blob: 8c841cce10d38f0871e35e34b6e3364988b94b0f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
library type_substitution_test;
import "../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/dart2jslib.dart";
import "../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/elements/elements.dart";
import "../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/tree/tree.dart";
import "../../../sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/util/util.dart";
import "compiler_helper.dart";
import "parser_helper.dart";
import "dart:uri";
DartType getElementType(compiler, String name) {
var element = findElement(compiler, name);
if (identical(element.kind, ElementKind.CLASS)) {
return element.computeType(compiler);
DartType getType(compiler, String name) {
var clazz = findElement(compiler, "Class");
var element = clazz.buildScope().lookup(buildSourceString(name));
Expect.equals(element.kind, ElementKind.FUNCTION);
FunctionSignature signature = element.computeSignature(compiler);
// Function signatures are used to be to provide void types (only occuring as
// as return types) and (inlined) function types (only occuring as method
// parameter types).
// Only a single type is used from each signature. That is, it is not the
// intention to check the whole signatures against eachother.
if (signature.requiredParameterCount == 0) {
// If parameters is empty, use return type.
return signature.returnType;
} else {
// Otherwise use the first argument type.
return signature.requiredParameters.head.computeType(compiler);
int length(Link link) {
int count = 0;
while (!link.isEmpty) {
link = link.tail;
return count;
* Test that substitution of [parameters] by [arguments] in the type found
* through [name1] is the same as the type found through [name2].
bool test(compiler, arguments, parameters,
String name1, String name2) {
DartType type1 = getType(compiler, name1);
DartType type2 = getType(compiler, name2);
DartType subst = type1.subst(arguments, parameters);
Expect.equals(type2, subst,
"$type1.subst($arguments,$parameters)=$subst != $type2");
void main() {
var uri = new Uri.fromComponents(scheme: 'source');
var compiler = compilerFor(
typedef void Typedef1<X,Y>(X x1, Y y2);
typedef void Typedef2<Z>(Z z1);
class Class<T,S> {
void void1() {}
void void2() {}
void dynamic1(dynamic a) {}
void dynamic2(dynamic b) {}
void int1(int a) {}
void int2(int a) {}
void String1(String a) {}
void String2(String a) {}
void ListInt1(List<int> a) {}
void ListInt2(List<int> b) {}
void ListT1(List<T> a) {}
void ListT2(List<int> b) {}
void ListS1(List<S> a) {}
void ListS2(List<String> b) {}
void ListListT1(List<List<T>> a) {}
void ListListT2(List<List<int>> b) {}
void ListRaw1(List a) {}
void ListRaw2(List b) {}
void ListDynamic1(List<dynamic> a) {}
void ListDynamic2(List<dynamic> b) {}
void MapIntString1(Map<T,S> a) {}
void MapIntString2(Map<int,String> b) {}
void MapTString1(Map<T,String> a) {}
void MapTString2(Map<int,String> b) {}
void MapDynamicString1(Map<dynamic,String> a) {}
void MapDynamicString2(Map<dynamic,String> b) {}
void TypeVarT1(T t1) {}
void TypeVarT2(int t2) {}
void TypeVarS1(S s1) {}
void TypeVarS2(String s2) {}
void Function1a(int a(String s1)) {}
void Function2a(int b(String s2)) {}
void Function1b(void a(T t1, S s1)) {}
void Function2b(void b(int t2, String s2)) {}
void Function1c(void a(dynamic t1, dynamic s1)) {}
void Function2c(void b(dynamic t2, dynamic s2)) {}
void Typedef1a(Typedef1<T,S> a) {}
void Typedef2a(Typedef1<int,String> b) {}
void Typedef1b(Typedef1<dynamic,dynamic> a) {}
void Typedef2b(Typedef1<dynamic,dynamic> b) {}
void Typedef1c(Typedef1 a) {}
void Typedef2c(Typedef1 b) {}
void Typedef1d(Typedef2<T> a) {}
void Typedef2d(Typedef2<int> b) {}
void Typedef1e(Typedef2<S> a) {}
void Typedef2e(Typedef2<String> b) {}
void main() {}
DartType Class_T_S = getElementType(compiler, "Class");
Expect.identical(Class_T_S.kind, TypeKind.INTERFACE);
Expect.equals(2, length(Class_T_S.typeArguments));
DartType T = Class_T_S.typeArguments.head;
Expect.identical(T.kind, TypeKind.TYPE_VARIABLE);
DartType S = Class_T_S.typeArguments.tail.head;
Expect.identical(S.kind, TypeKind.TYPE_VARIABLE);
DartType intType = getType(compiler, "int1");
Expect.identical(intType.kind, TypeKind.INTERFACE);
DartType StringType = getType(compiler, "String1");
Expect.identical(StringType.kind, TypeKind.INTERFACE);
var parameters = new Link<DartType>.fromList(<DartType>[T, S]);
var arguments = new Link<DartType>.fromList(<DartType>[intType, StringType]);
// TODO(johnniwinther): Create types directly from strings to improve test
// readability.
test(compiler, arguments, parameters, "void1", "void2");
test(compiler, arguments, parameters, "dynamic1", "dynamic2");
test(compiler, arguments, parameters, "int1", "int2");
test(compiler, arguments, parameters, "String1", "String2");
test(compiler, arguments, parameters, "ListInt1", "ListInt2");
test(compiler, arguments, parameters, "ListT1", "ListT2");
test(compiler, arguments, parameters, "ListS1", "ListS2");
test(compiler, arguments, parameters, "ListListT1", "ListListT2");
test(compiler, arguments, parameters, "ListRaw1", "ListRaw2");
test(compiler, arguments, parameters, "ListDynamic1", "ListDynamic2");
test(compiler, arguments, parameters, "MapIntString1", "MapIntString2");
test(compiler, arguments, parameters, "MapTString1", "MapTString2");
test(compiler, arguments, parameters,
"MapDynamicString1", "MapDynamicString2");
test(compiler, arguments, parameters, "TypeVarT1", "TypeVarT2");
test(compiler, arguments, parameters, "TypeVarS1", "TypeVarS2");
test(compiler, arguments, parameters, "Function1a", "Function2a");
test(compiler, arguments, parameters, "Function1b", "Function2b");
test(compiler, arguments, parameters, "Function1c", "Function2c");
test(compiler, arguments, parameters, "Typedef1a", "Typedef2a");
test(compiler, arguments, parameters, "Typedef1b", "Typedef2b");
test(compiler, arguments, parameters, "Typedef1c", "Typedef2c");
test(compiler, arguments, parameters, "Typedef1d", "Typedef2d");
test(compiler, arguments, parameters, "Typedef1e", "Typedef2e");