blob: a63d66dd805afdc02fbf18e3d71d3a6fdfaf569f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "lib/stacktrace.h"
#include "vm/bootstrap_natives.h"
#include "vm/exceptions.h"
#include "vm/object_store.h"
#include "vm/runtime_entry.h"
#include "vm/stack_frame.h"
namespace dart {
static void IterateFrames(const GrowableObjectArray& code_list,
const GrowableObjectArray& pc_offset_list,
int skip_frames) {
StackFrameIterator frames(StackFrameIterator::kDontValidateFrames);
StackFrame* frame = frames.NextFrame();
ASSERT(frame != NULL); // We expect to find a dart invocation frame.
Code& code = Code::Handle();
Smi& offset = Smi::Handle();
while (frame != NULL) {
if (frame->IsDartFrame()) {
if (skip_frames > 0) {
} else {
code = frame->LookupDartCode();
offset = Smi::New(frame->pc() - code.EntryPoint());
frame = frames.NextFrame();
// Creates a Stacktrace object from the current stack.
// Skips the first skip_frames Dart frames.
const Stacktrace& GetCurrentStacktrace(int skip_frames) {
const GrowableObjectArray& code_list =
const GrowableObjectArray& pc_offset_list =
IterateFrames(code_list, pc_offset_list, skip_frames);
const Array& code_array = Array::Handle(Array::MakeArray(code_list));
const Array& pc_offset_array =
const Stacktrace& stacktrace = Stacktrace::Handle(
Stacktrace::New(code_array, pc_offset_array));
return stacktrace;
// An utility method for convenient printing of dart stack traces when
// inside 'gdb'. Note: This function will only work when there is a
// valid exit frame information. It will not work when a breakpoint is
// set in dart code and control is got inside 'gdb' without going through
// the runtime or native transition stub.
void _printCurrentStacktrace() {
const Stacktrace& stacktrace = GetCurrentStacktrace(0);
OS::PrintErr("=== Current Trace:\n%s===\n", stacktrace.ToCString());
// Like _printCurrentStacktrace, but works in a NoSafepointScope.
void _printCurrentStacktraceNoSafepoint() {
StackFrameIterator frames(StackFrameIterator::kDontValidateFrames);
StackFrame* frame = frames.NextFrame();
while (frame != NULL) {
OS::Print("%s\n", frame->ToCString());
frame = frames.NextFrame();
DEFINE_NATIVE_ENTRY(StackTrace_current, 0) {
const Stacktrace& stacktrace = GetCurrentStacktrace(1);
return stacktrace.raw();
} // namespace dart