blob: c238840af53b6b3188a25ba9edddeff7057b0955 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.collection;
/// A [Queue] is a collection that can be manipulated at both ends. One
/// can iterate over the elements of a queue through [forEach] or with
/// an [Iterator].
/// It is generally not allowed to modify the queue (add or remove entries)
/// while an operation on the queue is being performed, for example during a
/// call to [forEach].
/// Modifying the queue while it is being iterated will most likely break the
/// iteration.
/// This goes both for using the [iterator] directly, or for iterating an
/// `Iterable` returned by a method like [map] or [where].
abstract class Queue<E> implements EfficientLengthIterable<E> {
/// Creates a queue.
factory Queue() = ListQueue<E>;
/// Creates a queue containing all [elements].
/// The element order in the queue is as if the elements were added using
/// [addLast] in the order provided by [elements.iterator].
/// All the [elements] should be instances of [E].
/// The `elements` iterable itself may have any element type, so this
/// constructor can be used to down-cast a `Queue`, for example as:
/// ```dart
/// Queue<SuperType> superQueue = ...;
/// Queue<SubType> subQueue =
/// new Queue<SubType>.from(superQueue.whereType<SubType>());
/// ```
factory Queue.from(Iterable elements) = ListQueue<E>.from;
/// Creates a queue from [elements].
/// The element order in the queue is as if the elements were added using
/// [addLast] in the order provided by [elements.iterator].
factory Queue.of(Iterable<E> elements) = ListQueue<E>.of;
/// Adapts [source] to be a `Queue<T>`.
/// Any time the queue would produce an element that is not a [T],
/// the element access will throw.
/// Any time a [T] value is attempted stored into the adapted queue,
/// the store will throw unless the value is also an instance of [S].
/// If all accessed elements of [source] are actually instances of [T],
/// and if all elements stored into the returned queue are actually instance
/// of [S],
/// then the returned queue can be used as a `Queue<T>`.
static Queue<T> castFrom<S, T>(Queue<S> source) => CastQueue<S, T>(source);
/// Provides a view of this queue as a queue of [R] instances, if necessary.
/// If this queue contains only instances of [R], all read operations
/// will work correctly. If any operation tries to access an element
/// that is not an instance of [R], the access will throw instead.
/// Elements added to the queue (e.g., by using [addFirst] or [addAll])
/// must be instance of [R] to be valid arguments to the adding function,
/// and they must be instances of [E] as well to be accepted by
/// this queue as well.
Queue<R> cast<R>();
/// Removes and returns the first element of this queue.
/// The queue must not be empty when this method is called.
E removeFirst();
/// Removes and returns the last element of the queue.
/// The queue must not be empty when this method is called.
E removeLast();
/// Adds [value] at the beginning of the queue.
void addFirst(E value);
/// Adds [value] at the end of the queue.
void addLast(E value);
/// Adds [value] at the end of the queue.
void add(E value);
/// Remove a single instance of [value] from the queue.
/// Returns `true` if a value was removed, or `false` if the queue
/// contained no element equal to [value].
bool remove(Object? value);
/// Adds all elements of [iterable] at the end of the queue. The
/// length of the queue is extended by the length of [iterable].
void addAll(Iterable<E> iterable);
/// Removes all elements matched by [test] from the queue.
/// The `test` function must not throw or modify the queue.
void removeWhere(bool test(E element));
/// Removes all elements not matched by [test] from the queue.
/// The `test` function must not throw or modify the queue.
void retainWhere(bool test(E element));
/// Removes all elements in the queue. The size of the queue becomes zero.
void clear();
class _DoubleLink<Link extends _DoubleLink<Link>> {
Link? _previousLink;
Link? _nextLink;
void _link(Link? previous, Link? next) {
_nextLink = next;
_previousLink = previous;
if (previous != null) previous._nextLink = this as Link;
if (next != null) next._previousLink = this as Link;
void _unlink() {
if (_previousLink != null) _previousLink!._nextLink = _nextLink;
if (_nextLink != null) _nextLink!._previousLink = _previousLink;
_nextLink = null;
_previousLink = null;
/// An entry in a doubly linked list. It contains a pointer to the next
/// entry, the previous entry, and the boxed element.
class DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> extends _DoubleLink<DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E>> {
// TODO(rnystrom): This needs to be nullable because the subclass
// _DoubleLinkedQueueSentinel does not have an element. A cleaner solution is
// probably to refactor the class hierarchy so that _DoubleLinkedQueueSentinel
// does not inherit an element field.
E? _element;
/// The element in the queue.
E get element => _element as E;
set element(E element) {
_element = element;
/// Appends the given [e] as entry just after this entry.
void append(E e) {
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E>(e)._link(this, _nextLink);
/// Prepends the given [e] as entry just before this entry.
void prepend(E e) {
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E>(e)._link(_previousLink, this);
E remove() {
return element;
/// Returns the previous entry or `null` if there is none.
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E>? previousEntry() => _previousLink;
/// Returns the next entry or `null` if there is none.
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E>? nextEntry() => _nextLink;
/// Interface for the link classes used by [DoubleLinkedQueue].
/// Both the [_DoubleLinkedQueueElement] and [_DoubleLinkedQueueSentinel]
/// implement this interface.
/// The entry contains a link back to the queue, so calling `append`
/// or `prepend` can correctly update the element count.
abstract class _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> extends DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> {
DoubleLinkedQueue<E>? _queue;
_DoubleLinkedQueueEntry(E? element, this._queue) : super(element);
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E>? _asNonSentinelEntry();
void _append(E e) {
_DoubleLinkedQueueElement<E>(e, _queue)._link(this, _nextLink);
void _prepend(E e) {
_DoubleLinkedQueueElement<E>(e, _queue)._link(_previousLink, this);
E _remove();
E get _element => super._element as E;
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E>? nextEntry() {
_DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> entry = _nextLink as _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E>;
return entry._asNonSentinelEntry();
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E>? previousEntry() {
_DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> entry =
_previousLink as _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E>;
return entry._asNonSentinelEntry();
/// The actual entry type used by the [DoubleLinkedQueue].
/// The entry contains a reference to the queue, allowing
/// [append]/[prepend] to update the list length.
class _DoubleLinkedQueueElement<E> extends _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> {
_DoubleLinkedQueueElement(E element, DoubleLinkedQueue<E>? queue)
: super(element, queue);
void append(E e) {
if (_queue != null) _queue!._elementCount++;
void prepend(E e) {
if (_queue != null) _queue!._elementCount++;
E _remove() {
_queue = null;
return element;
E remove() {
if (_queue != null) _queue!._elementCount--;
return _remove();
_DoubleLinkedQueueElement<E>? _asNonSentinelEntry() {
return this;
/// A sentinel in a double linked list is used to manipulate the list
/// at both ends.
/// A double linked list has exactly one sentinel,
/// which is the only entry when the list is constructed.
/// Initially, a sentinel has its next and previous entry point to itself.
/// A sentinel does not box any user element.
class _DoubleLinkedQueueSentinel<E> extends _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> {
_DoubleLinkedQueueSentinel(DoubleLinkedQueue<E> queue) : super(null, queue) {
_previousLink = this;
_nextLink = this;
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E>? _asNonSentinelEntry() {
return null;
/// Hit by, e.g., [DoubleLinkedQueue.removeFirst] if the queue is empty.
E _remove() {
throw IterableElementError.noElement();
/// Hit by, e.g., [DoubleLinkedQueue.first] if the queue is empty.
E get _element {
throw IterableElementError.noElement();
/// A [Queue] implementation based on a double-linked list.
/// Allows constant time add, remove-at-ends and peek operations.
class DoubleLinkedQueue<E> extends Iterable<E> implements Queue<E> {
late _DoubleLinkedQueueSentinel<E> _sentinel =
int _elementCount = 0;
/// Creates a double-linked queue containing all [elements].
/// The element order in the queue is as if the elements were added using
/// [addLast] in the order provided by [elements.iterator].
/// All the [elements] should be instances of [E].
/// The `elements` iterable itself may have any element type, so this
/// constructor can be used to down-cast a `Queue`, for example as:
/// ```dart
/// Queue<SuperType> superQueue = ...;
/// Queue<SubType> subQueue =
/// new DoubleLinkedQueue<SubType>.from(superQueue.whereType<SubType>());
/// ```
factory DoubleLinkedQueue.from(Iterable<dynamic> elements) {
DoubleLinkedQueue<E> list = DoubleLinkedQueue<E>();
for (final e in elements) {
list.addLast(e as E);
return list;
/// Creates a double-linked queue from [elements].
/// The element order in the queue is as if the elements were added using
/// [addLast] in the order provided by [elements.iterator].
factory DoubleLinkedQueue.of(Iterable<E> elements) =>
Queue<R> cast<R>() => Queue.castFrom<E, R>(this);
int get length => _elementCount;
void addLast(E value) {
void addFirst(E value) {
void add(E value) {
void addAll(Iterable<E> iterable) {
for (final E value in iterable) {
E removeLast() {
_DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> lastEntry =
_sentinel._previousLink as _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E>;
E result = lastEntry._remove();
return result;
E removeFirst() {
_DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> firstEntry =
_sentinel._nextLink as _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E>;
E result = firstEntry._remove();
return result;
bool remove(Object? o) {
_DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> entry =
_sentinel._nextLink as _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E>;
while (!identical(entry, _sentinel)) {
bool equals = (entry._element == o);
if (!identical(this, entry._queue)) {
// Entry must still be in the queue.
throw ConcurrentModificationError(this);
if (equals) {
return true;
entry = entry._nextLink as _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E>;
return false;
void _filter(bool test(E element), bool removeMatching) {
_DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> entry =
_sentinel._nextLink as _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E>;
while (!identical(entry, _sentinel)) {
bool matches = test(entry._element);
if (!identical(this, entry._queue)) {
// Entry must still be in the queue.
throw ConcurrentModificationError(this);
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> next = entry._nextLink!; // Cannot be null.
if (identical(removeMatching, matches)) {
entry = next as _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E>;
void removeWhere(bool test(E element)) {
_filter(test, true);
void retainWhere(bool test(E element)) {
_filter(test, false);
E get first {
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> firstEntry = _sentinel._nextLink!;
return firstEntry._element as E;
E get last {
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> lastEntry = _sentinel._previousLink!;
return lastEntry._element as E;
E get single {
// Note that this throws correctly if the queue is empty
// because reading the element of the sentinel throws.
if (identical(_sentinel._nextLink, _sentinel._previousLink)) {
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> entry = _sentinel._nextLink!;
return entry._element as E;
throw IterableElementError.tooMany();
/// The entry object of the first element in the queue.
/// Each element of the queue has an associated [DoubleLinkedQueueEntry].
/// Returns the entry object corresponding to the first element of the queue,
/// or `null` if the queue is empty.
/// The entry objects can also be accessed using [lastEntry],
/// and they can be iterated using [DoubleLinkedQueueEntry.nextEntry] and
/// [DoubleLinkedQueueEntry.previousEntry].
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E>? firstEntry() {
return _sentinel.nextEntry();
/// The entry object of the last element in the queue.
/// Each element of the queue has an associated [DoubleLinkedQueueEntry].
/// Returns the entry object corresponding to the last element of the queue,
/// or `null` if the queue is empty.
/// The entry objects can also be accessed using [firstEntry],
/// and they can be iterated using [DoubleLinkedQueueEntry.nextEntry] and
/// [DoubleLinkedQueueEntry.previousEntry].
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E>? lastEntry() {
return _sentinel.previousEntry();
bool get isEmpty {
return (identical(_sentinel._nextLink, _sentinel));
void clear() {
_sentinel._nextLink = _sentinel;
_sentinel._previousLink = _sentinel;
_elementCount = 0;
/// Calls [action] for each entry object of this double-linked queue.
/// Each element of the queue has an associated [DoubleLinkedQueueEntry].
/// This method iterates the entry objects from first to last and calls
/// [action] with each object in turn.
/// The entry objects can also be accessed using [firstEntry] and [lastEntry],
/// and iterated using [DoubleLinkedQueueEntry.nextEntry()] and
/// [DoubleLinkedQueueEntry.previousEntry()].
/// The [action] function can use methods on [DoubleLinkedQueueEntry] to
/// remove the entry or it can insert elements before or after then entry.
/// If the current entry is removed, iteration continues with the entry that
/// was following the current entry when [action] was called. Any elements
/// inserted after the current element before it is removed will not be
/// visited by the iteration.
void forEachEntry(void action(DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> element)) {
_DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> entry =
_sentinel._nextLink as _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E>;
while (!identical(entry, _sentinel)) {
_DoubleLinkedQueueElement<E> element =
entry as _DoubleLinkedQueueElement<E>;
_DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> next =
element._nextLink as _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E>;
// Remember both entry and entry._nextLink.
// If someone calls `element.remove()` we continue from `next`.
// Otherwise we use the value of entry._nextLink which may have been
// updated.
if (identical(this, entry._queue)) {
next = entry._nextLink as _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E>;
} else if (!identical(this, next._queue)) {
throw ConcurrentModificationError(this);
entry = next;
_DoubleLinkedQueueIterator<E> get iterator {
return _DoubleLinkedQueueIterator<E>(_sentinel);
String toString() => IterableBase.iterableToFullString(this, '{', '}');
class _DoubleLinkedQueueIterator<E> implements Iterator<E> {
_DoubleLinkedQueueSentinel<E>? _sentinel;
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E>? _nextEntry;
E? _current;
_DoubleLinkedQueueIterator(_DoubleLinkedQueueSentinel<E> sentinel)
: _sentinel = sentinel,
_nextEntry = sentinel._nextLink;
bool moveNext() {
if (identical(_nextEntry, _sentinel)) {
_current = null;
_nextEntry = null;
_sentinel = null;
return false;
_DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E> elementEntry =
_nextEntry as _DoubleLinkedQueueEntry<E>;
if (!identical(_sentinel!._queue, elementEntry._queue)) {
throw ConcurrentModificationError(_sentinel!._queue);
_current = elementEntry._element;
_nextEntry = elementEntry._nextLink;
return true;
E get current => _current as E;
/// List based [Queue].
/// Keeps a cyclic buffer of elements, and grows to a larger buffer when
/// it fills up. This guarantees constant time peek and remove operations, and
/// amortized constant time add operations.
/// The structure is efficient for any queue or stack usage.
class ListQueue<E> extends ListIterable<E> implements Queue<E> {
static const int _INITIAL_CAPACITY = 8;
List<E?> _table;
int _head;
int _tail;
int _modificationCount = 0;
/// Create an empty queue.
/// If [initialCapacity] is given, prepare the queue for at least that many
/// elements.
ListQueue([int? initialCapacity])
: _head = 0,
_tail = 0,
_table = List<E?>.filled(_calculateCapacity(initialCapacity), null);
static int _calculateCapacity(int? initialCapacity) {
if (initialCapacity == null || initialCapacity < _INITIAL_CAPACITY) {
} else if (!_isPowerOf2(initialCapacity)) {
return _nextPowerOf2(initialCapacity);
return initialCapacity;
/// Create a `ListQueue` containing all [elements].
/// The elements are added to the queue, as by [addLast], in the order given
/// by `elements.iterator`.
/// All the [elements] should be instances of [E].
/// The `elements` iterable itself may have any element type, so this
/// constructor can be used to down-cast a `Queue`, for example as:
/// ```dart
/// Queue<SuperType> superQueue = ...;
/// Queue<SubType> subQueue =
/// new ListQueue<SubType>.from(superQueue.whereType<SubType>());
/// ```
factory ListQueue.from(Iterable<dynamic> elements) {
if (elements is List<dynamic>) {
int length = elements.length;
ListQueue<E> queue = ListQueue<E>(length + 1);
assert(queue._table.length > length);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
queue._table[i] = elements[i] as E;
queue._tail = length;
return queue;
} else {
int capacity = _INITIAL_CAPACITY;
if (elements is EfficientLengthIterable) {
capacity = elements.length;
ListQueue<E> result = ListQueue<E>(capacity);
for (final element in elements) {
result.addLast(element as E);
return result;
/// Create a `ListQueue` from [elements].
/// The elements are added to the queue, as by [addLast], in the order given
/// by `elements.iterator`.
factory ListQueue.of(Iterable<E> elements) =>
// Iterable interface.
Queue<R> cast<R>() => Queue.castFrom<E, R>(this);
Iterator<E> get iterator => _ListQueueIterator<E>(this);
void forEach(void f(E element)) {
int modificationCount = _modificationCount;
for (int i = _head; i != _tail; i = (i + 1) & (_table.length - 1)) {
f(_table[i] as E);
bool get isEmpty => _head == _tail;
int get length => (_tail - _head) & (_table.length - 1);
E get first {
if (_head == _tail) throw IterableElementError.noElement();
return _table[_head] as E;
E get last {
if (_head == _tail) throw IterableElementError.noElement();
return _table[(_tail - 1) & (_table.length - 1)] as E;
E get single {
if (_head == _tail) throw IterableElementError.noElement();
if (length > 1) throw IterableElementError.tooMany();
return _table[_head] as E;
E elementAt(int index) {
RangeError.checkValidIndex(index, this);
return _table[(_head + index) & (_table.length - 1)] as E;
List<E> toList({bool growable = true}) {
int mask = _table.length - 1;
int length = (_tail - _head) & mask;
if (length == 0) return List<E>.empty(growable: growable);
var list = List<E>.filled(length, first, growable: growable);
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
list[i] = _table[(_head + i) & mask] as E;
return list;
// Collection interface.
void add(E value) {
void addAll(Iterable<E> elements) {
if (elements is List<E>) {
List<E> list = elements;
int addCount = list.length;
int length = this.length;
if (length + addCount >= _table.length) {
_preGrow(length + addCount);
// After preGrow, all elements are at the start of the list.
_table.setRange(length, length + addCount, list, 0);
_tail += addCount;
} else {
// Adding addCount elements won't reach _head.
int endSpace = _table.length - _tail;
if (addCount < endSpace) {
_table.setRange(_tail, _tail + addCount, list, 0);
_tail += addCount;
} else {
int preSpace = addCount - endSpace;
_table.setRange(_tail, _tail + endSpace, list, 0);
_table.setRange(0, preSpace, list, endSpace);
_tail = preSpace;
} else {
for (E element in elements) _add(element);
bool remove(Object? value) {
for (int i = _head; i != _tail; i = (i + 1) & (_table.length - 1)) {
E? element = _table[i];
if (element == value) {
return true;
return false;
void _filterWhere(bool test(E element), bool removeMatching) {
int modificationCount = _modificationCount;
int i = _head;
while (i != _tail) {
E element = _table[i] as E;
bool remove = identical(removeMatching, test(element));
if (remove) {
i = _remove(i);
modificationCount = ++_modificationCount;
} else {
i = (i + 1) & (_table.length - 1);
/// Remove all elements matched by [test].
/// This method is inefficient since it works by repeatedly removing single
/// elements, each of which can take linear time.
void removeWhere(bool test(E element)) {
_filterWhere(test, true);
/// Remove all elements not matched by [test].
/// This method is inefficient since it works by repeatedly removing single
/// elements, each of which can take linear time.
void retainWhere(bool test(E element)) {
_filterWhere(test, false);
void clear() {
if (_head != _tail) {
for (int i = _head; i != _tail; i = (i + 1) & (_table.length - 1)) {
_table[i] = null;
_head = _tail = 0;
String toString() => IterableBase.iterableToFullString(this, "{", "}");
// Queue interface.
void addLast(E value) {
void addFirst(E value) {
_head = (_head - 1) & (_table.length - 1);
_table[_head] = value;
if (_head == _tail) _grow();
E removeFirst() {
if (_head == _tail) throw IterableElementError.noElement();
E result = _table[_head] as E;
_table[_head] = null;
_head = (_head + 1) & (_table.length - 1);
return result;
E removeLast() {
if (_head == _tail) throw IterableElementError.noElement();
_tail = (_tail - 1) & (_table.length - 1);
E result = _table[_tail] as E;
_table[_tail] = null;
return result;
// Internal helper functions.
/// Whether [number] is a power of two.
/// Only works for positive numbers.
static bool _isPowerOf2(int number) => (number & (number - 1)) == 0;
/// Rounds [number] up to the nearest power of 2.
/// If [number] is a power of 2 already, it is returned.
/// Only works for positive numbers.
static int _nextPowerOf2(int number) {
assert(number > 0);
number = (number << 1) - 1;
for (;;) {
int nextNumber = number & (number - 1);
if (nextNumber == 0) return number;
number = nextNumber;
/// Check if the queue has been modified during iteration.
void _checkModification(int expectedModificationCount) {
if (expectedModificationCount != _modificationCount) {
throw ConcurrentModificationError(this);
/// Adds element at end of queue. Used by both [add] and [addAll].
void _add(E element) {
_table[_tail] = element;
_tail = (_tail + 1) & (_table.length - 1);
if (_head == _tail) _grow();
/// Removes the element at [offset] into [_table].
/// Removal is performed by linearly moving elements either before or after
/// [offset] by one position.
/// Returns the new offset of the following element. This may be the same
/// offset or the following offset depending on how elements are moved
/// to fill the hole.
int _remove(int offset) {
int mask = _table.length - 1;
int startDistance = (offset - _head) & mask;
int endDistance = (_tail - offset) & mask;
if (startDistance < endDistance) {
// Closest to start.
int i = offset;
while (i != _head) {
int prevOffset = (i - 1) & mask;
_table[i] = _table[prevOffset];
i = prevOffset;
_table[_head] = null;
_head = (_head + 1) & mask;
return (offset + 1) & mask;
} else {
_tail = (_tail - 1) & mask;
int i = offset;
while (i != _tail) {
int nextOffset = (i + 1) & mask;
_table[i] = _table[nextOffset];
i = nextOffset;
_table[_tail] = null;
return offset;
/// Grow the table when full.
void _grow() {
List<E?> newTable = List<E?>.filled(_table.length * 2, null);
int split = _table.length - _head;
newTable.setRange(0, split, _table, _head);
newTable.setRange(split, split + _head, _table, 0);
_head = 0;
_tail = _table.length;
_table = newTable;
int _writeToList(List<E?> target) {
assert(target.length >= length);
if (_head <= _tail) {
int length = _tail - _head;
target.setRange(0, length, _table, _head);
return length;
} else {
int firstPartSize = _table.length - _head;
target.setRange(0, firstPartSize, _table, _head);
target.setRange(firstPartSize, firstPartSize + _tail, _table, 0);
return _tail + firstPartSize;
/// Grows the table even if it is not full.
void _preGrow(int newElementCount) {
assert(newElementCount >= length);
// Add some extra room to ensure that there's room for more elements after
// expansion.
newElementCount += newElementCount >> 1;
int newCapacity = _nextPowerOf2(newElementCount);
List<E?> newTable = List<E?>.filled(newCapacity, null);
_tail = _writeToList(newTable);
_table = newTable;
_head = 0;
/// Iterator for a [ListQueue].
/// Considers any add or remove operation a concurrent modification.
class _ListQueueIterator<E> implements Iterator<E> {
final ListQueue<E> _queue;
final int _end;
final int _modificationCount;
int _position;
E? _current;
_ListQueueIterator(ListQueue<E> queue)
: _queue = queue,
_end = queue._tail,
_modificationCount = queue._modificationCount,
_position = queue._head;
E get current => _current as E;
bool moveNext() {
if (_position == _end) {
_current = null;
return false;
_current = _queue._table[_position];
_position = (_position + 1) & (_queue._table.length - 1);
return true;