blob: bf6d8b5b080d4559c87044929a014eb9935cdd24 [file] [log] [blame]
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:analyzer/src/generated/sdk_io.dart';
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/flat_buffers.dart' as fb;
import 'package:analyzer/src/summary/summary_file_builder.dart';
main(List<String> args) {
if (args.length < 1) {
exitCode = 1;
String command = args[0];
if ((command == 'multiple-outputs' || command == 'strong-outputs') &&
args.length >= 2 &&
args.length <= 3) {
bool includeSpec = command != 'strong-outputs';
// Prepare the output path.
String outputDirectoryPath = args[1];
if (!FileSystemEntity.isDirectorySync(outputDirectoryPath)) {
print("'$outputDirectoryPath' is not a directory.");
exitCode = 1;
// Prepare results.
String sdkPath = args.length > 2 ? args[2] : null;
SummaryOutput output = _buildMultipleOutputs(sdkPath, includeSpec);
if (output == null) {
exitCode = 1;
// Write results.
if (includeSpec) {
output.spec.writeMultiple(outputDirectoryPath, 'spec');
output.strong.writeMultiple(outputDirectoryPath, 'strong');
} else if (command == 'single-output' &&
args.length >= 2 &&
args.length <= 3) {
String outputPath = args[1];
String sdkPath = args.length > 2 ? args[2] : null;
// Prepare results.
SummaryOutput output = _buildMultipleOutputs(sdkPath, true);
if (output == null) {
exitCode = 1;
// Write results.
} else if (command == 'extract-spec-sum' && args.length == 3) {
String inputPath = args[1];
String outputPath = args[2];
_extractSingleOutput(inputPath, FIELD_SPEC_SUM, outputPath);
} else if (command == 'extract-spec-index' && args.length == 3) {
String inputPath = args[1];
String outputPath = args[2];
_extractSingleOutput(inputPath, FIELD_SPEC_INDEX, outputPath);
} else if (command == 'extract-strong-sum' && args.length == 3) {
String inputPath = args[1];
String outputPath = args[2];
_extractSingleOutput(inputPath, FIELD_STRONG_SUM, outputPath);
} else if (command == 'extract-strong-index' && args.length == 3) {
String inputPath = args[1];
String outputPath = args[2];
_extractSingleOutput(inputPath, FIELD_STRONG_INDEX, outputPath);
} else {
exitCode = 1;
* The name of the SDK summaries builder application.
const BINARY_NAME = "build_sdk_summaries";
SummaryOutput _buildMultipleOutputs(String sdkPath, bool includeSpec) {
// Validate the SDK path.
if (sdkPath != null) {
if (!FileSystemEntity.isDirectorySync('$sdkPath/lib')) {
print("'$sdkPath/lib' does not exist.");
return null;
} else {
sdkPath = DirectoryBasedDartSdk.defaultSdkDirectory.getAbsolutePath();
// Build spec and strong outputs.
BuilderOutput spec = includeSpec ? _buildOutput(sdkPath, false) : null;
BuilderOutput strong = _buildOutput(sdkPath, true);
return new SummaryOutput(spec, strong);
BuilderOutput _buildOutput(String sdkPath, bool strongMode) {
String modeName = strongMode ? 'strong' : 'spec';
print('Generating $modeName mode summary and index.');
Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch()..start();
SummaryBuildConfig config = new SummaryBuildConfig(strongMode: strongMode);
BuilderOutput output = new SummaryBuilder.forSdk(sdkPath, config).build();
print('\tDone in ${sw.elapsedMilliseconds} ms.');
return output;
* Open the flat buffer in [inputPath] and extract the byte array in the [field]
* into the [outputPath] file.
void _extractSingleOutput(String inputPath, int field, String outputPath) {
List<int> bytes = new File(inputPath).readAsBytesSync();
fb.BufferContext root = new fb.BufferContext.fromBytes(bytes);
int tableOffset = root.derefObject(0);
List<int> fieldBytes =
const fb.Uint8ListReader().vTableGet(root, tableOffset, field);
new File(outputPath).writeAsBytesSync(fieldBytes, mode: FileMode.WRITE_ONLY);
* Print information about how to use the SDK summaries builder.
void _printUsage() {
// print('Usage: $BINARY_NAME command output_directory_path [sdk_path]');
print('Usage: $BINARY_NAME command arguments');
print('Where command can be one of the following:');
print(' multiple-outputs output_directory_path [sdk_path]');
print(' Generate separate summary and index files.');
print(' strong-outputs output_directory_path [sdk_path]');
print(' Generate separate summary and index files (strong mode only).');
print(' single-output output_file_path [sdk_path]');
print(' Generate a single file with summary and index.');
print(' extract-spec-sum input_file output_file');
print(' Extract the spec-mode summary file.');
print(' extract-strong-sum input_file output_file');
print(' Extract the strong-mode summary file.');
print(' extract-spec-index input_file output_file');
print(' Extract the spec-mode index file.');
print(' extract-strong-index input_file output_file');
print(' Extract the strong-mode index file.');