blob: 391bf6acd9dc6a609b790e1272a63b253928022e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2020, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:front_end/src/api_unstable/dart2js.dart'
show $0, $9, $A, $Z, $a, $z;
/// Returns a list of strings that are short valid identifiers based on the
/// corresponding full strings in [strings].
/// [strings] must not contain the empty string.
/// [strings] must have no duplicates.
List<String> abbreviateToIdentifiers(Iterable<String> strings,
{int minLength = 6}) {
var nodes = [for (final string in strings) _Node(string)];
_partition(nodes, minLength, [], 0);
return [for (final node in nodes) node.assignment];
class _Node {
final String string;
late String assignment;
/// Walk the prefix tree or TRIE of [nodes], assigning compressed names built
/// from the distinguishing characters along the path.
/// - [index] is the position of the first potentially different character,
/// i.e. the current TRIE depth.
/// - [path] contains the prefix of the compressed name at this depth.
/// - Path compression starts after the first [minLength] characters.
void _partition(
List<_Node> nodes, int minLength, List<String> path, int index) {
while (true) {
// Handle trivial partitions.
if (nodes.length == 0) return;
if (nodes.length == 1 && path.length >= minLength) {
String name = path.join();
nodes.single.assignment = name;
// Partition on the code unit at position [index], setting [terminating] if
// some string ends at this length;
Map<int, List<_Node>> partition = {};
_Node? terminating;
for (final node in nodes) {
String string = node.string;
assert(string.length > 0);
if (index < string.length) {
int codeUnit = string.codeUnitAt(index);
(partition[codeUnit] ??= []).add(node);
} else {
assert(terminating == null); // i.e. no duplicates.
terminating = node;
if (terminating != null) {
terminating.assignment = path.join();
if (partition.length == 0) return;
if (partition.length > 1) {
var keys = partition.keys.toList();
var keyEncodings = _discriminators(keys, path.isEmpty);
for (int key in keys) {
var children = partition[key]!;
var discriminator = keyEncodings[key]!;
_partition(children, minLength, [...path, discriminator], index + 1);
assert(partition.length == 1);
// All the strings have the same code unit at [index]. Use iteration to
// find next partition point to avoid recursing down the whole string
// length. The path is compressed by omitting to add fragments to [path]
// unless we are near the start of the string.
int codeUnit = partition.keys.single;
// Add some characters to name to distinguish from terminating strings.
// Add the first few legal identifier characters of the string regardless.
if (terminating != null || path.length < minLength) {
path.add(_isIdentifier(codeUnit, path.isEmpty)
? String.fromCharCode(codeUnit)
: '_');
nodes = partition.values.single;
index += 1;
Map<int, String> _discriminators(List<int> keys, bool atStart) {
// Assign each partition a distinguishing short string. If the partition key
// is a valid identifier character, it can be used, otherwise we could use
// `'_'` or an escaped code like `'x3b'` or `'u12ef'`. If we use an escape
// like `'x3b'` then we need to be careful with the partition key `x`, as it
// might be followed by `3b`. We avoid this problem without lookahead by
// encoding `x` as an escape (i.e. `'x78'`) if there is another `x`-escape.
const xCode = 0x78;
const uCode = 0x75;
bool hasX = false;
bool hasU = false;
int xEscapes = 0;
int uEscapes = 0;
for (int key in keys) {
if (_isIdentifier(key, atStart)) {
if (key == xCode) hasX = true;
if (key == uCode) hasU = true;
} else if (key < 256) {
} else {
Map<int, String> encoding = {};
bool escapeToUnderscore = false;
if (uEscapes + xEscapes <= 1) {
escapeToUnderscore = true;
xEscapes = uEscapes = 0;
if (uEscapes > 0 && hasU) {
encoding[uCode] = 'x75';
if (xEscapes > 0 && hasX) {
encoding[xCode] = 'x78';
for (int key in keys) {
if (encoding.containsKey(key)) continue;
if (_isIdentifier(key, atStart)) {
encoding[key] = String.fromCharCode(key);
} else {
if (escapeToUnderscore) {
encoding[key] = '_';
} else if (key < 256) {
encoding[key] = 'x' + key.toRadixString(16).padLeft(2, '0');
} else {
encoding[key] = 'u' + key.toRadixString(16).padLeft(4, '0');
return encoding;
bool _isIdentifier(int codeUnit, bool atStart) {
return atStart ? _isAsciiAlpha(codeUnit) : _isAsciiAlphanumeric(codeUnit);
bool _isAsciiAlphanumeric(int codeUnit) {
return $0 <= codeUnit && codeUnit <= $9 || _isAsciiAlpha(codeUnit);
bool _isAsciiAlpha(int codeUnit) {
return $A <= codeUnit && codeUnit <= $Z || $a <= codeUnit && codeUnit <= $z;