blob: e61dd22e8f7fb5ef452b6bf56d78dc14b6069054 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:analysis_server/src/services/correction/organize_imports.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/dart/analysis/results.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/error/error.dart';
import 'package:analyzer_plugin/protocol/protocol_common.dart'
hide AnalysisError;
import 'package:test/test.dart';
import 'package:test_reflective_loader/test_reflective_loader.dart';
import '../../abstract_single_unit.dart';
void main() {
defineReflectiveSuite(() {
class OrganizeDirectivesTest extends AbstractSingleUnitTest {
late List<AnalysisError> testErrors;
void setUp() {
writeTestPackageConfig(meta: true);
Future<void> test_docComment_beforeDirective_hasUnresolvedIdentifier() async {
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
/// Library documentation comment A
/// Library documentation comment B
import 'a.dart';
import 'b.dart';
B b;
// validate change
/// Library documentation comment A
/// Library documentation comment B
import 'a.dart';
import 'b.dart';
B b;
Future<void> test_ignore_asFirstComment() async {
// Usually the first comment is treated as a library comment and not moved
// but if it's an 'ignore:' it should be treated as attached to the import.
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
// ignore: unused_import
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:async';
Future a;
// validate change
import 'dart:async';
// ignore: unused_import
import 'dart:io';
Future a;
Future<void> test_ignoreForFile_asFirstComment() async {
// Unlike 'ignore:', 'ignore_for_file:' still _should_ be kept at the top
// of the file and not attached to the import.
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
// ignore_for_file: unused_import
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:async';
Future a;
// validate change
// ignore_for_file: unused_import
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
Future a;
Future<void> test_keep_duplicateImports_withDifferentPrefix() async {
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
import 'dart:async' as async1;
import 'dart:async' as async2;
void f() {
async1.Future f;
async2.Stream s;
// validate change
import 'dart:async' as async1;
import 'dart:async' as async2;
void f() {
async1.Future f;
async2.Stream s;
}''', removeUnused: true);
Future<void> test_keep_unresolvedDirectives() async {
var code = r'''
import 'dart:noSuchImportSdkLibrary';
import 'package:noSuchImportPackage/andLib.dart';
export 'dart:noSuchExportSdkLibrary';
export 'package:noSuchExportPackage/andLib.dart';
part 'no_such_part.dart';
await _computeUnitAndErrors(code);
Future<void> test_languageVersion_afterLibraryComment() async {
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
// Copyright
// @dart=2.10
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:async';
File f;
Future a;
// validate change
// Copyright
// @dart=2.10
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
File f;
Future a;
Future<void> test_languageVersion_asFirstComment() async {
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
// @dart=2.10
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:async';
File f;
Future a;
// validate change
// @dart=2.10
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
File f;
Future a;
Future<void> test_languageVersion_beforeImportWithoutNewline() async {
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
// Copyright
// @dart=2.10
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:async';
File f;
Future a;
// validate change
// Copyright
// @dart=2.10
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
File f;
Future a;
Future<void> test_remove_duplicateImports() async {
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:async';
void f() {
Completer f;
// validate change
import 'dart:async';
void f() {
Completer f;
}''', removeUnused: true);
Future<void> test_remove_duplicateImports_differentText_uri() async {
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
import 'dart:async' as async;
import "dart:async" as async;
void f() {
async.Future f;
// validate change
import 'dart:async' as async;
void f() {
async.Future f;
}''', removeUnused: true);
Future<void> test_remove_duplicateImports_withSamePrefix() async {
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
import 'dart:async' as async;
import 'dart:async' as async;
void f() {
async.Future f;
// validate change
import 'dart:async' as async;
void f() {
async.Future f;
}''', removeUnused: true);
Future<void> test_remove_unnecessaryImports() async {
'class A {} class B {}',
'export "a.dart" show A;',
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
import 'declarations.dart';
import 'exports.dart';
A? a;
B? b;
// validate change
import 'declarations.dart';
A? a;
B? b;
''', removeUnused: true);
Future<void> test_remove_unusedImports() async {
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
library lib;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:collection';
void f() {
new HashMap();
// validate change
library lib;
import 'dart:collection';
import 'dart:math';
void f() {
new HashMap();
''', removeUnused: true);
Future<void> test_remove_unusedImports2() async {
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:math';
class A {}
void f() {
Completer f;
// validate change
import 'dart:async';
class A {}
void f() {
Completer f;
}''', removeUnused: true);
Future<void> test_remove_unusedImports_hasUnresolvedError() async {
Future<void> check(String declaration) async {
var code = '''
import 'dart:async';
await _computeUnitAndErrors(code);
_assertOrganize(code, removeUnused: true);
await check('void f() { Unresolved v; }');
await check('void f() { new Unresolved(); }');
await check('void f() { const Unresolved(); }');
await check('void f() { unresolvedFunction(); }');
await check('void f() { print(unresolvedVariable); }');
await check('void f() { unresolvedVariable = 0; }');
await check('void f() { Unresolved.field = 0; }');
await check('class A extends Unresolved {}');
await check('List<Unresolved> v;');
Future<void> test_sort() async {
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
library lib;
export 'dart:bbb';
import 'dart:bbb';
export 'package:bbb/bbb.dart';
export '';
import 'bbb/bbb.dart';
export '';
import '';
export 'dart:aaa';
export 'package:aaa/aaa.dart';
import 'package:bbb/bbb.dart';
export 'aaa/aaa.dart';
export 'bbb/bbb.dart';
import 'dart:aaa';
import 'package:aaa/aaa.dart';
import 'aaa/aaa.dart';
import '';
part 'bbb/bbb.dart';
part 'aaa/aaa.dart';
void f() {
// validate change
library lib;
import 'dart:aaa';
import 'dart:bbb';
import 'package:aaa/aaa.dart';
import 'package:bbb/bbb.dart';
import '';
import '';
import 'aaa/aaa.dart';
import 'bbb/bbb.dart';
export 'dart:aaa';
export 'dart:bbb';
export 'package:aaa/aaa.dart';
export 'package:bbb/bbb.dart';
export '';
export '';
export 'aaa/aaa.dart';
export 'bbb/bbb.dart';
part 'aaa/aaa.dart';
part 'bbb/bbb.dart';
void f() {
Future<void> test_sort_commentsAnnotations_library() async {
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
// Library docs 1
// Library docs 2
library foo;
// Import c comment
import 'c.dart'; // Trailing comment C
// Import b comment
import 'b.dart'; // Trailing comment B
// Import a comment
import 'a.dart'; // Trailing comment A
/** doc */
void f() {
// validate change
// Library docs 1
// Library docs 2
library foo;
// Import a comment
import 'a.dart'; // Trailing comment A
// Import b comment
import 'b.dart'; // Trailing comment B
// Import c comment
import 'c.dart'; // Trailing comment C
/** doc */
void f() {
Future<void> test_sort_commentsAnnotations_noLibrary() async {
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
// Library docs 1
// Library docs 2
import 'c.dart'; // Trailing comment C
// Import b comment
import 'b.dart'; // Trailing comment B
// Import a comment
import 'a.dart'; // Trailing comment A
/** doc */
void f() {
// validate change
// Library docs 1
// Library docs 2
// Import a comment
import 'a.dart'; // Trailing comment A
// Import b comment
import 'b.dart'; // Trailing comment B
import 'c.dart'; // Trailing comment C
/** doc */
void f() {
Future<void> test_sort_documentationAnnotations_library() async {
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
/// Library docs 1
/// Library docs 2
library foo;
/// Import c docs
import 'c.dart'; // Trailing comment C
/// Import b docs
import 'b.dart'; // Trailing comment B
/// Import a docs
import 'a.dart'; // Trailing comment A
/** doc */
void f() {
// validate change
/// Library docs 1
/// Library docs 2
library foo;
/// Import a docs
import 'a.dart'; // Trailing comment A
/// Import b docs
import 'b.dart'; // Trailing comment B
/// Import c docs
import 'c.dart'; // Trailing comment C
/** doc */
void f() {
Future<void> test_sort_documentationAnnotations_noLibrary() async {
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
/// Library docs 1
/// Library docs 2
import 'c.dart'; // Trailing comment C
/// Import b docs
import 'b.dart'; // Trailing comment B
/// Import a docs
import 'a.dart'; // Trailing comment A
/** doc */
void f() {
// validate change
/// Library docs 1
/// Library docs 2
/// Import a docs
import 'a.dart'; // Trailing comment A
/// Import b docs
import 'b.dart'; // Trailing comment B
import 'c.dart'; // Trailing comment C
/** doc */
void f() {
Future<void> test_sort_hasComments() async {
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
// header
library lib;
import 'c.dart';// c
import 'a.dart';// aa
import 'b.dart';// bbb
/** doc */
void f() {
// validate change
// header
library lib;
import 'a.dart';// aa
import 'b.dart';// bbb
import 'c.dart';// c
/** doc */
void f() {
Future<void> test_sort_imports_blankLinesInImportComments() async {
// Only the blank line in the first import is treated specially and split.
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
// Import 1 comment 1
// Import 1 comment 2
import 'package:b/a.dart';
// Import 2 comment 1
// Import 2 comment 2
import 'package:a/b.dart';''');
// Import 1 comment 1
// Import 2 comment 1
// Import 2 comment 2
import 'package:a/b.dart';
// Import 1 comment 2
import 'package:b/a.dart';''');
Future<void> test_sort_imports_keepFirstCommentUntouched() async {
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
// Copyright
// Copyright2
// Copyright3
import 'package:b/a.dart';
import 'package:a/b.dart';''');
// Copyright
// Copyright2
// Copyright3
import 'package:a/b.dart';
import 'package:b/a.dart';''');
Future<void> test_sort_imports_keepSubsequentComments() async {
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
/// Copyright...
library lib;
import 'package:b/a.dart'; // We are keeping this because ...
import 'package:a/b.dart';''');
/// Copyright...
library lib;
import 'package:a/b.dart';
import 'package:b/a.dart'; // We are keeping this because ...''');
Future<void> test_sort_imports_packageAndPath() async {
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
library lib;
import 'package:product.ui.api.bbb/manager1.dart';
import 'package:product.ui.api/entity2.dart';
import 'package:product.ui/entity.dart';
import '';
import 'package:product.ui.api/entity1.dart';
import 'package:product2.client/entity.dart';
// validate change
library lib;
import 'package:product.ui/entity.dart';
import 'package:product.ui.api/entity1.dart';
import 'package:product.ui.api/entity2.dart';
import '';
import 'package:product.ui.api.bbb/manager1.dart';
import 'package:product2.client/entity.dart';
Future<void> test_sort_imports_splits_comments() async {
// Here, the comments "b" and "ccc1" will be part of the same list
// of comments so need to be split.
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
// copyright
import 'b.dart'; // b
// ccc1
// ccc2
import 'c.dart'; // c
// aaa1
// aaa2
import 'a.dart'; // a
// copyright
// aaa1
// aaa2
import 'a.dart'; // a
import 'b.dart'; // b
// ccc1
// ccc2
import 'c.dart'; // c
test_sort_imports_with_library_blankLineInImportComments() async {
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
/// Copyright...
library lib;
// Test comment
// We are keeping this because ... l1
// We are keeping this because ... l2
// We are keeping this because ... l3
import 'package:b/a.dart';
// Comment for a
import 'package:a/b.dart';''');
/// Copyright...
library lib;
// Comment for a
import 'package:a/b.dart';
// Test comment
// We are keeping this because ... l1
// We are keeping this because ... l2
// We are keeping this because ... l3
import 'package:b/a.dart';''');
Future<void> test_sort_libraryAnnotation_movedDirective() async {
await _addAnnotationsFile();
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
// annotations
import 'annotations.dart';
// io
import 'dart:io';
// Validate annotation is not moved with import.
// io
import 'dart:io';
// annotations
import 'annotations.dart';
Future<void> test_sort_libraryAnnotation_removedDirective() async {
await _addAnnotationsFile();
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
// io
import 'dart:io'; // unused
// annotations
import 'annotations.dart'; // used
// Validate annotation is not removed with import.
// annotations
import 'annotations.dart'; // used
''', removeUnused: true);
Future<void> test_sort_multipleAnnotation_movedDirective() async {
await _addAnnotationsFile();
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
import 'annotations.dart';
import 'dart:io';
// Validate only the non-library annotation is moved with import.
import 'dart:io';
import 'annotations.dart';
Future<void> test_sort_multipleAnnotation_removedDirective() async {
await _addAnnotationsFile();
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
import 'dart:io';
import 'annotations.dart';
// Validate only the non-library annotation is removed with import.
import 'annotations.dart';
''', removeUnused: true);
Future<void> test_sort_multipleAnnotationWithComments_movedDirective() async {
await _addAnnotationsFile();
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
// lib1
@libraryAnnotation // lib1
// lib2
@LibraryAnnotation() // lib2
// nonLib on annotations import
@nonLibraryAnnotation // nonLib on annotations import
// annotations import
import 'annotations.dart'; // annotations import
// nonLib on io import
@nonLibraryAnnotation // nonLib on io import
// io import
import 'dart:io'; // io import
// Validate only the non-library annotation is moved with import.
// lib1
@libraryAnnotation // lib1
// lib2
@LibraryAnnotation() // lib2
// nonLib on io import
@nonLibraryAnnotation // nonLib on io import
// io import
import 'dart:io'; // io import
// nonLib on annotations import
@nonLibraryAnnotation // nonLib on annotations import
// annotations import
import 'annotations.dart'; // annotations import
test_sort_multipleAnnotationWithComments_removedDirective() async {
await _addAnnotationsFile();
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
// lib1
@libraryAnnotation // lib1
// lib2
@LibraryAnnotation() // lib2
// nonLib on io import
@nonLibraryAnnotation // nonLib on io import
// io import
import 'dart:io'; // io import
// nonLib on annotations import
@nonLibraryAnnotation // nonLib on annotations import
// annotations import
import 'annotations.dart'; // annotations import
// Validate only the non-library annotation is removed with import.
// lib1
@libraryAnnotation // lib1
// lib2
@LibraryAnnotation() // lib2
// nonLib on annotations import
@nonLibraryAnnotation // nonLib on annotations import
// annotations import
import 'annotations.dart'; // annotations import
''', removeUnused: true);
Future<void> test_sort_nonLibraryAnnotation_movedDirective() async {
await _addAnnotationsFile();
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
import 'annotations.dart';
import 'dart:io';
// Validate annotation is moved with import.
import 'dart:io';
import 'annotations.dart';
Future<void> test_sort_nonLibraryAnnotation_removedDirective() async {
await _addAnnotationsFile();
await _computeUnitAndErrors(r'''
// io
import 'dart:io'; // unused
// annotations
import 'annotations.dart'; // used
// Validate annotation is removed with import.
// annotations
import 'annotations.dart'; // used
''', removeUnused: true);
Future<void> _addAnnotationsFile() async {
final annotationsFile = convertPath('$testPackageLibPath/annotations.dart');
const annotationsContent = '''
import 'package:meta/meta_meta.dart';
const libraryAnnotation = LibraryAnnotation();
const nonLibraryAnnotation = NonLibraryAnnotation();
class LibraryAnnotation {
const LibraryAnnotation();
class NonLibraryAnnotation {
const NonLibraryAnnotation();
addSource(annotationsFile, annotationsContent);
void _assertOrganize(String expectedCode, {bool removeUnused = false}) {
var organizer = ImportOrganizer(testCode, testUnit, testErrors,
removeUnused: removeUnused);
var edits = organizer.organize();
var result = SourceEdit.applySequence(testCode, edits);
expect(result, expectedCode);
Future<void> _computeUnitAndErrors(String code) async {
var result =
await (await session).getResolvedUnit(testFile) as ResolvedUnitResult;
testUnit = result.unit;
testErrors = result.errors;