blob: 766eee0b9b130c79f074cccf3ddab803f0c79eb3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of;
const int _STDIO_HANDLE_TYPE_PIPE = 1;
const int _STDIO_HANDLE_TYPE_FILE = 2;
class _StdStream extends Stream<List<int>> {
final Stream<List<int>> _stream;
_StdStream(Stream<List<int>> this._stream);
StreamSubscription<List<int>> listen(void onData(List<int> event),
{void onError(error),
void onDone(),
bool cancelOnError}) {
return _stream.listen(
onError: onError,
onDone: onDone,
cancelOnError: cancelOnError);
* [Stdin] allows both synchronous and asynchronous reads from the standard
* input stream.
* Mixing synchronous and asynchronous reads is undefined.
class Stdin extends _StdStream implements Stream<List<int>> {
Stdin._(Stream<List<int>> stream) : super(stream);
* Synchronously read a line from stdin. This call will block until a full
* line is available. The line will contain the newline character(s).
* If end-of-file is reached, `null` is returned.
* If end-of-file is reached after some data has already been read, that data
* is returned.
String readLineSync({Encoding encoding: SYSTEM_ENCODING,
bool retainNewlines: false}) {
const CR = 13;
const LF = 10;
var line = new StringBuffer();
bool end = false;
bool lastCharWasCR = false;
var error;
StreamController<List<int>> controller =
new StreamController<List<int>>(sync: true);
Stream stream =;
stream.listen((String str) {
}, onError: (e) {
error = e;
}, onDone: () {
end = true;
bool empty = true;
while (!end) {
int b = readByteSync();
if (b < 0) {
// We didn't write the carriage return in case a line feed would be
// the next character. Add it now.
if (lastCharWasCR && !retainNewlines) controller.add([CR]);
} else {
empty = false;
// We consider \r\n and \n as new lines.
// A \r on its own is treated like a normal character.
if (b == CR) {
if (lastCharWasCR && !retainNewlines) {
// We didn't write the carriage return in case a line feed would be
// the next character.
// Add it now (since we treat it like a normal character now).
// We add the carriage return only if we keep new lines.
// Otherwise we need to wait for the next character (in case it is
// a line feed).
if (retainNewlines) controller.add([b]);
lastCharWasCR = true;
} else if (b == LF) {
end = true;
// We don't care if there was a carriage return before. If we keep
// the line separators it has already been added to the controller.
// Otherwise we don't want it anyway.
if (retainNewlines) controller.add([b]);
} else {
// Since the current character is not a line feed we flush the
// carriage return we didn't write last iteration.
if (lastCharWasCR) {
lastCharWasCR = false;
if (error != null) {
// Error during decoding.
throw error;
if (empty) return null;
return line.toString();
* Enable or disable echo mode on the [Stdin].
* If disabled, input from to console will not be echoed.
* Default depends on the parent process, but usually enabled.
external void set echoMode(bool enabled);
* Enable or disable line mode on the [Stdin].
* If enabled, characters are delayed until a new-line character is entered.
* If disabled, characters will be available as typed.
* Default depends on the parent process, but usually enabled.
external void set lineMode(bool enabled);
* Synchronously read a byte from stdin. This call will block until a byte is
* available.
* If at end of file, -1 is returned.
external int readByteSync();
class _StdSink implements IOSink {
final IOSink _sink;
_StdSink(IOSink this._sink);
Encoding get encoding => _sink.encoding;
void set encoding(Encoding encoding) {
_sink.encoding = encoding;
void write(object) => _sink.write(object);
void writeln([object = "" ]) => _sink.writeln(object);
void writeAll(objects, [sep = ""]) => _sink.writeAll(objects, sep);
void add(List<int> data) => _sink.add(data);
void addError(error) => _sink.addError(error);
void writeCharCode(int charCode) => _sink.writeCharCode(charCode);
Future addStream(Stream<List<int>> stream) => _sink.addStream(stream);
Future close() => _sink.close();
Future get done => _sink.done;
class StdioType {
static const StdioType TERMINAL = const StdioType._("terminal");
static const StdioType PIPE = const StdioType._("pipe");
static const StdioType FILE = const StdioType._("file");
static const StdioType OTHER = const StdioType._("other");
final String name;
const StdioType._(String;
String toString() => "StdioType: $name";
Stdin _stdin;
IOSink _stdout;
IOSink _stderr;
Stdin get stdin {
if (_stdin == null) {
_stdin = _StdIOUtils._getStdioInputStream();
return _stdin;
IOSink get stdout {
if (_stdout == null) {
_stdout = _StdIOUtils._getStdioOutputStream(1);
return _stdout;
IOSink get stderr {
if (_stderr == null) {
_stderr = _StdIOUtils._getStdioOutputStream(2);
return _stderr;
StdioType stdioType(object) {
if (object is _StdStream) {
object = object._stream;
} else if (object is _StdSink) {
object = object._sink;
if (object is _FileStream) {
return StdioType.FILE;
if (object is Socket) {
switch (_StdIOUtils._socketType(object._nativeSocket)) {
case _STDIO_HANDLE_TYPE_PIPE: return StdioType.PIPE;
case _STDIO_HANDLE_TYPE_FILE: return StdioType.FILE;
if (object is IOSink) {
try {
if (object._target is _FileStreamConsumer) {
return StdioType.FILE;
} catch (e) {
// Only the interface implemented, _sink not available.
return StdioType.OTHER;
class _StdIOUtils {
external static IOSink _getStdioOutputStream(int fd);
external static Stdin _getStdioInputStream();
external static int _socketType(nativeSocket);