blob: 66530266351e14373a7dadf2b984d4469ce23a4b [file] [log] [blame]
library test;
import self as self;
import "dart:core" as core;
class C<T extends core::Object> extends core::Object {
generic-contravariant final field (self::C::T) core::num plusResult;
constructor •((self::C::T) core::num plusResult) void
: self::C::plusResult = plusResult, super core::Object::•()
generic-contravariant operator +(core::int i) (self::C::T) core::num
return this.{self::C::plusResult};
class D extends core::Object {
final field self::C<core::num> getValue;
field (core::int) core::int setValue = null;
constructor •(self::C<core::num> getValue) void
: self::D::getValue = getValue, super core::Object::•()
get value() self::C<core::num>
return this.{self::D::getValue};
set value((core::int) core::int value) void {
this.{self::D::setValue} = value;
static method expectTypeError(() void callback) void {
try {;
throw "Expected TypeError, did not occur";
on core::TypeError catch(no-exception-var) {
static method expect(core::Object value, core::Object expected) void {
if(!value.{core::Object::==}(expected)) {
throw "Expected ${expected}, got ${value}";
static method numToInt(core::num n) core::int
return 1;
static method numToNum(core::num n) core::num
return 2;
static method main() void {
self::D d = new self::D::•(new self::C::•<core::num>(self::numToInt));
let final self::D #t1 = d in #t1.{self::D::value} = let final dynamic #t2 = #t1.{self::D::value}.{self::C::+}(1) as{TypeError} (core::num) → core::num in let dynamic _ = null in const core::_ConstantExpressionError::•().{core::_ConstantExpressionError::_throw}(new core::_CompileTimeError::•("pkg/front_end/testcases/runtime_checks_new/contravariant_generic_return_with_compound_assign_implicit_downcast.dart:50:41: Error: A value of type '(dart.core::num) \u8594 dart.core::num' can't be assigned to a variable of type '(dart.core::int) \u8594 dart.core::int'.\nTry changing the type of the left hand side, or casting the right hand side to '(dart.core::int) \u8594 dart.core::int'.\n d.value /*@checkReturn=(num) -> num*/ += 1;\n ^"));
self::expect(d.{self::D::setValue}(0), 1);
d = new self::D::•(new self::C::•<core::num>(self::numToNum));
self::expectTypeError(() core::Null {
let final self::D #t3 = d in #t3.{self::D::value} = let final dynamic #t4 = #t3.{self::D::value}.{self::C::+}(1) as{TypeError} (core::num) → core::num in let dynamic _ = null in const core::_ConstantExpressionError::•().{core::_ConstantExpressionError::_throw}(new core::_CompileTimeError::•("pkg/front_end/testcases/runtime_checks_new/contravariant_generic_return_with_compound_assign_implicit_downcast.dart:54:43: Error: A value of type '(dart.core::num) \u8594 dart.core::num' can't be assigned to a variable of type '(dart.core::int) \u8594 dart.core::int'.\nTry changing the type of the left hand side, or casting the right hand side to '(dart.core::int) \u8594 dart.core::int'.\n d.value /*@checkReturn=(num) -> num*/ += 1;\n ^"));
self::expect(d.{self::D::setValue}, null);