blob: 186ac8e7cb88fed86462366dfd8d9ef48127e403 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
/// A back-tracking depth-first solver. Attempts to find the best solution for
/// a root package's transitive dependency graph, where a "solution" is a set
/// of concrete package versions. A valid solution will select concrete
/// versions for every package reached from the root package's dependency graph,
/// and each of those packages will fit the version constraints placed on it.
/// The solver builds up a solution incrementally by traversing the dependency
/// graph starting at the root package. When it reaches a new package, it gets
/// the set of versions that meet the current constraint placed on it. It
/// *speculatively* selects one version from that set and adds it to the
/// current solution and then proceeds. If it fully traverses the dependency
/// graph, the solution is valid and it stops.
/// If it reaches an error because:
/// - A new dependency is placed on a package that's already been selected in
/// the solution and the selected version doesn't match the new constraint.
/// - There are no versions available that meet the constraint placed on a
/// package.
/// - etc.
/// then the current solution is invalid. It will then backtrack to the most
/// recent speculative version choice and try the next one. That becomes the
/// new in-progress solution and it tries to proceed from there. It will keep
/// doing this, traversing and then backtracking when it meets a failure until
/// a valid solution has been found or until all possible options for all
/// speculative choices have been exhausted.
library pub.solver.backtracking_solver;
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection' show Queue;
import '../barback.dart' as barback;
import '../lock_file.dart';
import '../log.dart' as log;
import '../package.dart';
import '../pubspec.dart';
import '../sdk.dart' as sdk;
import '../source_registry.dart';
import '../utils.dart';
import '../version.dart';
import 'dependency_queue.dart';
import 'version_queue.dart';
import 'version_solver.dart';
/// The top-level solver. Keeps track of the current potential solution, and
/// the other possible versions for speculative package selections. Backtracks
/// and advances to the next potential solution in the case of a failure.
class BacktrackingSolver {
final SourceRegistry sources;
final Package root;
/// The lockfile that was present before solving.
final LockFile lockFile;
final PubspecCache cache;
/// The set of packages that are being explicitly upgraded. The solver will
/// only allow the very latest version for each of these packages.
final _forceLatest = new Set<String>();
/// If this is set, the contents of [lockFile] are ignored while solving.
final bool _upgradeAll;
/// The set of packages whose dependecy is being overridden by the root
/// package, keyed by the name of the package.
/// Any dependency on a package that appears in this map will be overriden
/// to use the one here.
final _overrides = new Map<String, PackageDep>();
/// Every time a package is encountered when traversing the dependency graph,
/// the solver must select a version for it, sometimes when multiple versions
/// are valid. This keeps track of which versions have been selected so far
/// and which remain to be tried.
/// Each entry in the list is a [VersionQueue], which is an ordered queue of
/// versions to try for a single package. It maintains the currently selected
/// version for that package. When a new dependency is encountered, a queue
/// of versions of that dependency is pushed onto the end of the list. A
/// queue is removed from the list once it's empty, indicating that none of
/// the versions provided a solution.
/// The solver tries versions in depth-first order, so only the last queue in
/// the list will have items removed from it. When a new constraint is placed
/// on an already-selected package, and that constraint doesn't match the
/// selected version, that will cause the current solution to fail and
/// trigger backtracking.
final _selected = <VersionQueue>[];
/// The number of solutions the solver has tried so far.
int get attemptedSolutions => _attemptedSolutions;
var _attemptedSolutions = 1;
BacktrackingSolver(SourceRegistry sources, this.root, this.lockFile,
List<String> useLatest, {bool upgradeAll: false})
: sources = sources,
cache = new PubspecCache(sources),
_upgradeAll = upgradeAll {
for (var package in useLatest) {
for (var override in root.dependencyOverrides) {
_overrides[] = override;
/// Run the solver. Completes with a list of specific package versions if
/// successful or an error if it failed to find a solution.
Future<SolveResult> solve() {
var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
// Sort the overrides by package name to make sure they're deterministic.
var overrides = _overrides.values.toList();
overrides.sort((a, b) =>;
return newFuture(() {
// Pre-cache the root package's known pubspec.
cache.cache(new PackageId.root(root), root.pubspec);
return _traverseSolution();
}).then((packages) {
return new SolveResult.success(sources, root, lockFile, packages,
overrides, _getAvailableVersions(packages), attemptedSolutions);
}).catchError((error) {
if (error is! SolveFailure) throw error;
// Wrap a failure in a result so we can attach some other data.
return new SolveResult.failure(sources, root, lockFile, overrides,
error, attemptedSolutions);
}).whenComplete(() {
// Gather some solving metrics.
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.writeln('${runtimeType} took ${stopwatch.elapsed} seconds.');
'- Requested ${cache.versionCacheMisses} version lists');
'- Looked up ${cache.versionCacheHits} cached version lists');
'- Requested ${cache.pubspecCacheMisses} pubspecs');
'- Looked up ${cache.pubspecCacheHits} cached pubspecs');
/// Generates a map containing all of the known available versions for each
/// package in [packages].
/// The version list may not always be complete. The the package is the root
/// root package, or its a package that we didn't unlock while solving
/// because we weren't trying to upgrade it, we will just know the current
/// version.
Map<String, List<Version>> _getAvailableVersions(List<PackageId> packages) {
var availableVersions = new Map<String, List<Version>>();
for (var package in packages) {
var cached = cache.getCachedVersions(package.toRef());
var versions;
if (cached != null) {
versions = => id.version).toList();
} else {
// If the version list was never requested, just use the one known
// version.
versions = [package.version];
availableVersions[] = versions;
return availableVersions;
/// Adds [versions], which is the list of all allowed versions of a given
/// package, to the set of versions to consider for solutions. The first item
/// in the list will be the currently selected version of that package.
/// Subsequent items will be tried if it the current selection fails. Returns
/// the first selected version.
PackageId select(VersionQueue versions) {
return versions.current;
/// Returns the the currently selected id for the package [name] or `null` if
/// no concrete version has been selected for that package yet.
PackageId getSelected(String name) {
// Always prefer the root package.
if ( == name) return new PackageId.root(root);
// Look through the current selections.
for (var i = _selected.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (_selected[i] == name) return _selected[i].current;
return null;
/// Gets the version of [package] currently locked in the lock file. Returns
/// `null` if it isn't in the lockfile (or has been unlocked).
PackageId getLocked(String package) {
if (_upgradeAll) return null;
if (_forceLatest.contains(package)) return null;
return lockFile.packages[package];
/// Traverses the root package's dependency graph using the current potential
/// solution. If successful, completes to the solution. If not, backtracks
/// to the most recently selected version of a package and tries the next
/// version of it. If there are no more versions, continues to backtrack to
/// previous selections, and so on. If there is nothing left to backtrack to,
/// completes to the last failure that occurred.
Future<List<PackageId>> _traverseSolution() => resetStack(() {
return new Traverser(this).traverse().catchError((error) {
if (error is! SolveFailure) throw error;
return _backtrack(error).then((canTry) {
if (canTry) {
return _traverseSolution();
// All out of solutions, so fail.
throw error;
/// Backtracks from the current failed solution and determines the next
/// solution to try. If possible, it will backjump based on the cause of the
/// [failure] to minize backtracking. Otherwise, it will simply backtrack to
/// the next possible solution.
/// Returns `true` if there is a new solution to try.
Future<bool> _backtrack(SolveFailure failure) {
// Bail if there is nothing to backtrack to.
if (_selected.isEmpty) return new Future.value(false);
// Get the set of packages that may have led to this failure.
var dependers = _getTransitiveDependers(failure.package);
// Advance past the current version of the leaf-most package.
advanceVersion() {
_backjump(failure, dependers);
var previous = _selected.last.current;
return _selected.last.advance().then((success) {
if (success) {
return true;
logSolve('$previous is last version, backtracking');
// That package has no more versions, so pop it and try the next one.
if (_selected.isEmpty) return false;
// If we got here, the leafmost package was discarded so we need to
// advance the next one.
return advanceVersion();
return advanceVersion();
/// Walks the selected packages from most to least recent to determine which
/// ones can be ignored and jumped over by the backtracker. The only packages
/// we need to backtrack to are ones that led (possibly indirectly) to the
/// failure. Everything else can be skipped.
void _backjump(SolveFailure failure, Set<String> dependers) {
for (var i = _selected.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// Each queue will never be empty since it gets discarded by _backtrack()
// when that happens.
var selected = _selected[i].current;
// If the failure is a disjoint version range, then no possible versions
// for that package can match and there's no reason to try them. Instead,
// just backjump past it.
if (failure is DisjointConstraintException && == failure.package) {
logSolve("skipping past disjoint selected ${}");
// If we get to the package that failed, backtrack to here.
if ( == failure.package) {
logSolve('backjump to failed package ${}');
_selected.removeRange(i + 1, _selected.length);
// If we get to a package that depends on the failing package, backtrack
// to here.
if (dependers.contains( {
logSolve('backjump to ${} because it depends on '
_selected.removeRange(i + 1, _selected.length);
// If we got here, we walked the entire list without finding a package that
// could lead to another solution, so discard everything. This will happen
// if every package that led to the failure has no other versions that it
// can try to select.
_selected.removeRange(1, _selected.length);
/// Gets the set of currently selected packages that depend on [dependency]
/// either directly or indirectly.
/// When backtracking, it's only useful to consider changing the version of
/// packages who have a dependency on the failed package that triggered
/// backtracking. This is used to determine those packages.
/// We calculate the full set up front before backtracking because during
/// backtracking, we will unselect packages and start to lose this
/// information in the middle of the process.
/// For example, consider dependencies A -> B -> C. We've selected A and B
/// then encounter a problem with C. We start backtracking. B has no more
/// versions so we discard it and keep backtracking to A. When we get there,
/// since we've unselected B, we no longer realize that A had a transitive
/// dependency on C. We would end up backjumping over A and failing.
/// Calculating the dependency set up front before we start backtracking
/// solves that.
Set<String> _getTransitiveDependers(String dependency) {
// Generate a reverse dependency graph. For each package, create edges to
// each package that depends on it.
var dependers = new Map<String, Set<String>>();
addDependencies(name, deps) {
dependers.putIfAbsent(name, () => new Set<String>());
for (var dep in deps) {
dependers.putIfAbsent(, () => new Set<String>()).add(name);
for (var i = 0; i < _selected.length; i++) {
var id = _selected[i].current;
var pubspec = cache.getCachedPubspec(id);
if (pubspec != null) addDependencies(, pubspec.dependencies);
// Include the root package's dependencies.
addDependencies(, root.immediateDependencies);
// Now walk the depending graph to see which packages transitively depend
// on [dependency].
var visited = new Set<String>();
walk(String package) {
// Don't get stuck in cycles.
if (visited.contains(package)) return;
var depender = dependers[package].forEach(walk);
return visited;
/// Logs the initial parameters to the solver.
void _logParameters() {
var buffer = new StringBuffer();
buffer.writeln("Solving dependencies:");
for (var package in root.dependencies) {
buffer.write("- $package");
var locked = getLocked(;
if (_forceLatest.contains( {
buffer.write(" (use latest)");
} else if (locked != null) {
var version = locked.version;
buffer.write(" (locked to $version)");
/// Logs [message] in the context of the current selected packages. If
/// [message] is omitted, just logs a description of leaf-most selection.
void logSolve([String message]) {
if (message == null) {
if (_selected.isEmpty) {
message = "* start at root";
} else {
message = "* select ${_selected.last.current}";
} else {
// Otherwise, indent it under the current selected package.
message = prefixLines(message);
// Indent for the previous selections.
var prefix = _selected.skip(1).map((_) => '| ').join();
log.solver(prefixLines(message, prefix: prefix));
/// Given the solver's current set of selected package versions, this tries to
/// traverse the dependency graph and see if a complete set of valid versions
/// has been chosen. If it reaches a conflict, it will fail and stop
/// traversing. If it reaches a package that isn't selected it will refine the
/// solution by adding that package's set of allowed versions to the solver and
/// then select the best one and continue.
class Traverser {
final BacktrackingSolver _solver;
/// The queue of packages left to traverse. We do a breadth-first traversal
/// using an explicit queue just to avoid the code complexity of a recursive
/// asynchronous traversal.
final _packages = new Queue<PackageId>();
/// The packages we have already traversed. Used to avoid traversing the same
/// package multiple times, and to build the complete solution results.
final _visited = new Set<PackageId>();
/// The dependencies visited so far in the traversal. For each package name
/// (the map key) we track the list of dependencies that other packages have
/// placed on it so that we can calculate the complete constraint for shared
/// dependencies.
final _dependencies = <String, List<Dependency>>{};
/// Walks the dependency graph starting at the root package and validates
/// that each reached package has a valid version selected.
Future<List<PackageId>> traverse() {
// Start at the root.
_packages.add(new PackageId.root(_solver.root));
return _traversePackage();
/// Traverses the next package in the queue. Completes to a list of package
/// IDs if the traversal completed successfully and found a solution.
/// Completes to an error if the traversal failed. Otherwise, recurses to the
/// next package in the queue, etc.
Future<List<PackageId>> _traversePackage() {
if (_packages.isEmpty) {
// We traversed the whole graph. If we got here, we successfully found
// a solution.
return new Future<List<PackageId>>.value(_visited.toList());
var id = _packages.removeFirst();
// Don't visit the same package twice.
if (_visited.contains(id)) {
return _traversePackage();
return _solver.cache.getPubspec(id).then((pubspec) {
var deps = pubspec.dependencies.toSet();
if (id.isRoot) {
// Include dev dependencies of the root package.
// Add all overrides. This ensures a dependency only present as an
// override is still included.
// Replace any overridden dependencies.
deps = {
var override = _solver._overrides[];
if (override != null) return override;
// Not overridden.
return dep;
// Make sure the package doesn't have any bad dependencies.
for (var dep in deps) {
if (!dep.isRoot && !_solver.sources.contains(dep.source)) {
throw new UnknownSourceException(,
[new Dependency(, dep)]);
return _traverseDeps(, new DependencyQueue(_solver, deps));
/// Traverses the references that [depender] depends on, stored in [deps].
/// Desctructively modifies [deps]. Completes to a list of packages if the
/// traversal is complete. Completes it to an error if a failure occurred.
/// Otherwise, recurses.
Future<List<PackageId>> _traverseDeps(String depender, DependencyQueue deps) {
// Move onto the next package if we've traversed all of these references.
if (deps.isEmpty) return _traversePackage();
return resetStack(() {
return deps.advance().then((dep) {
_validateDependency(dep, depender);
// Add the dependency.
var dependencies = _getDependencies(;
dependencies.add(new Dependency(depender, dep));
// If the package is barback, pub has an implicit version constraint on
// it since pub itself uses barback too. Note that we don't check for
// the hosted source here because we still want to do this even when
// people on the Dart team are on the bleeding edge and have a path
// dependency on the tip version of barback in the Dart repo.
// The length check here is to ensure we only add the barback
// dependency once.
if ( == "barback" && dependencies.length == 1) {
_solver.logSolve('add implicit ${barback.supportedVersions} pub '
'dependency on barback');
// Use the same source and description as the explicit dependency.
// That way, this doesn't fail with a source/desc conflict if users
// (like Dart team members) use things like a path dependency to
// find barback.
var barbackDep = new PackageDep(, dep.source,
barback.supportedVersions, dep.description);
dependencies.add(new Dependency("pub itself", barbackDep));
var constraint = _getConstraint(;
// See if it's possible for a package to match that constraint.
if (constraint.isEmpty) {
var constraints = _getDependencies(
.map((dep) => " ${dep.dep.constraint} from ${dep.depender}")
'disjoint constraints on ${}:\n$constraints');
throw new DisjointConstraintException(, dependencies);
var selected = _validateSelected(dep, constraint);
if (selected != null) {
// The selected package version is good, so enqueue it to traverse
// into it.
return _traverseDeps(depender, deps);
// We haven't selected a version. Try all of the versions that match
// the constraints we currently have for this package.
var locked = _getValidLocked(;
return VersionQueue.create(locked,
() => _getAllowedVersions(dep)).then((versions) {
}).then((_) => _traverseDeps(depender, deps));
/// Gets all versions of [dep] that match the current constraints placed on
/// it.
Future<Iterable<PackageId>> _getAllowedVersions(PackageDep dep) {
var constraint = _getConstraint(;
return _solver.cache.getVersions(dep.toRef()).then((versions) {
var allowed = versions.where((id) => constraint.allows(id.version));
if (allowed.isEmpty) {
_solver.logSolve('no versions for ${} match $constraint');
throw new NoVersionException(, constraint,
// If we're doing an upgrade on this package, only allow the latest
// version.
if (_solver._forceLatest.contains( allowed = [allowed.first];
// Remove the locked version, if any, since that was already handled.
var locked = _getValidLocked(;
if (locked != null) {
allowed = allowed.where((dep) => dep.version != locked.version);
return allowed;
}).catchError((error, stackTrace) {
if (error is PackageNotFoundException) {
// Show the user why the package was being requested.
throw new DependencyNotFoundException(, error, _getDependencies(;
throw error;
/// Ensures that dependency [dep] from [depender] is consistent with the
/// other dependencies on the same package. Throws a [SolveFailure]
/// exception if not. Only validates sources and descriptions, not the
/// version.
void _validateDependency(PackageDep dep, String depender) {
// Make sure the dependencies agree on source and description.
var required = _getRequired(;
if (required == null) return;
// Make sure all of the existing sources match the new reference.
if (required.dep.source != dep.source) {
_solver.logSolve('source mismatch on ${}: ${required.dep.source} '
'!= ${dep.source}');
throw new SourceMismatchException(,
[required, new Dependency(depender, dep)]);
// Make sure all of the existing descriptions match the new reference.
var source = _solver.sources[dep.source];
if (!source.descriptionsEqual(dep.description, required.dep.description)) {
_solver.logSolve('description mismatch on ${}: '
'${required.dep.description} != ${dep.description}');
throw new DescriptionMismatchException(,
[required, new Dependency(depender, dep)]);
/// Validates the currently selected package against the new dependency that
/// [dep] and [constraint] place on it. Returns `null` if there is no
/// currently selected package, throws a [SolveFailure] if the new reference
/// it not does not allow the previously selected version, or returns the
/// selected package if successful.
PackageId _validateSelected(PackageDep dep, VersionConstraint constraint) {
var selected = _solver.getSelected(;
if (selected == null) return null;
// Make sure it meets the constraint.
if (!dep.constraint.allows(selected.version)) {
_solver.logSolve('selection $selected does not match $constraint');
throw new NoVersionException(, constraint,
return selected;
/// Gets the list of dependencies for package [name]. Will create an empty
/// list if needed.
List<Dependency> _getDependencies(String name) {
return _dependencies.putIfAbsent(name, () => <Dependency>[]);
/// Gets a "required" reference to the package [name]. This is the first
/// non-root dependency on that package. All dependencies on a package must
/// agree on source and description, except for references to the root
/// package. This will return a reference to that "canonical" source and
/// description, or `null` if there is no required reference yet.
/// This is required because you may have a circular dependency back onto the
/// root package. That second dependency won't be a root dependency and it's
/// *that* one that other dependencies need to agree on. In other words, you
/// can have a bunch of dependencies back onto the root package as long as
/// they all agree with each other.
Dependency _getRequired(String name) {
return _getDependencies(name)
.firstWhere((dep) => !dep.dep.isRoot, orElse: () => null);
/// Gets the combined [VersionConstraint] currently being placed on package
/// [name].
VersionConstraint _getConstraint(String name) {
var constraint = _getDependencies(name)
.map((dep) => dep.dep.constraint)
.fold(VersionConstraint.any, (a, b) => a.intersect(b));
return constraint;
/// Gets the package [name] that's currently contained in the lockfile if it
/// meets [constraint] and has the same source and description as other
/// references to that package. Returns `null` otherwise.
PackageId _getValidLocked(String name) {
var package = _solver.getLocked(name);
if (package == null) return null;
var constraint = _getConstraint(name);
if (!constraint.allows(package.version)) {
_solver.logSolve('$package is locked but does not match $constraint');
return null;
} else {
_solver.logSolve('$package is locked');
var required = _getRequired(name);
if (required != null) {
if (package.source != required.dep.source) return null;
var source = _solver.sources[package.source];
if (!source.descriptionsEqual(
package.description, required.dep.description)) return null;
return package;
/// Ensures that if [pubspec] has an SDK constraint, then it is compatible
/// with the current SDK. Throws a [SolveFailure] if not.
void _validateSdkConstraint(Pubspec pubspec) {
if (pubspec.environment.sdkVersion.allows(sdk.version)) return;
throw new BadSdkVersionException(,
'Package ${} requires SDK version '
'${pubspec.environment.sdkVersion} but the current SDK is '