blob: 10b5e018563b6382c0b54a86accdb20d0173b3d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/physical_file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/builder.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/context/context_root.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/byte_store.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/driver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/file_state.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/performance_logger.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/dart/sdk/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/interner.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/java_engine.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/utilities_general.dart'
show PerformanceTag;
import 'package:analyzer/src/manifest/manifest_validator.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/pubspec/pubspec_validator.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/source/package_map_resolver.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/source/path_filter.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/idl.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/package_bundle_reader.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/summary_file_builder.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/summary_sdk.dart' show SummaryBasedDartSdk;
import 'package:analyzer/src/task/options.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/util/uri.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/util/yaml.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_cli/src/analyzer_impl.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_cli/src/batch_mode.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_cli/src/build_mode.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_cli/src/context_cache.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_cli/src/error_formatter.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_cli/src/error_severity.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_cli/src/has_context_mixin.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_cli/src/options.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_cli/src/perf_report.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_cli/starter.dart' show CommandLineStarter;
import 'package:linter/src/rules.dart' as linter;
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:package_config/discovery.dart' as pkg_discovery;
import 'package:package_config/packages.dart' show Packages;
import 'package:package_config/packages_file.dart' as pkgfile show parse;
import 'package:package_config/src/packages_impl.dart' show MapPackages;
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
/// Shared IO sink for standard error reporting.
StringSink errorSink = io.stderr;
/// Shared IO sink for standard out reporting.
StringSink outSink = io.stdout;
/// Test this option map to see if it specifies lint rules.
bool containsLintRuleEntry(YamlMap options) {
YamlNode linterNode = getValue(options, 'linter');
return linterNode is YamlMap && getValue(linterNode, 'rules') != null;
class Driver with HasContextMixin implements CommandLineStarter {
static final PerformanceTag _analyzeAllTag =
static final ByteStore analysisDriverMemoryByteStore = MemoryByteStore();
ContextCache contextCache;
/// The driver that was most recently created by a call to [_analyzeAll], or
/// `null` if [_analyzeAll] hasn't been called yet.
AnalysisDriver analysisDriver;
/// The total number of source files loaded by an AnalysisContext.
int _analyzedFileCount = 0;
/// If [analysisDriver] is not `null`, the [CommandLineOptions] that guided
/// its creation.
CommandLineOptions _previousOptions;
/// SDK instance.
DartSdk sdk;
* The resource provider used to access the file system.
final ResourceProvider resourceProvider = PhysicalResourceProvider.INSTANCE;
/// Collected analysis statistics.
final AnalysisStats stats = AnalysisStats();
/// The [PathFilter] for excluded files with wildcards, etc.
PathFilter pathFilter;
/// Create a new Driver instance.
/// [isTesting] is true if we're running in a test environment.
Driver({bool isTesting = false});
* Converts the given [filePath] into absolute and normalized.
String normalizePath(String filePath) {
filePath = filePath.trim();
filePath = resourceProvider.pathContext.absolute(filePath);
filePath = resourceProvider.pathContext.normalize(filePath);
return filePath;
Future<void> start(List<String> args, {SendPort sendPort}) async {
if (analysisDriver != null) {
throw StateError("start() can only be called once");
int startTime =;
StringUtilities.INTERNER = MappedInterner();
// Parse commandline options.
CommandLineOptions options = CommandLineOptions.parse(args);
// Do analysis.
if (options.buildMode) {
ErrorSeverity severity = await _buildModeAnalyze(options, sendPort);
// Propagate issues to the exit code.
if (_shouldBeFatal(severity, options)) {
io.exitCode = severity.ordinal;
} else if (options.batchMode) {
BatchRunner batchRunner = BatchRunner(outSink, errorSink);
batchRunner.runAsBatch(args, (List<String> args) async {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Determine whether this await is necessary.
await null;
CommandLineOptions options = CommandLineOptions.parse(args);
return await _analyzeAll(options);
} else {
ErrorSeverity severity = await _analyzeAll(options);
// Propagate issues to the exit code.
if (_shouldBeFatal(severity, options)) {
io.exitCode = severity.ordinal;
// When training a snapshot, in addition to training regular analysis
// (above), we train build mode as well.
if (options.trainSnapshot) {
// TODO(devoncarew): Iterate on this training to make it more
// representative of what we see internally; call into _buildModeAnalyze()
// with some appropriate options.
print('\nGenerating strong mode summary...');
final Stopwatch stopwatch = Stopwatch()..start();
print('Done in ${stopwatch.elapsedMilliseconds} ms.');
if (analysisDriver != null) {
_analyzedFileCount += analysisDriver.knownFiles.length;
if (options.perfReport != null) {
String json = makePerfReport(
startTime, currentTimeMillis, options, _analyzedFileCount, stats);
Future<ErrorSeverity> _analyzeAll(CommandLineOptions options) async {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Determine whether this await is necessary.
await null;
PerformanceTag previous = _analyzeAllTag.makeCurrent();
try {
return await _analyzeAllImpl(options);
} finally {
/// Perform analysis according to the given [options].
Future<ErrorSeverity> _analyzeAllImpl(CommandLineOptions options) async {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Determine whether this await is necessary.
await null;
if (!options.machineFormat) {
List<String> fileNames = file) {
file = path.normalize(file);
if (file == '.') {
file = path.basename(path.current);
} else if (file == '..') {
file = path.basename(path.normalize(path.absolute(file)));
return file;
outSink.writeln("Analyzing ${fileNames.join(', ')}...");
// These are used to do part file analysis across sources.
Set<String> dartFiles = Set<String>();
Set<FileState> libraryFiles = Set<FileState>();
Set<FileState> danglingParts = Set<FileState>();
// Note: This references analysisDriver via closure, so it will change over
// time during the following analysis.
SeverityProcessor defaultSeverityProcessor = (AnalysisError error) {
return determineProcessedSeverity(
error, options, analysisDriver.analysisOptions);
// We currently print out to stderr to ensure that when in batch mode we
// print to stderr, this is because the prints from batch are made to
// stderr. The reason that options.shouldBatch isn't used is because when
// the argument flags are constructed in BatchRunner and passed in from
// batch mode which removes the batch flag to prevent the "cannot have the
// batch flag and source file" error message.
ErrorFormatter formatter;
if (options.machineFormat) {
formatter = MachineErrorFormatter(errorSink, options, stats,
severityProcessor: defaultSeverityProcessor);
} else {
formatter = HumanErrorFormatter(outSink, options, stats,
severityProcessor: defaultSeverityProcessor);
ErrorSeverity allResult = ErrorSeverity.NONE;
void reportPartError(String partPath) {
errorSink.writeln("$partPath is a part and cannot be analyzed.");
errorSink.writeln("Please pass in a library that contains this part.");
io.exitCode = ErrorSeverity.ERROR.ordinal;
allResult = allResult.max(ErrorSeverity.ERROR);
for (String sourcePath in options.sourceFiles) {
sourcePath = normalizePath(sourcePath);
// Create a context, or re-use the previous one.
try {
_createContextAndAnalyze(options, sourcePath);
} on _DriverError catch (error) {
return ErrorSeverity.ERROR;
// Add all the files to be analyzed en masse to the context. Skip any
// files that were added earlier (whether explicitly or implicitly) to
// avoid causing those files to be unnecessarily re-read.
Set<String> filesToAnalyze = Set<String>();
// Collect files for analysis.
// Note that these files will all be analyzed in the same context.
// This should be updated when the ContextManager re-work is complete
// (See:
Iterable<io.File> files =
_collectFiles(sourcePath, analysisDriver.analysisOptions);
if (files.isEmpty) {
errorSink.writeln('No dart files found at: $sourcePath');
io.exitCode = ErrorSeverity.ERROR.ordinal;
return ErrorSeverity.ERROR;
for (io.File file in files) {
// Analyze the libraries.
for (String path in filesToAnalyze) {
var shortName = resourceProvider.pathContext.basename(path);
if (shortName == AnalysisEngine.ANALYSIS_OPTIONS_YAML_FILE ||
shortName == AnalysisEngine.ANALYSIS_OPTIONS_FILE) {
File file = resourceProvider.getFile(path);
String content = file.readAsStringSync();
LineInfo lineInfo = LineInfo.fromContent(content);
List<AnalysisError> errors = analyzeAnalysisOptions(
file.createSource(), content, analysisDriver.sourceFactory);
ErrorsResultImpl(analysisDriver.currentSession, path, null,
lineInfo, false, errors)
for (AnalysisError error in errors) {
ErrorSeverity severity = determineProcessedSeverity(
error, options, analysisDriver.analysisOptions);
if (severity != null) {
allResult = allResult.max(severity);
} else if (shortName == AnalysisEngine.PUBSPEC_YAML_FILE) {
try {
File file = resourceProvider.getFile(path);
String content = file.readAsStringSync();
YamlNode node = loadYamlNode(content);
if (node is YamlMap) {
PubspecValidator validator =
PubspecValidator(resourceProvider, file.createSource());
LineInfo lineInfo = LineInfo.fromContent(content);
List<AnalysisError> errors = validator.validate(node.nodes);
ErrorsResultImpl(analysisDriver.currentSession, path, null,
lineInfo, false, errors)
for (AnalysisError error in errors) {
ErrorSeverity severity = determineProcessedSeverity(
error, options, analysisDriver.analysisOptions);
allResult = allResult.max(severity);
} catch (exception) {
// If the file cannot be analyzed, ignore it.
} else if (shortName == AnalysisEngine.ANDROID_MANIFEST_FILE) {
try {
File file = resourceProvider.getFile(path);
String content = file.readAsStringSync();
ManifestValidator validator =
LineInfo lineInfo = LineInfo.fromContent(content);
List<AnalysisError> errors = validator.validate(
content, analysisDriver.analysisOptions.chromeOsManifestChecks);
ErrorsResultImpl(analysisDriver.currentSession, path, null,
lineInfo, false, errors)
for (AnalysisError error in errors) {
ErrorSeverity severity = determineProcessedSeverity(
error, options, analysisDriver.analysisOptions);
allResult = allResult.max(severity);
} catch (exception) {
// If the file cannot be analyzed, ignore it.
} else {
var file = analysisDriver.fsState.getFileForPath(path);
if (file.isPart) {
if (!libraryFiles.contains(file.library)) {
ErrorSeverity status = await _runAnalyzer(file, options, formatter);
allResult = allResult.max(status);
// Mark previously dangling parts as no longer dangling.
for (FileState part in file.partedFiles) {
// We are done analyzing this batch of files.
// The next batch should not be affected by a previous batch.
// E.g. the same parts in both batches, but with different libraries.
for (var path in dartFiles) {
// Any dangling parts still in this list were definitely dangling.
for (FileState partFile in danglingParts) {
if (!options.machineFormat) {
return allResult;
/// Perform analysis in build mode according to the given [options].
/// If [sendPort] is provided it is used for bazel worker communication
/// instead of stdin/stdout.
Future<ErrorSeverity> _buildModeAnalyze(
CommandLineOptions options, SendPort sendPort) async {
// TODO(brianwilkerson) Determine whether this await is necessary.
await null;
PerformanceTag previous = _analyzeAllTag.makeCurrent();
try {
if (options.buildModePersistentWorker) {
var workerLoop = sendPort == null
? AnalyzerWorkerLoop.std(resourceProvider,
dartSdkPath: options.dartSdkPath)
: AnalyzerWorkerLoop.sendPort(resourceProvider, sendPort,
dartSdkPath: options.dartSdkPath);
return ErrorSeverity.NONE;
} else {
return await BuildMode(resourceProvider, options, stats,
ContextCache(resourceProvider, options, verbosePrint))
} finally {
/// Decide on the appropriate method for resolving URIs based on the given
/// [options] and [customUrlMappings] settings, and return a
/// [SourceFactory] that has been configured accordingly.
/// When [includeSdkResolver] is `false`, return a temporary [SourceFactory]
/// for the purpose of resolved analysis options file `include:` directives.
/// In this situation, [analysisOptions] is ignored and can be `null`.
SourceFactory _chooseUriResolutionPolicy(
CommandLineOptions options,
Map<Folder, YamlMap> embedderMap,
_PackageInfo packageInfo,
SummaryDataStore summaryDataStore,
bool includeSdkResolver,
AnalysisOptions analysisOptions) {
UriResolver packageUriResolver;
if (packageInfo.packageMap != null) {
packageUriResolver = PackageMapUriResolver(
// Now, build our resolver list.
List<UriResolver> resolvers = [];
// 'dart:' URIs come first.
// Setup embedding.
if (includeSdkResolver) {
EmbedderSdk embedderSdk = EmbedderSdk(resourceProvider, embedderMap);
if (embedderSdk.libraryMap.size() == 0) {
// The embedder uri resolver has no mappings. Use the default Dart SDK
// uri resolver.
} else {
// The embedder uri resolver has mappings, use it instead of the default
// Dart SDK uri resolver.
embedderSdk.analysisOptions = analysisOptions;
// Then package URIs from summaries.
resolvers.add(InSummaryUriResolver(resourceProvider, summaryDataStore));
// Then package URIs.
if (packageUriResolver != null) {
// Finally files.
return SourceFactory(resolvers);
/// Collect all analyzable files at [filePath], recursively if it's a
/// directory, ignoring links.
Iterable<io.File> _collectFiles(String filePath, AnalysisOptions options) {
List<io.File> files = <io.File>[];
io.File file = io.File(filePath);
if (file.existsSync() && !pathFilter.ignored(filePath)) {
} else {
io.Directory directory = io.Directory(filePath);
if (directory.existsSync()) {
for (io.FileSystemEntity entry
in directory.listSync(recursive: true, followLinks: false)) {
String relative = path.relative(entry.path, from: directory.path);
if ((AnalysisEngine.isDartFileName(entry.path) ||
AnalysisEngine.isManifestFileName(entry.path)) &&
entry is io.File &&
!pathFilter.ignored(entry.path) &&
!_isInHiddenDir(relative)) {
return files;
/// Create an analysis driver that is prepared to analyze sources according
/// to the given [options], and store it in [analysisDriver].
void _createContextAndAnalyze(CommandLineOptions options, String source) {
// If not the same command-line options, clear cached information.
if (!_equalCommandLineOptions(_previousOptions, options)) {
_previousOptions = options;
contextCache = ContextCache(resourceProvider, options, verbosePrint);
analysisDriver = null;
AnalysisOptionsImpl analysisOptions =
createAnalysisOptionsForCommandLineOptions(options, source);
// Store the [PathFilter] for this context to properly exclude files
pathFilter = PathFilter(getContextInfo(options, source).analysisRoot,
// If we have the analysis driver, and the new analysis options are the
// same, we can reuse this analysis driver.
if (analysisDriver != null &&
analysisOptions.signature)) {
// Set up logging.
if (options.log) {
AnalysisEngine.instance.instrumentationService = StdInstrumentation();
// Save stats from previous context before clobbering it.
if (analysisDriver != null) {
_analyzedFileCount += analysisDriver.knownFiles.length;
// Find package info.
_PackageInfo packageInfo = _findPackages(options);
// Process embedders.
Map<Folder, YamlMap> embedderMap = {};
if (packageInfo.packageMap != null) {
var libFolder = packageInfo.packageMap['sky_engine']?.first;
if (libFolder != null) {
EmbedderYamlLocator locator =
embedderMap = locator.embedderYamls;
// No summaries in the presence of embedders.
bool useSummaries = embedderMap.isEmpty;
if (!useSummaries && options.buildSummaryInputs.isNotEmpty) {
throw _DriverError('Summaries are not yet supported when using Flutter.');
// Read any input summaries.
SummaryDataStore summaryDataStore = SummaryDataStore(
useSummaries ? options.buildSummaryInputs : <String>[]);
// Once options and embedders are processed, setup the SDK.
_setupSdk(options, useSummaries, analysisOptions);
PackageBundle sdkBundle = sdk.getLinkedBundle();
if (sdkBundle != null) {
summaryDataStore.addBundle(null, sdkBundle);
// Choose a package resolution policy and a diet parsing policy based on
// the command-line options.
SourceFactory sourceFactory = _chooseUriResolutionPolicy(options,
embedderMap, packageInfo, summaryDataStore, true, analysisOptions);
PerformanceLog log = PerformanceLog(null);
AnalysisDriverScheduler scheduler = AnalysisDriverScheduler(log);
analysisDriver = AnalysisDriver(
ContextRoot(source, [], pathContext: resourceProvider.pathContext),
analysisDriver.results.listen((_) {});
analysisDriver.exceptions.listen((_) {});
/// Return discovered packagespec, or `null` if none is found.
Packages _discoverPackagespec(Uri root) {
try {
Packages packages = pkg_discovery.findPackagesFromFile(root);
if (packages != Packages.noPackages) {
return packages;
} catch (_) {
// Ignore and fall through to null.
return null;
_PackageInfo _findPackages(CommandLineOptions options) {
Packages packages;
Map<String, List<Folder>> packageMap;
if (options.packageConfigPath != null) {
String packageConfigPath = options.packageConfigPath;
Uri fileUri = Uri.file(packageConfigPath);
try {
io.File configFile = io.File.fromUri(fileUri).absolute;
List<int> bytes = configFile.readAsBytesSync();
Map<String, Uri> map = pkgfile.parse(bytes, configFile.uri);
packages = MapPackages(map);
packageMap = _getPackageMap(packages);
} catch (e) {
'Unable to read package config data from $packageConfigPath: $e');
} else if (options.packageRootPath != null) {
packageMap = _PackageRootPackageMapBuilder.buildPackageMap(
} else {
Resource cwd = resourceProvider.getResource(path.current);
// Look for .packages.
packages = _discoverPackagespec(;
packageMap = _getPackageMap(packages);
return _PackageInfo(packages, packageMap);
Map<String, List<Folder>> _getPackageMap(Packages packages) {
if (packages == null) {
return null;
Map<String, List<Folder>> folderMap = Map<String, List<Folder>>();
var pathContext = resourceProvider.pathContext;
packages.asMap().forEach((String packagePath, Uri uri) {
String path = fileUriToNormalizedPath(pathContext, uri);
folderMap[packagePath] = [resourceProvider.getFolder(path)];
return folderMap;
/// Returns `true` if this relative path is a hidden directory.
bool _isInHiddenDir(String relative) =>
path.split(relative).any((part) => part.startsWith("."));
/// Analyze a single source.
Future<ErrorSeverity> _runAnalyzer(
FileState file, CommandLineOptions options, ErrorFormatter formatter) {
int startTime = currentTimeMillis;
AnalyzerImpl analyzer = AnalyzerImpl(analysisDriver.analysisOptions,
analysisDriver, file, options, stats, startTime);
return analyzer.analyze(formatter);
void _setupSdk(CommandLineOptions options, bool useSummaries,
AnalysisOptions analysisOptions) {
if (sdk == null) {
if (options.dartSdkSummaryPath != null) {
sdk = SummaryBasedDartSdk(options.dartSdkSummaryPath, true);
} else {
String dartSdkPath = options.dartSdkPath;
FolderBasedDartSdk dartSdk = FolderBasedDartSdk(
resourceProvider, resourceProvider.getFolder(dartSdkPath));
dartSdk.useSummary = useSummaries &&
options.sourceFiles.every((String sourcePath) {
sourcePath = path.absolute(sourcePath);
sourcePath = path.normalize(sourcePath);
return !path.isWithin(dartSdkPath, sourcePath);
dartSdk.analysisOptions = analysisOptions;
sdk = dartSdk;
bool _shouldBeFatal(ErrorSeverity severity, CommandLineOptions options) {
if (severity == ErrorSeverity.ERROR) {
return true;
} else if (severity == ErrorSeverity.WARNING &&
(options.warningsAreFatal || options.infosAreFatal)) {
return true;
} else if (severity == ErrorSeverity.INFO && options.infosAreFatal) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
static void verbosePrint(String text) {
/// Return whether the [newOptions] are equal to the [previous].
static bool _equalCommandLineOptions(
CommandLineOptions previous, CommandLineOptions newOptions) {
return previous != null &&
newOptions != null &&
newOptions.packageRootPath == previous.packageRootPath &&
newOptions.packageConfigPath == previous.packageConfigPath &&
_equalMaps(newOptions.definedVariables, previous.definedVariables) &&
newOptions.log == previous.log &&
newOptions.disableHints == previous.disableHints &&
newOptions.showPackageWarnings == previous.showPackageWarnings &&
newOptions.showPackageWarningsPrefix ==
previous.showPackageWarningsPrefix &&
newOptions.showSdkWarnings == previous.showSdkWarnings &&
newOptions.lints == previous.lints &&
newOptions.strongMode == previous.strongMode &&
newOptions.buildSummaryInputs, previous.buildSummaryInputs) &&
newOptions.disableCacheFlushing == previous.disableCacheFlushing &&
_equalLists(newOptions.enabledExperiments, previous.enabledExperiments);
/// Perform a deep comparison of two string lists.
static bool _equalLists(List<String> l1, List<String> l2) {
if (l1.length != l2.length) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < l1.length; i++) {
if (l1[i] != l2[i]) {
return false;
return true;
/// Perform a deep comparison of two string maps.
static bool _equalMaps(Map<String, String> m1, Map<String, String> m2) {
if (m1.length != m2.length) {
return false;
for (String key in m1.keys) {
if (!m2.containsKey(key) || m1[key] != m2[key]) {
return false;
return true;
class _DriverError implements Exception {
final String msg;
class _PackageInfo {
final Packages packages;
final Map<String, List<Folder>> packageMap;
_PackageInfo(this.packages, this.packageMap);
class _PackageRootPackageMapBuilder {
/// In the case that the analyzer is invoked with a --package-root option, we
/// need to manually create the mapping from package name to folder.
/// Given [packageRootPath], creates a simple mapping from package name
/// to full path on disk (resolving any symbolic links).
static Map<String, List<Folder>> buildPackageMap(String packageRootPath) {
var packageRoot = io.Directory(packageRootPath);
if (!packageRoot.existsSync()) {
throw _DriverError(
'Package root directory ($packageRootPath) does not exist.');
var packages = packageRoot.listSync(followLinks: false);
var result = Map<String, List<Folder>>();
for (var package in packages) {
var packageName = path.basename(package.path);
var realPath = package.resolveSymbolicLinksSync();
result[packageName] = [
return result;