blob: 8328c5728d7409df35a01afbc7778ebdeb3d8622 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/dart/ast/ast.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/constant/potentially_constant.dart';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../resolution/context_collection_resolution.dart';
main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class IsConstantTypeExpressionTest extends PubPackageResolutionTest {
test_class() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
int x;
test_class_prefix() async {
newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {}
await _assertConst(r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
p.A x;
test_class_prefix_deferred() async {
newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {}
await _assertNeverConst(r'''
import 'a.dart' deferred as p;
p.A x;
test_class_typeArguments() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
List<int> x;
test_class_typeArguments_notConst() async {
await _assertPotentiallyConst(r'''
class A<T> {
m() {
List<T> x;
test_dynamic() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
dynamic x;
test_genericFunctionType() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
int Function<T extends num, U>(int, bool) x;
test_genericFunctionType_formalParameterType() async {
await _assertPotentiallyConst(r'''
class A<T> {
m() {
Function(T) x;
test_genericFunctionType_returnType() async {
await _assertPotentiallyConst(r'''
class A<T> {
m() {
T Function() x;
test_genericFunctionType_typeParameterBound() async {
await _assertPotentiallyConst(r'''
class A<T> {
m() {
Function<U extends T>() x;
test_typeParameter() async {
await _assertPotentiallyConst(r'''
class A<T> {
m() {
T x;
test_void() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
void x;
Future<void> _assertConst(String code) async {
await resolveTestCode(code);
var type = findNode.variableDeclarationList('x;').type!;
expect(isConstantTypeExpression(type), isTrue);
Future<void> _assertNeverConst(String code) async {
await resolveTestCode(code);
var type = findNode.variableDeclarationList('x;').type!;
expect(isConstantTypeExpression(type), isFalse);
Future<void> _assertPotentiallyConst(String code) async {
await resolveTestCode(code);
var type = findNode.variableDeclarationList('x;').type!;
expect(isConstantTypeExpression(type), isFalse);
class IsPotentiallyConstantTypeExpressionTest
extends IsConstantTypeExpressionTest {
test_typeParameter() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
class A<T> {
m() {
T x;
test_typeParameter_nested() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
class A<T> {
m() {
List<T> x;
Future<void> _assertConst(String code) async {
await resolveTestCode(code);
var type = findNode.variableDeclarationList('x;').type!;
expect(isPotentiallyConstantTypeExpression(type), isTrue);
Future<void> _assertPotentiallyConst(String code) async {
await resolveTestCode(code);
var type = findNode.variableDeclarationList('x;').type!;
expect(isPotentiallyConstantTypeExpression(type), isTrue);
class PotentiallyConstantTest extends PubPackageResolutionTest {
test_adjacentStrings() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
var x = 'a' 'b';
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_asExpression() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
const a = 0;
var x = a as int;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_asExpression_final() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
final a = 0;
var x = a as int;
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.simple('a as')]);
test_asExpression_typeParameter() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
const a = 0;
class A<T> {
m() {
var x = a as T;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_asExpression_typeParameter_nested() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
const a = 0;
class A<T> {
m() {
var x = a as List<T>;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_binaryExpression_andEager_const_const() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
const a = false;
const b = false;
var x = a & b;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_binaryExpression_andEager_const_notConst() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
const a = false;
final b = false;
var x = a & b;
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.simple('b;')]);
test_binaryExpression_andEager_notConst_const() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
final a = false;
const b = false;
var x = a & b;
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.simple('a &')]);
test_binaryExpression_andEager_notConst_notConst() async {
await _assertNotConst(
final a = false;
final b = false;
var x = a & b;
() => _xInitializer(),
() => [
findNode.simple('a &'),
test_binaryExpression_andLazy_const_const() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
const a = false;
const b = false;
var x = a && b;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_binaryExpression_andLazy_const_notConst() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
const a = false;
final b = false;
var x = a && b;
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.simple('b;')]);
test_binaryExpression_andLazy_notConst_const() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
final a = false;
const b = false;
var x = a && b;
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.simple('a &')]);
test_binaryExpression_andLazy_notConst_notConst() async {
await _assertNotConst(
final a = false;
final b = false;
var x = a && b;
() => _xInitializer(),
() => [
findNode.simple('a &'),
test_binaryExpression_ifNull_const_const() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
const a = 0;
const b = 1;
var x = a ?? b;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_binaryExpression_ifNull_const_notConst() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
const a = 0;
final b = 1;
var x = a ?? b;
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.simple('b;')]);
test_binaryExpression_ifNull_notConst_const() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
final a = 0;
const b = 1;
var x = a ?? b;
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.simple('a ??')]);
test_binaryExpression_ifNull_notConst_notConst() async {
await _assertNotConst(
final a = 0;
final b = 1;
var x = a ?? b;
() => _xInitializer(),
() => [
findNode.simple('a ??'),
test_binaryExpression_orEager_const_const() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
const a = false;
const b = false;
var x = a | b;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_binaryExpression_orEager_const_notConst() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
const a = false;
final b = false;
var x = a | b;
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.simple('b;')]);
test_binaryExpression_orEager_notConst_const() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
final a = false;
const b = false;
var x = a | b;
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.simple('a |')]);
test_binaryExpression_orEager_notConst_notConst() async {
await _assertNotConst(
final a = false;
final b = false;
var x = a | b;
() => _xInitializer(),
() => [
findNode.simple('a |'),
test_binaryExpression_orLazy_const_const() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
const a = false;
const b = false;
var x = a || b;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_binaryExpression_orLazy_const_notConst() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
const a = false;
final b = false;
var x = a || b;
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.simple('b;')]);
test_binaryExpression_orLazy_notConst_const() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
final a = false;
const b = false;
var x = a || b;
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.simple('a |')]);
test_binaryExpression_orLazy_notConst_notConst() async {
await _assertNotConst(
final a = false;
final b = false;
var x = a || b;
() => _xInitializer(),
() => [
findNode.simple('a |'),
test_conditional() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
const a = 0;
const b = 0;
const c = 0;
var x = a ? b : c;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_conditional_final() async {
await _assertNotConst(
final a = 0;
final b = 0;
final c = 0;
var x = a ? b : c;
() => _xInitializer(),
() => [
findNode.simple('a ?'),
findNode.simple('b :'),
test_ifElement_then() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
const a = 0;
const b = 0;
var x = const [if (a) b];
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_ifElement_then_final() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
final a = 0;
final b = 0;
var x = const [if (a) b];
''', () => _xInitializer(),
() => [findNode.simple('a)'), findNode.simple('b]')]);
test_ifElement_thenElse() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
const a = 0;
const b = 0;
const c = 0;
var x = const [if (a) b else c];
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_instanceCreation() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
class A {
const A();
var x = new A(); // x
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.instanceCreation('A(); // x')]);
test_instanceCreation_const() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
class A {
const A();
var x = const A();
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_isExpression() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
const a = 0;
var x = a is int;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_isExpression_final() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
final a = 0;
var x = a is int;
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.simple('a is')]);
test_isExpression_typeParameter() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
const a = 0;
class A<T> {
m() {
var x = a is T;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_isExpression_typeParameter_nested() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
const a = 0;
class A<T> {
m() {
var x = a is List<T>;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_listLiteral() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
var x = const [0, 1, 2];
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_listLiteral_notConst() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
var x = [0, 1, 2];
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.listLiteral('0,')]);
test_listLiteral_notConst_element() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
final a = 0;
final b = 1;
var x = const [a, b, 2];
''', () => _xInitializer(),
() => [findNode.simple('a,'), findNode.simple('b,')]);
test_listLiteral_typeArgument() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
var x = const <int>[0, 1, 2];
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_listLiteral_typeArgument_notConstType() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
class A<T> {
m() {
var x = const <T>[0, 1, 2];
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.typeName('T>[0')]);
test_literal_bool() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
var x = true;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_literal_double() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
var x = 1.2;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_literal_int() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
var x = 0;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_literal_null() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
var x = null;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_literal_simpleString() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
var x = '123';
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_literal_symbol() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
var x = #a.b.c;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_mapLiteral() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
var x = const {0: 1};
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_mapLiteral_notConst() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
var x = {0: 1};
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.setOrMapLiteral('0: 1')]);
test_mapLiteral_notConst_key() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
final a = 1;
final b = 2;
var x = const {0: 0, a: 1, b: 2};
''', () => _xInitializer(),
() => [findNode.simple('a:'), findNode.simple('b:')]);
test_mapLiteral_notConst_value() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
final a = 1;
final b = 2;
var x = const {0: 0, 1: a, 2: b};
''', () => _xInitializer(),
() => [findNode.simple('a,'), findNode.simple('b}')]);
test_mapLiteral_typeArgument() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
var x = const <int, int>{0: 0};
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_mapLiteral_typeArgument_notConstType() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
class A<T> {
m() {
var x = const <T, T>{};
''', () => _xInitializer(),
() => [findNode.typeName('T,'), findNode.typeName('T>{')]);
test_methodInvocation_identical() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
const a = 0;
const b = 0;
var x = identical(a, b);
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_methodInvocation_identical_final() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
final a = 0;
final b = 0;
var x = identical(a, b);
''', () => _xInitializer(),
() => [findNode.simple('a,'), findNode.simple('b)')]);
test_methodInvocation_name() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
const a = 0;
const b = 0;
var x = foo(a, b);
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.methodInvocation('foo')]);
test_methodInvocation_target() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
var x =;
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.methodInvocation('')]);
test_namedExpression() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
void f({a}) {}
var x = f(a: 0);
''', () => findNode.namedExpression('a: 0'));
test_parenthesizedExpression_const() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
const a = 0;
var x = (a);
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_parenthesizedExpression_final() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
final a = 0;
var x = (a);
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.simple('a);')]);
test_postfixExpression() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
const a = 0;
var x = a++;
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.postfix('a++')]);
test_prefixedIdentifier_importPrefix_deferred() async {
newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', content: r'''
const a = 0;
await _assertNotConst(r'''
import 'a.dart' deferred as p;
var x = p.a + 1;
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.prefixed('p.a')]);
test_prefixedIdentifier_importPrefix_function() async {
newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', content: r'''
void f() {}
await _assertConst(r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
var x = p.f;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_prefixedIdentifier_importPrefix_topVar() async {
newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', content: r'''
const a = 0;
await _assertConst(r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
var x = p.a + 1;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_prefixedIdentifier_length_const() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
const a = 'abc';
var x = a.length;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_prefixedIdentifier_length_final() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
final a = 'abc';
var x = a.length;
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.simple('a.')]);
test_prefixedIdentifier_method_instance() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
class A {
const A();
m() {};
const a = const A();
var x = a.m;
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.prefixed('a.m')]);
test_prefixedIdentifier_method_static() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
class A {
static m() {};
var x = A.m;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_prefixedIdentifier_method_static_viaInstance() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
class A {
const A();
static m() {};
const a = const A();
var x = a.m;
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.prefixed('a.m')]);
test_prefixedIdentifier_prefix_variable() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
class A {
final a = 0;
const A();
const a = const A();
var x = a.b + 1;
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.prefixed('a.b + 1')]);
test_prefixedIdentifier_staticField_const() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
class A {
static const a = 0;
var x = A.a + 1;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_prefixedIdentifier_staticField_final() async {
await _assertNotConst(
class A {
static final a = 0;
var x = A.a + 1;
() => _xInitializer(),
() => [findNode.prefixed('A.a')],
test_prefixedIdentifier_typedef_interfaceType() async {
newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', content: r'''
typedef A = List<int>;
await _assertConst(r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
var x = p.A;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_prefixExpression_bang() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
const a = 0;
var x = !a;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_prefixExpression_minus() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
const a = 0;
var x = -a;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_prefixExpression_minus_final() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
final a = 0;
var x = -a;
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.simple('a;')]);
test_prefixExpression_plusPlus() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
const a = 0;
var x = ++a;
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.prefix('++a')]);
test_prefixExpression_tilde() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
const a = 0;
var x = ~a;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_propertyAccess_length_final() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
final a = 'abc';
var x = (a).length;
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.simple('a).')]);
test_propertyAccess_length_stringLiteral() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
var x = 'abc'.length;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_propertyAccess_staticField_withPrefix_const() async {
newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
static const a = 0;
await _assertConst(r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
var x = p.A.a + 1;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_propertyAccess_staticField_withPrefix_deferred() async {
newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
static const a = 0;
await _assertNotConst(r'''
import 'a.dart' deferred as p;
var x = p.A.a + 1;
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.propertyAccess('p.A.a')]);
test_propertyAccess_staticField_withPrefix_final() async {
newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
static final a = 0;
await _assertNotConst(r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
var x = p.A.a + 1;
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.simple('a + 1')]);
test_propertyAccess_target_instanceCreation() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
class A {
final a = 0;
var x = A().a + 1;
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.propertyAccess('A().a')]);
test_propertyAccess_target_variable() async {
newFile('$testPackageLibPath/a.dart', content: r'''
class A {
final a = 0;
const A();
const a = const A();
await _assertNotConst(r'''
import 'a.dart' as p;
var x = p.a.b + 1;
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.propertyAccess('p.a.b + 1')]);
test_setLiteral() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
var x = const {0, 1, 2};
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_setLiteral_notConst() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
var x = {0, 1, 2};
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.setOrMapLiteral('0,')]);
test_setLiteral_notConst_element() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
final a = 0;
final b = 1;
var x = const {a, b, 2};
''', () => _xInitializer(),
() => [findNode.simple('a,'), findNode.simple('b,')]);
test_setLiteral_typeArgument() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
var x = const <int>{0, 1, 2};
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_setLiteral_typeArgument_notConstType() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
class A<T> {
m() {
var x = const <T>{0, 1, 2};
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.typeName('T>{0')]);
test_simpleIdentifier_class() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
var x = int;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_simpleIdentifier_function() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
var x = f;
void f() {}
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_simpleIdentifier_localVar_const() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
main() {
const a = 0;
var x = a + 1;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_simpleIdentifier_localVar_final() async {
await _assertNotConst(
main() {
final a = 0;
var x = a + 1;
() => _xInitializer(),
() => [findNode.simple('a +')],
test_simpleIdentifier_method_static() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
class A {
static m() {};
final Object f;
const A() : f = m; // ref
''', () => findNode.simple('m; // ref'));
test_simpleIdentifier_parameterOfConstConstructor_inBody() async {
await _assertNotConst(
class C {
const C(int a) {
var x = a + 1;
() => _xInitializer(),
() => [findNode.simple('a +')],
test_simpleIdentifier_parameterOfConstConstructor_inInitializer() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
class C {
final int f;
const C(int a) : f = a + 1;
''', () => findNode.constructorFieldInitializer('f =').expression);
test_simpleIdentifier_parameterOfConstConstructor_notConst() async {
await _assertNotConst(
class C {
final int f;
C(int a) : f = a + 1;
() => findNode.constructorFieldInitializer('f =').expression,
() => [findNode.simple('a +')],
test_simpleIdentifier_topVar_const() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
const a = 0;
var x = a + 1;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_simpleIdentifier_topVar_final() async {
await _assertNotConst(
final a = 0;
var x = a + 1;
() => _xInitializer(),
() => [findNode.simple('a +')],
test_simpleIdentifier_typedef_functionType() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
typedef A = void Function();
var x = A;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_simpleIdentifier_typedef_interfaceType() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
typedef A = List<int>;
var x = A;
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_spreadElement() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
const a = [0, 1, 2];
var x = const [...a];
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_spreadElement_final() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
final a = [0, 1, 2];
var x = const [...a];
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.simple('a];')]);
test_stringInterpolation_topVar_const() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
const a = 0;
var x = 'a $a b';
''', () => _xInitializer());
test_stringInterpolation_topVar_final() async {
await _assertNotConst(
final a = 0;
var x = 'a $a b';
() => _xInitializer(),
() => [findNode.simple('a b')],
test_stringLiteral() async {
await _assertConst(r'''
var x = 'a';
''', () => _xInitializer());
_assertConst(String code, AstNode Function() getNode) async {
await resolveTestCode(code);
var node = getNode();
var notConstList = getNotPotentiallyConstants(
isNonNullableByDefault: typeSystem.isNonNullableByDefault,
expect(notConstList, isEmpty);
_assertNotConst(String code, AstNode Function() getNode,
List<AstNode> Function() getNotConstList) async {
await resolveTestCode(code);
var node = getNode();
var notConstList = getNotPotentiallyConstants(
isNonNullableByDefault: typeSystem.isNonNullableByDefault,
var expectedNotConst = getNotConstList();
expect(notConstList, unorderedEquals(expectedNotConst));
Expression _xInitializer() {
return findNode.variableDeclaration('x = ').initializer!;
class PotentiallyConstantWithoutNullSafetyTest extends PubPackageResolutionTest
with WithoutNullSafetyMixin {
test_asExpression_typeParameter() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
const a = 0;
class A<T> {
m() {
var x = a as T;
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.typeName('T;')]);
test_isExpression_typeParameter() async {
await _assertNotConst(r'''
const a = 0;
class A<T> {
m() {
var x = a is T;
''', () => _xInitializer(), () => [findNode.typeName('T;')]);
_assertNotConst(String code, AstNode Function() getNode,
List<AstNode> Function() getNotConstList) async {
await resolveTestCode(code);
var node = getNode();
var notConstList = getNotPotentiallyConstants(
isNonNullableByDefault: typeSystem.isNonNullableByDefault,
var expectedNotConst = getNotConstList();
expect(notConstList, unorderedEquals(expectedNotConst));
Expression _xInitializer() {
return findNode.variableDeclaration('x = ').initializer!;