blob: e43c03b562f0adb40ed9f3777d66f71f1ed45163 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2018, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:pub_semver/pub_semver.dart';
import 'package:yaml/yaml.dart';
/// A utility class used to extract the SDK version constraint from a
/// `pubspec.yaml` file.
class SdkConstraintExtractor {
/// The file from which the constraint is to be extracted.
final File pubspecFile;
/// A flag indicating whether the [_constraintText], [_constraintOffset] and
/// [_constraint] have been initialized.
bool _initialized = false;
/// The text of the constraint, or `null` if the range has not yet been
/// computed or if there was an error when attempting to compute the range.
String? _constraintText;
/// The offset of the constraint text, or `-1` if the offset is not known.
int _constraintOffset = -1;
/// The cached range of supported versions, or `null` if the range has not yet
/// been computed or if there was an error when attempting to compute the
/// range.
VersionConstraint? _constraint;
/// Initialize a newly created extractor to extract the SDK version constraint
/// from the given `pubspec.yaml` file.
/// Return the range of supported versions, or `null` if the range could not
/// be computed.
VersionConstraint? constraint() {
if (_constraint == null) {
var text = constraintText();
if (text != null) {
try {
_constraint = VersionConstraint.parse(text);
} catch (e) {
// Ignore this, leaving [_constraint] unset.
return _constraint;
/// Return the offset of the constraint text, or `-1` if there is an
/// error or if the pubspec does not contain an sdk constraint.
int constraintOffset() {
if (_constraintText == null) {
return _constraintOffset;
/// Return the constraint text following "sdk:", or `null` if there is an
/// error or if the pubspec does not contain an sdk constraint.
String? constraintText() {
if (_constraintText == null) {
return _constraintText;
/// Initialize both [_constraintText] and [_constraintOffset], or neither if
/// there is an error or if the pubspec does not contain an sdk constraint.
void _initializeTextAndOffset() {
if (!_initialized) {
_initialized = true;
try {
String fileContent = pubspecFile.readAsStringSync();
YamlDocument document = loadYamlDocument(fileContent);
YamlNode contents = document.contents;
if (contents is YamlMap) {
YamlNode? environment = contents.nodes['environment'];
if (environment is YamlMap) {
YamlNode? sdk = environment.nodes['sdk'];
if (sdk is YamlScalar) {
_constraintText = sdk.value;
_constraintOffset = sdk.span.start.offset;
if ( == ScalarStyle.SINGLE_QUOTED || == ScalarStyle.DOUBLE_QUOTED) {
} catch (e) {
// Ignore this, leaving both fields unset.