blob: 862ceb3be523122fc8134b224c9b17c987776c73 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:code_transformers/tests.dart' show testingDartSdkDirectory;
import 'package:polymer/src/build/common.dart';
import 'package:polymer/src/build/script_compactor.dart';
import 'package:smoke/codegen/generator.dart' show DEFAULT_IMPORTS;
import 'package:unittest/compact_vm_config.dart';
import 'package:unittest/unittest.dart';
import 'common.dart';
void main() {
var phases = [[new ScriptCompactor(new TransformOptions(),
sdkDir: testingDartSdkDirectory)]];
group('initializers', () => initializerTests(phases));
group('codegen', () => codegenTests(phases));
initializerTests(phases) {
testPhases('no changes', phases, {
'a|web/test.html': '<!DOCTYPE html><html></html>',
'a|web/test.html.scriptUrls': '[]',
}, {
'a|web/test.html': '<!DOCTYPE html><html></html>',
testPhases('no changes outside web/', phases, {
'<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>',
'a|lib/test.html.scriptUrls': '[["a","lib/a.dart"]]',
}, {
'<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>',
'a|lib/test.html.scriptUrls': '[["a","lib/a.dart"]]',
testPhases('single script', phases, {
'<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>',
'a|web/test.html.scriptUrls': '[["a","web/a.dart"]]',
'library a;\n'
'import "package:polymer/polymer.dart";\n'
'@initMethod main(){}',
}, {
'<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body>'
'<script type="application/dart" '
import 'a.dart' as i0;
void main() {
useGeneratedCode(new StaticConfiguration(
checkedMode: false));
'''.replaceAll('\n ', '\n'),
'library a;\n'
'import "package:polymer/polymer.dart";\n'
'@initMethod main(){}',
testPhases('simple initialization', phases, {
'<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>',
'a|web/test.html.scriptUrls': '[["a","web/a.dart"]]',
'library a;\n'
'import "package:polymer/polymer.dart";\n'
'class XFoo extends PolymerElement {\n'
'@initMethod main(){}',
}, {
import 'a.dart' as i0;
import 'a.dart' as smoke_0;
import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart' as smoke_1;
void main() {
useGeneratedCode(new StaticConfiguration(
checkedMode: false,
parents: {
smoke_0.XFoo: smoke_1.PolymerElement,
declarations: {
smoke_0.XFoo: const {},
() => Polymer.register(\'x-foo\', i0.XFoo),
'''.replaceAll('\n ', '\n'),
testPhases('use const expressions', phases, {
'<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>',
'a|web/test.html.scriptUrls': '[["a","web/a.dart"]]',
'library a;\n'
'const x = "x";\n',
'part of a;\n'
'const dash = "-";\n',
'library a;\n'
'import "package:polymer/polymer.dart";\n'
'import "b.dart";\n'
'part "c.dart";\n'
'const letterO = "o";\n'
'class XFoo extends PolymerElement {\n'
}, {
import 'a.dart' as i0;
import 'a.dart' as smoke_0;
import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart' as smoke_1;
void main() {
useGeneratedCode(new StaticConfiguration(
checkedMode: false,
parents: {
smoke_0.XFoo: smoke_1.PolymerElement,
declarations: {
smoke_0.XFoo: const {},
() => Polymer.register(\'x-foo2\', i0.XFoo),
'''.replaceAll('\n ', '\n'),
testPhases('invalid const expression', phases, {
'<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>',
'a|web/test.html.scriptUrls': '[["a","web/a.dart"]]',
'library a;\n'
'import "package:polymer/polymer.dart";\n'
'@CustomTag("\${x}-foo")\n' // invalid, x is not defined
'class XFoo extends PolymerElement {\n'
}, {}, [
'warning: The parameter to @CustomTag seems to be invalid. '
'(web/a.dart 2 11)',
testPhases('several scripts', phases, {
'<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>'
'[["a", "web/a.dart"],["a", "web/b.dart"],["a", "web/c.dart"],'
'["a", "web/d.dart"]]',
'library d;\n'
'import "package:polymer/polymer.dart";\n'
'@initMethod main(){}\n@initMethod mD(){}',
'import "package:polymer/polymer.dart";\n'
'@initMethod mA(){}\n',
'import "package:polymer/polymer.dart";\n'
'export "e.dart";\n'
'export "f.dart" show XF1, mF1;\n'
'export "g.dart" hide XG1, mG1;\n'
'export "h.dart" show XH1, mH1 hide mH1, mH2;\n'
'@initMethod mB(){}\n',
'import "package:polymer/polymer.dart";\n'
'part "c_part.dart";\n'
'@CustomTag("x-c1") class XC1 extends PolymerElement {}\n',
'@CustomTag("x-c2") class XC2 extends PolymerElement {}\n',
'import "package:polymer/polymer.dart";\n'
'@CustomTag("x-e") class XE extends PolymerElement {}\n'
'@initMethod mE(){}\n',
'import "package:polymer/polymer.dart";\n'
'@CustomTag("x-f1") class XF1 extends PolymerElement {}\n'
'@initMethod mF1(){}\n'
'@CustomTag("x-f2") class XF2 extends PolymerElement {}\n'
'@initMethod mF2(){}\n',
'import "package:polymer/polymer.dart";\n'
'@CustomTag("x-g1") class XG1 extends PolymerElement {}\n'
'@initMethod mG1(){}\n'
'@CustomTag("x-g2") class XG2 extends PolymerElement {}\n'
'@initMethod mG2(){}\n',
'import "package:polymer/polymer.dart";\n'
'@CustomTag("x-h1") class XH1 extends PolymerElement {}\n'
'@initMethod mH1(){}\n'
'@CustomTag("x-h2") class XH2 extends PolymerElement {}\n'
'@initMethod mH2(){}\n',
}, {
'<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body><div></div>'
'<script type="application/dart" src="test.html_bootstrap.dart">'
import 'a.dart' as i0;
import 'b.dart' as i1;
import 'c.dart' as i2;
import 'd.dart' as i3;
import 'e.dart' as smoke_0;
import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart' as smoke_1;
import 'f.dart' as smoke_2;
import 'g.dart' as smoke_3;
import 'h.dart' as smoke_4;
import 'c.dart' as smoke_5;
void main() {
useGeneratedCode(new StaticConfiguration(
checkedMode: false,
parents: {
smoke_5.XC1: smoke_1.PolymerElement,
smoke_5.XC2: smoke_1.PolymerElement,
smoke_0.XE: smoke_1.PolymerElement,
smoke_2.XF1: smoke_1.PolymerElement,
smoke_3.XG2: smoke_1.PolymerElement,
smoke_4.XH1: smoke_1.PolymerElement,
declarations: {
smoke_5.XC1: const {},
smoke_5.XC2: const {},
smoke_0.XE: const {},
smoke_2.XF1: const {},
smoke_3.XG2: const {},
smoke_4.XH1: const {},
() => Polymer.register('x-e', i1.XE),
() => Polymer.register('x-f1', i1.XF1),
() => Polymer.register('x-g2', i1.XG2),
() => Polymer.register('x-h1', i1.XH1),
() => Polymer.register('x-c1', i2.XC1),
() => Polymer.register('x-c2', i2.XC2),
'''.replaceAll('\n ', '\n'),
}, null);
codegenTests(phases) {
testPhases('bindings', phases, {
'<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>'
'<polymer-element name="foo-bar"><template>'
'<div class="{{an.attribute}}"></div>'
'<a href="path/{{}}/foo/bar"></a>'
'<div data-attribute="{{anotherAttribute}}"></div>'
// input and custom-element attributes are treated as 2-way bindings:
'<input value="{{}}">'
'<input value="{{ | intToStringTransformer}}">'
'<something-else my-attribute="{{here.too}}"></something-else>'
'<div on-click="{{methodName}}"></div>'
'<div on-click="{{@read.method}}"></div>'
'a|web/test.html.scriptUrls': '[["a","web/a.dart"]]',
'library a;\n'
'import "package:polymer/polymer.dart";\n'
'@initMethod main(){}',
}, {
import 'a.dart' as i0;
void main() {
useGeneratedCode(new StaticConfiguration(
checkedMode: false,
getters: {
#a: (o) => o.a,
#an: (o) =>,
#anotherAttribute: (o) => o.anotherAttribute,
#anotherNode: (o) => o.anotherNode,
#attribute: (o) => o.attribute,
#here: (o) =>,
#intToStringTransformer: (o) => o.intToStringTransformer,
#is: (o) =>,
#method: (o) => o.method,
#methodName: (o) => o.methodName,
#node: (o) => o.node,
#read: (o) =>,
#too: (o) => o.too,
#twoWay: (o) => o.twoWay,
#twoWayInt: (o) => o.twoWayInt,
#within: (o) => o.within,
setters: {
#too: (o, v) { o.too = v; },
#twoWay: (o, v) { o.twoWay = v; },
#twoWayInt: (o, v) { o.twoWayInt = v; },
names: {
#a: r'a',
#an: r'an',
#anotherAttribute: r'anotherAttribute',
#anotherNode: r'anotherNode',
#attribute: r'attribute',
#here: r'here',
#intToStringTransformer: r'intToStringTransformer',
#is: r'is',
#method: r'method',
#methodName: r'methodName',
#node: r'node',
#read: r'read',
#too: r'too',
#twoWay: r'twoWay',
#twoWayInt: r'twoWayInt',
#within: r'within',
'''.replaceAll('\n ', '\n'),
'library a;\n'
'import "package:polymer/polymer.dart";\n'
'@initMethod main(){}',
final field1Details = "annotations: const [smoke_1.published]";
final field3Details = "isFinal: true, annotations: const [smoke_1.published]";
final prop1Details = "kind: PROPERTY, annotations: const [smoke_1.published]";
final prop3Details =
"kind: PROPERTY, isFinal: true, annotations: const [smoke_1.published]";
testPhases('published via annotation', phases, {
'<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>',
'a|web/test.html.scriptUrls': '[["a","web/a.dart"]]',
'library a;\n'
'import "package:polymer/polymer.dart";\n'
'class XFoo extends PolymerElement {\n'
' @published int field1;\n'
' int field2;\n'
' @published final int field3;\n'
' final int field4;\n'
' @published int get prop1 => 1;\n'
' set prop1(int x) {};\n'
' int get prop2 => 2;\n'
' set prop2(int x) {};\n'
' @published int get prop3 => 3;\n'
' int get prop4 => 4;\n'
' @published int method1() => 1;\n'
' int method2() => 2;\n'
}, {
import 'a.dart' as i0;
import 'a.dart' as smoke_0;
import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart' as smoke_1;
void main() {
useGeneratedCode(new StaticConfiguration(
checkedMode: false,
getters: {
#field1: (o) => o.field1,
#field3: (o) => o.field3,
#prop1: (o) => o.prop1,
#prop3: (o) => o.prop3,
setters: {
#field1: (o, v) { o.field1 = v; },
#prop1: (o, v) { o.prop1 = v; },
parents: {
smoke_0.XFoo: smoke_1.PolymerElement,
declarations: {
smoke_0.XFoo: {
#field1: const Declaration(#field1, int, $field1Details),
#field3: const Declaration(#field3, int, $field3Details),
#prop1: const Declaration(#prop1, int, $prop1Details),
#prop3: const Declaration(#prop3, int, $prop3Details),
names: {
#field1: r'field1',
#field3: r'field3',
#prop1: r'prop1',
#prop3: r'prop3',
() => Polymer.register(\'x-foo\', i0.XFoo),
'''.replaceAll('\n ', '\n'),
testPhases('published via attributes', phases, {
'<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>'
'<polymer-element name="x-foo" attributes="field1,prop2">'
'a|web/test.html.scriptUrls': '[["a","web/a.dart"]]',
'library a;\n'
'import "package:polymer/polymer.dart";\n'
'class XFoo extends PolymerElement {\n'
' int field1;\n'
' int field2;\n'
' int get prop1 => 1;\n'
' set prop1(int x) {};\n'
' int get prop2 => 2;\n'
' set prop2(int x) {};\n'
}, {
import 'a.dart' as i0;
import 'a.dart' as smoke_0;
import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart' as smoke_1;
void main() {
useGeneratedCode(new StaticConfiguration(
checkedMode: false,
getters: {
#field1: (o) => o.field1,
#prop2: (o) => o.prop2,
setters: {
#field1: (o, v) { o.field1 = v; },
#prop2: (o, v) { o.prop2 = v; },
parents: {
smoke_0.XFoo: smoke_1.PolymerElement,
declarations: {
smoke_0.XFoo: {
#field1: const Declaration(#field1, int),
#prop2: const Declaration(#prop2, int, kind: PROPERTY),
names: {
#field1: r'field1',
#prop2: r'prop2',
() => Polymer.register(\'x-foo\', i0.XFoo),
'''.replaceAll('\n ', '\n'),
final fooDetails =
"kind: METHOD, annotations: const [const smoke_1.ObserveProperty('x')]";
final xChangedDetails = "Function, kind: METHOD";
testPhases('ObserveProperty and *Changed methods', phases, {
'<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>'
'a|web/test.html.scriptUrls': '[["a","web/a.dart"]]',
'library a;\n'
'import "package:polymer/polymer.dart";\n'
'class XFoo extends PolymerElement {\n'
' int x;\n'
' void xChanged() {}\n'
' void attributeChanged() {}\n' // should be excluded
' @ObserveProperty("x")'
' void foo() {}\n'
}, {
import 'a.dart' as i0;
import 'a.dart' as smoke_0;
import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart' as smoke_1;
void main() {
useGeneratedCode(new StaticConfiguration(
checkedMode: false,
getters: {
#foo: (o) =>,
#xChanged: (o) => o.xChanged,
parents: {
smoke_0.XFoo: smoke_1.PolymerElement,
declarations: {
smoke_0.XFoo: {
#foo: const Declaration(#foo, Function, $fooDetails),
#xChanged: const Declaration(#xChanged, $xChangedDetails),
names: {
#foo: r'foo',
#xChanged: r'xChanged',
() => Polymer.register(\'x-foo\', i0.XFoo),
'''.replaceAll('\n ', '\n'),
final rcDetails = "#registerCallback, Function, kind: METHOD, isStatic: true";
testPhases('register callback is included', phases, {
'<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>'
'a|web/test.html.scriptUrls': '[["a","web/a.dart"]]',
'library a;\n'
'import "package:polymer/polymer.dart";\n'
'class XFoo extends PolymerElement {\n'
' static registerCallback() {};\n'
' static foo() {};\n'
}, {
import 'a.dart' as i0;
import 'a.dart' as smoke_0;
import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart' as smoke_1;
void main() {
useGeneratedCode(new StaticConfiguration(
checkedMode: false,
parents: {
smoke_0.XFoo: smoke_1.PolymerElement,
declarations: {
smoke_0.XFoo: {
#registerCallback: const Declaration($rcDetails),
staticMethods: {
smoke_0.XFoo: {
#registerCallback: smoke_0.XFoo.registerCallback,
names: {
#registerCallback: r'registerCallback',
() => Polymer.register(\'x-foo\', i0.XFoo),
'''.replaceAll('\n ', '\n'),