blob: ebcdffd45e55d3542ba2dbe305e30a6400e27e81 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math';
import 'constants.dart' as constants;
import 'dwarf.dart';
String _stackTracePiece(CallInfo call, int depth) =>
'#${depth.toString().padRight(6)} $call';
// The initial header line in a non-symbolic stack trace.
const _headerStartLine =
'*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***';
// A pattern matching the os/arch line of the non-symbolic stack trace header.
// This RegExp has been adjusted to parse the header line found in
// non-symbolic stack traces and the modified version in signal handler stack
// traces.
final _osArchLineRE = RegExp(r'os(?:=|: )(\S+?),? '
r'arch(?:=|: )(\S+?),? comp(?:=|: )(yes|no),? sim(?:=|: )(yes|no)');
// A pattern matching the last line of the non-symbolic stack trace header.
// This RegExp has been adjusted to parse the header line found in
// non-symbolic stack traces and the modified version in signal handler stack
// traces.
final _instructionsLineRE = RegExp(r'isolate_instructions(?:=|: )([\da-f]+),? '
r'vm_instructions(?:=|: )([\da-f]+)');
/// Header information for a non-symbolic Dart stack trace.
class StackTraceHeader {
String? _os;
String? _arch;
bool? _compressed;
bool? _simulated;
int? _isolateStart;
int? _vmStart;
String? get os => _os;
String? get architecture => _arch;
bool? get compressedPointers => _compressed;
bool? get usingSimulator => _simulated;
static StackTraceHeader fromStarts(int isolateStart, int vmStart) =>
.._isolateStart = isolateStart
.._vmStart = vmStart;
/// Try and parse the given line as one of the recognized lines in the
/// header of a non-symbolic stack trace.
/// Returns whether the line was recognized and parsed successfully.
bool tryParseHeaderLine(String line) {
if (line.contains(_headerStartLine)) {
// This is the start of a new non-symbolic stack trace, so reset all the
// stored information to be parsed anew.
_os = null;
_arch = null;
_compressed = null;
_simulated = null;
_isolateStart = null;
_vmStart = null;
return true;
RegExpMatch? match = _osArchLineRE.firstMatch(line);
if (match != null) {
_os = match[1]!;
_arch = match[2]!;
_compressed = match[3]! == "yes";
_simulated = match[4]! == "yes";
// The architecture line always proceeds the instructions section line,
// so reset these to null just in case we missed the header line.
_isolateStart = null;
_vmStart = null;
return true;
match = _instructionsLineRE.firstMatch(line);
if (match != null) {
_isolateStart = int.parse(match[1]!, radix: 16);
_vmStart = int.parse(match[2]!, radix: 16);
return true;
return false;
/// The [PCOffset] for the given absolute program counter address.
PCOffset? offsetOf(int address) {
if (_isolateStart == null || _vmStart == null) return null;
final isolateOffset = address - _isolateStart!;
var vmOffset = address - _vmStart!;
if (vmOffset > 0 && vmOffset == min(vmOffset, isolateOffset)) {
return PCOffset(vmOffset, InstructionsSection.vm,
os: _os,
architecture: _arch,
compressedPointers: _compressed,
usingSimulator: _simulated);
} else {
return PCOffset(isolateOffset, InstructionsSection.isolate,
os: _os,
architecture: _arch,
compressedPointers: _compressed,
usingSimulator: _simulated);
/// A Dart DWARF stack trace contains up to four pieces of information:
/// - The zero-based frame index from the top of the stack.
/// - The absolute address of the program counter.
/// - The virtual address of the program counter, if the snapshot was
/// loaded as a dynamic library, otherwise not present.
/// - The location of the virtual address, which is one of the following:
/// - A dynamic symbol name, a plus sign, and an integer offset.
/// - The path to the snapshot, if it was loaded as a dynamic library,
/// otherwise the string "<unknown>".
const _symbolOffsetREString = r'(?<symbol>' +
constants.vmSymbolName +
r'|' +
constants.isolateSymbolName +
final _symbolOffsetRE = RegExp(_symbolOffsetREString);
final _traceLineRE = RegExp(
r' #(\d+) abs (?<absolute>[\da-f]+)(?: virt (?<virtual>[\da-f]+))? '
/// Parses strings of the format <static symbol>+<integer offset>, where
/// <static symbol> is one of the static symbols used for Dart instruction
/// sections.
/// Unless forceHexadecimal is true, an integer offset without a "0x" prefix or
/// any hexdecimal digits will be parsed as decimal.
/// Returns null if the string is not of the expected format.
PCOffset? tryParseSymbolOffset(String s,
{bool forceHexadecimal = false, StackTraceHeader? header}) {
final match = _symbolOffsetRE.firstMatch(s);
if (match == null) return null;
final symbolString = match.namedGroup('symbol')!;
final offsetString = match.namedGroup('offset')!;
int? offset;
if (!forceHexadecimal && !offsetString.startsWith('0x')) {
offset = int.tryParse(offsetString);
if (offset == null) {
final digits = offsetString.startsWith('0x')
? offsetString.substring(2)
: offsetString;
offset = int.tryParse(digits, radix: 16);
if (offset == null) return null;
switch (symbolString) {
case constants.vmSymbolName:
return PCOffset(offset, InstructionsSection.vm,
os: header?.os,
architecture: header?.architecture,
compressedPointers: header?.compressedPointers,
usingSimulator: header?.usingSimulator);
case constants.isolateSymbolName:
return PCOffset(offset, InstructionsSection.isolate,
os: header?.os,
architecture: header?.architecture,
compressedPointers: header?.compressedPointers,
usingSimulator: header?.usingSimulator);
return null;
PCOffset? _retrievePCOffset(StackTraceHeader header, RegExpMatch? match) {
if (match == null) return null;
final restString = match.namedGroup('rest')!;
// Try checking for symbol information first, since we don't need the header
// information to translate it.
if (restString.isNotEmpty) {
final offset = tryParseSymbolOffset(restString, header: header);
if (offset != null) return offset;
// If we're parsing the absolute address, we can only convert it into
// a PCOffset if we saw the instructions line of the stack trace header.
final addressString = match.namedGroup('absolute')!;
final address = int.parse(addressString, radix: 16);
final pcOffset = header.offsetOf(address);
if (pcOffset != null) return pcOffset;
// If all other cases failed, check for a virtual address. Until this package
// depends on a version of Dart which only prints virtual addresses when the
// virtual addresses in the snapshot are the same as in separately saved
// debugging information, the other methods should be tried first.
final virtualString = match.namedGroup('virtual');
if (virtualString != null) {
final address = int.parse(virtualString, radix: 16);
return PCOffset(address, InstructionsSection.none,
os: header.os,
architecture: header.architecture,
compressedPointers: header.compressedPointers,
usingSimulator: header.usingSimulator);
return null;
/// The [PCOffset]s for frames of the non-symbolic stack traces in [lines].
Iterable<PCOffset> collectPCOffsets(Iterable<String> lines) sync* {
final header = StackTraceHeader();
for (var line in lines) {
if (header.tryParseHeaderLine(line)) {
final match = _traceLineRE.firstMatch(line);
final offset = _retrievePCOffset(header, match);
if (offset != null) yield offset;
/// A [StreamTransformer] that scans lines for non-symbolic stack traces.
/// A [NativeStackTraceDecoder] scans a stream of lines for non-symbolic
/// stack traces containing only program counter address information. Such
/// stack traces are generated by the VM when executing a snapshot compiled
/// with `--dwarf-stack-traces`.
/// The transformer assumes that there may be text preceding the stack frames
/// on individual lines, like in log files, but that there is no trailing text.
/// For each stack frame found, the transformer attempts to locate a function
/// name, file name and line number using the provided DWARF information.
/// If no information is found, or the line is not a stack frame, then the line
/// will be unchanged in the output stream.
/// If the located information corresponds to Dart internals and
/// [includeInternalFrames] is false, then the output stream contains no
/// entries for the line.
/// Otherwise, the output stream contains one or more lines with symbolic stack
/// frames for the given non-symbolic stack frame line. Multiple symbolic stack
/// frame lines are generated when the PC address corresponds to inlined code.
/// In the output stream, each symbolic stack frame is prefixed by the non-stack
/// frame portion of the original line.
class DwarfStackTraceDecoder extends StreamTransformerBase<String, String> {
final Dwarf _dwarf;
final bool _includeInternalFrames;
DwarfStackTraceDecoder(this._dwarf, {bool includeInternalFrames = false})
: _includeInternalFrames = includeInternalFrames;
Stream<String> bind(Stream<String> stream) async* {
var depth = 0;
final header = StackTraceHeader();
await for (final line in stream) {
// If we successfully parse a header line, then we reset the depth to 0.
if (header.tryParseHeaderLine(line)) {
depth = 0;
yield line;
// If at any point we can't get appropriate information for the current
// line as a stack trace line, then just pass the line through unchanged.
final lineMatch = _traceLineRE.firstMatch(line);
final offset = _retrievePCOffset(header, lineMatch);
final callInfo = offset?.callInfoFrom(_dwarf,
includeInternalFrames: _includeInternalFrames);
if (callInfo == null) {
yield line;
// No lines to output (as this corresponds to Dart internals).
if (callInfo.isEmpty) continue;
// Output the lines for the symbolic frame with the prefix found on the
// original non-symbolic frame line.
final prefix = line.substring(0, lineMatch!.start);
for (final call in callInfo) {
yield prefix + _stackTracePiece(call, depth++);