blob: 42d036f1be7aa1d64c13643dd51fdf26f62d115d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* This library contains the infrastructure to parse and integrate patch files.
* Three types of elements can be patched: [LibraryElement], [ClassElement],
* [FunctionElement]. Patches are introduced in patch libraries which are loaded
* together with the corresponding origin library. Which libraries that are
* patched is determined by the dart2jsPatchPath field of LibraryInfo found
* in [:lib/_internal/libraries.dart:].
* Patch libraries are parsed like regular library and thus provided with their
* own elements. These elements which are distinct from the elements from the
* patched library and the relation between patched and patch elements is
* established through the [:patch:] and [:origin:] fields found on
* [LibraryElement], [ClassElement] and [FunctionElement]. The [:patch:] fields
* are set on the patched elements to point to their corresponding patch
* element, and the [:origin:] elements are set on the patch elements to point
* their corresponding patched elements.
* The fields [Element.isPatched] and [Element.isPatch] can be used to determine
* whether the [:patch:] or [:origin:] field, respectively, has been set on an
* element, regardless of whether the element is one of the three patchable
* element types or not.
* ## Variants of Classes and Functions ##
* With patches there are four variants of classes and function:
* Regular: A class or function which is not declared in a patch library and
* which has no corresponding patch.
* Origin: A class or function which is not declared in a patch library and
* which has a corresponding patch. Origin functions must use the [:external:]
* modifier and can have no body. Origin classes and functions are also
* called 'patched'.
* Patch: A class or function which is declared in a patch library and which
* has a corresponding origin. Both patch classes and patch functions must use
* the [:patch:] modifier.
* Injected: A class or function (or even field) which is declared in a
* patch library and which has no corresponding origin. An injected element
* cannot use the [:patch:] modifier. Injected elements are never visible from
* outside the patch library in which they have been declared. For this
* reason, injected elements are often declared private and therefore called
* also called 'patch private'.
* Examples of the variants is shown in the code below:
* // In the origin library:
* class RegularClass { // A regular class.
* void regularMethod() {} // A regular method.
* }
* class PatchedClass { // An origin class.
* int regularField; // A regular field.
* void regularMethod() {} // A regular method.
* external void patchedMethod(); // An origin method.
* }
* // In the patch library:
* class _InjectedClass { // An injected class.
* void _injectedMethod() {} // An injected method.
* }
* patch class PatchedClass { // A patch class.
* int _injectedField; { // An injected field.
* patch void patchedMethod() {} // A patch method.
* }
* ## Declaration and Implementation ##
* With patches we have two views on elements: as the 'declaration' which
* introduces the entity and defines its interface, and as the 'implementation'
* which defines the actual implementation of the entity.
* Every element has a 'declaration' and an 'implementation' element. For
* regular and injected elements these are the same. For origin elements the
* declaration is the element itself and the implementation is the patch element
* found through its [:patch:] field. For patch elements the implementation is
* the element itself and the declaration is the origin element found through
* its [:origin:] field. The declaration and implementation of any element is
* conveniently available through the [Element.declaration] and
* [Element.implementation] getters.
* Most patch-related invariants enforced through-out the compiler are defined
* in terms of 'declaration' and 'implementation', and tested through the
* predicate getters [Element.isDeclaration] and [Element.isImplementation].
* Patch invariants are stated both in comments and as assertions.
* ## General invariant guidelines ##
* For [LibraryElement] we always use declarations. This means the
* [Element.getLibrary] method will only return library declarations. Patch
* library implementations are only accessed through calls to
* [Element.getImplementationLibrary] which is used to setup the correct
* [Element.enclosingElement] relation between patch/injected elements and the
* patch library.
* For [ClassElement] and [FunctionElement] we use declarations for determining
* identity and implementations for work based on the AST nodes, such as
* resolution, type-checking, type inference, building SSA graphs, etc.
* - Worklist only contain declaration elements.
* - Most maps and sets use declarations exclusively, and their individual
* invariants are stated in the field comments.
* - [tree.TreeElements] only map to patch elements from inside a patch library.
* TODO(johnniwinther): Simplify this invariant to use only declarations in
* [tree.TreeElements].
* - Builders shift between declaration and implementation depending on usages.
* - Compile-time constants use constructor implementation exclusively.
* - Work on function parameters is performed on the declaration of the function
* element.
library patchparser;
import 'dart:async';
import "tree/tree.dart" as tree;
import "dart2jslib.dart" as leg; // CompilerTask, Compiler.
import "../compiler.dart" as api;
import "scanner/scannerlib.dart"; // Scanner, Parsers, Listeners
import "elements/elements.dart";
import "elements/modelx.dart" show LibraryElementX, MetadataAnnotationX;
import 'util/util.dart';
class PatchParserTask extends leg.CompilerTask {
PatchParserTask(leg.Compiler compiler): super(compiler);
final String name = "Patching Parser";
* Scans a library patch file, applies the method patches and
* injections to the library, and returns a list of class
* patches.
Future patchLibrary(leg.LibraryDependencyHandler handler,
Uri patchUri, LibraryElement originLibrary) {
return compiler.readScript(patchUri, null).then((leg.Script script) {
var patchLibrary = new LibraryElementX(script, null, originLibrary);
return compiler.withCurrentElement(patchLibrary, () {
var imports = new LinkBuilder<tree.LibraryTag>();
compiler.withCurrentElement(patchLibrary.entryCompilationUnit, () {
// This patches the elements of the patch library into [library].
// Injected elements are added directly under the compilation unit.
// Patch elements are stored on the patched functions or classes.
scanLibraryElements(patchLibrary.entryCompilationUnit, imports);
// After scanning declarations, we handle the import tags in the patch.
// TODO(lrn): These imports end up in the original library and are in
// scope for the original methods too. This should be fixed.
// TODO(rnystrom): Remove .toList() here if #11523 is fixed.
return Future.forEach(imports.toLink().toList(), (tag) {
return compiler.withCurrentElement(patchLibrary, () {
return compiler.libraryLoader.registerLibraryFromTag(
handler, patchLibrary, tag);
void scanLibraryElements(
CompilationUnitElement compilationUnit,
LinkBuilder<tree.LibraryTag> imports) {
measure(() {
// TODO(lrn): Possibly recursively handle 'part' directives in patch.
leg.Script script = compilationUnit.script;
Token tokens = new StringScanner(script.text).tokenize();
Function idGenerator = compiler.getNextFreeClassId;
PatchListener patchListener =
new PatchElementListener(compiler,
new PatchParser(patchListener).parseUnit(tokens);
void parsePatchClassNode(PartialClassElement element) {
// Parse [PartialClassElement] using a "patch"-aware parser instead
// of calling its [parseNode] method.
if (element.cachedNode != null) return;
return measure(() => compiler.withCurrentElement(element, () {
PatchMemberListener listener = new PatchMemberListener(compiler, element);
Parser parser = new PatchClassElementParser(listener);
Token token = parser.parseTopLevelDeclaration(element.beginToken);
element.cachedNode = listener.popNode();
Link<Element> patches = element.localMembers;
applyContainerPatch(element.origin, patches);
void applyContainerPatch(ClassElement originClass,
Link<Element> patches) {
for (Element patch in patches) {
if (!isPatchElement(patch)) continue;
Element origin = originClass.localLookup(;
patchElement(compiler, origin, patch);
* Extension of the [Listener] interface to handle the extra "patch" pseudo-
* keyword in patch files.
* Patch files shouldn't have a type named "patch".
abstract class PatchListener extends Listener {
void beginPatch(Token patch);
void endPatch(Token patch);
* Partial parser that extends the top-level and class grammars to allow the
* word "patch" in front of some declarations.
class PatchParser extends PartialParser {
PatchParser(PatchListener listener) : super(listener);
PatchListener get patchListener => listener;
bool isPatch(Token token) => token.value == const SourceString('patch');
* Parse top-level declarations, and allow "patch" in front of functions
* and classes.
Token parseTopLevelDeclaration(Token token) {
if (!isPatch(token)) {
return super.parseTopLevelDeclaration(token);
Token patch = token;
token =;
String value = token.stringValue;
if (identical(value, 'interface')
|| identical(value, 'typedef')
|| identical(value, '#')
|| identical(value, 'abstract')) {
// At the top level, you can only patch functions and classes.
// Patch classes and functions can't be marked abstract.
return listener.unexpected(patch);
token = super.parseTopLevelDeclaration(token);
return token;
* Parse a class member.
* If the member starts with "patch", it's a member override.
* Only methods can be overridden, including constructors, getters and
* setters, but not fields. If "patch" occurs in front of a field, the error
* is caught elsewhere.
Token parseMember(Token token) {
if (!isPatch(token)) {
return super.parseMember(token);
Token patch = token;
token = super.parseMember(;
return token;
* Partial parser for patch files that also handles the members of class
* declarations.
class PatchClassElementParser extends PatchParser {
PatchClassElementParser(PatchListener listener) : super(listener);
Token parseClassBody(Token token) => fullParseClassBody(token);
* Extension of [ElementListener] for parsing patch files.
class PatchElementListener extends ElementListener implements PatchListener {
final LinkBuilder<tree.LibraryTag> imports;
bool isMemberPatch = false;
bool isClassPatch = false;
PatchElementListener(leg.DiagnosticListener listener,
CompilationUnitElement patchElement,
int idGenerator(),
: super(listener, patchElement, idGenerator);
MetadataAnnotation popMetadataHack() {
// TODO(ahe): Remove this method.
popNode(); // Discard null.
return new PatchMetadataAnnotation();
void beginPatch(Token token) {
if (identical(, "class")) {
isClassPatch = true;
} else {
isMemberPatch = true;
void endPatch(Token token) {
if (identical(, "class")) {
isClassPatch = false;
} else {
isMemberPatch = false;
* Allow script tags (import only, the parser rejects the rest for now) in
* patch files. The import tags will be added to the library.
bool allowLibraryTags() => true;
void addLibraryTag(tree.LibraryTag tag) {
void pushElement(Element patch) {
if (isMemberPatch || (isClassPatch && patch is ClassElement)) {
// Apply patch.
LibraryElement originLibrary = compilationUnitElement.getLibrary();
Element origin = originLibrary.localLookup(;
patchElement(listener, origin, patch);
* Extension of [MemberListener] for parsing patch class bodies.
class PatchMemberListener extends MemberListener implements PatchListener {
bool isMemberPatch = false;
bool isClassPatch = false;
PatchMemberListener(leg.DiagnosticListener listener,
Element enclosingElement)
: super(listener, enclosingElement);
MetadataAnnotation popMetadataHack() {
// TODO(ahe): Remove this method.
popNode(); // Discard null.
return new PatchMetadataAnnotation();
void beginPatch(Token token) {
if (identical(, "class")) {
isClassPatch = true;
} else {
isMemberPatch = true;
void endPatch(Token token) {
if (identical(, "class")) {
isClassPatch = false;
} else {
isMemberPatch = false;
void addMember(Element element) {
if (isMemberPatch || (isClassPatch && element is ClassElement)) {
// TODO(ahe): Get rid of this class.
class PatchMetadataAnnotation extends MetadataAnnotationX {
final leg.Constant value = null;
PatchMetadataAnnotation() : super(STATE_DONE);
Token get beginToken => null;
Token get endToken => null;
void patchElement(leg.DiagnosticListener listener,
Element origin,
Element patch) {
if (origin == null) {
patch, leg.MessageKind.PATCH_NON_EXISTING, {'name':});
if (!(origin.isClass() ||
origin.isConstructor() ||
origin.isFunction() ||
origin.isAbstractField())) {
// TODO(ahe): Remove this error when the parser rejects all bad modifiers.
listener.reportError(origin, leg.MessageKind.PATCH_NONPATCHABLE);
if (patch.isClass()) {
tryPatchClass(listener, origin, patch);
} else if (patch.isGetter()) {
tryPatchGetter(listener, origin, patch);
} else if (patch.isSetter()) {
tryPatchSetter(listener, origin, patch);
} else if (patch.isConstructor()) {
tryPatchConstructor(listener, origin, patch);
} else if(patch.isFunction()) {
tryPatchFunction(listener, origin, patch);
} else {
// TODO(ahe): Remove this error when the parser rejects all bad modifiers.
listener.reportError(patch, leg.MessageKind.PATCH_NONPATCHABLE);
void tryPatchClass(leg.DiagnosticListener listener,
Element origin,
ClassElement patch) {
if (!origin.isClass()) {
origin, leg.MessageKind.PATCH_NON_CLASS, {'className':});
patch, leg.MessageKind.PATCH_POINT_TO_CLASS, {'className':});
patchClass(listener, origin, patch);
void patchClass(leg.DiagnosticListener listener,
ClassElement origin,
ClassElement patch) {
if (origin.isPatched) {
origin, "Patching the same class more than once.");
// TODO(johnniwinther): Change to functions on the ElementX class.
origin.patch = patch;
patch.origin = origin;
void tryPatchGetter(leg.DiagnosticListener listener,
Element origin,
FunctionElement patch) {
if (!origin.isAbstractField()) {
origin, leg.MessageKind.PATCH_NON_GETTER, {'name':});
leg.MessageKind.PATCH_POINT_TO_GETTER, {'getterName':});
AbstractFieldElement originField = origin;
if (originField.getter == null) {
origin, leg.MessageKind.PATCH_NO_GETTER, {'getterName':});
leg.MessageKind.PATCH_POINT_TO_GETTER, {'getterName':});
patchFunction(listener, originField.getter, patch);
void tryPatchSetter(leg.DiagnosticListener listener,
Element origin,
FunctionElement patch) {
if (!origin.isAbstractField()) {
origin, leg.MessageKind.PATCH_NON_SETTER, {'name':});
leg.MessageKind.PATCH_POINT_TO_SETTER, {'setterName':});
AbstractFieldElement originField = origin;
if (originField.setter == null) {
origin, leg.MessageKind.PATCH_NO_SETTER, {'setterName':});
leg.MessageKind.PATCH_POINT_TO_SETTER, {'setterName':});
patchFunction(listener, originField.setter, patch);
void tryPatchConstructor(leg.DiagnosticListener listener,
Element origin,
FunctionElement patch) {
if (!origin.isConstructor()) {
leg.MessageKind.PATCH_NON_CONSTRUCTOR, {'constructorName':});
patchFunction(listener, origin, patch);
void tryPatchFunction(leg.DiagnosticListener listener,
Element origin,
FunctionElement patch) {
if (!origin.isFunction()) {
leg.MessageKind.PATCH_NON_FUNCTION, {'functionName':});
leg.MessageKind.PATCH_POINT_TO_FUNCTION, {'functionName':});
patchFunction(listener, origin, patch);
void patchFunction(leg.DiagnosticListener listener,
FunctionElement origin,
FunctionElement patch) {
if (!origin.modifiers.isExternal()) {
listener.reportError(origin, leg.MessageKind.PATCH_NON_EXTERNAL);
leg.MessageKind.PATCH_POINT_TO_FUNCTION, {'functionName':});
if (origin.isPatched) {
"Trying to patch a function more than once.");
if (origin.cachedNode != null) {
"Trying to patch an already compiled function.");
// Don't just assign the patch field. This also updates the cachedNode.
// TODO(johnniwinther): Change to functions on the ElementX class.
patch.origin = origin;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Add unittest when patch is (real) metadata.
bool isPatchElement(Element element) {
// TODO(lrn): More checks needed if we introduce metadata for real.
// In that case, it must have the identifier "native" as metadata.
for (Link link = element.metadata; !link.isEmpty; link = link.tail) {
if (link.head is PatchMetadataAnnotation) return true;
return false;