blob: 3918743f508fd38d34d9140d0000e7cb7837971a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library yaml;
import 'dart:math' as Math;
import 'deep_equals.dart';
part 'yaml_map.dart';
part 'model.dart';
part 'parser.dart';
part 'visitor.dart';
part 'composer.dart';
part 'constructor.dart';
* Loads a single document from a YAML string. If the string contains more than
* one document, this throws an error.
* The return value is mostly normal Dart objects. However, since YAML mappings
* support some key types that the default Dart map implementation doesn't
* (null, NaN, booleans, lists, and maps), all maps in the returned document are
* YamlMaps. These have a few small behavioral differences from the default Map
* implementation; for details, see the YamlMap class.
loadYaml(String yaml) {
var stream = loadYamlStream(yaml);
if (stream.length != 1) {
throw new YamlException("Expected 1 document, were ${stream.length}");
return stream[0];
* Loads a stream of documents from a YAML string.
* The return value is mostly normal Dart objects. However, since YAML mappings
* support some key types that the default Dart map implementation doesn't
* (null, NaN, booleans, lists, and maps), all maps in the returned document are
* YamlMaps. These have a few small behavioral differences from the default Map
* implementation; for details, see the YamlMap class.
List loadYamlStream(String yaml) {
return new _Parser(yaml).l_yamlStream().map((doc) =>
new _Constructor(new _Composer(doc).compose()).construct());
/** An error thrown by the YAML processor. */
class YamlException implements Exception {
String msg;
String toString() => msg;