blob: 9f05e390f6f6ca038def6a44ce5ebaf3c481c099 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library dart2js.cps_ir.optimize_interceptors;
import 'optimizers.dart';
import 'cps_ir_nodes.dart';
import 'loop_hierarchy.dart';
import 'cps_fragment.dart';
import '../constants/values.dart';
import '../elements/elements.dart';
import '../js_backend/backend_helpers.dart' show BackendHelpers;
import '../js_backend/js_backend.dart' show JavaScriptBackend;
import '../types/types.dart' show TypeMask;
import '../io/source_information.dart' show SourceInformation;
import '../universe/selector.dart';
/// Replaces `getInterceptor` calls with interceptor constants when possible,
/// or with "almost constant" expressions like "x && CONST" when the input
/// is either null or has a known interceptor.
// TODO(asgerf): Compute intercepted classes in this pass.
class OptimizeInterceptors extends TrampolineRecursiveVisitor implements Pass {
String get passName => 'Optimize interceptors';
JavaScriptBackend backend;
LoopHierarchy loopHierarchy;
Continuation currentLoopHeader;
BackendHelpers get helpers => backend.helpers;
Map<Interceptor, Continuation> loopHeaderFor = <Interceptor, Continuation>{};
void rewrite(FunctionDefinition node) {
// TODO(asgerf): Computing the LoopHierarchy here may be overkill when all
// we want is to hoist constants out of loops.
loopHierarchy = new LoopHierarchy(node);
new ShareConstants().visit(node);
Expression traverseContinuation(Continuation cont) {
Continuation oldLoopHeader = currentLoopHeader;
currentLoopHeader = loopHierarchy.getLoopHeader(cont);
pushAction(() {
currentLoopHeader = oldLoopHeader;
return cont.body;
/// If only one method table can be returned by the given interceptor,
/// returns a constant for that method table.
InterceptorConstantValue getInterceptorConstant(Interceptor node) {
if (node.interceptedClasses.length == 1 &&
node.isInterceptedClassAlwaysExact) {
ClassElement interceptorClass = node.interceptedClasses.single;
return new InterceptorConstantValue(interceptorClass.rawType);
return null;
bool hasNoFalsyValues(ClassElement class_) {
return class_ != helpers.jsInterceptorClass &&
class_ != helpers.jsNullClass &&
class_ != helpers.jsBoolClass &&
class_ != helpers.jsStringClass &&
Continuation getCurrentOuterLoop({Continuation scope}) {
Continuation inner = null, outer = currentLoopHeader;
while (outer != scope) {
inner = outer;
outer = loopHierarchy.getEnclosingLoop(outer);
return inner;
/// Binds the given constant in a primitive, in scope of the [useSite].
/// The constant will be hoisted out of loops, and shared with other requests
/// for the same constant as long as it is in scope.
Primitive makeConstantFor(ConstantValue constant,
{Expression useSite,
TypeMask type,
SourceInformation sourceInformation,
Entity hint}) {
Constant prim =
new Constant(constant, sourceInformation: sourceInformation);
prim.hint = hint;
prim.type = type;
LetPrim letPrim = new LetPrim(prim);
Continuation loop = getCurrentOuterLoop();
if (loop != null) {
LetCont loopBinding = loop.parent;
} else {
return prim;
bool constifyInterceptor(Interceptor interceptor) {
LetPrim let = interceptor.parent;
InterceptorConstantValue constant = getInterceptorConstant(interceptor);
if (constant == null) return false;
if (interceptor.isAlwaysIntercepted) {
Primitive constantPrim = makeConstantFor(constant,
useSite: let,
type: interceptor.type,
sourceInformation: interceptor.sourceInformation);
} else if (interceptor.isAlwaysNullOrIntercepted) {
Primitive input = interceptor.input.definition;
Primitive constantPrim = makeConstantFor(constant,
useSite: let,
type: interceptor.type.nonNullable(),
sourceInformation: interceptor.sourceInformation);
CpsFragment cps = new CpsFragment(interceptor.sourceInformation);
Parameter param = new Parameter(interceptor.hint);
param.type = interceptor.type;
Continuation cont = cps.letCont(<Parameter>[param]);
if (interceptor.interceptedClasses.every(hasNoFalsyValues)) {
// If null is the only falsy value, compile as "x && CONST".
cps.ifFalsy(input).invokeContinuation(cont, [input]);
} else {
// If there are other falsy values compile as "x == null ? x : CONST".
Primitive condition = cps.applyBuiltin(
[input, cps.makeNull()]);
cps.ifTruthy(condition).invokeContinuation(cont, [input]);
cps.invokeContinuation(cont, [constantPrim]);
cps.context = cont;
return true;
Expression traverseLetPrim(LetPrim node) {
Expression next = node.body;
return next;
void visitInterceptor(Interceptor node) {
if (constifyInterceptor(node)) return;
if (node.hasExactlyOneUse) {
// Set the loop header on single-use interceptors so [visitInvokeMethod]
// can determine if it should become a one-shot interceptor.
loopHeaderFor[node] = currentLoopHeader;
void visitInvokeMethod(InvokeMethod node) {
if (node.callingConvention != CallingConvention.Intercepted) return;
Primitive interceptor = node.receiver.definition;
if (interceptor is! Interceptor ||
interceptor.hasMultipleUses ||
loopHeaderFor[interceptor] != currentLoopHeader) {
// TODO(asgerf): Consider heuristics for when to use one-shot interceptors.
// E.g. using only one-shot interceptors with a fast path.
node.callingConvention = CallingConvention.OneShotIntercepted;
node..receiver.unlink()..receiver = node.arguments.removeAt(0);
void visitTypeTestViaFlag(TypeTestViaFlag node) {
Primitive interceptor = node.interceptor.definition;
if (interceptor is! Interceptor ||
interceptor.hasMultipleUses ||
loopHeaderFor[interceptor] != currentLoopHeader ||
!backend.mayGenerateInstanceofCheck(node.dartType)) {
Interceptor inter = interceptor;
Primitive value = inter.input.definition;
node.replaceWith(new TypeTest(value, node.dartType, [])..type = node.type);
/// Shares interceptor constants when one is in scope of another.
/// Interceptor optimization runs after GVN, hence this clean-up step is needed.
/// TODO(asgerf): Handle in separate constant optimization pass? With some other
/// constant-related optimizations, like cloning small constants at use-site.
class ShareConstants extends TrampolineRecursiveVisitor {
Map<ConstantValue, Constant> sharedConstantFor = <ConstantValue, Constant>{};
Expression traverseLetPrim(LetPrim node) {
Expression next = node.body;
if (node.primitive is Constant && shouldShareConstant(node.primitive)) {
Constant prim = node.primitive;
Constant existing = sharedConstantFor[prim.value];
if (existing != null) {
return next;
sharedConstantFor[prim.value] = prim;
pushAction(() {
assert(sharedConstantFor[prim.value] == prim);
return next;
bool shouldShareConstant(Constant constant) {
return constant.value.isInterceptor;