.IsExtendableJSArray);
if (dartType.element == functionCompiler.glue.jsMutableArrayClass) {
// TODO(sra): Check input is restricted to JSArray.
return unaryBuiltinOperator(BuiltinOperator.IsModifiableJSArray);
if (dartType.element == functionCompiler.glue.jsUnmodifiableArrayClass) {
// TODO(sra): Check input is restricted to JSArray.
return unaryBuiltinOperator(BuiltinOperator.IsUnmodifiableJSArray);
if (dartType == dartTypes.coreTypes.stringType ||
dartType == dartTypes.coreTypes.boolType) {
// These types are recognized in tree_ir TypeOperator codegen.
return null;
// TODO(sra): If getInterceptor(x) === x or JSNull, rewrite
// getInterceptor(x).$isFoo ---> x != null && x.$isFoo
CpsFragment cps = new CpsFragment(node.sourceInformation);
Interceptor interceptor =
cps.letPrim(new Interceptor(prim, node.sourceInformation));
Primitive testViaFlag =
cps.letPrim(new TypeTestViaFlag(interceptor, dartType));
return cps;
Primitive visitTypeTestViaFlag(TypeTestViaFlag node) {
return null;
visitBoundsCheck(BoundsCheck node) {
// Eliminate bounds checks using constant folding.
// The [BoundsChecker] pass does not try to eliminate checks that could be
// eliminated by constant folding.
if (node.hasNoChecks) return;
Primitive indexPrim = node.index;
int index = lattice.intValue(getValue(indexPrim));
int length =
node.lengthRef == null ? null : lattice.intValue(getValue(node.length));
if (index != null && length != null && index < length) {
node.checks &= ~BoundsCheck.UPPER_BOUND;
if (index != null && index >= 0) {
node.checks &= ~BoundsCheck.LOWER_BOUND;
if (length != null && length > 0) {
node.checks &= ~BoundsCheck.EMPTINESS;
if (typeSystem.isDefinitelyInt(indexPrim.type)) {
node.checks &= ~BoundsCheck.INTEGER;
if (!node.lengthUsedInCheck && node.lengthRef != null) {
..lengthRef = null;
if (node.checks == BoundsCheck.NONE) {
// We can't remove the bounds check node because it may still be used to
// restrict code motion. But the index is no longer needed.
// TODO(asgerf): Since this was eliminated by constant folding, it should
// be safe to remove because any path-sensitive information we relied
// upon to do this are expressed by other refinement nodes that also
// restrict code motion. However, if we want to run this pass after
// [BoundsChecker] that would not be safe any more, so for now we
// keep the node for forward compatibilty.
..indexRef = null;
visitReceiverCheck(ReceiverCheck node) {
Primitive input = node.value;
if (!input.type.isNullable &&
(node.isNullCheck ||
!input.type.needsNoSuchMethodHandling(node.selector, classWorld))) {
return new CpsFragment();
return null;
visitGetLength(GetLength node) {
node.isFinal = typeSystem.isDefinitelyFixedLengthIndexable(node.object.type,
allowNull: true);
visitReadTypeVariable(ReadTypeVariable node) {
// Pattern match on
// ReadTypeVariable(var, CreateInstance(..., TypeExpression(arguments)))
// and extract the argument that corresponds to the type variable. This is a
// shrinking reduction.
// TODO(sra): This is a shrinking reduction that does not depend on inferred
// types so it should be done in the shrinking reductions pass.
// TODO(sra): A non-shrinking version of this rewrite could be done as part
// of scalar replacement.
if ( is CreateInstance) {
CreateInstance instance =;
if (instance.typeInformationRef != null &&
instance.typeInformation is TypeExpression) {
TypeExpression typeExpression = instance.typeInformation;
assert(typeExpression.kind == TypeExpressionKind.INSTANCE);
ClassElement context = node.variable.element.enclosingClass;
ClassElement createdClass = instance.classElement;
// In the general case, a substitution could generate a large type
// term. Avoid this by restricting to direct indexing.
// TODO(sra): Also include cases that require substitution but the end
// result is the same as some indexing or a simple constant type.
if (backend.rti.isTrivialSubstitution(createdClass, context)) {
int index = functionCompiler.glue.getTypeVariableIndex(node.variable);
if (0 <= index && index < typeExpression.argumentRefs.length) {
return new CpsFragment();
return null;
bool isNullConstant(Primitive prim) => prim is Constant && prim.value.isNull;
visitCreateInstance(CreateInstance node) {
Primitive typeInformation = node.typeInformation;
if (typeInformation is TypeExpression &&
typeInformation.arguments.every(isNullConstant)) {
..typeInformationRef = null;
* Runs an analysis pass on the given function definition in order to detect
* const-ness as well as reachability, both of which are used in the subsequent
* transformation pass.
class TypePropagationVisitor implements Visitor {
// The node worklist stores nodes that are both reachable and need to be
// processed, but have not been processed yet. Using a worklist avoids deep
// recursion.
// The node worklist and the reachable set operate in concert: nodes are
// only ever added to the worklist when they have not yet been marked as
// reachable, and adding a node to the worklist is always followed by marking
// it reachable.
// TODO(jgruber): Storing reachability per-edge instead of per-node would
// allow for further optimizations.
final List<Node> nodeWorklist = <Node>[];
final Set<Continuation> reachableContinuations = new Set<Continuation>();
// The definition workset stores all definitions which need to be reprocessed
// since their lattice value has changed.
final List<Definition> defWorklist = <Definition>[];
final ConstantPropagationLattice lattice;
final InternalErrorFunction internalError;
TypeMaskSystem get typeSystem => lattice.typeSystem;
JavaScriptBackend get backend => typeSystem.backend;
dart2js.Compiler get compiler => backend.compiler;
World get classWorld => typeSystem.classWorld;
AbstractConstantValue get nothing => lattice.nothing;
AbstractConstantValue nonConstant([TypeMask type]) {
return lattice.nonConstant(type);
AbstractConstantValue constantValue(ConstantValue constant, [TypeMask type]) {
return lattice.constant(constant, type);
// Stores the current lattice value for primitives and mutable variables.
// Access through [getValue] and [setValue].
final Map<Variable, ConstantValue> values;
TypePropagationVisitor(this.lattice, this.values, this.internalError);
void analyze(FunctionDefinition root, bool recomputeAll) {
if (recomputeAll) {
new ResetAnalysisInfo(reachableContinuations, values).visit(root);
// Initially, only the root node is reachable.
void reanalyzeSubtree(Node node) {
new ResetAnalysisInfo(reachableContinuations, values).visit(node);
void iterateWorklist() {
while (true) {
if (nodeWorklist.isNotEmpty) {
// Process a new reachable expression.
Node node = nodeWorklist.removeLast();
} else if (defWorklist.isNotEmpty) {
// Process all usages of a changed definition.
Definition def = defWorklist.removeLast();
// Visit all uses of this definition. This might add new entries to
// [nodeWorklist], for example by visiting a newly-constant usage within
// a branch node.
for (Reference ref = def.firstRef; ref != null; ref = {
} else {
break; // Both worklists empty.
/// Adds [node] to the worklist.
void push(Node node) {
/// If the passed node is not yet reachable, mark it reachable and add it
/// to the work list.
void setReachable(Continuation cont) {
if (reachableContinuations.add(cont)) {
/// Returns the lattice value corresponding to [node], defaulting to nothing.
/// Never returns null.
AbstractConstantValue getValue(Variable node) {
ConstantValue constant = values[node];
if (constant != null) {
return new AbstractConstantValue.constantValue(constant, node.type);
if (node.type != null) {
return new AbstractConstantValue.nonConstant(node.type);
return lattice.nothing;
/// Joins the passed lattice [updateValue] to the current value of [node],
/// and adds it to the definition work set if it has changed and [node] is
/// a definition.
void setValue(Variable node, AbstractConstantValue updateValue) {
AbstractConstantValue oldValue = getValue(node);
AbstractConstantValue newValue = lattice.join(oldValue, updateValue);
node.type = newValue.type; // Ensure type is initialized even if bottom.
if (oldValue == newValue) {
// Values may only move in the direction NOTHING -> CONSTANT -> NONCONST.
assert(newValue.kind >= oldValue.kind);
values[node] = newValue.isConstant ? newValue.constant : null;
/// Sets the type of the given primitive.
/// If [updateValue] is a constant and [canReplace] is true, the primitive
/// is also marked as safe for elimination, so it can be constant-folded.
void setResult(UnsafePrimitive prim, AbstractConstantValue updateValue,
{bool canReplace: false}) {
// TODO(asgerf): Separate constant folding from side effect analysis.
setValue(prim, updateValue);
prim.isSafeForElimination = canReplace && updateValue.isConstant;
bool isInterceptedSelector(Selector selector) {
return backend.isInterceptedSelector(selector);
// -------------------------- Visitor overrides ------------------------------
void visit(Node node) {
void visitFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinition node) {
if (node.interceptorParameter != null) {
setValue(node.interceptorParameter, nonConstant(typeSystem.nonNullType));
// If the abstract value of the function parameters is Nothing, use the
// inferred parameter type. Otherwise (e.g., when inlining) do not
// change the abstract value.
if (node.receiverParameter != null &&
getValue(node.receiverParameter).isNothing) {
bool hasParameterWithoutValue = false;
for (Parameter param in node.parameters) {
if (getValue(param).isNothing) {
TypeMask type = param.hint is ParameterElement
? typeSystem.getParameterType(param.hint)
: typeSystem.dynamicType;
setValue(param, lattice.fromMask(type));
if (type.isEmpty) hasParameterWithoutValue = true;
if (!hasParameterWithoutValue) {
// Don't analyze unreachable code.
void visitLetPrim(LetPrim node) {
visit(node.primitive); // No reason to delay visits to primitives.
void visitLetCont(LetCont node) {
// The continuation is only marked as reachable on use.
void visitLetHandler(LetHandler node) {
// The handler is assumed to be reachable (we could instead treat it as
// unreachable unless we find something reachable that might throw in the
// body --- it's not clear if we want to do that here or in some other
// pass). The handler parameters are assumed to be unknown.
// TODO(kmillikin): we should set the type of the exception and stack
// trace here. The way we do that depends on how we handle 'on T' catch
// clauses.
for (Parameter param in node.handler.parameters) {
setValue(param, nonConstant());
void visitLetMutable(LetMutable node) {
setValue(node.variable, getValue(node.value));
void visitInvokeStatic(InvokeStatic node) {
if ( == backend.helpers.stringInterpolationHelper) {
AbstractConstantValue argValue = getValue(node.argument(0));
setResult(node, lattice.stringify(argValue), canReplace: true);
TypeMask returnType = typeSystem.getReturnType(;
setResult(node, lattice.fromMask(returnType));
void visitInvokeContinuation(InvokeContinuation node) {
Continuation cont = node.continuation;
// Forward the constant status of all continuation invokes to the
// continuation. Note that this is effectively a phi node in SSA terms.
for (int i = 0; i < node.argumentRefs.length; i++) {
Primitive def = node.argument(i);
AbstractConstantValue cell = getValue(def);
setValue(cont.parameters[i], cell);
void visitInvokeMethod(InvokeMethod node) {
AbstractConstantValue receiver = getValue(node.receiver);
if (receiver.isNothing) {
return setResult(node, lattice.nothing);
void finish(AbstractConstantValue result, {bool canReplace: false}) {
if (result == null) {
canReplace = false;
result = lattice.getInvokeReturnType(node.selector, receiver);
setResult(node, result, canReplace: canReplace);
if (node.selector.isGetter) {
// Constant fold known length of containers.
if (node.selector == Selectors.length) {
if (typeSystem.isDefinitelyIndexable(receiver.type, allowNull: true)) {
AbstractConstantValue length = lattice.lengthSpecial(receiver);
return finish(length, canReplace: !receiver.isNullable);
return finish(null);
if (node.selector.isCall) {
if (node.selector == Selectors.codeUnitAt) {
AbstractConstantValue right = getValue(node.argument(0));
AbstractConstantValue result =
lattice.codeUnitAtSpecial(receiver, right);
return finish(result, canReplace: !receiver.isNullable);
return finish(null);
if (node.selector == Selectors.index) {
AbstractConstantValue right = getValue(node.argument(0));
AbstractConstantValue result = lattice.indexSpecial(receiver, right);
return finish(result, canReplace: !receiver.isNullable);
if (!node.selector.isOperator) {
return finish(null);
// Calculate the resulting constant if possible.
String opname =;
if (node.argumentRefs.length == 0) {
// Unary operator.
if (opname == "unary-") {
opname = "-";
UnaryOperator operator = UnaryOperator.parse(opname);
AbstractConstantValue result = lattice.unaryOp(operator, receiver);
return finish(result, canReplace: !receiver.isNullable);
} else if (node.argumentRefs.length == 1) {
// Binary operator.
AbstractConstantValue right = getValue(node.argument(0));
BinaryOperator operator = BinaryOperator.parse(opname);
AbstractConstantValue result =
lattice.binaryOp(operator, receiver, right);
return finish(result, canReplace: !receiver.isNullable);
return finish(null);
void visitApplyBuiltinOperator(ApplyBuiltinOperator node) {
void unaryOp(
AbstractConstantValue operation(AbstractConstantValue argument),
TypeMask defaultType) {
AbstractConstantValue value = getValue(node.argument(0));
setValue(node, operation(value) ?? nonConstant(defaultType));
void binaryOp(
AbstractConstantValue operation(
AbstractConstantValue left, AbstractConstantValue right),
TypeMask defaultType) {
AbstractConstantValue left = getValue(node.argument(0));
AbstractConstantValue right = getValue(node.argument(1));
setValue(node, operation(left, right) ?? nonConstant(defaultType));
void binaryNumOp(
AbstractConstantValue operation(
AbstractConstantValue left, AbstractConstantValue right)) {
binaryOp(operation, typeSystem.numType);
void binaryUint32Op(
AbstractConstantValue operation(
AbstractConstantValue left, AbstractConstantValue right)) {
binaryOp(operation, typeSystem.uint32Type);
void binaryBoolOp(
AbstractConstantValue operation(
AbstractConstantValue left, AbstractConstantValue right)) {
binaryOp(operation, typeSystem.boolType);
switch (node.operator) {
case BuiltinOperator.StringConcatenate:
ast.DartString stringValue = const ast.LiteralDartString('');
for (Reference<Primitive> arg in node.argumentRefs) {
AbstractConstantValue value = getValue(arg.definition);
if (value.isNothing) {
setValue(node, lattice.nothing);
return; // And come back later
} else if (value.isConstant &&
value.constant.isString &&
stringValue != null) {
StringConstantValue constant = value.constant;
stringValue =
new ast.ConsDartString(stringValue, constant.primitiveValue);
} else {
stringValue = null;
if (stringValue == null) {
setValue(node, nonConstant(typeSystem.stringType));
} else {
setValue(node, constantValue(new StringConstantValue(stringValue)));
case BuiltinOperator.CharCodeAt:
binaryOp(lattice.codeUnitAtSpecial, typeSystem.uint31Type);
case BuiltinOperator.Identical:
case BuiltinOperator.StrictEq:
case BuiltinOperator.StrictNeq:
case BuiltinOperator.LooseEq:
case BuiltinOperator.LooseNeq:
bool negated = node.operator == BuiltinOperator.StrictNeq ||
node.operator == BuiltinOperator.LooseNeq;
AbstractConstantValue left = getValue(node.argument(0));
AbstractConstantValue right = getValue(node.argument(1));
if (left.isNothing || right.isNothing) {
setValue(node, lattice.nothing);
if (left.isConstant && right.isConstant) {
ConstantValue equal = lattice.constantSystem.identity
.fold(left.constant, right.constant);
if (equal != null && equal.isBool) {
ConstantValue result =
new BoolConstantValue(equal.isTrue == !negated);
setValue(node, constantValue(result, typeSystem.boolType));
if (typeSystem.areDisjoint(left.type, right.type)) {
ConstantValue result = new BoolConstantValue(negated);
setValue(node, constantValue(result, typeSystem.boolType));
setValue(node, nonConstant(typeSystem.boolType));
case BuiltinOperator.NumAdd:
case BuiltinOperator.NumSubtract:
case BuiltinOperator.NumMultiply:
case BuiltinOperator.NumDivide:
case BuiltinOperator.NumRemainder:
case BuiltinOperator.NumTruncatingDivideToSigned32:
case BuiltinOperator.NumAnd:
case BuiltinOperator.NumOr:
case BuiltinOperator.NumXor:
case BuiltinOperator.NumShl:
case BuiltinOperator.NumShr:
case BuiltinOperator.NumLt:
case BuiltinOperator.NumLe:
case BuiltinOperator.NumGt:
case BuiltinOperator.NumGe:
case BuiltinOperator.NumBitNot:
unaryOp(lattice.bitNotSpecial, typeSystem.uint32Type);
case BuiltinOperator.NumNegate:
unaryOp(lattice.negateSpecial, typeSystem.numType);
case BuiltinOperator.StrictNeq:
case BuiltinOperator.LooseNeq:
case BuiltinOperator.IsFalsy:
case BuiltinOperator.IsNumber:
case BuiltinOperator.IsNotNumber:
case BuiltinOperator.IsNotInteger:
case BuiltinOperator.IsFloor:
case BuiltinOperator.IsInteger:
case BuiltinOperator.IsUnsigned32BitInteger:
case BuiltinOperator.IsNotUnsigned32BitInteger:
setValue(node, nonConstant(typeSystem.boolType));
case BuiltinOperator.IsFixedLengthJSArray:
case BuiltinOperator.IsExtendableJSArray:
case BuiltinOperator.IsUnmodifiableJSArray:
case BuiltinOperator.IsModifiableJSArray:
setValue(node, nonConstant(typeSystem.boolType));
void visitApplyBuiltinMethod(ApplyBuiltinMethod node) {
AbstractConstantValue receiver = getValue(node.receiver);
if (node.method == BuiltinMethod.Pop) {
node, nonConstant(typeSystem.elementTypeOfIndexable(receiver.type)));
} else {
setValue(node, nonConstant());
void visitInvokeMethodDirectly(InvokeMethodDirectly node) {
if (node.isConstructorBodyCall) {
setResult(node, lattice.nullValue);
} else if (node.isTearOff) {
setResult(node, nonConstant(typeSystem.functionType));
} else {
setResult(node, nonConstant(typeSystem.getReturnType(;
void visitInvokeConstructor(InvokeConstructor node) {
if (node.allocationSiteType != null) {
setResult(node, nonConstant(node.allocationSiteType));
} else {
setResult(node, nonConstant(typeSystem.getReturnType(;
void visitThrow(Throw node) {}
void visitRethrow(Rethrow node) {}
void visitUnreachable(Unreachable node) {}
void visitBranch(Branch node) {
AbstractConstantValue conditionCell = getValue(node.condition);
AbstractBool boolifiedValue = node.isStrictCheck
? lattice.strictBoolify(conditionCell)
: lattice.boolify(conditionCell);
switch (boolifiedValue) {
case AbstractBool.Nothing:
case AbstractBool.True:
case AbstractBool.False:
case AbstractBool.Maybe:
void visitTypeTest(TypeTest node) {
handleTypeTest(node, getValue(node.value), node.dartType);
void visitTypeTestViaFlag(TypeTestViaFlag node) {
// TODO(sra): We could see if we can find the value in the interceptor
// expression. It would probably have no benefit - we only see
// TypeTestViaFlag after rewriting TypeTest and the rewrite of TypeTest
// would already have done the interesting optimizations.
setValue(node, nonConstant(typeSystem.boolType));
void handleTypeTest(
Primitive node, AbstractConstantValue input, types.DartType dartType) {
TypeMask boolType = typeSystem.boolType;
switch (lattice.isSubtypeOf(input, dartType, allowNull: false)) {
case AbstractBool.Nothing:
break; // And come back later.
case AbstractBool.True:
setValue(node, constantValue(new TrueConstantValue(), boolType));
case AbstractBool.False:
setValue(node, constantValue(new FalseConstantValue(), boolType));
case AbstractBool.Maybe:
setValue(node, nonConstant(boolType));
void visitTypeCast(TypeCast node) {
AbstractConstantValue input = getValue(node.value);
switch (lattice.isSubtypeOf(input, node.dartType, allowNull: true)) {
case AbstractBool.Nothing:
setValue(node, lattice.nothing);
break; // And come back later.
case AbstractBool.True:
setValue(node, input);
case AbstractBool.False:
setValue(node, lattice.nothing); // Cast fails.
case AbstractBool.Maybe:
// Narrow type of output to those that survive the cast.
TypeMask type = input.type.intersection(
typeSystem.subtypesOf(node.dartType).nullable(), classWorld);
setValue(node, nonConstant(type));
void visitSetMutable(SetMutable node) {
setValue(node.variable, getValue(node.value));
void visitLiteralList(LiteralList node) {
if (node.allocationSiteType != null) {
setValue(node, nonConstant(node.allocationSiteType));
} else {
setValue(node, nonConstant(typeSystem.extendableArrayType));
void visitConstant(Constant node) {
ConstantValue value = node.value;
if (value.isDummy || !value.isConstant) {
// TODO(asgerf): Explain how this happens and why we don't want them.
setValue(node, nonConstant(typeSystem.getTypeOf(value)));
} else {
setValue(node, constantValue(value, typeSystem.getTypeOf(value)));
void visitGetMutable(GetMutable node) {
setValue(node, getValue(node.variable));
void visitMutableVariable(MutableVariable node) {}
void visitParameter(Parameter node) {}
void visitContinuation(Continuation node) {
if (node.body != null) {
void visitGetStatic(GetStatic node) {
if (node.element.isFunction) {
setValue(node, nonConstant(typeSystem.functionType));
} else {
setValue(node, nonConstant(typeSystem.getFieldType(node.element)));
void visitSetStatic(SetStatic node) {}
void visitGetLazyStatic(GetLazyStatic node) {
setResult(node, nonConstant(typeSystem.getFieldType(node.element)));
void visitInterceptor(Interceptor node) {
AbstractConstantValue value = getValue(node.input);
if (value.isNothing) {
setValue(node, nothing);
} else if (value.isNullable &&
!node.interceptedClasses.contains(backend.helpers.jsNullClass)) {
// If the input is null and null is not mapped to an interceptor then
// null gets returned.
// TODO(asgerf): Add the NullInterceptor when it enables us to
// propagate an assignment.
setValue(node, nonConstant());
} else {
setValue(node, nonConstant(typeSystem.nonNullType));
void visitGetField(GetField node) {
AbstractConstantValue object = getValue(node.object);
if (object.isNothing || object.isNullConstant) {
setValue(node, nothing);
node.objectIsNotNull = object.isDefinitelyNotNull;
if (object.isConstant && object.constant.isConstructedObject) {
ConstructedConstantValue constructedConstant = object.constant;
ConstantValue value = constructedConstant.fields[node.field];
if (value != null) {
setValue(node, constantValue(value));
setValue(node, lattice.fromMask(typeSystem.getFieldType(node.field)));
void visitSetField(SetField node) {}
void visitCreateBox(CreateBox node) {
setValue(node, nonConstant(typeSystem.nonNullType));
void visitCreateInstance(CreateInstance node) {
void visitReifyRuntimeType(ReifyRuntimeType node) {
setValue(node, nonConstant(typeSystem.typeType));
void visitReadTypeVariable(ReadTypeVariable node) {
// TODO(karlklose): come up with a type marker for JS entities or switch to
// real constants of type [Type].
setValue(node, nonConstant());
void visitTypeExpression(TypeExpression node) {
// TODO(karlklose): come up with a type marker for JS entities or switch to
// real constants of type [Type].
setValue(node, nonConstant());
void visitCreateInvocationMirror(CreateInvocationMirror node) {
// TODO(asgerf): Expose [Invocation] type.
setValue(node, nonConstant(typeSystem.nonNullType));
void visitForeignCode(ForeignCode node) {
bool firstArgumentIsNullable = false;
if (node.argumentRefs.length > 0) {
AbstractConstantValue first =
if (first.isNothing) {
setValue(node, nothing);
firstArgumentIsNullable = first.isNullable;
setValue(node, nonConstant(node.storedType));
node.isSafeForElimination =
!node.nativeBehavior.sideEffects.hasSideEffects() &&
(!node.nativeBehavior.throwBehavior.canThrow ||
(!firstArgumentIsNullable &&
void visitGetLength(GetLength node) {
AbstractConstantValue input = getValue(node.object);
node.objectIsNotNull = input.isDefinitelyNotNull;
AbstractConstantValue length = lattice.lengthSpecial(input);
if (length != null) {
// TODO(asgerf): Constant-folding the length might degrade the VM's
// own bounds-check elimination?
setValue(node, length);
} else {
setValue(node, nonConstant(typeSystem.uint32Type));
void visitGetIndex(GetIndex node) {
AbstractConstantValue object = getValue(node.object);
if (object.isNothing || object.isNullConstant) {
setValue(node, nothing);
} else {
node.objectIsNotNull = object.isDefinitelyNotNull;
node, nonConstant(typeSystem.elementTypeOfIndexable(object.type)));
void visitSetIndex(SetIndex node) {}
void visitAwait(Await node) {
setResult(node, nonConstant());
visitYield(Yield node) {
setValue(node, nonConstant());
void visitRefinement(Refinement node) {
getValue(node.value.definition), node.refineType));
void visitBoundsCheck(BoundsCheck node) {
setValue(node, getValue(node.object));
void visitReceiverCheck(ReceiverCheck node) {
AbstractConstantValue value = getValue(node.value);
if (node.isNullCheck) {
// Avoid expensive TypeMask operations for null checks.
setValue(node, lattice.nonNullable(value));
} else if (value.isConstant &&
!value.type.needsNoSuchMethodHandling(node.selector, classWorld)) {
// Preserve constants, unless the check fails for the constant.
setValue(node, value);
} else {
nonConstant(typeSystem.receiverTypeFor(node.selector, value.type)));
/// Represents the abstract value of a primitive value at some point in the
/// program. Abstract values of all kinds have a type [T].
/// The different kinds of abstract values represents the knowledge about the
/// constness of the value:
/// NOTHING: cannot have any value
/// CONSTANT: is a constant. The value is stored in the [constant] field,
/// and the type of the constant is in the [type] field.
/// NONCONST: not a constant, but [type] may hold some information.
class AbstractConstantValue {
static const int NOTHING = 0;
static const int CONSTANT = 1;
static const int NONCONST = 2;
final int kind;
final ConstantValue constant;
final TypeMask type;
AbstractConstantValue._internal(this.kind, this.constant, this.type) {
assert(kind != CONSTANT || constant != null);
assert(constant is! SyntheticConstantValue);
: this._internal(NOTHING, null, new TypeMask.nonNullEmpty());
AbstractConstantValue.constantValue(ConstantValue constant, TypeMask type)
: this._internal(CONSTANT, constant, type);
factory AbstractConstantValue.nonConstant(TypeMask type) {
if (type.isEmpty) {
return new AbstractConstantValue.nothing();
} else if (type.isNull) {
return new AbstractConstantValue.constantValue(
new NullConstantValue(), type);
} else {
return new AbstractConstantValue._internal(NONCONST, null, type);
bool get isNothing => (kind == NOTHING);
bool get isConstant => (kind == CONSTANT);
bool get isNonConst => (kind == NONCONST);
bool get isNullConstant => kind == CONSTANT && constant.isNull;
bool get isTrueConstant => kind == CONSTANT && constant.isTrue;
bool get isFalseConstant => kind == CONSTANT && constant.isFalse;
bool get isZeroConstant => kind == CONSTANT && constant.isZero;
bool get isZeroOrNegativeConstant {
if (kind != CONSTANT || !constant.isNum) return false;
PrimitiveConstantValue value = constant;
return value.primitiveValue <= 0;
bool get isNegativeConstant {
if (kind != CONSTANT || !constant.isNum) return false;
PrimitiveConstantValue value = constant;
return value.primitiveValue < 0;
bool get isNullable => kind != NOTHING && type.isNullable;
bool get isDefinitelyNotNull => kind == NOTHING || !type.isNullable;
int get hashCode {
int hash = kind * 31 + constant.hashCode * 59 + type.hashCode * 67;
return hash & 0x3fffffff;
bool operator ==(AbstractConstantValue that) {
return that.kind == this.kind &&
that.constant == this.constant &&
that.type == this.type;
String toString() {
switch (kind) {
return "Nothing";
return "Constant: ${constant.unparse()}: $type";
return "Non-constant: $type";
return null;
/// Suggested name for a synthesized loop index.
class LoopIndexEntity extends Entity {
String get name => 'i';
/// Suggested name for the current element of a list being iterated.
class LoopItemEntity extends Entity {
String get name => 'current';
/// Suggested name for the original length of a list, for use in checks
/// for concurrent modification.
class OriginalLengthEntity extends Entity {
String get name => 'length';
class ResetAnalysisInfo extends TrampolineRecursiveVisitor {
Set<Continuation> reachableContinuations;
Map<Variable, ConstantValue> values;
ResetAnalysisInfo(this.reachableContinuations, this.values);
void clear(Variable variable) {
variable.type = null;
values[variable] = null;
processFunctionDefinition(FunctionDefinition node) {
processContinuation(Continuation cont) {
processLetPrim(LetPrim node) {
processLetMutable(LetMutable node) {
enum ChecksNeeded {
/// No check is needed.
/// Only null may fail the check.
/// Full check required.
/// Generates runtime checks against a some type criteria, and determines at
/// compile-time if the check is needed.
/// This class only generates the condition for determining if a check should
/// fail. Throwing the appropriate error in response to a failure is handled
/// elsewhere.
abstract class TypeCheckOperator {
const TypeCheckOperator();
static const TypeCheckOperator none = const NoTypeCheckOperator();
/// Determines to what extent a runtime check is needed.
/// Sometimes a check can be slightly improved if it is known that null is the
/// only possible input that fails the check.
ChecksNeeded getChecksNeeded(Primitive value, World world);
/// Make an expression that returns `true` if [value] should fail the check.
/// The result should be used in a check of the form:
/// if (makeCheck(value)) throw Error(value);
Primitive makeCheck(CpsFragment cps, Primitive value);
/// Refine [value] after a succesful check.
Primitive makeRefinement(CpsFragment cps, Primitive value, World world);
bool needsCheck(Primitive value, World world) {
return getChecksNeeded(value, world) != ChecksNeeded.None;
/// Check that always passes.
class NoTypeCheckOperator extends TypeCheckOperator {
const NoTypeCheckOperator();
ChecksNeeded getChecksNeeded(Primitive value, World world) {
return ChecksNeeded.None;
Primitive makeCheck(CpsFragment cps, Primitive value) {
return cps.makeFalse();
Primitive makeRefinement(CpsFragment cps, Primitive value, World world) {
return value;
/// Checks using a built-in operator that a value is an instance of a given
/// class.
class ClassTypeCheckOperator extends TypeCheckOperator {
ClassElement classElement;
BuiltinOperator negatedOperator;
ClassTypeCheckOperator(this.classElement, this.negatedOperator);
ChecksNeeded getChecksNeeded(Primitive value, World world) {
TypeMask type = value.type;
if (type.satisfies(classElement, world)) {
return type.isNullable ? ChecksNeeded.Null : ChecksNeeded.None;
} else {
return ChecksNeeded.Complete;
Primitive makeCheck(CpsFragment cps, Primitive value) {
return cps.applyBuiltin(negatedOperator, [value]);
Primitive makeRefinement(CpsFragment cps, Primitive value, World world) {
return cps.refine(value, new TypeMask.nonNullSubclass(classElement, world));