blob: 8fdd7ba751badb4ca6ed491b5ecca3680b6512ff [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// VM-specific implementation of the dart:mirrors library.
import "dart:collection" show UnmodifiableListView, UnmodifiableMapView;
import "dart:async" show Future;
var dirty = false;
final emptyList = new UnmodifiableListView([]);
final emptyMap = new UnmodifiableMapView({});
class _InternalMirrorError {
final String _msg;
const _InternalMirrorError(String this._msg);
String toString() => _msg;
String _n(Symbol symbol) => internal.Symbol.getName(symbol);
Symbol _s(String name) {
if (name == null) return null;
return new internal.Symbol.unvalidated(name);
Symbol _computeQualifiedName(DeclarationMirror owner, Symbol simpleName) {
if (owner == null) return simpleName;
return _s('${_n(owner.qualifiedName)}.${_n(simpleName)}');
String _makeSignatureString(TypeMirror returnType,
List<ParameterMirror> parameters) {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
bool found_optional_positional = false;
bool found_optional_named = false;
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++) {
var param = parameters[i];
if (param.isOptional && param.isNamed && !found_optional_named) {
found_optional_named = true;
if (param.isOptional && !param.isNamed && !found_optional_positional) {
found_optional_positional = true;
if (param.isNamed) {
buf.write(': ');
if (i < (parameters.length - 1)) {
buf.write(', ');
if (found_optional_named) {
if (found_optional_positional) {
buf.write(') -> ');
return buf.toString();
SourceLocation _location(reflectee)
native "DeclarationMirror_location";
List _metadata(reflectee)
native 'DeclarationMirror_metadata';
bool _subtypeTest(Type a, Type b)
native 'TypeMirror_subtypeTest';
class _AccessorCacheAssociation {
String key;
Function value;
bool usedSinceGrowth = true;
_AccessorCacheAssociation(this.key, this.value);
* A map that will grow as associations are added but will prefer to evict
* associations that have not been used since the last growth when needing to
* grow again. Implemented as an open addressing hash table.
class _AccessorCache {
List table;
int shift;
int mask;
int capacity; // Max number of associations before we start evicting/growing.
int size = 0; // Current number of associations.
* Create a cache whose capacity is 75% of 2^shift.
_AccessorCache.withInitialShift(int shift) {
// The scheme used here for handling collisions relies on there always
// being at least one empty slot.
if (shift < 1) throw new Exception("_AccessorCache requires a shift >= 1");
void initWithShift(int shift) {
this.shift = shift;
this.mask = (1 << shift) - 1;
this.capacity = (1 << shift) * 3 ~/ 4;
this.table = new List(1 << shift);
assert(table.length > capacity);
int scanFor(String key) {
var start = key.hashCode & mask;
var index = start;
do {
var assoc = table[index];
if (null == assoc || assoc.key == key) {
return index;
index = (index + 1) & mask;
} while (index != start);
// Should never happen because we start evicting associations before the
// table is full.
throw new Exception("Internal error: _AccessorCache table full");
int scanForEmpty(String key) {
var start = key.hashCode & mask;
var index = start;
do {
if (null == table[index]) {
return index;
index = (index + 1) & mask;
} while (index != start);
// Should never happen because we start evicting associations before the
// table is full.
throw new Exception("Internal error: _AccessorCache table full");
void fixCollisionsAfter(int start) {
var assoc;
var index = (start + 1) & mask;
while (null != (assoc = table[index])) {
var newIndex = scanFor(assoc.key);
if (newIndex != index) {
assert(table[newIndex] == null);
table[newIndex] = assoc;
table[index] = null;
index = (index + 1) & mask;
void grow() {
var oldTable = table;
initWithShift(shift + 1);
for (int oldIndex = 0; oldIndex < oldTable.length; oldIndex++) {
var assoc = oldTable[oldIndex];
if (assoc != null) {
var newIndex = scanForEmpty(assoc.key);
assoc.usedSinceGrowth = false;
table[newIndex] = assoc;
void tryToShrinkOtherwiseGrow() {
// Remove any associations not accessed since the last growth. If we are
// unable to free any slots, grow.
bool needToGrow = true;
for (int i = 0; i < table.length; i++) {
var assoc = table[i];
if (null != assoc && (!assoc.usedSinceGrowth || null == assoc.value)) {
table[i] = null;
needToGrow = false;
if (needToGrow) grow();
operator []=(String key, Function value) {
int index = scanFor(key);
var assoc = table[index];
if (null != assoc) {
// Existing key, replace value.
assert(assoc.key == key);
assoc.value = value;
assoc.usedSinceGrowth = true;
} else {
// New key.
var newAssoc = new _AccessorCacheAssociation(key, value);
if (size == capacity) {
// No free slots.
index = scanFor(key);
assert(table[index] == null);
table[index] = newAssoc;
Function operator [](String key) {
var index = scanFor(key);
var assoc = table[index];
if (null == assoc) return null;
assoc.usedSinceGrowth = true;
return assoc.value;
class _LocalMirrorSystem extends MirrorSystem {
final TypeMirror dynamicType = new _SpecialTypeMirror('dynamic');
final TypeMirror voidType = new _SpecialTypeMirror('void');
var _libraries;
Map<Uri, LibraryMirror> get libraries {
if ((_libraries == null) || dirty) {
_libraries = new Map<Uri, LibraryMirror>.fromIterable(
_computeLibraries(), key: (e) => e.uri);
dirty = false;
return _libraries;
static _computeLibraries() native "MirrorSystem_libraries";
var _isolate;
IsolateMirror get isolate {
if (_isolate == null) {
_isolate = _computeIsolate();
return _isolate;
static _computeIsolate() native "MirrorSystem_isolate";
String toString() => "MirrorSystem for isolate '${isolate.debugName}'";
class _SourceLocation implements SourceLocation {
_SourceLocation(uriString, this.line, this.column)
: this.sourceUri = Uri.parse(uriString);
// Line and column positions are 1-origin, or 0 if unknown.
final int line;
final int column;
final Uri sourceUri;
String toString() {
return column == 0 ? "$sourceUri:$line" : "$sourceUri:$line:$column";
abstract class _LocalMirror implements Mirror {}
class _LocalIsolateMirror extends _LocalMirror implements IsolateMirror {
final String debugName;
final LibraryMirror rootLibrary;
_LocalIsolateMirror(this.debugName, this.rootLibrary);
bool get isCurrent => true;
String toString() => "IsolateMirror on '$debugName'";
class _SyntheticAccessor implements MethodMirror {
final DeclarationMirror owner;
final Symbol simpleName;
final bool isGetter;
final bool isStatic;
final bool isTopLevel;
final _target;
bool get isSynthetic => true;
bool get isRegularMethod => false;
bool get isOperator => false;
bool get isConstructor => false;
bool get isConstConstructor => false;
bool get isGenerativeConstructor => false;
bool get isFactoryConstructor => false;
bool get isExternal => false;
bool get isRedirectingConstructor => false;
bool get isAbstract => false;
bool get isSetter => !isGetter;
bool get isPrivate => _n(simpleName).startsWith('_');
Symbol get qualifiedName => _computeQualifiedName(owner, simpleName);
Symbol get constructorName => const Symbol('');
TypeMirror get returnType => _target.type;
List<ParameterMirror> get parameters {
if (isGetter) return emptyList;
return new UnmodifiableListView(
[new _SyntheticSetterParameter(this, this._target)]);
SourceLocation get location => null;
List<InstanceMirror> get metadata => emptyList;
String get source => null;
class _SyntheticSetterParameter implements ParameterMirror {
final DeclarationMirror owner;
final VariableMirror _target;
_SyntheticSetterParameter(this.owner, this._target);
Symbol get simpleName => _target.simpleName;
Symbol get qualifiedName => _computeQualifiedName(owner, simpleName);
TypeMirror get type => _target.type;
bool get isOptional => false;
bool get isNamed => false;
bool get isStatic => false;
bool get isTopLevel => false;
bool get isConst => false;
bool get isFinal => true;
bool get isPrivate => false;
bool get hasDefaultValue => false;
InstanceMirror get defaultValue => null;
SourceLocation get location => null;
List<InstanceMirror> get metadata => emptyList;
abstract class _LocalObjectMirror extends _LocalMirror implements ObjectMirror {
final _reflectee; // May be a MirrorReference or an ordinary object.
InstanceMirror invoke(Symbol memberName,
List positionalArguments,
[Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments]) {
int numPositionalArguments = positionalArguments.length;
int numNamedArguments = namedArguments != null ? namedArguments.length : 0;
int numArguments = numPositionalArguments + numNamedArguments;
List arguments = new List(numArguments);
arguments.setRange(0, numPositionalArguments, positionalArguments);
List names = new List(numNamedArguments);
int argumentIndex = numPositionalArguments;
int nameIndex = 0;
if (numNamedArguments > 0) {
namedArguments.forEach((name, value) {
arguments[argumentIndex++] = value;
names[nameIndex++] = _n(name);
return reflect(this._invoke(_reflectee, _n(memberName), arguments, names));
InstanceMirror getField(Symbol memberName) {
return reflect(this._invokeGetter(_reflectee, _n(memberName)));
InstanceMirror setField(Symbol memberName, Object value) {
this._invokeSetter(_reflectee, _n(memberName), value);
return reflect(value);
delegate(Invocation invocation) {
if (invocation.isMethod) {
return this.invoke(invocation.memberName,
if (invocation.isGetter) {
return this.getField(invocation.memberName).reflectee;
if (invocation.isSetter) {
var unwrapped = _n(invocation.memberName);
var withoutEqual = _s(unwrapped.substring(0, unwrapped.length - 1));
var arg = invocation.positionalArguments[0];
this.setField(withoutEqual, arg).reflectee;
return arg;
class _LocalInstanceMirror extends _LocalObjectMirror
implements InstanceMirror {
_LocalInstanceMirror(reflectee) : super(reflectee);
ClassMirror _type;
ClassMirror get type {
if (_type == null) {
// Note it not safe to use reflectee.runtimeType because runtimeType may
// be overridden.
_type = reflectType(_computeType(reflectee));
return _type;
// LocalInstanceMirrors always reflect local instances
bool get hasReflectee => true;
get reflectee => _reflectee;
String toString() => 'InstanceMirror on ${Error.safeToString(_reflectee)}';
bool operator ==(other) {
return other is _LocalInstanceMirror &&
identical(_reflectee, other._reflectee);
int get hashCode {
// Avoid hash collisions with the reflectee. This constant is in Smi range
// and happens to be the inner padding from RFC 2104.
return identityHashCode(_reflectee) ^ 0x36363636;
static var _getFieldClosures = new _AccessorCache.withInitialShift(4);
static var _setFieldClosures = new _AccessorCache.withInitialShift(4);
_createGetterClosure(unwrapped) {
var atPosition = unwrapped.indexOf('@');
if (atPosition == -1) {
// Public symbol.
return _eval('(x) => x.$unwrapped', null);
} else {
// Private symbol.
var withoutKey = unwrapped.substring(0, atPosition);
var privateKey = unwrapped.substring(atPosition);
return _eval('(x) => x.$withoutKey', privateKey);
_getFieldSlow(unwrapped) {
// Slow path factored out to give the fast path a better chance at being
// inlined.
var result = reflect(_invokeGetter(_reflectee, unwrapped));
// Wait until success to avoid creating closures for non-existent getters,
// and defer the creation until the next getField invocation.
// o.<operator> is not valid Dart and will cause a compilation error, so
// don't attempt to generate such a closure.
bool isOperator = _LocalMethodMirror._operators.contains(unwrapped);
if (!isOperator) {
_getFieldClosures[unwrapped] = (receiver) {
var getterClosure = _createGetterClosure(unwrapped);
_getFieldClosures[unwrapped] = getterClosure;
return getterClosure(receiver);
return result;
InstanceMirror getField(Symbol memberName) {
var unwrapped = _n(memberName);
var f = _getFieldClosures[unwrapped];
return (f == null) ? _getFieldSlow(unwrapped) : reflect(f(_reflectee));
_createSetterClosure(unwrapped) {
var atPosition = unwrapped.indexOf('@');
if (atPosition == -1) {
// Public symbol.
return _eval('(x, v) => x.$unwrapped = v', null);
} else {
// Private symbol.
var withoutKey = unwrapped.substring(0, atPosition);
var privateKey = unwrapped.substring(atPosition);
return _eval('(x, v) => x.$withoutKey = v', privateKey);
_setFieldSlow(unwrapped, arg) {
// Slow path factored out to give the fast path a better chance at being
// inlined.
_invokeSetter(_reflectee, unwrapped, arg);
var result = reflect(arg);
// Wait until success to avoid creating closures for non-existent setters.
// and defer the creation until the next setField invocation.
_setFieldClosures[unwrapped] = (receiver, argument) {
var setterClosure = _createSetterClosure(unwrapped);
_setFieldClosures[unwrapped] = setterClosure;
return setterClosure(receiver, argument);
return result;
InstanceMirror setField(Symbol memberName, arg) {
var unwrapped = _n(memberName);
var f = _setFieldClosures[unwrapped];
return (f == null)
? _setFieldSlow(unwrapped, arg)
: reflect(f(_reflectee, arg));
static _eval(expression, privateKey)
native "Mirrors_evalInLibraryWithPrivateKey";
// Override to include the receiver in the arguments.
InstanceMirror invoke(Symbol memberName,
List positionalArguments,
[Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments]) {
int numPositionalArguments = positionalArguments.length + 1; // Receiver.
int numNamedArguments = namedArguments != null ? namedArguments.length : 0;
int numArguments = numPositionalArguments + numNamedArguments;
List arguments = new List(numArguments);
arguments[0] = _reflectee; // Receiver.
arguments.setRange(1, numPositionalArguments, positionalArguments);
List names = new List(numNamedArguments);
int argumentIndex = numPositionalArguments;
int nameIndex = 0;
if (numNamedArguments > 0) {
namedArguments.forEach((name, value) {
arguments[argumentIndex++] = value;
names[nameIndex++] = _n(name);
return reflect(this._invoke(_reflectee, _n(memberName), arguments, names));
_invoke(reflectee, functionName, arguments, argumentNames)
native 'InstanceMirror_invoke';
_invokeGetter(reflectee, getterName)
native 'InstanceMirror_invokeGetter';
_invokeSetter(reflectee, setterName, value)
native 'InstanceMirror_invokeSetter';
static _computeType(reflectee)
native 'InstanceMirror_computeType';
class _LocalClosureMirror extends _LocalInstanceMirror
implements ClosureMirror {
_LocalClosureMirror(reflectee) : super(reflectee);
MethodMirror _function;
MethodMirror get function {
if (_function == null) {
_function = _computeFunction(reflectee);
return _function;
InstanceMirror apply(List<Object> positionalArguments,
[Map<Symbol, Object> namedArguments]) {
return this.invoke(#call, positionalArguments, namedArguments);
String toString() => "ClosureMirror on '${Error.safeToString(_reflectee)}'";
static _computeFunction(reflectee)
native 'ClosureMirror_function';
class _LocalClassMirror extends _LocalObjectMirror
implements ClassMirror {
final Type _reflectedType;
Symbol _simpleName;
DeclarationMirror _owner;
final bool isAbstract;
final bool _isGeneric;
final bool _isMixinAlias;
final bool _isGenericDeclaration;
final bool isEnum;
Type _instantiator;
String simpleName,
: this._simpleName = _s(simpleName),
this._reflectedType = reflectedType,
this._instantiator = reflectedType,
bool get hasReflectedType => !_isGenericDeclaration;
Type get reflectedType {
if (!hasReflectedType) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
"Declarations of generics have no reflected type");
return _reflectedType;
Symbol get simpleName {
// All but anonymous mixin applications have their name set at construction.
if(_simpleName == null) {
_simpleName = this._mixinApplicationName;
return _simpleName;
Symbol _qualifiedName = null;
Symbol get qualifiedName {
if (_qualifiedName == null) {
_qualifiedName = _computeQualifiedName(owner, simpleName);
return _qualifiedName;
DeclarationMirror get owner {
if (_owner == null) {
var uri = _LocalClassMirror._libraryUri(_reflectee);
_owner = currentMirrorSystem().libraries[Uri.parse(uri)];
return _owner;
bool get isPrivate => _n(simpleName).startsWith('_');
bool get isTopLevel => true;
SourceLocation get location {
return _location(_reflectee);
ClassMirror _trueSuperclassField;
ClassMirror get _trueSuperclass {
if (_trueSuperclassField == null) {
Type supertype = isOriginalDeclaration
? _supertype(_reflectedType)
: _supertypeInstantiated(_reflectedType);
if (supertype == null) {
// Object has no superclass.
return null;
_trueSuperclassField = reflectType(supertype);
_trueSuperclassField._instantiator = _instantiator;
return _trueSuperclassField;
ClassMirror get superclass {
return _isMixinAlias ? _trueSuperclass._trueSuperclass : _trueSuperclass;
var _superinterfaces;
List<ClassMirror> get superinterfaces {
if (_superinterfaces == null) {
_superinterfaces = isOriginalDeclaration
? _nativeInterfaces(_reflectedType)
: _nativeInterfacesInstantiated(_reflectedType);
_superinterfaces =
new UnmodifiableListView(;
return _superinterfaces;
get _mixinApplicationName {
var mixins = new List<ClassMirror>();
var klass = this;
while (_nativeMixin(klass._reflectedType) != null) {
klass = klass.superclass;
return _s(
+ ' with '
+>_n(m.qualifiedName)).join(', '));
var _mixin;
ClassMirror get mixin {
if (_mixin == null) {
if (_isMixinAlias) {
Type mixinType = _nativeMixinInstantiated(
_trueSuperclass._reflectedType, _instantiator);
_mixin = reflectType(mixinType);
} else {
Type mixinType = _nativeMixinInstantiated(_reflectedType,
if (mixinType == null) {
// The reflectee is not a mixin application.
_mixin = this;
} else {
_mixin = reflectType(mixinType);
return _mixin;
var _cachedStaticMembers;
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> get staticMembers {
if (_cachedStaticMembers == null) {
var result = new Map<Symbol, MethodMirror>();
declarations.values.forEach((decl) {
if (decl is MethodMirror && decl.isStatic && !decl.isConstructor) {
result[decl.simpleName] = decl;
if (decl is VariableMirror && decl.isStatic) {
var getterName = decl.simpleName;
result[getterName] =
new _SyntheticAccessor(this, getterName, true, true, false, decl);
if (!decl.isFinal) {
var setterName = _asSetter(decl.simpleName, this.owner);
result[setterName] = new _SyntheticAccessor(
this, setterName, false, true, false, decl);
_cachedStaticMembers =
new UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, MethodMirror>(result);
return _cachedStaticMembers;
var _cachedInstanceMembers;
Map<Symbol, MethodMirror> get instanceMembers {
if (_cachedInstanceMembers == null) {
var result = new Map<Symbol, MethodMirror>();
if (superclass != null) {
declarations.values.forEach((decl) {
if (decl is MethodMirror && !decl.isStatic &&
!decl.isConstructor && !decl.isAbstract) {
result[decl.simpleName] = decl;
if (decl is VariableMirror && !decl.isStatic) {
var getterName = decl.simpleName;
result[getterName] =
new _SyntheticAccessor(this, getterName, true, false, false, decl);
if (!decl.isFinal) {
var setterName = _asSetter(decl.simpleName, this.owner);
result[setterName] = new _SyntheticAccessor(
this, setterName, false, false, false, decl);
_cachedInstanceMembers =
new UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, MethodMirror>(result);
return _cachedInstanceMembers;
Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror> _declarations;
Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror> get declarations {
if (_declarations != null) return _declarations;
var decls = new Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror>();
var whoseMembers = _isMixinAlias ? _trueSuperclass : this;
var members = mixin._computeMembers(_instantiator,
for (var member in members) {
decls[member.simpleName] = member;
var constructors = _computeConstructors(_instantiator, _reflectee);
var stringName = _n(simpleName);
for (var constructor in constructors) {
decls[constructor.simpleName] = constructor;
for (var typeVariable in typeVariables) {
decls[typeVariable.simpleName] = typeVariable;
return _declarations =
new UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, DeclarationMirror>(decls);
bool get _isAnonymousMixinApplication {
if (_isMixinAlias) return false; // Named mixin application.
if (mixin == this) return false; // Not a mixin application.
return true;
List<TypeVariableMirror> _typeVariables = null;
List<TypeVariableMirror> get typeVariables {
if (_typeVariables == null) {
if (_isAnonymousMixinApplication) return _typeVariables = emptyList;
_typeVariables = new List<TypeVariableMirror>();
List params = _ClassMirror_type_variables(_reflectee);
ClassMirror owner = originalDeclaration;
var mirror;
for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i += 2) {
mirror = new _LocalTypeVariableMirror(
params[i + 1], params[i], owner);
_typeVariables = new UnmodifiableListView(_typeVariables);
return _typeVariables;
List<TypeMirror> _typeArguments = null;
List<TypeMirror> get typeArguments {
if(_typeArguments == null) {
if(_isGenericDeclaration || _isAnonymousMixinApplication) {
_typeArguments = emptyList;
} else {
_typeArguments =
new UnmodifiableListView(_computeTypeArguments(_reflectedType));
return _typeArguments;
bool get isOriginalDeclaration => !_isGeneric || _isGenericDeclaration;
ClassMirror get originalDeclaration {
if (isOriginalDeclaration) {
return this;
} else {
return reflectClass(_reflectedType);
String toString() => "ClassMirror on '${MirrorSystem.getName(simpleName)}'";
InstanceMirror newInstance(Symbol constructorName,
List positionalArguments,
[Map<Symbol, dynamic> namedArguments]) {
// Native code will add the 1 or 2 implicit arguments depending on whether
// we end up invoking a factory or constructor respectively.
int numPositionalArguments = positionalArguments.length;
int numNamedArguments = namedArguments != null ? namedArguments.length : 0;
int numArguments = numPositionalArguments + numNamedArguments;
List arguments = new List(numArguments);
arguments.setRange(0, numPositionalArguments, positionalArguments);
List names = new List(numNamedArguments);
int argumentIndex = numPositionalArguments;
int nameIndex = 0;
if (numNamedArguments > 0) {
namedArguments.forEach((name, value) {
arguments[argumentIndex++] = value;
names[nameIndex++] = _n(name);
return reflect(_invokeConstructor(_reflectee,
List<InstanceMirror> get metadata {
// Get the metadata objects, convert them into InstanceMirrors using
// reflect() and then make them into a Dart list.
return new UnmodifiableListView(_metadata(_reflectee).map(reflect));
bool operator ==(other) {
return this.runtimeType == other.runtimeType &&
this._reflectee == other._reflectee &&
this._reflectedType == other._reflectedType &&
this._isGenericDeclaration == other._isGenericDeclaration;
int get hashCode => simpleName.hashCode;
bool isSubtypeOf(TypeMirror other) {
if (other == currentMirrorSystem().dynamicType) return true;
if (other == currentMirrorSystem().voidType) return false;
return _subtypeTest(_reflectedType, other._reflectedType);
bool isAssignableTo(TypeMirror other) {
if (other == currentMirrorSystem().dynamicType) return true;
if (other == currentMirrorSystem().voidType) return false;
return _subtypeTest(_reflectedType, other._reflectedType)
|| _subtypeTest(other._reflectedType, _reflectedType);
bool isSubclassOf(ClassMirror other) {
if (other is! ClassMirror) throw new ArgumentError(other);
ClassMirror otherDeclaration = other.originalDeclaration;
ClassMirror c = this;
while (c != null) {
c = c.originalDeclaration;
if (c == otherDeclaration) return true;
c = c.superclass;
return false;
static _libraryUri(reflectee)
native "ClassMirror_libraryUri";
static _supertype(reflectedType)
native "ClassMirror_supertype";
static _supertypeInstantiated(reflectedType)
native "ClassMirror_supertype_instantiated";
static _nativeInterfaces(reflectedType)
native "ClassMirror_interfaces";
static _nativeInterfacesInstantiated(reflectedType)
native "ClassMirror_interfaces_instantiated";
static _nativeMixin(reflectedType)
native "ClassMirror_mixin";
static _nativeMixinInstantiated(reflectedType, instantiator)
native "ClassMirror_mixin_instantiated";
_computeMembers(reflectee, instantiator)
native "ClassMirror_members";
_computeConstructors(reflectee, instantiator)
native "ClassMirror_constructors";
_invoke(reflectee, memberName, arguments, argumentNames)
native 'ClassMirror_invoke';
_invokeGetter(reflectee, getterName)
native 'ClassMirror_invokeGetter';
_invokeSetter(reflectee, setterName, value)
native 'ClassMirror_invokeSetter';
static _invokeConstructor(reflectee, type, constructorName, arguments, argumentNames)
native 'ClassMirror_invokeConstructor';
static _ClassMirror_type_variables(reflectee)
native "ClassMirror_type_variables";
static _computeTypeArguments(reflectee)
native "ClassMirror_type_arguments";
class _LocalFunctionTypeMirror extends _LocalClassMirror
implements FunctionTypeMirror {
final _functionReflectee;
_LocalFunctionTypeMirror(reflectee, this._functionReflectee, reflectedType)
: super(reflectee, reflectedType, null, null, false, false, false, false, false);
bool get _isAnonymousMixinApplication => false;
// FunctionTypeMirrors have a simpleName generated from their signature.
Symbol _simpleName = null;
Symbol get simpleName {
if (_simpleName == null) {
_simpleName = _s(_makeSignatureString(returnType, parameters));
return _simpleName;
MethodMirror _callMethod;
MethodMirror get callMethod {
if (_callMethod == null) {
_callMethod = _FunctionTypeMirror_call_method(_functionReflectee);
return _callMethod;
TypeMirror _returnType = null;
TypeMirror get returnType {
if (_returnType == null) {
_returnType = reflectType(
_FunctionTypeMirror_return_type(_functionReflectee, _instantiator));
return _returnType;
List<ParameterMirror> _parameters = null;
List<ParameterMirror> get parameters {
if (_parameters == null) {
_parameters = _FunctionTypeMirror_parameters(_functionReflectee);
_parameters = new UnmodifiableListView(_parameters);
return _parameters;
bool get isOriginalDeclaration => true;
get originalDeclaration => this;
get typeVariables => emptyList;
get typeArguments => emptyList;
get metadata => emptyList;
get location => null;
String toString() => "FunctionTypeMirror on '${_n(simpleName)}'";
MethodMirror _FunctionTypeMirror_call_method(functionReflectee)
native "FunctionTypeMirror_call_method";
static Type _FunctionTypeMirror_return_type(functionReflectee, instantiator)
native "FunctionTypeMirror_return_type";
List<ParameterMirror> _FunctionTypeMirror_parameters(functionReflectee)
native "FunctionTypeMirror_parameters";
abstract class _LocalDeclarationMirror extends _LocalMirror
implements DeclarationMirror {
final _reflectee;
Symbol _simpleName;
_LocalDeclarationMirror(this._reflectee, this._simpleName);
Symbol get simpleName => _simpleName;
Symbol _qualifiedName = null;
Symbol get qualifiedName {
if (_qualifiedName == null) {
_qualifiedName = _computeQualifiedName(owner, simpleName);
return _qualifiedName;
bool get isPrivate => _n(simpleName).startsWith('_');
SourceLocation get location {
return _location(_reflectee);
List<InstanceMirror> get metadata {
// Get the metadata objects, convert them into InstanceMirrors using
// reflect() and then make them into a Dart list.
return new UnmodifiableListView(_metadata(_reflectee).map(reflect));
bool operator ==(other) {
return this.runtimeType == other.runtimeType &&
this._reflectee == other._reflectee;
int get hashCode => simpleName.hashCode;
class _LocalTypeVariableMirror extends _LocalDeclarationMirror
implements TypeVariableMirror {
String simpleName,
: super(reflectee, _s(simpleName));
DeclarationMirror _owner;
DeclarationMirror get owner {
if (_owner == null) {
_owner = _TypeVariableMirror_owner(_reflectee).originalDeclaration;
return _owner;
bool get isStatic => false;
bool get isTopLevel => false;
TypeMirror _upperBound = null;
TypeMirror get upperBound {
if (_upperBound == null) {
_upperBound = reflectType(_TypeVariableMirror_upper_bound(_reflectee));
return _upperBound;
bool get hasReflectedType => false;
Type get reflectedType {
throw new UnsupportedError('Type variables have no reflected type');
Type get _reflectedType => _reflectee;
List<TypeVariableMirror> get typeVariables => emptyList;
List<TypeMirror> get typeArguments => emptyList;
bool get isOriginalDeclaration => true;
TypeMirror get originalDeclaration => this;
String toString() => "TypeVariableMirror on '${_n(simpleName)}'";
operator ==(other) {
return other is TypeVariableMirror
&& simpleName == other.simpleName
&& owner == other.owner;
int get hashCode => simpleName.hashCode;
bool isSubtypeOf(TypeMirror other) {
if (other == currentMirrorSystem().dynamicType) return true;
if (other == currentMirrorSystem().voidType) return false;
return _subtypeTest(_reflectedType, other._reflectedType);
bool isAssignableTo(TypeMirror other) {
if (other == currentMirrorSystem().dynamicType) return true;
if (other == currentMirrorSystem().voidType) return false;
return _subtypeTest(_reflectedType, other._reflectedType)
|| _subtypeTest(other._reflectedType, _reflectedType);
static DeclarationMirror _TypeVariableMirror_owner(reflectee)
native "TypeVariableMirror_owner";
static Type _TypeVariableMirror_upper_bound(reflectee)
native "TypeVariableMirror_upper_bound";
class _LocalTypedefMirror extends _LocalDeclarationMirror
implements TypedefMirror {
final Type _reflectedType;
final bool _isGeneric;
final bool _isGenericDeclaration;
String simpleName,
: super(reflectee, _s(simpleName));
bool get isTopLevel => true;
DeclarationMirror _owner;
DeclarationMirror get owner {
if (_owner == null) {
var uri = _LocalClassMirror._libraryUri(_reflectee);
_owner = currentMirrorSystem().libraries[Uri.parse(uri)];
return _owner;
TypeMirror _referent = null;
TypeMirror get referent {
if (_referent == null) {
_referent = _nativeReferent(_reflectedType);
_referent._instantiator = _reflectedType;
return _referent;
bool get hasReflectedType => !_isGenericDeclaration;
Type get reflectedType {
if (!hasReflectedType) {
throw new UnsupportedError(
"Declarations of generics have no reflected type");
return _reflectedType;
bool get isOriginalDeclaration => !_isGeneric || _isGenericDeclaration;
TypedefMirror get originalDeclaration {
if (isOriginalDeclaration) {
return this;
} else {
return _nativeDeclaration(_reflectedType);
List<TypeVariableMirror> _typeVariables = null;
List<TypeVariableMirror> get typeVariables {
if (_typeVariables == null) {
_typeVariables = new List<TypeVariableMirror>();
List params = _LocalClassMirror._ClassMirror_type_variables(_reflectee);
TypedefMirror owner = originalDeclaration;
var mirror;
for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i += 2) {
mirror = new _LocalTypeVariableMirror(
params[i + 1], params[i], owner);
return _typeVariables;
List<TypeMirror> _typeArguments = null;
List<TypeMirror> get typeArguments {
if(_typeArguments == null) {
if(_isGenericDeclaration) {
_typeArguments = emptyList;
} else {
_typeArguments = new UnmodifiableListView(
return _typeArguments;
String toString() => "TypedefMirror on '${_n(simpleName)}'";
bool isSubtypeOf(TypeMirror other) {
if (other == currentMirrorSystem().dynamicType) return true;
if (other == currentMirrorSystem().voidType) return false;
return _subtypeTest(_reflectedType, other._reflectedType);
bool isAssignableTo(TypeMirror other) {
if (other == currentMirrorSystem().dynamicType) return true;
if (other == currentMirrorSystem().voidType) return false;
return _subtypeTest(_reflectedType, other._reflectedType)
|| _subtypeTest(other._reflectedType, _reflectedType);
static _nativeReferent(reflectedType)
native "TypedefMirror_referent";
static _nativeDeclaration(reflectedType)
native "TypedefMirror_declaration";
Symbol _asSetter(Symbol getter, LibraryMirror library) {
var unwrapped = MirrorSystem.getName(getter);
return MirrorSystem.getSymbol('${unwrapped}=', library);
class _LocalLibraryMirror extends _LocalObjectMirror implements LibraryMirror {
final Symbol simpleName;
final Uri uri;
String simpleName,
String url)
: this.simpleName = _s(simpleName),
this.uri = Uri.parse(url),
// The simple name and the qualified name are the same for a library.
Symbol get qualifiedName => simpleName;
DeclarationMirror get owner => null;
bool get isPrivate => false;
bool get isTopLevel => false;
Type get _instantiator => null;
Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror> _declarations;
Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror> get declarations {
if (_declarations != null) return _declarations;
var decls = new Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror>();
var members = _computeMembers(_reflectee);
for (var member in members) {
decls[member.simpleName] = member;
return _declarations =
new UnmodifiableMapView<Symbol, DeclarationMirror>(decls);
SourceLocation get location {
return _location(_reflectee);
List<InstanceMirror> get metadata {
// Get the metadata objects, convert them into InstanceMirrors using
// reflect() and then make them into a Dart list.
return new UnmodifiableListView(_metadata(_reflectee).map(reflect));
bool operator ==(other) {
return this.runtimeType == other.runtimeType &&
this._reflectee == other._reflectee;
int get hashCode => simpleName.hashCode;
String toString() => "LibraryMirror on '${_n(simpleName)}'";
var _cachedLibraryDependencies;
get libraryDependencies {
if (_cachedLibraryDependencies == null) {
_cachedLibraryDependencies = _libraryDependencies(_reflectee);
return _cachedLibraryDependencies;
native 'LibraryMirror_libraryDependencies';
_invoke(reflectee, memberName, arguments, argumentNames)
native 'LibraryMirror_invoke';
_invokeGetter(reflectee, getterName)
native 'LibraryMirror_invokeGetter';
_invokeSetter(reflectee, setterName, value)
native 'LibraryMirror_invokeSetter';
native "LibraryMirror_members";
class _LocalLibraryDependencyMirror
extends _LocalMirror implements LibraryDependencyMirror {
final LibraryMirror sourceLibrary;
var _targetMirrorOrPrefix;
final List<CombinatorMirror> combinators;
final Symbol prefix;
final bool isImport;
final bool isDeferred;
final List<InstanceMirror> metadata;
: prefix = _s(prefixString),
metadata = new UnmodifiableListView(;
bool get isExport => !isImport;
LibraryMirror get targetLibrary {
if (_targetMirrorOrPrefix is _LocalLibraryMirror) {
return _targetMirrorOrPrefix;
var mirrorOrNull = _tryUpgradePrefix(_targetMirrorOrPrefix);
if (mirrorOrNull != null) {
_targetMirrorOrPrefix = mirrorOrNull;
return mirrorOrNull;
Future<LibraryMirror> loadLibrary() {
if (_targetMirrorOrPrefix is _LocalLibraryMirror) {
return new Future.value(_targetMirrorOrPrefix);
var savedPrefix = _targetMirrorOrPrefix;
return savedPrefix.loadLibrary().then((_) {
return _tryUpgradePrefix(savedPrefix);
static _tryUpgradePrefix(libraryPrefix) native "LibraryMirror_fromPrefix";
class _LocalCombinatorMirror extends _LocalMirror implements CombinatorMirror {
final List<Symbol> identifiers;
final bool isShow;
_LocalCombinatorMirror(identifierString, this.isShow)
: this.identifiers = [_s(identifierString)];
bool get isHide => !isShow;
class _LocalMethodMirror extends _LocalDeclarationMirror
implements MethodMirror {
final Type _instantiator;
final bool isStatic;
final int _kindFlags;
String simpleName,
: super(reflectee, _s(simpleName));
static const kAbstract = 0;
static const kGetter = 1;
static const kSetter = 2;
static const kConstructor = 3;
static const kConstCtor = 4;
static const kGenerativeCtor = 5;
static const kRedirectingCtor = 6;
static const kFactoryCtor = 7;
static const kExternal = 8;
// These offsets much be kept in sync with those in mirrors.h.
bool get isAbstract => 0 != (_kindFlags & (1 << kAbstract));
bool get isGetter => 0 != (_kindFlags & (1 << kGetter));
bool get isSetter => 0 != (_kindFlags & (1 << kSetter));
bool get isConstructor => 0 != (_kindFlags & (1 << kConstructor));
bool get isConstConstructor => 0 != (_kindFlags & (1 << kConstCtor));
bool get isGenerativeConstructor => 0 != (_kindFlags & (1 << kGenerativeCtor));
bool get isRedirectingConstructor => 0 != (_kindFlags & (1 << kRedirectingCtor));
bool get isFactoryConstructor => 0 != (_kindFlags & (1 << kFactoryCtor));
bool get isExternal => 0 != (_kindFlags & (1 << kExternal));
static const _operators = const ["%", "&", "*", "+", "-", "/", "<", "<<",
"<=", "==", ">", ">=", ">>", "[]", "[]=", "^", "|", "~", "unary-", "~/"];
bool get isOperator => _operators.contains(_n(simpleName));
DeclarationMirror _owner;
DeclarationMirror get owner {
// For nested closures it is possible, that the mirror for the owner has not
// been created yet.
if (_owner == null) {
_owner = _MethodMirror_owner(_reflectee, _instantiator);
return _owner;
bool get isPrivate => _n(simpleName).startsWith('_') ||
bool get isTopLevel => owner is LibraryMirror;
bool get isSynthetic => false;
TypeMirror _returnType = null;
TypeMirror get returnType {
if (_returnType == null) {
if (isConstructor) {
_returnType = owner;
} else {
_returnType = reflectType(
_MethodMirror_return_type(_reflectee, _instantiator));
return _returnType;
List<ParameterMirror> _parameters = null;
List<ParameterMirror> get parameters {
if (_parameters == null) {
_parameters = _MethodMirror_parameters(_reflectee);
_parameters = new UnmodifiableListView(_parameters);
return _parameters;
bool get isRegularMethod => !isGetter && !isSetter && !isConstructor;
Symbol _constructorName = null;
Symbol get constructorName {
if (_constructorName == null) {
if (!isConstructor) {
_constructorName = _s('');
} else {
var parts = MirrorSystem.getName(simpleName).split('.');
if (parts.length > 2) {
throw new _InternalMirrorError(
'Internal error in MethodMirror.constructorName: '
'malformed name <$simpleName>');
} else if (parts.length == 2) {
LibraryMirror definingLibrary = owner.owner;
_constructorName = MirrorSystem.getSymbol(parts[1], definingLibrary);
} else {
_constructorName = _s('');
return _constructorName;
String get source => _MethodMirror_source(_reflectee);
void _patchConstructorName(ownerName) {
var cn = _n(constructorName);
if (cn == '') {
_simpleName = _s(ownerName);
} else {
_simpleName = _s(ownerName + "." + cn);
String toString() => "MethodMirror on '${MirrorSystem.getName(simpleName)}'";
static dynamic _MethodMirror_owner(reflectee, instantiator)
native "MethodMirror_owner";
static dynamic _MethodMirror_return_type(reflectee, instantiator)
native "MethodMirror_return_type";
List<ParameterMirror> _MethodMirror_parameters(reflectee)
native "MethodMirror_parameters";
static String _MethodMirror_source(reflectee)
native "MethodMirror_source";
class _LocalVariableMirror extends _LocalDeclarationMirror
implements VariableMirror {
final DeclarationMirror owner;
final bool isStatic;
final bool isFinal;
final bool isConst;
String simpleName,
: super(reflectee, _s(simpleName));
bool get isTopLevel => owner is LibraryMirror;
Type get _instantiator {
return owner._instantiator;
TypeMirror _type;
TypeMirror get type {
if (_type == null) {
_type = reflectType(_VariableMirror_type(_reflectee, _instantiator));
return _type;
String toString() => "VariableMirror on '${MirrorSystem.getName(simpleName)}'";
static _VariableMirror_type(reflectee, instantiator)
native "VariableMirror_type";
class _LocalParameterMirror extends _LocalVariableMirror
implements ParameterMirror {
final int _position;
final bool isOptional;
final bool isNamed;
final List _unmirroredMetadata;
String simpleName,
DeclarationMirror owner,
bool isFinal,
: super(reflectee,
null, // We override the type.
false, // isStatic does not apply.
false // Not const.
Object _defaultValueReflectee;
InstanceMirror _defaultValue;
InstanceMirror get defaultValue {
if (!isOptional) {
return null;
if (_defaultValue == null) {
_defaultValue = reflect(_defaultValueReflectee);
return _defaultValue;
bool get hasDefaultValue => _defaultValueReflectee != null;
SourceLocation get location {
throw new UnsupportedError("ParameterMirror.location unimplemented");
List<InstanceMirror> get metadata {
if (_unmirroredMetadata == null) return emptyList;
return new UnmodifiableListView(;
Type get _instantiator {
return owner._instantiator;
TypeMirror _type = null;
TypeMirror get type {
if (_type == null) {
_type = reflectType(
_ParameterMirror_type(_reflectee, _position, _instantiator));
return _type;
String toString() => "ParameterMirror on '${_n(simpleName)}'";
static Type _ParameterMirror_type(_reflectee, _position, instantiator)
native "ParameterMirror_type";
class _SpecialTypeMirror extends _LocalMirror
implements TypeMirror, DeclarationMirror {
final Symbol simpleName;
_SpecialTypeMirror(String name) : simpleName = _s(name);
bool get isPrivate => false;
bool get isTopLevel => true;
DeclarationMirror get owner => null;
SourceLocation get location => null;
List<InstanceMirror> get metadata => emptyList;
bool get hasReflectedType => simpleName == #dynamic;
Type get reflectedType {
if (simpleName == #dynamic) return dynamic;
throw new UnsupportedError("void has no reflected type");
List<TypeVariableMirror> get typeVariables => emptyList;
List<TypeMirror> get typeArguments => emptyList;
bool get isOriginalDeclaration => true;
TypeMirror get originalDeclaration => this;
Symbol get qualifiedName => simpleName;
bool operator ==(other) {
if (other is! _SpecialTypeMirror) {
return false;
return this.simpleName == other.simpleName;
int get hashCode => simpleName.hashCode;
String toString() => "TypeMirror on '${_n(simpleName)}'";
bool isSubtypeOf(TypeMirror other) {
return simpleName == #dynamic || other is _SpecialTypeMirror;
bool isAssignableTo(TypeMirror other) {
return simpleName == #dynamic || other is _SpecialTypeMirror;
class _Mirrors {
static MirrorSystem _currentMirrorSystem = new _LocalMirrorSystem();
static MirrorSystem currentMirrorSystem() {
return _currentMirrorSystem;
// Creates a new local mirror for some Object.
static InstanceMirror reflect(Object reflectee) {
return reflectee is Function
? new _LocalClosureMirror(reflectee)
: new _LocalInstanceMirror(reflectee);
static ClassMirror makeLocalClassMirror(Type key)
native "Mirrors_makeLocalClassMirror";
static TypeMirror makeLocalTypeMirror(Type key)
native "Mirrors_makeLocalTypeMirror";
static Expando<ClassMirror> _declarationCache = new Expando("ClassMirror");
static Expando<TypeMirror> _instantiationCache = new Expando("TypeMirror");
static ClassMirror reflectClass(Type key) {
var classMirror = _declarationCache[key];
if (classMirror == null) {
classMirror = makeLocalClassMirror(key);
_declarationCache[key] = classMirror;
if (!classMirror._isGeneric) {
_instantiationCache[key] = classMirror;
return classMirror;
static TypeMirror reflectType(Type key) {
var typeMirror = _instantiationCache[key];
if (typeMirror == null) {
typeMirror = makeLocalTypeMirror(key);
_instantiationCache[key] = typeMirror;
if (typeMirror is ClassMirror && !typeMirror._isGeneric) {
_declarationCache[key] = typeMirror;
return typeMirror;