| // Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file |
| // for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a |
| // BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| part of html; |
| |
| /** |
| * Defines the standard keyboard identifier names for keys that are returned |
| * by KeyEvent.getKeyboardIdentifier when the key does not have a direct |
| * unicode mapping. |
| */ |
| abstract class KeyName { |
| |
| /** The Accept (Commit, OK) key */ |
| static const String ACCEPT = "Accept"; |
| |
| /** The Add key */ |
| static const String ADD = "Add"; |
| |
| /** The Again key */ |
| static const String AGAIN = "Again"; |
| |
| /** The All Candidates key */ |
| static const String ALL_CANDIDATES = "AllCandidates"; |
| |
| /** The Alphanumeric key */ |
| static const String ALPHANUMERIC = "Alphanumeric"; |
| |
| /** The Alt (Menu) key */ |
| static const String ALT = "Alt"; |
| |
| /** The Alt-Graph key */ |
| static const String ALT_GRAPH = "AltGraph"; |
| |
| /** The Application key */ |
| static const String APPS = "Apps"; |
| |
| /** The ATTN key */ |
| static const String ATTN = "Attn"; |
| |
| /** The Browser Back key */ |
| static const String BROWSER_BACK = "BrowserBack"; |
| |
| /** The Browser Favorites key */ |
| static const String BROWSER_FAVORTIES = "BrowserFavorites"; |
| |
| /** The Browser Forward key */ |
| static const String BROWSER_FORWARD = "BrowserForward"; |
| |
| /** The Browser Home key */ |
| static const String BROWSER_NAME = "BrowserHome"; |
| |
| /** The Browser Refresh key */ |
| static const String BROWSER_REFRESH = "BrowserRefresh"; |
| |
| /** The Browser Search key */ |
| static const String BROWSER_SEARCH = "BrowserSearch"; |
| |
| /** The Browser Stop key */ |
| static const String BROWSER_STOP = "BrowserStop"; |
| |
| /** The Camera key */ |
| static const String CAMERA = "Camera"; |
| |
| /** The Caps Lock (Capital) key */ |
| static const String CAPS_LOCK = "CapsLock"; |
| |
| /** The Clear key */ |
| static const String CLEAR = "Clear"; |
| |
| /** The Code Input key */ |
| static const String CODE_INPUT = "CodeInput"; |
| |
| /** The Compose key */ |
| static const String COMPOSE = "Compose"; |
| |
| /** The Control (Ctrl) key */ |
| static const String CONTROL = "Control"; |
| |
| /** The Crsel key */ |
| static const String CRSEL = "Crsel"; |
| |
| /** The Convert key */ |
| static const String CONVERT = "Convert"; |
| |
| /** The Copy key */ |
| static const String COPY = "Copy"; |
| |
| /** The Cut key */ |
| static const String CUT = "Cut"; |
| |
| /** The Decimal key */ |
| static const String DECIMAL = "Decimal"; |
| |
| /** The Divide key */ |
| static const String DIVIDE = "Divide"; |
| |
| /** The Down Arrow key */ |
| static const String DOWN = "Down"; |
| |
| /** The diagonal Down-Left Arrow key */ |
| static const String DOWN_LEFT = "DownLeft"; |
| |
| /** The diagonal Down-Right Arrow key */ |
| static const String DOWN_RIGHT = "DownRight"; |
| |
| /** The Eject key */ |
| static const String EJECT = "Eject"; |
| |
| /** The End key */ |
| static const String END = "End"; |
| |
| /** |
| * The Enter key. Note: This key value must also be used for the Return |
| * (Macintosh numpad) key |
| */ |
| static const String ENTER = "Enter"; |
| |
| /** The Erase EOF key */ |
| static const String ERASE_EOF= "EraseEof"; |
| |
| /** The Execute key */ |
| static const String EXECUTE = "Execute"; |
| |
| /** The Exsel key */ |
| static const String EXSEL = "Exsel"; |
| |
| /** The Function switch key */ |
| static const String FN = "Fn"; |
| |
| /** The F1 key */ |
| static const String F1 = "F1"; |
| |
| /** The F2 key */ |
| static const String F2 = "F2"; |
| |
| /** The F3 key */ |
| static const String F3 = "F3"; |
| |
| /** The F4 key */ |
| static const String F4 = "F4"; |
| |
| /** The F5 key */ |
| static const String F5 = "F5"; |
| |
| /** The F6 key */ |
| static const String F6 = "F6"; |
| |
| /** The F7 key */ |
| static const String F7 = "F7"; |
| |
| /** The F8 key */ |
| static const String F8 = "F8"; |
| |
| /** The F9 key */ |
| static const String F9 = "F9"; |
| |
| /** The F10 key */ |
| static const String F10 = "F10"; |
| |
| /** The F11 key */ |
| static const String F11 = "F11"; |
| |
| /** The F12 key */ |
| static const String F12 = "F12"; |
| |
| /** The F13 key */ |
| static const String F13 = "F13"; |
| |
| /** The F14 key */ |
| static const String F14 = "F14"; |
| |
| /** The F15 key */ |
| static const String F15 = "F15"; |
| |
| /** The F16 key */ |
| static const String F16 = "F16"; |
| |
| /** The F17 key */ |
| static const String F17 = "F17"; |
| |
| /** The F18 key */ |
| static const String F18 = "F18"; |
| |
| /** The F19 key */ |
| static const String F19 = "F19"; |
| |
| /** The F20 key */ |
| static const String F20 = "F20"; |
| |
| /** The F21 key */ |
| static const String F21 = "F21"; |
| |
| /** The F22 key */ |
| static const String F22 = "F22"; |
| |
| /** The F23 key */ |
| static const String F23 = "F23"; |
| |
| /** The F24 key */ |
| static const String F24 = "F24"; |
| |
| /** The Final Mode (Final) key used on some asian keyboards */ |
| static const String FINAL_MODE = "FinalMode"; |
| |
| /** The Find key */ |
| static const String FIND = "Find"; |
| |
| /** The Full-Width Characters key */ |
| static const String FULL_WIDTH = "FullWidth"; |
| |
| /** The Half-Width Characters key */ |
| static const String HALF_WIDTH = "HalfWidth"; |
| |
| /** The Hangul (Korean characters) Mode key */ |
| static const String HANGUL_MODE = "HangulMode"; |
| |
| /** The Hanja (Korean characters) Mode key */ |
| static const String HANJA_MODE = "HanjaMode"; |
| |
| /** The Help key */ |
| static const String HELP = "Help"; |
| |
| /** The Hiragana (Japanese Kana characters) key */ |
| static const String HIRAGANA = "Hiragana"; |
| |
| /** The Home key */ |
| static const String HOME = "Home"; |
| |
| /** The Insert (Ins) key */ |
| static const String INSERT = "Insert"; |
| |
| /** The Japanese-Hiragana key */ |
| static const String JAPANESE_HIRAGANA = "JapaneseHiragana"; |
| |
| /** The Japanese-Katakana key */ |
| static const String JAPANESE_KATAKANA = "JapaneseKatakana"; |
| |
| /** The Japanese-Romaji key */ |
| static const String JAPANESE_ROMAJI = "JapaneseRomaji"; |
| |
| /** The Junja Mode key */ |
| static const String JUNJA_MODE = "JunjaMode"; |
| |
| /** The Kana Mode (Kana Lock) key */ |
| static const String KANA_MODE = "KanaMode"; |
| |
| /** |
| * The Kanji (Japanese name for ideographic characters of Chinese origin) |
| * Mode key |
| */ |
| static const String KANJI_MODE = "KanjiMode"; |
| |
| /** The Katakana (Japanese Kana characters) key */ |
| static const String KATAKANA = "Katakana"; |
| |
| /** The Start Application One key */ |
| static const String LAUNCH_APPLICATION_1 = "LaunchApplication1"; |
| |
| /** The Start Application Two key */ |
| static const String LAUNCH_APPLICATION_2 = "LaunchApplication2"; |
| |
| /** The Start Mail key */ |
| static const String LAUNCH_MAIL = "LaunchMail"; |
| |
| /** The Left Arrow key */ |
| static const String LEFT = "Left"; |
| |
| /** The Menu key */ |
| static const String MENU = "Menu"; |
| |
| /** |
| * The Meta key. Note: This key value shall be also used for the Apple |
| * Command key |
| */ |
| static const String META = "Meta"; |
| |
| /** The Media Next Track key */ |
| static const String MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK = "MediaNextTrack"; |
| |
| /** The Media Play Pause key */ |
| static const String MEDIA_PAUSE_PLAY = "MediaPlayPause"; |
| |
| /** The Media Previous Track key */ |
| static const String MEDIA_PREVIOUS_TRACK = "MediaPreviousTrack"; |
| |
| /** The Media Stop key */ |
| static const String MEDIA_STOP = "MediaStop"; |
| |
| /** The Mode Change key */ |
| static const String MODE_CHANGE = "ModeChange"; |
| |
| /** The Next Candidate function key */ |
| static const String NEXT_CANDIDATE = "NextCandidate"; |
| |
| /** The Nonconvert (Don't Convert) key */ |
| static const String NON_CONVERT = "Nonconvert"; |
| |
| /** The Number Lock key */ |
| static const String NUM_LOCK = "NumLock"; |
| |
| /** The Page Down (Next) key */ |
| static const String PAGE_DOWN = "PageDown"; |
| |
| /** The Page Up key */ |
| static const String PAGE_UP = "PageUp"; |
| |
| /** The Paste key */ |
| static const String PASTE = "Paste"; |
| |
| /** The Pause key */ |
| static const String PAUSE = "Pause"; |
| |
| /** The Play key */ |
| static const String PLAY = "Play"; |
| |
| /** |
| * The Power key. Note: Some devices may not expose this key to the |
| * operating environment |
| */ |
| static const String POWER = "Power"; |
| |
| /** The Previous Candidate function key */ |
| static const String PREVIOUS_CANDIDATE = "PreviousCandidate"; |
| |
| /** The Print Screen (PrintScrn, SnapShot) key */ |
| static const String PRINT_SCREEN = "PrintScreen"; |
| |
| /** The Process key */ |
| static const String PROCESS = "Process"; |
| |
| /** The Props key */ |
| static const String PROPS = "Props"; |
| |
| /** The Right Arrow key */ |
| static const String RIGHT = "Right"; |
| |
| /** The Roman Characters function key */ |
| static const String ROMAN_CHARACTERS = "RomanCharacters"; |
| |
| /** The Scroll Lock key */ |
| static const String SCROLL = "Scroll"; |
| |
| /** The Select key */ |
| static const String SELECT = "Select"; |
| |
| /** The Select Media key */ |
| static const String SELECT_MEDIA = "SelectMedia"; |
| |
| /** The Separator key */ |
| static const String SEPARATOR = "Separator"; |
| |
| /** The Shift key */ |
| static const String SHIFT = "Shift"; |
| |
| /** The Soft1 key */ |
| static const String SOFT_1 = "Soft1"; |
| |
| /** The Soft2 key */ |
| static const String SOFT_2 = "Soft2"; |
| |
| /** The Soft3 key */ |
| static const String SOFT_3 = "Soft3"; |
| |
| /** The Soft4 key */ |
| static const String SOFT_4 = "Soft4"; |
| |
| /** The Stop key */ |
| static const String STOP = "Stop"; |
| |
| /** The Subtract key */ |
| static const String SUBTRACT = "Subtract"; |
| |
| /** The Symbol Lock key */ |
| static const String SYMBOL_LOCK = "SymbolLock"; |
| |
| /** The Up Arrow key */ |
| static const String UP = "Up"; |
| |
| /** The diagonal Up-Left Arrow key */ |
| static const String UP_LEFT = "UpLeft"; |
| |
| /** The diagonal Up-Right Arrow key */ |
| static const String UP_RIGHT = "UpRight"; |
| |
| /** The Undo key */ |
| static const String UNDO = "Undo"; |
| |
| /** The Volume Down key */ |
| static const String VOLUME_DOWN = "VolumeDown"; |
| |
| /** The Volume Mute key */ |
| static const String VOLUMN_MUTE = "VolumeMute"; |
| |
| /** The Volume Up key */ |
| static const String VOLUMN_UP = "VolumeUp"; |
| |
| /** The Windows Logo key */ |
| static const String WIN = "Win"; |
| |
| /** The Zoom key */ |
| static const String ZOOM = "Zoom"; |
| |
| /** |
| * The Backspace (Back) key. Note: This key value shall be also used for the |
| * key labeled 'delete' MacOS keyboards when not modified by the 'Fn' key |
| */ |
| static const String BACKSPACE = "Backspace"; |
| |
| /** The Horizontal Tabulation (Tab) key */ |
| static const String TAB = "Tab"; |
| |
| /** The Cancel key */ |
| static const String CANCEL = "Cancel"; |
| |
| /** The Escape (Esc) key */ |
| static const String ESC = "Esc"; |
| |
| /** The Space (Spacebar) key: */ |
| static const String SPACEBAR = "Spacebar"; |
| |
| /** |
| * The Delete (Del) Key. Note: This key value shall be also used for the key |
| * labeled 'delete' MacOS keyboards when modified by the 'Fn' key |
| */ |
| static const String DEL = "Del"; |
| |
| /** The Combining Grave Accent (Greek Varia, Dead Grave) key */ |
| static const String DEAD_GRAVE = "DeadGrave"; |
| |
| /** |
| * The Combining Acute Accent (Stress Mark, Greek Oxia, Tonos, Dead Eacute) |
| * key |
| */ |
| static const String DEAD_EACUTE = "DeadEacute"; |
| |
| /** The Combining Circumflex Accent (Hat, Dead Circumflex) key */ |
| static const String DEAD_CIRCUMFLEX = "DeadCircumflex"; |
| |
| /** The Combining Tilde (Dead Tilde) key */ |
| static const String DEAD_TILDE = "DeadTilde"; |
| |
| /** The Combining Macron (Long, Dead Macron) key */ |
| static const String DEAD_MACRON = "DeadMacron"; |
| |
| /** The Combining Breve (Short, Dead Breve) key */ |
| static const String DEAD_BREVE = "DeadBreve"; |
| |
| /** The Combining Dot Above (Derivative, Dead Above Dot) key */ |
| static const String DEAD_ABOVE_DOT = "DeadAboveDot"; |
| |
| /** |
| * The Combining Diaeresis (Double Dot Abode, Umlaut, Greek Dialytika, |
| * Double Derivative, Dead Diaeresis) key |
| */ |
| static const String DEAD_UMLAUT = "DeadUmlaut"; |
| |
| /** The Combining Ring Above (Dead Above Ring) key */ |
| static const String DEAD_ABOVE_RING = "DeadAboveRing"; |
| |
| /** The Combining Double Acute Accent (Dead Doubleacute) key */ |
| static const String DEAD_DOUBLEACUTE = "DeadDoubleacute"; |
| |
| /** The Combining Caron (Hacek, V Above, Dead Caron) key */ |
| static const String DEAD_CARON = "DeadCaron"; |
| |
| /** The Combining Cedilla (Dead Cedilla) key */ |
| static const String DEAD_CEDILLA = "DeadCedilla"; |
| |
| /** The Combining Ogonek (Nasal Hook, Dead Ogonek) key */ |
| static const String DEAD_OGONEK = "DeadOgonek"; |
| |
| /** |
| * The Combining Greek Ypogegrammeni (Greek Non-Spacing Iota Below, Iota |
| * Subscript, Dead Iota) key |
| */ |
| static const String DEAD_IOTA = "DeadIota"; |
| |
| /** |
| * The Combining Katakana-Hiragana Voiced Sound Mark (Dead Voiced Sound) key |
| */ |
| static const String DEAD_VOICED_SOUND = "DeadVoicedSound"; |
| |
| /** |
| * The Combining Katakana-Hiragana Semi-Voiced Sound Mark (Dead Semivoiced |
| * Sound) key |
| */ |
| static const String DEC_SEMIVOICED_SOUND= "DeadSemivoicedSound"; |
| |
| /** |
| * Key value used when an implementation is unable to identify another key |
| * value, due to either hardware, platform, or software constraints |
| */ |
| static const String UNIDENTIFIED = "Unidentified"; |
| } |