blob: 95f5b1c0c028029f57180975e915236b2acf7daf [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2014, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library code_transformer.src.resolver;
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/ast.dart' show Expression;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/constant.dart' show EvaluationResult;
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/element.dart';
import 'package:barback/barback.dart';
import 'package:source_maps/refactor.dart';
import 'package:source_maps/span.dart' show SourceFile, Span;
/// Class for working with a barback based resolved AST.
abstract class Resolver {
/// Update the status of all the sources referenced by the entry points and
/// update the resolved library. If [entryPoints] is omitted, the primary
/// asset of [transform] is used as the only entry point.
/// [release] must be called when done handling this Resolver to allow it
/// to be used by later phases.
Future<Resolver> resolve(Transform transform, [List<AssetId> entryPoints]);
/// Release this resolver so it can be updated by following transforms.
void release();
/// Gets the resolved Dart library for an asset, or null if the AST has not
/// been resolved.
/// If the AST has not been resolved then this normally means that the
/// transformer hosting this needs to be in an earlier phase.
LibraryElement getLibrary(AssetId assetId);
/// Gets all libraries accessible from the entry point, recursively.
/// This includes all Dart SDK libraries as well.
Iterable<LibraryElement> get libraries;
/// Finds the first library identified by [libraryName], or null if no
/// library can be found.
LibraryElement getLibraryByName(String libraryName);
/// Finds the first library identified by [libraryName], or null if no
/// library can be found.
/// [uri] must be an absolute URI of the form
/// `[dart:|package:]path/file.dart`.
LibraryElement getLibraryByUri(Uri uri);
/// Resolves a fully-qualified type name (library_name.ClassName).
/// This will resolve the first instance of [typeName], because of potential
/// library name conflicts the name is not guaranteed to be unique.
ClassElement getType(String typeName);
/// Resolves a fully-qualified top-level library variable
/// (library_name.variableName).
/// This will resolve the first instance of [variableName], because of
/// potential library name conflicts the name is not guaranteed to be unique.
Element getLibraryVariable(String variableName);
/// Resolves a fully-qualified top-level library function
/// (library_name.functionName).
/// This will resolve the first instance of [functionName], because of
/// potential library name conflicts the name is not guaranteed to be unique.
Element getLibraryFunction(String functionName);
/// Gets the result of evaluating the constant [expression] in the context of
/// a [library].
EvaluationResult evaluateConstant(
LibraryElement library, Expression expression);
/// Gets an URI appropriate for importing the specified library.
/// Returns null if the library cannot be imported via an absolute URI or
/// from [from] (if provided).
Uri getImportUri(LibraryElement lib, {AssetId from});
/// Get the asset ID of the file containing the asset.
AssetId getSourceAssetId(Element element);
/// Get the source span where the specified element was defined or null if
/// the element came from the Dart SDK.
Span getSourceSpan(Element element);
/// Get a [SourceFile] with the contents of the file that defines [element],
/// or null if the element came from the Dart SDK.
SourceFile getSourceFile(Element element);
/// Creates a text edit transaction for the given element if it is able
/// to be edited, returns null otherwise.
/// The transaction contains the entire text of the source file where the
/// element originated. If the element was from a library part then the
/// source file is the part file rather than the library.
TextEditTransaction createTextEditTransaction(Element element);