blob: 310f7ca510a5b6fa5ecf0ac24247e712a11240aa [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Tests timer tasks.
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:collection';
class MyTimerSpecification implements SingleShotTimerTaskSpecification {
final Function callback;
final Duration duration;
MyTimerSpecification(this.callback, this.duration);
bool get isOneShot => true;
String get name => "test.timer-override";
class MyPeriodicTimerSpecification implements PeriodicTimerTaskSpecification {
final Function callback;
final Duration duration;
MyPeriodicTimerSpecification(this.callback, this.duration);
bool get isOneShot => true;
String get name => "test.periodic-timer-override";
/// Makes sure things are working in a simple setting.
/// No interceptions, changes, ...
Future testTimerTask() {
List log = [];
var testCompleter = new Completer();
int taskIdCounter = 0;
Object createTaskHandler(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone,
TaskCreate create, TaskSpecification specification) {
var taskMap = self['taskMap'];
var taskIdMap = self['taskIdMap'];
if (specification is SingleShotTimerTaskSpecification) {
log.add("create enter "
"zone: ${self['name']} "
"spec-duration: ${specification.duration} "
"spec-oneshot?: ${specification.isOneShot}");
var result = parent.createTask(zone, create, specification);
taskMap[result] = specification;
taskIdMap[specification] = taskIdCounter++;
log.add("create leave");
return result;
} else if (specification is PeriodicTimerTaskSpecification) {
log.add("create enter "
"zone: ${self['name']} "
"spec-duration: ${specification.duration} "
"spec-oneshot?: ${specification.isOneShot}");
var result = parent.createTask(zone, create, specification);
taskMap[result] = specification;
taskIdMap[specification] = taskIdCounter++;
log.add("create leave");
return result;
return parent.createTask(zone, create, specification);
void runTaskHandler(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, TaskRun run,
Object task, Object arg) {
var taskMap = self['taskMap'];
var taskIdMap = self['taskIdMap'];
if (taskMap.containsKey(task)) {
var spec = taskMap[task];
log.add("run enter "
"zone: ${self['name']} "
"task-id: ${taskIdMap[spec]} "
"arg: $arg");
parent.runTask(zone, run, task, arg);
log.add("run leave");
parent.runTask(zone, run, task, arg);
runZoned(() async {
var completer0 = new Completer(); {
await completer0.future;
'create enter zone: custom zone spec-duration: 0:00:00.000000 '
'spec-oneshot?: true',
'create leave',
'run enter zone: custom zone task-id: 0 arg: null',
'run leave'
], log);
var completer1 = new Completer();
var counter1 = 0;
new Timer.periodic(const Duration(milliseconds: 5), (Timer timer) {
if (counter1++ > 1) {
await completer1.future;
'create enter zone: custom zone spec-duration: 0:00:00.005000 '
'spec-oneshot?: false',
'create leave',
'run enter zone: custom zone task-id: 1 arg: null',
'run leave',
'run enter zone: custom zone task-id: 1 arg: null',
'run leave',
'run enter zone: custom zone task-id: 1 arg: null',
'run leave'
], log);
zoneValues: {'name': 'custom zone', 'taskMap': {}, 'taskIdMap': {}},
zoneSpecification: new ZoneSpecification(
createTask: createTaskHandler,
runTask: runTaskHandler));
return testCompleter.future;
/// More complicated zone, that intercepts...
Future testTimerTask2() {
List log = [];
var testCompleter = new Completer();
int taskIdCounter = 0;
Object createTaskHandler(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone,
TaskCreate create, TaskSpecification specification) {
var taskMap = self['taskMap'];
var taskIdMap = self['taskIdMap'];
if (specification is SingleShotTimerTaskSpecification) {
log.add("create enter "
"zone: ${self['name']} "
"spec-duration: ${specification.duration} "
"spec-oneshot?: ${specification.isOneShot}");
var mySpec = new MyTimerSpecification(specification.callback,
specification.duration + const Duration(milliseconds: 2));
var result = parent.createTask(zone, create, mySpec);
taskMap[result] = specification;
taskIdMap[specification] = taskIdCounter++;
log.add("create leave");
return result;
} else if (specification is PeriodicTimerTaskSpecification) {
log.add("create enter "
"zone: ${self['name']} "
"spec-duration: ${specification.duration} "
"spec-oneshot?: ${specification.isOneShot}");
var mySpec = new MyPeriodicTimerSpecification(specification.callback,
specification.duration + const Duration(milliseconds: 2));
var result = parent.createTask(zone, create, specification);
taskMap[result] = specification;
taskIdMap[specification] = taskIdCounter++;
log.add("create leave");
return result;
return parent.createTask(zone, create, specification);
void runTaskHandler(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, TaskRun run,
Object task, Object arg) {
var taskMap = self['taskMap'];
var taskIdMap = self['taskIdMap'];
if (taskMap.containsKey(task)) {
var spec = taskMap[task];
log.add("run enter "
"zone: ${self['name']} "
"task-id: ${taskIdMap[spec]} "
"arg: $arg");
parent.runTask(zone, run, task, arg);
log.add("run leave");
parent.runTask(zone, run, task, arg);
runZoned(() async {
var completer0 = new Completer(); {
await completer0.future;
// No visible change (except for the zone name) in the log, compared to the
// simple invocations.
'create enter zone: outer-zone spec-duration: 0:00:00.000000 '
'spec-oneshot?: true',
'create leave',
'run enter zone: outer-zone task-id: 0 arg: null',
'run leave'
], log);
var completer1 = new Completer();
var counter1 = 0;
new Timer.periodic(const Duration(milliseconds: 5), (Timer timer) {
if (counter1++ > 1) {
await completer1.future;
// No visible change (except for the zone nome) in the log, compared to the
// simple invocations.
'create enter zone: outer-zone spec-duration: 0:00:00.005000 '
'spec-oneshot?: false',
'create leave',
'run enter zone: outer-zone task-id: 1 arg: null',
'run leave',
'run enter zone: outer-zone task-id: 1 arg: null',
'run leave',
'run enter zone: outer-zone task-id: 1 arg: null',
'run leave'
], log);
var nestedCompleter = new Completer();
runZoned(() async {
var completer0 = new Completer(); {
await completer0.future;
// The outer zone sees the duration change of the inner zone.
'create enter zone: inner-zone spec-duration: 0:00:00.000000 '
'spec-oneshot?: true',
'create enter zone: outer-zone spec-duration: 0:00:00.002000 '
'spec-oneshot?: true',
'create leave',
'create leave',
'run enter zone: inner-zone task-id: 3 arg: null',
'run enter zone: outer-zone task-id: 2 arg: null',
'run leave',
'run leave'
], log);
var completer1 = new Completer();
var counter1 = 0;
new Timer.periodic(const Duration(milliseconds: 5), (Timer timer) {
if (counter1++ > 1) {
await completer1.future;
// The outer zone sees the duration change of the inner zone.
'create enter zone: inner-zone spec-duration: 0:00:00.005000 '
'spec-oneshot?: false',
'create enter zone: outer-zone spec-duration: 0:00:00.005000 '
'spec-oneshot?: false',
'create leave',
'create leave',
'run enter zone: inner-zone task-id: 5 arg: null',
'run enter zone: outer-zone task-id: 4 arg: null',
'run leave',
'run leave',
'run enter zone: inner-zone task-id: 5 arg: null',
'run enter zone: outer-zone task-id: 4 arg: null',
'run leave',
'run leave',
'run enter zone: inner-zone task-id: 5 arg: null',
'run enter zone: outer-zone task-id: 4 arg: null',
'run leave',
'run leave'
], log);
zoneValues: {'name': 'inner-zone', 'taskMap': {}, 'taskIdMap': {}},
zoneSpecification: new ZoneSpecification(
createTask: createTaskHandler,
runTask: runTaskHandler));
await nestedCompleter.future;
zoneValues: {'name': 'outer-zone', 'taskMap': {}, 'taskIdMap': {}},
zoneSpecification: new ZoneSpecification(
createTask: createTaskHandler,
runTask: runTaskHandler));
return testCompleter.future;
class TimerEntry {
final int time;
final SimulatedTimer timer;
TimerEntry(this.time, this.timer);
class SimulatedTimer implements Timer {
static int _idCounter = 0;
Zone _zone;
final int _id = _idCounter++;
final Duration _duration;
final Function _callback;
final bool _isPeriodic;
bool _isActive = true;
SimulatedTimer(this._zone, this._duration, this._callback, this._isPeriodic);
bool get isActive => _isActive;
void cancel() {
_isActive = false;
void _run() {
if (!isActive) return;
_zone.runTask(_runTimer, this, null);
static void _runTimer(SimulatedTimer timer, _) {
if (timer._isPeriodic) {
} else {
testSimulatedTimer() {
List log = [];
var currentTime = 0;
// Using a simple list as queue. Not very efficient, but the test has only
// very few timers running at the same time.
var queue = new DoubleLinkedQueue<TimerEntry>();
// Schedules the given callback at now + duration.
void schedule(int scheduledTime, SimulatedTimer timer) {
log.add("scheduling timer ${timer._id} for $scheduledTime");
if (queue.isEmpty) {
queue.add(new TimerEntry(scheduledTime, timer));
} else {
DoubleLinkedQueueEntry current = queue.firstEntry();
while (current != null) {
if (current.element.time <= scheduledTime) {
current = current.nextEntry();
} else {
current.prepend(new TimerEntry(scheduledTime, timer));
if (current == null) {
queue.add(new TimerEntry(scheduledTime, timer));
void runQueue() {
while (queue.isNotEmpty) {
var item = queue.removeFirst();
// If multiple callbacks were scheduled at the same time, increment the
// current time instead of staying at the same time.
currentTime = item.time > currentTime ? item.time : currentTime + 1;
SimulatedTimer timer = item.timer;
log.add("running timer ${timer._id} at $currentTime "
"(active?: ${timer.isActive})");
if (!timer.isActive) continue;
if (timer._isPeriodic) {
schedule(currentTime + timer._duration.inMilliseconds, timer);
SimulatedTimer createSimulatedOneShotTimer(
SingleShotTimerTaskSpecification spec, Zone zone) {
var timer = new SimulatedTimer(zone, spec.duration, spec.callback, false);
schedule(currentTime + spec.duration.inMilliseconds, timer);
return timer;
SimulatedTimer createSimulatedPeriodicTimer(
PeriodicTimerTaskSpecification spec, Zone zone) {
var timer = new SimulatedTimer(zone, spec.duration, spec.callback, true);
schedule(currentTime + spec.duration.inMilliseconds, timer);
return timer;
Object createSimulatedTaskHandler(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone,
TaskCreate create, TaskSpecification specification) {
var taskMap = self['taskMap'];
var taskIdMap = self['taskIdMap'];
if (specification is SingleShotTimerTaskSpecification) {
log.add("create enter "
"zone: ${self['name']} "
"spec-duration: ${specification.duration} "
"spec-oneshot?: ${specification.isOneShot}");
var result =
parent.createTask(zone, createSimulatedOneShotTimer, specification);
log.add("create leave");
return result;
if (specification is PeriodicTimerTaskSpecification) {
log.add("create enter "
"zone: ${self['name']} "
"spec-duration: ${specification.duration} "
"spec-oneshot?: ${specification.isOneShot}");
var result =
parent.createTask(zone, createSimulatedPeriodicTimer, specification);
log.add("create leave");
return result;
return parent.createTask(zone, create, specification);
runZoned(() { {
var timer0;
new Timer(const Duration(milliseconds: 10), () {
log.add("running Timer(10)");
log.add("canceled timer0");
timer0 = new Timer(const Duration(milliseconds: 15), () {
log.add("running Timer(15)");
var counter1 = 0;
new Timer.periodic(const Duration(milliseconds: 5), (Timer timer) {
log.add("running periodic timer $counter1");
if (counter1++ > 1) {
new ZoneSpecification(createTask: createSimulatedTaskHandler));
'create enter zone: null spec-duration: 0:00:00.000000 spec-oneshot?: true',
'scheduling timer 0 for 0',
'create leave',
'create enter zone: null spec-duration: 0:00:00.010000 spec-oneshot?: true',
'scheduling timer 1 for 10',
'create leave',
'create enter zone: null spec-duration: 0:00:00.015000 spec-oneshot?: true',
'scheduling timer 2 for 15',
'create leave',
'create enter zone: null spec-duration: 0:00:00.005000 '
'spec-oneshot?: false',
'scheduling timer 3 for 5',
'create leave',
'running timer 0 at 1 (active?: true)',
'running timer 3 at 5 (active?: true)',
'scheduling timer 3 for 10',
'running periodic timer 0',
'running timer 1 at 10 (active?: true)',
'running Timer(10)',
'canceled timer0',
'running timer 3 at 11 (active?: true)',
'scheduling timer 3 for 16',
'running periodic timer 1',
'running timer 2 at 15 (active?: false)',
'running timer 3 at 16 (active?: true)',
'scheduling timer 3 for 21',
'running periodic timer 2',
'running timer 3 at 21 (active?: false)'
], log);
runTests() async {
await testTimerTask();
await testTimerTask2();
main() {
runTests().then((_) {