blob: dd5eb8f56df7923010b04228a72270c193593505 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2021, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
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/// A library to facilitate programmatic matching against flow graphs
/// collected during IL tests. See runtime/docs/infra/ for more
/// info.
typedef Renamer = String Function(String);
/// Flow graph parsed from --print-flow-graph-as-json output.
class FlowGraph {
final List<dynamic> blocks;
final Map<String, InstructionDescriptor> descriptors;
final Renamer rename;
FlowGraph(this.blocks, Map<String, dynamic> desc, {required this.rename})
: descriptors = {
for (var e in desc.entries)
e.key: InstructionDescriptor.fromJson(e.value)
/// Match the sequence of blocks in this flow graph against the given
/// sequence of matchers: `expected[i]` is expected to match `blocks[i]`,
/// but there can be more blocks in the graph than matchers (the suffix is
/// ignored).
/// If [env] is provided it will be used as matching environment, otherwise
/// a fresh instance of [Env] will be created and used.
/// This function returns the populated matching environment.
Env match(List<Matcher> expected, {Env? env}) {
env ??= Env(rename: rename, descriptors: descriptors);
for (var i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
expected[i].match(env, blocks[i]).expectMatched('failed to match');
return env;
class InstructionDescriptor {
final List<String> attributes;
final Map<String, int> attributeIndex;
InstructionDescriptor.fromJson(List<dynamic> attrs)
: this._( => _demangle(v)).toList());
InstructionDescriptor._(List<String> attrs)
: attributes = attrs.cast<String>(),
attributeIndex = {for (var i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) attrs[i]: i};
static String _demangle(String v) {
final prefixLen = v.startsWith('&') ? 1 : 0;
final suffixLen = v.endsWith('()') ? 2 : 0;
return v.substring(prefixLen, v.length - suffixLen);
/// Matching environment.
/// This is fundamentally just a name to id mapping which allows to track
/// correspondence between names given to some matchers and blocks/instructions
/// which matched those matchers.
/// This object is also used to carry around auxiliary information which might
/// be needed for matching, e.g. [Renamer].
class Env {
final Map<String, InstructionDescriptor> descriptors;
final Renamer rename;
final Map<String, int> nameToId = {};
Env({required this.rename, required this.descriptors});
void bind(String name, Map<String, dynamic> instrOrBlock) {
final id = instrOrBlock['v'] ?? instrOrBlock['b'];
if (nameToId.containsKey(name) && nameToId[name] != id) {
throw 'Binding mismatch for $name: got ${nameToId[name]} and $id';
nameToId[name] = id;
abstract class Matcher {
/// Try matching this matcher against the given value. Returns
/// [MatchStatus.matched] if match succeeded and an instance of
/// [] otherwise.
MatchStatus match(Env e, dynamic v);
class MatchStatus {
final String? message;
const MatchStatus._matched() : message = null;
const message) : message = message;
bool get isMatch => message == null;
bool get isFail => message != null;
static const MatchStatus matched = MatchStatus._matched();
void expectMatched(String s) {
if (message != null) {
throw 'Failed to match: $message';
/// Matcher which always succeeds.
class _AnyMatcher implements Matcher {
const _AnyMatcher();
MatchStatus match(Env e, v) => MatchStatus.matched;
String toString() {
return '*';
/// Matcher which updates matching environment when it succeeds.
class _BoundMatcher implements Matcher {
final String name;
final Matcher nested;
_BoundMatcher(, this.nested);
MatchStatus match(Env e, dynamic v) {
final result = nested.match(e, v);
if (result.isMatch) {
e.bind(name, v);
return result;
String toString() {
return '$name <- $nested';
/// Matcher which matches a specified value [v].
class _EqualsMatcher implements Matcher {
final dynamic v;
MatchStatus match(Env e, v) {
if (this.v == v) {
return MatchStatus.matched;
// Some instructions refer to obfuscated names, try to rename
// the expectation and try again.
if (this.v is String && v is String && e.rename(this.v) == v) {
return MatchStatus.matched;
return this.v == v
? MatchStatus.matched
:'expected ${this.v} got $v');
String toString() => '$v';
/// Matcher which matches the value which is equivalent to the binding
/// with the given [name] in the matching environment.
/// If this matcher is [binding] then it will populate the binding in the
/// matching environment if the [name] is not bound yet on the first call
/// to [match]. Otherwise if the [name] is not bound when [match] is called
/// an exception will be thrown.
/// Binding matchers are used when we might see the use of a value before its
/// definition (e.g. we usually use the name of the block in the `Goto` or
/// `Branch` before we see the block itself).
class _RefMatcher implements Matcher {
final String name;
final bool binding;
_RefMatcher(, {this.binding = false});
MatchStatus match(Env e, v) {
if (e.nameToId.containsKey(name)) {
return e.nameToId[name] == v
? MatchStatus.matched
'expected $name to bind to ${e.nameToId[name]} but got $v');
if (!binding) {
throw UnimplementedError('Unbound reference to ${name}');
e.nameToId[name] = v;
return MatchStatus.matched;
String toString() {
return name;
/// A wrapper which matches a list of matchers against a list of values.
class _ListMatcher implements Matcher {
final List<Matcher> expected;
MatchStatus match(Env e, dynamic got) {
if (got is! List) {
return'expected List, got ${got.runtimeType}');
if (expected.length > got.length) {
'expected at least ${expected.length} elements got ${got.length}');
for (var i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
final result = expected[i].match(e, got[i]);
if (result.isFail) {
'mismatch at index ${i}, expected ${expected[i]} '
'got ${got[i]}: ${result.message}');
if (expected.last is _AnyMatcher || expected.length == got.length) {
return MatchStatus.matched;
'expected exactly ${expected.length} elements got ${got.length}');
String toString() => '[${expected.join(',')}]';
/// A matcher which matches a block of the specified [kind] and contents.
/// Contents are specified as a sequence of matchers ([body]). For each of
/// those matchers a matching block is expected to contain at least one
/// instruction that matches it. Matching is done in order: first we scan
/// the block until we find the match for the first matcher in body, then
/// we continue scanning until we find the match for the second and so on.
class _BlockMatcher implements Matcher {
final String kind;
final List<Matcher> body;
_BlockMatcher(this.kind, [this.body = const []]);
MatchStatus match(Env e, covariant Map<String, dynamic> block) {
if (block['o'] != '${kind}Entry') {
'Expected block of kind ${kind} got ${block['o']} '
'when matching B${block['b']}');
final gotBody = [...?block['d'], ...?block['is']];
var matcherIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < gotBody.length && matcherIndex < body.length; i++) {
if (body[matcherIndex].match(e, gotBody[i]).isMatch) {
if (matcherIndex != body.length) {
return'Unmatched instruction: ${body[matcherIndex]} '
'in block B${block['b']}');
return MatchStatus.matched;
/// A matcher for instruction's named attributes.
/// Attributes are resolved to their indices through [Env.descriptors].
class _AttributesMatcher implements Matcher {
final String op;
final Map<String, Matcher> matchers;
_ListMatcher? impl;
_AttributesMatcher(this.op, this.matchers);
MatchStatus match(Env e, dynamic v) {
impl ??= _ListMatcher(e.descriptors[op]!.attributes
.map((name) => matchers[name] ?? const _AnyMatcher())
return impl!.match(e, v);
/// Matcher which matches an instruction with opcode [op] and properties
/// specified in [matchers] map.
class InstructionMatcher implements Matcher {
final String op;
final Map<String, Matcher> matchers;
{required String op, List<Matcher>? data, List<Matcher>? inputs})
: this._(op: op, matchers: {
if (data != null) 'd': _ListMatcher(data),
if (inputs != null) 'i': _ListMatcher(inputs),
required this.op,
required this.matchers,
MatchStatus match(Env e, covariant Map<String, dynamic> instr) {
if (instr['o'] != op) {
return'expected instruction ${op} got ${instr['o']}');
for (var entry in matchers.entries) {
final result = entry.value.match(e, instr[entry.key]);
if (result.isFail) {
return result;
return MatchStatus.matched;
String toString() {
return '$op($matchers)';
/// This class uses `noSuchMethod` to allow writing code like
/// ```
/// match.Op(in0, ..., inN, attr0: a0, ..., attrK: aK)
/// ```
/// This will produce an instruction matcher which matches opcode `Op` and
/// expects `in0, ..., inN` to match instructions inputs, while `a0, ...`
/// matchers are expected to match attributes with names `attr0, ...`.
class Matchers {
_BlockMatcher block(String kind, [List<dynamic> body = const []]) {
return _BlockMatcher(kind, List<Matcher>.from(body));
final _AnyMatcher any = const _AnyMatcher();
InstructionMatcher Goto(String dest) =>
InstructionMatcher._(op: 'Goto', matchers: {
's': _ListMatcher([_blockRef(dest)])
InstructionMatcher Branch(InstructionMatcher compare,
{String? ifTrue, String? ifFalse}) =>
InstructionMatcher._(op: 'Branch', matchers: {
'cc': compare,
's': _ListMatcher([
ifTrue != null ? _blockRef(ifTrue) : any,
ifFalse != null ? _blockRef(ifFalse) : any,
Object? noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
final data = {
for (var e in invocation.namedArguments.entries)
getName(e.key): Matchers._toAttributeMatcher(e.value),
final inputs =;
final op = getName(invocation.memberName);
return InstructionMatcher._(op: op, matchers: {
if (data.isNotEmpty) 'd': _AttributesMatcher(op, data),
if (inputs.isNotEmpty) 'i': _ListMatcher(inputs),
static Matcher _blockRef(String name) => _RefMatcher(name, binding: true);
static Matcher _toAttributeMatcher(dynamic v) {
if (v is Matcher) {
return v;
} else {
return _EqualsMatcher(v);
static Matcher _toInputMatcher(dynamic v) {
if (v is Matcher) {
return v;
} else if (v is String) {
return _RefMatcher(v);
} else {
throw ArgumentError.value(
v, 'v', 'Expected either a Matcher or a String (binding name)');
/// Extension which enables `'name' << matcher` syntax for creating bound
/// matchers.
extension BindingExtension on String {
Matcher operator <<(Matcher matcher) {
return _BoundMatcher(this, matcher);
final dynamic match = Matchers();
/// This file should not depend on dart:mirrors because it is imported into
/// tests, which are compiled in AOT mode. So instead we let compare_il driver
/// set this field.
late String Function(Symbol) getName;