blob: 92869c39fbcdfc906b036ee3cec5266a9100c0fe [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2017, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// This tests if the modification of a status file is done correctly, by
// checking that all entries in the original status file are to be found in the
// new status file. The check therefore allows the merging of section headers if
// they are equal, alphabetizing sections and entries, removing line columns and
// normalizing section conditions.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:status_file/canonical_status_file.dart';
import 'package:status_file/src/expression.dart';
import 'package:status_file/status_file_normalizer.dart';
final Uri statusFilePath = Platform.script.resolve("data/");
main() {
void normalizeCheck() {
var files = getStatusFiles();
for (var file in files) {
print("------- " + file.path + " -------");
var statusFile = new;
var statusFileOther = normalizeStatusFile(new;
checkSemanticallyEqual(statusFile, statusFileOther,
warnOnDuplicateHeader: true);
checkFileHeaderIntact(statusFile, statusFileOther);
print("------- " + file.path + " -------");
void sanityCheck() {
var files = getStatusFiles();
for (var file in files) {
print("------- " + file.path + " -------");
var statusFile = new;
var statusFileOther = new;
checkSemanticallyEqual(statusFile, statusFileOther,
warnOnDuplicateHeader: true);
checkFileHeaderIntact(statusFile, statusFileOther);
print("------- " + file.path + " -------");
List<FileSystemEntity> getStatusFiles() {
var statusFiles = <FileSystemEntity>[];
for (var entry
in new Directory.fromUri(statusFilePath).listSync(recursive: true)) {
return statusFiles;
void checkSemanticallyEqual(StatusFile original, StatusFile normalized,
{bool warnOnDuplicateHeader = false}) {
var entriesInOriginal = countEntries(original);
var entriesInNormalized = countEntries(normalized);
if (entriesInOriginal != entriesInNormalized) {
throw new Exception("The count of entries in original is "
"$entriesInOriginal and the count of entries in normalized is "
"$entriesInNormalized. Those two numbers are not the same.");
for (var section in original.sections) {
section.entries.where((entry) => entry is StatusEntry).forEach((entry) =>
findInStatusFile(normalized, entry, section.condition?.normalize(),
warnOnDuplicateHeader: warnOnDuplicateHeader));
int countEntries(StatusFile statusFile) {
return statusFile.sections
.map((section) =>
section.entries.where((entry) => entry is StatusEntry).length)
.fold(0, (count, sum) => count + sum);
void findInStatusFile(
StatusFile statusFile, StatusEntry entryToFind, Expression condition,
{bool warnOnDuplicateHeader = false}) {
int foundEntryPosition = -1;
for (var section in statusFile.sections) {
if (section.condition == null && condition != null ||
section.condition != null && condition == null) {
if (section.condition != null &&
section.condition.normalize().compareTo(condition) != 0) {
var matchingEntries = section.entries
.where((entry) =>
entry is StatusEntry &&
entry.path.compareTo(entryToFind.path) == 0 &&
listEqual(entry.expectations, entryToFind.expectations))
if (matchingEntries.length == 0) {
var message = "Could not find the entry even though the section "
"header matched on line number ${section.lineNumber}. Sections "
"should be unique.";
if (warnOnDuplicateHeader) {
} else {
throw new Exception(message);
} else if (matchingEntries.length == 1 && foundEntryPosition >= 0) {
throw new Exception("The entry '$entryToFind' on line "
"${entryToFind.lineNumber} in section ${section.condition} was "
"already found in a previous section on line $foundEntryPosition.");
} else if (matchingEntries.length == 1) {
foundEntryPosition = matchingEntries[0].lineNumber;
} else {
throw new Exception("The entry '$entryToFind' on line "
"${entryToFind.lineNumber} in section ${section.condition} on line "
"${section.lineNumber} had multiple matches in section.");
if (foundEntryPosition < 0) {
throw new Exception("Could not find entry '$entryToFind' under the "
"condition $condition in the status file.");
void checkFileHeaderIntact(StatusFile original, StatusFile normalized) {
var originalHeader = original.sections.first.sectionHeaderComments.toString();
var normalizedHeader =
if (originalHeader != normalizedHeader) {
throw new Exception(
"File headers changed.\nExpected:\n$originalHeader\n\nActual:\n$normalizedHeader");
bool listEqual<T>(List<T> first, List<T> second) {
if (first.length != second.length) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < first.length; i++) {
if (first[i] != second[i]) {
return false;
return true;