blob: b8803388084ae126a2102299ffdf9e87b6e518f8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
* Growable typed-data lists.
* These lists works just as a typed-data list, except that they are growable.
* They use an underlying buffer, and when that buffer becomes too small, it
* is replaced by a new buffer.
* That means that using the [TypedDataView.buffer] getter is not guaranteed
* to return the same result each time it is used, and that the buffer may
* be larger than what the list is using.
library dart.pkg.typed_data.typed_buffers;
import "dart:collection" show ListBase;
import "dart:typed_data";
abstract class _TypedDataBuffer<E> extends ListBase<E> {
static const int INITIAL_LENGTH = 8;
/// This is a Uint8List for Uint8Buffer. It's both a List<E> and a TypedData,
/// which we don't have a type for here.
var _buffer;
/// The length of the list being built.
int _length;
_TypedDataBuffer(List<E> buffer)
: this._buffer = buffer, this._length = buffer.length;
int get length => _length;
E operator[](int index) {
if (index >= length) throw new RangeError.range(index, 0, length - 1);
return _buffer[index];
void operator[]=(int index, E value) {
if (index >= length) throw new RangeError.range(index, 0, length - 1);
_buffer[index] = value;
void set length(int newLength) {
if (newLength < _length) {
E defaultValue = _defaultValue;
for (int i = newLength; i < _length; i++) {
_buffer[i] = defaultValue;
} else if (newLength > _buffer.length) {
List<E> newBuffer;
if (_buffer.length == 0) {
newBuffer = _createBuffer(newLength);
} else {
newBuffer = _createBiggerBuffer(newLength);
newBuffer.setRange(0, _length, _buffer);
_buffer = newBuffer;
_length = newLength;
void _add(E value) {
if (_length == _buffer.length) _grow();
_buffer[_length++] = value;
// We override the default implementation of `add` and `addAll` because
// they grow by setting the length in increments of one. We want to grow
// by doubling capacity in most cases.
void add(E value) { _add(value); }
void addAll(Iterable<E> values) {
for (E value in values) _add(value);
void insert(int index, E element) {
if (index < 0 || index > _length) {
throw new RangeError.range(index, 0, _length);
if (_length < _buffer.length) {
_buffer.setRange(index + 1, _length + 1, _buffer, index);
_buffer[index] = element;
List<E> newBuffer = _createBiggerBuffer(null);
newBuffer.setRange(0, index, _buffer);
newBuffer.setRange(index + 1, _length + 1, _buffer, index);
newBuffer[index] = element;
_buffer = newBuffer;
* Create a bigger buffer.
* This method determines how much bigger a bigger buffer should
* be. If [requiredLength] is not null, it will be at least that
* size. It will always have at least have double the capacity of
* the current buffer.
List<E> _createBiggerBuffer(int requiredLength) {
int newLength = _buffer.length * 2;
if (requiredLength != null && newLength < requiredLength) {
newLength = requiredLength;
} else if (newLength < INITIAL_LENGTH) {
return _createBuffer(newLength);
void _grow() {
_buffer = _createBiggerBuffer(null)..setRange(0, _length, _buffer);
void setRange(int start, int end, Iterable<E> source, [int skipCount = 0]) {
if (end > _length) throw new RangeError.range(end, 0, _length);
if (source is _TypedDataBuffer<E>) {
_buffer.setRange(start, end, source._buffer, skipCount);
} else {
_buffer.setRange(start, end, source, skipCount);
// TypedData.
int get elementSizeInBytes => _buffer.elementSizeInBytes;
int get lengthInBytes => _length * _buffer.elementSizeInBytes;
int get offsetInBytes => _buffer.offsetInBytes;
* Returns the underlying [ByteBuffer].
* The returned buffer may be replaced by operations that change the [length]
* of this list.
* The buffer may be larger than [lengthInBytes] bytes, but never smaller.
ByteBuffer get buffer => _buffer.buffer;
// Specialization for the specific type.
// Return zero for integers, 0.0 for floats, etc.
// Used to fill buffer when changing length.
E get _defaultValue;
// Create a new typed list to use as buffer.
List<E> _createBuffer(int size);
abstract class _IntBuffer extends _TypedDataBuffer<int> {
_IntBuffer(buffer): super(buffer);
int get _defaultValue => 0;
abstract class _FloatBuffer extends _TypedDataBuffer<double> {
_FloatBuffer(buffer): super(buffer);
double get _defaultValue => 0.0;
class Uint8Buffer extends _IntBuffer {
Uint8Buffer([int initialLength = 0]) : super(new Uint8List(initialLength));
Uint8List _createBuffer(int size) => new Uint8List(size);
class Int8Buffer extends _IntBuffer {
Int8Buffer([int initialLength = 0]) : super(new Int8List(initialLength));
Int8List _createBuffer(int size) => new Int8List(size);
class Uint8ClampedBuffer extends _IntBuffer {
Uint8ClampedBuffer([int initialLength = 0])
: super(new Uint8ClampedList(initialLength));
Uint8ClampedList _createBuffer(int size) => new Uint8ClampedList(size);
class Uint16Buffer extends _IntBuffer {
Uint16Buffer([int initialLength = 0]) : super(new Uint16List(initialLength));
Uint16List _createBuffer(int size) => new Uint16List(size);
class Int16Buffer extends _IntBuffer {
Int16Buffer([int initialLength = 0]) : super(new Int16List(initialLength));
Int16List _createBuffer(int size) => new Int16List(size);
class Uint32Buffer extends _IntBuffer {
Uint32Buffer([int initialLength = 0]) : super(new Uint32List(initialLength));
Uint32List _createBuffer(int size) => new Uint32List(size);
class Int32Buffer extends _IntBuffer {
Int32Buffer([int initialLength = 0]) : super(new Int32List(initialLength));
Int32List _createBuffer(int size) => new Int32List(size);
class Uint64Buffer extends _IntBuffer {
Uint64Buffer([int initialLength = 0]) : super(new Uint64List(initialLength));
Uint64List _createBuffer(int size) => new Uint64List(size);
class Int64Buffer extends _IntBuffer {
Int64Buffer([int initialLength = 0]) : super(new Int64List(initialLength));
Int64List _createBuffer(int size) => new Int64List(size);
class Float32Buffer extends _FloatBuffer {
Float32Buffer([int initialLength = 0])
: super(new Float32List(initialLength));
Float32List _createBuffer(int size) => new Float32List(size);
class Float64Buffer extends _FloatBuffer {
Float64Buffer([int initialLength = 0])
: super(new Float64List(initialLength));
Float64List _createBuffer(int size) => new Float64List(size);
class Int32x4Buffer extends _TypedDataBuffer<Int32x4> {
static Int32x4 _zero = new Int32x4(0, 0, 0, 0);
Int32x4Buffer([int initialLength = 0])
: super(new Int32x4List(initialLength));
Int32x4 get _defaultValue => _zero;
Int32x4List _createBuffer(int size) => new Int32x4List(size);
class Float32x4Buffer extends _TypedDataBuffer<Float32x4> {
Float32x4Buffer([int initialLength = 0])
: super(new Float32x4List(initialLength));
Float32x4 get _defaultValue => new;
Float32x4List _createBuffer(int size) => new Float32x4List(size);