blob: 71fe87e5c877c2d69eff3e5c59de4da65e0a89ef [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
# for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
# BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
config("libdart_vm_config") {
if (defined(is_fuchsia) && is_fuchsia) {
libs = [ "magenta" ]
} else if (is_win) {
libs = [
} else {
libs = [ "dl" ]
if (!is_android) {
libs += [ "pthread" ]
if (is_linux) {
libs += [ "rt" ]
static_library("libdart_platform") {
configs += [
public_configs = [ ":libdart_vm_config" ]
platform_headers_gypi =
[ rebase_path("../platform/platform_headers.gypi") ],
[ "../platform/platform_headers.gypi" ])
platform_headers =
rebase_path(platform_headers_gypi.sources, ".", "../platform")
platform_sources_gypi =
[ rebase_path("../platform/platform_sources.gypi") ],
[ "../platform/platform_sources.gypi" ])
platform_sources =
rebase_path(platform_sources_gypi.sources, ".", "../platform")
sources = platform_headers + platform_sources
include_dirs = [ ".." ]
vm_sources_list = exec_script("../../tools/",
[ rebase_path("vm_sources.gypi") ],
[ "vm_sources.gypi" ])
static_library("libdart_vm") {
configs += [
public_configs = [ ":libdart_vm_config" ]
sources = vm_sources_list.sources
include_dirs = [ ".." ]
static_library("libdart_vm_noopt") {
configs += [
public_configs = [ ":libdart_vm_config" ]
sources = vm_sources_list.sources
include_dirs = [ ".." ]
static_library("libdart_vm_precompiled_runtime") {
configs += [
public_configs = [ ":libdart_vm_config" ]
sources = vm_sources_list.sources
include_dirs = [ ".." ]
static_library("libdart_vm_nosnapshot") {
configs += [
public_configs = [ ":libdart_vm_config" ]
sources = vm_sources_list.sources
include_dirs = [ ".." ]
static_library("libdart_vm_nosnapshot_precompiled_runtime") {
configs += [
public_configs = [ ":libdart_vm_config" ]
sources = vm_sources_list.sources
include_dirs = [ ".." ]
static_library("libdart_vm_nosnapshot_with_precompiler") {
configs += [
public_configs = [ ":libdart_vm_config" ]
sources = vm_sources_list.sources
include_dirs = [ ".." ]
template("process_library_source") {
assert(defined(invoker.filename), "Need filename in $target_name")
assert(defined(invoker.output), "Need output in $target_name")
assert(defined(invoker.path), "Need path in $target_name")
action(target_name) {
visibility = [ ":*" ] # Only targets in this file can see this.
filename = invoker.filename
path = invoker.path
lib_sources_gypi =
[ rebase_path("${path}/${filename}_sources.gypi") ],
[ "${path}/${filename}_sources.gypi" ])
lib_sources = rebase_path(lib_sources_gypi.sources, ".", path)
script = invoker.script
inputs = invoker.inputs + [ script ]
inputs += lib_sources
outputs = [
args = invoker.args + rebase_path(lib_sources, root_build_dir)
template("generate_library_source") {
assert(defined(invoker.libname), "Need libname in $target_name")
assert(defined(invoker.filename), "Need a filename in $target_name")
assert(defined(invoker.kind), "Need kind in $target_name")
assert(defined(invoker.output), "Need output in $target_name")
assert(defined(invoker.path), "Need path in $target_name")
process_library_source(target_name) {
libname = invoker.libname
filename = invoker.filename
kind = invoker.kind
output = invoker.output
path = invoker.path
script = "../tools/"
inputs = [
args = [
rebase_path(invoker.output, root_build_dir),
rebase_path("../lib/", root_build_dir),
# This templates expects invoker.sources to be a list of pairs of strings.
# The pairs of strings mean the following.
# library name, file name
# e.g. for the "internal" library named "dart:_internal",
# with sources listed at sdk/lib/internal/internal_sources.gypi and
# lib/internal_sources.gypi, we have: ["_internal", "internal"]
# The template iterates over the list, and generates generate_library_source
# actions for each. After that, it generates targets to compile the generated
# sources to make libdart_lib_nosnapshot and libdart_lib.
template("generate_core_libraries") {
assert(defined(invoker.sources), "Need sources in $target_name")
liboutputs = []
libsources = []
libdeps = []
foreach(lib, invoker.sources) {
libname = lib[0]
filename = lib[1]
do_patch = lib[2]
source_path = lib[3]
generate_library_source("generate_${filename}_cc_file") {
libname = libname
filename = filename
kind = "source"
path = source_path
output = "$target_gen_dir/${filename}"
if (do_patch) {
patch_path = lib[4]
generate_library_source("generate_${filename}_patch_cc_file") {
libname = libname
filename = filename
kind = "patch"
path = patch_path
output = "$target_gen_dir/${filename}"
lib_sources_gypi = {
lib_sources_gypi =
[ rebase_path("../lib/${filename}_sources.gypi") ],
[ "../lib/${filename}_sources.gypi" ])
libsources += rebase_path(lib_sources_gypi.sources, ".", "../lib")
liboutputs += [ "$target_gen_dir/${filename}" ]
libdeps += [ ":generate_${filename}_cc_file" ]
if (do_patch) {
liboutputs += [ "$target_gen_dir/${filename}" ]
libdeps += [ ":generate_${filename}_patch_cc_file" ]
static_library("libdart_lib_nosnapshot") {
configs += [
deps = libdeps
sources = libsources + [ "" ] + liboutputs
include_dirs = [ ".." ]
static_library("libdart_lib_nosnapshot_precompiled_runtime") {
configs += [
deps = libdeps
sources = libsources + [ "" ] + liboutputs
include_dirs = [ ".." ]
static_library("libdart_lib_nosnapshot_with_precompiler") {
configs += [
deps = libdeps
sources = libsources + [ "" ] + liboutputs
include_dirs = [ ".." ]
static_library("libdart_lib") {
configs += [
sources = libsources + [ "" ]
include_dirs = [ ".." ]
static_library("libdart_lib_precompiled_runtime") {
configs += [
sources = libsources + [ "" ]
include_dirs = [ ".." ]
generate_core_libraries("core_libraries") {
sources = [
template("concatenate_patch") {
assert(defined(invoker.libname), "Need a name in $target_name")
assert(defined(invoker.dir), "Need a dir in $target_name")
assert(defined(invoker.output), "Need an output in $target_name")
process_library_source(target_name) {
output = invoker.output
path = "../${invoker.dir}"
filename = invoker.libname
script = "../tools/"
args = [
rebase_path(output, root_build_dir),
inputs = []
template("generate_patched_sdk") {
assert(defined(invoker.libraries), "Need libraries in $target_name")
concatenation_target_names = []
concatenation_files = []
# Concatenate vm library patches.
foreach(library, invoker.libraries) {
name = library[1]
target_output = "$target_gen_dir/patches/${name}_patch.dart"
concatenate_patch("concatenate_${name}_patch") {
libname = name
dir = library[0]
output = target_output
concatenation_target_names += [ ":concatenate_${name}_patch" ]
concatenation_files += [ target_output ]
# Build the patched sdk out of the concatenated patches and the special
# libraries.
action(target_name) {
deps = concatenation_target_names
patches_dir = "$target_gen_dir/patches"
patched_sdk_dir = "$target_gen_dir/patched_sdk"
script = "../../tools/"
# We list all files which make up the sdk (modulo patches) and get them back
# as a GN list object.
shared_sdk_sources = exec_script("../../tools/",
[ "../../sdk/lib" ],
"list lines")
# We list the `patch_sdk.dart` tool here because the [script] (which is
# implicitly an input) will call it.
inputs = [
# Files below are not patches, they will not be in [concatenation_files] but
# the `patch_sdk.dart` script will copy them into the patched sdk.
inputs += [
# Add all the normal sdk sources.
inputs += shared_sdk_sources
# Add all the concatenated patch files.
inputs += concatenation_files
outputs = [
# Instead of listing all outputs we list a single well-known one.
args = [
rebase_path(patches_dir, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(patched_sdk_dir, root_build_dir),
generate_patched_sdk("patched_sdk") {
libraries = [