blob: c2fc2832321122cfb9c31501f3e6783620b29381 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// Script that updates dart2js status lines automatically for tests under the
/// '$dart2js_with_kernel' configuration.
/// This script is hardcoded to only support this configuration and relies on
/// a convention for how the status files are structured, In particular,
/// every status file for dart2js should have 3 sections:
/// [ $compiler == dart2js && $dart2js_with_kernel && $host_checked ]
/// and:
/// [ $compiler == dart2js && $dart2js_with_kernel && $minified ]
/// and:
/// [ $compiler == dart2js && $dart2js_with_kernel && $fast_startup ]
/// and:
/// [ $compiler == dart2js && $checked && $dart2js_with_kernel ]
library compiler.status_files.update_from_log;
import 'dart:io';
import 'record.dart';
import 'log_parser.dart';
final dart2jsConfigurations = {
r'[ $compiler == dart2js && $dart2js_with_kernel && $host_checked ]',
'minified': r'[ $compiler == dart2js && $dart2js_with_kernel && $minified ]',
r'[ $compiler == dart2js && $dart2js_with_kernel && $fast_startup ]',
r'[ $compiler == dart2js && $checked && $dart2js_with_kernel ]',
final dart2jsStatusFiles = {
'language': 'tests/language/language_dart2js.status',
'corelib': 'tests/corelib/corelib.status',
'language_2': 'tests/language_2/language_2_dart2js.status',
// TODO(sigmund,rnystrom): update when corelib_2 gets split into multiple
// status files.
'corelib_2': 'tests/corelib_2/corelib_2.status',
'dart2js_extra': 'tests/compiler/dart2js_extra/dart2js_extra.status',
'dart2js_native': 'tests/compiler/dart2js_native/dart2js_native.status',
'html': 'tests/html/html.status',
main(args) {
mainInternal(args, dart2jsConfigurations, dart2jsStatusFiles);
/// Note: this is called above and also from
/// pkg/front_end/tool/status_files/update_from_log.dart
mainInternal(List<String> args, Map<String, String> configurations,
Map<String, String> statusFiles) {
if (args.length < 2) {
print('usage: update_from_log.dart <mode> log.txt [message-in-quotes]');
print(' where mode is one of these values: ${configurations.keys}');
var mode = args[0];
if (!configurations.containsKey(mode)) {
print('invalid mode: $mode, expected one in ${configurations.keys}');
var uri = Uri.base.resolve(args[1]);
var file = new File.fromUri(uri);
if (!file.existsSync()) {
print('file not found: $file');
var globalReason = args.length > 2 ? args[2] : null;
mode, file.readAsStringSync(), configurations, statusFiles, globalReason);
/// Update all status files based on the [log] records when running the compiler
/// in [mode]. If provided [globalReason] is added as a comment to new test
/// failures. If not, an automated reason might be extracted from the test
/// failure message.
void updateLogs(String mode, String log, Map<String, String> configurations,
Map<String, String> statusFiles, String globalReason) {
List<Record> records = parse(log);
var last;
ConfigurationInSuiteSection section;
for (var record in records) {
if (last == record) continue; // ignore duplicates
if (section?.suite != record.suite) {
var statusFile = statusFiles[record.suite];
var condition = configurations[mode];
section = ConfigurationInSuiteSection.create(
record.suite, mode, statusFile, condition);
last = record;
/// Represents an existing entry in the logs.
class ExistingEntry {
final String test;
final String status;
final bool hasComment;
ExistingEntry(this.test, this.status, this.hasComment);
static parse(String line) {
var colonIndex = line.indexOf(':');
var test = line.substring(0, colonIndex);
var status = line.substring(colonIndex + 1).trim();
var commentIndex = status.indexOf("#");
if (commentIndex != -1) {
status = status.substring(0, commentIndex);
return new ExistingEntry(test, status, commentIndex != -1);
/// Represents a section in a .status file that corresponds to a specific suite
/// and configuration.
class ConfigurationInSuiteSection {
final String suite;
final String _statusFile;
final String _contents;
final int _begin;
final int _end;
final List<Record> _records = [];
this.suite, this._statusFile, this._contents, this._begin, this._end);
/// Add a new test record, indicating that the test status should be updated.
void add(Record record) => _records.add(record);
/// Update the section in the file.
/// This will reflect the new status lines as recorded in [_records].
void update(String providedReason) {
int changes = 0;
int ignored = 0;
var originalEntries = _contents.substring(_begin, _end).split('\n');
// The algorithm below walks entries in the file and from the log in the
// same order: preserving entries that didn't change, and updating entries
// where the logs show that the test status changed.
// Sort the file contents in case the file has been tampered with.
/// Re-sort records by name (they came sorted by suite and status first, so
/// it may be wrong for the merging below).
_records.sort((a, b) => a.test.compareTo(b.test));
var newContents = new StringBuffer();
newContents.write(_contents.substring(0, _begin));
addFromRecord(Record record) {
var reason = providedReason ?? record.reason;
var comment = reason != null && reason.isNotEmpty ? ' # ${reason}' : '';
newContents.writeln('${record.test}: ${record.actual}$comment');
int i = 0, j = 0;
while (i < originalEntries.length && j < _records.length) {
var existingLine = originalEntries[i];
if (existingLine.trim().isEmpty) {
var existing = ExistingEntry.parse(existingLine);
var record = _records[j];
var compare = existing.test.compareTo(record.test);
if (compare < 0) {
// Existing test was unaffected, copy the status line.
} else if (compare > 0) {
// New entry, if it's a failure, we haven't seen this before and must
// add it. If the status says it is passing, we ignore it. We do this
// to support making this script idempotent if the patching has already
// been done.
if (!record.isPassing) {
// New failure never seen before
} else if (existing.status == record.actual) {
if (!existing.hasComment && record.reason != null) {
} else {
// This also should only happen if the patching has already been done.
// We don't complain to make this script idempotent.
} else {
// The status changed, if it is now passing, we omit the entry entirely,
// otherwise we use the status from the logs.
if (!record.isPassing) {
for (; i < originalEntries.length; i++) {
for (; j < _records.length; j++) {
new File(_statusFile).writeAsStringSync('$newContents');
print("updated '$_statusFile' with $changes changes");
if (ignored > 0) {
print(' $ignored changes were already applied in the status file.');
static ConfigurationInSuiteSection create(
String suite, String mode, String statusFile, String condition) {
var contents = new File(statusFile).readAsStringSync();
int sectionDeclaration = contents.indexOf(condition);
if (sectionDeclaration == -1) {
print('error: unable to find condition $condition in $statusFile');
int begin = contents.indexOf('\n', sectionDeclaration) + 1;
assert(begin != 0);
int newlinePos = contents.indexOf('\n', begin + 1);
int end = newlinePos;
while (true) {
if (newlinePos == -1) break;
if (newlinePos + 1 < contents.length) {
if (contents[newlinePos + 1] == '[') {
// We've found the end of the section
} else if (contents[newlinePos + 1] == '#') {
// We've found a commented out line. This line might belong to the
// next section.
newlinePos = contents.indexOf('\n', newlinePos + 1);
// We've found an ordinary line. It's part of this section, so update
// end.
newlinePos = contents.indexOf('\n', newlinePos + 1);
end = newlinePos;
end = end == -1 ? contents.length : end + 1;
return new ConfigurationInSuiteSection(
suite, statusFile, contents, begin, end);