blob: cf36831c466b1b5317fd82612299dd45aa14a9e9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of mdv;
/** Extensions to the [Node] API. */
class _NodeExtension {
final Node node;
Map<String, NodeBinding> _bindings;
NodeBinding createBinding(String name, model, String path) => null;
* Binds the attribute [name] to the [path] of the [model].
* Path is a String of accessors such as ``.
NodeBinding bind(String name, model, String path) {
var binding = bindings[name];
if (binding != null) binding.close();
// Note: dispatch through the xtag so a custom element can override it.
binding = (node is Element ? (node as Element).xtag : node)
.createBinding(name, model, path);
bindings[name] = binding;
if (binding == null) {
window.console.error('Unhandled binding to Node: '
'$this $name $model $path');
return binding;
/** Unbinds the attribute [name]. */
void unbind(String name) {
if (_bindings == null) return;
var binding = bindings.remove(name);
if (binding != null) binding.close();
/** Unbinds all bound attributes. */
void unbindAll() {
if (_bindings == null) return;
for (var binding in bindings.values) {
if (binding != null) binding.close();
_bindings = null;
// TODO(jmesserly): we should return a read-only wrapper here.
Map<String, NodeBinding> get bindings {
if (_bindings == null) _bindings = new LinkedHashMap<String, NodeBinding>();
return _bindings;
TemplateInstance _templateInstance;
/** Gets the template instance that instantiated this node, if any. */
TemplateInstance get templateInstance =>
_templateInstance != null ? _templateInstance :
(node.parent != null ? node.parent.templateInstance : null);
/** A data binding on a [Node]. See [Node.bindings] and [Node.bind]. */
abstract class NodeBinding {
Node _node;
var _model;
PathObserver _observer;
StreamSubscription _pathSub;
/** The property of [node] which will be data bound. */
final String property;
/** The property of [node] which will be data bound. */
final String path;
/** The node that has [property] which will be data bound. */
Node get node => _node;
* The bound data model.
get model => _model;
/** True if this binding has been [closed]. */
bool get closed => _observer == null;
/** The value at the [path] on [model]. */
get value => _observer.value;
set value(newValue) {
_observer.value = newValue;
NodeBinding(this._node,, this._model, this.path) {
// Create the path observer
_observer = new PathObserver(model, path);
void _observePath() {
_pathSub = _observer.bindSync(boundValueChanged);
/** Called when [value] changes to update the [node]. */
// TODO(jmesserly): the impl in MDV uses mirrors to set the property,
// but that isn't used except for specific known fields like "textContent",
// so I'm overridding this in the subclasses instead.
void boundValueChanged(newValue);
/** Called to sanitize the value before it is assigned into the property. */
sanitizeBoundValue(value) => value == null ? '' : '$value';
* Called by [Node.unbind] to close this binding and unobserve the [path].
* This can be overridden in subclasses, but they must call `super.close()`
* to free associated resources. They must also check [closed] and return
* immediately if already closed.
void close() {
if (closed) return;
if (_pathSub != null) _pathSub.cancel();
_pathSub = null;
_observer = null;
_node = null;
_model = null;