blob: edc7192c060e8ba4575659c1a168c410c98372bf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include "vm/compiler/frontend/kernel_to_il.h"
#include "vm/kernel.h"
#include "vm/object.h"
namespace dart {
namespace kernel {
// Keep in sync with package:kernel/lib/binary/tag.dart.
static const uint32_t kMagicProgramFile = 0x90ABCDEFu;
static const uint32_t kBinaryFormatVersion = 2;
// Keep in sync with package:kernel/lib/binary/tag.dart
enum Tag {
kNothing = 0,
kSomething = 1,
kClass = 2,
kFunctionNode = 3,
kField = 4,
kConstructor = 5,
kProcedure = 6,
kInvalidInitializer = 7,
kFieldInitializer = 8,
kSuperInitializer = 9,
kRedirectingInitializer = 10,
kLocalInitializer = 11,
kAssertInitializer = 12,
kDirectPropertyGet = 15,
kDirectPropertySet = 16,
kDirectMethodInvocation = 17,
kConstStaticInvocation = 18,
kInvalidExpression = 19,
kVariableGet = 20,
kVariableSet = 21,
kPropertyGet = 22,
kPropertySet = 23,
kSuperPropertyGet = 24,
kSuperPropertySet = 25,
kStaticGet = 26,
kStaticSet = 27,
kMethodInvocation = 28,
kSuperMethodInvocation = 29,
kStaticInvocation = 30,
kConstructorInvocation = 31,
kConstConstructorInvocation = 32,
kNot = 33,
kLogicalExpression = 34,
kConditionalExpression = 35,
kStringConcatenation = 36,
kIsExpression = 37,
kAsExpression = 38,
kStringLiteral = 39,
kDoubleLiteral = 40,
kTrueLiteral = 41,
kFalseLiteral = 42,
kNullLiteral = 43,
kSymbolLiteral = 44,
kTypeLiteral = 45,
kThisExpression = 46,
kRethrow = 47,
kThrow = 48,
kListLiteral = 49,
kMapLiteral = 50,
kAwaitExpression = 51,
kFunctionExpression = 52,
kLet = 53,
kPositiveIntLiteral = 55,
kNegativeIntLiteral = 56,
kBigIntLiteral = 57,
kConstListLiteral = 58,
kConstMapLiteral = 59,
kInvalidStatement = 60,
kExpressionStatement = 61,
kBlock = 62,
kEmptyStatement = 63,
kAssertStatement = 64,
kLabeledStatement = 65,
kBreakStatement = 66,
kWhileStatement = 67,
kDoStatement = 68,
kForStatement = 69,
kForInStatement = 70,
kSwitchStatement = 71,
kContinueSwitchStatement = 72,
kIfStatement = 73,
kReturnStatement = 74,
kTryCatch = 75,
kTryFinally = 76,
kYieldStatement = 77,
kVariableDeclaration = 78,
kFunctionDeclaration = 79,
kAsyncForInStatement = 80,
kTypedefType = 87,
kVectorType = 88,
kBottomType = 89,
kInvalidType = 90,
kDynamicType = 91,
kVoidType = 92,
kInterfaceType = 93,
kFunctionType = 94,
kTypeParameterType = 95,
kSimpleInterfaceType = 96,
kSimpleFunctionType = 97,
kVectorCreation = 102,
kVectorGet = 103,
kVectorSet = 104,
kVectorCopy = 105,
kClosureCreation = 106,
kConstantExpression = 107,
kSpecializedTagHighBit = 0x80, // 10000000
kSpecializedTagMask = 0xF8, // 11111000
kSpecializedPayloadMask = 0x7, // 00000111
kSpecializedVariableGet = 128,
kSpecializedVariableSet = 136,
kSpecialIntLiteral = 144,
// Keep in sync with package:kernel/lib/binary/tag.dart
enum ConstantTag {
kNullConstant = 0,
kBoolConstant = 1,
kIntConstant = 2,
kDoubleConstant = 3,
kStringConstant = 4,
kMapConstant = 5,
kListConstant = 6,
kInstanceConstant = 7,
kTearOffConstant = 8,
kTypeLiteralConstant = 9,
static const int SpecializedIntLiteralBias = 3;
static const int LibraryCountFieldCountFromEnd = 1;
static const int SourceTableFieldCountFromFirstLibraryOffset = 4;
static const int HeaderSize = 8; // 'magic', 'formatVersion'.
static const int MetadataPayloadOffset = HeaderSize; // Right after header.
class Reader {
Reader(const uint8_t* buffer, intptr_t size)
: raw_buffer_(buffer), typed_data_(NULL), size_(size), offset_(0) {}
explicit Reader(const TypedData& typed_data)
: raw_buffer_(NULL),
size_(typed_data.IsNull() ? 0 : typed_data.Length()),
offset_(0) {}
uint32_t ReadFromIndex(intptr_t end_offset,
intptr_t fields_before,
intptr_t list_size,
intptr_t list_index) {
intptr_t org_offset = offset();
uint32_t result =
ReadFromIndexNoReset(end_offset, fields_before, list_size, list_index);
return result;
uint32_t ReadUInt32At(intptr_t offset) const {
ASSERT((size_ >= 4) && (offset >= 0) && (offset <= size_ - 4));
const uint8_t* buffer = this->buffer();
uint32_t value = (buffer[offset + 0] << 24) | (buffer[offset + 1] << 16) |
(buffer[offset + 2] << 8) | (buffer[offset + 3] << 0);
return value;
uint32_t ReadFromIndexNoReset(intptr_t end_offset,
intptr_t fields_before,
intptr_t list_size,
intptr_t list_index) {
set_offset(end_offset - (fields_before + list_size - list_index) * 4);
return ReadUInt32();
uint32_t ReadUInt32() {
uint32_t value = ReadUInt32At(offset_);
offset_ += 4;
return value;
uint32_t ReadUInt() {
ASSERT((size_ >= 1) && (offset_ >= 0) && (offset_ <= size_ - 1));
const uint8_t* buffer = this->buffer();
uint8_t byte0 = buffer[offset_];
if ((byte0 & 0x80) == 0) {
// 0...
return byte0;
} else if ((byte0 & 0xc0) == 0x80) {
// 10...
ASSERT((size_ >= 2) && (offset_ >= 0) && (offset_ <= size_ - 2));
uint32_t value = ((byte0 & ~0x80) << 8) | (buffer[offset_ + 1]);
offset_ += 2;
return value;
} else {
// 11...
ASSERT((size_ >= 4) && (offset_ >= 0) && (offset_ <= size_ - 4));
uint32_t value = ((byte0 & ~0xc0) << 24) | (buffer[offset_ + 1] << 16) |
(buffer[offset_ + 2] << 8) | (buffer[offset_ + 3] << 0);
offset_ += 4;
return value;
* Read and return a TokenPosition from this reader.
TokenPosition ReadPosition() {
// Position is saved as unsigned,
// but actually ranges from -1 and up (thus the -1)
intptr_t value = ReadUInt() - 1;
TokenPosition result = TokenPosition(value);
max_position_ = Utils::Maximum(max_position_, result);
if (min_position_.IsNoSource()) {
min_position_ = result;
} else if (result.IsReal()) {
min_position_ = Utils::Minimum(min_position_, result);
return result;
intptr_t ReadListLength() { return ReadUInt(); }
uint8_t ReadByte() { return buffer()[offset_++]; }
uint8_t PeekByte() { return buffer()[offset_]; }
bool ReadBool() { return (ReadByte() & 1) == 1; }
uint8_t ReadFlags() { return ReadByte(); }
Tag ReadTag(uint8_t* payload = NULL) {
uint8_t byte = ReadByte();
bool has_payload = (byte & kSpecializedTagHighBit) != 0;
if (has_payload) {
if (payload != NULL) {
*payload = byte & kSpecializedPayloadMask;
return static_cast<Tag>(byte & kSpecializedTagMask);
} else {
return static_cast<Tag>(byte);
Tag PeekTag(uint8_t* payload = NULL) {
uint8_t byte = PeekByte();
bool has_payload = (byte & kSpecializedTagHighBit) != 0;
if (has_payload) {
if (payload != NULL) {
*payload = byte & kSpecializedPayloadMask;
return static_cast<Tag>(byte & kSpecializedTagMask);
} else {
return static_cast<Tag>(byte);
void EnsureEnd() {
if (offset_ != size_) {
"Reading Kernel file: Expected to be at EOF "
"(offset: %" Pd ", size: %" Pd ")",
offset_, size_);
// The largest position read yet (since last reset).
// This is automatically updated when calling ReadPosition,
// but can be overwritten (e.g. via the PositionScope class).
TokenPosition max_position() { return max_position_; }
// The smallest position read yet (since last reset).
// This is automatically updated when calling ReadPosition,
// but can be overwritten (e.g. via the PositionScope class).
TokenPosition min_position() { return min_position_; }
// A canonical name reference of -1 indicates none (for optional names), not
// the root name as in the canonical name table.
NameIndex ReadCanonicalNameReference() { return NameIndex(ReadUInt() - 1); }
intptr_t offset() { return offset_; }
void set_offset(intptr_t offset) { offset_ = offset; }
intptr_t size() { return size_; }
void set_size(intptr_t size) { size_ = size; }
const TypedData* typed_data() { return typed_data_; }
void set_typed_data(const TypedData* typed_data) { typed_data_ = typed_data; }
const uint8_t* raw_buffer() { return raw_buffer_; }
void set_raw_buffer(const uint8_t* raw_buffer) { raw_buffer_ = raw_buffer; }
void CopyDataToVMHeap(const TypedData& typed_data,
intptr_t offset,
intptr_t size) {
NoSafepointScope no_safepoint;
memmove(typed_data.DataAddr(0), buffer() + offset, size);
uint8_t* CopyDataIntoZone(Zone* zone, intptr_t offset, intptr_t length) {
uint8_t* buffer_ = zone->Alloc<uint8_t>(length);
NoSafepointScope no_safepoint;
memmove(buffer_, buffer() + offset, length);
return buffer_;
const uint8_t* buffer() const {
if (raw_buffer_ != NULL) {
return raw_buffer_;
NoSafepointScope no_safepoint;
return reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(typed_data_->DataAddr(0));
const uint8_t* raw_buffer_;
const TypedData* typed_data_;
intptr_t size_;
intptr_t offset_;
TokenPosition max_position_;
TokenPosition min_position_;
intptr_t current_script_id_;
friend class PositionScope;
friend class Program;
// A helper class that resets the readers min and max positions both upon
// initialization and upon destruction, i.e. when created the min an max
// positions will be reset to "noSource", when destructing the min and max will
// be reset to have they value they would have had, if they hadn't been reset in
// the first place.
class PositionScope {
explicit PositionScope(Reader* reader)
: reader_(reader),
max_(reader->max_position_) {
reader->min_position_ = reader->max_position_ = TokenPosition::kNoSource;
~PositionScope() {
if (reader_->min_position_.IsNoSource()) {
reader_->min_position_ = min_;
} else if (min_.IsReal()) {
reader_->min_position_ = Utils::Minimum(reader_->min_position_, min_);
reader_->max_position_ = Utils::Maximum(reader_->max_position_, max_);
Reader* reader_;
TokenPosition min_;
TokenPosition max_;
} // namespace kernel
} // namespace dart
#endif // !defined(DART_PRECOMPILED_RUNTIME)