blob: 89efeef8a08fe70a2aa259d04d00273ec926d56b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library analyzer.src.generated.bazel;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:core';
import 'package:analyzer/file_system/file_system.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/source_io.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/workspace.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart';
* Instances of the class `BazelFileUriResolver` resolve `file` URI's by first
* resolving file uri's in the expected way, and then by looking in the
* corresponding generated directories.
class BazelFileUriResolver extends ResourceUriResolver {
final BazelWorkspace workspace;
BazelFileUriResolver(BazelWorkspace workspace)
: workspace = workspace,
Source resolveAbsolute(Uri uri, [Uri actualUri]) {
if (!ResourceUriResolver.isFileUri(uri)) {
return null;
String path = provider.pathContext.fromUri(uri);
File file = workspace.findFile(path);
if (file != null) {
return file.createSource(actualUri ?? uri);
return null;
* The [UriResolver] that can resolve `package` URIs in [BazelWorkspace].
class BazelPackageUriResolver extends UriResolver {
final BazelWorkspace _workspace;
final Context _context;
* The cache of absolute [Uri]s to [Source]s mappings.
final Map<Uri, Source> _sourceCache = new HashMap<Uri, Source>();
BazelPackageUriResolver(BazelWorkspace workspace)
: _workspace = workspace,
_context = workspace.provider.pathContext;
Source resolveAbsolute(Uri uri, [Uri actualUri]) {
return _sourceCache.putIfAbsent(uri, () {
if (uri.scheme != 'package') {
return null;
String uriPath = uri.path;
int slash = uriPath.indexOf('/');
// If the path either starts with a slash or has no slash, it is invalid.
if (slash < 1) {
return null;
String packageName = uriPath.substring(0, slash);
String fileUriPart = uriPath.substring(slash + 1);
String filePath = fileUriPart.replaceAll('/', _context.separator);
if (packageName.indexOf('.') == -1) {
String path = _context.join(_workspace.root, 'third_party', 'dart',
packageName, 'lib', filePath);
File file = _workspace.findFile(path);
return file?.createSource(uri);
} else {
String packagePath = packageName.replaceAll('.', _context.separator);
String path =
_context.join(_workspace.root, packagePath, 'lib', filePath);
File file = _workspace.findFile(path);
return file?.createSource(uri);
Uri restoreAbsolute(Source source) {
Context context = _workspace.provider.pathContext;
String path = source.fullName;
Uri restore(String root, String path) {
if (root != null && context.isWithin(root, path)) {
String relative = context.relative(path, from: root);
List<String> components = context.split(relative);
if (components.length > 4 &&
components[0] == 'third_party' &&
components[1] == 'dart' &&
components[3] == 'lib') {
String packageName = components[2];
String pathInLib = components.skip(4).join('/');
return Uri.parse('package:$packageName/$pathInLib');
} else {
for (int i = 2; i < components.length - 1; i++) {
String component = components[i];
if (component == 'lib') {
String packageName = components.getRange(0, i).join('.');
String pathInLib = components.skip(i + 1).join('/');
return Uri.parse('package:$packageName/$pathInLib');
return null;
// Search in each root.
for (String root in [
]) {
Uri uri = restore(root, path);
if (uri != null) {
return uri;
return null;
* Information about a Bazel workspace.
class BazelWorkspace extends Workspace {
static const String _WORKSPACE = 'WORKSPACE';
static const String _READONLY = 'READONLY';
* Default prefix for "-genfiles" and "-bin" that will be assumed if no build
* output symlinks are found.
static const defaultSymlinkPrefix = 'bazel';
final ResourceProvider provider;
* The absolute workspace root path.
* It contains the `WORKSPACE` file or its parent contains the `READONLY`
* folder.
final String root;
* The absolute path to the optional read only workspace root, in the
* `READONLY` folder if a git-based workspace, or `null`.
final String readonly;
* The absolute path to the `bazel-bin` folder.
final String bin;
* The absolute path to the `bazel-genfiles` folder.
final String genfiles;
this.provider, this.root, this.readonly, this.bin, this.genfiles);
Map<String, List<Folder>> get packageMap => null;
UriResolver get packageUriResolver => new BazelPackageUriResolver(this);
SourceFactory createSourceFactory(DartSdk sdk) {
List<UriResolver> resolvers = <UriResolver>[];
if (sdk != null) {
resolvers.add(new DartUriResolver(sdk));
resolvers.add(new BazelFileUriResolver(this));
return new SourceFactory(resolvers, null, provider);
* Return the file with the given [absolutePath], looking first into
* directories for generated files: `bazel-bin` and `bazel-genfiles`, and
* then into the workspace root. The file in the workspace root is returned
* even if it does not exist. Return `null` if the given [absolutePath] is
* not in the workspace [root].
File findFile(String absolutePath) {
Context context = provider.pathContext;
try {
String relative = context.relative(absolutePath, from: root);
// genfiles
if (genfiles != null) {
File file = provider.getFile(context.join(genfiles, relative));
if (file.exists) {
return file;
// bin
if (bin != null) {
File file = provider.getFile(context.join(bin, relative));
if (file.exists) {
return file;
// Writable
File writableFile = provider.getFile(absolutePath);
if (writableFile.exists) {
return writableFile;
if (readonly != null) {
File file = provider.getFile(context.join(readonly, relative));
if (file.exists) {
return file;
// Not generated, return the default one.
return writableFile;
} catch (_) {
return null;
* Find the Bazel workspace that contains the given [path].
* Return `null` if a workspace markers, such as the `WORKSPACE` file, or
* the sibling `READONLY` folder cannot be found.
* Return `null` if the workspace does not have `bazel-genfiles` or
* `blaze-genfiles` folders, so we don't know where to search generated files.
* Return `null` if there is a folder 'foo' with the sibling `READONLY`
* folder, but there is corresponding folder 'foo' in `READONLY`, i.e. the
* corresponding readonly workspace root.
static BazelWorkspace find(ResourceProvider provider, String path) {
Context context = provider.pathContext;
// Ensure that the path is absolute and normalized.
if (!context.isAbsolute(path)) {
throw new ArgumentError('not absolute: $path');
path = context.normalize(path);
Folder folder = provider.getFolder(path);
while (true) {
Folder parent = folder.parent;
if (parent == null) {
return null;
// Found the READONLY folder, might be a git-based workspace.
Folder readonlyFolder = parent.getChildAssumingFolder(_READONLY);
if (readonlyFolder.exists) {
String root = folder.path;
String readonlyRoot =
context.join(readonlyFolder.path, folder.shortName);
if (provider.getFolder(readonlyRoot).exists) {
String symlinkPrefix = _findSymlinkPrefix(provider, root);
if (symlinkPrefix != null) {
return new BazelWorkspace._(
context.join(root, '$symlinkPrefix-bin'),
context.join(root, '$symlinkPrefix-genfiles'));
// Found the WORKSPACE file, must be a non-git workspace.
if (folder.getChildAssumingFile(_WORKSPACE).exists) {
String root = folder.path;
String symlinkPrefix = _findSymlinkPrefix(provider, root);
if (symlinkPrefix == null) {
return null;
return new BazelWorkspace._(
context.join(root, '$symlinkPrefix-bin'),
context.join(root, '$symlinkPrefix-genfiles'));
// Go up the folder.
folder = parent;
* Return the symlink prefix for folders `X-bin` or `X-genfiles` by probing
* the internal `blaze-genfiles` and `bazel-genfiles`. Make a default
* assumption according to defaultSymlinkPrefix if neither of the folders
* exists.
static String _findSymlinkPrefix(ResourceProvider provider, String root) {
Context context = provider.pathContext;
if (provider.getFolder(context.join(root, 'blaze-genfiles')).exists) {
return 'blaze';
if (provider.getFolder(context.join(root, 'bazel-genfiles')).exists) {
return 'bazel';
// Couldn't find it. Make a default assumption.
return defaultSymlinkPrefix;