blob: 3d20d8e473dba35a84b7e4eb2e519419023c1a1f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2015, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// @dart = 2.7
library sourcemap.helper;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:compiler/compiler_api.dart' as api;
import 'package:compiler/src/commandline_options.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/compiler.dart' show Compiler;
import 'package:compiler/src/elements/entities.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/io/code_output.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/io/source_file.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/io/source_information.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/io/position_information.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/js/js.dart' as js;
import 'package:compiler/src/js/js_debug.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/js/js_source_mapping.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/js_model/js_strategy.dart';
import 'package:compiler/src/source_file_provider.dart';
import '../../helpers/memory_compiler.dart';
class SourceFileSink implements api.OutputSink {
final String filename;
StringBuffer sb = StringBuffer();
SourceFile sourceFile;
void add(String event) {
void close() {
sourceFile = new StringSourceFile.fromName(filename, sb.toString());
class OutputProvider implements api.CompilerOutput {
Map<Uri, SourceFileSink> outputMap = <Uri, SourceFileSink>{};
SourceFile getSourceFile(Uri uri) {
SourceFileSink sink = outputMap[uri];
if (sink != null) {
return sink.sourceFile;
return null;
SourceFileSink createSourceFileSink(
String name, String extension, api.OutputType type) {
String filename = '$name.$extension';
SourceFileSink sink = new SourceFileSink(filename);
Uri uri = Uri.parse(filename);
outputMap[uri] = sink;
return sink;
api.OutputSink createOutputSink(
String name, String extension, api.OutputType type) {
return createSourceFileSink(name, extension, type);
api.BinaryOutputSink createBinarySink(Uri uri) =>
throw new UnsupportedError("OutputProvider.createBinarySink");
class CloningOutputProvider extends OutputProvider {
RandomAccessFileOutputProvider outputProvider;
CloningOutputProvider(Uri jsUri, Uri jsMapUri)
: outputProvider = new RandomAccessFileOutputProvider(jsUri, jsMapUri);
api.OutputSink createOutputSink(
String name, String extension, api.OutputType type) {
api.OutputSink output =
outputProvider.createOutputSink(name, extension, type);
return new CloningOutputSink(
[output, createSourceFileSink(name, extension, type)]);
api.BinaryOutputSink createBinarySink(Uri uri) =>
throw new UnsupportedError("CloningOutputProvider.createBinarySink");
abstract class SourceFileManager {
SourceFile getSourceFile(var uri);
class ProviderSourceFileManager implements SourceFileManager {
final SourceFileProvider sourceFileProvider;
final OutputProvider outputProvider;
ProviderSourceFileManager(this.sourceFileProvider, this.outputProvider);
SourceFile getSourceFile(uri) {
SourceFile sourceFile = sourceFileProvider.getUtf8SourceFile(uri);
sourceFile ??= sourceFileProvider.readUtf8FromFileSyncForTesting(uri);
if (sourceFile == null) {
sourceFile = outputProvider.getSourceFile(uri);
return sourceFile;
class RecordingPrintingContext extends LenientPrintingContext {
CodePositionListener listener;
Map<js.Node, CodePosition> codePositions = <js.Node, CodePosition>{};
void exitNode(
js.Node node, int startPosition, int endPosition, int closingPosition) {
codePositions[node] =
new CodePosition(startPosition, endPosition, closingPosition);
listener.onPositions(node, startPosition, endPosition, closingPosition);
/// A [SourceMapper] that records the source locations on each node.
class RecordingSourceMapperProvider implements SourceMapperProvider {
final SourceMapperProvider sourceMapperProvider;
final _LocationRecorder nodeToSourceLocationsMap;
this.sourceMapperProvider, this.nodeToSourceLocationsMap);
SourceMapper createSourceMapper(String name) {
return new RecordingSourceMapper(
/// A [SourceMapper] that records the source locations on each node.
class RecordingSourceMapper implements SourceMapper {
final SourceMapper sourceMapper;
final _LocationRecorder nodeToSourceLocationsMap;
RecordingSourceMapper(this.sourceMapper, this.nodeToSourceLocationsMap);
void register(js.Node node, int codeOffset, SourceLocation sourceLocation) {
nodeToSourceLocationsMap.register(node, codeOffset, sourceLocation);
sourceMapper.register(node, codeOffset, sourceLocation);
void registerPush(
int codeOffset, SourceLocation sourceLocation, String inlinedMethodName) {
sourceMapper.registerPush(codeOffset, sourceLocation, inlinedMethodName);
void registerPop(int codeOffset, {bool isEmpty: false}) {
sourceMapper.registerPop(codeOffset, isEmpty: isEmpty);
/// A wrapper of [SourceInformationProcessor] that records source locations and
/// code positions.
class RecordingSourceInformationProcessor extends SourceInformationProcessor {
final RecordingSourceInformationStrategy wrapper;
final SourceInformationProcessor processor;
final CodePositionRecorder codePositions;
final LocationMap nodeToSourceLocationsMap;
RecordingSourceInformationProcessor(this.wrapper, this.processor,
this.codePositions, this.nodeToSourceLocationsMap);
void onPositions(
js.Node node, int startPosition, int endPosition, int closingPosition) {
node, startPosition, endPosition, closingPosition);
processor.onPositions(node, startPosition, endPosition, closingPosition);
void process(js.Node node, BufferedCodeOutput code) {
processor.process(node, code);
node, code, codePositions, nodeToSourceLocationsMap);
/// Information recording for a use of [SourceInformationProcessor].
class RecordedSourceInformationProcess {
final js.Node root;
final String code;
final CodePositionRecorder codePositions;
final LocationMap nodeToSourceLocationsMap;
this.root, this.code, this.codePositions, this.nodeToSourceLocationsMap);
/// A wrapper of [JavaScriptSourceInformationStrategy] that records
/// [RecordedSourceInformationProcess].
class RecordingSourceInformationStrategy
extends JavaScriptSourceInformationStrategy {
final JavaScriptSourceInformationStrategy strategy;
final Map<RecordedSourceInformationProcess, js.Node> processMap =
<RecordedSourceInformationProcess, js.Node>{};
final Map<js.Node, RecordedSourceInformationProcess> nodeMap =
<js.Node, RecordedSourceInformationProcess>{};
SourceInformationBuilder createBuilderForContext(MemberEntity member) {
return strategy.createBuilderForContext(member);
SourceInformationProcessor createProcessor(
SourceMapperProvider provider, SourceInformationReader reader) {
LocationMap nodeToSourceLocationsMap = new _LocationRecorder();
CodePositionRecorder codePositions = new CodePositionRecorder();
return new RecordingSourceInformationProcessor(
new RecordingSourceMapperProvider(
provider, nodeToSourceLocationsMap),
void registerProcess(
js.Node root,
BufferedCodeOutput code,
CodePositionRecorder codePositions,
LocationMap nodeToSourceLocationsMap) {
RecordedSourceInformationProcess subProcess =
new RecordedSourceInformationProcess(
root, code.getText(), codePositions, nodeToSourceLocationsMap);
processMap[subProcess] = root;
RecordedSourceInformationProcess subProcessForNode(js.Node node) {
return nodeMap.putIfAbsent(node, () {
for (RecordedSourceInformationProcess subProcess in processMap.keys) {
js.Node root = processMap[subProcess];
FindVisitor visitor = new FindVisitor(node);
if (visitor.found) {
return new RecordedSourceInformationProcess(
new _FilteredLocationMap(
visitor.nodes, subProcess.nodeToSourceLocationsMap));
return null;
return null;
/// Visitor that collects all nodes that are within a function. Used by the
/// [RecordingSourceInformationStrategy] to filter what is recorded in a
/// [RecordedSourceInformationProcess].
class FindVisitor extends js.BaseVisitorVoid {
final js.Node soughtNode;
bool found = false;
bool add = false;
final Set<js.Node> nodes = new Set<js.Node>();
void visitNode(js.Node node) {
if (node == soughtNode) {
found = true;
add = true;
if (add) {
if (node == soughtNode) {
add = false;
/// Processor that computes [SourceMapInfo] for the JavaScript compiled for a
/// given Dart file.
class SourceMapProcessor {
/// If `true` the output from the compilation is written to files.
final bool outputToFile;
/// The [Uri] of the Dart entrypoint.
Uri inputUri;
/// The name of the JavaScript output file.
String jsPath;
/// The [Uri] of the JavaScript output file.
Uri targetUri;
/// The [Uri] of the JavaScript source map file.
Uri sourceMapFileUri;
/// The [SourceFileManager] created for the processing.
SourceFileManager sourceFileManager;
/// Creates a processor for the Dart file [uri].
SourceMapProcessor(Uri uri, {this.outputToFile: false}) {
inputUri = Uri.base.resolveUri(uri);
jsPath = 'out.js';
targetUri = Uri.base.resolve(jsPath);
sourceMapFileUri = Uri.base.resolve('${jsPath}.map');
/// Computes the [SourceMapInfo] for the compiled elements.
Future<SourceMaps> process(List<String> options,
{bool verbose: true, bool perElement: true, bool forMain: false}) async {
OutputProvider outputProvider = outputToFile
? new CloningOutputProvider(targetUri, sourceMapFileUri)
: new OutputProvider();
if (options.contains(Flags.useNewSourceInfo)) {
if (verbose) print('Using the new source information system.');
if (options.contains(Flags.disableInlining)) {
if (verbose) print('Inlining disabled');
CompilationResult result = await runCompiler(
entryPoint: inputUri,
outputProvider: outputProvider,
// TODO(johnniwinther): Use [verbose] to avoid showing diagnostics.
options: ['--out=$targetUri', '--source-map=$sourceMapFileUri']
beforeRun: (compiler) {
JsBackendStrategy backendStrategy = compiler.backendStrategy;
dynamic handler = compiler.handler;
SourceFileProvider sourceFileProvider = handler.provider;
sourceFileManager =
new ProviderSourceFileManager(sourceFileProvider, outputProvider);
RecordingSourceInformationStrategy strategy =
new RecordingSourceInformationStrategy(
backendStrategy.sourceInformationStrategy = strategy;
if (!result.isSuccess) {
throw "Compilation failed.";
var compiler = result.compiler;
JsBackendStrategy backendStrategy = compiler.backendStrategy;
RecordingSourceInformationStrategy strategy =
SourceMapInfo mainSourceMapInfo;
Map<MemberEntity, SourceMapInfo> elementSourceMapInfos =
<MemberEntity, SourceMapInfo>{};
if (perElement) {
backendStrategy.generatedCode.forEach((_element, js.Expression node) {
MemberEntity element = _element;
RecordedSourceInformationProcess subProcess =
if (subProcess == null) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Find out when this is happening and if it
// is benign. (Known to happen for `bool#fromString`)
print('No subProcess found for $element');
LocationMap nodeMap = subProcess.nodeToSourceLocationsMap;
String code = subProcess.code;
CodePositionRecorder codePositions = subProcess.codePositions;
CodePointComputer visitor =
new CodePointComputer(sourceFileManager, code, nodeMap);
new JavaScriptTracer(
codePositions, const SourceInformationReader(), [visitor])
List<CodePoint> codePoints = visitor.codePoints;
elementSourceMapInfos[element] = new SourceMapInfo(
element, code, node, codePoints, codePositions, nodeMap);
if (forMain) {
// TODO(johnniwinther): Supported multiple output units.
RecordedSourceInformationProcess process = strategy.processMap.keys.first;
js.Node node = strategy.processMap[process];
String code;
LocationMap nodeMap;
CodePositionRecorder codePositions;
nodeMap = process.nodeToSourceLocationsMap;
code = process.code;
codePositions = process.codePositions;
CodePointComputer visitor =
new CodePointComputer(sourceFileManager, code, nodeMap);
new JavaScriptTracer(
codePositions, const SourceInformationReader(), [visitor])
List<CodePoint> codePoints = visitor.codePoints;
mainSourceMapInfo = new SourceMapInfo(
null, code, node, codePoints, codePositions, nodeMap);
return new SourceMaps(
compiler, sourceFileManager, mainSourceMapInfo, elementSourceMapInfos);
class SourceMaps {
final Compiler compiler;
final SourceFileManager sourceFileManager;
// TODO(johnniwinther): Supported multiple output units.
final SourceMapInfo mainSourceMapInfo;
final Map<MemberEntity, SourceMapInfo> elementSourceMapInfos;
SourceMaps(this.compiler, this.sourceFileManager, this.mainSourceMapInfo,
/// Source mapping information for the JavaScript code of an [Element].
class SourceMapInfo {
final String name;
final MemberEntity element;
final String code;
final js.Node node;
final List<CodePoint> codePoints;
final CodePositionMap jsCodePositions;
final LocationMap nodeMap;
SourceMapInfo(MemberEntity element, this.code, this.node, this.codePoints,
this.jsCodePositions, this.nodeMap)
: =
element != null ? computeElementNameForSourceMaps(element) : '',
this.element = element;
String toString() {
return '$name:$element';
/// Collection of JavaScript nodes with their source mapped target offsets
/// and source locations.
abstract class LocationMap {
Iterable<js.Node> get nodes;
Map<int, List<SourceLocation>> operator [](js.Node node);
factory LocationMap.recorder() = _LocationRecorder;
factory LocationMap.filter(Set<js.Node> nodes, LocationMap map) =
class _LocationRecorder implements SourceMapper, LocationMap {
final Map<js.Node, Map<int, List<SourceLocation>>> _nodeMap = {};
void register(js.Node node, int codeOffset, SourceLocation sourceLocation) {
.putIfAbsent(node, () => {})
.putIfAbsent(codeOffset, () => [])
void registerPush(int codeOffset, SourceLocation sourceLocation,
String inlinedMethodName) {}
void registerPop(int codeOffset, {bool isEmpty: false}) {}
Iterable<js.Node> get nodes => _nodeMap.keys;
Map<int, List<SourceLocation>> operator [](js.Node node) {
return _nodeMap[node];
class _FilteredLocationMap implements LocationMap {
final Set<js.Node> _nodes;
final LocationMap map;
Iterable<js.Node> get nodes => map.nodes.where((n) => _nodes.contains(n));
Map<int, List<SourceLocation>> operator [](js.Node node) {
return map[node];
/// Visitor that computes the [CodePoint]s for source mapping locations.
class CodePointComputer extends TraceListener {
final SourceFileManager sourceFileManager;
final String code;
final LocationMap nodeMap;
List<CodePoint> codePoints = [];
CodePointComputer(this.sourceFileManager, this.code, this.nodeMap);
String nodeToString(js.Node node) {
js.JavaScriptPrintingOptions options = new js.JavaScriptPrintingOptions(
shouldCompressOutput: true,
preferSemicolonToNewlineInMinifiedOutput: true);
LenientPrintingContext printingContext = new LenientPrintingContext();
new js.Printer(options, printingContext).visit(node);
return printingContext.buffer.toString();
String positionToString(int position) {
String line = code.substring(position);
int nl = line.indexOf('\n');
if (nl != -1) {
line = line.substring(0, nl);
return line;
/// Called when [node] defines a step of the given [kind] at the given
/// [offset] when the generated JavaScript code.
void onStep(js.Node node, Offset offset, StepKind kind) {
if (kind == StepKind.ACCESS) return;
register(kind, node);
void register(StepKind kind, js.Node node, {bool expectInfo: true}) {
String dartCodeFromSourceLocation(SourceLocation sourceLocation) {
SourceFile sourceFile =
if (sourceFile == null) {
return sourceLocation.shortText;
return sourceFile.kernelSource
.substring(sourceLocation.column - 1)
void addLocation(
SourceLocation sourceLocation, String jsCode, int targetOffset) {
if (sourceLocation == null) {
if (expectInfo) {
SourceInformation sourceInformation = node.sourceInformation;
SourceLocation sourceLocation;
String dartCode;
if (sourceInformation != null) {
sourceLocation = sourceInformation.sourceLocations.first;
dartCode = dartCodeFromSourceLocation(sourceLocation);
codePoints.add(new CodePoint(
kind, jsCode, targetOffset, sourceLocation, dartCode,
isMissing: true));
} else {
codePoints.add(new CodePoint(kind, jsCode, targetOffset, sourceLocation,
Map<int, List<SourceLocation>> locationMap = nodeMap[node];
if (locationMap == null) {
addLocation(null, nodeToString(node), null);
} else {
locationMap.forEach((int targetOffset, List<SourceLocation> locations) {
String jsCode = nodeToString(node);
for (SourceLocation location in locations) {
addLocation(location, jsCode, targetOffset);
/// A JavaScript code point and its mapped dart source location.
class CodePoint {
final StepKind kind;
final String jsCode;
final int targetOffset;
final SourceLocation sourceLocation;
final String dartCode;
final bool isMissing;
CodePoint(this.kind, this.jsCode, this.targetOffset, this.sourceLocation,
{this.isMissing: false});
String toString() {
return 'CodePoint[kind=$kind,js=$jsCode,dart=$dartCode,'
class IOSourceFileManager implements SourceFileManager {
final Uri base;
Map<Uri, SourceFile> sourceFiles = <Uri, SourceFile>{};
SourceFile getSourceFile(var uri) {
Uri absoluteUri;
if (uri is Uri) {
absoluteUri = base.resolveUri(uri);
} else {
absoluteUri = base.resolve(uri);
return sourceFiles.putIfAbsent(absoluteUri, () {
String text = new File.fromUri(absoluteUri).readAsStringSync();
return new StringSourceFile.fromUri(absoluteUri, text);