blob: aa5cdac0015cc855ef707879de57fa66089c0fa9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import '../constants/values.dart';
import '../elements/entities.dart';
import '../elements/types.dart';
/// Map from 'frontend' to 'backend' elements.
/// Frontend elements are what we read in, these typically represents concepts
/// in Dart. Backend elements are what we generate, these may include elements
/// that do not correspond to a Dart concept, such as closure classes.
/// Querying for the frontend element for a backend-only element throws an
/// exception.
abstract class JsToFrontendMap {
LibraryEntity toBackendLibrary(LibraryEntity library);
ClassEntity toBackendClass(ClassEntity cls);
/// Returns the backend member corresponding to [member]. If a member isn't
/// live, it doesn't have a corresponding backend member and `null` is
/// returned instead.
MemberEntity? toBackendMember(MemberEntity member);
DartType toBackendType(DartType type, {bool allowFreeVariables = false});
ConstantValue toBackendConstant(ConstantValue value,
{bool allowNull = false});
Set<LibraryEntity> toBackendLibrarySet(Iterable<LibraryEntity> set) {
Set<ClassEntity> toBackendClassSet(Iterable<ClassEntity> set) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Filter unused classes.
Set<MemberEntity> toBackendMemberSet(Iterable<MemberEntity> set) {
return {
for (final member in
// Members that are not live don't have a corresponding backend member.
if (member != null) member
Set<FieldEntity> toBackendFieldSet(Iterable<FieldEntity> set) {
return {
for (final member in
// Members that are not live don't have a corresponding backend member.
if (member != null) member as FieldEntity
Set<FunctionEntity> toBackendFunctionSet(Iterable<FunctionEntity> set) {
return {
for (final member in
// Members that are not live don't have a corresponding backend member.
if (member != null) member as FunctionEntity
Map<LibraryEntity, V> toBackendLibraryMap<V>(
Map<LibraryEntity, V> map, V convert(V value)) {
return convertMap(map, toBackendLibrary, convert);
Map<ClassEntity, V> toBackendClassMap<V>(
Map<ClassEntity, V> map, V convert(V value)) {
return convertMap(map, toBackendClass, convert);
Map<MemberEntity, V2> toBackendMemberMap<V1, V2>(
Map<MemberEntity, V1> map, V2 convert(V1 value)) {
return convertMap(map, toBackendMember, convert);
E identity<E>(E element) => element;
Map<K, V2> convertMap<K, V1, V2>(
Map<K, V1> map, K? convertKey(K key), V2 convertValue(V1 value)) {
Map<K, V2> newMap = {};
map.forEach((K key, V1 value) {
K? newKey = convertKey(key);
V2 newValue = convertValue(value);
if (newKey != null && newValue != null) {
// Entities that are not used don't have a corresponding backend entity.
newMap[newKey] = newValue;
return newMap;