blob: aa9b008bad62e3d6ac89a2c3472a39b851a4a717 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2016, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Tests basic functionality of tasks in zones.
import 'package:expect/expect.dart';
import 'package:async_helper/async_helper.dart';
import 'dart:async';
List log = [];
class MySpecification extends TaskSpecification {
final Function callback;
final bool isOneShot;
final int value;
MySpecification(void this.callback(), this.isOneShot, this.value);
String get name => "test.specification-name";
class MyTask {
final Zone zone;
final Function callback;
final int id;
int invocationCount = 0;
bool shouldStop = false;
MyTask(, void this.callback(),;
void runMyTask(MyTask task, int value) {
log.add("running "
"zone: ${Zone.current['name']} "
"task-id: ${} "
"invocation-count: ${task.invocationCount} "
"value: $value");
MyTask createMyTask(MySpecification spec, Zone zone) {
var task = new MyTask(zone, spec.callback, spec.value);
log.add("creating task: ${spec.value} oneshot?: ${spec.isOneShot}");
if (spec.isOneShot) { {
zone.runTask(runMyTask, task,;
} else {
new Timer.periodic(const Duration(milliseconds: 10), (Timer timer) {
zone.runTask(runMyTask, task,;
if (task.shouldStop) {
return task;
MyTask startTask(f, bool oneShot, int value) {
var spec = new MySpecification(f, oneShot, value);
return Zone.current.createTask(createMyTask, spec);
/// Makes sure things are working in a simple setting.
/// No interceptions, changes, ...
Future testCustomTask() {
var testCompleter = new Completer();
Object createTaskHandler(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone,
TaskCreate create, TaskSpecification specification) {
if (specification is MySpecification) {
log.add("create enter "
"zone: ${self['name']} "
"spec-value: ${specification.value} "
"spec-oneshot?: ${specification.isOneShot}");
MyTask result = parent.createTask(zone, create, specification);
log.add("create leave");
return result;
return parent.createTask(zone, create, specification);
void runTaskHandler(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, TaskRun run,
Object task, Object arg) {
if (task is MyTask) {
log.add("run enter "
"zone: ${self['name']} "
"task-id: ${} "
"invocation-count: ${task.invocationCount} "
"arg: $arg");
parent.runTask(zone, run, task, arg);
log.add("run leave invocation-count: ${task.invocationCount}");
parent.runTask(zone, run, task, arg);
runZoned(() async {
var completer0 = new Completer();
startTask(() {
}, true, 0);
await completer0.future;
'create enter zone: custom zone spec-value: 0 spec-oneshot?: true',
'creating task: 0 oneshot?: true',
'create leave',
'run enter zone: custom zone task-id: 0 invocation-count: 0 arg: 0',
'running zone: custom zone task-id: 0 invocation-count: 0 value: 0',
'run leave invocation-count: 1'
], log);
var completer1 = new Completer();
MyTask task1;
task1 = startTask(() {
if (task1.invocationCount == 1) {
task1.shouldStop = true;
}, false, 1);
await completer1.future;
'create enter zone: custom zone spec-value: 1 spec-oneshot?: false',
'creating task: 1 oneshot?: false',
'create leave',
'run enter zone: custom zone task-id: 1 invocation-count: 0 arg: 1',
'running zone: custom zone task-id: 1 invocation-count: 0 value: 1',
'run leave invocation-count: 1',
'run enter zone: custom zone task-id: 1 invocation-count: 1 arg: 1',
'running zone: custom zone task-id: 1 invocation-count: 1 value: 1',
'run leave invocation-count: 2',
], log);
zoneValues: {'name': 'custom zone'},
zoneSpecification: new ZoneSpecification(
createTask: createTaskHandler,
runTask: runTaskHandler));
return testCompleter.future;
/// More complicated zone, that intercepts...
Future testCustomTask2() {
var testCompleter = new Completer();
Object createTaskHandler(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone,
TaskCreate create, TaskSpecification specification) {
if (specification is MySpecification) {
log.add("create enter "
"zone: ${self['name']} "
"spec-value: ${specification.value} "
"spec-oneshot?: ${specification.isOneShot}");
var replacement = new MySpecification(specification.callback,
specification.isOneShot, specification.value + 1);
MyTask result = parent.createTask(zone, create, replacement);
log.add("create leave");
return result;
return parent.createTask(zone, create, specification);
void runTaskHandler(Zone self, ZoneDelegate parent, Zone zone, TaskRun run,
Object task, Object arg) {
if (task is MyTask) {
log.add("run enter "
"zone: ${self['name']} "
"task-id: ${} "
"invocation-count: ${task.invocationCount} "
"arg: $arg");
int value = arg;
parent.runTask(zone, run, task, value + 101);
log.add("run leave invocation-count: ${task.invocationCount}");
parent.runTask(zone, run, task, arg);
runZoned(() async {
var completer0 = new Completer();
startTask(() {
}, true, 0);
await completer0.future;
'create enter zone: outer-zone spec-value: 0 spec-oneshot?: true',
'creating task: 1 oneshot?: true',
'create leave',
'run enter zone: outer-zone task-id: 1 invocation-count: 0 arg: 1',
'running zone: outer-zone task-id: 1 invocation-count: 0 value: 102',
'run leave invocation-count: 1'
], log);
var completer1 = new Completer();
MyTask task1;
task1 = startTask(() {
if (task1.invocationCount == 1) {
task1.shouldStop = true;
}, false, 1);
await completer1.future;
'create enter zone: outer-zone spec-value: 1 spec-oneshot?: false',
'creating task: 2 oneshot?: false',
'create leave',
'run enter zone: outer-zone task-id: 2 invocation-count: 0 arg: 2',
'running zone: outer-zone task-id: 2 invocation-count: 0 value: 103',
'run leave invocation-count: 1',
'run enter zone: outer-zone task-id: 2 invocation-count: 1 arg: 2',
'running zone: outer-zone task-id: 2 invocation-count: 1 value: 103',
'run leave invocation-count: 2',
], log);
var nestedCompleter = new Completer();
runZoned(() async {
var completer0 = new Completer();
startTask(() {
}, true, 0);
await completer0.future;
'create enter zone: inner-zone spec-value: 0 spec-oneshot?: true',
'create enter zone: outer-zone spec-value: 1 spec-oneshot?: true',
'creating task: 2 oneshot?: true',
'create leave',
'create leave',
'run enter zone: inner-zone task-id: 2 invocation-count: 0 arg: 2',
'run enter zone: outer-zone task-id: 2 invocation-count: 0 arg: 103',
'running zone: inner-zone task-id: 2 invocation-count: 0 value: 204',
'run leave invocation-count: 1',
'run leave invocation-count: 1'
], log);
var completer1 = new Completer();
MyTask task1;
task1 = startTask(() {
if (task1.invocationCount == 1) {
task1.shouldStop = true;
}, false, 1);
await completer1.future;
'create enter zone: inner-zone spec-value: 1 spec-oneshot?: false',
'create enter zone: outer-zone spec-value: 2 spec-oneshot?: false',
'creating task: 3 oneshot?: false',
'create leave',
'create leave',
'run enter zone: inner-zone task-id: 3 invocation-count: 0 arg: 3',
'run enter zone: outer-zone task-id: 3 invocation-count: 0 arg: 104',
'running zone: inner-zone task-id: 3 invocation-count: 0 value: 205',
'run leave invocation-count: 1',
'run leave invocation-count: 1',
'run enter zone: inner-zone task-id: 3 invocation-count: 1 arg: 3',
'run enter zone: outer-zone task-id: 3 invocation-count: 1 arg: 104',
'running zone: inner-zone task-id: 3 invocation-count: 1 value: 205',
'run leave invocation-count: 2',
'run leave invocation-count: 2',
], log);
zoneValues: {'name': 'inner-zone'},
zoneSpecification: new ZoneSpecification(
createTask: createTaskHandler,
runTask: runTaskHandler));
await nestedCompleter.future;
zoneValues: {'name': 'outer-zone'},
zoneSpecification: new ZoneSpecification(
createTask: createTaskHandler,
runTask: runTaskHandler));
return testCompleter.future;
runTests() async {
await testCustomTask();
await testCustomTask2();
main() {
runTests().then((_) {