blob: e19a1e324c401592edee9ef8047261a3d585ba48 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:status_file/canonical_status_file.dart';
import 'result_json_models.dart';
import '../results/configurations.dart';
import '../results/status_expectations.dart';
import '../results/status_files.dart';
import '../util.dart';
typedef SectionsSuggestion ComputeSectionsFunc(
List<Configuration> failingConfigurations,
List<Configuration> passingConfigurations,
StatusExpectations expectations,
String testName);
/// [FailingTest] captures the essential information of a failing test, to
/// suggest sections to be updated.
class FailingTest {
/// [result] holds data from the actual running of the test, such as name and
/// outcome.
final Result result;
/// [TestResult] is the combined result for all tests in all configurations,
/// gathered from the result.logs.
final TestResult testResult;
final List<Configuration> failingConfigurations;
final List<Configuration> passingConfigurations;
FailingTest(this.result, this.testResult, this.failingConfigurations,
// There are multiple strategies for finding candidate sections, which will
// then be presented to the user.
List<SectionsSuggestion> computeSections(StatusExpectations expectations) {
var computeSectionStrategies = <ComputeSectionsFunc>[
// We remember all the sections already found by previous strategies. The
// most precise strategies should be called first, so a section is printed
// with the most accurate description of why it is a good candidate..
var seenSections = new Set<StatusSectionWithFile>();
var computedList = <SectionsSuggestion>[];
computeSectionStrategies.forEach((strategy) {
var suggestion = strategy(failingConfigurations, passingConfigurations,
suggestion.sections = suggestion.sections
.where((section) => !seenSections.contains(section))
if (suggestion != null && suggestion.sections.isNotEmpty) {
return computedList;
/// Checks, from [expectations], if the failing test is still failing.
bool stillFailing(StatusExpectations expectations) {
var testExpectations = expectations.getTestResultsWithExpectation();
return testExpectations
.where((expectation) =>
!expectation.isSuccess() && expectation.result == result)
/// Gets the status files for the suite this test belongs to.
List<StatusFile> statusFiles(StatusExpectations expectations) {
var testSuite = getSuiteNameForTest(;
return expectations.statusFilesMaps[testSuite].statusFiles;
/// Gets all failing status entries. Test can still fail without having any
/// entries.
List<StatusSectionEntry> failingStatusEntries(
StatusExpectations expectations) {
var entries = _sectionEntriesForTestInConfigurations(
expectations, failingConfigurations,,
success: false);
return new Set.from(entries).toList();
/// Gets the failing configurations not covered by expressions in [sections].
List<Configuration> failingConfigurationsNotCovered(
StatusExpectations expectations, List<StatusSectionWithFile> sections) {
return _configurationsNotCovered(
expectations, sections, this.failingConfigurations);
/// Gets the passing configurations not covered by expressions in [sections].
List<Configuration> passingConfigurationsNotCovered(
StatusExpectations expectations, List<StatusSectionWithFile> sections) {
return _configurationsNotCovered(
expectations, sections, this.passingConfigurations);
List<Configuration> _configurationsNotCovered(
StatusExpectations expectations,
List<StatusSectionWithFile> sections,
List<Configuration> configurations) {
List<Configuration> notCovered = [];
for (var configuration in configurations) {
var environment = expectations.configurationEnvironments[configuration];
if (!sections
.any((section) => section.section.condition.evaluate(environment))) {
return notCovered;
/// Finds status section entries (entries with a path and expectation), where
/// the path matches the test name, in [statusExpectations] for the
/// [configurations]. [success] can be used to further filter on the entries, by
/// specifying if the status section entry should be successful, failing or both
/// (null), when compared with the result from the test, in one of the
/// configurations.
List<StatusSectionEntry> _sectionEntriesForTestInConfigurations(
StatusExpectations statusExpectations,
List<Configuration> configurations,
String testName,
{bool success: null}) {
var expectations = statusExpectations.getTestResultsWithExpectation();
return expectations
.where((expectation) =>
configurations.contains(expectation.configuration) && == testName &&
(success == null || expectation.isSuccess() == success))
.expand((testResult) => testResult.entries)
* Strategies to find sections
/// Strategy that returns all status headers that have a failing status entry
/// for this test. For tests going from some failure to passing, this would be
/// the preferred option.
/// We are not guaranteed that any sections will cover all failing sections.
SectionsSuggestion _findExistingFailingEntriesStrategy(
List<Configuration> failingConfigurations,
List<Configuration> passingConfigurations,
StatusExpectations expectations,
String testName) {
String description = "These sections already already have entries for this "
"test, that apply to at least one failing configuration";
var allEntries = new Set<StatusSectionEntry>.from(
expectations, failingConfigurations, testName,
success: false));
var sections = allEntries
(entry) => new StatusSectionWithFile(entry.statusFile, entry.section))
return new SectionsSuggestion(description, sections);
/// The [_failingSectionsIntersectionStrategy] will hopefully be the bread and
/// butter strategy for most. It takes the intersection of all failing
/// configurations enabled sections and subtracts the set of all sections
/// enabled for the passing configurations.
/// If a result is found, it is guaranteed to cover all the failing
/// configurations and none of the passing configurations.
SectionsSuggestion _failingSectionsIntersectionStrategy(
List<Configuration> failingConfigurations,
List<Configuration> passingConfigurations,
StatusExpectations expectations,
String testName) {
String description = "Every section listed here covers all failing"
"configurations and none of the passing configurations.";
var testSuite = getSuiteNameForTest(testName);
var configurationSections = <StatusSectionWithFile, List<Configuration>>{};
for (var configuration in failingConfigurations) {
var sections =
_sectionsFromConfiguration(expectations, configuration, testSuite);
for (var section in _filterSections(sections, testSuite, configuration)) {
configurationSections.putIfAbsent(section, () => [])..add(configuration);
var sections = new Set<StatusSectionWithFile>.from(configurationSections.keys
.where((key) =>
failingConfigurations.length == configurationSections[key].length));
if (sections.isEmpty) {
return new SectionsSuggestion(description, []);
for (var configuration in passingConfigurations) {
var sectionsToRemove =
_sectionsFromConfiguration(expectations, configuration, testSuite);
var sortedSections = sections.toList()
..sort((a, b) => a.section.condition.compareTo(b.section.condition));
return new SectionsSuggestion(description, sortedSections);
/// The [_statusSectionDifferenceStrategy] takes the union of all enabled
/// failing sections and subtracts all the enabled passing sections. We are
/// guaranteed to not select a section that is enabled in a passing
/// configuration, however, it is not guaranteed that a combination of the
/// sections will cover all failing configurations.
SectionsSuggestion _statusSectionDifferenceStrategy(
List<Configuration> failingConfigurations,
List<Configuration> passingConfigurations,
StatusExpectations expectations,
String testName) {
String description = "All sections cover one or more failing "
"configuration but none of the passing configurations.";
var configurationSections = <Configuration, Set<StatusSectionWithFile>>{};
var testSuite = getSuiteNameForTest(testName);
for (var configuration in failingConfigurations) {
var sections = _filterSections(
_sectionsFromConfiguration(expectations, configuration, testSuite),
configurationSections[configuration] = new Set.from(sections);
for (var configuration in passingConfigurations) {
var sectionsToRemove =
_sectionsFromConfiguration(expectations, configuration, testSuite);
for (var failingSections in configurationSections.values) {
var sortedSections = configurationSections.values
.reduce((a, b) => a..addAll(b))
..sort((a, b) => a.section.condition.compareTo(b.section.condition));
return new SectionsSuggestion(description, sortedSections);
List<StatusSectionWithFile> _sectionsFromConfiguration(
StatusExpectations expectations,
Configuration configuration,
String testSuite) {
var environment = expectations.configurationEnvironments[configuration];
return expectations.statusFilesMaps[testSuite]
/// Filters section by not taking the default section, and also exclude status
/// files of other compilers.
List<StatusSectionWithFile> _filterSections(
List<StatusSectionWithFile> statusSections,
String suite,
Configuration configuration) {
String specificStatusFile =
configuration.compiler == Compiler.none ? "" : configuration.compiler;
if (configuration.compiler == {
specificStatusFile =;
if (configuration.compiler == Compiler.dartk ||
configuration.compiler == Compiler.dartkp) {
specificStatusFile = "kernel";
if (specificStatusFile.isEmpty) {
return statusSections
.where((statusSection) => statusSection.section.condition != null);
} else {
return statusSections
.where((statusSection) =>
statusSection.section.condition != null &&
(statusSection.statusFile.path.endsWith("$suite.status") ||
.endsWith("${suite}-$specificStatusFile.status") ||
/// A [SectionsSuggestion] object holds all the sections suggested by a
/// strategy, and a description of that strategy.
class SectionsSuggestion {
final String strategy;
List<StatusSectionWithFile> sections;
SectionsSuggestion(this.strategy, this.sections);