blob: 2b887045275406eda79edebe2fba98dd6978a86d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analysis_server/src/computer/computer_outline.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/driver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../../abstract_context.dart';
import '../utilities/flutter_util.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class AbstractOutlineComputerTest extends AbstractContextTest {
String testPath;
String testCode;
void setUp() {
testPath = provider.convertPath('/test.dart');
Future<Outline> _computeOutline(String code) async {
testCode = code;
provider.newFile(testPath, code);
AnalysisResult analysisResult = await driver.getResult(testPath);
return new DartUnitOutlineComputer(
testPath, analysisResult.lineInfo, analysisResult.unit)
class FlutterOutlineComputerTest extends AbstractOutlineComputerTest {
void setUp() {
Folder libFolder = configureFlutterPackage(provider);
packageMap['flutter'] = [libFolder];
test_columnWithChildren() async {
Outline unitOutline = await _computeOutline('''
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Column(children: [
const Text('aaa'),
const Text('bbb'),
]); // Column
expect(_toText(unitOutline), r'''
var myWidget = unitOutline.children[0];
var build = myWidget.children[0];
var columnOutline = build.children[0];
int offset = testCode.indexOf('new Column');
int length = testCode.indexOf('; // Column') - offset;
name: 'Column',
elementOffset: offset,
offset: offset,
length: length);
var textOutline = columnOutline.children[0];
String text = "const Text('aaa')";
int offset = testCode.indexOf(text);
name: "Text('aaa')",
elementOffset: offset,
offset: offset,
length: text.length);
var textOutline = columnOutline.children[1];
String text = "const Text('bbb')";
int offset = testCode.indexOf(text);
name: "Text('bbb')",
elementOffset: offset,
offset: offset,
length: text.length);
void _expect(Outline outline,
{@required String name,
@required int elementOffset,
@required int offset,
@required int length}) {
Element element = outline.element;
expect(, name);
expect(element.location.offset, elementOffset);
expect(outline.offset, offset);
expect(outline.length, length);
static String _toText(Outline outline) {
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
void writeOutline(Outline outline, String indent) {
for (var child in outline.children ?? const []) {
writeOutline(child, '$indent ');
for (var child in outline.children) {
writeOutline(child, '');
return buffer.toString();
class OutlineComputerTest extends AbstractOutlineComputerTest {
test_class() async {
Outline unitOutline = await _computeOutline('''
class A<K, V> {
int fa, fb;
String fc;
A(int i, String s); p);
A._privateName(num p);
static String ma(int pa) => null;
_mb(int pb);
String get propA => null;
set propB(int v) {}
class B {
B(int p);
List<Outline> topOutlines = unitOutline.children;
expect(topOutlines, hasLength(2));
// A
Outline outline_A = topOutlines[0];
Element element_A = outline_A.element;
expect(element_A.kind, ElementKind.CLASS);
expect(, "A");
expect(element_A.typeParameters, "<K, V>");
Location location = element_A.location;
expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("A<K, V> {"));
expect(location.length, 1);
expect(element_A.parameters, null);
expect(element_A.returnType, null);
// A children
List<Outline> outlines_A = outline_A.children;
expect(outlines_A, hasLength(10));
Outline outline = outlines_A[0];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.FIELD);
expect(, "fa");
expect(element.parameters, isNull);
expect(element.returnType, "int");
Outline outline = outlines_A[1];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.FIELD);
expect(, "fb");
expect(element.parameters, isNull);
expect(element.returnType, "int");
Outline outline = outlines_A[2];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.FIELD);
expect(, "fc");
expect(element.parameters, isNull);
expect(element.returnType, "String");
Outline outline = outlines_A[3];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR);
expect(, "A");
Location location = element.location;
expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("A(int i, String s);"));
expect(location.length, "A".length);
expect(element.parameters, "(int i, String s)");
expect(element.returnType, isNull);
expect(element.isAbstract, isFalse);
expect(element.isStatic, isFalse);
Outline outline = outlines_A[4];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR);
expect(, "");
Location location = element.location;
expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("name(num p);"));
expect(location.length, "name".length);
expect(element.parameters, "(num p)");
expect(element.returnType, isNull);
expect(element.isAbstract, isFalse);
expect(element.isStatic, isFalse);
Outline outline = outlines_A[5];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR);
expect(, "A._privateName");
Location location = element.location;
expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("_privateName(num p);"));
expect(location.length, "_privateName".length);
expect(element.parameters, "(num p)");
expect(element.returnType, isNull);
expect(element.isAbstract, isFalse);
expect(element.isStatic, isFalse);
Outline outline = outlines_A[6];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.METHOD);
expect(, "ma");
Location location = element.location;
expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("ma(int pa) => null;"));
expect(location.length, "ma".length);
expect(element.parameters, "(int pa)");
expect(element.returnType, "String");
expect(element.isAbstract, isFalse);
expect(element.isStatic, isTrue);
Outline outline = outlines_A[7];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.METHOD);
expect(, "_mb");
Location location = element.location;
expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("_mb(int pb);"));
expect(location.length, "_mb".length);
expect(element.parameters, "(int pb)");
expect(element.returnType, "");
expect(element.isAbstract, isTrue);
expect(element.isStatic, isFalse);
Outline outline = outlines_A[8];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.GETTER);
expect(, "propA");
Location location = element.location;
expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("propA => null;"));
expect(location.length, "propA".length);
expect(element.parameters, isNull);
expect(element.returnType, "String");
Outline outline = outlines_A[9];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.SETTER);
expect(, "propB");
Location location = element.location;
expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("propB(int v) {}"));
expect(location.length, "propB".length);
expect(element.parameters, "(int v)");
expect(element.returnType, "");
// B
Outline outline_B = topOutlines[1];
Element element_B = outline_B.element;
expect(element_B.kind, ElementKind.CLASS);
expect(, "B");
expect(element_B.typeParameters, isNull);
Location location = element_B.location;
expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("B {"));
expect(location.length, 1);
expect(element_B.parameters, null);
expect(element_B.returnType, null);
// B children
List<Outline> outlines_B = outline_B.children;
expect(outlines_B, hasLength(1));
Outline outline = outlines_B[0];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR);
expect(, "B");
Location location = element.location;
expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("B(int p);"));
expect(location.length, "B".length);
expect(element.parameters, "(int p)");
expect(element.returnType, isNull);
test_enum() async {
Outline unitOutline = await _computeOutline('''
enum MyEnum {
A, B, C
List<Outline> topOutlines = unitOutline.children;
expect(topOutlines, hasLength(1));
// MyEnum
Outline outline_MyEnum = topOutlines[0];
Element element_MyEnum = outline_MyEnum.element;
expect(element_MyEnum.kind, ElementKind.ENUM);
expect(, "MyEnum");
Location location = element_MyEnum.location;
expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("MyEnum {"));
expect(location.length, 'MyEnum'.length);
expect(element_MyEnum.parameters, null);
expect(element_MyEnum.returnType, null);
// MyEnum children
List<Outline> outlines_MyEnum = outline_MyEnum.children;
expect(outlines_MyEnum, hasLength(3));
_isEnumConstant(outlines_MyEnum[0], 'A');
_isEnumConstant(outlines_MyEnum[1], 'B');
_isEnumConstant(outlines_MyEnum[2], 'C');
test_groupAndTest() async {
Outline outline = await _computeOutline('''
void group(name, closure) {}
void test(name) {}
void main() {
group('group1', () {
group('group1_1', () {
group('group1_2', () {
group('group2', () {
// unit
List<Outline> unit_children = outline.children;
expect(unit_children, hasLength(3));
// main
Outline main_outline = unit_children[2];
kind: ElementKind.FUNCTION,
name: 'main',
offset: testCode.indexOf("main() {"),
parameters: '()',
returnType: 'void');
List<Outline> main_children = main_outline.children;
expect(main_children, hasLength(2));
// group1
Outline group1_outline = main_children[0];
kind: ElementKind.UNIT_TEST_GROUP,
length: 5,
name: 'group("group1")',
offset: testCode.indexOf("group('group1'"));
List<Outline> group1_children = group1_outline.children;
expect(group1_children, hasLength(2));
// group1_1
Outline group1_1_outline = group1_children[0];
kind: ElementKind.UNIT_TEST_GROUP,
length: 5,
name: 'group("group1_1")',
offset: testCode.indexOf("group('group1_1'"));
List<Outline> group1_1_children = group1_1_outline.children;
expect(group1_1_children, hasLength(2));
// test1_1_1
Outline test1_1_1_outline = group1_1_children[0];
kind: ElementKind.UNIT_TEST_TEST,
leaf: true,
length: 4,
name: 'test("test1_1_1")',
offset: testCode.indexOf("test('test1_1_1'"));
// test1_1_1
Outline test1_1_2_outline = group1_1_children[1];
kind: ElementKind.UNIT_TEST_TEST,
leaf: true,
length: 4,
name: 'test("test1_1_2")',
offset: testCode.indexOf("test('test1_1_2'"));
// group1_2
Outline group1_2_outline = group1_children[1];
kind: ElementKind.UNIT_TEST_GROUP,
length: 5,
name: 'group("group1_2")',
offset: testCode.indexOf("group('group1_2'"));
List<Outline> group1_2_children = group1_2_outline.children;
expect(group1_2_children, hasLength(1));
// test2_1
Outline test1_2_1_outline = group1_2_children[0];
kind: ElementKind.UNIT_TEST_TEST,
leaf: true,
length: 4,
name: 'test("test1_2_1")',
offset: testCode.indexOf("test('test1_2_1'"));
// group2
Outline group2_outline = main_children[1];
kind: ElementKind.UNIT_TEST_GROUP,
length: 5,
name: 'group("group2")',
offset: testCode.indexOf("group('group2'"));
List<Outline> group2_children = group2_outline.children;
expect(group2_children, hasLength(2));
// test2_1
Outline test2_1_outline = group2_children[0];
kind: ElementKind.UNIT_TEST_TEST,
leaf: true,
length: 4,
name: 'test("test2_1")',
offset: testCode.indexOf("test('test2_1'"));
// test2_2
Outline test2_2_outline = group2_children[1];
kind: ElementKind.UNIT_TEST_TEST,
leaf: true,
length: 4,
name: 'test("test2_2")',
offset: testCode.indexOf("test('test2_2'"));
* Code like this caused NPE in the past.
test_invalidGetterInConstructor() async {
Outline outline = await _computeOutline('''
class A {
A() {
get badGetter {
const int CONST = 0;
expect(outline, isNotNull);
test_localFunctions() async {
Outline unitOutline = await _computeOutline('''
class A {
A() {
int local_A() {}
m() {
local_m() {}
f() {
local_f1(int i) {}
local_f2(String s) {
local_f21(int p) {}
List<Outline> topOutlines = unitOutline.children;
expect(topOutlines, hasLength(2));
// A
Outline outline_A = topOutlines[0];
Element element_A = outline_A.element;
expect(element_A.kind, ElementKind.CLASS);
expect(, "A");
Location location = element_A.location;
expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("A {"));
expect(location.length, "A".length);
expect(element_A.parameters, null);
expect(element_A.returnType, null);
// A children
List<Outline> outlines_A = outline_A.children;
expect(outlines_A, hasLength(2));
Outline constructorOutline = outlines_A[0];
Element constructorElement = constructorOutline.element;
expect(constructorElement.kind, ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR);
expect(, "A");
Location location = constructorElement.location;
expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("A() {"));
expect(location.length, "A".length);
expect(constructorElement.parameters, "()");
expect(constructorElement.returnType, isNull);
// local function
List<Outline> outlines_constructor = constructorOutline.children;
expect(outlines_constructor, hasLength(1));
Outline outline = outlines_constructor[0];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.FUNCTION);
expect(, "local_A");
Location location = element.location;
expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("local_A() {}"));
expect(location.length, "local_A".length);
expect(element.parameters, "()");
expect(element.returnType, "int");
Outline outline_m = outlines_A[1];
Element element_m = outline_m.element;
expect(element_m.kind, ElementKind.METHOD);
expect(, "m");
Location location = element_m.location;
expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("m() {"));
expect(location.length, "m".length);
expect(element_m.parameters, "()");
expect(element_m.returnType, "");
// local function
List<Outline> methodChildren = outline_m.children;
expect(methodChildren, hasLength(1));
Outline outline = methodChildren[0];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.FUNCTION);
expect(, "local_m");
Location location = element.location;
expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("local_m() {}"));
expect(location.length, "local_m".length);
expect(element.parameters, "()");
expect(element.returnType, "");
// f()
Outline outline_f = topOutlines[1];
Element element_f = outline_f.element;
expect(element_f.kind, ElementKind.FUNCTION);
expect(, "f");
Location location = element_f.location;
expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("f() {"));
expect(location.length, "f".length);
expect(element_f.parameters, "()");
expect(element_f.returnType, "");
// f() children
List<Outline> outlines_f = outline_f.children;
expect(outlines_f, hasLength(2));
Outline outline_f1 = outlines_f[0];
Element element_f1 = outline_f1.element;
expect(element_f1.kind, ElementKind.FUNCTION);
expect(, "local_f1");
Location location = element_f1.location;
expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("local_f1(int i) {}"));
expect(location.length, "local_f1".length);
expect(element_f1.parameters, "(int i)");
expect(element_f1.returnType, "");
Outline outline_f2 = outlines_f[1];
Element element_f2 = outline_f2.element;
expect(element_f2.kind, ElementKind.FUNCTION);
expect(, "local_f2");
Location location = element_f2.location;
expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("local_f2(String s) {"));
expect(location.length, "local_f2".length);
expect(element_f2.parameters, "(String s)");
expect(element_f2.returnType, "");
// local_f2() local function
List<Outline> outlines_f2 = outline_f2.children;
expect(outlines_f2, hasLength(1));
Outline outline_f21 = outlines_f2[0];
Element element_f21 = outline_f21.element;
expect(element_f21.kind, ElementKind.FUNCTION);
expect(, "local_f21");
Location location = element_f21.location;
expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("local_f21(int p) {"));
expect(location.length, "local_f21".length);
expect(element_f21.parameters, "(int p)");
expect(element_f21.returnType, "");
test_sourceRange_inClass() async {
Outline unitOutline = await _computeOutline('''
class A { // leftA
int methodA() {} // endA
int methodB() {} // endB
List<Outline> outlines = unitOutline.children[0].children;
expect(outlines, hasLength(2));
// methodA
Outline outline = outlines[0];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.METHOD);
expect(, "methodA");
int offset = testCode.indexOf(" // leftA");
int end = testCode.indexOf(" // endA");
expect(outline.offset, offset);
expect(outline.length, end - offset);
// methodB
Outline outline = outlines[1];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.METHOD);
expect(, "methodB");
int offset = testCode.indexOf(" // endA");
int end = testCode.indexOf(" // endB");
expect(outline.offset, offset);
expect(outline.length, end - offset);
test_sourceRange_inClass_inVariableList() async {
Outline unitOutline = await _computeOutline('''
class A { // leftA
int fieldA, fieldB, fieldC; // marker
int fieldD; // marker2
List<Outline> outlines = unitOutline.children[0].children;
expect(outlines, hasLength(4));
// fieldA
Outline outline = outlines[0];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.FIELD);
expect(, "fieldA");
int offset = testCode.indexOf(" // leftA");
int end = testCode.indexOf(", fieldB");
expect(outline.offset, offset);
expect(outline.length, end - offset);
// fieldB
Outline outline = outlines[1];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.FIELD);
expect(, "fieldB");
int offset = testCode.indexOf(", fieldB");
int end = testCode.indexOf(", fieldC");
expect(outline.offset, offset);
expect(outline.length, end - offset);
// fieldC
Outline outline = outlines[2];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.FIELD);
expect(, "fieldC");
int offset = testCode.indexOf(", fieldC");
int end = testCode.indexOf(" // marker");
expect(outline.offset, offset);
expect(outline.length, end - offset);
// fieldD
Outline outline = outlines[3];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.FIELD);
expect(, "fieldD");
int offset = testCode.indexOf(" // marker");
int end = testCode.indexOf(" // marker2");
expect(outline.offset, offset);
expect(outline.length, end - offset);
test_sourceRange_inUnit() async {
Outline unitOutline = await _computeOutline('''
library lib;
/// My first class.
class A {
} // endA
class B {
} // endB
List<Outline> topOutlines = unitOutline.children;
expect(topOutlines, hasLength(2));
// A
Outline outline = topOutlines[0];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.CLASS);
expect(, "A");
int offset = testCode.indexOf("/// My first class.");
int end = testCode.indexOf(" // endA");
expect(outline.offset, offset);
expect(outline.length, end - offset);
// B
Outline outline = topOutlines[1];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.CLASS);
expect(, "B");
int offset = testCode.indexOf(" // endA");
int end = testCode.indexOf(" // endB");
expect(outline.offset, offset);
expect(outline.length, end - offset);
test_sourceRange_inUnit_inVariableList() async {
Outline unitOutline = await _computeOutline('''
int fieldA, fieldB, fieldC; // marker
int fieldD; // marker2
List<Outline> outlines = unitOutline.children;
expect(outlines, hasLength(4));
// fieldA
Outline outline = outlines[0];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE);
expect(, "fieldA");
int offset = 0;
int end = testCode.indexOf(", fieldB");
expect(outline.offset, offset);
expect(outline.length, end - offset);
// fieldB
Outline outline = outlines[1];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE);
expect(, "fieldB");
int offset = testCode.indexOf(", fieldB");
int end = testCode.indexOf(", fieldC");
expect(outline.offset, offset);
expect(outline.length, end - offset);
// fieldC
Outline outline = outlines[2];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE);
expect(, "fieldC");
int offset = testCode.indexOf(", fieldC");
int end = testCode.indexOf(" // marker");
expect(outline.offset, offset);
expect(outline.length, end - offset);
// fieldD
Outline outline = outlines[3];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.TOP_LEVEL_VARIABLE);
expect(, "fieldD");
int offset = testCode.indexOf(" // marker");
int end = testCode.indexOf(" // marker2");
expect(outline.offset, offset);
expect(outline.length, end - offset);
test_topLevel() async {
Outline unitOutline = await _computeOutline('''
typedef String FTA<K, V>(int i, String s);
typedef FTB(int p);
class A<T> {}
class B {}
class CTA<T> = A<T> with B;
class CTB = A with B;
String fA(int i, String s) => null;
fB(int p) => null;
String get propA => null;
set propB(int v) {}
List<Outline> topOutlines = unitOutline.children;
expect(topOutlines, hasLength(10));
// FTA
Outline outline = topOutlines[0];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS);
expect(, "FTA");
expect(element.typeParameters, "<K, V>");
Location location = element.location;
expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("FTA<K, V>("));
expect(location.length, "FTA".length);
expect(element.parameters, "(int i, String s)");
expect(element.returnType, "String");
// FTB
Outline outline = topOutlines[1];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.FUNCTION_TYPE_ALIAS);
expect(, "FTB");
expect(element.typeParameters, isNull);
Location location = element.location;
expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("FTB("));
expect(location.length, "FTB".length);
expect(element.parameters, "(int p)");
expect(element.returnType, "");
// CTA
Outline outline = topOutlines[4];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.CLASS_TYPE_ALIAS);
expect(, "CTA");
expect(element.typeParameters, '<T>');
Location location = element.location;
expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("CTA<T> ="));
expect(location.length, "CTA".length);
expect(element.parameters, isNull);
expect(element.returnType, isNull);
// CTB
Outline outline = topOutlines[5];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.CLASS_TYPE_ALIAS);
expect(, 'CTB');
expect(element.typeParameters, isNull);
expect(element.returnType, isNull);
// fA
Outline outline = topOutlines[6];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.FUNCTION);
expect(, "fA");
Location location = element.location;
expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("fA("));
expect(location.length, "fA".length);
expect(element.parameters, "(int i, String s)");
expect(element.returnType, "String");
// fB
Outline outline = topOutlines[7];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.FUNCTION);
expect(, "fB");
Location location = element.location;
expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("fB("));
expect(location.length, "fB".length);
expect(element.parameters, "(int p)");
expect(element.returnType, "");
// propA
Outline outline = topOutlines[8];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.GETTER);
expect(, "propA");
Location location = element.location;
expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("propA => null;"));
expect(location.length, "propA".length);
expect(element.parameters, "");
expect(element.returnType, "String");
// propB
Outline outline = topOutlines[9];
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.SETTER);
expect(, "propB");
Location location = element.location;
expect(location.offset, testCode.indexOf("propB(int v) {}"));
expect(location.length, "propB".length);
expect(element.parameters, "(int v)");
expect(element.returnType, "");
void _expect(Outline outline,
{ElementKind kind,
bool leaf: false,
int length,
String name,
int offset,
String parameters,
String returnType}) {
Element element = outline.element;
Location location = element.location;
if (kind != null) {
expect(element.kind, kind);
if (leaf) {
expect(outline.children, isNull);
length ??= name?.length;
if (length != null) {
expect(location.length, length);
if (name != null) {
expect(, name);
if (offset != null) {
expect(location.offset, offset);
if (parameters != null) {
expect(element.parameters, parameters);
if (returnType != null) {
expect(element.returnType, returnType);
void _isEnumConstant(Outline outline, String name) {
Element element = outline.element;
expect(element.kind, ElementKind.ENUM_CONSTANT);
expect(, name);
expect(element.parameters, isNull);
expect(element.returnType, isNull);