blob: dbf3db6a8fb1a4dae0dc4f22e1e72de79e491814 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2019, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "vm/elf.h"
#include "platform/elf.h"
#include "platform/text_buffer.h"
#include "vm/cpu.h"
#include "vm/thread.h"
namespace dart {
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IS_32_BIT)
static const intptr_t kElfHeaderSize = 52;
static const intptr_t kElfSectionTableAlignment = 4;
static const intptr_t kElfSectionTableEntrySize = 40;
static const intptr_t kElfProgramTableEntrySize = 32;
static const intptr_t kElfSymbolTableEntrySize = 16;
static const intptr_t kElfDynamicTableEntrySize = 8;
static const intptr_t kElfSymbolHashTableEntrySize = 4;
static const intptr_t kElfHeaderSize = 64;
static const intptr_t kElfSectionTableAlignment = 8;
static const intptr_t kElfSectionTableEntrySize = 64;
static const intptr_t kElfProgramTableEntrySize = 56;
static const intptr_t kElfSymbolTableEntrySize = 24;
static const intptr_t kElfDynamicTableEntrySize = 16;
static const intptr_t kElfSymbolHashTableEntrySize = 4;
class Section : public ZoneAllocated {
Section() {}
virtual ~Section() {}
virtual void Write(StreamingWriteStream* stream) = 0;
// Linker view.
intptr_t section_name = -1; // Index into shstrtab_.
intptr_t section_type = 0;
intptr_t section_flags = 0;
intptr_t section_index = -1;
intptr_t section_link = elf::SHN_UNDEF;
intptr_t section_info = 0;
intptr_t section_entry_size = 0;
intptr_t file_size = 0;
intptr_t file_offset = -1;
intptr_t alignment = 1;
// Loader view.
intptr_t segment_type = -1;
intptr_t segment_flags = 0;
intptr_t memory_size = 0;
intptr_t memory_offset = -1;
enum OutputType {
// When this section should be output, if we are stripping and/or splitting
// debugging information. Only a few sections are not part of the main
// (non-debugging) output, so we use kMainOutput as the default value.
OutputType output_type = kMainOutput;
class ProgramBits : public Section {
ProgramBits(bool allocate,
bool executable,
bool writable,
const uint8_t* bytes,
intptr_t filesz,
intptr_t memsz = -1) {
if (memsz == -1) memsz = filesz;
section_type = elf::SHT_PROGBITS;
if (allocate) {
section_flags = elf::SHF_ALLOC;
if (executable) section_flags |= elf::SHF_EXECINSTR;
if (writable) section_flags |= elf::SHF_WRITE;
segment_type = elf::PT_LOAD;
segment_flags = elf::PF_R;
if (executable) segment_flags |= elf::PF_X;
if (writable) segment_flags |= elf::PF_W;
bytes_ = bytes;
file_size = filesz;
memory_size = memsz;
void Write(StreamingWriteStream* stream) {
if (bytes_ != nullptr) {
Elf::WriteBytes(stream, bytes_, file_size);
const uint8_t* bytes_;
class StringTable : public Section {
explicit StringTable(bool dynamic) : text_(128), text_indices_() {
section_type = elf::SHT_STRTAB;
if (dynamic) {
section_flags = elf::SHF_ALLOC;
segment_type = elf::PT_LOAD;
segment_flags = elf::PF_R;
} else {
section_flags = 0;
memory_offset = 0; // No segments for static tables.
text_indices_.Insert({"", 1});
memory_size = file_size = text_.length();
intptr_t AddString(const char* str) {
if (auto const kv = text_indices_.Lookup(str)) return kv->value - 1;
intptr_t offset = text_.length();
text_indices_.Insert({str, offset + 1});
memory_size = file_size = text_.length();
return offset;
const char* GetString(intptr_t index) {
ASSERT(index >= 0 && index < text_.length());
return text_.buf() + index;
void Write(StreamingWriteStream* stream) {
Elf::WriteBytes(stream, reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(text_.buf()),
TextBuffer text_;
// To avoid kNoValue for intptr_t (0), we store an index n as n + 1.
CStringMap<intptr_t> text_indices_;
class Symbol : public ZoneAllocated {
const char* cstr;
intptr_t name;
intptr_t info;
intptr_t section;
intptr_t offset;
intptr_t size;
class SymbolTable : public Section {
explicit SymbolTable(bool dynamic) {
if (dynamic) {
section_type = elf::SHT_DYNSYM;
section_flags = elf::SHF_ALLOC;
segment_type = elf::PT_LOAD;
segment_flags = elf::PF_R;
} else {
// No need to load the static symbol table at runtime since it's ignored
// by the dynamic linker.
section_type = elf::SHT_SYMTAB;
section_flags = 0;
memory_offset = 0; // No segments for static tables.
alignment = compiler::target::kWordSize;
section_entry_size = kElfSymbolTableEntrySize;
section_info = 0;
void AddSymbol(Symbol* symbol) {
// Adjust section_info to contain the count of local symbols, including the
// reserved first entry (represented by the nullptr value).
if (symbol == nullptr || ((symbol->info >> 4) == elf::STB_LOCAL)) {
section_info += 1;
memory_size += kElfSymbolTableEntrySize;
file_size += kElfSymbolTableEntrySize;
void Write(StreamingWriteStream* stream) {
// The first symbol table entry is reserved and must be all zeros.
const intptr_t start = stream->position();
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IS_32_BIT)
Elf::WriteWord(stream, 0);
Elf::WriteAddr(stream, 0);
Elf::WriteWord(stream, 0);
Elf::WriteByte(stream, 0);
Elf::WriteByte(stream, 0);
Elf::WriteHalf(stream, 0);
Elf::WriteWord(stream, 0);
Elf::WriteByte(stream, 0);
Elf::WriteByte(stream, 0);
Elf::WriteHalf(stream, 0);
Elf::WriteAddr(stream, 0);
Elf::WriteXWord(stream, 0);
const intptr_t end = stream->position();
ASSERT((end - start) == kElfSymbolTableEntrySize);
for (intptr_t i = 1; i < symbols_.length(); i++) {
Symbol* symbol = symbols_[i];
const intptr_t start = stream->position();
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IS_32_BIT)
Elf::WriteWord(stream, symbol->name);
Elf::WriteAddr(stream, symbol->offset);
Elf::WriteWord(stream, symbol->size);
Elf::WriteByte(stream, symbol->info);
Elf::WriteByte(stream, 0);
Elf::WriteHalf(stream, symbol->section);
Elf::WriteWord(stream, symbol->name);
Elf::WriteByte(stream, symbol->info);
Elf::WriteByte(stream, 0);
Elf::WriteHalf(stream, symbol->section);
Elf::WriteAddr(stream, symbol->offset);
Elf::WriteXWord(stream, symbol->size);
const intptr_t end = stream->position();
ASSERT((end - start) == kElfSymbolTableEntrySize);
intptr_t length() const { return symbols_.length(); }
Symbol* at(intptr_t i) const { return symbols_[i]; }
GrowableArray<Symbol*> symbols_;
static uint32_t ElfHash(const unsigned char* name) {
uint32_t h = 0;
while (*name != '\0') {
h = (h << 4) + *name++;
uint32_t g = h & 0xf0000000;
h ^= g;
h ^= g >> 24;
return h;
class SymbolHashTable : public Section {
SymbolHashTable(StringTable* strtab, SymbolTable* symtab) {
section_type = elf::SHT_HASH;
section_flags = elf::SHF_ALLOC;
section_link = symtab->section_index;
section_entry_size = kElfSymbolHashTableEntrySize;
segment_type = elf::PT_LOAD;
segment_flags = elf::PF_R;
nchain_ = symtab->length();
nbucket_ = symtab->length();
bucket_ = Thread::Current()->zone()->Alloc<int32_t>(nbucket_);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < nbucket_; i++) {
bucket_[i] = elf::STN_UNDEF;
chain_ = Thread::Current()->zone()->Alloc<int32_t>(nchain_);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < nchain_; i++) {
chain_[i] = elf::STN_UNDEF;
for (intptr_t i = 1; i < symtab->length(); i++) {
Symbol* symbol = symtab->at(i);
uint32_t hash = ElfHash((const unsigned char*)symbol->cstr);
uint32_t probe = hash % nbucket_;
chain_[i] = bucket_[probe]; // next = head
bucket_[probe] = i; // head = symbol
memory_size = file_size = 4 * (nbucket_ + nchain_ + 2);
void Write(StreamingWriteStream* stream) {
Elf::WriteWord(stream, nbucket_);
Elf::WriteWord(stream, nchain_);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < nbucket_; i++) {
Elf::WriteWord(stream, bucket_[i]);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < nchain_; i++) {
Elf::WriteWord(stream, chain_[i]);
int32_t nbucket_;
int32_t nchain_;
int32_t* bucket_; // "Head"
int32_t* chain_; // "Next"
class DynamicTable : public Section {
DynamicTable(StringTable* strtab,
SymbolTable* symtab,
SymbolHashTable* hash) {
section_type = elf::SHT_DYNAMIC;
section_link = strtab->section_index;
section_flags = elf::SHF_ALLOC | elf::SHF_WRITE;
section_entry_size = kElfDynamicTableEntrySize;
segment_type = elf::PT_LOAD;
segment_flags = elf::PF_R | elf::PF_W;
AddEntry(elf::DT_HASH, hash->memory_offset);
AddEntry(elf::DT_STRTAB, strtab->memory_offset);
AddEntry(elf::DT_STRSZ, strtab->memory_size);
AddEntry(elf::DT_SYMTAB, symtab->memory_offset);
AddEntry(elf::DT_SYMENT, kElfSymbolTableEntrySize);
AddEntry(elf::DT_NULL, 0);
void Write(StreamingWriteStream* stream) {
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < entries_.length(); i++) {
const intptr_t start = stream->position();
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IS_32_BIT)
Elf::WriteWord(stream, entries_[i]->tag);
Elf::WriteAddr(stream, entries_[i]->value);
Elf::WriteXWord(stream, entries_[i]->tag);
Elf::WriteAddr(stream, entries_[i]->value);
const intptr_t end = stream->position();
ASSERT((end - start) == kElfDynamicTableEntrySize);
class Entry {
intptr_t tag;
intptr_t value;
void AddEntry(intptr_t tag, intptr_t value) {
Entry* entry = new Entry();
entry->tag = tag;
entry->value = value;
memory_size += kElfDynamicTableEntrySize;
file_size += kElfDynamicTableEntrySize;
GrowableArray<Entry*> entries_;
// The first section must be written out and contains only zeros.
static const intptr_t kNumInvalidSections = 1;
// Extra segments put in the program table that aren't reified in
// Elf::segments_.
static const intptr_t kNumImplicitSegments = 3;
static const intptr_t kProgramTableSegmentSize = Elf::kPageSize;
Elf::Elf(Zone* zone,
StreamingWriteStream* stream,
bool strip,
StreamingWriteStream* debug_stream)
: zone_(ASSERT_NOTNULL(zone)),
sections_(zone, 2),
segments_(zone, 2),
active_sections_(zone, 2),
output_sections_(zone, 2),
file_sizes_(zone, 2),
section_names_(zone, 2),
section_types_(zone, 2) {
// We should be outputting at least one file.
ASSERT(stream_ != nullptr || debug_stream_ != nullptr);
// Stripping the main output only makes sense if it'll be output.
ASSERT(!strip || stream_ != nullptr);
// Assumed by various offset logic in this file.
ASSERT(stream_ == nullptr || stream_->position() == 0);
ASSERT(debug_stream_ == nullptr || debug_stream_->position() == 0);
// All our strings would fit in a single page. However, we use separate
// .shstrtab and .dynstr to work around a bug in Android's strip utility.
shstrtab_ = new (zone_) StringTable(/*dynamic=*/false);
shstrtab_->output_type = Section::kAllOutput;
dynstrtab_ = new (zone_) StringTable(/*dynamic=*/true);
dynsym_ = new (zone_) SymbolTable(/*dynamic=*/true);
// The (non-section header) static tables are not needed in stripped output.
strtab_ = new (zone_) StringTable(/*dynamic=*/false);
strtab_->output_type = Section::kDebugOutput;
symtab_ = new (zone_) SymbolTable(/*dynamic=*/false);
symtab_->output_type = Section::kDebugOutput;
// Allocate regular segments after the program table.
memory_offset_ = kProgramTableSegmentSize;
void Elf::AddSection(Section* section, const char* name) {
section->section_index = NextSectionIndex();
section->section_name = shstrtab_->AddString(name);
void Elf::AddSegment(Section* section) {
if (section->alignment < kPageSize) {
section->alignment = kPageSize;
memory_offset_ = Utils::RoundUp(memory_offset_, section->alignment);
section->memory_offset = memory_offset_;
memory_offset_ += section->memory_size;
memory_offset_ = Utils::RoundUp(memory_offset_, kPageSize);
intptr_t Elf::NextSectionIndex() const {
return sections_.length() + kNumInvalidSections;
intptr_t Elf::AddText(const char* name, const uint8_t* bytes, intptr_t size) {
ProgramBits* image = new (zone_) ProgramBits(true, true, false, bytes, size);
AddSection(image, ".text");
Symbol* symbol = new (zone_) Symbol();
symbol->cstr = name;
symbol->name = dynstrtab_->AddString(name);
symbol->info = (elf::STB_GLOBAL << 4) | elf::STT_FUNC;
symbol->section = image->section_index;
// For shared libraries, this is the offset from the DSO base. For static
// libraries, this is section relative.
symbol->offset = image->memory_offset;
symbol->size = size;
return symbol->offset;
void Elf::AddStaticSymbol(intptr_t section,
const char* name,
size_t memory_offset) {
Symbol* symbol = new (zone_) Symbol();
symbol->cstr = name;
symbol->name = strtab_->AddString(name);
symbol->info = (elf::STB_GLOBAL << 4) | elf::STT_FUNC;
symbol->section = section;
// For shared libraries, this is the offset from the DSO base. For static
// libraries, this is section relative.
symbol->offset = memory_offset;
symbol->size = 0;
intptr_t Elf::AddBSSData(const char* name, intptr_t size) {
// Ideally the BSS segment would take no space in the object, but Android's
// "strip" utility truncates the memory-size of our segments to their
// file-size.
// Therefore we must insert zero-filled pages for the BSS.
uint8_t* const bytes = Thread::Current()->zone()->Alloc<uint8_t>(size);
memset(bytes, 0, size);
ProgramBits* const image = new (zone_)
ProgramBits(true, false, true, bytes, /*filesz=*/size, /*memsz=*/size);
AddSection(image, ".bss");
Symbol* symbol = new (zone_) Symbol();
symbol->cstr = name;
symbol->name = dynstrtab_->AddString(name);
symbol->info = (elf::STB_GLOBAL << 4) | elf::STT_OBJECT;
symbol->section = image->section_index;
// For shared libraries, this is the offset from the DSO base. For static
// libraries, this is section relative.
symbol->offset = image->memory_offset;
symbol->size = size;
return symbol->offset;
intptr_t Elf::AddROData(const char* name, const uint8_t* bytes, intptr_t size) {
ProgramBits* image = new (zone_) ProgramBits(true, false, false, bytes, size);
AddSection(image, ".rodata");
Symbol* symbol = new (zone_) Symbol();
symbol->cstr = name;
symbol->name = dynstrtab_->AddString(name);
symbol->info = (elf::STB_GLOBAL << 4) | elf::STT_OBJECT;
symbol->section = image->section_index;
// For shared libraries, this is the offset from the DSO base. For static
// libraries, this is section relative.
symbol->offset = image->memory_offset;
symbol->size = size;
return symbol->offset;
void Elf::AddDebug(const char* name, const uint8_t* bytes, intptr_t size) {
ProgramBits* image =
new (zone_) ProgramBits(false, false, false, bytes, size);
image->output_type = Section::kDebugOutput;
AddSection(image, name);
void Elf::Finalize() {
SymbolHashTable* hash = new (zone_) SymbolHashTable(dynstrtab_, dynsym_);
AddSection(hash, ".hash");
AddSection(dynsym_, ".dynsym");
AddSection(dynstrtab_, ".dynstr");
dynsym_->section_link = dynstrtab_->section_index;
hash->section_link = dynsym_->section_index;
// Finalizes memory size of string and symbol tables.
dynamic_ = new (zone_) DynamicTable(dynstrtab_, dynsym_, hash);
AddSection(dynamic_, ".dynamic");
// We only output the static symbol and string tables if they are non-empty.
// We only need to check symtab_, since entries are added to strtab_ whenever
// we add symbols. Here, an "empty" static symbol table only has one entry
// (a nullptr value for the initial reserved entry).
if (symtab_->symbols_.length() > 1) {
AddSection(symtab_, ".symtab");
AddSection(strtab_, ".strtab");
symtab_->section_link = strtab_->section_index;
// The section header string table should come last.
AddSection(shstrtab_, ".shstrtab");
if (debug_stream_ != nullptr) {
if (stream_ != nullptr) {
void Elf::ClearOutputInfo() {
// These don't need to be cleared normally, but doing so in DEBUG mode
// may help us catch issues.
#if defined(DEBUG)
section_table_entry_count_ = -1;
section_table_file_offset_ = -1;
program_table_entry_count_ = -1;
program_table_file_offset_ = -1;
for (auto section : sections_) {
section->file_offset = -1;
intptr_t Elf::ActiveSectionsIndex(intptr_t section_index) const {
// This assumes all invalid sections come first in the table.
ASSERT(section_index >= kNumInvalidSections);
return SectionTableIndex(section_index) - kNumInvalidSections;
intptr_t Elf::SectionTableIndex(intptr_t section_index) const {
// This assumes all invalid sections come first in the table.
if (section_index < kNumInvalidSections) return section_index;
return adjusted_indices_.LookupValue(section_index);
intptr_t Elf::ProgramTableSize() const {
ASSERT(program_table_entry_count_ >= 0);
return program_table_entry_count_ * kElfProgramTableEntrySize;
intptr_t Elf::SectionTableSize() const {
ASSERT(section_table_entry_count_ >= 0);
return section_table_entry_count_ * kElfSectionTableEntrySize;
void Elf::VerifyOutputInfo() const {
#if defined(DEBUG)
// The section header string table should always be the last section. We can't
// check for shstrtab_ because we recreate it to trim and reorder entries.
ASSERT(active_sections_.Last()->section_type == elf::SHT_STRTAB);
ASSERT(active_sections_.Last()->section_flags == 0);
auto const shstrtab = reinterpret_cast<StringTable*>(active_sections_.Last());
ASSERT(file_sizes_.length() == active_sections_.length());
ASSERT(section_names_.length() == active_sections_.length());
ASSERT(section_types_.length() == active_sections_.length());
// Need this to output the section header.
// Need this to output the dynamic section of the program table.
// Perform extra checks on the Section GrowableArrays used in output
// (segments_, active_sections_, and output_sections_), including that
// they appear in the same order as in sections_.
intptr_t last_index = 0;
for (auto section : segments_) {
ASSERT(section->file_offset != -1);
ASSERT(section->section_index > last_index);
last_index = section->section_index;
auto const index = ActiveSectionsIndex(section->section_index);
ASSERT(index >= 0 && index < active_sections_.length());
ASSERT(file_sizes_.At(index) == 0 ||
file_sizes_.At(index) == section->file_size);
last_index = 0;
for (auto section : active_sections_) {
ASSERT(section->file_offset != -1);
ASSERT(section->section_index > last_index);
last_index = section->section_index;
auto const index = ActiveSectionsIndex(section->section_index);
ASSERT(section_types_.At(index) == section->section_type ||
section_types_.At(index) == elf::SHT_NOBITS);
auto const link_index = SectionTableIndex(section->section_link);
ASSERT(link_index >= 0 && link_index < section_table_entry_count_);
auto const name_index = section_names_.At(index);
ASSERT(name_index >= 0 && name_index < shstrtab->text_.length());
// All (non-reserved) section names start with '.'.
ASSERT(shstrtab->GetString(name_index)[0] == '.');
// Here, we primarily check that output_sections_ is a subset of
// active_sections_, and thus all output sections are in the section table,
// and that all the sections are continguous in the file modulo alignment.
intptr_t file_offset = program_table_file_offset_ + ProgramTableSize();
for (auto section : output_sections_) {
auto const index = ActiveSectionsIndex(section->section_index);
file_offset = Utils::RoundUp(file_offset, section->alignment);
ASSERT(section->file_offset == file_offset);
file_offset += section->file_size;
ASSERT(index >= 0 && index < active_sections_.length());
ASSERT(Utils::RoundUp(file_offset, kElfSectionTableAlignment) ==
intptr_t Elf::PrepareDebugSection(Section* section,
intptr_t file_offset,
bool use_fake_info) {
// All sections are output in the section table, even for debugging.
adjusted_indices_.Insert(section->section_index, section->section_index);
if (use_fake_info) {
// The fake offset of this section will be the aligned offset immediately
// after the program table.
auto const fake_offset = program_table_file_offset_ + ProgramTableSize();
// No actual data will be output for these sections.
section->file_offset = Utils::RoundUp(fake_offset, section->alignment);
return file_offset;
section->file_offset = Utils::RoundUp(file_offset, section->alignment);
return section->file_offset + section->file_size;
intptr_t Elf::PrepareMainSection(Section* section,
intptr_t file_offset,
intptr_t skipped_sections) {
section->section_index - skipped_sections);
section->file_offset = Utils::RoundUp(file_offset, section->alignment);
return section->file_offset + section->file_size;
StringTable* Elf::CreateSectionHeaderStringTable() {
// If there are no dropped sections prior to adding the section header string
// table, we can just use the current name indices and shstrtab_.
if (active_sections_.length() == (sections_.length() - 1)) {
for (auto section : active_sections_) {
return shstrtab_;
auto ret = new (zone_) StringTable(/*allocate=*/false);
// Fill fields set outside of methods in Section and its subclasses.
ret->section_name = shstrtab_->section_name;
ret->section_index = shstrtab_->section_index;
ret->output_type = Section::kAllOutput;
for (auto section : active_sections_) {
auto const cstr = shstrtab_->GetString(section->section_name);
// Now add the name for the section header string table itself.
return ret;
Section* Elf::AdjustForActiveSections(Section* section) {
// Possibly trim shstrtab_ to remove names for dropped sections.
if (section == shstrtab_) return CreateSectionHeaderStringTable();
// No other section currently needs adjustment.
return section;
void Elf::PrepareDebugOutputInfo() {
intptr_t file_offset = kElfHeaderSize;
// This is the same for both the debugging and stripped output.
program_table_file_offset_ = file_offset;
program_table_entry_count_ = segments_.length() + kNumImplicitSegments;
file_offset += ProgramTableSize();
for (auto section : sections_) {
// When splitting out debugging information, we only output the contents
// of debug sections and the section header string table, so change the
// section header information appropriately for other sections.
auto const use_fake_info = section->output_type == Section::kMainOutput;
section = AdjustForActiveSections(section);
file_offset = PrepareDebugSection(section, file_offset, use_fake_info);
file_offset = Utils::RoundUp(file_offset, kElfSectionTableAlignment);
section_table_file_offset_ = file_offset;
section_table_entry_count_ = active_sections_.length() + kNumInvalidSections;
file_offset += SectionTableSize();
void Elf::PrepareMainOutputInfo() {
intptr_t file_offset = kElfHeaderSize;
program_table_file_offset_ = file_offset;
program_table_entry_count_ = segments_.length() + kNumImplicitSegments;
file_offset += ProgramTableSize();
intptr_t skipped_sections = 0;
for (auto section : sections_) {
if (strip_ && section->output_type == Section::kDebugOutput) {
skipped_sections += 1;
section = AdjustForActiveSections(section);
file_offset = PrepareMainSection(section, file_offset, skipped_sections);
file_offset = Utils::RoundUp(file_offset, kElfSectionTableAlignment);
section_table_file_offset_ = file_offset;
section_table_entry_count_ = active_sections_.length() + kNumInvalidSections;
file_offset += SectionTableSize();
void Elf::WriteHeader(StreamingWriteStream* stream) {
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IS_32_BIT)
uint8_t size = elf::ELFCLASS32;
uint8_t size = elf::ELFCLASS64;
uint8_t e_ident[16] = {0x7f,
WriteBytes(stream, e_ident, 16);
WriteHalf(stream, elf::ET_DYN); // Shared library.
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IA32)
WriteHalf(stream, elf::EM_386);
#elif defined(TARGET_ARCH_X64)
WriteHalf(stream, elf::EM_X86_64);
#elif defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
WriteHalf(stream, elf::EM_ARM);
#elif defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM64)
WriteHalf(stream, elf::EM_AARCH64);
FATAL("Unknown ELF architecture");
WriteWord(stream, elf::EV_CURRENT); // Version
WriteAddr(stream, 0); // "Entry point"
WriteOff(stream, program_table_file_offset_);
WriteOff(stream, section_table_file_offset_);
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_ARM)
uword flags = elf::EF_ARM_ABI | (TargetCPUFeatures::hardfp_supported()
uword flags = 0;
WriteWord(stream, flags);
WriteHalf(stream, kElfHeaderSize);
WriteHalf(stream, kElfProgramTableEntrySize);
WriteHalf(stream, program_table_entry_count_);
WriteHalf(stream, kElfSectionTableEntrySize);
WriteHalf(stream, section_table_entry_count_);
// The section header string table is always last in the active sections.
WriteHalf(stream, SectionTableIndex(active_sections_.Last()->section_index));
ASSERT(stream->position() == kElfHeaderSize);
void Elf::WriteProgramTable(StreamingWriteStream* stream) {
ASSERT(stream->position() == program_table_file_offset_);
auto const program_table_file_size = ProgramTableSize();
// Self-reference to program header table. Required by Android but not by
// Linux. Must appear before any PT_LOAD entries.
ASSERT(kNumImplicitSegments == 3);
const intptr_t start = stream->position();
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IS_32_BIT)
WriteWord(stream, elf::PT_PHDR);
WriteOff(stream, program_table_file_offset_); // File offset.
WriteAddr(stream, program_table_file_offset_); // Virtual address.
WriteAddr(stream, program_table_file_offset_); // Physical address, unused.
WriteWord(stream, program_table_file_size);
WriteWord(stream, program_table_file_size);
WriteWord(stream, elf::PF_R);
WriteWord(stream, kPageSize);
WriteWord(stream, elf::PT_PHDR);
WriteWord(stream, elf::PF_R);
WriteOff(stream, program_table_file_offset_); // File offset.
WriteAddr(stream, program_table_file_offset_); // Virtual address.
WriteAddr(stream, program_table_file_offset_); // Physical address, unused.
WriteXWord(stream, program_table_file_size);
WriteXWord(stream, program_table_file_size);
WriteXWord(stream, kPageSize);
const intptr_t end = stream->position();
ASSERT((end - start) == kElfProgramTableEntrySize);
// Load for self-reference to program header table. Required by Android but
// not by Linux.
// We pre-allocated the virtual memory space for the program table itself.
// Check that we didn't generate too many segments. Currently we generate a
// fixed num of segments based on the four pieces of a snapshot, but if we
// use more in the future we'll likely need to do something more compilated
// to generate DWARF without knowing a piece's virtual address in advance.
RELEASE_ASSERT((program_table_file_offset_ + program_table_file_size) <
ASSERT(kNumImplicitSegments == 3);
const intptr_t start = stream->position();
// The Android dynamic linker in Jelly Bean incorrectly assumes that all
// non-writable segments are continguous. We put BSS first, so we must make
// this segment writable so it does not mark the BSS as read-only.
// The bug is here:
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IS_32_BIT)
WriteWord(stream, elf::PT_LOAD);
WriteOff(stream, 0); // File offset.
WriteAddr(stream, 0); // Virtual address.
WriteAddr(stream, 0); // Physical address, not used.
WriteWord(stream, program_table_file_offset_ + program_table_file_size);
WriteWord(stream, program_table_file_offset_ + program_table_file_size);
WriteWord(stream, elf::PF_R | elf::PF_W);
WriteWord(stream, kPageSize);
WriteWord(stream, elf::PT_LOAD);
WriteWord(stream, elf::PF_R | elf::PF_W);
WriteOff(stream, 0); // File offset.
WriteAddr(stream, 0); // Virtual address.
WriteAddr(stream, 0); // Physical address, not used.
WriteXWord(stream, program_table_file_offset_ + program_table_file_size);
WriteXWord(stream, program_table_file_offset_ + program_table_file_size);
WriteXWord(stream, kPageSize);
const intptr_t end = stream->position();
ASSERT((end - start) == kElfProgramTableEntrySize);
// We need to write out the segment headers even in the debugging info,
// even though there won't be any contents of those segments here and
// so we should report sizes of 0.
for (const auto section : segments_) {
const intptr_t start = stream->position();
// file_sizes_ corresponds to active_sections_, so we first need to
// find the offset of this section in there.
auto const active_sections_index =
auto const file_size = file_sizes_.At(active_sections_index);
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IS_32_BIT)
WriteWord(stream, section->segment_type);
WriteOff(stream, section->file_offset);
WriteAddr(stream, section->memory_offset); // Virtual address.
WriteAddr(stream, section->memory_offset); // Physical address, not used.
WriteWord(stream, file_size);
WriteWord(stream, section->memory_size);
WriteWord(stream, section->segment_flags);
WriteWord(stream, section->alignment);
WriteWord(stream, section->segment_type);
WriteWord(stream, section->segment_flags);
WriteOff(stream, section->file_offset);
WriteAddr(stream, section->memory_offset); // Virtual address.
WriteAddr(stream, section->memory_offset); // Physical address, not used.
WriteXWord(stream, file_size);
WriteXWord(stream, section->memory_size);
WriteXWord(stream, section->alignment);
const intptr_t end = stream->position();
ASSERT((end - start) == kElfProgramTableEntrySize);
// Special case: the dynamic section requires both LOAD and DYNAMIC program
// header table entries.
ASSERT(kNumImplicitSegments == 3);
const intptr_t start = stream->position();
auto const active_sections_index =
auto const file_size = file_sizes_.At(active_sections_index);
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IS_32_BIT)
WriteWord(stream, elf::PT_DYNAMIC);
WriteOff(stream, dynamic_->file_offset);
WriteAddr(stream, dynamic_->memory_offset); // Virtual address.
WriteAddr(stream, dynamic_->memory_offset); // Physical address, not used.
WriteWord(stream, file_size);
WriteWord(stream, dynamic_->memory_size);
WriteWord(stream, dynamic_->segment_flags);
WriteWord(stream, dynamic_->alignment);
WriteWord(stream, elf::PT_DYNAMIC);
WriteWord(stream, dynamic_->segment_flags);
WriteOff(stream, dynamic_->file_offset);
WriteAddr(stream, dynamic_->memory_offset); // Virtual address.
WriteAddr(stream, dynamic_->memory_offset); // Physical address, not used.
WriteXWord(stream, file_size);
WriteXWord(stream, dynamic_->memory_size);
WriteXWord(stream, dynamic_->alignment);
const intptr_t end = stream->position();
ASSERT((end - start) == kElfProgramTableEntrySize);
void Elf::WriteSectionTable(StreamingWriteStream* stream) {
ASSERT(stream->position() == section_table_file_offset_);
// The first entry in the section table is reserved and must be all zeros.
ASSERT(kNumInvalidSections == 1);
const intptr_t start = stream->position();
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IS_32_BIT)
WriteWord(stream, 0);
WriteWord(stream, 0);
WriteWord(stream, 0);
WriteAddr(stream, 0);
WriteOff(stream, 0);
WriteWord(stream, 0);
WriteWord(stream, 0);
WriteWord(stream, 0);
WriteWord(stream, 0);
WriteWord(stream, 0);
WriteWord(stream, 0);
WriteWord(stream, 0);
WriteXWord(stream, 0);
WriteAddr(stream, 0);
WriteOff(stream, 0);
WriteXWord(stream, 0);
WriteWord(stream, 0);
WriteWord(stream, 0);
WriteXWord(stream, 0);
WriteXWord(stream, 0);
const intptr_t end = stream->position();
ASSERT((end - start) == kElfSectionTableEntrySize);
for (intptr_t i = 0; i < active_sections_.length(); i++) {
Section* section = active_sections_[i];
auto const name = section_names_.At(i);
auto const type = section_types_.At(i);
auto const file_size = file_sizes_.At(i);
auto const link = SectionTableIndex(section->section_link);
const intptr_t start = stream->position();
#if defined(TARGET_ARCH_IS_32_BIT)
WriteWord(stream, name);
WriteWord(stream, type);
WriteWord(stream, section->section_flags);
WriteAddr(stream, section->memory_offset);
WriteOff(stream, section->file_offset);
WriteWord(stream, file_size); // Has different meaning for BSS.
WriteWord(stream, link);
WriteWord(stream, section->section_info);
WriteWord(stream, section->alignment);
WriteWord(stream, section->section_entry_size);
WriteWord(stream, name);
WriteWord(stream, type);
WriteXWord(stream, section->section_flags);
WriteAddr(stream, section->memory_offset);
WriteOff(stream, section->file_offset);
WriteXWord(stream, file_size); // Has different meaning for BSS.
WriteWord(stream, link);
WriteWord(stream, section->section_info);
WriteXWord(stream, section->alignment);
WriteXWord(stream, section->section_entry_size);
const intptr_t end = stream->position();
ASSERT((end - start) == kElfSectionTableEntrySize);
void Elf::WriteSections(StreamingWriteStream* stream) {
for (auto section : output_sections_) {
ASSERT(stream->position() == section->file_offset);
ASSERT(stream->position() == section->file_offset + section->file_size);
} // namespace dart